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Save yourself, be good to other people.

I’m not really sure how to start off this story, so here it is. I’m not going to reveal my name for safety reasons, not that it will matter for much longer. For the sake of it, you can call me David. I work at my father’s business, which makes sex toys. Embarrassing detail, but as I said it won’t matter for long. Anyways, the business makes a ton of money per year, I’m talking billions. You might be thinking I’m in a great spot, and you’d be wrong. I work in customer support. The bottom, to be specific.
Originally, I was going to take over the company when I turned 21, which was a little over three years ago. So how did I end up in customer support? Well, for my 21st birthday, I went partying with some friends. We hit clubs, bars, casinos, strip clubs, you name it. I woke up in a cell the next day, to a look of disappointment from my father. Me and my friends got shitfaced at a bar, then went to the nearest casino. I blew through over $600,000 and tried to bail on the payment. I, drunkenly, drove through a building.
Long story short, I’m sitting on a little over $1,000,000 in debt. I also contracted chlamydia from a stripper, and my fiance left me when she found out. My father decided that I wasn’t responsible enough to take over his business, and needed a real job. He offered me customer support in his company, and I took it. I had no other options, I couldn’t leave town, and nobody would hire me. But not writing this for sympathy, I’m writing this as a warning.
Now I’m sure many of you have heard of the dark web, probably heard a number of horror stories about it too. Well, here’s another one for you, but take this one seriously. There is a source on the dark web, which I will not name, that is something like a hitman. It is a little difficult to put how it works into words, but it’s an important detail.
You put a warning hit on someone, along with a reason and how much you will pay, and wait for a hitman to take the case. Once one does, you talk with the hitman about a timeframe, what you want from them, and how their death should look should they not agree to your terms. The hitman then tells the person there is a hit on them, and how they can keep themselves alive. If the person tries to flee or does not meet the terms before the deadline, the hitman kills them. If the hit is carried out, the hitman keeps 100% of your payment. If the person agrees to the terms, the hitman takes 10% of what you paid him.
An example for a little more clarity: your daughter is raped by person A, and despite the evidence person A is not punished. You put a warning hit on person A. Your case would sum up to “person A raped my daughter, I will pay $10,000.” A hitman takes your case and you tell them “person A has three months to pay $250,000 and if he does not, make his death look like an accident.” The hitman collects your pay and tells person A about the warning hit, and the terms. If person A meets the terms, he is off the hook, and the hitman returns 90% of your payment. If he does not meet the terms, flees, goes to police, etc. then he dies in an accident and the hitman keeps your payment.
I hope that made sense to you. Now I’m sure you are poking holes or have questions already. A little more info I can give you is: you choose what to offer the hitman and he/she will accept or decline, there is no set payment but higher status people cost more, death and terms can be almost anything you want, most of the hitmen will not do more than a one year timeline, nobody has ever been caught. Now what I’m sure you are wondering (or probably already figured out), why does this matter? Well, let’s get to that.
About a month ago I was at work answering calls from dissatisfied customers, who decided to take out their anger on me. I was five minutes from lunch when I got another call, and my supervisor made me answer it. I wasn’t in the best mood, and didn’t want to get an earful of profanity from a customer, but that’s exactly what I got. He was screaming about how he spent close to $300 and hadn’t gotten his stuff after a month, and was giving me demands between his insults. I spent most of my lunch break trying to talk with the guy, to no avail. In hindsight this was the wrong decision, but I snapped.
I was screaming back at the guy, telling him I didn’t care if his middle aged overweight ass didn’t get his sex doll, along with a number of other insults. Again I know I made the wrong choice, but I had been dealing with this daily for years, and I’d had enough. I slammed the phone down and stormed out. My father called me later that day, telling me I’ll need another job. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t end there.
I didn’t know this at the time, but the guy I was talking to knew a ton about technology, and spent a lot of time on the dark web. Not only did he trace the call, but he hacked into the company computer system, and found every piece of information there was about me. To top it all off, none of the security programs in place picked up anything. So how do I know this? The next day I woke up to a pounding on my door. When I answered it, the only thing I found was an envelope. Inside it was a letter (some details changed) which read:
Dear Mr. David,
I am a hitman of “Generic Hitman Agency”, and you don’t want to meet me. The reason you are reading this is because a warning hit has been placed on you by my client, Mr. Client. If you do not meet his terms, we will meet. If we meet, it is game over for you. You must be wondering what the terms are.
My client purchased some products from the company you formerly worked at. After a month of waiting, my client has not received the products. He called to inquire about them, but only received your insults as an answer. He traced the call to you specifically, and put this hit on you. The terms he has set up for you are as follows: “I want the products I paid for, as well as $10,000 in compensation for the wait and your attitude”. You have 30 days to meet my clients terms.
If you meet the terms, you are safe. If you fail to meet the terms, you will die. If you attempt to flee, I will find you. Any attempts to escape the hit without meeting my clients terms will fail.
If you fail to meet the terms, the method of execution chosen by my client: to be restrained and sealed in a large block of silicone. I will be the one to perform your execution. The decision is yours.
Signed, Hitman
I couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of my “execution.” I sat the letter on the counter, and called my father. I asked him if the letter was some kind of joke because of yesterday, but he had no idea what I was talking about. I was going to take a picture of the letter to send to him, but the only thing on the counter was small bits of ash. It was almost as if the letter self destructed, like what you see in spy movies. I found this very strange, but assumed it must have been a dream.
Three weeks later, and I had completely forgotten about the letter. I had managed to find a job that paid the bills. I was on my way home from grocery shopping, when I got an uneasy feeling, like I was being stalked. I tried to write it off as some random paranoia wave. When I got home, I found another letter attached to my door. I assumed it was just mail and grabbed it as I went inside.
I sat my groceries in the kitchen and opened the letter. This one confirmed the last one was not a dream. The second letter read:
Dear Mr. David,
I have noticed that after three weeks you have made no effort in meeting my clients terms. As the previous letter was destroyed, allow me to refresh your memory on the terms: Deliver the purchased products and $10,000 to my client or you will be restrained in a large block of silicone. It has been 21 days since you were given the first letter.
Now Mr. David, I do look forward to your execution. The method is out of the ordinary for my line of work, and quite ironic. I would very much like to try it on you. However, I believe my client would much prefer you meet his terms. This letter is to inform you that you have nine days remaining to meet the terms. Your time is running out, make your decision.
Signed, Hitman
Before the letter had a chance to self-destruct, I grabbed my phone to take a picture. I managed to get a picture before the letter dissolved into ash. Any hope I had was shattered when I looked at the photo however. I was looking at a picture of a blank piece of paper. I was dumbfounded, I didn’t even know ink existed that would not show up on camera.
At this point I didn’t know what to do, I had nine days to come up with the money and the items. I thought about selling some possessions to raise the necessary funds, but I couldn’t raise $10,300 if I sold everything I had. I thought about it for a while, and came up with an idea. I still remembered the name of the hitman service Mr. Client had hired. My plan was simple, I will put a warning hit on Mr. Client. My terms, Mr. Client has three days to call off his hitman. It had to work, it was my only option.
I figured a couple grand would get me a hitman quickly. I put my car up for sale, and told people I needed it gone quickly. The car itself is worth about $4,500. I listed it for $3,000 to get it to sell, but only managed to get $2,500. I figured it might be enough, and went searching for the warning hit service. I had some experience with the dark web in my past, and did manage to find them, although it took a while.
When I got on their site, I found a form to fill out to place a warning hit. I put in the necessary information into the form and submitted it. I was hoping for a quick answer, and I got one. A hitman answered me and said she would do the hit. I was relieved as she told me she takes most hits and doesn’t ask questions.
The next day I found a large manila envelope on my door. I assumed it was about my warning hit and opened it eagerly. Inside was an envelope, a copy of my warning hit form with a note, and $2,500. I read the note first. It read:
We have reviewed and voided your warning hit. Despite it being accepted, the hit will not continue, and your target will not be informed. We do not allow hits on anyone who has an active hit. The reason for this is to prevent anyone from using our service to get out of a hit. If you attempt to place another warning hit on your target, a hitman will be activated to terminate you.
Well fuck, back to square one. I reviewed the items in the manila envelope, all the money was there, and the form had “void” stamped on it. I wasn’t sure what the envelope was for, my only guess was it was a letter from the hitman who took my case. Well, I was right about the hitman part anyway. Inside was a letter which read:
Dear Mr. David,
Because of the warning hit you attempted to place on my client, your termination will be carried out. You can no longer save yourself. You should already know this however, otherwise you would not have tried to place a hit on my client. Your little plan was doomed from the start however. One little detail you missed, once a warning hit has been placed, the client cannot call it off. Even though it’s a rule we have, I would have killed you regardless. What better opportunity to perform a unique execution like yours? See you soon.
Signed, Hitman
So that’s that, I’m a dead man. I sat in my living room for a few minutes brainstorming ideas. As I watched the papers dissolve on my table, I figured my best option was to completely disappear. I packed a bag and robbed someone of their car. I gave the owner $500 to “not remember” what I look like, and he agreed. I drove until the car ran out of gas, then started wandering through a patch of forest near where I broke down. I stumbled across a summer cabin and broke in. I planned to spend the night, but found a note waiting inside, it was short but it read:
David. No matter where you go, we will find you. There is no escape. Accept your fate.
They are right, I can’t escape this. They somehow knew I would end up here, how could I escape this? I sat down at the computer and figured I would spend my last few hours telling my story to reddit, and drinking the whiskey I found in the freezer. It’s too late for me, but not for you. Please, especially if you are a business owner, be goa;ersdljNaCnbabg gchgkxhufttgzsfaWQWDAxsg
Hey everyone, “David” is unconscious, but still alive. I saw his post and read through it. I figured I would post it for him, in a way they’re his last words. You may be wondering why I didn’t delete it, its evidence afterall. Well, how many stories have you read on here that you thought were true? Anyways, before I rudely interrupted him, I think he was telling you to be good to others. Especially if you are a business owner, or in his case, customer support.
I’m going to wrap this up, I have some business to finish. I suggest you take David’s advice, otherwise we might meet someday, and one of us won’t like that… Hitman, signing off.
submitted by denimwoodsman to horrorstories [link] [comments]

Goa to open for domestic tourists | Bounce Beyond Borders

Goa to open for domestic tourists | Bounce Beyond Borders
Goa open for tourism Now, Goa is ready to open even more Only for domestic tourists! Goa has removed the restriction that people need to bring a CoVid-19 negative certificate or get tested on arrival. Goa has also decided that bars will be allowed to open in Goa from September 1, 2020, with social distancing measures in place. After months of lockdown, Goa will open for domestic tourists from today
Goa was declared a green zone, as it was one of the states with the lowest number of cases in India. Since then though, cases have been back on the rise and the state has seen a surge in the number of cases in the past month The state has also opened up bars from today, with all the necessary precautions such as social distancing, wearing masks and temperature checks. Restaurants and cafes have been open already, and hotels are back in business, too. Barring the beach shacks and casinos as of now, Goa is open for travelers. The beach shacks will remain closed and are likely to open after the monsoon in October.
For More Info
Call Us: 99790 82360
Email: [email protected] Website:
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Tricks to play Satta-matka :

Tricks to play Satta-matka :
Satta-Matka is a kind of lottery which formerlycontains betting on the opening as well as closing rates of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange. It endures before the era of independence. In the 1960s, it replaced with other ways of producing random numbers, including pulling slips from a large pot known as a Matka or playing cards.
Indian game of luck, SattaMatkais based on random number selection along with bidding. However, to win you prerequisite the lucky number. A foremost betting trend in the sub-continent the game of sattamatkaneeds that you select the right number for endearing the game and becoming the Satta king in the procedure. It will also be extremely rewarding as the winner takes all in this game and that could be anenormous financial gain for you.
It is a most popular game in India, in the 21st era, more people have started making cash bets upon gambling and betting in India. The haters of gambling claim that it leads to corruption, crime, and money laundering while the regulated gambling system in India can be a vast source of revenue for the state. Casinos in Goa contributed Rs. 135 crores to the state revenue in the year of 2013.
The Easiest Way Play SattaMatka:
The game of SattaMatka is most simple to understand and play. With a little bit of study and exercise, you will be the master of Matka game. The Kalyan Matka game was first announced to Kalyanji Bhagat in 1962 and WaroliMatka was announced back in the ’70s by Ratan Khatri.
This game was identical popular until the ’90s but after unremitting raids by police on Matkacenters it was shut down. But, after the age of the Internet, this game ongoing to turn heads up again in the online format. The Satta Matka industry found new hope in the form of the Internet.
In the 21st era, many online websites started to rise up. Many websites started to offer an interface for playing online games, SattaMatka results, guessing forum, and charts.
Here’s how to play Matka game:
Pick SattaMatka Number:
At first you have to pick (3) numbers from 0–9. For example, 5,3,6 would be your first picked casual numbers. To add more substance to the alteration, the numbers are then included (5 + 3 + 6) and the last number is given. In this such as, it is 14. You just have to save one digit of this number, the last one. In this example, it will be 4. So, your first draw would be 5,3,6 *4.
There is also a 2nd set of numbers that are drawn. The rules for picking the 2nd number are precisely the same as the first draw. As a random case, let's admit the numbers 8,2,8. This gives us a sum of 18, we again just only keep the last digit so our last pick for the 2nddraw of numbers is 8,2,8 *8
Our last card would look like this: 5,3,6 *4 X 8,2,8 *8. Here is an example card.
submitted by sattamatkamarketing to u/sattamatkamarketing [link] [comments]

Top Five Places You Need To Visit During Goa Trip

Goa might be the tiniest state of India. But, this does not mean that there is a shortage of attractions. Thousands of tourists visit this stunning place every year from all across the globe. Goa is recognized as the place where you can explore several things that are not usually available in other places of India. The endless list of stunning places includes luxurious casino, crazy nightlife and much more. You can get the discover the Rio de Janerio during festivals, especially at the time of Christmas. This places is not just about parties, beaches and alcohol; there is a lot more than it. If you are planning to visit Goa, you would always want to visit it again and again. So, here are the top five places you need to visit during your Goa trip.

Goa Beaches

The first word we recall after we say beach in Goa. If you want to enjoy some quality time on the soft sandy beaches, you need to opt for the South Goa beaches. And if you want to get to some beach where you can find all kinds of activities full of thrill and fun, opt for the North Goa beaches. The top beaches to visit in Goa are Utorda Beach, Arossim Beach, Anjuna Beach, Baga Beach and Calangute Beach. You will get all kinds of water activities here such as scuba diving, jet skiing, banana boat ride and much more. If you want to witness the magnificent underwater world, you need to opt for scuba diving. Do not forget to savor a scrumptious meal in any beach shack in the beaches after sunset.

Spice Plantation

Do you know that the hottest pepper of the whole world comes from? It is called Peri Peri and found here in Goa. The Spice Plantation in Goa is the largest in the whole region which offer tourists to take a walk through the farm, taste some spicy Peri Peri and savor the exotic aroma that fills the range there. Also get an Elephant ride and don’t miss an elephant shower. Have an elephant ride or watch elephants being washed and fed in the Elephant Shower. You can also have a scrumptious lunch in this farm which is cooked with the aromatic spices from there. As it is not as interesting as the exciting beaches, tourists do not usually visit these fields. But, if you are a nature admirer, you need to visit this farm. Savor Cashew Feni, a local drink manufactured with raw cashew nut. You can also get horn bills and other colorful birds during other seasons.
Basilica of Bom Jesus
There are a lot of architectural miracles in this land. The Old Goa is also known as the Rome of East. The churches, chapels, museums, galleries and convents that you get in this place are many ancient- old. And above all is the Basilica of Bom Jesus, which is a UNESCO heritage site. If you love to explore the age-old architecture and old structures, you need to visit these old churches and museums in Goa. There are a lot of age-old bungalows that are open to Goan tourists. You can also visit these and learn about the history of Goa.
Wildlife Sanctuaries
It is ought to visit a wildlife sanctuary to discover the wildlife in Goa. But, if you want to savor a lot of unique animal and bird view, you can explore Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary. You can also explore Mollem National Park as well. You will get to witness a lot of unique animals which includes mouse deer, barking deer, sloth bear, panther and many others. You can also get a numerous birds in this sanctuary like fairy bluebird, kingfisher, the great black woodpecker, paradise flycatcher and many others. These wildlife sanctuaries are located in the Western Ghats and thus, you can depict the serene beauty of nature and climate you can savor there.

Dolphin Safari

Whether you are visiting Goa with your kids or friends; Dolphin safari is something that you should never miss. This safari has its own elegant features and you can witness dolphins diving and swimming towards you in a playful way. If you are lucky enough, you can also hear their sounds too. The safari usually ends in the Grande Island. You can take your family for a picnic, enjoy the beach and have some relishing time in Grande Island. Dolphin safari trips is very unique. There are also several private boat trips that would take you near the haven of dolphins for you to swim nearby but not with them. You can always witness them from very close. Make sure you go for dolphin safari early in the morning.
Besides these, you can also enjoy the ancient archaeological museum, naval aviation museum, weekly flea market, popular temples, Cansaulim Monte, Dona Paula and much more. This place offers many things all throughout the year and no matter how many times you explore this place, it will always be dazzling and new for you. So make sure you add these places in your Goa tour package.
submitted by picnicwale1 to u/picnicwale1 [link] [comments]

DAVID WEBB: The 6th and Final Bourne Movie

DAVID WEBB The sequel to Jason Bourne, and the final chapter of the Bourne saga.
This plot synopsis is an entirely original and fictional idea, for a final Bourne film in which Jason Bourne comes full circle. He will regain his true identity, he will become David Webb. As the title sequence was broken by calling the last movie "Jason Bourne" instead of "The Bourne Something", I feel like "David Webb" would be the perfect title of this film. And Bourne will finally go back to his former self, which I believe actually happened in one of the Ludlum novels. It's a fitting conclusion.
The basic summary of this plot will be that after the events in Las Vegas, the Agency covers up the truth about what happened. We cut to a CNN clip where they report on a shooting that took place at the Aria casino hotel. The suspect was an Iraqi refugee (playing on the real life media blitz of refugee phobia, and alluding to what Dewey said in the limo towards the end of JB) and during the evacuation by SWAT... an altercation led to a drunken tourist stealing a SWAT van, and was pursued by a police officer in an unmarked vehicle. Following a high speed chase through the strip, the suspect was apprehended and jailed. CIA director Robert Dewey resigns over the incident. (He's in fact dead. This will be the on the record narrative in the news media, alluding to the shadowy ability for the Agency to lie to the public).
Meanwhile, Aaron Kalloor is back to work after the incident. And he's not telling the media anything. Heather Lee has since debriefed him, and he's being paid and rewarded hansomely for his silence. Kalloor needs the money, and he's also a bit terrified of what might happen to him if he speaks out about what took place between himself and Dewey. He fears for his life, so he keeps his mouth shut. (This character no longer needs to be expanded upon in my opinion, as the Deep Dream Corporation subplot was kind of unnecessary).
In one of those board room sessions reminiscent of the beginning of Bourne Ultimatum, senior CIA member Heather Lee deems that Bourne is no longer a high priority target. The Agency has wasted an incredible amount of time, money, and assets trying to capture or eliminate Bourne. He's a mentally damaged individual with amnesia, all he's done is either try to regain his memory or stay off the grid. He's not actually motivated to cause any real harm to America, he just wants to be left alone. Every effort to nullify him has resulted in nothing but collateral damage and financial expenditure, and the need for cover ups. The main agenda on the table for the Agency right now, is combatting extraordinary threats to the United States. In particular, a former Asset from before Treadstone who defected and now works for a ring of Jihadist organizations around the globe. I haven't thought of a name for this character, so I will refer to him as "Villain".
Villain was an Agency asset who turned double agent and went off the grid. He was born in Kuwait, raised in the U.S. since childhood, graduated MIT and has extraordinary foreign language skills and intelligence. He's recruited to the Agency and turned into a trained killer using the same experimental training techniques by Dr. Albert Hirsch (cue flashback). He's sent to do a job in the middle east, to eliminate a high value target that happens to be embedded with a family. Including children. Much like Bourne on the boat with Wombosi, he's faced with the dilemna of killing children. In this case, he instead carries out the job. Instead of falling off a boat and losing his memory, Villain instead is tormented by what he was assigned to carry out and turns on the Agency. He is thus recruited by a Jihadist organization.
He's basically an evil version of Bourne... Has the same skills and abilities, but he has no moral compass and has since used his repetoire of training to mastermind terrorist attacks and inflict civilian casualties around the world. He has a vendetta with the agency and the country that created him. He's not a practitioner of conservative Islam, rather he works with Jihadists purely because they share a common cause. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Though Bourne was only concerned with staying off the grid and regaining his memory, Villain is actively trying to take down the agency and destroy America. Kind of a cliche for terrorist, but the fact that he's homegrown and received all his training from the U.S., and defected, fits perfectly into the Bourne archetype. This narrative also narrowly avoids the political incorectness of painting a bad guy character purely with an Islamaphobic brush. Think of a Kuwaiti-American version of Carlos the Jackal... The real twist here, will be to reveal that Treadstone was created specifically to eliminate Villain. Just like Blackbriar was created to eliminate Bourne. It will also be revealed that Bourne was also being trained specifically to be sent on a mission to take out Villain, and that it was going to be his next assignment after Wombosi. We all know how that turned out.
This all makes for some good flashbacks and some connections to the first film, and the events before the first film. Okay, fast forward back to present day. Heather Lee is in the situation room and an op is going down. They have a location on Villain, and they've sent an Asset to take him out. This could take place in a European capitol, or maybe in the middle east or north Africa. It would be a good scene to introduce us to Villain and his powerful skill set... much like Bourne, an expert in combat, evasion, countersurveillance, and survival. This scene would conclude with the Agency asset failing the mission, and being killed by Villain. This would look kind of reminiscent to the scene in Berlin at the very beginning of Bourne Supremacy. Heather Lee is starting to wonder who they could possibly use to take out such a hard target, as everyone they've sent in the past 2 decades failed. She starts to come to an obvious conclusion...
She wants to send Bourne.
And now we come to Jason Bourne. We find him in the present day living off the grid in Mexico. After Vegas, he slipped across the border and lives in hiding. (Somewhere not far from the border, a place that maybe is reminiscent of Goa. I think San Felipe in Baja would look great. Right at the top of the Sea of Cortez, a few hours southeast of Tijuana. It's remote enough to be believable, and also sets up for the next act). Back to the CIA. They've intercepted credible intelligence that Villain is trying to get his hands on a very dangerous weapon, possibly nuclear or biological. This indeed turns out to be true, as we go to a scene of Villain making the transaction and securing the payload. We won't reveal at this time exactly what he acquired... In a page from The Sum Of all Fears, we have Villain using his supreme intelligence to get his newly acquired weapon into a shipping container and on board a merchant vessel, at a port city in Algeria. The ship is en route for Los Angeles via Panama. Villain will then be seen boarding a flight to Los Angeles with one of his fake passports. I like Los Angeles for a location because the Bourne-iverse hasn't been there yet. It's the second largest city in America, a ripe target for bad guys, and a great scene for a final showdown. Plus, I imagine Hollywood enjoys filming in their own backyard because the permits are easy to get.
Heather Lee intercepts credible intelligence that Villain has just entered the United States via LAX. He's impossible to track though, she needs someone on the ground who has the skill set to handle this. She emails Jason Bourne. At the end of JB, we will reveal that in addition to that tape recording left in Heather's car in DC, Bourne also left an email address. Heather has not reached out to him at all, preferring to leave him be. The time has come though, where she knows she's going to need someone with the caliber of ability to deal with this extraordinary threat. Villain is inside the U.S. and planning something, though she doesn't know what... Bourne at an anonymous looking internet cafe in San Felipe, reading the email. He doesn't want to be involved in any of this, it looks like a setup. He doesn't quite trust Heather yet. Bourne replies with a phone number... an encrypted, untraceable sattelite phone.
Heather calls Bourne and briefs him on the situation. She tells him everything, a huge risk given the sensitive and classified nature of the situation. Bourne takes this as a sign of trust, but says he's not interested. Then comes the huge twist... Heather offers Bourne a shot at being fully exonerated. The premise of her bargaining chip is that she needs Bourne's help, and in exchange, the Agency will grant him his freedom. This is much like a plot line from the show "24", but I think the franchise has always leaned towards this outcome and it really is the final closure that Bourne really wants. They've basically just asked him to do a hit. To come back and do a job for them again, to kill someone. He doesn't want that anymore. He does remember Villain though, and he knows exactly what he's capable of (cue flashback). Bourne doesn't think the agency will just let him off the hook, but he knows that Villain will definitely harm a lot of innocent people and has to be stopped. Bourne reluctantly accepts.
Heather tells him a care package will be waiting, in a rental locker #201 at Union Station in downtown LA. But he must get there covertly, as this is a black op, and even the Agency is unaware that it's going down. This will provide him the cover necessary to do the job unencumbered.
He heads to the Tijuana border, casually walks across showing one of his fake passports. He gets off the tram in downtown San Diego and walks across the platform to the Amtrak. He's taking the next train to Los Angeles. (I think a scene of Bourne sitting on another train ride is kind of reminiscent to previous films, and also the added bonus of the Amtrak journey up the coast makes for a good bit of cinematography).
Bourne arrives at Union Station. He finds rental locker #201 and picks the lock. Inside is a duffel bag. He takes it into the men's room stall and opens it to inspect the contents: A handgun, a K-Bar knife, a collapsable sniper rifle, a cell phone, and cash. He powers on the phone and finds a dossier on Villain (reminiscent to those dossiers of Bourne that assets would receive on their phones in the previous films).
Meanwhile, Villain is at one of the shipping ports in Los Angeles (San Pedro, Long Beach, I don't know pick one). He has smartly infiltrated the customs department as a senior employee, and secures the shipment of his payload arriving from Algeria and clears it through customs. He then covertly has his shipment offloaded from the sea container, and on to a semi truck. The shit is about to get real...
Heather Lee is handed a call from the port of Los Angeles. A senior customs employee is found dead in his office. A shipping container has been signed for and cleared through customs by an unauthorized individual posing as a member of staff. They have a vague description of the vehicle departing the port, a white semi truck. Heather immediately forwards this information to Bourne.
Bourne quietly steals a car and moves to intercept. Bourne will be on comms with Heather using the iPhone and headset from the duffel bag, and she directs him to the target and provides intel from her command center. This is where the epic car chase, maybe followed by a foot chase (Bourne as the pursuer, for the first time) followed by some other super dramatic fighting and evasion. I like the idea of a scene where Bourne puts together the sniper rifle, takes up a position, aims through the scope.... Only to see Villain aiming right back at him through a scope on the building opposite, and Bourne dodges the shot at the last second. I also like the idea of a knife to knife fight. Not like where one guy has a knife and it flys away and they go hand to hand, I mean like a full on knife combat scene. They are trained for that, after all.
This is where it gets really tense and emotional, and Bourne kills Villain. In his dying words, Villain looks Bourne in the eyes and says "Look at us, look at what they make you give..." (drawing a strong reference from films 1 and 3). And that's when the helicopters appear overhead, shining the light on Bourne. Bourne looks up to see CIA commandos fast-roping down. He looks left, looks right, considers fight or flight, but they finally have him cornered. He is so morally defeated by it all, he's clearly been set up, and he is so tired of running. A commando raises his weapon at Bourne and orders him to his knees. Bourne surrenders. He drops to his knees and puts his hands on his head, he's got nothing left to do, and nowhere else to run. He doesn't care whats going to happen to him, assumes they will probably kill him. He's done with it all. They handcuff him and take him into custody.
It's revealed that the item onboard the stolen semi truck, the one brought in through the port by Villain... is a black market Soviet made nuclear warhead. Villain was going to bring it into the middle of Los Angeles, and detonate it. He would have successfully killed more than one million people in America's 2nd largest city, and Bourne was singlehandedly responsible for stopping it. Heather Lee gets a direct line to the president (a fictional unnamed president, not the current one obviously), and briefs him fully on the situation. The president makes a decision...
We then cut to Washington DC. The scene here is in a private, closed door session. Sort of a tribunal. Bourne is seated at this hearing, wearing whatever a Military Police detainee would be wearing I suppose, and shackles. With Heather Lee testifying as a key witness, she will talk about the true core of this entire Franchise. Young, capable, patriotic men. Eager to serve their country, being turned into merciless trained killers, brainwashed, and exploited. Villain was the first one of theirs to defect. Followed by Bourne, followed later by an Outcome agent named Aaron Cross who hasn't been seen since (tying off that loose end), and multiple others. The practice of behavior modification and experimental training has resulted in multiple "Malfunctioning 30 Million Dollar Weapons", and has scarred young men and driven some to suicide. And here we have Jason Bourne... A man who was tricked into his service, who was brainwashed by the false pretense of his father's death, and whose life was destroyed by the country he was sworn to protect, to "save American lives".
This would also be a very awesome opportunity for the court to call in another key witness... Pamela Landy. I always thought that she was the best supporting character in the whole trilogy, and it would be rad for her to have a cameo. Basically rehashing all the facts about Treadstone, Blackbriar, Ward Abbott, Conklin, what they did to Bourne, etc.
The judge will then say a few words about Bourne and the harm that he's done, but then to point out that the United States of America is in a debt to him for stopping Villain's plot to detonate a nuke inside the U.S. He's reached a final verdict:
"Jason Bourne. I'm holding in my hand a signed Presidential pardon in your name, given under the explicit condition of your signing off on a lifetime non disclosure agreement. After which, we the court will hereby honorably discharge you from your service to the Central Intelligence Agency. You can keep a secret, can't you son?" Bourne replies: "Yes sir". Judge concludes: "You will be sent to Heather Lee's office for debriefing before your release. This court is adjourned".
The shackles are taken off Bourne, he's handed a bag with his clothes inside, and he is walked upstairs to Heather's office. We then cut to a CNN clip on the TV, showing a journalist reporting on the incident in Los Angeles. "A gang member from east LA reportedly stole a white semi truck from the Port of Los Angeles yesterday. The truck contained expensive electronics, and was pursued by a police officer in an unmarked vehicle. After a high speed chase, the suspect was later arrested....". The nuclear threat, and Bourne's heroic effort, are kept completely in the dark. This is consistent with the sort of themes that are so intriguing about the CIA, the secrets and the cover ups. "In other news, a terrorist on the FBI's most wanted list, Villain, was reportedly killed by a coalition airstrike in Syria...".
Bourne alone with Heather in her office. He doesn't really know what to say, it's quite unreal that this is all happening. They just told him he's a free man. Heather says "Nobody believed me when I said I could bring you in". Bourne replies "Well, you were either going to bring me in or put me down. I guess I like this option better". Heather continues "I have a gift for you", and hands Bourne a United States passport. He opens it to the cover page and sees a photo of himself, and the name.... David Webb. His birthdate and birthplace, all of it. "You're no longer Jason Bourne" she says. "I also took the liberty of opening a bank account for you, here", she hands him a debit card with his name on it. "We put some funds in there, should be enough to buy a plane ticket or rent a car, if you want to go home. "Home?" Webb asks. "Yeah, home." Heather replies. He looks her squarely in the eye, shakes her hand, and says thank you. "You're free to go, Mr. Webb".
David Webb walks outside onto the streets of DC. No journalists, no media circus, nothing. Everything happened off the record.
He hails a cab, the driver asks him "Where to?", to which Webb replies "Enterprise". We then cut to a scene of Webb at the rental car counter. "I need a one way rental". Lady replies "okay sir, do you have an ID?" He hands her the passport and debit card. "Okay Mr. Webb, thank you. And where are you headed today?"
"Missouri" replies David Webb.
Here we cut to a scene of Webb driving across the American countryside in a rental car with DC plates on it. The final scene is in Nixa, Missouri. His hometown. (When they revealed his hometown at the end of Bourne Supremacy, I always thought for sure the series would end with him arriving here. It's very fitting). Webb pulls up in the driveway of a nondescript, suburban home. He opens to the back page of his passport that reveals an address:
12345 Main Street Nixa, MO 65714
He looks up and sees 12345 on the mailbox. Webb gets out of the car and walks to the door. He rings the doorbell.
A woman in her early 60's gets up to see who's at her door. On the mantle is family photos of her late husband Richard and her late son David, along with two American flags neatly folded into triangles. She thinks it might be the mailman or UPS, and opens the door to something she can't believe. Her son David, whom she was told died in an army training excercise 15 years prior, was standing on her doorstep. She collapses in her son's arms, weeping. "David! You're home!"
The international assassin and exonerated fugitive spy formerly known as Jason Bourne stands on the doorstep of his childhood home hugging his mother. A single tear rolls down his eye as he replies.....
"I'm home".
(fade to black, cue that Moby track, and roll credits).
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