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The Devil Offered Me Power if I Killed My Wife

 July 18, 2016 
For privacy, I’ll be calling myself Ken and my Wife Amy. We’ve been married 6 years today, and couldn’t be happier with our marriage. We met at a job interview, working as secretaries for respective Managers of an online security firm. We ended up getting the jobs, went on some pretty fun dates, eventually decided to settle down and buy a really nice white, blue, and beige ocean themed house. We had both wanted to be marine biologists, and as soon as we saw the beach painted walls, we knew it was what we wanted. We moved in 2 months later and never looked back. I knew she was the love of my life when she told me she loved owning cats and dogs. I’m a huge animal person, and she knows that. We got a blue eyed, grey furred and stocky Pitbull that we rightly named Achilles. We called him Achilles because he was a big baby. He looked mean and tough as nails, but really, he was softer than silk and sweet as blueberry jam. After we brought him home from the shelter, we got a Maine coon. Seriously, look them up. Imagine if an average house cat got into a giant vat of growth hormone. They’re sweet and gentle, love, love, love to cuddle, and will snuggle up with you whenever possible. Anyways, back to the story. I have strange dreams. I feel all of your eyes rolling, but it’s not what it sounds like. What I mean is that I talk to various spirits in my dreams. For instance, the other day I talked to a winged figure with a blue crown on who claimed to be Nike, the Greek goddess of vengeance. We talked for what felt like days, about the whims and whys of how people come to power, and how it affects them differently. We spoke of how Vikings would often encourage warfare to get to Valhalla faster, and how people these days are eager to reach the afterlife. The spirit told me there is one, and that was the end of my dream. July 19, 2016 Last night, I had a strange dream. I dreamt that I was cloaked in a white robe that was tightly wrapped around my body. It had encased me completely, rendering me completely immobile. I couldn’t move any part of my body, except for my head and my mouth. A figure stood in front of me, a form that could only be drawn by the most delusional person alive. It had a human face, genderless, raceless. It’s nearly impossible to explain. Imagine if someone had a face that wasn’t readily identifiable ever. As if it’s very image would be impossible for your mind to remember, save it drive you mad. The rest of the form was different. A white robe that descended to the knees, and under the robe, a goat’s hoof and a lion’s paw. The figure extended its wings, a feathery, fluffy wing like you’d see on a cartoon angel. The other wing, however, was scaly, rotten, covered in holes that leaked a brownish pus, maggots, and the occasional bone fragment. The creature looked at me, and its eyes got me the most. These eyes were thousands of years old, eyes that saw through petty creatures like humans and other animals. These eyes were black, but on the inside, a single, constant light shone in the pupil. When it spoke, its voice was like that of a child, an adult male, and adult females voice. It had this bass-y baritone of a voice, that rang through my head and made me want to rip my ears off, go feral, tear everything apart and spread chaos. I saw cities burning, people chasing down others and eating them, legions of people jumping off of roofs while chanting an unknown language. The way it spoke was if a single hypnotic note played in your head, ringing out every single thought, and rendering you helpless as it purges your mind of humanity. “Would you like to make a deal, chum?” When I could clearly make out what it was saying, it seemed to shrink. It took on a human shape, looking like a well-aged dark-skinned man of about 40. A beard with a wavy patter wreathed his face, dreadlocks hung from his dead, spattered with beads that had upside-down crosses, and little devils on them. “Would you like to make a deal then? We have about 45 minutes before you wake up, so let’s hear what I’ve got.” He spoke with a thick southern drawl as pulled a purse out of the air, reached in and grabbed a tablet with the letters I=P on them. He placed it in my bound hand, and spirited us away to a house in the middle of seemingly nowhere. A dilapidated, filthy place where the walls were unabashedly covered in termites, and the carpets were shag with a good half-inch of cobwebs and dust. The windows were bashed in, allowing a rank funk to wander in from some broad stretch off the horizon. “I’m the devil, as you can see. Take that tablet for me, and when you wake up, strangle your wife. Do that for me, and you’ll have an incredible power. You’ll be able to see souls, and if you play your cards right, you’ll be at the top of the world. Don’t worry about anyone finding the body either. You can just walk out and no one will notice. I know I’m supposed to trick people and lie, but between you and I, we can’t just be tricky all the time, that’s bad for business.” I was shocked. This entity, a haunting spirit that became a large dread-headed black man with the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen, was telling me to kill my wife? There’s no way in hell I can let that thing talk me into killing my wife. Pun intended. I looked it right in the eyes and laid out my answer, plain and simple. “No. Fucking. Way. We just got married for Christ’s sake! You’re telling me to kill her for a power that isn’t even physically possible? Fuck no! Get the hell out of my dream, you sick fucking bas—” I was cut off by a wave of the most pain-inducing nausea I’ve ever experienced. I was ready to puke my guts up, but I couldn’t. If I threw up, it would get all over my wife, then I’d have to explain to her exactly what made me throw up in the first place. The nausea cleared, and I took a deep breath. “Why must you disrespect me, man? I’m trying to do you a favor. In three years, she’s going to develop a rare cancer that will keep her bedridden, you by her side constantly, and because of the medical bills, you’ll go bankrupt and be arrested for poisoning her. Kill her before that happens, use the power to get to the top, no one will notice you, as long as you don’t go back to your hometown, ok? And just for disrespecting me…” My dream shifted to a horrible scene. A table, my wife splayed out spread eagle as doctors with the faces of mannequins cut into her with no anesthetic. Her screams were pure agony, I wanted to get to her as fast as possible to save her. I couldn’t move! My arms and legs were tied down by the ligaments they had cut from her back. After seeing that happen to her, I almost wanted to do it; almost. If nothing else, to save her from the hell she would experience when the tumor truly began growing. July 20, 2016 I woke up at about midnight, and decided to type this up. My wife has been laying next to me, motionless, but completely alive. I got up to grab a glass of water, but on the way, I noticed the floorboards seemingly opening up to reveal piles of writhing insects. Worms, beetles, scorpions, spiders, moths, all crawling out, and up my legs. I began to walk faster to the kitchen, hoping that some light would make the hallucination go away. Instead, when I turned on the lights, I saw that there were carcasses of birds and insects, all over the kitchen table. Everywhere else was pristine, clean as a whistle! The food hadn’t been touched, nor had the perishables in the cabinet. Everything else was just fine! I heard a creak behind me, and lo and behold, Saint Nick stood behind me, the shit-eating-grin of a businessman plastered across his unholy face. The demon gave me a very prestigious bow, the fucking prick, and had the nerve to look upset. “What’s wrong, Ken? You look quite disturbed, like you’re staring at a corpse or something.” “Are you seriously this petty?” I spat at him. “You’re the lord of darkness, godammit! Just go kill someone else’s wife, seriously!” “Well this just won’t do,” he said as he picked up one of the birds, wolfing it down, before burping out a feather like a cartoon character. “You see, your wife is very special, Ken. She’s the descendant of a very important priest. Have you ever heard the tale of Levi V?” I shook my head. “I-I can’t say I have, no?” From his throat came a rumble, like the sound a vengeful spirit would make, except this one was literally earth-shattering. I heard and felt the foundation of our house move a little bit. “Levi V was a very controversial priest, working in the German Sect. The Church shut down any mention of him, because they were afraid of how much knowledge he had in store. “For example, he found a way to abort the children of those who had been, well, compromised. He believed that instead of worshipping just God, that God and Satan should both be worshipped, as it would balance out our power. He believed the English New Testament was a lie, which by the way, I helped write. Lastly, but most assuredly not least, he preached that when humans died, they stayed on earth, which is a big no-no for the church. Believing in other spirits meant that the power of the Holy Spirit could be chalked up to household ghosts, which by the way, being insecure of a religion you didn’t create, is insanely unflattering for the church’s reputation. He was excommunicated from the Church, moved into a dead couple’s cottage in Germany, got married, settled down, and had nine kids. “Now up until this point, it was fine and dandy to have as many kids as you wanted. However, he was forbidden from having more than one. He sent many of his kids to places like Lithuania, Ireland, Scotland, and of course, England. His kids grew up, got married, had kids, etc. Now here’s where it gets tricky. The Church was having none of this business, and hired a local witch from the mad depths of the Black Forest to curse Levi’s family. She cursed his twenty-fifth descendant, your wife, to die a painful death whilst cursing God’s name. See the problem here? Your wife is a Christian, K. She loves God more than you, even. She’s going to die cursing him, cursing you, hell, cursing Nurse Jean, who changes her blood-stained bedpan every twelve hours. Are you really going to throw away everything she believes in, to keep her alive another 3 years before she dies shitting and vomiting blood on her deathbed?” I couldn’t believe it. The Devil, who I was told is the embodiment of Evil, wanted me to save my wife from ending up in hell? “W-what are you getting out of this?” I stuttered, now warier than ever of how exposed I was before Lucifer. “What’s so bad about her soul you don’t want it getting into hell?” He grinned wickedly, but it only lasted for about a split second, before it was replaced with a compassionate expression. “I am protecting you from something greater than both of you, than heaven and hell, really. Magic is very real, and more powerful than any god or devil you can create. This curse will rupture apart everything we believe in, leading to a full-scale invasion of creatures even I couldn’t create in my wildest nightmares. Please, for all of us, kill your wife before your three years is up.” I told him I had to think on it, before grabbing two glasses of water. I made my way upstairs to the bedroom, and lay down beside my wife. I stared at her like it was the last time I’d see her, taking in her black hair with blue streaks, fair skin that seemed to never blemish, her features short, yet sharp, yet gentle. I loved her, I couldn’t do something like that to her. I fell asleep. July 21, 2016 She threw up today. Badly. Said her throat felt like it was closing up, and had several mental breakdowns. She cried and cried, telling me something was horribly wrong. It couldn’t be starting already, right? There’s no way in hell that she just started growing cancer cells overnight, right? I’m no doctor, so I can’t say I’d know, but this had me more worried than I’d ever been. I called the devil over and over, begging him to tell me how to ease her pain. The only responses I got were ruminations of her dead, in all sorts of different ways, some more gory, some more… perverted. Her torso ripped open, splayed out with her heart and lungs removed. Her uterus ripped out of her pelvic region, placed in a jar beside her head. I’ve been thinking about truly going through with it, ending her suffering. I just don’t know how I’d go through with it. I think maybe I’ll strangle her like the Devil said. July 22, 2016 I have to do it now. The doctor took her x-rays and noticed a growth the size of a baseball next to her spinal cord. They said she has about two months to live, if I can’t kill her before then, it might be over for all of us. I’ve been planning out some methods for it, and decided the best way to do it. I’ll quit my job, take her home, dose her up one her chemo so she won’t feel anything, and readily end her suffering there. Here’s to hoping this works.
 July 23, 2016 I quit today. I told the boss what was going wrong, and he said he’ll let me come back after I know for sure I can work full-time without worrying about her. It won’t be long. She’ll be dead by this time on Friday. July 24, 2016 Sorry these updates have been so short, randomly having to run to the bathroom and/or hospital is no fun for anyone. She’s been having the worst bout of manic depression I’ve ever seen in anyone. For those who don’t know what it looks like in someone who knows they’re dying, imagine someone begging you to kill them, switching moods and claiming they’re fine, then switching back to wanting to die. 
She’ll end up losing her mind before the disease kills her. I have no choice but to end her suffering now. I filled a cup of coffee with as many pain meds as I could mix in without it tasting horrid, sat with her to watch her favorite cartoon of all time, “Merry Christmas Charlie Brown,” and waited for her to slump over. I pressed the pillow over her face, pushing down with full force. At first, I had enough pressure to stop her breathing. Then things went wrong. As I was pressing the pillow over her face, Achilles ran into my arm trying to save my wife. The force of his push caused me to lose my balance, falling over and shifting the pillow. I heard a sickening crack as her neck broke, then hung limply from under the pillow. Fuck. How can I come back from this? I heard a sarcastic clap of applause. Clap. Clap. Clap. “Well done, my good and faithful serpent. I see you took the route of breaking her neck, but no worries, I’ve got someone to take the fall already. However, I do believe you left the window blinds open, and your neighbor is calling the police. You might want to look into that.” Before he left, he turned his head, looking me up and down. “You might want to say I told you to kill her. You’re not going to last a second in prison.” I ran to my bedside table, found the tablet with the I=P on it, and swallowed it dry. I felt my heart beating quickly. Why was this kicking in so quickly? What the hell did the Devil give me? I ran downstairs, but being disoriented, I tripped and fell down the stairs, knocking myself out on the bottom step. Days passed by in a haze, like I was never truly in my own body, until I got a call from my lawyer. After I had explained the situation, he gave me a knowing, but solemn tone. “The devil trades in trades and business. What he wants, he gets, and what he offers always has a catch. He told you to walk right out the door, right? But he visited you so you wouldn’t be able to leave, thus landing you here. Look, just tell the judge what you told me, and we’ll work something out.
 August 12, 2016 The trial went by fast. I plead that I had made a deal with the Devil, and they told me I would be sent to a “mental reform institution” that had recently been opened up by the Church. I was to stay there for the rest of my life. Saint Peter’s Home for the Possessed and Mentally Ill. 
The workers call it “sphere” because “it’s a fucking circle of hell on its own, man.” The priests call it “a place of reform where those tempted by the Devil may find God.” Thus, I’ve been in church services and “Arts and Crafts for Jesus.” August 14, 2016 There’s a guy there, Braxly. He’s a huge biker with the mind of an eight-year-old. The other day, the orderlies caught his drinking glue, and sent him to the infirmary. He began to throw a tantrum, and hit one of the priests square in the jaw. Instantly, a round of guttural whoops and screeches filled the room. Several voices were made out in the midst of the screeches, all describing the disturbing ways they would eat, murder, and worse to his family. The priest stood up, and began reciting a Bible passage. His voice was strong, and even though he was speaking to these voices that howled like rabid hyenas, he spoke with kindness and love. “And they begged to move into the swine. Jesus said let it be so, so they possessed the swine and ran them over a cliff.” The voices began wailing in a high-pitched falsetto, screaming things like “Have Mercy on us Lord” before cackling, and cat-calling the priest and his wife, who was leading the arts and crafts. “These screams will be the last you here, wife killer.” One of the voices pierced into my brain like a flaming arrow, before the screams of my wife, the one I had killed days ago, filled my head. I ran out of the room, orderlies chasing after me. I ducked into a restroom, and vomited in the toilet. One of the orderlies came in, an average-height yet extremely shredded light skin man, saw me vomiting, and was kind enough to get me some water from a nearby fountain. The orderly, whose named I later found out was Jerome Willis, took me to one of the priests’ rooms. Gerard Myers, a tall gangly, clean-shaven brunette with hair down to his jawline, sat down with me, and told me to explain what I heard. “The voices get to different people in different ways. Some hear loved ones, some hear people that have hurt them greatly. It takes a stone-cold person to kill someone they loved enough to marry like that, so what exactly did you hear?” The way Jerome looked at me shook me to my core. I saw his past, a horrid past. Once, he was a police officer. He had gotten into an altercation with a suicidal woman, a redhead with a bony facial structure. He begged her not to kill her child, a seven-year-old boy tied down and gagged in a car set on the ground. He thrashed about in a wild panic as Jerome talked her down, trying to coax her into putting down the gun. She took the gag off of the boy, to which he screamed “it’s good dad left, you’re crazy!” She raised the gun, shot him in the forehead, before biting the gun and shooting herself. I looked down, not sure how to explain it. “I’ll start from the beginning. The Devil came to me in a dream; I usually talk to spirits in my dreams. He told me my wife would develop cancer and would die in three years, cursing God’s name as she died. He took pity on us, and gave me a chance to send her to God first, where she would be safe.” The guard cut in. “Safe from what, exactly?” I continued explain it. “A day or two later, she was diagnosed with the exact cancer the Devil described, and beginning chemotherapy. The only problem was, she was beginning to die extremely quickly. She was vomiting blood, and acted like I didn’t notice. I had planned to tell the doctor at the next visit, because I knew she would suggest that everything was fine. I had to put her out of her misery. I mixed all her pain meds in some coffee, put on her favorite cartoon, gave her lots of love and tried to make her as comfortable as possible.” My voice was beginning to break, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I just wanted to make sure she didn’t suffer. She means the universe to me, and I couldn’t take watching her suffer anymore. He offered me a tablet, with the inscription “I=P” on it. I took it before my arrest, and passed out shortly after.” After hearing this, Gerard, crossed his fingers and leaned forward, but Jerome wanted a different piece of information.” “Ken, what are you keeping us safe from?” I looked at him, in those eyes that had seen many deaths, and gave him a compassionate smile. “Magic is real, and since she’s the twenty-fifth descendant of Levi V, we have to make sure she dies protected by God, apparently. Otherwise, some magic warlord or something comes to earth and tears heaven and hell to shreds.” Gerard went pale. “H-he’s telling the truth,” he stuttered out, rising from his chair and opening the door. “Wait here, I have to make some phone calls.” As he took off down the hall, Jerome brought me outside, pulled out two packs of cigarettes, and handed me one. “As long as you’re not prone to self-harm, you can wander the premises freely. And feel free to visit me. I like you, you’re definitely a stand-up guy.” August 15th, 2016 I walked by the entrance to the Possession Ward today. I didn’t go near a single one of their cells, but I felt the chill anyways. I felt several fingernails, cracked and revoltingly rotten, drag their way down my spine. I visited one of the Priests to have their advice, and they told me to wait in the cafeteria. Confused, I made my way there, and got a soft drink from one of the vending machines. They recognize the sound of prayer instead of pocket change, so I recited Psalms 119: 11, and got an ice-cold sprite. I took a seat at the table farthest from the PW, and sipped the lemon-lime flavored soda. A cold draft emanated from the closed double doors, beckoning me to take a step inside. Of course, I wasn’t going near there without a fully ordained priest at my side to protect me. Speak of the devil, Gerard and two other priests arrived. Iggy, a short, stocky, balding man with a goatee and a Minnesota accent, and Joseph, an older man with grey, short curls, and a pencil-like stature. I stood and shook their hands, greeting them formally. As we finished our formalities, a dry, hacking cackle arose from the PW. “Yeah, so we want to take you in there and show you around,” Joseph began in his analytical voice. “We want to see if you respond to their paranormal actions after you become used to them.” I let out a sarcastic chuckle, along with a “no fucking way,” but he stared at me as if to say, “you’re on our turf, buddy.” “Just so you know, there’s three of us, and one of you. We have to do this for research purposes, so you’ll forgive us for any… problems.” Iggy piped up from behind me. When had he gotten there? “This won’t hurt you, but you might end up in a coma or catatonic state, so we’re injecting you with epinephrine to make sure your mind is good and awake.” I look at Gerard desperately. He sighed, and said, almost tearfully, “I truly am sorry, Ken. The Church in Rome is demanding we do this, otherwise we’ll never learn how powerful the Devil truly is.” They brought me into the PW, where I felt non-existent hands tugging at my clothes. Hot slobber dribbled down the back of my neck, drying onto my collar and smelling otherworldly and absolutely rank. We arrived at a door with a large painting of a cat on it, in what could very well have been feces. “This is Felix,” Joseph said, “You’ll see why in a second.” The electric bolt slid out of the way, and the door opened. I walked inside and saw what could have been a man, however, he looked like a poorly drawn man. His eyes were sewn shut, and he purred like a cat. As he shifted left in right in a hypnotized manner, I saw the wall behind him. Dried blood, pus, and saliva caked the walls, dragged in streaks to say “Felix.” I moved in to say hello, and he grinned. His teeth with sharpened points, sharpened on the wall behind him. He had waist-length dark brown dreadlocks that were suspended from his head like vines. His pale skin was almost blue, and smile was three times wider than a normal smile should be. His brown-stained cloth jacket hung from his malnourished body as if he were dressed in a coat three sizes too large for him. His grin was wide, not unlike the Cheshire Cat, but more human. The expression he wore was hungry, greedy. He knew what we wanted, but he wanted to play a game. “Unfortunately,” he began, his voice a cold rumble that vibrated my chest, “you cannot see into my eyes. You cannot read my soul like you did Jerome’s. Worry not, little cousin. You will soon learn that we are all quite the same.” He purred again, this time I felt the ground beneath me rumble. I felt like I wasn’t careful, he might swallow me whole! “Your new ability lies in the souls of humans, not demons. If you really want to hone this Gift, go read the priests. There’s plenty of horror stories there. Ask Gerard about his daughter. You’ll know what happened either way, considering it’s not that hard to find out. Let’s just say not all priests like little boys.” My blood ran cold. This thing knew everything there was to know about everyone? “T-tell me then,” I stuttered out, “How is it that the Devil chose me? There’s no way some magical unicorn god or whatever is going to destroy our universe!” The fucking thing hissed at me. “What Beelzebub does is his own business. A hammer does not as why it is used to hit things. A 2x4 does not ask where it belongs. Humans and tools have one thing in common. They will break, and become useless. You, too, shall break and become useless if you do not hone your Gift.” I stared at him, flabbergasted. “The average human would have been begging to leave or have gone mad. You have experienced many traumas recently, and that number will only grow.” The demon gave me a friendlier smile, as friendly as you can get when you look like a nightmare demon, and said, “Worry not, Cousin. The time will come when you will speak to the Kings of Hell of your own volition, and they will accept you as one of their own. Your spirit bears a mark unknown to many, a heptagram, it means a blessing and a curse shall both follow you for eternity. Magic is real, little cousin. Learn to use it, and tell me what Gerard did to his daughter. The wicked smile appeared again. “Don’t try to convince yourself that you’re a human either, it ends messily.” The door swung open, and Iggy and Gerard walked in, crosses in hand. Felix gave me a mischievous smile, and I heard his voice in my head. “I love this part, watch this.” He turned his head to the side, and looked at them, before chanting something in a foreign language. “Ken! Get out!” I heard Joseph from behind me, and I rose to slowly back out. Iggy and Gerard were levitating! Not like in the movies, an orangish aura hovered around them, lifting them up, around, and down into the corner of the room. A sickening squelch filled the room as Felix coughed up a small ball of hair, muscle tissue, and what looked to be an embryo, and threw it at the priests. “The power of suggestibility is strong and menacing. When you can use it to alter someone’s senses, it becomes unstoppable.” Felix’s rumbling cat’s purr of a voice shook my skull. “To be above someone, you must control their thoughts, as I am with theirs in one way, and yours in another.” He was right, he had me thinking about how to use my Gift to fight my way out of the Rehab for Jesus Detention center. It clicked like a light in my head: I just need to control people with their deepest darkest secrets, use it against the Church, and if God doesn’t strike me down first, take over hell for sure. August 17th, 2016 I’ve been thinking about how to get out of here. Today, I made a cup of coffee, marched my way down to Iggy’s office, and knocked on the door firmly. “Come in,” I heard the caffeine, hanging onto his system for dear life in his voice, so I walked in and set the coffee on his desk. He looked at me, gave me a look of pure joy, and guzzled down the coffee in a few gulps. “Thanks, Buddy,” He stood, clapping me on the back as he walked by, and grabbed a Bible with a strange blue triangle on it off the shelf. “Now, what was it you needed?” I took a deep breath, and weighed my options: stay here forever, talking to possessed half-humans, or break a few hearts to get out of here. My choice was clear. “I need to talk to you about Gerard.” Iggy took a deep breath, scratched his head, and looked up at me. “What’s up with him?” I looked at the bible he held, and processed my next words carefully. “Yesterday, Felix told me to ask him about his daughter, that some priests don’t like little boys.” Iggy flinched at the sentence, and seemed to fly off, millions of miles away. “He did something unspeakable to her, didn’t he?” He gave me a look that said more than words ever could, and I found myself being pulled into his memory. A much younger Gerard sat on the ground, digging a hole with a spade. He walked out of view, picking up a mannequin with the picture of a little girl on the face, and threw it into the hole. He covered the hole, and began walking towards me. “Iggy, let’s go get Diana.” He helped Iggy up, leading him into a garage where a girl of maybe 7 or 8 was tied to a chair. “Daddy please! Don’t sacrifice me, please!” The priests laughed, their features discolored and pallid. Gerard picked up a lightbulb and a hammer, smashing the lightbulb. He used a clamp to pry Diana’s mouth open, and began dumping the shards of the lightbulb down her throat. She began to cough and choke, but Gerard strapped her head to the back of the chair. “Sacrifice is a big word, Diana. For now, you’re gonna be my supper. Don’t think too far past that, you won’t be there!” He let out a whooping laugh as he slammed the hammer into her stomach. She wretched, coughing up small amounts of glass and blood, as Gerard slammed the hammer into her stomach over and over, laughing like a hyena. Iggy began to stand, maybe to protect her, but my hope turned to horror when he began to strip off his clothes. I couldn’t watch anymore. I closed my eyes and pulled myself out of the memory, running to the bathroom and vomiting violently. That sick fuck, now I knew what Felix meant. I’m beginning to find out who the real heroes are in this battle. August 19th, 2016 Woke up to Gerard outside my cell, asking me to help with a problem in PW. How the fuck am I supposed to help with literal demons? Anyways, I made my way to the ward and saw that one of the priests’ assistants lay on the ground, ears leaking a red and clear fluid. A scream echoed from the hall, the sound itself pushing me backwards a few steps. You know when you hear a certain sound, and you feel a rumbling in your ears? Sounds so loud, you protectively stop listening until the ringing leaves your ears? I felt that rumbling in my ears, and knew what to do. See, rules here are that if you’re not of any danger to yourself, and since we’re always on surveillance, you can have electronics in your room. I grabbed my earbuds, put on some Devil Driver (the timing was just too great), and dashed into the PW. I didn’t get very far. As I charged in, Gerard and Iggy ran past me, pushing me towards the room as they (hopefully) got some ear protection. I didn’t want to face whatever the fuck this is alone! I kept it moving, getting to the room where a young man, a short skinny dude with short black hair, a goatee, and a red streak down his lip lay on his cot. He was screaming so loudly and for so long, I thought he was going to cough his vocal chords up or something. Thank fuck, Gerard came back with earmuffs and a case of syringes, all full of sedatives, and plunged one into the young man’s neck. He slumped over, his scream become a hoarse whisper as he drifted off into sleep. I made the mistake of looking into his eyes, accidentally travelling into his mind, and I, too, was screaming my head off uncontrollably in no time. Gerard injected me with a sedative as well, and I just recently woke up in my cot and started writing this. Eventful day, if you ask me. I’m going to go have a smoke or two, and go find some e-books to read. I’ve still got my bank balance, so as long as my purchases aren’t against the rules, I can buy whatever I want. Seriously, if I wasn’t in detrimental trouble for murder, I’d be paying rent to live here. August 23, 2016 Had to take a psychological evaluation administered by the State today. They said I’m sane, but they’ll be keeping a close eye on me. Maybe my theory that the justice system works for Satan isn’t too far off, after all. Why else would they develop such a deep-seeded interest in me after tons of people use the same excuse? I’m thinking old Nick has a few tricks up his sleeve for me yet. Nothing today to report of, just thought of this when I got back from the Clinic. August 25, 2016 I feel like I should clarify, I know I don’t talk about it, but yes, I do miss my wife. I haven’t slept once without a dream about killing her. It’s just really strange: I feel almost… apathetic about it. Like it could only have ended this way. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me having not dealt with the trauma of murder, or maybe it’s something else, but I feel like I shouldn’t be feeling guilty about the murder. Maybe I shouldn’t be, the Devil did say that it was for the good of the universe, but I remember that smile he gave me. That plastic smile, the expression of a hunter who never misses his prey, and never loses a battle he started. I’m going to be attempting a proper escape on the 30th, I won’t be writing until after then, as I need to properly plan my escape and weave my way around the priests’ emotions. If I do write, it’ll be about how Felix and Gerard respond to the… monstrosities that befell Gerard’s daughter. Ciao.
 September 5, 2016 I didn’t get to escape, because Gerard tried to exorcise me. Gerard, the nice guy who brutalized his daughter and told me I’d be safe here. Basically, as I heading to the doors right before they automatically closed, I tipped off Jerome, and ran out the front doors. As I ran into freedom, I felt a frostbitten cold in my chest, and I sank to my knees. Gerard ran towards me, a blue crucifix burning his hand horrifically, but it seemed like he hadn’t even noticed. His tawny eyes were full of an almost inhuman rage, and his other hand was pale, skeletal and gaunt. As he got closer, a sound I’d mistaken for huffing in rage, was actually him gritting his teeth! Pieces of enamel and filling were flying from his mouth, producing a frothy red foam. “What in the unholy fuck do you think you are doing?!” His voice seemed to split into a higher and lower pitch. “At first, I thought you were hopefully going to have a smoke, but now you run? After all the hospitality and privileges we gave you! I was curious to see if you were truly good. All I see now is a coward who makes me livid.” He backhanded me, sending me flying back into a nearby dirt hill. It shook awake thousands of small insects, who crawled on my face and into many of my orifices eagerly. I wailed in pain, but Gerard threw the blue crucifix at me. It set all of the insects ablaze, crumbling away their frail bodies, but it didn’t so much as warm me up! In fact, it was cold, freezing even, on the spot on my chest it had landed. “Pick yourself up, Blaggard. You’ll retain your privileges, but don’t expect to be allowed to live so leniently like this for a good while.” He pulled me back up by the arm, his burns gone, his face and teeth were in tip-top shape. Was this the thing that inside him that had done those horrible things to his daughter? I’ve been locked in my cell for the past week or so, only using my laptop to write and watch YouTube. If this is my life, I suppose I’m fine with it. I could be much, much worse off than this. September 18, 2016 I haven’t written in 15 days, because there’s nothing to be written about. The Devil hasn’t said anything, the PW is just as populated as ever but I never see anything. So I’ve just been watching lots of tv shows and reading horror stories on Reddit. I might post it there to see if anyone has experienced the same thing with the Devil. Thought, I fear they might not have lived to tell the tale. 
submitted by WritteninMountains to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

Adib Taherzadeh, CON ARTIST

This is a post devoted to a Baha'i "historian" and propaganda writer who used his fame among the Baha'is to get himself elected to the Universal House of Justice. His name was Adib Taherzadeh.
Adib Taherzadeh (April 29, 1921 - January 26, 2000) was a member of the Universal House of Justice, the supreme governing body of the Bahá’í Faith, from 1988 to 2000.
Taherzadeh was born into a Bahá’í Family in Yazd, Iran. He studied electrical engineering at the University of Tehran, pursued advanced studies in Coventry, England, and worked as the chief engineer of an industrial concern from 1950 until 1984. His dedication to the Faith can be judged from the fact that while he was studying in Coventry, he would take public transport to get to Birmingham, where the nearest Feast was being held, and at the end of the Feast, by which time of the evening there were no further buses, he would walk back to Coventry.
Mr. Taherzadeh served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the British Isles from 1960 to 1971. He was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the Republic of Ireland when it was formed in 1972 and was appointed in 1976 to the European Continental Board of Counsellors, a senior advisory body. He was elected to the Universal House of Justice in 1988.
When I was a Baha'i. I bought two of his books, The Covenant of Baha'u'llah, and The Child of the Covenant: A Study Guide to the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha. The second book turned out to be a mere paraphrasing of the first rather than an actual sequel, thus I was tricked into buying a book I really didn't need at all.
I lost both books after I deconverted, and thus was glad to discover that the text of both books have been posted online. All the better for me to dig them up and discredit them with logic, eh?
Encouraged by Siyyid Muhammad, Mirza Yahya made the preposterous claim of being the successor of the Bab — a position never contemplated by Him. Indeed, He categorically states in the Persian Bayan [4-5] that He appoints no successor to Himself. As a result of such harmful propaganda and acts of treachery and deceit, which kindled dissension among the believers, 'the fire of the Cause of God', as testified by Nabil, 'had been well-nigh quenched in every place'.
Problem: Why would Mirza Yahya make such a claim if the Persian Bayan itself denies it? Wouldn't the Babis have access to the Bayan to know if there was a successor or not? And of course, Taherzadeh doesn't support this with a direct quote from the Bayan itself. Hmm....
It is important to recognise that every religion has had its beginnings characterized by the onrushing forces of divine Revelation vivifying the souls of men as in a spring season. But at the end of the Dispensation winter sets in and the spiritual energies die down. This process, in older Dispensations, lasted several centuries. For example, the springtime of Christianity, which lasted about three years during the Ministry of Jesus, was followed by the summer season a few centuries later when the Christian religion flourished. But with the advent of Muhammad, it lost its vitality and spiritual potency. The advent of a new Dispensation brings about the close of the older one.[1] All past religions have gone through this cycle of spring, summer and winter, and the Dispensation of the Bab is no exception. The only difference is that whereas this cycle in older religions lasted several centuries, in the case of the Bab's it took only a decade for the spiritual winter to set in.
Problem: Didn't it ever occur to Taherzadeh that this same issue would also plague the Baha'i Faith?
The most essential prerequisites for the spiritual survival of all those who were close to Bahá'u'lláh were humility, self-effacement and utter nothingness in His presence. If these qualities were missing in an individual, he would be in great danger of spiritual downfall and eventual extinction.
Problem: Baha'u'lah himself did NOT display these virtues. In the Kitab-i-Aqdas, he wrote:
O ye leaders of religion! Who is the man amongst you that can rival Me in vision or insight? Where is he to be found that dareth to claim to be My equal in utterance or wisdom? No, by My Lord, the All-Merciful! All on the earth shall pass away; and this is the face of your Lord, the Almighty, the Well-Beloved.
We have decreed, O people, that the highest and last end of all learning be the recognition of Him Who is the Object of all knowledge; and yet, behold how ye have allowed your learning to shut you out, as by a veil, from Him Who is the Dayspring of this Light, through Whom every hidden thing hath been revealed. Could ye but discover the source whence the splendor of this utterance is diffused, ye would cast away the peoples of the world and all that they possess, and would draw nigh unto this most blessed Seat of glory.
Say: This, verily, is the heaven in which the Mother Book is treasured, could ye but comprehend it. He it is Who hath caused the Rock to shout, and the Burning Bush to lift up its voice, upon the Mount rising above the Holy Land, and proclaim: “The Kingdom is God’s, the sovereign Lord of all, the All-Powerful, the Loving!”
We have not entered any school, nor read any of your dissertations. Incline your ears to the words of this unlettered One, wherewith He summoneth you unto God, the Ever-Abiding. Better is this for you than all the treasures of the earth, could ye but comprehend it.
Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
In distinct contrast to Mirza Muhammad-'Ali's claim was Abdu'l-Bahá's utter self-effacement. Many believers during Bahá'u'lláh's Ministry used to write letters to Abdu'l-Bahá, but He would not respond to them. For instance, Mirza Ali-Muhammad-i-Varqa,[1] who was later martyred, wrote a great many letters to Him. To none of these did Abdu'l-Bahá send a reply. At the end Varqa wrote to Mirza Aqa Jan, Bahá'u'lláh's amanuensis, and complained. When Bahá'u'lláh was informed about this He summoned Abdu'l-Bahá to His presence, and directed Him to send a reply to Varqa. Abdu'l-Bahá wrote a brief letter to him saying that when the Pen of the Most High is moving upon His Tablets, how could Abdu'l-Bahá be expected to write?
If I wrote several letters to anyone and he never saw fit to reply to me, I would not think him humble. Quite the opposite! It's possible Abdu'l-Baha really didn't give a damn about his fellow Baha'is as long as he wasn't in charge yet.
Mirza Muhammad-'Ali's claim was not the only sign pointing to his ambitious nature, craving for leadership from this early age. His daily behaviour, even during Bahá'u'lláh's lifetime, gave clear indications of his lack of spirituality and purity of motive, and his jealousy of Abdu'l-Bahá was apparent to those who were close to him. As Mirza Muhammad-'Ali grew older, he acquired greater prestige among the believers. He thrived on the special consideration shown him by Bahá'u'lláh's followers in order to honour his Father. But many of Bahá'u'lláh's disciples who had spiritual eyes soon discovered his real nature and found him devoid of those divine virtues and spiritual qualities which characterize a true believer. Long before he broke the Covenant they were able to detect in him an air of superiority and self-glorification, and a craving for leadership and power.
Problem: Appearantly Baha'u'llah himself never noticed these character flaws in Mirza Muhammad-'Ali. Otherwise, why would he mention both Abdu'l-Baha and Mirza Muhammad-'Ali in his Book of the Covenant as his successors?
And yet, the Blessed Beauty, in spite of Muhammad-'Ali's reprehensible conduct, conferred upon him a rank next to that of Abdu'l-Bahá. These are the words of Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitab-i-'Ahd, His Will and Testament:
"Verily God hath ordained the station of the Greater Branch [Muhammad-'Ali] to be beneath that of the Most Great Branch [Abdu'l-Bahá]. He is in truth, the Ordainer, the All-Wise. We have chosen 'The Greater' after 'The Most Great,' as decreed by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed." [8-5]
This passage brought about many tests and misunderstandings. Some of the believers who had been in close contact with Mirza Muhammad-'Ali knew him to be deceitful and materialistic, and avid for power. Others, reading the several condemnatory passages which Bahá'u'lláh had written about him, were sure that he was a perfidious individual who was related to Bahá'u'lláh only physically and had no spiritual relationship with Him. These people were deeply puzzled when they observed that Bahá'u'lláh had chosen such a person to succeed Abdu'l-Bahá. For it was concerning Mirza Muhammad-'Ali that Bahá'u'lláh had issued this ominous warning in one of His Tablets:
"By God, the True One! Were We, for a single instant, to withhold from him the outpourings of Our Cause, he would wither, and would fall upon the dust." [8-6]
To such a person, Bahá'u'lláh in the Kitab-i-'Ahd grants the right to succeed Abdu'l-Bahá. And indeed, Mirza Muhammad-'Ali publicly claimed this successorship both during the Ministry of Abdu'l-Bahá and after His Ascension.
Problem: Adib Taherzadeh is actually admitting here that Baha'u'llah was an idiot to give such an unworthy son a high rank in the Baha'i Faith!
Bahá'u'lláh was fully aware of Mirza Muhammad-'Ali's shortcomings, yet, as the second surviving son of Bahá'u'lláh, it was his birthright to occupy a station next to that of Abdu'l-Bahá. God did not pronounce judgement on him before his rebellion against the Cause. Mirza Muhammad-'Ali was given the chance to mend his ways and take his rightful position within the Faith but he failed, as in a test, and thus perished spiritually.
That's BULLSHIT! Being ANY son of Baha'u'llah should not have given someone a birthright to be Baha'i leader after him. I know Baha'is in the Middle East were used to living under absolute monarches, but if this religion was supposed to be a Faith to last 1000 years, then Baha'u'llah should have rejected the concept of monarchy and appointed the most worthy person to lead the Baha'i community, whether a relative of his or not!
I will dig up more quotes and deal with them in the comments below.
submitted by Seeker_Alpha1701 to exbahai [link] [comments]

The /r/Anglicanism FAQ

This FAQ is intended to give a brief overview of Anglicanism at large, and to answer common newcomer questions. It is not intended to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of Anglicanism. Please feel free to let me know via mod-mail if you find any errors or notice any glaring omissions (I locked the comments for this post in the interest of making sure there isn't too much noise for newcomers).

Q. What is Anglicanism?

A. Anglican is a broad term that applies to churches in some way linked to the Church of England, specifically the form of Christianity developed in England after the Reformation. Anglican churches are independent from one another, but most are part of a group called the Anglican Communion. Although practices differ in each church, common links include the use of a Book of Common Prayer, belief in the real presence in the Eucharist, Episcopal polity (that is, bishops as leaders), and use the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds as standards of doctrine. All these things are explained further below.

Q. What is the Anglican Communion?

A. The Anglican Communion is a global cooperative of 41 member churches and an estimated 85 million members, making it the third largest Christian Communion in the world (after the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches). These churches are separate, but in communion with one another, though recent conflicts have complicated some relationships. The Communion began when the Church of England separated from the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th Century, and spread largely through colonialism. The Communion as it exists now was formed at the first Lambeth Conference in 1869. The Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral is used for ecumenical talks, and forms the closest thing to a unified statement of Anglican belief. The Anglican Communion is centered around the Diocese of Canterbury, with the Archbishop of Canterbury being its administrator. The main “instruments” of the communion are the Anglican Consultative Council, the decennial Lambeth Conference, and the Primates (head bishops) of the member churches.

Q. How did Anglicanism start (or, why do you still belong to a church that started because a king wanted a divorce?)

A. Christianity has existed in the British Isles at least the 2nd Century, possibly earlier. The separation of the Church in England from the Holy See of Rome did begin with Pope Clement VII’s refusal to grant King Henry VIII an annulment of his marriage. However, as with most one-sentence summaries of history, the full story is much more complicated than that. Arguably, the refusal to grant an annulment has more to do with politics than doctrine, and it started a debate about whether the Pope or the ruling monarch should have religious authority in his country. During this time, some of the King’s close advisers liked what was going on with Martin Luther’s Reformation in Continental Europe, and what the Church of England should look like was hotly debated. Henry himself was a devout Catholic, even having been named a Defender of the Faith by Pope Leo X.
Henry was succeeded by Edward VI, and an extreme form of Calvinist Protestantism was instituted, as outlined in the 1552 Book of Common Prayer. Edward didn’t rule for very long, though, and Queen Mary I (aka “Bloody Mary”) soon took the throne. She was a devout Catholic, abolished the Book of Common Prayer, and had many outspoken Protestants executed for heresy. However, her reign was also short, and Elizabeth I acceded the throne in 1558. Elizabeth was more sympathetic to the Protestants, and instituted a somewhat milder form of Protestantism in the 1559 Book of Common Prayer. She passed the Act of Supremacy in 1559, declaring the Churches of England and Ireland as independent from Papal authority, and Pope Pius V published a Bull in 1570 which declared Queen Elizabeth I illegitimate and excommunicated all who followed her orders, which completed the separation of the Church of England from the See of Rome.

Q. What is the Anglican position on [x]?

A. For many things, you’ll usually get a different answer depending on which Anglican you ask.

Q. What is the difference between Anglican and Episcopal?

A. Some Anglican church bodies call themselves “Episcopal” (which means a polity centered around Bishops). Notably, the largest Anglican body in the United States is known as The Episcopal Church, and there are other Anglican bodies which have the word Episcopal in their name in Scotland, Sudan, etc.
Some church bodies which split from the Episcopal Church in the United States call themselves Anglican, which makes it sound like there’s a difference. That doesn’t mean The Episcopal Church isn’t Anglican, though.

Q. What is the Anglican Church in North America?

A. In 2003, Eugene Robinson was consecrated as Bishop of New Hampshire. Robinson was recently divorced and openly gay. A lot of Episcopalians didn’t approve of a gay bishop, and several congregations and a few entire dioceses left The Episcopal Church over the next several years, largely because they disapproved of The Episcopal Church's increasing tolerance for homosexuality in particular, and were concerned the Episcopal Church was becoming too liberal in general. In 2009, a group of these churches, along with the Reformed Episcopal Church (a group which broke from the Episcopal Church in the 19th Century), got together and formed the Anglican Church in North America, or ACNA, for short. ACNA is not a member of the Anglican Communion, but is in communion with some members of the Anglican Communion and is a member of GAFCON, a bloc of more conservative Anglican Churches, largely in the global south. Most of ACNA's presence is in the United States, but they do have a presence in Canada as well.

Q. What is the Continuing Anglican Movement?

A. In 1976, both the Episcopal Church in the United States and the Anglican Church of Canada voted to allow the ordination of women to the Priesthood. In 1977, a group of “concerned clergy and churchmen” who were disappointed with this development, as well as a few other major changes happening in both churches (notably the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, which was about to be finalized) met in St. Louis. They formed the “Anglican Church in North America (Episcopal)” and came up with the Affirmation of St. Louis. The Anglican Church in North America quickly splintered into several smaller groups, since they couldn’t quite agree on some issues of polity. These groups became known as Continuing Anglicans, since they believe The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada have abandoned Anglican order, and the Affirmation of St. Louis has remained as a manifesto and statement of doctrine for the Continuing Anglican Movement.
The Continuing Anglican movement is made up of several, mostly small, churches. The largest of them are the Anglican Catholic Church, the Anglican Church in America, the Anglican Province of America, and the Anglican Province of Christ the King. ACNA is not a Continuing Anglican body.
Originally, the Continuing Anglicans tried to keep relations with the Church of England, but abandoned that when the Church of England began ordaining women in 1992. Some of their churches now have a presence in England, and around the world.

Q. Are there other Anglican churches?

A. Yes. There are many small churches that call themselves Anglican and do not fit into any of the previously mentioned umbrellas. These churches are varied; some are conservative, some liberal.
There are also a few major denominations which split off from Anglicanism. Methodism and the Baptist Churches find their roots in the Church of England, for example.

Q. How do I become Anglican?

A. You can show up to an Anglican Church whenever you like, and the Priest of that church will know what to do. The first step to membership is to be baptized. Anglicans believe in one baptism, so if you’ve already been baptized with a Trinitarian formula (in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit/Ghost), your baptism is valid and doesn’t need to be repeated. You become a full member after you’re confirmed by a Bishop. If you’re coming from a church with valid Apostolic Succession (e.g. Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox) and have already been confirmed, you’ll be “Received” by the Bishop instead of confirmed.

Q. What is the Book of Common Prayer?

A. The Book of Common Prayer contains complete forms of standard services and acts as a backbone of the prayer life of any Anglican Church. There are several editions, and many Anglican provinces have their own. The first one was written by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer and authorized in 1549. Cranmer translated the essential services of the church into English, both writing new things and translating things from the rites already in use in England. The most notable thing was the inclusion of a new “Daily Office,” which condensed the 8 services of the Divine Office into 2 services, and contained lots of scripture (if you follow his original lectionary scheme, you’ll read the entire Bible in a year!).
All Books of Common Prayer contain orders for the Daily Office, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Burial, and other such standard services. They also contain the Lectionary, and the entire Psalter (classically the 1535 translation of the Psalms by Miles Coverdale, though some newer BCPs use newer translations). Often, they’ll have a brief Catechism, the 39 Articles of Religion, and other brief outlines of the faith.

Q. Which edition of the Book of Common Prayer should I buy?

A. There are lots of editions of the BCP out there, so it can be hard to figure out which one is best. You should buy whichever one your church uses first. For example, if you’re in the Church of England, get the 1662. If you’re in The Episcopal Church (USA), get the 1979 unless you go to one of the few parishes that still uses the 1928. If you’re in the Anglican Church of Canada, get the 1962. If you’re in ACNA, get the new 2019 book.
If you’re buying books for historical interest, the 1662 is probably the best one to start with. You can also find the texts of just about every Book of Common Prayer ever published online; is a good resource for that.

Q. What is Common Worship/Book of Alternative Services?

A. In some provinces, there are authorized supplements to the Book of Common Prayer which are more commonly used than the BCP itself. Common Worship, of which there are several volumes, is authorized for use in the Church of England, and contains several alternatives to the rites in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, including some more “contemporary” translations. The Book of Alternative Services is similar, and is authorized by the Anglican Church of Canada as a supplement to its BCP.

Q. What are the 39 Articles of Religion?

A. The 39 Articles have historically served as statements of doctrine in Anglican churches, and were finalized in 1571 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Since 1536, sets of articles of varying length and varying views on pieces of doctrine were created, ranging in number from 6 articles to 42.
Priests in the Church of England are required to assent to the 39 articles as a condition of their ordination, though they’re largely not enforced nowadays. The amount of force they are now given, and have been given historically, varies greatly between provinces. Note, also, that there may be minor differences in some articles in different provinces (for example, article XXXVII, "Of the Civil Magistrates," is significantly different in provinces outside of England). The ones linked above are those adopted by the Church of England.

Q. What translation(s) of The Bible do Anglicans use?

A. Anglicans use a lot of bible translations, and the answer to this depends on where you are. Classically, Anglicans have used the Authorized Version, aka the King James Version, which was first published in 1611. The Revised Standard Version and New Revised Standard Version are also very common. Lots more translations are used in addition.

Q. What is the Anglican view of Baptism?

A. Baptism is viewed as one of the two biblical Sacraments (that is, specifically found in scripture), along with Communion. Anglicans believe in one baptism for the remission of sins, and that we become regenerate as members of the Body of Christ when we’re baptized. Anglicans do baptize infants, since we don’t believe that baptism requires a mature profession of faith.
Normally, Baptism must be administered by a Priest, though any Baptized Christian can perform a Baptism in an emergency. Anglican churches will generally view any baptism done with the Trinitarian formula (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit/Ghost) as valid.
If you are not baptized and want to become baptized, speak to your Priest. If you were baptized using a non-Trinitarian formula (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka the Mormon Church, the Jehova's Witnesses, and some Baptist and Anabaptist churches do not use a Trinitarian formula), you may have to be conditionally Baptized. If you were baptized in a non-Anglican Church under a Trinitarian Formula, you do not need to be baptized again.

Q. What is the Anglican view of Communion?

A. Anglican churches generally teach the “Real Presence” of Christ in the Eucharist, meaning Christ is present in the bread and the wine in some way. What exactly that means might vary depending on the Anglican you ask.

Q. What about other sacraments

A. The 39 Articles specifically mention 2 "Biblical Sacraments:" Baptism and Holy Communion. It also mentions 5 other things "commonly called" Sacraments, and understood as Sacraments in the Catholic Church (Matrimony, Unction, Orders, Penance, and Confirmation), but says they are not equal to Baptism and Communion. The importance of those other 5 things will vary depending on the Anglican you ask; Anglo-Catholics will often emphasize all 7, for example.

Q. Do Anglican Churches perform Same-Sex Marriages?

A. Mostly no, but some do. The Episcopal Church (USA), the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil all allow Same-Sex marriage. The Anglican Church of Canada recently narrowly voted against allowing it church-wide, but has decided to allow Bishops to authorize it in their dioceses. Same-Sex marriage is not permitted in any other mainstream Anglican church.

Q. Can I take Communion in an Anglican church?

A. That depends. All Anglican church bodies at least state that you must be baptized in order to receive Communion (some individual parishes will invite the unbaptized to Communion, but this is irregular). Some may require Confirmation. If there is no announcement or indication in the bulletin about who may receive, it's best to ask the Priest.

Q. How are Anglican Churches structured?

A. The Anglican Communion is a cooperative of mostly independent bodies, so the Archbishop of Canterbury has no real authority over anything outside the Province of Canterbury. All Anglican churches are structured around Episcopal polity (which means most authority is given to Bishops), though how that plays out varies. Some provinces have an Archbishop, which have some authority over other Bishops in the province. Some provinces have a Presiding Bishop, with somewhat less authority over the other Bishops.
Within each province, there are Dioceses, each headed by a Bishop. These usually, but not always, encompass a geographical area, with each Parish and Mission in said area belonging to the Diocese.
Parishes are run by Priests. The Rector, Vicar, or Priest-in-Charge of a Parish normally make the final decisions for everything but budgets. If a Parish does not have a Priest, the Vestry is normally in charge. Missions are directly run by the Bishop, usually with a Priest or Deacon acting as a proxy.
The role of the Laity varies. Many Anglican bodies allow laity a vote in General Synod, and it’s common for churches to have a Vestry, formed of lay members, which act as advisors to the Rector, set church budgets, run the parish in the absence of a RectoVicaPriest-in-Charge, and appoint the Rector or Vicar with approval from the Bishop.

Q. What do “Low Church,” “High Church,” “Anglo-Catholic”, etc. mean?

A. These terms mostly tell you what a church’s focus is. “Low Church” usually means there’s more of an emphasis on scripture and preaching, and much less emphasis on ritual. “Low” churches tend to be of fairly plain construction, may have a more prominently placed pulpit and a movable table which may be stored when not in use, and may primarily use Morning Prayer as their principal Sunday service, with Communion offered less frequently. Priests will also tend to dress more plainly, often in Cassock, Surplice, and Tippet, and may simply wear a stole) to administer Holy Communion.
“High” churches will place more emphasis on sacrament and ritual. Their construction will be more ornamental, they will have a prominent, and often fixed, altar, and Priests will often dress in full Eucharistic vestments, with colored chasubles. Incense and bells may even be used. High Churches are likely to offer Holy Communion at least weekly.
“Anglo-Catholic” describes an emphasis on the Catholicity of Anglicanism. Anglo-Catholicism began with the Oxford Movement of the 19th Century, which asserted, primarily, that Anglican Churches were part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, with valid Apostolic Succession, and decried the secular state's increasing influence on the Church of England. They also placed a high priority on the Sacraments, notably the real presence of Christ in Holy Communion, and followers of the Oxford Movement eventually started to adopt Roman Catholic practices. Anglo-Catholics are likely to have a very high view of the Sacraments, venerate Saints (especially Mary), and view Anglicanism as a part of a whole also occupied by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, among others. Catholic practices such as the Rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, Novenas, Private Confession to a Priest, and other such things are common among Anglo-Catholics. “Anglo-Papalists” are Anglo-Catholics, primarily in England, who believe the separation from the See of Peter to be in error and seek the reunion of the Anglican Churches with Rome.

Q. What’s the difference between a Parish, a Cathedral, and a Mission?

A. Anglican church bodies, like many other Christian bodies, are split into Dioceses (often, but not necessarily, geographical). The Cathedral acts as the head church of a diocese; it’s where the Bishop’s seat is, is often where diocesan liturgies will happen (such as ordinations), and the diocesan offices are often nearby.
A Parish Church is a church which is financially self-sufficient. Classically, parishes had geographical boundaries, and the Priests of that Parish were responsible for the souls of the people living within those boundaries. Parish boundaries are still a thing in some places, and not in others. Parishes usually operate with some degree of autonomy, though are subject to oversight from the Bishop.
A Mission is a church which is not financially self-sufficient and is thus supported by the Diocese. The Bishop of the diocese has much more direct control over what goes on in a Mission.

Q. What Holy Orders exist in Anglicanism?

A. Like the Catholic Church, the orders are threefold: Deacon, Priest, and Bishop. Deacons can either be transitional (meaning they'll soon be ordained to the Priesthood) or permanent (meaning they will remain a Deacon for life) and help with the ministry and administration of a parish. Classically, a Deacon's job also extends to assisting the Celebrant at Holy Communion, and proclaiming the Gospel (at Holy Communion and at other times). Deacons generally cannot administer the Sacraments by themselves.
Priests are those who administer the Sacraments. A Priest can celebrate Holy Communion, pronounce absolution, is the normative officiant for a baptism, and things of that nature. Priests are also given responsibility for the salvation of the souls in their parish.
The Church is headed by Bishops, who can be the head of a Diocese, and can ordain Priests and Deacons, consecrate other Bishops, and are the normal officer for Confirmation.

Q. Are women eligible for Holy Orders?

A. That depends. Most provinces of the Anglican Communion now admit women to the Priesthood, and many now allow women to be bishops as well. Some other Anglican bodies do not. Continuing Anglicans view women’s orders as invalid and heretical. ACNA will ordain women as Priests at the discretion of their Bishop Ordinary (that is, the head bishop of their Diocese) but does not permit women to be Bishops. Opinions on the validity of women’s orders vary greatly in the Anglican world.

Q. How do I become a Priest?

A. Different provinces will have different processes for ordination, and policies will vary even by diocese. Generally, though, you start by being a full, Confirmed member of a Parish for a set period of time (the Diocese will set the minimum), and then tell the head Priest that you are considering ordination. You will enter a period of discernment as your Parish decides whether to recommend you for ordination, and then the Bishop of your Diocese decides if you should become a candidate for the Priesthood. If you become a Postulant, then a seminary is selected, and you go from there.
When it comes time for ordination, you will first be ordained as a transitional Deacon. After a set period of time (which will vary based on your province and diocese) as a Deacon, you will be ordained as a Priest.

Q. How do I become a permanent Deacon?

A. This process is less standardized and will differ depending on your location and the situation. If you're interested in becoming a permanent Deacon, talk to your Parish Priest.

Q. What are the Ordinariates?

A. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI published Anglicanorum coetibus, which outlined a structure to “fast track” the conversion of Anglicans and members of some churches which descended from Anglican Churches (like Methodists) to Roman Catholicism. Entire congregations can even convert en masse if they want, and Priests can become Catholic Priests quickly (though special permission is needed if they’re married). Groups called Ordinariates were formed to receive these converts, and these groups use their own liturgical materials which are influenced by Anglican liturgies. These groups are considered special uses of the Latin Rite.

Q. What does “via media” mean?

A. “Via media” means “middle way”, and is often used when referencing Anglicanism, for better or for worse. Nowadays, it’s popular to use it in the sense that we are some sort of “middle way” between Catholicism and Protestantism. It originated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, who attempted to compromise between the Calvinists and the Lutherans in England.
submitted by menschmaschine5 to Anglicanism [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: Anglicanism top posts from 2017-02-02 to 2018-02-02 02:09 PDT

Period: 364.41 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 14510
Rate (per day) 2.74 39.73
Unique Redditors 218 674
Combined Score 11964 51366

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 1606 points, 144 submissions: Knopwood
    1. Alaskan Episcopalians eager to worship in Native language with Book of Common Prayer translation (29 points, 2 comments)
    2. Christchurch votes to rebuild cathedral (28 points, 0 comments)
    3. Breaking: Brazilian Episcopalians elect first woman to the episcopate (26 points, 0 comments)
    4. Scottish Episcopal Church permits gay marriage in historic vote (26 points, 25 comments)
    5. Photos from the 2017 Eucharistic Festival of the Diocese of Fond du Lac (25 points, 4 comments)
    6. Aberdeen: Scottish Episcopalians elect first woman to the episcopate (24 points, 0 comments)
    7. Church named after famous member Robert E. Lee debates changing its name after Charlottesville (23 points, 51 comments)
    8. Meghan Markle to be baptized, confirmed in the C of E (22 points, 33 comments)
    9. SSJE has a new website to promote vocations (22 points, 5 comments)
    10. BBC: Listen to the first Anglican service of Evensong at St Peter's Basilica (20 points, 3 comments)
  2. 1119 points, 108 submissions: WpgDipper
    1. If we do not resist evil, we do not follow Jesus: A response to Charlottesville (55 points, 9 comments)
    2. Archbishop of Canterbury on Trump-backing Christians: ’I really genuinely do not understand’ (31 points, 28 comments)
    3. A Catholic picks up the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (19 points, 6 comments)
    4. Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury use Christmas message to criticise 'populist' world leaders (18 points, 4 comments)
    5. Scottish bishop defends same-sex marriage: 'love means love' (18 points, 35 comments)
    6. So apparently the C of E's tweet honouring St Thomas More didn't go over terribly well… (18 points, 22 comments)
    7. With Trump in attendance, rector of Bethesda-by-the-Sea delivers Christmas sermon on ‘the power of words’ (18 points, 21 comments)
    8. Pope Francis urges humble path to unity in historic visit to Rome's Anglicans (17 points, 6 comments)
    9. Priests are not paid to do anything (17 points, 9 comments)
    10. Episcopal clergy are among detainees at Maundy Thursday demonstration (16 points, 81 comments)
  3. 1084 points, 99 submissions: bryanglican
    1. Pope Francis to visit Anglican Church in Rome (33 points, 12 comments)
    2. FYI: Episcopalians have a Sunday obligation (24 points, 16 comments)
    3. First Persian woman to be ordained to the episcopate consecrated in Canterbury Cathedral (24 points, 12 comments)
    4. Today is the Feast of Blessed C.S. Lewis! (21 points, 11 comments)
    5. Today is the feast of St. Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury (21 points, 0 comments)
    6. Interview with new bishop of Indianapolis, first female African-American diocesan bishop (20 points, 6 comments)
    7. R.E. Lee Memorial Church will return to its founding name: Grace (20 points, 4 comments)
    8. Justin Welby: Luther’s historic act did so much to shape the world we live in (19 points, 1 comment)
    9. Fun fact: The Transfiguration is the title feast for any parish named "Christ Church" or "of Our Savior" (18 points, 16 comments)
    10. Anyone else excited that the Transfiguration falls on a Sunday this year? (17 points, 18 comments)
  4. 675 points, 51 submissions: OhioTry
    1. Archbishop Justin Welby: "It is deeply disturbing that the President of the United States has chosen to amplify the voice of far-right extremists." (134 points, 56 comments)
    2. TIL that The Cathedral of St John the Divine is listed in the 1939 edition of the Negro Motorist's Green Book as a New York City institution that welcomed African American visitors. (35 points, 2 comments)
    3. Anglicans in Queensland have had enough of global warming + Australian summer. X-post from /Australia (32 points, 1 comment)
    4. Church of England demands ban on anti-gay conversion therapy (32 points, 1 comment)
    5. A new, drama-free, pan-denominational Christian subreddit has been created. (21 points, 12 comments)
    6. Facing Episcopal Church Decline (18 points, 73 comments)
    7. My parish lost our sanctuary. But we are still alive and we just consecrated our parish hall as our place of worship. Here are the photos I took of the event. And I was the chair of the committee that designed the new worship space. (17 points, 11 comments)
    8. 'This is what I'm meant to be doing': the vicar welcoming Muslims to church (16 points, 13 comments)
    9. A Prayer for Charlottesville, adapted from the 1662 BCP (16 points, 0 comments)
    10. ACNA bishops ask for prayer as their bishops meet to reconsider the ordination of women. (13 points, 42 comments)
  5. 442 points, 24 submissions: WhiteTwink
    1. Are memes allowed here? (34 points, 11 comments)
    2. Happy Pentecost (34 points, 0 comments)
    3. Can we pause for a moment and just realize how awesome Christ is? (32 points, 23 comments)
    4. Happy All Saints’ Day! (31 points, 27 comments)
    5. Happy Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord! (31 points, 2 comments)
    6. Went to my first Evensong last week! (28 points, 21 comments)
    7. A lesson in humility from the Habsburg dynasty. (25 points, 11 comments)
    8. Can you tell which bishop is more low church? (23 points, 37 comments)
    9. Something that blew my mind the other day about our Holy Orders. (22 points, 66 comments)
    10. Why are you not Eastern Orthodox? (21 points, 93 comments)
  6. 364 points, 33 submissions: Come-My-Fanatics
    1. Eucharistic Prayer C - Star Wars Style (30 points, 17 comments)
    2. anglicanism_irl (30 points, 46 comments)
    3. After Montana church vandalized with swastika, parish responds with pink hearts, messages of love (18 points, 0 comments)
    4. /Anglicanism Demographics Survey - 2017 (16 points, 21 comments)
    5. TIL the Communion acknowledges the Archangel Uriel as one of the 4 major Archangels (16 points, 27 comments)
    6. /Anglicanism 2017 Demographic Survey Results (14 points, 44 comments)
    7. Results from the last /Anglicanism survey (14 points, 15 comments)
    8. Yet Another /Anglicanism theology survey (14 points, 23 comments)
    9. /Anglicanism Discord - come and join us! (12 points, 6 comments)
    10. Finding good Anglican theologians (12 points, 19 comments)
  7. 239 points, 20 submissions: sirionunicorn
    1. O God, you have taken to thyself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of thy incarnate Son: Grant that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of thine eternal kingdom. (20 points, 3 comments)
    2. How the ACNA helped me become an Episcopalian (19 points, 18 comments)
    3. Scott Gunn: "I won’t vote yes for public policy resolutions, unless they include a commitment for the church to change or do something. I don’t think we should tell other people what to do. We should show what we are doing. #DSOCON2017" (19 points, 4 comments)
    4. The Diocese of Los Angeles has its new Bishop! Please pray for Bishop John Taylor and our whole diocese. (19 points, 7 comments)
    5. New locomotive delivered for Piedmont & Northern Railway (15 points, 6 comments)
    6. Today is the feast of St. James the Apostle, son of thunder, cousin to Jesus, first of the apostles to enter into martyrdom. A homily by St. John Chrysostom. (15 points, 7 comments)
    7. A Prayer from the Streets of Charlottesville from Seminarian Lauren Grubaugh (14 points, 2 comments)
    8. John Wesley's Directions for Singing (14 points, 8 comments)
    9. Derek Olsen: For Fear of Fundamentalists (12 points, 6 comments)
    10. Maintaining a private devotion to the goddess Asherah is a good and reasonable response to the lack of gender-neutral language in TEC's 1979 BCP (12 points, 58 comments)
  8. 230 points, 13 submissions: AnglicanPrayerMan
    1. Update on Franciscan religious life (with pictures) (38 points, 5 comments)
    2. That's it! I'm done! (Sort of) (28 points, 6 comments)
    3. An update on the religious life (24 points, 12 comments)
    4. Can we get a super-Anglican music playlist going?? (21 points, 20 comments)
    5. Yesterday, Brother Damien Joseph, SSF took first vows (poverty, chastity, and obedience) with the Society of St. Francis. Rejoice with us! (21 points, 4 comments)
    6. Update at the Franciscan Friary (17 points, 1 comment)
    7. Prayer list for May 2017. Add names of those who need prayer, those whom you'd like us to pray for, or for any intentions dear to you. (15 points, 32 comments)
    8. What are concrete steps I can take to make my voice heard concerning Prayerbook revision? (15 points, 43 comments)
    9. Franciscan Friary Life Update - January (12 points, 1 comment)
    10. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! (12 points, 6 comments)
  9. 228 points, 8 submissions: daneslord
    1. Hello, from the actual daneslord (38 points, 12 comments)
    2. From daneslord glory to god (37 points, 2 comments)
    3. daneslord (35 points, 5 comments)
    4. A prayer request for daneslord (33 points, 14 comments)
    5. update on daneslord (31 points, 19 comments)
    6. daneslord (jared) (28 points, 4 comments)
    7. Insurance (14 points, 5 comments)
    8. An opposing view (12 points, 30 comments)
  10. 225 points, 19 submissions: bobo_brizinski
    1. "one of the arguments that we’re not necessarily aware that we’re having is between those who want a more prosaic, didactic liturgy and between those who want a more poetic liturgy." | Derek Olsen (23 points, 0 comments)
    2. N.T. Wright on Richard Hooker (20 points, 4 comments)
    3. A beautiful word from SSJE that still makes me pause and reflect (15 points, 0 comments)
    4. Launch of the new Oxford History of Anglicanism | Anglican Communion News Service (15 points, 7 comments)
    5. RIP Marilyn McCord Adams, Episcopal priest and philosopher of religion (15 points, 4 comments)
    6. "I have been bowled over by how much the assumptions people bring with them about how one gets involved in a church... have changed." (14 points, 6 comments)
    7. An interview with Fleming Rutledge on "The Crucifixion" without a clickbait title | The Episcopal New Yorker (14 points, 6 comments)
    8. Crusty's Fake News! for Anglicanism (14 points, 6 comments)
    9. "You want to see the renovation of the world? Look for a group of Christians sharing bread and wine" | Peter Leithart (12 points, 0 comments)
    10. A concise prayer book | Covenant (12 points, 9 comments)
  11. 186 points, 14 submissions: paigeness22
    1. My favorite Anglican blogger goes in full Communion with Rome (21 points, 117 comments)
    2. Anglican Humor: when your housekeepers leave a toy car on your home altar (20 points, 6 comments)
    3. Beautiful Churches Bring Kids to God (20 points, 17 comments)
    4. You're damn right I'm singing it With dignity. Happy Christ the King! (17 points, 0 comments)
    5. Elizabeth the Confessor (15 points, 2 comments)
    6. Eucharistic Disciplines: Fasting before Mass (14 points, 41 comments)
    7. Me just looking to see how many weeks until Advent starts. (14 points, 10 comments)
    8. Anyone on the Vestry at their parish? (12 points, 18 comments)
    9. How was church? 10/15/2017 (12 points, 6 comments)
    10. At this point, I'm convinced my house cleaners are (a) dissenters; or (b) pagans. *See my earlier post where they placed a toy car on my home altar. Smh. (11 points, 6 comments)
  12. 165 points, 15 submissions: diverseandsundry
    1. Anglican Orders may not be invalid says Cardinal in charge of legislative texts. (24 points, 23 comments)
    2. His Grace, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi for complicity in violence against Rohingya.(x-post from /Christianity) (16 points, 5 comments)
    3. The malady of the irrelevant (16 points, 18 comments)
    4. Anglican-Oriental Commission prays for the Armenian genocide at Christ Church, Dublin (11 points, 1 comment)
    5. CoI parish church will also host R.C. parish during their renovations. (11 points, 7 comments)
    6. Queen nominates daughter of late Anglican Bishop Dehqani of Iran of to Suffragan Bishopric of Lougborough (11 points, 38 comments)
    7. Analysis confirms CoE congregation numbers have stabilised. (10 points, 2 comments)
    8. Anglican and R.C. Canon Lawyers hold reunion in Rome and hear papers on bishops. (10 points, 0 comments)
    9. A painting of Salvator Mundi: $450 million. The saviour of the world: absolutely free. (9 points, 2 comments)
    10. Anglican and Oriental–Orthodox Churches sign historic Agreement on the Holy Spirit in Dublin (9 points, 4 comments)
  13. 159 points, 12 submissions: RDS379
    1. First snow fall for this Advent (28 points, 6 comments)
    2. BBC Two documentary called A Vicar’s Life starts Friday at 8.30pm, or on the BBC iPlayer (18 points, 3 comments)
    3. Yesterday I visited St Albans Cathedral... Some pictures for anyone interested! (18 points, 3 comments)
    4. Lent is only 4 weeks away today (17 points, 8 comments)
    5. The Archbishop of York's Advent Calendar 2017 Dr John Sentamu is providing a free daily online reflection throughout Advent. (15 points, 0 comments)
    6. C of E Prayer For The Day (14 points, 0 comments)
    7. Today at Church we made Pumpkins out of our Prayers. :) (11 points, 1 comment)
    8. C of E Prayer For The Day (9 points, 0 comments)
    9. C of E Prayer For The Day (8 points, 0 comments)
    10. Militants firebombed a church in Kyrgyzstan, causing extensive damage but The Bible on the altar survives the attack - Christians believe the undamaged Bible is a sign from God to keep on going and refuse to be discouraged. (8 points, 5 comments)
  14. 155 points, 13 submissions: elrealvisceralista
    1. Bishop says that the Church has forgotten the poor (27 points, 47 comments)
    2. Church of England unveils £24 million national investment in new churches and evangelism (26 points, 1 comment)
    3. Do we downplay the Reformed part of our identity? (17 points, 112 comments)
    4. Archbishop Welby “taken aback” by Las Vegas prayer criticism (16 points, 80 comments)
    5. The ties that bind our Anglican Communion family (10 points, 1 comment)
    6. George Herbert: Good Friday (1633) (9 points, 1 comment)
    7. Any Episcopalians here regularly attend a Rite I service? (8 points, 33 comments)
    8. Judge Gorsuch's Episcopslianism a Concern to Conservstives (8 points, 21 comments)
    9. ACNA Archbishop on "Counterfeit" Reconciliation of Truro ACNA with Diocese of Virginia (7 points, 49 comments)
    10. Primate Named for Province of Sudan (7 points, 0 comments)
  15. 136 points, 11 submissions: barbecuedporkribs
    1. LGBTQ faithful: Are you a Christian today because an Episcopal (or other affirming) congregation welcomed you and helped you come to know the love of Christ? If so, please share your story. (25 points, 46 comments)
    2. Prayer request for--well, everything--but especially Charlottesville, Virginia (21 points, 6 comments)
    3. Coffee hour (We're doing this, right? May as well start one now.) (19 points, 26 comments)
    4. A print version of St. Bede's Breviary? [POLL] (10 points, 2 comments)
    5. Theology question: Why does God seem to call some of us but not others? (10 points, 10 comments)
    6. I am divorced. Should I ever remarry? (9 points, 36 comments)
    7. I'm hosting a pretend hymn sing. You're all invited. (9 points, 26 comments)
    8. Sunday morning worship as practicing for eternal worship? (9 points, 6 comments)
    9. "Called to be the Church," a statement by Fr. Tom Ferguson (2/3) (8 points, 0 comments)
    10. A maybe-humorous anecdote and question about doxologies and amens (8 points, 13 comments)
  16. 113 points, 11 submissions: AndrewSabisky
    1. Lack of synodical seriousness (a rant) (14 points, 12 comments)
    2. Anglican Breviary - a first impressions review (13 points, 41 comments)
    3. How was church? (13 points, 23 comments)
    4. The Anglican Breviary Review: Part Two! (12 points, 20 comments)
    5. Compline of the Dead at All Souls (11 points, 3 comments)
    6. Effects of church competition/planting (11 points, 17 comments)
    7. Gesimas - yeah or nay? (9 points, 43 comments)
    8. Paxman on the Church of England's battle for survival (9 points, 5 comments)
    9. The Wesleys & the wandering Orthodox bishop (9 points, 5 comments)
    10. Anglican Catholic Future statement on the proposed intercommunion arrangement with the Methodist Church (6 points, 1 comment)
  17. 112 points, 6 submissions: xuptu
    1. Catholic Archbisop determines that a gay man is no longer welcome at a local church. A week later, many in the congregation leave and affiliate themselves with the Anglican Communion. The local Catholic priest then begins the process of becoming an Anglican priest. (46 points, 18 comments)
    2. ‘I felt a hypocrite’: Author Michael Coren on why he left the Catholic Church for Anglicanism (20 points, 19 comments)
    3. Can you guys explain what spongianism is? Why does it seem to be a big point of contention amongst Anglicans/Episcopalians? (13 points, 33 comments)
    4. Still haven't settled on a denomination. Giving Anglicanism another look. (13 points, 25 comments)
    5. Exploring Christianity here. Convince me why I should pick Anglicanism over other denominations. (12 points, 34 comments)
    6. How do I look for exclusively Low Church theology Episcopal/Anglican churches in my area (in the US)? (8 points, 13 comments)
  18. 104 points, 11 submissions: Cwross
    1. Reminder that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has begun. Here’s a link to a traditional prayer to be said during it. (15 points, 2 comments)
    2. Anglicanism (or lack thereof) in Germany (13 points, 44 comments)
    3. Suggestion for this sub (12 points, 9 comments)
    4. Evensong: Bl. Charles, King and Martyr (9 points, 3 comments)
    5. In Walsingham, please add any prayer requests to be said in the Holy House! (9 points, 9 comments)
    6. Prayer thread - Advent I (9 points, 5 comments)
    7. Prayer thread - Christ the King (9 points, 4 comments)
    8. CofE calls for daytime betting advert ban (x-post from /ukpolitics) (8 points, 2 comments)
    9. Prayer request thread for the week of the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (8 points, 6 comments)
    10. Probably my favourite fb page (7 points, 2 comments)
  19. 99 points, 7 submissions: sgnfngnthng
    1. Liturgy FTW (38 points, 4 comments)
    2. Millennials in TEC? (18 points, 97 comments)
    3. Anglican views on the afterlife? (11 points, 14 comments)
    4. Apostolic Succession: ELI5 (11 points, 9 comments)
    5. ELI5: Branch Theory (10 points, 16 comments)
    6. Anglican views on nuclear weapons? (6 points, 11 comments)
    7. Alternative "creeds" during Holy Eucharist? (5 points, 23 comments)
  20. 91 points, 5 submissions: themsc190
    1. Washington National Cathedral Announces the Removal of the Lee-Jackson Windows (23 points, 15 comments)
    2. Falls Church dedicates plaque to slaves who built it (22 points, 1 comment)
    3. Full communion proposal of Episcopal Church-United Methodist: A Gift to the World: Co-Laborers for the Healing of Brokenness (19 points, 99 comments)
    4. Government report highlights English cathedrals' community spirit: Report commends cathedrals for their continued importance as places of worship, wider community work and commitment to promoting local economic growth (14 points, 0 comments)
    5. Maundy Thursday (13 points, 9 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. bryanglican (3965 points, 1112 comments)
  2. OhioTry (2344 points, 754 comments)
  3. yibanghwa (2221 points, 501 comments)
  4. menschmaschine5 (2206 points, 643 comments)
  5. Knopwood (1796 points, 431 comments)
  6. LaudyLaudy (1555 points, 363 comments)
  7. Come-My-Fanatics (1414 points, 330 comments)
  8. sirionunicorn (1376 points, 237 comments)
  9. KonradX (1246 points, 328 comments)
  10. Puzzlekey (1239 points, 267 comments)
  11. WpgDipper (1144 points, 399 comments)
  12. diverseandsundry (973 points, 253 comments)
  13. sgnfngnthng (769 points, 179 comments)
  14. bobo_brizinski (728 points, 190 comments)
  15. VexedCoffee (712 points, 145 comments)
  16. barbecuedporkribs (710 points, 122 comments)
  17. Cwross (704 points, 204 comments)
  18. Agrona (639 points, 161 comments)
  19. AndrewSabisky (602 points, 142 comments)
  20. Auto_Fac (515 points, 122 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Archbishop Justin Welby: "It is deeply disturbing that the President of the United States has chosen to amplify the voice of far-right extremists." by OhioTry (134 points, 56 comments)
  2. Today I was received into the Episcopal Church. by mskrystle (65 points, 24 comments)
  3. Went to an Episcopal church on Sunday and it's the most I've ever felt at home in a place of worship by SnowedInByEdward (59 points, 5 comments)
  4. If we do not resist evil, we do not follow Jesus: A response to Charlottesville by WpgDipper (55 points, 9 comments)
  5. Just attended an Episcopal church for the first time... by UtahEpiscopal (50 points, 16 comments)
  6. Swinging Smoke Today! He is Risen, Alleluia Alleluia! by pzwingy (48 points, 3 comments)
  7. Catholic Archbisop determines that a gay man is no longer welcome at a local church. A week later, many in the congregation leave and affiliate themselves with the Anglican Communion. The local Catholic priest then begins the process of becoming an Anglican priest. by xuptu (46 points, 18 comments)
  8. Shout Out to Advent Purists by kyledpotter (46 points, 11 comments)
  9. The Queen's Christmas Broadcast by steph-anglican (41 points, 2 comments)
  10. Hello, from the actual daneslord by daneslord (38 points, 12 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 39 points: Puzzlekey's comment in Confession: I'm okay with women's ordination in theory, but think it may have been a mistake to open the episcopate to them
  2. 39 points: barbecuedporkribs's comment in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
  3. 35 points: daneslord's comment in daneslord
  4. 35 points: sirionunicorn's comment in "Anglicans don't even require you to acknowledge Christ"
  5. 33 points: Borg_10501's comment in Why are you not Eastern Orthodox?
  6. 32 points: Come-My-Fanatics's comment in Port or sherry after evensongs?
  7. 32 points: gnurdette's comment in Episcopalians and "the historical Jesus"
  8. 31 points: Come-My-Fanatics's comment in Archbishop Welby “taken aback” by Las Vegas prayer criticism
  9. 31 points: gnurdette's comment in A new, drama-free, pan-denominational Christian subreddit has been created.
  10. 31 points: livingwithghosts's comment in Episcopalians and "the historical Jesus"
Generated with BBoe's Subreddit Stats (Donate)
submitted by subreddit_stats to subreddit_stats [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: Anglicanism top posts from 2017-03-16 to 2018-03-15 22:06 PDT

Period: 364.15 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 15491
Rate (per day) 2.75 42.39
Unique Redditors 223 700
Combined Score 12305 55990

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 1725 points, 151 submissions: Knopwood
    1. Breaking: Brazilian Episcopalians elect first woman to the episcopate (29 points, 0 comments)
    2. Christchurch votes to rebuild cathedral (28 points, 0 comments)
    3. Alaskan Episcopalians eager to worship in Native language with Book of Common Prayer translation (27 points, 2 comments)
    4. Publishers rejected her, Christians attacked her: The deep faith of ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ author Madeleine L’Engle (26 points, 1 comment)
    5. Aberdeen: Scottish Episcopalians elect first woman to the episcopate (25 points, 0 comments)
    6. Church named after famous member Robert E. Lee debates changing its name after Charlottesville (23 points, 51 comments)
    7. Meghan Markle to be baptized, confirmed in the C of E (23 points, 33 comments)
    8. SSJE has a new website to promote vocations (23 points, 5 comments)
    9. Scottish Episcopal Church permits gay marriage in historic vote (23 points, 25 comments)
    10. Meet the Anglican Communion's first female archbishop (22 points, 20 comments)
  2. 1113 points, 101 submissions: bryanglican
    1. 16-year-old Episcopal youth group leader among those murdered in Florida school shooting yesterday (31 points, 11 comments)
    2. FYI: Episcopalians have a Sunday obligation (24 points, 16 comments)
    3. First Persian woman to be ordained to the episcopate consecrated in Canterbury Cathedral (23 points, 12 comments)
    4. Today is the feast of St. Augustine, First Archbishop of Canterbury (22 points, 0 comments)
    5. Today is the Feast of Blessed C.S. Lewis! (21 points, 11 comments)
    6. Interview with new bishop of Indianapolis, first female African-American diocesan bishop (19 points, 6 comments)
    7. Justin Welby: Luther’s historic act did so much to shape the world we live in (19 points, 1 comment)
    8. R.E. Lee Memorial Church will return to its founding name: Grace (19 points, 4 comments)
    9. Anyone else excited that the Transfiguration falls on a Sunday this year? (18 points, 18 comments)
    10. Church organist arrested in post-election vandalism at Episcopal congregation in Indiana (18 points, 4 comments)
  3. 1012 points, 95 submissions: WpgDipper
    1. If we do not resist evil, we do not follow Jesus: A response to Charlottesville (52 points, 9 comments)
    2. Archbishop of Canterbury on Trump-backing Christians: ’I really genuinely do not understand’ (29 points, 28 comments)
    3. A Catholic picks up the Anglican Book of Common Prayer (21 points, 6 comments)
    4. Meghan Markle Baptized into the Church of England (18 points, 31 comments)
    5. Episcopal clergy are among detainees at Maundy Thursday demonstration (17 points, 81 comments)
    6. Scottish bishop defends same-sex marriage: 'love means love' (17 points, 35 comments)
    7. So apparently the C of E's tweet honouring St Thomas More didn't go over terribly well… (17 points, 22 comments)
    8. Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury use Christmas message to criticise 'populist' world leaders (16 points, 4 comments)
    9. Presiding Bishop hits out at President Trump’s transgender ban (16 points, 14 comments)
    10. With Trump in attendance, rector of Bethesda-by-the-Sea delivers Christmas sermon on ‘the power of words’ (16 points, 19 comments)
  4. 716 points, 50 submissions: OhioTry
    1. Archbishop Justin Welby: "It is deeply disturbing that the President of the United States has chosen to amplify the voice of far-right extremists." (137 points, 56 comments)
    2. Church of England demands ban on anti-gay conversion therapy (35 points, 1 comment)
    3. TIL that The Cathedral of St John the Divine is listed in the 1939 edition of the Negro Motorist's Green Book as a New York City institution that welcomed African American visitors. (35 points, 2 comments)
    4. A new, drama-free, pan-denominational Christian subreddit has been created. (23 points, 12 comments)
    5. Happy (commemoration of the) Feast of the Blessed Charles and John Wesley. (22 points, 29 comments)
    6. South Sudan has Consecrated the First Woman Bishop of a GAFCON Province (22 points, 40 comments)
    7. A Prayer for Charlottesville, adapted from the 1662 BCP (18 points, 0 comments)
    8. Facing Episcopal Church Decline (17 points, 73 comments)
    9. My parish lost our sanctuary. But we are still alive and we just consecrated our parish hall as our place of worship. Here are the photos I took of the event. And I was the chair of the committee that designed the new worship space. (17 points, 11 comments)
    10. 'This is what I'm meant to be doing': the vicar welcoming Muslims to church (16 points, 13 comments)
  5. 382 points, 22 submissions: WhiteTwink
    1. Happy Pentecost (35 points, 0 comments)
    2. Happy All Saints’ Day! (34 points, 27 comments)
    3. Happy Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord! (34 points, 2 comments)
    4. Are memes allowed here? (32 points, 11 comments)
    5. Can we pause for a moment and just realize how awesome Christ is? (30 points, 23 comments)
    6. A lesson in humility from the Habsburg dynasty. (23 points, 11 comments)
    7. Why are you not Eastern Orthodox? (22 points, 93 comments)
    8. Something that blew my mind the other day about our Holy Orders. (20 points, 66 comments)
    9. Sancte_Rex_David_irl (18 points, 0 comments)
    10. Things I miss about the Roman Communion (16 points, 12 comments)
  6. 357 points, 29 submissions: Come-My-Fanatics
    1. anglicanism_irl (31 points, 46 comments)
    2. Eucharistic Prayer C - Star Wars Style (30 points, 17 comments)
    3. After Montana church vandalized with swastika, parish responds with pink hearts, messages of love (19 points, 0 comments)
    4. Converts to Anglicanism: what drew you to the Anglican church? (18 points, 33 comments)
    5. TIL the Communion acknowledges the Archangel Uriel as one of the 4 major Archangels (18 points, 27 comments)
    6. /Anglicanism Demographics Survey - 2017 (16 points, 21 comments)
    7. Yet Another /Anglicanism theology survey (15 points, 23 comments)
    8. /Anglicanism 2017 Demographic Survey Results (14 points, 44 comments)
    9. Finding good Anglican theologians (13 points, 19 comments)
    10. Results from the last /Anglicanism survey (13 points, 15 comments)
  7. 237 points, 18 submissions: sirionunicorn
    1. O God, you have taken to thyself the blessed Virgin Mary, mother of thy incarnate Son: Grant that we, who have been redeemed by his blood, may share with her the glory of thine eternal kingdom. (22 points, 3 comments)
    2. How the ACNA helped me become an Episcopalian (20 points, 18 comments)
    3. Scott Gunn: "I won’t vote yes for public policy resolutions, unless they include a commitment for the church to change or do something. I don’t think we should tell other people what to do. We should show what we are doing. #DSOCON2017" (20 points, 4 comments)
    4. The Diocese of Los Angeles has its new Bishop! Please pray for Bishop John Taylor and our whole diocese. (20 points, 7 comments)
    5. John Wesley's Directions for Singing (16 points, 8 comments)
    6. A Prayer from the Streets of Charlottesville from Seminarian Lauren Grubaugh (15 points, 2 comments)
    7. Today is the feast of St. James the Apostle, son of thunder, cousin to Jesus, first of the apostles to enter into martyrdom. A homily by St. John Chrysostom. (15 points, 7 comments)
    8. New locomotive delivered for Piedmont & Northern Railway (14 points, 6 comments)
    9. Derek Olsen: For Fear of Fundamentalists (13 points, 6 comments)
    10. The Loss of “Common” Prayer (12 points, 25 comments)
  8. 226 points, 8 submissions: daneslord
    1. From daneslord glory to god (39 points, 2 comments)
    2. Hello, from the actual daneslord (39 points, 12 comments)
    3. daneslord (33 points, 5 comments)
    4. A prayer request for daneslord (33 points, 14 comments)
    5. update on daneslord (31 points, 19 comments)
    6. daneslord (jared) (28 points, 4 comments)
    7. Insurance (13 points, 5 comments)
    8. An opposing view (10 points, 30 comments)
  9. 215 points, 13 submissions: AnglicanPrayerMan
    1. Update on Franciscan religious life (with pictures) (36 points, 5 comments)
    2. That's it! I'm done! (Sort of) (28 points, 6 comments)
    3. An update on the religious life (22 points, 12 comments)
    4. Yesterday, Brother Damien Joseph, SSF took first vows (poverty, chastity, and obedience) with the Society of St. Francis. Rejoice with us! (19 points, 4 comments)
    5. Update at the Franciscan Friary (18 points, 1 comment)
    6. Prayer list for May 2017. Add names of those who need prayer, those whom you'd like us to pray for, or for any intentions dear to you. (15 points, 32 comments)
    7. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! (13 points, 6 comments)
    8. TIL there was a failed 1998 attempt at reforming the Roman Missal that appears to have received near universal agreement except it was rejected by the Vatican at the last minute (13 points, 23 comments)
    9. Franciscan Friary Life Update - January (12 points, 1 comment)
    10. What are concrete steps I can take to make my voice heard concerning Prayerbook revision? (12 points, 43 comments)
  10. 210 points, 15 submissions: paigeness22
    1. My favorite Anglican blogger goes in full Communion with Rome (23 points, 117 comments)
    2. Anglican Humor: when your housekeepers leave a toy car on your home altar (22 points, 6 comments)
    3. Beautiful Churches Bring Kids to God (21 points, 17 comments)
    4. You're damn right I'm singing it With dignity. Happy Christ the King! (18 points, 0 comments)
    5. Elizabeth the Confessor (17 points, 2 comments)
    6. Eucharistic Disciplines: Fasting before Mass (16 points, 41 comments)
    7. In his new book, Archbishop Welby says Sharia law incompatible with British laws (14 points, 24 comments)
    8. Me just looking to see how many weeks until Advent starts. (14 points, 10 comments)
    9. Anyone on the Vestry at their parish? (12 points, 18 comments)
    10. At this point, I'm convinced my house cleaners are (a) dissenters; or (b) pagans. *See my earlier post where they placed a toy car on my home altar. Smh. (11 points, 6 comments)
  11. 197 points, 16 submissions: RDS379
    1. First snow fall for this Advent (29 points, 6 comments)
    2. Yesterday I visited St Albans Cathedral... Some pictures for anyone interested! (20 points, 3 comments)
    3. Lent is only 4 weeks away today (18 points, 8 comments)
    4. BBC Two documentary called A Vicar’s Life starts Friday at 8.30pm, or on the BBC iPlayer (16 points, 3 comments)
    5. The Archbishop of York's Advent Calendar 2017 Dr John Sentamu is providing a free daily online reflection throughout Advent. (16 points, 0 comments)
    6. C of E Prayer For The Day (12 points, 0 comments)
    7. Prayers for Democratic Republic of Congo & South Sudan (11 points, 1 comment)
    8. Today at Church we made Pumpkins out of our Prayers. :) (11 points, 1 comment)
    9. Anglican leaders echo Pope Francis’ call for day of prayer and fasting for peace on Friday 23rd February (10 points, 0 comments)
    10. C of E Prayer For The Day (9 points, 0 comments)
  12. 196 points, 15 submissions: bobo_brizinski
    1. "one of the arguments that we’re not necessarily aware that we’re having is between those who want a more prosaic, didactic liturgy and between those who want a more poetic liturgy." | Derek Olsen (24 points, 0 comments)
    2. N.T. Wright on Richard Hooker (20 points, 4 comments)
    3. Launch of the new Oxford History of Anglicanism | Anglican Communion News Service (16 points, 7 comments)
    4. A beautiful word from SSJE that still makes me pause and reflect (15 points, 0 comments)
    5. An interview with Fleming Rutledge on "The Crucifixion" without a clickbait title | The Episcopal New Yorker (15 points, 6 comments)
    6. RIP Marilyn McCord Adams, Episcopal priest and philosopher of religion (15 points, 4 comments)
    7. "I have been bowled over by how much the assumptions people bring with them about how one gets involved in a church... have changed." (14 points, 6 comments)
    8. Crusty's Fake News! for Anglicanism (14 points, 6 comments)
    9. "You want to see the renovation of the world? Look for a group of Christians sharing bread and wine" | Peter Leithart (12 points, 0 comments)
    10. Rediscover the gospel | The Living Church (11 points, 39 comments)
  13. 176 points, 16 submissions: diverseandsundry
    1. Anglican Orders may not be invalid says Cardinal in charge of legislative texts. (26 points, 23 comments)
    2. His Grace, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu condemns Aung San Suu Kyi for complicity in violence against Rohingya.(x-post from /Christianity) (16 points, 5 comments)
    3. The malady of the irrelevant (15 points, 18 comments)
    4. Queen nominates daughter of late Anglican Bishop Dehqani of Iran of to Suffragan Bishopric of Lougborough (13 points, 38 comments)
    5. Anglican-Oriental Commission prays for the Armenian genocide at Christ Church, Dublin (12 points, 1 comment)
    6. CoI parish church will also host R.C. parish during their renovations. (11 points, 7 comments)
    7. Anglican and R.C. Canon Lawyers hold reunion in Rome and hear papers on bishops. (10 points, 0 comments)
    8. Church of England should welcome Methodists into the fold of the historic episcopacy [by the Rev’d Marcus Walker] (10 points, 7 comments)
    9. A painting of Salvator Mundi: $450 million. The saviour of the world: absolutely free. (9 points, 2 comments)
    10. Analysis confirms CoE congregation numbers have stabilised. (9 points, 2 comments)
  14. 161 points, 12 submissions: elrealvisceralista
    1. Bishop says that the Church has forgotten the poor (27 points, 47 comments)
    2. Church of England unveils £24 million national investment in new churches and evangelism (26 points, 1 comment)
    3. US Episcopalians confront hard truths about Church's role in slavery and black history (22 points, 0 comments)
    4. Do we downplay the Reformed part of our identity? (17 points, 112 comments)
    5. Archbishop Welby “taken aback” by Las Vegas prayer criticism (12 points, 80 comments)
    6. The ties that bind our Anglican Communion family (10 points, 1 comment)
    7. Any Episcopalians here regularly attend a Rite I service? (9 points, 33 comments)
    8. George Herbert: Good Friday (1633) (9 points, 1 comment)
    9. Judge Gorsuch's Episcopslianism a Concern to Conservstives (9 points, 21 comments)
    10. ACNA Archbishop on "Counterfeit" Reconciliation of Truro ACNA with Diocese of Virginia (7 points, 49 comments)
  15. 158 points, 14 submissions: AndrewSabisky
    1. Two of our young servers at Holy Cross, profiled in Church Times! (18 points, 1 comment)
    2. The Virgin Common Worship vs the Chad 1662 BCP (16 points, 20 comments)
    3. Anglican Breviary - a first impressions review (15 points, 42 comments)
    4. Lack of synodical seriousness (a rant) (14 points, 13 comments)
    5. Compline of the Dead at All Souls (12 points, 3 comments)
    6. How was church? (12 points, 23 comments)
    7. The Anglican Breviary Review: Part Two! (12 points, 20 comments)
    8. Effects of church competition/planting (11 points, 17 comments)
    9. The Perils of Perpetual Liturgical Reform in a Liquid Age (10 points, 44 comments)
    10. Paxman on the Church of England's battle for survival (9 points, 5 comments)
  16. 117 points, 12 submissions: Cwross
    1. Reminder that the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has begun. Here’s a link to a traditional prayer to be said during it. (16 points, 2 comments)
    2. Anglicanism (or lack thereof) in Germany (14 points, 44 comments)
    3. Prayer thread - Advent I (11 points, 5 comments)
    4. Suggestion for this sub (11 points, 9 comments)
    5. Prayer thread - Christ the King (10 points, 4 comments)
    6. Prayer thread - Lent III (9 points, 3 comments)
    7. Prayer thread - Quinquagesima & Ash Wednesday (9 points, 6 comments)
    8. Evensong: Bl. Charles, King and Martyr (8 points, 3 comments)
    9. Prayer request thread for the week of the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (8 points, 6 comments)
    10. CofE calls for daytime betting advert ban (x-post from /ukpolitics) (7 points, 2 comments)
  17. 109 points, 6 submissions: xuptu
    1. Catholic Archbisop determines that a gay man is no longer welcome at a local church. A week later, many in the congregation leave and affiliate themselves with the Anglican Communion. The local Catholic priest then begins the process of becoming an Anglican priest. (43 points, 18 comments)
    2. ‘I felt a hypocrite’: Author Michael Coren on why he left the Catholic Church for Anglicanism (20 points, 19 comments)
    3. Exploring Christianity here. Convince me why I should pick Anglicanism over other denominations. (13 points, 34 comments)
    4. Still haven't settled on a denomination. Giving Anglicanism another look. (13 points, 25 comments)
    5. Can you guys explain what spongianism is? Why does it seem to be a big point of contention amongst Anglicans/Episcopalians? (12 points, 33 comments)
    6. How do I look for exclusively Low Church theology Episcopal/Anglican churches in my area (in the US)? (8 points, 13 comments)
  18. 99 points, 6 submissions: sgnfngnthng
    1. Liturgy FTW (40 points, 4 comments)
    2. Millennials in TEC? (20 points, 97 comments)
    3. Stepping off the Canterbury Trail? (12 points, 51 comments)
    4. Anglican views on the afterlife? (11 points, 14 comments)
    5. Apostolic Succession: ELI5 (9 points, 9 comments)
    6. ELI5: Branch Theory (7 points, 16 comments)
  19. 88 points, 6 submissions: steph-anglican
    1. The Queen's Christmas Broadcast (44 points, 2 comments)
    2. To many Diocese? (11 points, 43 comments)
    3. Building A Office Guild (10 points, 3 comments)
    4. Community of St. Anselm, Should it Spread to the New World? (8 points, 12 comments)
    5. Worship at Home (8 points, 21 comments)
    6. Your Favorite Hymns (7 points, 29 comments)
  20. 87 points, 7 submissions: Puzzlekey
    1. For those of us who like Anglican church music, here's a beautiful Evensong from England (the Three Choirs Festival at Worcester Cathedral). (18 points, 1 comment)
    2. The New TEC Website is an Unpleasing Front Door (15 points, 12 comments)
    3. Unpopular opinion: I hate Blessing of the Pets/St. Francis of Assisi Day (15 points, 34 comments)
    4. A666: Resolved: Print the Book of Common Prayer 2024 in Comics Sans (13 points, 10 comments)
    5. Started praying morning prayer and evening prayer every day this week. (11 points, 16 comments)
    6. ELI5: Different versions of the creedal language between Morning PrayeEvening Prayer Rite I (American BCP 1979) and Holy Eucharist Rite I (8 points, 3 comments)
    7. [meta] Please stop with the Freemason hate. (7 points, 35 comments)
  21. 83 points, 6 submissions: icantbelieveibelieve
    1. You really believe this stuff? (30 points, 13 comments)
    2. Prayer for those who have been hurt by the church (19 points, 4 comments)
    3. A dumb question about Anglo-Catholicism; be gentle! (12 points, 53 comments)
    4. "The Joint Committee that nominates people to churchwide bodies has submitted its report. 60% of nominees are over the age of 60 and 81% are over the age of 50. If we do not represent broader society in leadership we deserve to die" (8 points, 16 comments)
    5. Contra Washington: Ten Theses (7 points, 1 comment)
    6. We promise at every baptism to "proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ." This priest shares tips on how. (7 points, 0 comments)
  22. 79 points, 7 submissions: Swedenborgian88
    1. What was your religion before converting to Anglicanism? (20 points, 77 comments)
    2. Icon corner (13 points, 39 comments)
    3. Orthodox convert (12 points, 44 comments)
    4. Anglo Catholic Mass (9 points, 46 comments)
    5. Stronger faith (9 points, 3 comments)
    6. A safe haven (8 points, 8 comments)
    7. Books (8 points, 11 comments)
  23. 78 points, 4 submissions: pzwingy
    1. Swinging Smoke Today! He is Risen, Alleluia Alleluia! (50 points, 3 comments)
    2. Reddit based interview with a Bishop of the Anglican Province of America (10 points, 6 comments)
    3. [AMA] Archdeacon of APA Diocese of the Eastern United States (10 points, 21 comments)
    4. Gauging Interest of Priest AMA (8 points, 14 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. bryanglican (4257 points, 1147 comments)
  2. yibanghwa (2515 points, 532 comments)
  3. OhioTry (2424 points, 785 comments)
  4. menschmaschine5 (2409 points, 667 comments)
  5. LaudyLaudy (1847 points, 400 comments)
  6. Knopwood (1828 points, 446 comments)
  7. Puzzlekey (1499 points, 318 comments)
  8. sirionunicorn (1431 points, 246 comments)
  9. Come-My-Fanatics (1387 points, 302 comments)
  10. WpgDipper (1236 points, 432 comments)
  11. KonradX (1182 points, 309 comments)
  12. diverseandsundry (1170 points, 304 comments)
  13. sgnfngnthng (1000 points, 227 comments)
  14. Cwross (803 points, 232 comments)
  15. AndrewSabisky (783 points, 185 comments)
  16. icantbelieveibelieve (747 points, 161 comments)
  17. VexedCoffee (637 points, 141 comments)
  18. bobo_brizinski (626 points, 165 comments)
  19. paigeness22 (589 points, 192 comments)
  20. Auto_Fac (566 points, 125 comments)
  21. Agrona (561 points, 135 comments)
  22. revdeac06 (483 points, 127 comments)
  23. PersisPlain (473 points, 121 comments)
  24. themsc190 (464 points, 107 comments)
  25. ByzantiumInExile (435 points, 85 comments)
  26. FraterBrendan (420 points, 157 comments)
  27. elrealvisceralista (414 points, 135 comments)
  28. WhiteTwink (407 points, 140 comments)
  29. palaeologos (406 points, 149 comments)
  30. primitive_thisness (401 points, 152 comments)
  31. steph-anglican (381 points, 167 comments)
  32. Sercantanimo (380 points, 136 comments)
  33. celerysaltnonstop (379 points, 104 comments)
  34. el_chalupa (368 points, 71 comments)
  35. chillenchillada (367 points, 166 comments)
  36. magnificat_anima_mea (346 points, 113 comments)
  37. formlessspeculations (341 points, 74 comments)
  38. ThaneToblerone (329 points, 89 comments)
  39. mojodean (285 points, 80 comments)
  40. SoWhatDidIMiss (279 points, 40 comments)
  41. tauropolis (272 points, 60 comments)
  42. AnglicanPrayerMan (240 points, 67 comments)
  43. PaaLivetsVei (214 points, 40 comments)
  44. grameno (206 points, 45 comments)
  45. ldpreload (206 points, 45 comments)
  46. Syllogism19 (198 points, 54 comments)
  47. cnumbers (198 points, 54 comments)
  48. livingwithghosts (196 points, 45 comments)
  49. ErikRogers (180 points, 50 comments)
  50. broccolisquash2 (169 points, 54 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Archbishop Justin Welby: "It is deeply disturbing that the President of the United States has chosen to amplify the voice of far-right extremists." by OhioTry (137 points, 56 comments)
  2. Today I was received into the Episcopal Church. by mskrystle (66 points, 24 comments)
  3. Went to an Episcopal church on Sunday and it's the most I've ever felt at home in a place of worship by SnowedInByEdward (58 points, 5 comments)
  4. If we do not resist evil, we do not follow Jesus: A response to Charlottesville by WpgDipper (52 points, 9 comments)
  5. Just attended an Episcopal church for the first time... by UtahEpiscopal (51 points, 16 comments)
  6. Swinging Smoke Today! He is Risen, Alleluia Alleluia! by pzwingy (50 points, 3 comments)
  7. Shout Out to Advent Purists by kyledpotter (44 points, 11 comments)
  8. The Queen's Christmas Broadcast by steph-anglican (44 points, 2 comments)
  9. Catholic Archbisop determines that a gay man is no longer welcome at a local church. A week later, many in the congregation leave and affiliate themselves with the Anglican Communion. The local Catholic priest then begins the process of becoming an Anglican priest. by xuptu (43 points, 18 comments)
  10. it might be luther's special anniversary but don't forget our boy! by karlbonner (41 points, 20 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 39 points: Puzzlekey's comment in Confession: I'm okay with women's ordination in theory, but think it may have been a mistake to open the episcopate to them
  2. 39 points: tfvdw2at's comment in Does anyone wear their Ash Wednesday ashes into their job?
  3. 38 points: deleted's comment in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
  4. 37 points: MILITANTEPISCOPALIAN's comment in Why is American Anglicanism’s internet footprint so disproportionate to its size?
  5. 35 points: sirionunicorn's comment in "Anglicans don't even require you to acknowledge Christ"
  6. 34 points: gnurdette's comment in Episcopalians and "the historical Jesus"
  7. 33 points: daneslord's comment in daneslord
  8. 33 points: gnurdette's comment in A new, drama-free, pan-denominational Christian subreddit has been created.
  9. 33 points: livingwithghosts's comment in Episcopalians and "the historical Jesus"
  10. 31 points: Auto_Fac's comment in Can a member of the Anglican clergy marry a non-religious woman?
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Today I got bored and put my mic next to my phone and played "The Big Bang Theory" with speech Recognition on and an empty word document. The result!

THE KID POINTS TO A WHITE AUTHORS CALL IN A VACUUM ROOF OFF AND HAVE A EQUALS MC SQUARED KNOW HOW SOME HAVE LONG IT HAS COME FOR WHICH THE FIFTH THE LAW AS IT HAS AND HAS HER CAT HAS SIGNIFICANT AS IT HAPPENED AND HAS ALL RIGHT AND LEFT NO BEE-S AS A PART OF THE OF THE THEFT OF THE WITCHES SUBATOMIC PARTICLE AND HE HAS HEARD OF IT HAS THE RIGHT HALF A DOZEN DIFFERENT TIMES AND OPERATE HER HOUSE AND WE WERE COMPLETELY RENTED OUT THE DOOR EACH OTHER HAVE HAS A RIGHT-WING HOW YOU CAN TELL WHETHER AND HOW WAS IN THE STORE ASTEROID HAS EVOLVED TO HAVE HAD SOMETHING IT HAS AN ANGEL IS TOO MUCH FOR AWHILE AND WHO WE HAVE THAT HAVE AN FF M3AJOR LEAGUES ARE EXAMINING ADVISED BY A REGULAR THING HAS BEEN TO SEE A 10 ZZ ACTS THAT LISTING THAT F YOU TOLD HER MY EXPERIMENTS TO THE COMPUTER WAS SHOT ONCE IT HAS AND HAS FINISHED FIFTH ANNUAL COLLEGE RISING ON IT FROM SAINT HELENS LEAGUE FOR THE FILE A as I am not a workshop F is violating terms of the seals running lifeguard has the more loud noises 1000 homes for her have her realize how foolish that is the packet of canceling as head start is one of the house was sold to hurt have the level that is because of holies him earn when italy's hard hitting another chance if when even brother shot in the night and so do you call your experiments to the F communities and} 30° that is going on but how if she has selected fan of the interview as patterns that when your chart with our old house where was the one that has a lot of cameras and york's the arm of the transform electrons to the aperture an ad hoc in that league party every week from an already conducted in the Netherlands and how the reserves agent of the electrons inside and only when it was lit as regular panel on climate chances that you have the kind who thing as ordained as seasons and has arranged her fifth as his family has had at least 1642 twin towers rising she's on the other corners, she was moved outside the traditional holiday celebrated would result of the fire zone ones from her as a result was on drugs one over to have on two very different has several off thousands and thousands your white wolf is struggaling said that he cant hold articles that have three $1000 to a few decisions going and to top it was offered like the offense to have this little kids your shots of exams and parent who's going to have thick at how has your eyes are out of the crowd have these letters concerned that his mother when she was length should all have that where two columns on the room and have also has an auditing partners that he cant league singles at his dog needs of the already has refused 1 miles teeth and are just take the event has been has arranged to start is there are some where those that have Lehman has that is that has the legal are going to call them have things where it has your home and has off the ignition if movement Nixon has dropped down to 0.30 try a little hard rolls will have to have a visitor who fit into each other so much a part of the continent who loves the ocean floor and all of this is that you have the glass vial of this report has to stay off the length of the center and have stopped while sitting out of office has returned have so as you can a prism of violence voted was unsure if the fed has returned to Los Angeles in the smaller have the house so that when the FX store owners than what he knows more about who has it was because she organized and charged him to linux systems that have driven result of the jurors if the single most personal and it has lots of links to his video chat just a little of view was that one has endured so I'm glad you as lead while if Vaughn: youth council has the official has commented to fill show moderate who fill of F. Saunders of the storm of viruses if some of the girls younger students court judge in New Jersey to time Olympic gold medalist who you must be there when you are using an interesting: AJOR of interesting who fit will do is reach of the rising VE got three love its fifth sign it and have them hundreds of withholding information filled hive height of the MGM site has a large think th she has a girl who need it has worked his way to exalt where all in all of them has the strictest constantly a partner who finished my heroes out how many tiny only hold a sad life and where it has the waitress slash the actress with the unresolved father has years of physique on the terms of as little slower growing resident who he said but who can catch it has a lot has a whirl drugs FSings secret who takes advantage of us has to out how Physician who 50 so when it has all of the courage to express your little sexual feelings for her who has been its highest half stay awhile you have a friend of ours has just launched her grandmother died in when I see that have that when it has taught at a lower dollar F and how Wright also have our how has it he has learned that reminds me a single as a herd has his unit on a plane that was a waitress from the university cafeteria believe trys home and office to the whites and when F kids have got sick children under the agreement has the U.S. is right because the stock has eased has ruled that height Leonard drastically F when it has the last to know exactly Israel and height of the one who's getting a divorce has used was devised what her feeling has online will have live off the anyone stealing all have FSings your driving the lives of those from whom was going to have learned to reverse these should stay home and have someone who sure if that have enough capital of the official FSings it over FSI has the devastated and loves of lateral fat im stressed of the unit with the subject of them FSings the NFC horizon, Mr. Hive of the center for youth for hunting group with fat financial reaction of the new and existing and have since she has no friendly lives of them of the cords and FS home as having and responsible for my own work of the 505th FSings lying if that's exactly was during one of them fixed her business ever have to sift chief you have a high has ideas are a and that the Ferrari telling me that opposition store F SN lisle Zikakis versions of the janitor for her family and children 12 and gardens orchard advised one middle class that would have shot and also has left and have the true if Martinez year to convert you of course if Phillips had worked all her hands over Houston ULAR F when you are experiencing is a classic European crisis in which the Federal courts the logs of the average realized I could see only the cause of the artifice that could hold out for the comforting parties that determines at home to one of the one from the shelves for her earnings and cash and arises from repelling the world as it has to offer as the ID large world view of ULAR hive fit his rolls between people how to fit have wondered where you're why watchs was the only has the eagles you have you always have me disorders and ½ VMS Oregon family for Nichols ULAR childhood of either house and pronounced hundred written all in life if I have FM is not over analyses 2000 has rarely has lots of mine it has odyssey of ULAR running herd has you have and how has it as he has a fan noticing an immediate lowering of lying if I have an example of zeros the considering asking the possible and are actually in the alleyway lines used who only have F a White House argues that has that has left her lover is leaving what you're so when Heath Shuler has one of the remote island hospital to have the houses VS to IFTH hedgehog mother that is the FF bowling alley have ave cause board has FSings lilly and use the F. Hoffman has anyone in IFTH half of the trees are and adds another alleged lives and her novel of his mother to tell a reason to life style Ireland has resulted if monitors staring at a lift your own a tacit hustler live this kind of F fasel and how his company has a lifetime of the FA of Vlad Hasson La who and 1/2 years is a mailer attacking my homegrown-who have how has a white has vowed to veto the homegrown-who and it's only a significant share when the zero visit because she's a tragic as for when the deals are nice to others and have a lovely and charming have it all mean to us that in order for us valley and only U.S. order young adulthood have firm that he's saying toward a more intimate mother's son relationship idea of a lift from a fed's latest now in the event and that her left I'm getting a warm feelings spreading through my heart, has a daughter who her while his leonard's off leaving and his head against hive fit into the warm feeling from FR how long neither of the other was flat or won't hurt her very well have the time driving how was your house is either a hung over and in no mood to satisfy and for hunting how children and you have to have the last hurdle in you feel insulted when in the hound hunting zero fat who only have and what you have overplayed your house and its decision not have reverberated how the agreed-one visit a very good care of this young woman from a painting them and work and how it doesn't have much in the way through house who have never responsible for all of organisms as a herd remember was ULAR legal for their living off his left arm over how to add that in her as his son ran it has to have the newest
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can you get ordained online in ireland video

You can check the laws at U.S. Marriage Laws. Certain states allow a One-Day Marriage Designation where family members or friends can officiate at a wedding ceremony. So you can do both–get ordained online and become a temporary officiant for a day–to conduct the wedding. Is it possible to get ordained online in Ireland? Close. 2. Posted by 1 year ago. Archived. Is it possible to get ordained online in Ireland? It's always something I've wanted to do, but searching it leads me to websites that I think are scams, does anyone know the official legal process in Ireland to get ordained? 9 comments. Get Ordained Online as a Christian Minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance. The Alliance partners with Christian Leaders Institute recognizing your ordination on a global directory. Christian Leaders Institute will guide you through a credible, internationally and locally recognized minister ordination process. 1 How to Become an Ordained Minister in Ireland. If you haven't already, you should get ordained online with the Universal Life Church. Ordination is free and can be completed in just a matter of minutes. Thousands of legally valid marriages are performed by ULC ministers around the world every year. Anybody can become a minister, from your next-door neighbor to celebrities like Conan O'Brien and Bryan Cranston ! How to Get Ordained and Perform a Wedding. Fill out our quick and easy ordination application online to become an ordained minister. Getting Ordained Online. Becoming an ordained wedding officiant online is almost embarrassingly easy. Grab a device that connects to the Internet (e.g. a smartphone or a computer) Go to an online non-denominational ministry’s website, such as The Universal Life Church Ministries or Open Ministry. Click on “Get Ordained” or something to that effect. Instant Online Ordination! You are about to become an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church Ministry. Get ordained today. When you get ordained as a Minister you will hold an official title and can legally perform weddings and ceremonies. You can conduct spiritual counseling, hold worship services, perform all other sacerdotal duties of a minister or even start your own church. We invite you to get ordained online and become a minister of Open Ministry today. Can you get ordained to officiate a friend’s marriage like Adele? Singer conducted Alan Carr’s California wedding - but UK law makes process far trickier. by The Week team. 5 Apr 2018.

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