Molecular Definition of the Taste of Roasted Cocoa Nibs

cacao nibs metallic taste

cacao nibs metallic taste - win

Cacao in coffee?

Hey everyone... my friend is a nutritionist and recently told me that if I put about a tbsp of cacao nibs (raw) in my coffee I could get some uptick in antioxidants and other micronutrients. I just wondered if anyone can confirm or deny this and whether this has an effect on flavor since cacao and coffee can both be inherently bitter. Thoughts?
submitted by Fairy__Nuff to Coffee [link] [comments]

Plant Based Supplements

Note: I am still editing this post*

⚠ Contaminated products warning ⚠

China in known to import herbs & other products that are contaminated with chemical toxins or heavy metals. For this reason it is best to Avoid all herbal supplements grown Or packaged in china Even if they are certified organic.

⚠ Prescription Medication Warning: ⚠

Make sure that If you are taking any prescription medications to check with your docter to see if any of the herbs you take or are considering taking could interact with your prescription medications.

Buying certified organic products

It is best to buy all these herbs with organic certification to reduce your exposure to pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. Look for the certification ceal on products as well as the name of the group who has certified it as organic & confirm that the group that certified it is legitimate.

Plant Based Supplements:

This is a list of some plant based supplements made from fruit, vegetables, herbs, seeds, barks & roots.
These supplements listed are anti-inflammatory.

Hormonal Support Supplements:

Ashwaganda Root Powder:

Ashwaganda is a root that contains withanaloids that may help :
It can be purchased online & in local stores.

Forms of use:

It can be purchased & consumed in the form of a capsules, powder, alcohol extract.

Usage tips:

Start small when starting to consume ashwaganda at about 1/2 or 1 of teaspoon of ashwaganda powder in water, milk, raw honey or a smoothie.

Maca Root Powder:

Maca root powder is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes. It has been claimed to help you gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance. Also, some animal studies indicate that it enhances endurance performance


Heart & Circulation supplements:

Hawthorne berry powder:

Hawthorne berry strengthens the heart!
Hawthorne berry may help people with heart failure
Good for the heart & circulation

Raw Cacao ( Raw Chocolate ) Powder:

⚠ Cacao is a natural stimulant, because it contains caffine & theobromine. So if you are trying to avoid all stimulants then avoid this supplement. ⚠
Cacao is the raw unroasted form of Cocoa. Raw chocolate or cacao grows as a fruit on a tree in a pod & that contains large seeds/ beans inside its hard outer shell.
The seeds are used to make cacao nibs & powder. Cacao is made into cocoa through a process of aklilization & roasting.
  • Cacao is a food that is rich in the mineral magnesium.
  • The human body uses magnesium to preform 300 different tasks.
  • Supports heart health , blood circulation & Improves mood
  • May help Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Thyroid Support Supplements:

Kelp powder or capsules:

  • Contains iodine to support proper function of the thyroid gland. Foods that contain selenium also support the thyroid gland. Kelp contains both selenium & iodine.
Sea kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium.

Brazil nuts:

Eating Brazil nuts may reduce inflammation, support brain function, and improve your thyroid function and heart health.
Summary Brazil nuts are energy dense and rich in healthy fats, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E.

Spirulina powder:

Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It also has essential amino acids. Protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.
Spirulinas amino acid profile:
leucine, tryptophane, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, thionine, isoleucine and valine
Spirulina is so concentrated in vital nutrients that the human body needs that it is being used in africa to restore the health of people who are experiencing malnourishment.
  • High in Chlorophyll which may help detoxification
  • A whole food that is high in protein
  • Contains high levels of vitamin A
  • Vitamin A supports your eye sight & skin
  • may also contain iodine
Avoid spirulina grown in China & Japan

Liver Support Supplements:

Whole beets, beetroot juice or whole beetroot powder:

  • Beet root helps detoxify the body & support liver health
Note: avoid beets and beet powders that are a "product of China" instead buy beet products grown in the usa or other countries.

Wheatgrass powder:

Helps support Glutathione (GSH) which is the bodys master anti-oxidant that recycles other antioxidants including vitamin- c, vitamin-e, CoQ-10 & ( ALA )alpha lipoic acid

Milk thistle Seed:

  • May help with liver obstruction
  • May support liver detoxification

Dandilion root powder:

Liver detoxification

Burdock root:

lymph node detoxification


Tumeric root that is orange in color. It has been used to make medicine & dyes for clothing in the past by certain cultures.
  • contains vitmains & minerals
  • natural pain reliever
  • anti inflammatory.
  • support Liver health
Note: Turmeric can be combined with black pepper to increase its absorption & potency.

Sleep & Anxiety Support Supplements:

Valerian root powder:

Valerian is beneficial for men & women and also has a strong oder due to the compounds it contains.
Valerian has couponds that can act as a anti spasm agent. It also has compounds that act as a sedative. Valerian works by acting on GABA pathways.
Due to this it helps women with menstrual pain because it stops or lowers the amount of painfull spasms that are coming from the uterus.
  • Helps with general pains
  • Helps menstrual "Cramps"
  • Helps OCD
  • Helps anxiety
  • Supports sleep health

Supplements for physical pain:

Wild lettus powder:(Lactuca virosa)

Lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa, usually from the base of the stems. It is known as lettuce opium because of its putative sedative and analgesic properties. It has also been reported to promote a mild sensation of euphoria.

Hemp seed hearts & cold pressed hemp seed oil (cannabis sativa)

These products are not illegal even though they come from the canabis sativa plant. It only has trace amounts of thc & cbd. You will not experience a high from these products but you will instead recive the benifits of consuming good fats ( omega 3 , omega 6 & GLA )
  • Hemp oil contains vitamin-e which is good for the heart & skin
  • These products will not make you fail a drug test
  • These hemp products are totally legal
  • Hemp products are anti-inflammatory
  • Hemp oil & seed contains omega 3, omega 6 & GLA
  • Hemp hearts and oil help can people with chronic pain

Usage tips:

  • USE IT RAW ( DO NOT HEAT HEMP OIL or seeds) The reason for that is when you cook any fat you oxidise it & reduce it beneficial properties. Same applys for extra virgin coconut & extra virgin oilve oil.
  • Use it daily in your foods: atop salads & smoothies

White willow bark:

Willow bark comes from the willow tree of the Salix species. The bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. Salicin is metabolized in the body to create salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin. The herbal extract has long been used in native and folk medicine to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever.
  • The natural form of asprin
  • used for pain

Moringa Leaf Powder:

Moringa is a leaf that grows on the moringa oliferia tree. Moringa is being used in africa to restore the health of children who are malnourished.
Moringa is the healthiest plant on the earth in terms of the amount of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants & protien it contains in a small amounts of leaf powder
  • Moringa contains plant based protien
  • Moringa may help with weight loss
  • Moringa contains at least 42 anti-oxidants
  • Moringa contains at least 92 nutrients
  • Moringa contains anti inflammatory compounds
It can be purchased online or in local stores in the form of a powder, capsules, extract, teas.

Noni Fruit Powder: (Pain killer tree) (cheesefruit)

Noni is a fruit from a tree called Morinda citrifolia. Noni may be beneficial for heath in the following ways.
  • Lowers exsessive inflammation
  • Helps your body produce endorphins that help reduce pain
  • Contains amino-acids that are the building blocks of protein.
    It can be purchased & consumed in the form of a whole fruit, juice, powder, capsules.


Contains xanthones they - May help lower pain - May help lower inflammation


  • support digestion
  • loweres exsessive inflammation
  • helps stop pain

Black seeds & black seed oil (Nigella sativa)

  • One of the strongest supplements for pain
  • helps to lower exsessive inflammation

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Contains vitamin e
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Protects the heart

Vitamin-c Supplements:

Amla berry: Least expensive

  • High in vitamin c which is involved in collagen production & repair in the human body. ( Skin, hair & nails )

Rose hips powder:

Rose hips powder is high in vitamin c

Camu berries:

  • High in Vitamin c: Supports skin, hair & nails

Acerola cherry: most expensive

  • High in Viamin c: supports skin, hair & nails

Digestive Supplements:

Mint leafs or mint powder ( Pepper mint, Spearmint)

Beneficial for the digestive system & is cooling in taste due to its two main chemical (Menthol) & ( menthone ) which is used are manufacturing food products and in Menthol flavored cigarettes.


  • Reduce mild or severe nausea
  • act as a digestive aid (Before or after meals)
  • pain reliever
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Beneficial for arthritis of the hands & knees.

Marshmellow Root Powder:

  • Supports digestion

Licorice root powder:

  • May help support sleep
  • May Help anxiety & or stress
  • May help heal intestinal ulcers

Ceylon cinnamon:

Cinnamon is the bark from the cinimon verum tree. It is lower in cumarin which can be liver toxic if used in high amoints. Cassia cinnamon also has benifits but i would only recomend using it in small amounts daily.
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Supports digestion
  • acts as a anti-inflammatory
  • supports blood flow in the liver

Food Grade Aloe Vera leaf or juice:

  • Helps heartburn / Acid reflux
  • soothing to the throat, skin & intestinal tract.
  • soothing stomach & intestinal ulcers

Kidney support supplements:

chanca piedra:

Use this herb to help break apart kidney stones - drink it daily at about 1.5-3 grams per dose 3 times a day for stones in the kidneys & gallbladder.

Gallbladder support supplements:

Celery seed powder:

Hydranga root powder:

Raw apple cider vinagar:

Use this diluted in a glass of water or orange juice for gallbladder pain

Spleen support supplment:

Organic Nutmeg Powder:
  • Nutneg is a potent pain reliever
  • when used in small amounts - quarter teaspoon- half a teaspoon.
in water or food NUTMEG supports the spleen.

Bone support supplements:


*Has the ability to kill intestinal paracites, bacteria, viruses & fungus.
Rich in sulfur compounds, Contains at least 33 different sulfur compounds.

Tart cherry juice or whole tart cherries:

Beneficial for people with arthritis & inflammation of joints.

Hair & skin support supplments:

Aloe vera (Topically)

-kills the bacteria that causes acne -Promotes new skin growth -Lowers skin inflammation -Heals skin discolorations - Anti bacterial & anti fungal

Rose water (Topically)

Lowers skin inflammation
Horsetail herb:

(Internally& Externally)

This herb is high in a natural silica. Horsetail is actually the most abundant source of silica in the plant world.

Brain support supplements:

Gotu Kola: (Centella asiatica)

. . .
submitted by WitchCitySalem to herbalism [link] [comments]

Plant Based Supplements & their benifits

Note: I am still editing this post*

⚠ Contaminated products warning ⚠

The country of China in known to import herbs & other products into the United States Of America & other countries that are contaminated with chemical toxins & or heavy metals with absolute disregard of human health & safety. For this reason it is best to avoid all herbal supplements grown or packaged in china even if they are certified organic. Even some products(toys) sold for children that are sourced from China have been found to be highly toxic. These products should not be accepted into your home or into your body.
Short documentary on food safety in china:

⚠ Prescription Medication Warning: ⚠

Make sure that If you are taking any prescription medications to check with your docter to see if any of the herbs you take or are considering taking could interact with your prescription medications.

Buying certified organic products

It is best to buy all these herbs with organic certification to reduce your exposure to pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. Look for the certification seal on products as well as the name of the group who has certified it as organic & confirm that the group that certified it is legitimate.

Plant Based Supplements:

This is a list of some plant based supplements made from fruit, vegetables, herbs, seeds, barks & roots.
These supplements listed are anti-inflammatory.

Hormonal Support Supplements:


Ashwaganda Root:

Ashwaganda is a root that contains withanaloids that:

Where to purchase:

It can be purchased online & in local stores. It is easier to find & to purchase from online retailers.

Forms of use:

It can be purchased in the form of capsules, a powder or a alcohol / glycerin tincher extract.

Recommend dosage:

Take it daily for 2 to 4 weeks at 1/3 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then take a break for 1 -2 weeks. Then repeat. Best used 3 times a day, 1/3 TsP once in the morning, 1/3 TsP afternoon, 1/3 TsP one dose at night.
Start small when starting to consume ashwaganda at about 1/3 of a teaspoon of ashwaganda powder in glass of water or mixed into raw honey or in a smoothie.

Maca Root:

Maca root powder is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes. It has been claimed to help you gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance. Also, some animal studies indicate that it enhances endurance performance


Heart & Circulation supplements:


Hawthorne berry:

Hawthorne berry strengthens the heart!
Hawthorne berry may help people with heart failure
Good for the heart & circulation

Raw Cacao: ( Raw Chocolate )

⚠ Cacao is a natural stimulant, because it contains caffine & theobromine. So if you are trying to avoid all stimulants then avoid this supplement. ⚠
Cacao is the raw unroasted form of Cocoa. Raw chocolate or cacao grows as a fruit on a tree in a pod & that contains large seeds/ beans inside its hard outer shell.
The seeds are used to make cacao nibs & powder. Cacao is made into cocoa through a process of aklilization & roasting.
  • Cacao is a food that is rich in the mineral magnesium.
  • The human body uses magnesium to preform 300 different tasks.
  • Supports heart health , blood circulation & Improves mood
  • May help Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Thyroid Support Supplements:


Kelp powder or capsules:

Iodine is a trace element required for the synthesis and function of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) thyroid hormones.
Kelp Contains iodine to support proper function of the thyroid gland. Foods that contain selenium also support the thyroid gland. Kelp contains both selenium & iodine.
Sea kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium.

Recommend dosage:

the FDA-recommended dosage for daily intake of iodine is 225 μg. One gram of powdered kelp contains approximately 200 μg of iodine.

Brazil nuts:

Eating Brazil nuts may reduce inflammation, support brain function, and improve your thyroid function and heart health.
Brazil nuts are and rich in healthy fats, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E.

Recommend dosage:

1 or 2 whole brazil nuts is equal to almost %100 of your daily value of selenium. Don't over consume selenium rich foods.

Whole Body Nutritional Support


Spirulina powder:

Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It also has essential amino acids. Protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.
Spirulina is so concentrated in vital nutrients that the human body needs that it is being used in africa to restore the health of people who are experiencing malnourishment.
Spirulinas amino acid profile:
leucine, tryptophane, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, thionine, isoleucine and valine
  • High in Chlorophyll which may help detoxification
  • A whole food that is high in protein
  • Contains high levels of vitamin A
  • Vitamin A supports your eye sight & skin
Avoid spirulina grown in China & Japan

Moringa Leaf Powder:

Moringa is a leaf that grows on the moringa oliferia tree. Moringa is being used in africa to restore the health of children who are malnourished.
Moringa is the healthiest plant on the earth in terms of the amount of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants & protien it contains in a small amounts of leaf powder
  • Moringa contains plant based protien
  • Moringa may help with weight loss
  • Moringa contains at least 42 anti-oxidants
  • Moringa contains at least 92 nutrients
  • Moringa contains anti inflammatory compounds
It can be purchased online or in local stores in the form of a powder, capsules, extract, teas.


Liver Support Supplements:


Whole beets, beetroot juice or whole beetroot powder:

  • Beet root helps detoxify the body & support liver health
Note: avoid beets and beet powders that are a "product of China" instead buy beet products grown in the usa or other countries.

Wheatgrass powder:

Helps support Glutathione (GSH) which is the bodys master anti-oxidant that recycles other antioxidants including vitamin- c, vitamin-e, CoQ-10 & ( ALA )alpha lipoic acid

Milk thistle Seed:

  • May help with liver obstruction
  • May support liver detoxification

Dandilion root powder:

Liver detoxification

Burdock root:

lymph node detoxification


Tumeric root that is orange in color. It has been used to make medicine & dyes for clothing in the past by certain cultures.
  • contains vitmains & minerals
  • natural pain reliever
  • anti inflammatory.
  • support Liver health
Note: Turmeric can be combined with black pepper to increase its absorption & potency.

Sleep & Anxiety Support Supplements:


Kava root:

Kava is a root that is commonly ground to a powder or paste & then kneeded or blended with water before it is filtered & consumed. The plants botanical name is piper methisticum & It is related to spice black peppercorns.
Kava root contains compounds called kavalactones. These kavalactones have strong anti-anxiety effects when consumed by human beings. The anti anxiety effects are comparable in strength to prescription anti-anxiety medications. This is why some news reports about Kava have called it "Natures Xanax".
Note: do not take kava if you have liver disorders.
Warning: Do not combine kava with alcohol or prescription medications. Combining kava with these things can make kava more likely to cause liver problems.

Valerian root:

Valerian is beneficial for men & women and also has a strong oder due to the compounds it contains.
Valerian has couponds that can act as a anti spasm agent. It also has compounds that act as a sedative. Valerian works by acting on GABA pathways.
Due to this it helps women with menstrual pain because it stops or lowers the amount of painfull spasms that are coming from the uterus.
  • Helps with general pains
  • Helps menstrual "Cramps"
  • Helps OCD
  • Helps anxiety
  • Encouraging sleep
  • Helps insomnia

Supplements for physical pain:


Kratom leaf powder:

( Mitragyna speciosa )
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, where it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the nineteenth century. Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.
Kratom is a leaf from a tree that acts as an opioid when consumed by human beings. It does this because it contains the (Alkaloids) Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine that bind to opioid receptors located in the brain & spinal cord. This herb can be used short term or long term to help manage serious physical pain. Due to the fact that this herb acts as an opioid there is a possibility of dependence or addiction but it can be useful & safe for severe physical pain if used properly.

Consuming kratom can lead to:

  • Reduced physical pain
  • Reduced depression
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced symptoms of opioid withdrawals
  • Reduced cravings for opioid medications

Kratom Legality Worldwide:

. . .

Kratom is illegal to buy, sell, possess or use in these states listed below.

Rhode Island

Kratom is legal, but may be regulated in the states listed below:

*KCPA = Kratom Consumers protection act
Arizona – KCPA passed
California – Outside San Diego, which banned it, kratom is legal in California
Colorado – Outside Denver, where it’s considered illegal for human consumption, kratom is legal in Colorado
Florida – Aside from being banned in Sarasota Country, kratom is legal in Florida
Georgia – KCPA passed
Illinois – Outside the city of Jerseyville, kratom is legal in Illinois for those over the age of 18
Mississippi – Outside Union County, which has banned the substance, kratom is legal to use in Mississippi
Nevada – KCPA passed
New Hampshire – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 18
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 21
Utah – KCPA passed
West Virginia

Outside of the United States, kratom laws also vary. In the following countries, kratom is illegal:

New Zealand (unless the person has a prescription from a doctor)
South Korea

⚠Herbal Drug Warning:

Do not take kratom leaf if you have a history of seizures because this herbal drug may cause seizures in people who are sensitive to opioids or other drugs.
Do not take kratom while you are consuming perscription medications (Drugs) or combine Kratom with prescription drugs. There are potentially drug interactions with this herb.

Wild lettus powder:(Lactuca virosa)

Lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa, usually from the base of the stems. It is known as lettuce opium because of its putative sedative and analgesic properties. It has also been reported to promote a mild sensation of euphoria.

Hemp seed hearts & cold pressed hemp seed oil (cannabis sativa)

These products are not illegal even though they come from the canabis sativa plant. It only has trace amounts of thc & cbd. You will not experience a high from these products but you will instead recive the benifits of consuming good fats ( omega 3 , omega 6 & GLA )
  • Hemp oil contains vitamin-e which is good for the heart & skin
  • These products will not make you fail a drug test
  • These hemp products are totally legal
  • Hemp products are anti-inflammatory
  • Hemp oil & seed contains omega 3, omega 6 & GLA
  • Hemp hearts and oil help can people with chronic pain

Usage tips:

  • USE IT RAW ( DO NOT HEAT HEMP OIL or seeds) The reason for that is when you cook any fat you oxidise it & reduce it beneficial properties. Same applys for extra virgin coconut & extra virgin oilve oil.
  • Use it daily in your foods: atop salads & smoothies

White willow bark:

Willow bark comes from the willow tree of the Salix species. The bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. Salicin is metabolized in the body to create salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin. The herbal extract has long been used in native and folk medicine to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever.
  • The natural form of asprin
  • used for pain

Noni Fruit Powder: (Pain killer tree) (cheesefruit)

Noni is a fruit from a tree called Morinda citrifolia. Noni may be beneficial for heath in the following ways.
  • Lowers exsessive inflammation
  • Helps your body produce endorphins that help reduce pain
  • Contains amino-acids that are the building blocks of protein.
    It can be purchased & consumed in the form of a whole fruit, juice, powder, capsules.


Contains xanthones they - May help lower pain - May help lower inflammation


  • support digestion
  • loweres exsessive inflammation
  • helps stop pain

Black seeds & black seed oil (Nigella sativa)

  • One of the strongest supplements for pain
  • helps to lower exsessive inflammation

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Contains vitamin e
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Protects the heart


Vitamin-c Supplements:


Amla berry: Least expensive

  • High in vitamin c which is involved in collagen production & repair in the human body. ( Skin, hair & nails )

Rose hips powder:

Rose hips powder is high in vitamin c

Camu berries:

  • High in Vitamin c: Supports skin, hair & nails

Acerola cherry: most expensive

  • High in Viamin c: supports skin, hair & nails

Digestive Supplements:

Neem Leaf Powder

Mint leafs or mint powder ( Pepper mint, Spearmint)

Beneficial for the digestive system & is cooling in taste due to its two main chemical (Menthol) & ( menthone ) which is used are manufacturing food products and in Menthol flavored cigarettes.


  • Reduce mild or severe nausea
  • act as a digestive aid (Before or after meals)
  • pain reliever
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Beneficial for arthritis of the hands & knees.

Marshmellow Root Powder:

  • Supports digestion

Licorice root powder:

  • May help support sleep
  • May Help anxiety & or stress
  • May help heal intestinal ulcers

Ceylon cinnamon:

Cinnamon is the bark from the cinimon verum tree. It is lower in cumarin which can be liver toxic if used in high amoints. Cassia cinnamon also has benifits but i would only recomend using it in small amounts daily.
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Supports digestion
  • acts as a anti-inflammatory
  • supports blood flow in the liver

Food Grade Aloe Vera leaf or juice:

  • Helps heartburn / Acid reflux
  • soothing to the throat, skin & intestinal tract.
  • soothing stomach & intestinal ulcers

Kidney support supplements:

chanca piedra:

Use this herb to help break apart kidney stones - drink it daily at about 1.0 -1.5 grams per dose 3 times a day for stones in the kidneys & gallbladder.

Gallbladder support supplements:

Celery seed powder:

Hydranga root powder:

Raw apple cider vinagar:

Use this diluted in a glass of water or orange juice for gallbladder pain

Spleen support supplment:

Organic Nutmeg Powder:
  • Nutneg is a potent pain reliever
  • when used in small amounts - quarter teaspoon- half a teaspoon.
in water or food NUTMEG supports the spleen.

Bone support supplements:

Red Tart cherry juice or whole red tart cherries:

Beneficial for people with arthritis & inflammation of joints.

Hair & skin support supplments:

Aloe vera (Topically)

-kills the bacteria that causes acne -Promotes new skin growth -Lowers skin inflammation -Heals skin discolorations - Anti bacterial & anti fungal

Rose water (Topically)

Lowers skin inflammation
Horsetail herb:

(Internally& Externally)

This herb is high in a natural silica. Horsetail is actually the most abundant source of silica in the plant world.

Brain support supplements:

Gotu Kola: (Centella asiatica)

. . .
submitted by WitchCitySalem to PlantBasedSupplements [link] [comments]

Beau's All Natural Brewing Company Wild Oats Series Channel Ocho - Christmas / Winter Specialty Spiced Beer at 8.9% ABV

Beau's All Natural Brewing Company Wild Oats Series Channel Ocho - Christmas / Winter Specialty Spiced Beer at 8.9% ABV
Beau's All Natural Brewing Company Wild Oats Series Channel Ocho Christmas / Winter Specialty Spiced Beer at 8.9% ABV (C$6.23 at NLC Stavanger, 600 ml, packaged on 24-Oct-2018, acquired 31-Dec-2018, reviewed 14-May-2019)
Appearance: clear brown with one fat finger of rocky light beige head diminishing rapidly to nothing, no lacing. (3/5) Aroma: mild, caramel, chipotle, cocoa, light metallic. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter, moderate spice. (7/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, mild bitter lingering spicy warming finish. (3/5)
I’ve had this staring at me for ages and the weather, while not exactly “winter”, still isn’t really “spring”, let alone “summer” (the heater under my desk is on) so I figured what the hell. And the spice is certainly pleasantly warming, so it’s got that going for it. Unfortunately, that’s about all it has going for it. The appearance is lacklustre, the aroma is both mild and possessing of an unfortunate metallic note, and the taste is nothing particularly interesting. The cacao nibs and cocoa powder are so mild as to be almost invisible, and the cinnamon and cloves really are invisible. The chipotle, though, yep, dialled in: mild enough that you can almost miss it at first, but lingering and building, while never getting excessive. I like the spice. The rest is a bit meh-tastic. (13/20)
6.5/10 #ryansbooze
submitted by RyansBooze to beerreviews [link] [comments]

Accidental Brewer

Hokay, so! My buddy and I have brewed a little over a dozen 5-gallon batches of beer since last Christmas. We don’t do anything special, and actually end up getting a little drunk every time we brew, so I really have no idea how many things we’ve messed up. The thing is, all of our beers (except for one*) have turned out awesome. I have no idea how, but they’ve all been great. I think we’re probably ready to, you know, start trying, and I’m curious what would be the next step for us.
*We brewed a lager and, right as we racked to the secondary, I broke our floating thermometer and all the little balls fell into the beer. We bottled it anyway, because why throw it out? But, it all tasted like metal. So that one was a bust.
Anyway, here’s our setup: we usually do a partial-mash, steeping the grains for about half an hour, then adding the extract and whatever hop pellets. Sometimes we add another ounce of hops at the end of the boil. I made a wort chiller out of some copper tubing that screws onto the kitchen sink and works pretty well. Then we dump our slop into a 7 gallon food-grade bucket that I always sanitize with iodophor, add water to get it to 5 gallons (kinda), pitch the yeast (usually White Labs liquid) at about 75-80 degrees. When we remember, we add brew vigor, close her up, shove in the airlock and wait a week.
After a week, we rack to secondary - a plastic carboy, also sanitized. Actually, we do a pretty good job of sanitizing everything with iodophor. I jammed a kitchen sink faucet screen on the end of our siphon so we leave all the big particulates behind. Once it stops bubbling (usually a week), we add the priming sugar and bottle.
Then we wait a week and try a bottle. If it’s good, we drink it. If not, we wait another week and try again.
The end.
Beers we’ve brewed: an Irish red ale, a pilsner with a ton of orange peels, a strawberry rhubarb basil ale, a big, big brown ale, a couple IPAs, a lemon ginger wheat beer, several lagers, and right now we’ve got an imperial stout with a lot of chocolate malt in the primary to which I added cacao nibs and dried orange peel. When we rack to secondary, I’m going to add fresh orange peels and a vodka-chili powder tincture. All pretty good stuff. I usually just go to the brew supply store and they help me put a basic recipe together.
So, given all of that, what would be the next step? Where do we go from here? I don’t want to make a huge investment, but I definitely want to have a little more control over what we do.
submitted by meatballexpress to Homebrewing [link] [comments]

[Table] IAMA owner of chocolate shop/factory. AMA.

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Date: 2012-11-22
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Questions Answers
Would you rather make one chocolate horse sized duck? Or 100 chocolate duck sized horses? No. We're not doing this again.
You will answer.. I refuse.
It'll be way easier to sell the Duck sized horses, bro. You mean sis?
There's no girls on the internet, bro. But... I'm a girl...
Has anyone ever fallen into the chocolate river? Only twice.
Was it the same person both times? It was me and it was voluntarily and I liked it.
I HAVE A GOLDEN TICKET WHEN DO I COME? Wed.-Sat. 11-6 or Sunday 11-5.
Do you consider white chocolate as actual chocolate? It's not. It's just cocoa butter.
Are there any custom chocolates your company produced that you are proud of? (pics please!) Please provide proof, your twitter account will do :) My thirteen year old son had the idea for one of our best selling bars - milky apple cider. And interesting fact; we are going to start selling fudge, and my son is the one who makes it. He got the fudge recipe from fffuuud.
Do you have umpah lumpah's that break into song at every given opportunity? No - they only break into song when you least expect it.
I don't mean this in a bad way, but is it hard to find business when you're competing with companies like Hershey or candy stores like Dylan's? For the people who are introduced to our shop; they buy our chocolate if they like it. This doesn't change. If they also like Hershey's, they may buy chocolate based on their current cravings. Some people may convert to our chocolate. Buy the only barrier set with competing business is businesses stealing our ideas. I did a demo of which the owner of theo chocolates came and tried our milky apple cider bar, and bought a fall collection box. I go on their website a month or two later to find out they are making a dark apple cider bar and a four piece fall collection -.-
Wow, that makes me sick. i'm so sorry to hear that. the plight of the little man's business always makes me sad. But, i visited your website and the relationship you have built with your bean growers is awesome! i'm definitely going to give your chocolate a try. Are you ordering some? Which flavor are you ordering? Also I don't know if you enjoy white chocolate at all - but the white island bar is really good and we will stop production of that soon so I would suggest trying that!
Why are you stopping production?! is there pineapple or something that makes it "island"? I don't have money in my account right now (dealing with some fraud... yay!) but i was leaning towards the ancho chili. it sounds delicious, and there are a lot of positive reviews on the website! What kind of chocolate do you like? And I'm sorry about the fraud thing. Actually, if I really wanted to I could waltz into the factory and make an island bar for no reason, even after we stopped production. So if you want I may send you some for free because you are a fellow redditor.
Hmmm milk chocolate. or chocolate with caramel. or chocolate with pieces of mint in it. or dark chocolate. wait oh my god i think i love chocolate... It's okay. i filed with my bank the day it happened. it's just annoying because they had to freeze my account and send me a new card etc etc. i dont know what they want with a poor college student's bank account anyway... they probably have more money than i do. THINGS LIKE THAT HAPPEN IN THE WORLD?! i love you, reddit and nice people. i can't believe there are still nice people!!! you are awesome, not only for offering free things, but for handling the barrage of willy wonka comments very well. Also, what made you actually go through with teaching yourself chocolatiering? if you hadn't opened this company, what do you think you would be doing? We also have a peppermint bar that I don't think is on the website and a pumpkin caramel I could send you. But I just like chocolate. That's what motivated me.
YUM. both sound unbelievable! Wow. did it come naturally or did you ever think "this is a lot harder than i thought..."? You have no idea. When I was first experimenting with chocolate in my basement, (there's a machine called a windowing machine that you use to separate the beans from the nibs with the power of air) and because I didn't have one way back when (they're expensive and huge) I used my blow dryer. It was horrible.
What is the largest item that you have ever produced? A chefs block - or a huge block of chocolate that we ship to other restaurants for them to melt and cook with.
Could a consumer hypothetically purchase these? Unrelated question, how many would it take to fill my bath tub? jacuzzi? etc? They can't order it In the store, but they can online. For a bathtub maybe 20 chefs blocks.
Is it of an edible size? Is five to fifteen pounds of chocolate edible in one sitting?
Yes. Exactly.
Do you oversee the sale of products, or just production? What happens to chocolate that doesn't sell? We look at what's selling and what's not and pretty much only make what's selling.
Are many machines involved in the process? Can machine functions be changed to make different products easily? You can use many different machines to make chocolate. The chocolate will probably always turn out the same but more machines may equal efficiency or finer ground, ect.
At our factory we use about 15-20 heavy equiptment.
What is the strangest thing a customer has asked for? Chocolate for his "first wife"... He had only been married once and hasn't had a divorce yet but he referred to his wife as his first wife...
I think owning a specialty shop is such an awesome thing to do. The idea of supermarkets isn't that appealing to me... jack of all trades, master of none kind of deal. And being focused on one thing to the point of obsession is a quality that I really desire. Anyway, how did you educate yourself on chocolate? How did you know when you knew enough to open the business? Any advice for someone envious of your position? Well I'm glad I'm inspiring to you :) and I just want to let you know to follow your dream no matter how hard it is. I started researching chocolate online in '06 and started experimenting with making it in '07. After five years and a bunch of setbacks we got an investor and we opened up in January. I knew I had enough knowledge when I knew how to make chocolate. Edit - for advice, I'd just say even if you think you will never achieve it - look for ways to conquer your dream. My dream of owning a chocolate store took hundreds of presentations and meetings to finally get an investor (who happened to be my friend from seventh grade - who knew) so just keep trying, get out there, and don't be afraid to take risks.
How many oompah lumpas do you have? 42.
What is a product combination you would add to the Funky Bars line that you believe only you'd like? Maple bacon. We made it once but no one liked it :(
Fire all of those people! Bacon is delicious! How do I fire customers?
If you could travel to one spot on earth where would it be? Isn't that kind of irrelevant?
Extremely. Tokyo.
Im making some home made chocolate from coco nibs using a coffee grinder. It's for a home made christmas present thing my family does. Do you have any tips for making something really interesting favour wise? Are there any special ingredients i could add or processes i should use? After the chocolate is liquid, put it in a bowl an mash it with a spoon for an hour. Also add vanilla bean.
Do you have any inside jobs, maybe grand theft chocolate? If I told you - I'd have to douse you in chocolate.
Being "organic and fair trade and all that jazz", do you think you get a different type of crowd that buys from you than another shop? This is assuming you advertise the fact that you are, "organic and fair trade and all that jazz". Yes but the most important one is the jazz. Without that jazz no one would buy.
All chocolatey humor aside, people who really pay attention will find that we are organic and fair trade and like our chocolate even more for that. And I think the other people (normally this generation of kids) have somehow formed this stereotype that organic stuff is stupid and geeky, but reall all it means is that we don't use pesticides on our beans and our vanilla bean and sugar is grown without pesticides.
Being from New Orleans I would say jazz is the most important. Does choosing to go the organic route more expensive than the none organic? How much would your profits increase, or decrease, if you changed? Profits may decrease but budget may decrease also.
What's your personal favorite candy, and is it something you make in your factory? How much do you make per year? What's your biggest seller? What's your favorite part of your job? Least favorite? Do you feel you are paid well, too much, or not enough? If you weren't doing this for a living, what would you be doing instead? Some of these were already answered - just look. But the ones that weren't; - my favorite candy is chocolate (derp) - if I wasn't doing chocolate I would be doing catering.
I'm hoping to own a bakery/candy shop when I get older. I want to be original and try doing something different from other businesses. Anyways, my question is, what makes you different from others? The recipe? Where you import your beans? Being organic, recipe, the fact that our chocolate is made in our store, ect.
Who take the sunrise, sprinkle it with dew, and cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two? Me.
How often do you face a burglary situation and/or does a chocolate shop itself face an increased risk of theft compared to other business? Not that much.
Whats the top selling item at your shop? Fall boxes or milky apple cider.
I just went on your website and after Thanksgiving dinner I will be ordering Island, Milky Vanilla Bean, Ancho Chili, White Hazelnut, and Triple Explosion. These all sound freaking amazing, how could you do this post on Thanksgiving?! This day is already filled with more than enough gluttony. Haha I hope you enjoy your chocolate! And when do you suggest posting it?
Any special tips you can give us for making chocolate treats at home? For melting chocolate - look at my comment to kittypanda3.
Also, don't let any water get in the chocolate - it will ruin it.
Did you ever put cinnamon or any kind of spice(stronger) in yours chocolate ? We're thinking about putting ghost peppers in our chocolate.
I know in America that you have to have a certain amount of cocoa bean in order for it to be considered chocolate. Is that true in sibusura too? If different countries have different levels of coco needed, how do you deal with that in your sales? That's not true...
There have been rumors about dark chocolate having heavy toxins/metals espically with 50%+ dark chocolate. Is this true? if so is there any tests you do? This is not true, in fact dark chocolate is very good for you, AND increases seratonin levels in your brain. (makes you happy)
What country is known for providing the highest quality beans and why? Do you believe all the hype about cacao being a "super food" and why? Peru a costa rica because they are both right on the equator. And actually, dark chocolate is very good for you.
Thinking about grabbing some chocolate for stocking stuffers from your store. What kind can you recommend? I'm not sure if we have peppermint on our site yet but if not I'll get it up hopefully and milky apple cider, pumpkin spice (we just came out with these seasonals so I'm not sure if this will be on the website yet.
Can you tell us about tempering? I've heard from people in the industry that the rate of cooling chocolate can dramatically change the flavor, even if two different batches start with the same base. Is that your experience? If so, did you have to experiment to find your ideal cooling process or did the equipment people just set it when they installed the gear? Temperature variants impacts the appearance and texture of chocolate. Nothing with flavor.
What is your favorite chocolate on the market? Or the best one you have ever tasted? Mine.
How do you feel about spinnach dip? Irrelevant much?
Why do you think people choose to come to you store, what are you selling to people that is not just a chocolate product? Because they have realized that every other brand doesn't begin to compare to our chocolate. And we sell boxes... Filled with chocolate products.
Do you ship to the United Kingdom? Yup.
I used to walk by a chocolate factory when I was younger and it always smelled delicious! Even at the end of the day when they were obviously not baking anything. Do chocolate shops pump out yummy smells to attract costumers? Because If you do, good job! That smell wasn't the chocolate being made - it was the beans.
How many employees come back alive from Loompa Land? None. Once your an oompa loompa your always an oompa loompa.
How often do your employees spit in chocolate in the chocolate factory? Never. I know all my employees very well.
Is the chocolate melting a problem with shipping? i'm in sunny south florida and packages get pretty hot in the summer time. Dry ice.
I am thinking of opening an online store (with retail location) that specializes mostly in chocolate confectionery, but also assorted sweets. Do you think the current economic climate would allow a business model such as mine to thrive? Only online purchases?
Where did you come up with the name for your company? Interesting AMA; I'd love to sample your chocolate, unfortunately I live in China ): A Mayan legend about how chocolate was first discovered.
Before the factory and all that, did you ever handmake chocolates before? Yes. In my Basement.
Do you ever get bored of chocolate? Never.
Do the snazzberries taste like snazzberries? Yes.
Wats chocolate taste liek. is it good. You've never tasted chocolate?
Naw dawg. It's amazing!!!
I wish I could try your chocolate (huge chocoholic here!), but I'm very far away in another continent. :( Where do you live?
I just want to say props for putting up with all the Willy Wonka stuff and having a sense of humor about it. Yea, I've just learned do deal with it after a while.
Do you also ignore all your customers? I love my customers. They buy our chocolate.
Last updated: 2012-11-27 15:31 UTC
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cacao nibs metallic taste video

Hi . morty87, thanks for writing.A change in the taste of food is a common side effect that many patients on Ibrance have reported having. This article gives some helpful advice about what you might be able to do to reduce some of the impact: I found it to be a very ineffective way to get flavor in any case. From here on out my chocolate comes from nibs in the secondary. Although bottling with creme de cacao was an interesting experience. I wish my beer didn't taste like a rusty nail so I could judge the flavor effect of priming with liqueur. The next important step in cocoa processing is the drying process. Drying of cacao is an important step in cocoa processing as some of the reactions which produce good flavoured cacao are still proceeding during the drying process. Ideally, cacao should be dried over a five to seven day period. This allows acids in the… Nose is kind of odd, hints of cocoa nibs that comes off somewhat spoiled in a fashion that is hard to describe. Taste is medium roasted malts with a strong dose of cocoa nibs. Finish is on the sweet side. Mouthfeel is medium bodied and smooth. Expected more viscosity. Overall not a bad beer but not a value play for the price. Brewers Best Cacao Nibs- roasted? If they taste and smell like cocoa powder like you know it, then they're roasted. If they taste different, more nutty and almost metallic in back flavor, they're not roasted. I buy 'em for snacking purposes. level 2 [deleted] 1 point · 5 years ago. Regarding the bitter taste, the G4 sample had the highest score and was significantly different (p < 0.05) from other samples. The bitter taste of cocoa beans is mainly due to the alkaloids Abstract. The taste compounds inducing the blood-like, metallic bitter taste sensation reported recently for a dichloromethane extract prepared from roasted cocoa nibs were identified as a series of 25 diketopiperazines by means of HPLC degustation, LC−MS/MS, and independent synthesis. Among these 25 compounds, 13 cis-configured diketopiperazines, INGREDIENTS: whole cacao nibs, brown sugar CONTACT: Facebook / Website. A rebel of a bar if there ever was one, Chocoliz proudly proclaims that it is not, in fact, chocolate, but a minimally-processed cacao bar that purposedly retains the bean’s natural character. Open the wrapper and you find a dark brown bar with an uneven surface and Quantitative Analyses. For quantitative analysis of taste compounds, powdered roasted cocoa nibs (5.0 g) were spiked with solutions of the internal standards of diketopiperazine (12) and N-phenylpropenoyl Figure 1. Chemical structures of taste-active compounds identified in roasted cocoa nibs by means of the taste dilution analysis. Yes, you have to roast nibs so they will taste like chocolate. If they are handled properly you get a ton of flavor w/o worrying about fats ruining the head on your beer. Here is the trick: roast nibs until they smell like chocolate 10-12 minutes at 275* F or so, immediately pour them into enough vodka to cover them and crush while warm.

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