Hexagon Tiles & Mosaics for Floors & Walls TileBar.com

hexagon tile floor patterns

hexagon tile floor patterns - win

How to generate a random-looking pattern of hexagonal floor tiles?

We are renovating our small bathroom (5ft x 8ft) For the floor tiles, we chose 7in x 8in hexagonal tiles. 67% of the tiles are grey. 33% are ivory. We want to just have a seemingly random smattering of the ivory tiles among the grey.
Tile subcontractor says he doesn't want to do the randomness himself in case we aren't happy with what he chooses, and has asked us for a pattern.
I'm shit at math, and was hoping to find an online tile pattern generator, bit haven't had much luck. There's one at clayhaustile.com that has an option for hex tile, but that's the only one I've found.
Any leads or tips to create a seemingly random or just understated pattern?
submitted by cuttlepuppet to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

[Let's Build] d100 Distinct Locations in a Fancy Estate

d100 Distinct Locations & Characters in a Fancy Estate

Channel your most Downton Abbey or period-piece drama, places where a fancy party, drama, folk or gothic horror, or violent excitement can occur on, or near a large estate.
  1. Seaside Boathouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. Down at bottom of cliff, complete w/ sea-wall, & 5-man ketch. Large enough for three bedrooms, servant's bunks, extra kitchen, & small stable! Its own little mini-estate! Loyal sailor mans place, w/ hook hand & peg leg, lost in war.
  2. Apse Oceanus: Underground. Secret grotto at base of wave-wracked sea-cliffs; cave entrance just above high water line. Inside cave, beach-gravel floor; an apse, seemingly carved by nature - semicircular recess covered w/ hemispherical vault. In center is ancient granite cauldron perpetually filled w/ fresh, clear water, as if by magic.
  3. Moaning Cavern: Underground. Partially natural staircase in cavern & sea-cliffs. When wind blows strongly from right direction, it moans & whistles w/ ghostly sounds. Staircase seems natural (but has actually been artfully worked to appear so), it heads further in, up into cliffs beneath Manor.
  4. First Lord's Tomb: Underground. Remains of First Lord of Manor & few relatives, interred in carved grotto in stone, deep beneath Manor. Occasionally trick of wind & strong draft make moaning noises... nothing to be frightened of, surely.
  5. Ossuary: Underground. Vaulted ceilings somehow make underground crypt feel imposing & cramped. Ossuary walls hold recesses for stone boxes nearly impossible to move alone, each box storing interred bones; mortally departed going back to start of noble name of the Family. Some ossuary chests currently empty in preparation for family members whose remains are still in earth, either in Cemetery on grounds or Elsewhere. (u/crimebiscuit)
  6. Garden Wilderness: Estate Grounds, Garden, Wilderness. Transitional area between formal gardens & large park surrounding the house known as “the Wilderness”. Originally as meticulously planned as other areas of Estate, but here plantings more irregular & included native plants and trees; gravel walkways; lawns that resembled meadows; & areas where the vistas were framed to deliberately look natural. Now, without groundskeepers, the real Wilderness is overtaking the Garden. A “Ha-Ha”, low wall & ditch designed to blend into landscape separates area from Common Pasture & errant farm animals.
  7. Gardener's Cottage: Estate Grounds. Leaky roof, made of thatch; needs repair. Single room, w/ hearth. Dried herbs & flowers hang throughout. Gardener is old, but has v. young & precocious niece or nephew.. too young to do much work.
  8. Old Vegetable Garden: Estate Grounds. Said to be haunted at night in Fall. Nothing but weeds grow here, since Gardener is getting too old to do any gardening. Enclosed by a dying hedgerow & rotting wooden gate.
  9. Orchard & Vineyard: Estate Grounds. Fruit-trees in need of pruning & an arborist. Medlar, Quince, Apple, Cherry, & Pear. Several long rows of trees, growing on terraced hillside, interspersed w/ sad, underperforming grape-vines; surrounded by hedgerows in need of maintenance. Small shed & woodbox hides an old copper still & moonshining equipment, along w/ shears & saws for trimming fruit trees, tubs for mashing grapes & other fruit. Still a few jugs of Orchard-keeper’s secret reserve “White Lightning” Fruit-Schnapps buried beneath Wood-pile. Also, that tree over there is where Orchard-keeper was found hanging by neck, five winters ago.
  10. Apiary: Estate Grounds. Much of Estate’s Honey was cultivated here, until plague wiped out hives two years ago. Those that survived have flown off or been slaughtered by hornets this year. Next year’s fields will likely underperform without bee-driven pollination. Bee-keeper abandoned their post, too depressed to continue. Now all that is left is bunch of earthenware hives infested w/ killer hornets.
  11. Main Stables: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. One of several, for all the work animals that pull the carriages, etc. Hidden behind a wall from view of Main House & Gatehouse by wall. The Stable-master is dour, sullen drunk.
  12. Gatehouse: Estate Grounds. Outbuilding. Literally built across front gate of Estate, part of wall surrounding Main House, Courtyard; 3-story house w/ lower level garage for carriage, small foyer, sitting room, 3 bedrooms, privy w/ new interior plumbing, small kitchen, basement & attic bunk for servants. Used to house Old Lord’s mistresses while Lady was home. Plaster fresco above main bedroom fireplace features prominent image of Lady’s stern & displeased face, supervising the activities in room.
  13. Courtyard: Estate Grounds. Cobblestone & gravel driveway past the Gatehouse, Old Wellhouse to the Front-door of House. Drive around side of house to Coach-house, East Stair & Servant’s Entry. During parties, lit up w/ outdoor braziers, torches, & lanterns.
  14. Petite “Cour de Marbre”: Estate Grounds, Entry. Former Lord, some generations ago, fell in love w/ foreign Ruler’s palace so much, decided to replicate it here in miniature. Striking, intricate patterned, polished black & white marble courtyard patio, up short flight of steps; Courtyard driveway goes right up to foot of it. Front Door opens onto it. Terribly slick in wet weather.
  15. Main Kitchen: Servant’s Wing. Row of iron stoves & warming counters, wide hearth & spit w/ an excellent draw, butcher-block, slate, & flagstone everywhere. Several large copper tubs, pots, & pans. Room itself smells of smoke & food permanently etched into its soul.
  16. Upper Battlements: Upstairs. Highest walls of Estate are adorned w/ stone merlons. Several gargoyles lay in stony wait perched atop walls. Some say they serve Master of the Estate; need only be summoned in order to come alive. (u/Milkslinger)
  17. Morning Room: Upstairs. Small, high windowed office w/ excellent light. Wallpaper has cobwebs & mildew spots down by corner & floor, behind worn bookshelf loaded w/ moldering books. Close inspection might reveal secret behind bookshelf.
  18. Batmen’s Quarters: Servant’s Wing. Long, narrow hallway w/ only one window at end, runs length of the entire Main Estate building. Chief Servant of the Master takes calls for whatever They may need, using this hallway to swiftly move from one end to another, unseen. Each room in House, adjacent to this hallway, has a secret door (DC Medium, Investigation) one may use to enter. Should PCs find this, may also find blueprints of Manor w/ all hidden passages; also rations & diary of Master of the House’s comings & goings. (u/TheBeginningOfMe)
  19. Portrait Gallery: Upstairs. Series of interconnected rooms featuring most-recent portrait work of the artist the family currently patronizes. His idiosyncratic manner captures Family in a striking stylized fashion. But the real oddity is addition of one handsome scion who reoccurs in paintings that no one seems to have any recollection of. (u/crimebiscuit)
  20. Long Gallery: Main Floor. V.long, tall ceilings room turned into something more than hallway, w/ other rooms, v.tall dbl-doors, opening into it; stretches entire length of Mansion, has excellent light, wooden parquetry floors, three fireplaces, two full sets ancient plate-armor, several large taxidermied curiosities, giant decorative vases, etc. Nobles take exercise here when weather is inclement.
  21. White Stateroom: Main Floor. For meeting important people. Large room all in white, ornamental plasterwork on ceiling in shape of fluffy feathers & clouds. White & Cream wallpaper w/ motif of feathers. Cream curtains, nearly completely covered in embroidered silky white feathers. White furniture w/ white & cream upholstery. Pale hardwood parquetry floor, w/ gigantic cream & white ornamental carpet. Silvery, platinum-leaf decoratively applied to plaster mold-work. Maids work extra hard to scrub soot from fireplace’s white granite hearth.
  22. Marble Hall: Main Floor. black & white chequered marble floor; stunning oak carvings, by famed craftsmen. On wall hangs a portrait of Ruler, inscribed w/ motto ‘Non sine sole iris’ (No rainbow without the sun). 23 sets of ivory & stags’ horn scrimshawed into chandeliers w/ scenes of ancient life. Carved Stone Fireplace w/ marble busts.
  23. Green Salon: Upstairs. For entertaining guests at intimate parties; tall ceilings, cream & vibrant-green trimmed “boiseries”, ornamental wood panelings. Room imitates the Salon of a Foreign King; everything is given names that are fancy words in other language. In pride of place, matched set of “fauteuils á la reine”, ornamental armchairs wide enough that even largest panniers on court-dress can sit comfortably w/out wrinkling. V. large, gilded mirror above gigantic fireplace & mantle, v. expensive porcelain vases on display. Oval plasterwork bas-relief fresco of Old Lord’s (embellished) military victories.
  24. Mirrored Ballroom: Main Floor. Colonnade supported large ballroom, surrounded in full-height mirrors. Mirrors enchanted to record & display glories of masquerades & balls past, dancing in time to whatever music is being played. Several large crystal chandeliers. Balcony over entrance overlooks Ballroom from Master’s Chambers, 2nd Balcony over musician canopy connects to Green Salon; Balcony in rear opens to Gardens.
  25. Grand Dining Room: Main Floor. Marble walls, w/ magnificent painted murals higher up and on large vaulted ceiling. Large chandeliers, decorative magical sconces provide light. Grand dining table, seating for 30. Marble tile floor. Fancy dinners here.
  26. Room of Abundance: Main Floor. Continuing decor of Grand Dining Room, but w/ more Gold, Silver. Painted walls & murals of abundance, statues of wealth & opulence. During parties, silver platters full of food placed here by caterers. Connects to Ballroom & Grand Dining Room.
  27. Secret Passages: Hidden tunnels, hideaways, spider-holes; behind every statue & painting. The walls have ears. Eye holes in carvings, etc. Useful for clandestine maneuvering through House. Every major room has secret access routes, in addition to back-hallways used by servants; it’s just a matter of finding them.
  28. Grand Office: Upstairs. Stateroom pretending to be an office-chamber, white, gold, & warm wood color-scheme. One lord was into business, decided to convert stateroom into fancy meeting-place. Square room made to look vaguely hexagonal, w/ facets carved into walls, low bookshelves mirroring & follow hexagon motif floor. Gold hexagon pattern tiled into floor. Huge desk placed on hexagonal raised step; supplicant must approach dias, placed in low, uncomfortable chair. Arched ceiling, ornamental plasterwork suggests beehives, hexagons, bees touched w/ gold-leaf. Wide hexagon fireplace, ornamental gilded plaster mantel of dripping honeycomb & bees. Single large circular window; ample light, hexagon shaped leaded panes & amber colored stained-glass bees. Hexagonal double door w/ stained glass beehive to enter. Bees magically enchanted, reflect attuned user of desk’s mood, move when no-one looks at them. “Secret” door on wall to Petite Office, concealed within woodwork.
  29. Petite Office: Upstairs. Smaller office, (compared to the Grand Office, anyway) w/ private bath & privy. Wood paneling, lots of books, old gas & (new electric lighting from Galvanics). Worn, comfy executive chair. Wood paneled “secret” door connects to Grand Office. Knick-nacks & Taxidermy everywhere there isn’t books & paperwork.
  30. Thinking Room: Main Floor. Small Alcove off Main Library; small table & chair. Eerily quiet, architecture baffles sounds from Library, making anything quieter than shouting easy to ignore. Encyclopedias, dictionaries & other reference materials usually found here, & upon finding books missing from Main Library, inexplicably one’s first inclination is to sit down & look up whatever one wants to know, instead of taking it back. People found after being missing for minutes or hours, sometimes looking up things unrelated to the subject they originally intended to; usually their reaction to being asked about this is a simple, "I got kind of curious." (u/thecomputerking)
  31. Main Library: Main Floor. Wall to ceiling books, w/ brass rails & rolling ladder to reach multiple levels of books, v. little else. Grooves in well-worn wooden floor show extensive use of ladder happened at one point in history of Estate. Books may or may not be just for show. Roaring fireplace & lanterns provide warmth & light; "Thinking Room" & "Study" are adjacent.
  32. Study: Main Floor. Large, padded leather, comfy chairs w/ high backs, resembles throne, along w/ small side-tables, lamps, & writing desk; all oriented to face set of v. tall, wide, windows for the best natural light. Adjacent to Main Library.
  33. Nursery: Upstairs. Filled w/ all manner of children's Toys & complete w/ crop of Ankle-biters & accompanied strict Nurse. Alternatively, room that has been abandoned & seen much neglect.
  34. Children's Quarters: Upstairs. Tiny beds or cribs where children sleep. Patterned w/ toile wallpaper, simple furniture. No doubt filled w/ ghosts of murdered children, there is no joy here. A small room adjacent to this is where Nurse sleeps.
  35. Nurse's Chamber: Upstairs. Actually two small rooms, cramped bath, & privy w/ cranky, indoor plumbing. Nurse uses one tiny room to sew, & to lock naughty children in as punishment, there is one specific corner that is noticeably stained by tears & snot of unruly children. Second tiny room has bunk for Nurse to sleep & chest to keep things in.
  36. Billiards Room: Main Floor. Huge table, ample room around sides for cues. Chandeliers provide ample light. Gilt trim & mirrors make room bright, opulent at same time. Cards tables, other entertainments available. Notable artwork in room: triptych story of Noble who hosted other Noble for fancy dinner, but failed providing standards of hospitality. Last panel of triptych: host is murdered by offended guest.
  37. Attic: Museum of failed & forgotten dreams; furniture covered in tarps, dust, leaves, and bird nests. Surely haunted. Don’t let the Creepy Urchins scare you.
  38. Garret: Attic. Habitable space, at top of House; small, dismal, & cramped, w/ sloping ceilings, often leaky roof. Where “unfortunate” members of the Lord’s family are kept. Optional: Set of manacles, collar, chain, other irons mounted to one beam, slop bucket. Alternatively, the cramped room contains small bunk & tiny writing desk, stool, & campy unfinished manuscript or private diary by servant w/ literary aspirations.
  39. Servant’s Wing: Back of the house, covers several stories, many rooms & store-rooms; shared bunk-rooms for servants. One half has locked hallway to keep male staff & female staff separated. No shenanigans!
  40. East Stair & Servant Entrance: Servant’s Wing. Steepest, Narrowest, most treacherous stair in house. Connects to Servant Entrance, Mud Room, lots of traffic as staff hurry up & down w/ tasks about House. Servant Entrance has Mudroom, none DARE use Front Entrance for Business.
  41. Boot Room: Servant’s Wing. Where cleaning of boots, shoes & certain items of clothing take place. Don’t scuff the Lord’s Boots, worth more than lives of three servants in price.
  42. Servants Hall: Servant’s Wing. Place of congregation for Staff House; sit & relax by fire during break, eat & play music on battered piano. Large table, chairs lines length of room. “Bell Board” w/ every upstairs room listed on it; each w/ their own bell, linked by clever pulley.
  43. Butler’s Pantry: Servant’s Wing. Contains large desk, cupboard storing expensive silverware, & keys to House, wine pouring accouterments, & many other furnishings & fittings. Everything is always tasteful, & professional; even the stuffed fish & list of awards on the wall. Situated opposite Kitchen & alongside Housekeeper’s Sitting Room in the Servants' Wing.
  44. Housekeeper’s Sitting Room: Servant’s Wing. Serves as Housekeeper’s Office; full of books & paperwork as well as small desk & swivel chair. Connected to small Housekeeper’s Bedroom; located next to the Butler’s Pantry in the Servant’s Wing.
  45. Laundry: Basement. for washing loads of cloth generated by Estate. Large blue-ish stone cellar-room w/ tables, tubs, washboards, dry-lines for hanging. Of course entire place is moist & smells of soap/mildew, or filled w/ great billows of steam, depending on mood. (u/mr_earthman)
  46. Gymnasium: Basement. Old timey barbells, medicine balls, & other implements of self-torture in the name of “health”. Room always reeks of cigar-sweat & sausage.
  47. Sauna: Basement. Fiery Furnace, Hot Water Tank, & unholy mess of pipes & valves combine forces to create a steam-room sauna that can steam hams in just a blink should anything go awry. Some staff think there’s a poltergeist that writes things on mirrors, leaves blood everywhere - others doubt one exists, blame the blood on Estate Lords being.. “Oh so clumsy!”
  48. Wine Cellar, Cheese Cave, & Tasting Room: Basement. Barrels & bottles gathering dust inside enormous, climate controlled, vaulted, brick-lined wine-cellar deep underground. Even deeper, perfectly climate controlled cheese-cave w/ cheddars older than most of Staff, just now achieving maximum ripeness! Includes medium sized tasting room, lit by lanterns (and recently, electric light from Galvanics). Secret entrance, perfect for clandestine rendezvous & intimate cult meetings. Secret exit to surface, good for villainous escapes.
  49. Mad Laboratory: All sorts of creepy-crazy-unholy-weird in here. Scary experiments. Possibly long unused, at risk of catching fire any second now & burning whole place to ground. What are you doing w/ that match? Either located deep in basement, in secret dungeon in garden outbuilding, or in highest attic of furthest tower, in case of accidents.
  50. Cozy Dungeon: Basement. Several cells, a vaulted torture chamber w/ flickering gas-lamp (also recently installed electric light from Galvanics), manacles, custom graffiti & wall scratches, etc. A Lord, three generations ago, had water piped in to have dankness adjustable, & to hose out cells whenever they got too filthy. Now mostly just used for illicit cult-sex-stuff & occasional dungeon-orgy. One wall is suspiciously bricked over, looks like it used to be another cell. Second wall has sconce that when pulled, reveals another secret entrance, for secret comings & goings.
  51. Star Chamber: Basement. Every Estate needs an Occult Ritual Room for Cult meetings & such. 8- or 9-sided large underground room w/ polished marble terrazzo floor, polished marble walls, intricate design of clock face & zodiac motif on floor. Domed ceiling painted midnight blue, w/ magical pin-pricks of light to resemble stars in night sky. Pinpricks magically focus light on whoever is in room, so they glow & are lit, while giving illusion of everything being night around. Gold & Platinum magical braziers burn to represent sun, moons, levitate across ceiling in time w/ astronomy. V. special, v. mysterious. No less than 3 secret entrances, plus special dumb-waiter access, chair & table storage for multipurpose room.
  52. "Family" Chapel: Small, single room w/ shrine, where house-staff & family practice religious devotions, away from prying eyes of yokels; who knows what dark deities Estate Lords worship?
  53. Rooftop Observatory: Upstairs. Great domed contraption built into a tower; magnificent 360 degree view of sky. All sorts of equipment & charts strewn about benches crammed into this space, dominated by huge brass telescope. This behemoth, covered in all sorts of gears, cranks, & levers, can easily bring craters on Moon into focus, or... spy on midnight rendezvous in garden. In a place dedicated to the stars, what could possibly draw one's attention away from the heavens? (u/Longjumping_Piano55)
  54. Local Chapel: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church. Where yokels worship. Father Ted presides. Small brick structure w/ tile roof, seven pews, & small altar. Within sight of Manor-house, but far enough away to be "separate". Has small garden where Father Ted tries & fails to grow sweet-peas.
  55. Vicar's Cottage: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church. Even smaller than Gardener's Cottage, this one is at least still in repair. Father Ted lives here, Has but small bed & tiny desk to write sermons on.
  56. Cemetery: Estate Grounds, Church, Cemetery. Small, lonely grave-site filled w/ locals from Village. Estate "lovingly" donated to Village Church by former Lord. Rusty mort-safes protect some of the remains.
  57. Mausoleum: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Church, Cemetery. Imposing structure on grounds of Cemetery; may be connected to Underground Caverns & Ossuary. Occasionally haunted.
  58. Widow Row: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding. When former staff families are retired, or die in service to Estate, their widows, children, & infirm elderly are offered small rooms in run-down worker's cottage-house that existed on site before even Grand Manor was built! Rooms barely bigger than a stall for horses in a stable have several family members crammed into them, but includes free use of tiny patch of garden. Hidden from Main House by wooded bit of hills & muddy track.
  59. Mad Muckbang's Lab: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Out near river on far estate edge; small cave w/ brambles growing over entrance. Inside, lab full of strange glass tubes & bubbling pots, liquids in thousand colors, & heavy cloying mist in the air. Alchemist & Inventor Finias Muckbang rents use of cave from the Nobles. Ignore occasional sound of explosions; possible entrance to Old Mines within.
  60. Hermit's Shack: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Wilderness. Home of official Estate's Garden Hermit; resembles nothing more than few large stones & brush lean-to w/ tiny fire inside to keep warm. Out of the way part of Estate, but famously favorite destination for party-goers at former Lord's big shin-digs. Garden hermit gives guests fright; the Lord would enjoy themselves w/ their terror!
  61. Rose Bush Labyrinth: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Wall of tall & sturdy rose bushes towers around exterior; suggests much the same inside. Plaque affixed by entrance to maze w/ message embossed: "To find your center, follow your heart." Hint to navigate labyrinth; always turning left leads you to center. Nearer you get to it, clearer the burbling, rippling sound of fountain that sits at heart of maze. (u/crimebiscuit)
  62. Garden Fountain & Statues: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Statues or Ornamental Fountains throughout Gardens. Weeping Angels, Prancing Cherubim, Fanciful Animals, or Heroic/Historical Figures. Stone & Brass. Sometimes accompanied by water-feature.
  63. Animated Topiary: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Large bushes trimmed to look like creatures, animated to patrol the garden-grounds.
  64. False Gazebo: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Vine-covered gazebo oddly recessed without broad view their type usually affords. Stone cobbled floor, interior has moss extruding in strange geometrical, almost artificial shapes; might betray presence of subterranean level, cellar accessible through means not immediately evident. (u/crimebiscuit)
  65. Stone Exedra: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Depressed semicircle in ground lined in fieldstone & tiles,; lichen covered limestone & granite benches. Old marble or granite columns, some toppled, decorate the semi circle. Little known, this area predated Estate by many centuries. Acoustics inside circle are excellent.
  66. Tiled Stoa: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Ruin. Existing on site before construction of Manor; ancient weathered marble columns in Doric style, line black & white weathered marble tile walkway, covered w/ cracked earthenware roof tiles. Some columns & portions of roof left to collapse, artfully. From these spots, Gardener is apparently allowing wildflowers & vines to bloom.
  67. Amphitheatre: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Small open-air stage built at bottom of gently sloping hill. Seating on the slope; audience looks down at stage. Mostly unused, apart from occasional travelling theatre troupes passing through... however if you go on moonlit nights, might just witness an otherworldly performance. Be warned though, it may not be to your taste... (u/Zawoopdoop)
  68. Garden Ambulatory or Loggia: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Located few dozen yards away from Main House is rubble & freestone structure w/ stone slate roof, six bays of arched columns, flagstone lined arcade filled w/ comfortable looking wicker furniture. In crest of each arch, crude medallions of several different figures, now weathered & worn beyond easy recognition.
  69. Old Treehouse: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Small hut in branches of reat oak, hideout of noble child long since grown up. Accessed via rope ladder; within shouting distance of manor, it's rather peaceful once inside. Wooden building, still holding strong, contains only simple chairs & table, tattered rug, some forgotten toys. Perhaps there is secret item hidden within - an old child-treasure, or someone else taking advantage of abandoned space. (u/Zawoopdoop)
  70. Coin Tower: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Given fancy name, Folly guards one outer-entrance to Manor-grounds. Miniature castle tower, complete w/ battlements & arrow slit fortifications; only two stories tall. Metal-clad door w/ slot sized for gold-piece; place one piece inside & it locks main-gate to toy-tower via clever clockwork mechanism. Gate & anyone inside is locked in for 12 hours. Locking coin box on the inside holds deposited coins.
  71. Dungeon of Wayward Toys: Estate Grounds, Gardens. Inside Garden Folly that looks like miniature castle tower; guards one outer-gate to the Manor, small alcove w/ rusted jail cell, palatially sized for several small creatures or v. cramped adult. The moldering remains of several stuffed animals & children's toys locked in or chained to the wall w/ rusty, miniature manacles... the toys have been long forgotten. Close inspection might reveal the mummified or skeletal remains of poor animal too.
  72. Overgrown Polo Field: Estate Grounds, Gardens, Ruin. Off in a corner of the estate, long overgrown by woods & ivy. Tournaments held here regularly some one or two generations ago but the sport's popularity decreased, & so did this once well manicured plot's use. It is rumored that the field is inhabited by feral polo horses left in the stables to rot & anyone who enters the green must be ready to face their wrath! (u/Win5get1free)
  73. Trucco-ground & Terrace Estate Grounds, Gardens. Soft green square for leisurely form of ground billiards played w/ heavy balls; brilliant beds & borders of small brick-walled gardens, gray flags of great terrace; rows of little orange trees, once heavy w/ flower & fruit, set in blue delft-ware tubs; now cracked and dying. Oriented to catch the last light of sun & remain warm in early evening. Lit at night during parties by great copper braziers & torches. Big Portugal Laurel grows in the back corner, conceals secret entry into the house.
  74. Decrepit Mews: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Ruin. Just beyond estate-walls, still within the watchful, downcast eyes of smoke-stained windows; a modest hillock. In days past affluent gentlemen of the Manor took fancy to falconry, doting on birds like dearest children. In those days the mews was fine building constructed mostly of wood & wire mesh cage; playfully built miniature clone of the larger estate. Time has lain itself upon the estate like a smothering blanket; little remains of this once proud roost. One of the walls has rotted through, eaten away by termites until the whole of the tiny house sagged to the side, a precarious arrangement of warped wood & bending metal. The falcons are gone, replaced by the occasional dirt-feathered barn owl or nest of starlings. (u/Knightheart777)
  75. Ye Olde Dovecote: Estate Grounds, Ruin; Back in the day, one of the Estate Lords decided they liked the taste of roast pigeon & doves, as well as using them as reliable message carriers, they decided to breed them. Homing, Roasted, Boiled, Baked, & Stewed; the dovecote was the home-roost of these flexible multi-purpose birds. Now-a-days, chicken & pheasant is tastier, & the roost is in disarray; feral pigeons infest the place like winged rats!
  76. Wind-Swept Sea-Cliff: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Battered by waves, where else will forlorn lovers throw themselves to their doom?
  77. Wrack & Ruin: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Wave wracked sea-cliffs at base of Manor; brutal & often site of beached wreckage & powerful currents. Who knows what poor soul has met demise here?
  78. Common Pasture: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Vast, rolling field of un-farmed grasslands & moors; nearby villagers pasture animals for small fees to Estate. Sheep are common, as is occasional howl of a spectral & terrifying black hound at night!
  79. Wheal & Woe: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Ruins; Ancient coal or tin & copper-mine sprawls beneath Estate. Don't fall into one of many unmarked, open shafts or pits! Known Hazard, scary.
  80. Old Pumphouse Engine: Infrastructure, Ruins; Rusting clockwork & steam powered pump-engine w/ tall brick chimney; maybe powers Estate, or maybe used to pump out Old Mines beneath, if it can be made working again. Ghosts of several rage-filled engineers no-doubt guard it; must be exorcised before repairs begun.
  81. Oak Forest: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Where bulk of Estate’s wood comes from. Home to wild boar & truffles; also a well groomed section w/ lone-giant tree, twelve foot trunk; stone benches & small swing.
  82. Common Right of Way: Estate Grounds. Locals are still furious Old Lord enclosed Right of Way; posted “No Trespass” on old trail that runs thru Estate & Oak Forest; short journey to Mines & Coast is now made longer by several miles!
  83. Game-keeper’s Shack: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Ruin. Built in hidden ravine, deep in Oak Forest. Shack built on huge fallen log; straddles small but swift flowing stream. Also here: decrepit smoke-house, abandoned kennel for hunting hounds, & vacant, rotting butchery. Rotten animal hides hang on rusty hooks inside, literally every surface coated by thick layer of sprayed blood, gore, & viscera. No clue if it is human-blood, it is gory nonetheless.
  84. A River Runs Thru It: Estate Grounds, Wilderness. Fast flowing brook, w/ gravel, & large rocks perfect for trout, salmon, etc. Just deep & wide enough for small boats or canoe to navigate it, out to sea. Several small ponds connect, including one large pond from Old Abandoned Mill. Sportsman’s Paradise.
  85. Old Abandoned Mill & Bridge: Estate Grounds, Wilderness, Outbuilding. Used by villagers, large mill-pond, spillway dam from Old Mill, & Bridge. Pond is several dozen acres, near Commons; large enough for locals to boat on, even fish when given permission by Lord. Mill has seized, hasn’t been repaired for three generations. Bridge across Spillway is stone w/ several arches. Children play games by dropping sticks off one side, racing them to the other. V. Scenic.
  86. Lonely Sea Wall: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Wilderness, Infrastructure. Long wall blunts majority of sea's rage; protects v. small harbor, dock, & boathouse. At end of brick & stone structure, former estate owner installed an ever-burning torch & large brass bell. When wind blows strongly, bell rings by itself. No doubt several former estate owner's family have been brought to sad end here.
  87. Groundskeeper's Shed: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure; filled w/ rusty tools & pots for wintering plants. Rusty nails & hooks, no doubt able to give one tetanus, simply by looking too long at them.
  88. Old Courtyard Wellhouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure. 100 feet of dark, dangerous shaft down to water table; in disrepair, unused for years, & possibly poisoned. Hidden cavern connected to who-knows-where. Large covered house w/ locked iron gate protects pulley; keeps fools from falling in.
  89. New Wellhouse: Estate Grounds, Outbuilding, Infrastructure. Provides fresh water for Estate, w/ aqueduct & pump to rest of village too. Clockwork or wind-powered. Brand new, 100 years ago! Up on hill in copse of trees behind House. Probably not poisoned.
  90. Great Oven: Estate Grounds, Servant’s Wing, Gardens, Infrastructure. Fire-brick, the size of a building; detached from House because of prodigious heat, w/ small awning to keep out rain. Large enough to cremate bodies, it has several openings. Used by Estate daily; bread & baked goods. Privileged members of Village who charm Chief Cook may use.
  91. Hot Water Cistern: Infrastructure. Made of wood & iron, several thousand gallons of boiling hot water, in Attic, kept at temperature by Fiery Furnace in Basement below. At least one servant's children, playing around, have fallen in & boiled themselves to death over last 100 years. Occasionally leaks onto Servant's Quarters one or two levels below.
  92. Galvanic Array: Infrastructure. New-fangled Storage Battery, charged via generator or magic. Used to provide power to House, or for current/former Lord's magical or scientific experiments. Serious risk of electrocution; pay no attention to creepy hunchback.
  93. Garden Privy: Infrastructure. Gardeners & groundskeepers have to go somewhere, you know. They say that 3rd Earl's grandfather was brutally murdered & unceremoniously buried in muck here, a hundred years ago, their ghost still haunts it!
  94. Enclosed Kailyaird: Servant’s Wing, Estate Grounds, Gardens. Don't let Gardener touch the Turnips. Chief Cook of Manor has claimed enclosed garden behind Kitchens as their own secondary kingdom. Whatever they grow there is incorporated in fine cooking Kitchens produce. Some kitchen staff are convinced several foolish scullery maids have been murdered & buried in back, as fertilizer.
  95. Sewer Catchment: Infrastructure. “We all Float Down Here, Georgie”. Miles of rain-gutters, sink-drains, & indoor plumbing connect here. All that water from laundry’s got to go somewhere; into huge vaulted timber, stone, & iron septic tank underground before percolating into ground-water. Something has stashed at least 150gp of treasure inside.
  96. Fiery Furnace: Infrastructure; burns copious amounts of fuel, provides steam-heat for estate. Connected to coal-chute, wood-storage area, or fuel-tank filled w/ bunker-fuel. Infrastructure.
  97. Dumb-waiter: Infrastructure. One of several, also chute for Laundry. Used for sending food & drink up & down from stores, cellar, kitchen, etc. Not an elevator, but staff & drunken partiers often use it as such, occasionally get stuck, become laughingstocks.
  98. Chief Cook: Overly portly, overly fond of pepper, loud & runs Kitchens like some sort of hyper-militant dictator. Could have even served in military in past.
  99. Wheeze the Lost Groundskeeper: just like the polo field, a young groundskeeper who manicured the pitch was left behind. "We'll be back after a quick lunch!" They said, "just trim sidelines & clean the bleachers please!" & so he did... for decades. They never came back; his tools rusted long ago. His name is long forgotten; grasp on common language tenuous at best. Only companions feral equines that roam this place; they too know what it's like to be abandoned like so many playthings. He is one of them, one of them now, more horse than man, some might say. (u/Win5get1free)
  100. Garden Hermit: Crazed guy who, for some reason, lives in shack in secluded area of Estate, & is never bothered. Hermit never leaves place, or holds conversation w/ anyone for at least the last seven years! During that time they've neither washed, nor cleansed themselves in any way whatsoever, letting their hair & nails on hands & feet, grow as long as nature permits them. Used to be a hit at fancy parties, when previous Lord would show them off to party-guests as a prank!
  101. Eldritch Hobb: Pile of filthy rags in corner of Laundry. Laundry Urchin steers well clear of it & & any drainage catchments, complaining of “red eyes glowing” & alternatively “face of dead sibling”, “red balloon filled w/ blood”, or “harlequin w/ painted face”. IT has taste for nicking shiny jewelry, there is well over 150gp worth in catchment, & Lady of House’s prized earrings were found hidden under pile of rags, years ago; footman was blamed for it & sacked. (u/mr_earthman)
  102. Mad Muckbang: Finias Arquist Muckbang is youngest son of Knight that had been in the Lord's service decades ago. No one bothers him much these days. Alchemist & Inventor, rents use of cave on the Estate for sometimes dangerous experiments. (OwenMcCauley)
  103. Father Ted: Local priest, lives in Vicar's Cottage. Secretly views this posting as punishment for misusing church funds, although such knowledge isn't widely known.
  104. Game-keeper: Ghost particularly reported around Old Vegetable Garden; elderly gentleman in old-fashioned clothing carrying flintlock or blunderbuss; seen late in evening during October; vanishes if approached. Linked to Gamekeeper wrongly executed for murder of a servant to former Lord.
  105. Gardener Wyllet: Getting on in years, losing their sight, hearing, & barely able to swing scythe or turn hoe in order to keep Grounds from turning to weeds; still has knack for finding & tending to medicinal herbs. Mostly found in Gardener's cottage these days.
  106. Laundress & Urchin: Short, powerful, arms likely to bend steel bars, & fists like iron. Shrill voice & accent that can peel paint. Skin & face red & peeling from caustic soda, she’s only 24, but “ain’t got time for suitors or no guff like that -- she has Laundry book to finish before sunset, thank you very much.” She, her 10 yr old urchin cousin, & whatever housestaff she can wrangle away from other duties, crew Laundry from dawn till dusk; for only 25p/day plus food & lodgings in Manor. Urchin is somehow terrified of pile of filthy rags in corner & walks well clear of drains & catchments, foolishly complaining of glowing red eyes within.
  107. Lost Maiden: Haunts Estate; often spotted standing alone in corridors, rooms, or wherever w/ a confused look upon her face. Wears fine, but dated, gown w/ silver lacing. Sometimes only seen in corner of one's eye, other times right in view. However; whenever anyone tries to communicate w/ her, she steps out of sight & is gone! It is said that on occasion, she may look right at you. When she does, you suddenly find yourself, too, lost for just moment before World seems to bounce back into place. (u/Rigaudon21)
  108. Nurse Trunchible: Nasty, strict, & hates children. Doses laudanum & arsenic to get 'em to sleep & to keep that healthy waxy pallor. Sleeps in set of v. small rooms off Nursery & Children's Quarters. Has feud going w/ Head Housekeeper or Butler.
  109. The Twins: Pair of gangly youths, one deaf, one mute; children of an Estate Widow. Rapidly outgrown their rough clothes; aim to serve Estate, in order to survive. Live in Widow Row.
  110. Younger Wyllet: Gardener's niece or nephew. Too young to do much work, even though they try to take up slack for far-too-old-to-be-working relative, Gardener. V. precocious; studying herbology & plans to be master arborist one day. When they aren't trying to weed garden, can be found in Gardener's Cottage.
  111. Unfortunate Son: “Deformed”, or “Mad” Lunatic trapped up in the Attic Garret. “Fresh” slop bucket twice a week. Chained, or straight-jacketed, and basically ignored.
submitted by MaxSizeIs to d100 [link] [comments]

Reviewing finals

I don't know, i just felt like making a ridiculously long post how how i feel about the finals. Note this is written specifically for season 3, and before season 3.5.

Hex-A-Gon: Hexagon is widely praised and fairly so. I do love the movement options, artistic design, unique feeling to it. But on the other hand it seems like every season, one objective Mediatonic has is to try and nerf it from being too liked with season updates that somehow screw up hexagon, if it continues, i can see it falling down in rank compared to other finals by season 5.
Personal winrate: around 25% of games
-Immense variety of strategy available: From when to run vs jump stall, what tiles to go to first, planning a route with available tiles, what to do with nearby players (run at them, close off, grab, jump stall).
-Very high technical skill cap: From timing your jump on hexagon, having to make long jumps, back to back jump dives, so much can happen that will test your abilities
-Noob friendly: Not as in noobs have a good chance of winning, but the map itself is simple enough to be understood by all, and gives everyone a chance to do their own thing, unlike other finals where noobs might get rekt quickly without really experiencing the map.
-Artistically beautiful: Honestly the different colored floors and arena is just a beautiful sight, a very strong contender for best looking game.
-player interactions: unlike other games where other players grab/collisions make the game less enjoyable (jump showdown), here it is the point of the game and adds to it.
-Random players: Often who wins comes down to a scenario where a bunch of people are bottom floor, and you are just hoping players run towards other players instead of you, which leads to really unsatisfying wins/losses
-Bugs introduced each season: These really take away from hexagon in specific over most other games, the lag from the tile changes, invisible tiles other players jump on, ragdolling down 6 floors because someone walked near you, falling through platforms. Hexagon is the only final that is definitely not as good as it was season 1.

Jump Showdown: A concept that is simple but extremely effective. Solid final all around, but is a bit stale, and grabbing/collisions really brings it down.
Personal winrate: around 25% of games
Lacks randomness: ignoring the platform trap that conflicts with this, the stage itself is quite consistent in how it kills you or not.
Justly punishing: When you screw up a jump, it feels pretty fair when the game kills you.
Late game hype: The very fast speed of the bar by late game does feel pretty epic.
Player interactions: From grabbing, to touching other players into tripping into dieing, the player interactions really make the game far less enjoyable.
Repetitive: Honestly there's not that much going on outside trying to manage dealing with other players. Just jump the bar, get off shaking platform, and watch the top bar for some left/right movements (much easier said then done however).
platform trap: the idea that 2 pairs of platforms on opposite ends, into 1 pair falling being a possibility is really lame. Yes its possible to ride the bar and is uncommon, but still a crappy thing to exist. Legit had this happen on all of my first 3 games on it which left a bad impression (might have been more common in season 1 idk).

Royal Fumble: Unlike other tail games, i would say royal rumble is actually a pretty good game, because having only 1 tail actually fits into the theme of "hunt". Obviously its not an amazing game thanks to the latency issues tail brings, but its certainly not the worst like some people seem to claim.
Personal winrate: around 70% of games
-Single Tail: Having a single tail everyone focuses on give the game a really unique feeling
-Only minigame in fall guys that actually significantly rewards you for observing the movement patterns of others in game.
-Deceptively deep routing that can go into your movement based on where all other players are.
-Decent variety of strategy between trying to run down the player with the tail vs cutting them off. As well as how to evade the Prior statement with the tail.
-Absolutely destroyed by latency: Latency both removes the immersion of the game, as well as makes it disgustingly inconsistent, while also true with other tail games, the stakes are too high in a final. Both counting super long range grabs, and when you grab someone and just flat out don't get the tail for it (spinning disc in particular is a big offender).
-Often random finishes: When you have a pack of people spam grabbing eachother with the tail in between at the last few seconds, the finish is both quite luck bases and extremely unsatisfying.
-Arena is kinda ugly: Compared to the other finals, the design of it is pretty underwhelming.
-Starting with tail: While pretty irrelevant at 4+ people, starting with the tail with 3 is a dumb advantage, and 2 is just a stupid free win.

Roll Off: This final honestly broke my expectations when i first played it, thought it would be the worst final ever, but is surprisingly intense and enjoyable. Bad Camera/player interactions do bring it down though.
Personal winrate: around 40% of games
Intensity: No other final or game has a similar feeling of trying to stay alive from the stage killing you, which is honestly incredible.
Skill variety: a lot of different skills come into play, from memorizing the platform pattern, to movements to keep yourself alive, a lot can go into how you play your game, as well as being possible to try to play to your own strengths (like not memorizing and going off pure reaction/movement)
Camera: Maybe its possible to do without, but the constant camera rotation to try to see what's going around you late game really sucks, and i imagine causes legit nausea for some.
player interactions: Not as bad as jump showdown, but grabbing/collisions with other players do bring the game down a good bit.

Thin Ice: While it may come off as a hexagon knock off, and the basics are the same, the strategy that comes into it is surprisingly vary different. However it is a bit underwhelming directly compared to hexagon.
Personal winrate: around 55% of games
-Ice physics: This is actually very well done, feels very fair and realistic, and the change up in movement is nice.
-Immense variety of strategy available: Similar to hexagon, but the strategies themselves are changed drastically, giving the game a unique feeling on how to win
-Artistically underwhelming: I would say it looks better then royal fumble, but still leaves a lot to be desired.
-bad first impression: It looks so simple gameplaywise, that it will feel like a low skill final until you really dig deeper into it.
-Feels slow: While what you are doing early game might have a strong purpose later, regardless its still a very dull early game, compared to hexagon where what happens early might not matter later, but feels like it will regardless.

Fall Mountain: Last but not least... jk definitely final Fall Mountain. I don't get how this game doesn't get patched, as the problems with fall mountain aren't so much in its fundamental design, but within easily changed features (easily as in much easier to change then to scrap the game and start fresh). Fixed starting positions and 5x the obstacles alone will honestly turn this into the best final (maybe).
Personal winrate: around 40% of games
Skill based parts: Unlike what a lot of people may claim, there is fair skill in avoiding the falling balls/hammers/whatever, and being able to predict the movement of such obstacles is not random, where a skilled player will still generally wreck bad players.
Starting positions: To give such stupidly huge advantages in a final game is baffling, like even 2nd row you are down distance, and have to deal with the players in front of you blocking you, setting you farther back, and increasing the difficulty of not getting hit as they may block/shove/redirect obsticles into you. 3rd row hope the other players all screw up, hope you can yeetus, or just flat out lose.
Starting position bias: The fact that is constantly starts players front or back based on whatever (common theory is loading times) on the 1 game that starting positions have a devastating effect on the outcome is honestly inexcusable.
Bad camera: the fact you cannot turn your camera up more to see incoming balls is pretty crappy, like just having something appear on the ground showing where a ball lands and its direction would go so far. Yes there's skill in watching the balls be shot out from background cannons and predicting where they will land, but its still bad design.
Lack of hype: The course is too short and obstacles too few. Any other finals will have a decent feeling of intensity to it at least for the players contending to win, but fall mountain win or lose, just feels so bland.
Crown timing: When you have multiple players show up for the first crown cycle (or later crown cycle if everyone screws up), its just lame that it comes down to everyone timing a jump as the crown comes down. Than latency makes it impossible to tell who won by what, outside seeing who the game said who won in the celebration cutscene, probably gives significant advantages based on ping.

Overall Rankings:
Hex-A-Gon: 9.2/10 Incredible Game
Roll Off: 8.8/10 Fantastic Game
Thin Ice: 8.5/10 Fantastic Game
Jump Showdown: 7.3/10 Great game
Royal Fumble: 7.2/10 Great game
Fall Mountain: 2.5/10 Terrible experience
submitted by JoffreeBaratheon to FallGuysGame [link] [comments]

Sealing grout for intricate tile pattern

Hello, I just bought a new construction home and was going to do the grout sealing before moving in. The master shower has the floor and one wall with a nice pattern of small hexagonal tiles, which would be a huge pain if using an applicator bottle. I saw some Youtube videos of a girl just sealing the entire plane of smaller tiles with a brush. Is that the right solution, or do I need to do it the hard way, line by line? Everyone else just skipped over these tiles
submitted by SlayerSEclipse to DIY [link] [comments]

Really struggling with planning a bathroom remodel. Need help on tile.

I'm redoing my bathroom and really struggling with choosing showewall/floor tile. I really like this blue tile for my shower, but I'm not sure if I also want this on the floor and all the way around the bathroom (half-wall). I was considering this for the shower and the same tile in a medium gray for the floor, but wonder if that is too much hexagon pattern?
Does anyone have tips or tricks for selecting matching types of tile in small bathrooms? Is there any tool I can use to plug this tile in and see what it might look like?
submitted by pax-augusta to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

60㎡ Nordic Style Home Color

60㎡ Nordic Style Home Color
The Nordic style is different from the formalism that pursues fashion and commercial value, such as Art Deco style and streamlined style. The Nordic style is simple and practical, reflecting the respect for tradition, appreciation of natural materials, restraint in form and decoration, and striving for form and function. The unity of architecture; in terms of architectural interior design, the ceiling, wall, and floor of the interior are not decorated with patterns and patterns at all, and only lines and color blocks are used to distinguish and embellish.

  1. Made an open kitchen, semi-open bathroom (dry and wet partition), moved the dining table to the living room position, making the space when you enter the door suddenly become spacious. And because the fantasy place runs through the kitchen and bathroom dry area, we used the same type of bricks, hexagonal tiles, for the three parts of the floor.

  1. In order to avoid the complicated shape of the fantasy place but don't want to be too monotonous, the shoe and hat cabinet has been color-shifted

  1. Skip color cabinet details

  1. We have done many functional partitions in the living room. An electric clothes drying pole is placed near the window as a drying area. It is convenient to put it up when not in use. Then there is the sofa area, a simple two-person seat, enough for two people to nest together to chase drama. Next to the TV is a folding dining table. Usually when two people are at home, the table can be harvested into a small square table of 60×60. If friends or other family members come over, then the dining table will be a 120×60 normal 4-6 seats. dining table.

submitted by vivi932015 to InteriorDesign [link] [comments]

Report: DMXE (70 mg intranasal) The Electric Color of the Night

Age: 25
Weight: 130 lbs
Dosage: 70 mg intranasal
Setting: My house

For the impatient seeking one answer: Is this like MXE? In some ways yes, but it is hardly a perfect imitation. It is in fact something delightful and exciting entirely of its own and certainly worthwhile to explore further. If one liked MXE, they will probably enjoy this substance a lot, but they shouldn’t expect to feel exactly that long gone MXE feeling they are craving.
DMXE is the marketing name for 3-Me-2’-Oxo-PCE, the D denoting “desoxy”, a fairly obscure nomenclature for an absence of the methoxy group (think deschloro in deschloroketamine). While I am slightly irked at the defiance of the arylcyclohexylamine naming conventions, I know the market drives these things and any semblance to MXE is a major promotional point. DMXE as it is known, is an interesting and exciting compound in its own right, comparisons notwithstanding. I worked my way up from a 20 mg dose initially, this proved to be a threshold dose, just barely discernible. I was able to go out grocery shopping, with little more than some stimulation, an elevated mood, a spring in my step, and some light visuals. At 50 mg, it had echoes of a party dissociative: A rushing euphoria, bubbly sociality, and a physical disinhibition that made each movement feel like dance steps in a divine circus. Past there is the dose that is written of in the following report.

T0:00- Dose taken intranasally, burns a little though mostly by virtue of the quantity of powder, otherwise it is very manageable. Slight bitter flavor but not overwhelming and the discomfort fades quickly. Overall, pretty benign.
T0:10- I am hanging out with my partner in the living room as they get ready for bed. I soon feel the onset, just a sense of lightheadedness and dizziness. There is a bit of a drip but it too is entirely manageable.
T0:15- Already feeling more dissociated than I expected. It's coming on fast, I feel goopy and sweaty and droopy, dizzy, motor skills inhibited, bright and gummy. There is a distinct stimulating rush, and I can feel my thoughts become more disoriented by the second.
Open eyed visuals begin presenting as patterns on mottled surfaces, dull flashes of radiating colors in repetitive gridded patterns. A sinking dissociation sets in from the crown of my head and flows down my body, encircling me like a glowing blue halo and pulsing down the length of me. My partner is still awake and we are still interacting, I go up and down the stairs to talk to them, but I find it becoming increasingly difficult.
T0:20- I am looking at and appreciating all of my pet bugs, from the iridescent Fiery Searcher beetle, to my two scorpions, to my large millipedes to my massive wolf spider and fishing spider. We sit together and fawn over them and appreciate them and poke around with them, it feels so good to do this, it feels like the sun is shining over me. There are creatures that I love and I’m with someone I love so much and there is this wonderful fiery euphoria slowly welling up through me as my head grows dizzier and my extremities feel number and harder to control and as brighter flashing visuals begin to seep into my periphery. Wow how it comes on with such boisterous energy!
I am still quite sociable but I find myself tripping over words or forgetting them or losing my train of thought more and more. I feel loose and sweaty, bright and flowy, delightfully disinhibited with my limbs flopping about in ways I don’t expect. On my computer screen are bright and gentle visuals that fill me with a delighted sensation, series of quadrilaterals in offset patterns, rippling and radiating with concentric pulses of color. Still dull though, and still just an afterthought for when my eyes settle in one spot.
T0:30- I would say I am functional, but still deeply altered. I feel like I’m in the riffle of a rushing stream, if the water was replaced by tightly wound braids of flowing rope. There is energy coursing around me but it is tight and not fluid, like how it must feel to fall through a dense mass of suspended cords. My head is light and dizzy and I still feel distant and cast out from the world around me, it’s that lovely warm familiar dissociatives lightheadedness that sends ripples and pulses down my entire body, that tingling numbness at the surface of my skin and furthest extremities.
I am at this point dancing around the living room, it feels so good to dance and to move, I wish this drug existed when I was still going to parties or living at a music venue house. I feel uninhibited in how I want to move, I am tumbling and rolling and prancing about rhythmically. There’s a childlike sense of wonder, I feel like I am just playing around completely unencumbered by the stresses of being an adult. I am still lucid and can hold a conversation. I want to flop around the walls and floor and hold my body in strange poses and contort myself and becoming this flowing being of rhythmic energy. This would be fun for playing around in the seclusion of a forest with my friends, where we could all be wildly dancing and climbing and rolling and falling and wrestling and laughing as the bouquets of bright visuals dazzle the skies overhead. Moving just feels so good, it gives me such pleasure. It is certainly manic, but not to the degree of the typical “manic dissociatives”.
The floppiness and looseness of my limbs before has given way to this sense that I know exactly where all of my muscles are at all times, that I can perfectly control them even to the point of compensating for their momentum. It feels almost superhuman, to be able to utilize my body in such a way. One could see it as almost enhanced proprioception, certainly an odd thing to consider for an NMDAr antagonist. It all makes me so happy, its all such a delightful and welcome rush. I bid my partner goodnight before settling down on the downstairs couch.
T0:40- I am now splayed out on the couch, catching my breath. I can feel my limbs melt into the cushions. My pounding heart sends pulses through me, each thump reorienting me with body’s presence. I look up to the ceiling and am greeted with a rippled pattern like waves breaking the shore, but the ripples are glittering, gossamer and holographic. This lovely little river glows on my ceiling for a bit. I begin to wonder if this is all there is to it- just a rush and some pretty sparkly visuals with just enough physical dissociation to wobble around.
But then the cracks begin to show- what was once little steaming fissure in the earth is beginning to crack open to reveal something glowing and fiery.
T0:50- The great cavalry charge of this drug has mustered its forces and descends on my mind- Coming up was a pleasant rush, but now comes a second wave of energy- though overall still relatively gentle and very pleasant. I feel like I am being soaked in a torrent- sounds around me begin to reverberate ever so slightly, their waves bubbling to the surface of an iridescent pond. There is a sudden sense of being sucked into myself, like my skin and flesh are being pulled into my bones and turning me inside out, and while this sounds alarming I found the sensation to be pleasant and exhilarating. I feel smaller and more compact than I really am.
With my eyes open, the visuals are dominated with a field of interlocking hexagons, flashing in bright turquoise and pink. It looks and feels like everything is melting, a glowing polychrome ice cream losing its form under a neon summer sun. Sudden flashes of patches of color sweep and dot their way across my field of vision like brushstrokes from a timorous artist.
Sitting in the dark it feels like no world exists beyond the glow of my computer, it feels like objects are floating and swirling around my head like I am telekinetic. Each keystroke so precise, each thing exactly where it needs to be. My notes are entirely coherent and typo-free, unlike the peak of many other dissociatives. There is a colorful fire through my nerves. The darkness is adorned with a neon brickwork of tessellated shapes, projected in a sphere around me. My own personal hallucinatory office. little indiscernible forms in translucent blue and pink dash and dance across my screen but begin to trace and duplicate and repeat in a radiant fashion when I pay them enough heed, blossoming into ever yet more intricate and beautiful forms. I am floating down a river on my back, eyes towards the dark tranquil sky with bands of shimmering stars, cascades of flower petals floating around me. The effects creep and hit me with a steady rhythm, the heartbeat of a moon in an unfamiliar realm. While all these images sound clear and vivid, they were ultimately ephemeral, translucent, faint imaginings.
T1:00- I step outside quickly to smoke a hit of cannabis. The sky glows above. This feels like pouring a bit of a pleasant sauce onto the experience, just enough to be discernible but ultimately dominated by the other flavors. I go back inside and decide to kick back in the dark and plug in my headphones and put on one of my favorite albums, An Abundance of Strawberries by Julia Brown. I lie back and nuzzle into the couch, the only lights in the room coming from various electronics. Like lonely stars in a vast deep blue space
All sorts of familiar sensations begin to overtake me as I close my eyes and sink into the burgeoning music- a tangle of great plush hands forming from their perfectly designated holes in the void, carefully and gently taking hold of me, warm, with a gentle pulse like a heartbeat, and immaculately soft. They expand and envelop me entirely, their borders ringed with neon, before forming back into the same spherical tessellated bubble I was immersed in with my eyes open- only now, more vivid, more detailed, intricate 3 dimensional stepped patterns adorn the surfaces and a soft glow emits from between the tiles. There is a sudden sense of rapid motion as the bubble gives way to just my naked disembodied consciousness as it soars through tunnels of overlapping shingled petals, steadily opening and blossoming outwards into an ornate floret, opening towards a dazzling light. I am soon zooming past tiles of flashing prismatic colors and grand hallways and cathedrals of striped and concentric lights. I feel like my body has turned to putty and is being bent and turned and compressed in ways it is not meant to be, but it is all so soft and it this all feels so pleasant. I find myself twisting through tight tubes and tunnels that compress me to their shape, their pulsing iridescent lines like the cilia of a Ctenophore steadily pulling me forward.
As each song changes, so too does the color palette of this hallucinatory roller coaster, though they are all dominated by large flushes of blues and violets/pinks. The journey glistens with sparkling white forms, iridescent skies, colorful pulsing veins of neon, all cast in shining shadow with no discernible source, all in the dimness one would expect from a nightclub. There is a constant sense of blossoming, of things bursting open and yielding new spaces, new lights and new paths to travel.
Eventually though, it loses its novelty. I have not really been thinking too deeply, not been engaging with this comfortable self, it’s just been an exhilarating ride and not much more. But I have certainly loved the ride and cherished the euphoria of this experience. It’s almost eye candy of sorts, but perhaps I haven’t yet plumbed its full depths. Nonetheless, it feels uplifting, lovely and mentally stimulating, not a sort of fake chemical happiness but a more profound contentment. I do find myself getting bored, perhaps a bit impatient even and eventually decide to turn off the music and open my eyes again.
I am greeted by the same darkness as before, the same twinkling little lights, a deafening sense of quiet where the ambient sounds in the room begin to reverberate and trail off. There is such a weight to this silence and darkness as opposed to the cascades of vibrant colors I had been immersed in moments ago. It takes me a second to adjust. I feel dazed, I see dull prismatic forms pattern their way across the darkness and extrude from surfaces.
At one point my computer randomly glitches and shuts down entirely (A classic ‘Blue Screen of Death’, thank god I have been saving my notes document regularly)- there is a shock of dark and quiet, I am alone in the night again. I am lucid enough to look up what went wrong with my laptop exactly and amend the issue. The darkness and silence was tense and swallowing, it felt like a great violet predator stalking me in the darkness, its crystalline eyes watching my every move, its velveteen body tensed, but ultimately it was content to simply watch and I was ultimately at peace with the shadow’s presence.
T1:30- I am back in the world of the earth and its soil and the walls of the buildings around me. Where there are odd little ambient noises that don’t drive the experience forward quite like the music did. I am back to recording notes onto my laptop which is resting on my belly. It feels like I am typing right through it, like each keystroke is hitting my body directly, like the laptop’s shape is molded to fit the form of my abdomen. The white text on my screen takes on the quality of a topographical map, the various letters extruding or receding at various levels to create a mountainous relief that my eyes slowly drift over. I find myself remarkably lucid, with a remarkably competent amount of fine motor control, and can operate the device with ease, despite the visual distortions. It seems as though I can pull myself in and out of the deep chasms of this experience at will.
I start to chat with some friends on discord, talking about various psychonautics related projects we’re working on and other drug related things. Conversation flows freely and easily, and I find a great deal of comfort in talking to someone illuminated by just the glow of my computer screen. It once again feels like I am in a world confined only to the space it illuminates, that my thoughts and images are suspended in the air around me. I feel articulate, like I can easily fetch thoughts and efficiently turn them into coherent words. I feel so chatty, I want to talk to everyone, the euphoria wells through me. The world beyond my glow is just a deep sinking space, an endless universe of constellations, cascading through the darkness as fields of glitter, tracing around my personal luminous bubble.
T1:50- Feeling floaty and dazed, though my brain feels like a glowing beacon of acuity, cutting through it all. There is less stimulation than before and I am content to sit perfectly still. I can still close my eyes and be greeted by a field of bright moving visuals, though they are less distinct than before. There is much more sensation of the presence of my body at this point. My motor control feels almost back to baseline. Open eyed visuals still dance and play in the dark, though it feels like my luminous bubble is gently fading to the normal world where dark and light coexist as one. There is a pleasurable weight and momentum in my limbs at this point and a delightful lightheadedness.
T2:30- This comedown is steady and very psychedelic, very conducive to thinking and reading. At this point much of the effects have receded and I am basking in a warm colorful afterglow. Open eyed visuals still blink and dance and pulse their way across my screen and through the darkness. Closed eyed visuals have for the most part receded. I have gained back most of my body save for a bit of residual numbness in my extremities. Mentally, I feel distant but also intensely focused. I find myself falling into reading Wikipedia holes- an article about the online drug trade, a deep hole on the history of bitcoin, and eventually a long delve through the story of Paul Le Roux, a notorious hacker turned international criminal kingpin turned informant who had his hands in almost every black market imaginable and wielded immense power. It’s an interesting story to read and ponder, and the remains of the DMXE in my neurons makes the reading experience all the more engaging and immersive.
T3:30- I am sadly, almost entirely back to baseline. The cognitive effects still linger for a bit but they are hardly discernible by now. I smoke a bit more cannabis but it fails to bring much back into the experience, I am mostly just stoned. Oh how I wish this lasted longer.
T4:30- I am fully back to baseline by now. I go to bed without much issue.

Conclusion: Oh what a lovely substance! There is so much this drug has to offer and I am excited to see it explored further. I will start with the negatives though, and I can only think of two- the short duration and the high dosage. Perhaps another to note is that there wasn’t much depth or introspection to the experience at its peak, though sometimes I do just want to have fun, it doesn’t always need to be profound, and perhaps higher doses or different settings would prove different. This sets it apart from the predecessor it is named for, good ol’ MXE, but enough of that, DMXE is something special in its own right. It is colorful and visual, stimulating and psychedelic, pleasant to the body and disinhibiting without being entirely incapacitating, just a bit manic and quite bubbly and sociable. There is something of a hole though it is largely functional and lucid- pushing doses higher though may yield something even more powerful and spectacular. Low doses are euphoric and fiery and electric, this would make such an excellent party drug (in which case the short duration may in fact be a virtue). This would probably shine in combinations, perhaps something like 3-MeO-PCP or 3-MeO-PCE to drag the experience out a little longer. The visual space is characterized by blues and pinks and violets in tessellated patterns, and with eyes closed there is a distinct sense of motion and blossoming or radiating. I found myself able to pull myself out of the dark space easily though and retain much of my lucidity. The comeup is a euphoric rush, sociable and manic and distinctly warm and energetic. The peak adorned with fields of dark visuals with flashes of light, lucid but able to turn into something of a hole if a user lets themself sink into it. The comedown is gentle, warm, euphoric, mentally stimulating and psychedelic. Overall this is a drug that has so many pleasant qualities to its name, it is interesting, fun and ultimately a very worthwhile compound for any psychonaut, particularly a fan of other dissociatives.
submitted by Nervewing to researchchemicals [link] [comments]

Most Intense Trip I've Ever Had (~800 ug LSD)

I had just gotten back from boarding school and decided I wanted to take half a tab on Thanksgiving to make me more sociable and to bond with my family more. I got 6 tabs the night before, it was supposed to be 7, but I didn't care. I hadn't tripped in so long that I decided to just let it slide because I was so excited to finally do it again. I went back to my room after getting my tabs, and cut one of the tabs in half, and then the 2nd half in half in case I wanted to increase the strength later. I went to bed since it was 1 AM and I had to be up at 9 to get everything ready for Thanksgiving. These were gel tabs by the way.
Day 1 9:30 AM
My dad woke me up, and to my surprise mostly everything was already ready. I put half a tab under my tongue and just let it dissolve into nothing like usual. I helped clean the house, and made sure everything was in order.
10:30 AM
The tab started to hit me and I felt a little lighter than usual, and the feeling of breathing felt so refreshing. Colors were slightly more saturated than usual, everything sounded very clear, and things looked sharper. I decided to take a shower and the hot water felt amazing going down my body. I looked at the floor and saw the usual patterns starting to appear on it. My bathroom floor is a very bland beige tile floor that has strange texture to it. The parts that go down slightly into the ground seem as if they brighten up and become the same elevation as the rest of the tile. I close my eyes and see a flat black. Usually when I close my eyes I see a few colors swirling around, a very tiny pattern in the center, and some visual fuzziness. When the blackness starts, I call it "setting stage" for the fractal patterns. I get out of the shower, get dressed, and realize my aunt is here. I help her get her cooler and chairs out of her truck, and put them on my pool deck. I ask my dad how he wants the chairs set up and he says, "Just put them by the tables but not right next to them. The foods gonna clutter the table, you know what I mean?" I just didn't respond for a second, and then realize he asked me a question. I quickly correct myself and nod. This makes me feel a little frightened, but I get over it realizing he didn't really notice since he was busy cooking. I decide it's fine, and stupidly take the rest of the tab knowing I'm not going to be the center of attention.
11:45 AM
The rest of the tab hits me super hard. I didn't realize how powerful my guys new tabs were. This one tab was probably the best acid I have ever had. Some more of my relatives arrive at my house and I help them unload their things. I try to help with things that obviously only need one person and realize how strange I'm acting. I decide to pass it off as nervousness to be back if I'm asked about it, which I never was. I go back in my room to watch YouTube, and just seclude myself for a while. I feel terrible for doing it, but the conversation outside is dull and awkward anyways. I wouldn't have helped one bit.
12:30 PM
My aunt comes in my room to talk to me, and I pull off acting sober. Around her it's easy, I always feel like I can talk to her about anything so talking to her on acid is just like talking to a best friend. I just feel comfortable around her. She tells me that the crab is ready, and I go outside to eat some. The palm trees on my porch are shimmering, and look as if they're vibrating. The forest just outside my porch forms kaleidoscope patterns in the trees and the clouds turn into these strange triangle patterns. Much like the kaleidoscope patterns in the trees, but different. My uncle tries to engage me in a conversation, and it becomes awkward very quickly. I don't know him very well anyways, and decide its for the best since I'm gonna be super weird if I try to talk more. I realize how cool it is outside, and then it suddenly feels hot. I start to sweat just slightly, and look to see if anyone else is too. It's just me, and I decide to eat a crab to look normal or something. I eat a single crab and the flavor is amplified so much that it doesn't taste very good anymore. I usually like stone crab a lot. I go back into my room, and the A/C cools me down again. I realized how much my attention span had deteriorated as I zoned out thinking while watching a video about plate tectonics.
2 PM
My dad asks me what I'm doing and I show him this video of a baby meeting her dads twin. He says I should hang out with the family and I agree with him and hang out with my aunt. I help her cook mashed potatoes and engage in a deep conversation with her. We talk about how my new school is, and what I could do with the opportunities it will give me. Usually I would think this conversation was very mundane, but I was just happy to talk to my aunt and make her happy. My dad walked in with a huge sirloin tip and the aromas gave me chills. I had never smelled anything so delicious before, but I couldn't eat it yet. My other family members came in with more food and I set up another table. It seemed so complex to do for some reason, and this made me nervous again. I made myself a huge plate since my appetite was returning, and immediately ate the sirloin tip. It was so incredibly juicy, and the steak sauce paired with it created an extremely succulent flavor that had never been present in the sirloin tips my dad had smoked before. My other aunt also created a dish that had a variety of seafood, peppers, and shellfish in it. I decided to try it since I had been told about this before we ate, and it tasted incredible. Everything I ate had a new taste to it, the things I had considered to be rather dull in flavor had transformed into a unique delicacy. I adored the texture of the chunky mashed potatoes and gravy me and my aunt had made, and the way it felt when chewing it up. I decided to start a conversation by commenting on how good the food was. I felt like I had more control again, and that I wasn't going to look strange, and I was right. We all started talking about many things, and joking with each other. I felt so happy to have started this, and talked a lot. I joked around with my little cousin whom I usually don't like, and saw how much he grew since I last saw him. It made me feel old, even though I'm only 16 years old. It showed me how fast time progresses, and how fast things can change.
3:30 PM
I decided to go back to my room, and watch videos again. Nobody bothered me for a while, and I let myself come down from the trip. I thought intensely about my family and what they meant to me. Even though so many of my friends have come and gone, they've been there through all of it, and I have the nerve to drop acid around them? The realization made me feel like a shitty person, but I can't take the molecule out of my brain, so I made a deal with myself to never do it again. No matter what I think, LSD will not help me socialize. It can help me bond though, but I should do that sober. These thoughts have stayed with me ever since then.
7 PM
My dad comes into my room and asked me why I was being a hermit. I just said I didn't know, and then he asked me what I was watching again. I wasn't watching anything so I just showed him my laptop. He just looked at it and said to get ready to leave with my aunt if I didn't want to go hunting. I packed everything I needed, and the rest of the tabs. I started drawing, an activity that I usually consider to be very boring. I started drawing a monster, and an apocalyptic world behind it. My aunt called me to leave, and I put my stuff in her truck and left. The car ride was pitch black, and I watched the Closed Eye Visuals change over and over again. I started getting strange visions of the Nine Tailed Fox from Naruto, and wondered what it meant. Then I saw the sharingan flash before me. I get Naruto related hallucinations quite frequently, I just really like Naruto.
8 PM
I got to her house, and started playing Fallout 4. I felt like I was in the game, and felt as if I was actually murdering people when I killed super mutants that were trying to kill me. I stopped playing and just played something else instead. What led me to take 3 more tabs is beyond me, but I did it anyways.
9:30 PM
The tabs hit me like the Fat Man hit Japan. I resumed playing Fallout earlier and decided to just explore. I began to notice that it felt as if my body was going into the game, and just let it happen. I was my character now, I lived in the Commonwealth. I took in the nuclear destruction that stood before me. A vision of what it once was flashed into my head, and it made me feel very sad. The city of Boston, once the biggest city in the Commonwealth, was reduced to a radioactive pile of concrete and steel. The animals native to the United States are now horribly mutated, and some even live off of the radiation that destroys us. The feeling of dread turns into courage, and I venture deeper into the wasteland to discover its secrets. I suddenly slam back into my body, and realize what happened. I look at the table, and see every dot creating a massive mandala pattern and then turning into a blob then back into a united form. The colors connecting them were new. I had actually never seen these colors before, but I would describe them as any color you'd see in a mop bucket. They seemed dirty and organic. I looked back up to the monitor to take in the visuals. I hadn't realized that I ventured into the city, and I also hadn't realized how intensely the visuals were affecting the game. The skyscrapers that still stood were swaying in a manner similar to the palm trees earlier, but more intense. They also grew bigger, shrank, became wider, and got closer. So many things happened that I entered a trance like state. I stared at the screen for what felt like 30 minutes, but when I looked at the clock only 5 minutes had passed. I decided to just keep playing the game.
11:30 PM
I entered a state that I had never experienced before. I was narrating everything that was happening, except it wasn't me doing it. I wasn't me, I was a being controlling my body. My body was just a vessel. I felt as if I could possess any living thing, and I felt as if I had transcended to a new world. I, for some reason, took the last two tabs. After all, if I wasn't in the world at the time, what bad could this possibly do me? Obviously that's a joke, but this didn't turn out to be a mistake. I stopped playing Fallout and started thinking. I entered another trance. The world around me was nothing, I didn't exist and neither did anything else. All that existed were my thoughts, and I was even unsure of them existing. I thought about everything. The concept of everything couldn't possibly ever be used in the right context because I thought how could we possibly understand how big everything really is? Everything became a metaphor for how little of everything we really experience. This is just one of the many things I thought about.
Day 2 1:20 AM
The next tabs hit me and my ego dissolved completely. I was laying outside, staring at the nearly full moon and clouds surrounding it. The light hitting the clouds created a mandala pattern that never ceased to exist, and it changed into many things. Faces appeared in the patterns and even massive geometric formations. At one point, a hexagon was formed in the clouds and the clouds in the hexagon went back into space, and the ones around it came at me. The points of the hexagon came down to earth and created a tower. Everything was alive. The earth was the mother of everything on it. Even simple blades of grass had back stories, and lives. When I thought back on this later, it showed me how I'm not the center of the universe. Everyone has lives and things going on, I just focus on mine. I sat up eventually and took in every little thing around me. I felt the grass, smelled the air, looked at my aunts beautiful yard covered in flowers, and listened to the chirping that accompanies night time. I felt an appreciation for every tiny thing in this world. I regained my body, even though I really had control over it the whole time. I climbed up a tree and felt as if I had the Byakugan from Naruto. Like I said, I experience things from Naruto a lot on acid but I experience this one every time I trip. Basically, I feel a huge sense of spacial awareness. I become hypersensitive to any change that happens. A vision of whats behind me appears in my head and changes according to sounds I hear, lights that appear in front of me, or if an animal flies past me. Usually this vision is very detailed and accurate, and I've used it to my advantage when sparring another person in boxing when I'm tripping. While climbing this tree, it amazed me (This part is very difficult to explain, but I'll try my best) how I can use the space around me to move around, and place my hands and feet in the correct positions to move. I ascended to the top of the tree and I felt as if it had sentience. I went down to the bottom branch and carefully balanced on it while holding the branch above me and tested how strong it was by walking to the middle of it. I felt my primal instincts coming out, and just let them. Nothing too significant happened as a result. To a person observing me, it would look like I was just climbing the tree, yet it felt like so much more.
2:15 AM
I went back inside, and ate pretzels. They tasted so extraordinary that I couldn't stop eating them. I realized pretzels are really only bread and salt. I wondered how something so simple could taste so good. It still amazes me actually. I watched this show called Primal, a movie about the adventures of a caveman and his dinosaur. This show has no words, and we must interpret what is happening for ourselves. This show felt like a godsend for me. This show was so interesting to me that I watched it for the rest of the night. The relationship between the caveman and his dinosaur was beautiful to me. They depended on each other to survive, and the caveman saved his dinosaur multiple times from dying. There was one point where he cared for him for days while he recovered from a nearly fatal injury. This created a feeling in me that I really can't explain. My ego dissolved again, and I watched the show while eating pretzels. I didn't think, I only observed. I didn't even notice the visuals even more, but thinking back on it they were very intense. Depth shifted so many times, the size of the room grew bigger and smaller over and over again. The walls seemed as if it bled color. The closed eye visuals even started appearing on everything in my field of vision.
~4? AM
I decided to try to sleep. The chair I slept in was comfortable, but I felt the need to shift my position so many times. My breathing felt constricted, but every breath felt like a blessing. As I drifted off into sleep, it equated to death. For some reason, it didn't scare me, and I let it happen. It was the end for me, and I was okay with it. I watched fractal patterns dance as I departed from life, and then it finally happened.
9:15 AM
I woke up still tripping. I felt reborn, and ready to take on anything that came my way. I went to the bathroom and watched the floor change into intense reds and pinks. Then an intense feeling of fatigue hit me. I finished what I was doing, and went back to sleep again. I woke up around 12 and the trip had ended.
submitted by Michael_823 to tripreport [link] [comments]

Beauty & Elegance of Carrara Marble Tiles and Mosaics

Beauty & Elegance of Carrara Marble Tiles and Mosaics
Elegance, luxury and timeless! That is what comes to minds of design professionals when they think about Carrara marble. The most popular Italian marble named after its region. Carrara has a light grey background and light bluish grey veining with a pattern usually soft and feathery which makes it looks so rich and prestigious. Its neutral tones are what makes it so universal and can add life to any space by its presence.

Truly Timeless

One of the most popular marble yet classic, that never goes out of style. Carrara marble tiles speaks pure elegance and comes in many different styles to meet everyone’s needs. Due to its durability and timeless beauty, it still exists and keeps adding to it’s range from tiles of all sizes 12x12, 18x18 and even large formats. The marble mosaic patterns and styles are endless, because of the dense characteristics of a marble, waterjet designs are easy to create, with blends of other marble and metal inserts. Carrara tiles does not limit itself to any style, it adds its beauty to all kinds of homes whether your home is traditional, modern, contemporary, transitional or mid-century.

Same yet different

Carrara marble gives place a stylish look. But due to its numerous kinds of patterns and textures from polish to matte to honed or satin finishes it brings things to life. It also comes in various shapes Arabesque, Herringbone, Subway, Hexagon, Penny round, and modern waterjet designs with insets of other material like metal and other naturals stone tile material. The diverse range is impressive and overwhelming. This sleek marble just not limit itself to tiles a wide variety of mosaics tiles available can be customized to fit the look you are going for and feel of your home.

Bright white and versatile

The Gorgeous white marble adds brightness to any place. It’s monochromatic colors can trick eyes and enlarge spaces visually while the bluish grey veins still maintains the interest. This light color marble is perfectly suitable for tight spaces as it creates an illusion and makes the area looks open and large. The Carrara marble tiles with glossy finish are reflective and allow light to bounce around the room to give the radiant timeless look.


A great choice for both wall tiles and floor tiles. The Carrara tiles are not limited to any application, from fireplace surrounds to shower surrounds it is very versatile. The decorator Carrara tile patterns can be used for both wall and floor tiles. Care needs to be taken about high traffic areas and the care of maintenance of the tiles.
Browse the wide variety of Carrara marble Mosaic Tiles that will bring your imaginations to life at this Wholesale discount tile outlet and factory direct prices.
submitted by james412309 to u/james412309 [link] [comments]

100 Tales From The Last Day On Earth

Tale #1
Red lights flashed and sirens began to blare as every monitor in Blue Rock came alive and displayed a single message:
Each member of Blue Rock's crew scrambled to take their positions.
Except Jerry.
Jerry had already vacuumed the carpets that morning and he had waxed the floors last night. The next thing he had to do was take care of the cafeteria after lunch, and it seemed unlikely anyone would be taking lunch that day.
So Jerry walked to the Bridge and backed himself into a charging station, out of the way. He did not need to perform any critical functions. He could simply watch from here.
The battery core in his belly had started growing warm. All his implanted cybernetic systems could draw maximum power as necessary while he was charging. He usually prioritised his nanorobotic healing system and put himself into a timed sleep. But today was different. He wanted to see and to hear what all the scientists and engineers dashing about were going to say and do. He remained fully awake, dangling slightly from the charger, and removed a pack of cigarettes from his vest.
Smoking was not allowed inside any of the facilities in Blue Rock. This rule was established twelve years ago, and was made not for any health or safety reason: the effects of smoking had been effectively negated by modern medical technology and the air cycling systems of Blue Rock were designed to handle much heavier smoke, such as from chemical fires that broke out sometimes in the laboratories.
No, the real reason was that allowing smoking inevitably lead to cigarette butts everywhere because people got careless. Whereas when smoking was disallowed, people would still smoke inside but they tried to hide it. Thus they littered less. But they still left ashes here and there.
Jerry was fine with that. A bit of a mess gave him purpose. He was the order that came at the end of each messy day. There was a time when he had to vacuum and mop empty floors and it had not been as satisfactory. Though his cybernetics performed his task mostly automatically, Jerry still received a small burst of pleasure every time his vacuum attachment sucked up a small pile of ash. It was an odd thing but it was undeniably true and for that he was grateful.
Most jobs in society, like his, had been largely implant-automated and workers rarely found any satisfaction in their work. Their machine learning augmentations would learn from them performing their functions manually for a few weeks and gradually take over more and more of the work, until it performed with perfection an overwhelming majority of the time, even driving their face and vocal chords to speak and emote for them automatically as needed by their role.
At this point workers often began tuning most of their natural brain out of their surroundings, allowing their implants to drive their bodies while their consciousness "checked out". They usually turned to the internet, watching videos and communicating on forums and social media while their bodies performed their task, growing increasingly meaningless to them with every passing day.
Some would go so far as to put themselves into timed sleep for the duration of their work hours. When others interacted with them, they would smile and laugh and respond, but nobody was paying attention.
A few would even resign to lead most of their lives this way, unconscious while their bodies cared for themselves and played their part in the story of the world. But nobody was home. They were simply not there, they were nowhere. Such people had come to be referred to as "zombies".
Indeed this was a common trend amongst custodians like Jerry. But the tiny rush in his brain from every particle of ash he vacuumed was enough to keep Jerry from checking out.
Today would be a more satisfying day than usual. The mood in the facility had instantly changed from one of routine, boring quietude to a chaotic and stressful buzz of shouting voices and blaring sirens, and the rule prohibiting smoking seemed to have ceased mattering. Now many of the employees had begun to smoke and nobody seemed to care. Jerry took a drag of his own and watched them dropping small piles of ash with each gesture and movement. There would be lots to do for him today.
The base commander had stepped onto the bridge and silence radiated amongst the crowd in waves with the realisation that he had arrived. He addressed the crew in a booming tone, pointing at monitors, with each gesture causing groups of crewmembers to take off running.
Jerry could not understand what he was saying, as he did not have the necessary security clearance for his auditory implants to decipher any sensitive communications within the base. But with every other sentence, almost without realising it, the commander would steal a quick glance at Jerry.
The largest monitor began to change. Jerry was not cleared to view any of the monitors in sensitive areas either so all he could say was that they were changing, a shifting mosaic with some incomprehensible pattern. But he could see the growing look of despair in the eyes of every human in the room.
Jerry had been at Blue Rock for fifteen years and people had largely forgotten about his existence, but he knew the name and face of every single person who worked there.
Sometimes a few would speak to Jerry but a majority of the time, they kept their communications implants on higher security levels and dissolved into a familiar wallpaper of noise. Even when they dropped to a level where he could understand them, large portions of their conversations would automatically be encrypted as necessary for security purposes, leaving Jerry lost.
The monitor ceased changing. Something was displayed with a striking contrast, and the room turned towards it.
This message interrupted Jerry's observation and overtook his vision. He froze, then relaxed with a sigh. It was time. He acknowledged the message and another took its place.
A warmth spread through his limbs, followed by a cold, and he felt his body lose feeling. The message cleared away and his vision returned in hexagonal tiles. Jerry found that he could now see all the monitors, and the words of those around him now sounded like plain English. The commander's eyes were locked on him, his face a mixture of helplessness and frustration.
On the monitor behind him was displayed a single message:
Screaming broke out as Jerry's weapons systems began to thump but it all faded quickly to a low droning in the back of his mind. He switched to autonomous control and checked out. It was time to rest. If he could be anywhere today, where would he be?
He felt like he made that choice fifteen years ago, but he wasn't sure he was happy with it. He didn't really have a family anymore. He had an uncle back in Illinois. Klaus and his wife had always been nice to Jerry. He had stayed with them for some years before he knew what to do with himself. Their farm out in the country was the happiest place he had ever been. They had tried to write to Jerry but Jerry seldom wrote back. They had stopped writing over eight years ago. He wasn't upset at them. He was grateful in fact. He wanted to be forgotten and this place gave that to him. So Blue Rock was as good a place to end his story as any.
He played himself a memory of his days at Klaus's farm.
It was old and hazy, formed long before he had implants that could have captured it directly. But he made sure to make a copy when he did get them. It was like an audio file ripped from a vinyl record that had been played a million times.
Each time he tried to open the file, a surge of green overtook his vision in an attempt to draw the impression of vegetation but collapsed back into darkness. Jerry checked the console logs. There was an error with playback; the necessary hardware was already in use. It was recording.
submitted by TTVBlueGlass to writers [link] [comments]

Beauty and Advantages of Pebble Mosaic Tiles

Beauty and Advantages of Pebble Mosaic Tiles

Pebble mosaic tiles are mostly made from natural stone pebbles, the tiles are a collection of pebble shaped stones laid carefully on a mesh by skilled craftsmen. The tiles are shaped in interlocking patterns for easy installation and design layout. Pebble tiles come in a variety of colors and designs. These tiles are a great way to capture the beauty of outdoors in you space inside. The pebbles are polished, textured, flat, raised bumpy and more.
Applications of Pebble Mosaic tiles
Mostly used in bathrooms, they can be used as wall tiles and floor tiles. They help you achieve modern, traditional, and also a more rustic look depending on the colors and the pattern you select. The rustic look of some pebbles from the riverbed connects you with the nature, these tiles can be used for outdoor applications. Most popular uses are for Pool Pebble Tiles, Shower pebble tiles, accent walls, featured walls and backsplashes.

Advantages of Pebble Mosaic Tiles

One of the main advantages of using Pebble Tiles is to have an installation without showing the seams, the layout of the tiles can be done in a way that the seams are not very visible as you pay multiple tiles and make your unique design. Another advantage is that textured pebble tiles are slip resistance and a popular choice for shower floors.

Uniqueness of Pebble Mosaic Tiles

The new unique designs of the pebble tiles that are making statement are tiles shaped as Hexagons, they are easy to install and in many cases the pebble tiles does not require a saw to cut the tiles. Natural Stone Pebble Tiles require sealing like any other natural stone tiles to look great for years. You can use color enhancing sealers or regular sealers to give you a matte and dry look as stones outdoors. Layout the tiles on the area before installation and plan your design for easier installation.
Explore the imported pebble tiles at a discount tiles online warehouse at factory direct prices.
submitted by james412309 to u/james412309 [link] [comments]

Discussion on spatial relations in procedural generation

When you start out with procedural generation, your universe is completely empty. How do you fill it up? To be more precise, what is the relation between "things" populating your universe?
I don't mean generation algorithms like noise, cellular automata or WFC, this post is about how elements (objects, platforms, points of interest, biomes) in generated universe are spatially interconnected. This affects data structures as a implementation detail. I'm trying to think this through and come up with a new angle.
TL;DR what are some examples of procedural generation leveraging connectivity graphs, and are there some innovative techniques not mentioned?
I'm basically looking for more examples (projects, games) to study, some techniques other than ones I mentioned, and any blogs, research papers or similar material where people have gotten further than me.
I'm most interested in bottom-up and top-down techniques, how they manage to populate the universe with non-overlapping elements, and some strategies to fill the space between elements. I hope it's not too broad subject.
submitted by lacethespace to proceduralgeneration [link] [comments]

DMXE (70 mg intranasal)

Age: 25
Weight: 130 lbs
Dosage: 70 mg intranasal
Setting: My house
For the impatient seeking one answer: Is this like MXE? In some ways yes, but it is hardly a perfect imitation. It is in fact something delightful and exciting entirely of its own and certainly worthwhile to explore further. If one liked MXE, they will probably enjoy this substance a lot, but they shouldn’t expect to feel exactly that long gone MXE feeling they are craving.
DMXE is the marketing name for 3-Me-2’-Oxo-PCE, the D denoting “desoxy”, a fairly obscure nomenclature for an absence of the methoxy group (think deschloro in deschloroketamine) . While I am slightly irked at the defiance of the arylcyclohexylamine naming conventions, I know the market drives these things and any semblance to MXE is a major promotional point. DMXE as it is known, is an interesting and exciting compound in its own right, comparisons notwithstanding. I worked my way up from a 20 mg dose initially, this proved to be a threshold dose, just barely discernible. I was able to go out grocery shopping, with little more than some stimulation, an elevated mood, a spring in my step, and some light visuals. At 50 mg, it had echoes of a party dissociative: A rushing euphoria, bubbly sociality, and a physical disinhibition that made each movement feel like dance steps in a divine circus. Past there is the dose that is written of in the following report.
T0:00- Dose taken intranasally, burns a little though mostly by virtue of the quantity of powder, otherwise it is very manageable. Slight bitter flavor but not overwhelming and the discomfort fades quickly. Overall, pretty benign.
T0:10- I am hanging out with my partner in the living room as they get ready for bed. I soon feel the onset, just a sense of lightheadedness and dizziness. There is a bit of a drip but it too is entirely manageable.
T0:15- Already feeling more dissociated than I expected. It's coming on fast, I feel goopy and sweaty and droopy, dizzy, motor skills inhibited, bright and gummy. There is a distinct stimulating rush, and I can feel my thoughts become more disoriented by the second.
Open eyed visuals begin presenting as patterns on mottled surfaces, dull flashes of radiating colors in repetitive gridded patterns. A sinking dissociation sets in from the crown of my head and flows down my body, encircling me like a glowing blue halo and pulsing down the length of me. My partner is still awake and we are still interacting, I go up and down the stairs to talk to them, but I find it becoming increasingly difficult.
T0:20- I am looking at and appreciating all of my pet bugs, from the iridescent Fiery Searcher beetle, to my two scorpions, to my large millipedes to my massive wolf spider and fishing spider. We sit together and fawn over them and appreciate them and poke around with them, it feels so good to do this, it feels like the sun is shining over me. There are creatures that I love and I’m with someone I love so much and there is this wonderful fiery euphoria slowly welling up through me as my head grows dizzier and my extremities feel number and harder to control and as brighter flashing visuals begin to seep into my periphery. Wow how it comes on with such boisterous energy!
I am still quite sociable but I find myself tripping over words or forgetting them or losing my train of thought more and more. I feel loose and sweaty, bright and flowy, delightfully disinhibited with my limbs flopping about in ways I don’t expect. On my computer screen are bright and gentle visuals that fill me with a delighted sensation, series of quadrilaterals in offset patterns, rippling and radiating with concentric pulses of color. Still dull though, and still just an afterthought for when my eyes settle in one spot.
T0:30- I would say I am functional, but still deeply altered. I feel like I’m in the riffle of a rushing stream, if the water was replaced by tightly wound braids of flowing rope. There is energy coursing around me but it is tight and not fluid, like how it must feel to fall through a dense mass of suspended cords. My head is light and dizzy and I still feel distant and cast out from the world around me, it’s that lovely warm familiar dissociatives lightheadedness that sends ripples and pulses down my entire body, that tingling numbness at the surface of my skin and furthest extremities.
I am at this point dancing around the living room, it feels so good to dance and to move, I wish this drug existed when I was still going to parties or living at a music venue house. I feel uninhibited in how I want to move, I am tumbling and rolling and prancing about rhythmically. There’s a childlike sense of wonder, I feel like I am just playing around completely unencumbered by the stresses of being an adult. I am still lucid and can hold a conversation. I want to flop around the walls and floor and hold my body in strange poses and contort myself and becoming this flowing being of rhythmic energy. This would be fun for playing around in the seclusion of a forest with my friends, where we could all be wildly dancing and climbing and rolling and falling and wrestling and laughing as the bouquets of bright visuals dazzle the skies overhead. Moving just feels so good, it gives me such pleasure. It is certainly manic, but not to the degree of the typical “manic dissociatives”.
The floppiness and looseness of my limbs before has given way to this sense that I know exactly where all of my muscles are at all times, that I can perfectly control them even to the point of compensating for their momentum. It feels almost superhuman, to be able to utilize my body in such a way. One could see it as almost enhanced proprioception, certainly an odd thing to consider for an NMDAr antagonist. It all makes me so happy, its all such a delightful and welcome rush. I bid my partner goodnight before settling down on the downstairs couch.
T0:40- I am now splayed out on the couch, catching my breath. I can feel my limbs melt into the cushions. My pounding heart sends pulses through me, each thump reorienting me with body’s presence. I look up to the ceiling and am greeted with a rippled pattern like waves breaking the shore, but the ripples are glittering, gossamer and holographic. This lovely little river glows on my ceiling for a bit. I begin to wonder if this is all there is to it- just a rush and some pretty sparkly visuals with just enough physical dissociation to wobble around.
But then the cracks begin to show- what was once little steaming fissure in the earth is beginning to crack open to reveal something glowing and fiery.
T0:50- The great cavalry charge of this drug has mustered its forces and descends on my mind- Coming up was a pleasant rush, but now comes a second wave of energy- though overall still relatively gentle and very pleasant. I feel like I am being soaked in a torrent- sounds around me begin to reverberate ever so slightly, their waves bubbling to the surface of an iridescent pond. There is a sudden sense of being sucked into myself, like my skin and flesh are being pulled into my bones and turning me inside out, and while this sounds alarming I found the sensation to be pleasant and exhilarating. I feel smaller and more compact than I really am.
With my eyes open, the visuals are dominated with a field of interlocking hexagons, flashing in bright turquoise and pink. It looks and feels like everything is melting, a glowing polychrome ice cream losing its form under a neon summer sun. Sudden flashes of patches of color sweep and dot their way across my field of vision like brushstrokes from a timorous artist.
Sitting in the dark it feels like no world exists beyond the glow of my computer, it feels like objects are floating and swirling around my head like I am telekinetic. Each keystroke so precise, each thing exactly where it needs to be. My notes are entirely coherent and typo-free, unlike the peak of many other dissociatives. There is a colorful fire through my nerves. The darkness is adorned with a neon brickwork of tessellated shapes, projected in a sphere around me. My own personal hallucinatory office. little indiscernible forms in translucent blue and pink dash and dance across my screen but begin to trace and duplicate and repeat in a radiant fashion when I pay them enough heed, blossoming into ever yet more intricate and beautiful forms. I am floating down a river on my back, eyes towards the dark tranquil sky with bands of shimmering stars, cascades of flower petals floating around me. The effects creep and hit me with a steady rhythm, the heartbeat of a moon in an unfamiliar realm. While all these images sound clear and vivid, they were ultimately ephemeral, translucent, faint imaginings.
T1:00- I step outside quickly to smoke a hit of cannabis. The sky glows above. This feels like pouring a bit of a pleasant sauce onto the experience, just enough to be discernible but ultimately dominated by the other flavors. I go back inside and decide to kick back in the dark and plug in my headphones and put on one of my favorite albums, An Abundance of Strawberries by Julia Brown. I lie back and nuzzle into the couch, the only lights in the room coming from various electronics. Like lonely stars in a vast deep blue space
All sorts of familiar sensations begin to overtake me as I close my eyes and sink into the burgeoning music- a tangle of great plush hands forming from their perfectly designated holes in the void, carefully and gently taking hold of me, warm, with a gentle pulse like a heartbeat, and immaculately soft. They expand and envelop me entirely, their borders ringed with neon, before forming back into the same spherical tessellated bubble I was immersed in with my eyes open- only now, more vivid, more detailed, intricate 3 dimensional stepped patterns adorn the surfaces and a soft glow emits from between the tiles. There is a sudden sense of rapid motion as the bubble gives way to just my naked disembodied consciousness as it soars through tunnels of overlapping shingled petals, steadily opening and blossoming outwards into an ornate floret, opening towards a dazzling light. I am soon zooming past tiles of flashing prismatic colors and grand hallways and cathedrals of striped and concentric lights. I feel like my body has turned to putty and is being bent and turned and compressed in ways it is not meant to be, but it is all so soft and it this all feels so pleasant. I find myself twisting through tight tubes and tunnels that compress me to their shape, their pulsing iridescent lines like the cilia of a Ctenophore steadily pulling me forward.
As each song changes, so too does the color palette of this hallucinatory roller coaster, though they are all dominated by large flushes of blues and violets/pinks. The journey glistens with sparkling white forms, iridescent skies, colorful pulsing veins of neon, all cast in shining shadow with no discernible source, all in the dimness one would expect from a nightclub. There is a constant sense of blossoming, of things bursting open and yielding new spaces, new lights and new paths to travel.
Eventually though, it loses its novelty. I have not really been thinking too deeply, not been engaging with this comfortable self, it’s just been an exhilarating ride and not much more. But I have certainly loved the ride and cherished the euphoria of this experience. It’s almost eye candy of sorts, but perhaps I haven’t yet plumbed its full depths. Nonetheless, it feels uplifting, lovely and mentally stimulating, not a sort of fake chemical happiness but a more profound contentment. I do find myself getting bored, perhaps a bit impatient even and eventually decide to turn off the music and open my eyes again.
I am greeted by the same darkness as before, the same twinkling little lights, a deafening sense of quiet where the ambient sounds in the room begin to reverberate and trail off. There is such a weight to this silence and darkness as opposed to the cascades of vibrant colors I had been immersed in moments ago. It takes me a second to adjust. I feel dazed, I see dull prismatic forms pattern their way across the darkness and extrude from surfaces.
At one point my computer randomly glitches and shuts down entirely (A classic ‘Blue Screen of Death’, thank god I have been saving my notes document regularly)- there is a shock of dark and quiet, I am alone in the night again. I am lucid enough to look up what went wrong with my laptop exactly and amend the issue. The darkness and silence was tense and swallowing, it felt like a great violet predator stalking me in the darkness, its crystalline eyes watching my every move, its velveteen body tensed, but ultimately it was content to simply watch and I was ultimately at peace with the shadow’s presence.
T1:30- I am back in the world of the earth and its soil and the walls of the buildings around me. Where there are odd little ambient noises that don’t drive the experience forward quite like the music did. I am back to recording notes onto my laptop which is resting on my belly. It feels like I am typing right through it, like each keystroke is hitting my body directly, like the laptop’s shape is molded to fit the form of my abdomen. The white text on my screen takes on the quality of a topographical map, the various letters extruding or receding at various levels to create a mountainous relief that my eyes slowly drift over. I find myself remarkably lucid, with a remarkably competent amount of fine motor control, and can operate the device with ease, despite the visual distortions. It seems as though I can pull myself in and out of the deep chasms of this experience at will.
I start to chat with some friends on discord, talking about various psychonautics related projects we’re working on and other drug related things. Conversation flows freely and easily, and I find a great deal of comfort in talking to someone illuminated by just the glow of my computer screen. It once again feels like I am in a world confined only to the space it illuminates, that my thoughts and images are suspended in the air around me. I feel articulate, like I can easily fetch thoughts and efficiently turn them into coherent words. I feel so chatty, I want to talk to everyone, the euphoria wells through me. The world beyond my glow is just a deep sinking space, an endless universe of constellations, cascading through the darkness as fields of glitter, tracing around my personal luminous bubble.
T1:50- Feeling floaty and dazed, though my brain feels like a glowing beacon of acuity, cutting through it all. There is less stimulation than before and I am content to sit perfectly still. I can still close my eyes and be greeted by a field of bright moving visuals, though they are less distinct than before. There is much more sensation of the presence of my body at this point. My motor control feels almost back to baseline. Open eyed visuals still dance and play in the dark, though it feels like my luminous bubble is gently fading to the normal world where dark and light coexist as one. There is a pleasurable weight and momentum in my limbs at this point and a delightful lightheadedness.
T2:30- This comedown is steady and very psychedelic, very conducive to thinking and reading. At this point much of the effects have receded and I am basking in a warm colorful afterglow. Open eyed visuals still blink and dance and pulse their way across my screen and through the darkness. Closed eyed visuals have for the most part receded. I have gained back most of my body save for a bit of residual numbness in my extremities. Mentally, I feel distant but also intensely focused. I find myself falling into reading Wikipedia holes- an article about the online drug trade, a deep hole on the history of bitcoin, and eventually a long delve through the story of Paul Le Roux, a notorious hacker turned international criminal kingpin turned informant who had his hands in almost every black market imaginable and wielded immense power. It’s an interesting story to read and ponder, and the remains of the DMXE in my neurons makes the reading experience all the more engaging and immersive.
T3:30- I am sadly, almost entirely back to baseline. The cognitive effects still linger for a bit but they are hardly discernible by now. I smoke a bit more cannabis but it fails to bring much back into the experience, I am mostly just stoned. Oh how I wish this lasted longer.
T4:30- I am fully back to baseline by now. I go to bed without much issue.
Conclusion: Oh what a lovely substance! There is so much this drug has to offer and I am excited to see it explored further. I will start with the negatives though, and I can only think of two- the short duration and the high dosage. Perhaps another to note is that there wasn’t much depth or introspection to the experience at its peak, though sometimes I do just want to have fun, it doesn’t always need to be profound, and perhaps higher doses or different settings would prove different. This sets it apart from the predecessor it is named for, good ol’ MXE, but enough of that, DMXE is something special in its own right. It is colorful and visual, stimulating and psychedelic, pleasant to the body and disinhibiting without being entirely incapacitating, just a bit manic and quite bubbly and sociable. There is something of a hole though it is largely functional and lucid- pushing doses higher though may yield something even more powerful and spectacular. Low doses are euphoric and fiery and electric, this would make such an excellent party drug (in which case the short duration may in fact be a virtue). This would probably shine in combinations, perhaps something like 3-MeO-PCP or 3-MeO-PCE to drag the experience out a little longer. The visual space is characterized by blues and pinks and violets in tessellated patterns, and with eyes closed there is a distinct sense of motion and blossoming or radiating. I found myself able to pull myself out of the dark space easily though and retain much of my lucidity. The comeup is a euphoric rush, sociable and manic and distinctly warm and energetic. The peak adorned with fields of dark visuals with flashes of light, lucid but able to turn into something of a hole if a user lets themself sink into it. The comedown is gentle, warm, euphoric, mentally stimulating and psychedelic. Overall this is a drug that has so many pleasant qualities to its name, it is interesting, fun and ultimately a very worthwhile compound for any psychonaut, particularly a fan of other dissociatives.
submitted by Nervewing to tripreports [link] [comments]

(Spoiler) Ana Bray and the gang go on an adventure for answers, and all they find is terrible things! Sometimes it's better for things to be forgotten, or to never know the truth.

This post contains information regarding lore from Bungie.net. At the VERY END of this post there will be MAJOR SPOILERS. They will be marked when it starts, so you are safe to read the vast majority
There is no TL;DR, this is really, really, really long and I even cut out huge chunks of the lore tabs. Yes, really. I highly encourage you read it, not because I wrote it, but because this opens your eyes to Ana Bray and Clovis Bray.
Decided to post this one early since I have the free time.
Our favorite former Clovis Bray Scientist and her gang decide to go on an adventure, this time looking for the famed Atlas. Atlas was the "journal" of Clovis Bray himself, and is assumed to have every little secret the organization ever had.
With the help of Jinju (her Ghost) and Big Red (Rasputin) they decide to check out a new signal coming out of Mars.
It probably wasn't a good idea.
Legacy Pt.1
This whole thing starts off with Ana walking through a sandstorm (or some kind of storm) following the trace of an energy signature, a significant one.
Upon arrival of the location, they realize there is no one around, no biometric activity. Completely abandoned, and they are surprised by this (and delighted).
They assume the power is being generated through Geothermal means, because of how much it is, and because there is an active Volcano near by.
They get inside, and immediately realize they are at a Clovis Bray site. Clovis-9. Ana is perplexed because she thought she had seen all of the Clovis Bray sites.
They enter a room and notice a vault like door had been blown open. Upon further analysis they realize it had to have happened during the Golden Age, long time ago. The mechanism used had to be very sophisticated to break through the door in the manner that it did. They do another scan, and make the conclusion that whatever did this isn't around anymore.
Their goal at this point is to try and find an access point in which Rasputin can gain access to the facility and the info stored inside, but they can't find one. Eventually Jinju goes and restores power to the building, they enter an elevator and descend deeper into the complex.
When they get down they are greeted with the sight of servers, a lot of them. Ana gets excited because she thinks they actually stumbled upon Atlas. However, the servers were shielded and being powered externally. Jinju makes the remark that it is weird that essential servers would be on auxiliary power.
They enter the "Pillory Mainframe: Paragon", and notice that there had been a gun fight here. But the bullets all went in one direction.
Power is restored, and the door in front of them scans Ana, identifies her based off her Clovis ID, and opens.
Sometimes it's better for things to be forgotten
There's three bodies on the floor. Three exo's. In the middle of the bodies was the Golden Age device used to break into the vault door earlier in the facility. The Exo's were wearing Braytech uniforms, and Ana notices an ID on one of their belts.
They used this ID to enter the elevator and get down here. But Echo Project is not something Ana is familiar with, in fact she had never seen it mentioned in any other Clovis site or Database she had encountered. Now off the bat this whole situation is odd, Exo's in Clovis Uniforms broke into this place during the Golden Age, had a shoot out and died, but their bodies were left here and they had special clearance for this shadow project.
Now at this point this is weird, but then the awful series of events and revelations starts here.
Power turns back on. Instantly a robotic voice asks for their ID. Ana. having no idea what's going on panics and uses the very convincing response of "I don't know!"
Then she says her name "Bray, Anastasia"
They get scanned.
"Anomalous Entity Detected. Rogue Mind Detected"
Now let's freeze frame right here, so we understand why this is weird. There's only one person in the room (Ana), then her Ghost (Jinju), and Rasputin is in her helmet. There's only one "Mind" here, and apparently it's a Rogue one. Hey Ana, some advice, maybe let's not walk blindly into sketchy places. She doesn't take that advice.
Immediately after Robot Voice says it's detected a Rogue Mind, two turrets drop out of the sealing and open fire on Ana.
Ana being a Guardian and very skilled, shits on the turrets with little to no problem.
But the fact she tripped a security alarm is weird. Why? Because she is/was Ana Bray. One of the main figures of the entire organization. It couldn't be her, right? Like I said, there's only one Mind in the room.
Naturally, she decides they need to look for answers. They use the Echo ID to get into the main room and access a console.
Revelation #1: Echo Project has 12 sites, Clovis 1-12, they are currently on 9.
Revelation #2: Echo Project sites are completely removed from Warmind network. They are independent from Rasputin. This is strange because Rasputin is Clovis made, and the best defense AI Humanity has ever seen. Why not integrate?
Revelation #3: The sites are all over the place. Earth, the Moon, Europa, Asteroids in the Tangled Shore, Mars and as far out as Uranus.
One of said stations, an orbital station, has a pending Echo request. There is also indication of a "Redline Protocol" which Ana has also never heard of.
Redline Protocol
In the event of a catastrophic failure, neural degeneration, or loss of containment, herein collectively referred to as a [ROGUE MIND] incident, initiates [WARMIND CEREBRAL PARTITIONING] and [QUARANTINE INTEGRATION] into twelve CLOVIS station(s) within [NEURAL WEB-WAY].
Now in the event of a "Rogue Mind incident", there is the Echo Contingency. The gist is that if they detect a Rogue Mind, Echo severs all connections to not be compromised. Now at this point we don't know what the Echo Project is, but we know that the Redline Protocol happens in the same case. Redline protocol is designed to partition a Warmind's...mind and quarantine it at 12 different locations.
In other words, our friend Big Red is considered a Rogue Mind, and this Redline Protocol was activated, causing his mind to be scattered in 12 different places. We know this because we actually reversed this (unknowingly) when we re-established Rasputin with all (or most) of his fragments. (People consider this a retcon because Charlemagne ended up being just a piece of Rasputin, instead of a separate Warmind. Also they all had individual names, anyway doesn't matter now because they are all Rasputin).
They figure out a way to get Rasputin into the facilities database, so he can look through his own brain, or whatever part of his brain was at the facility. Ana notices all of the connections are one way, and all of them are closed systems. Meaning she would manually have to go to all 12 sites to connect them all.
Hey, wasn't there a site that had an Echo request pending? Well, it just so happens to be falling out of orbit and crashing into Uranus. They've got 42 days to get there and get whatever info they can. The distress signal coming from it was not automated however, it was manual.
Alright, that wasn't the most interesting thing in the world
I know, but it had critical information about the situation at hand. Rasputin was deemed to be Rogue and not functioning properly during the Golden Age (probably during the Collapse). He's still flagged as such.
I get it, but where are all these terrible things you mentioned in the title
Oh boy, buckle down cause shit goes downhill right off the bat on this next part.
Legacy Pt. 2
(The longest lore post in Destiny history as far as I am concerned)
They are on their way to Uranus and talking on Ana's ship. Jinju confirms the Exo's are in fact Golden Age, circa The Collapse.
She also confirms that "Pillory" (has to do with Redline) was made to separate Rasputin in the case he became "insubordinate". Ana says it's "disgusting", but she's also biased.
Probably should have waited for the full explanation before saying that.
“ECHO appears to have been a contingency program that activates afterward. They also had a cornerstone schematic of his brain.”
Ana chews on the information for a moment. “A foundational brain model would help with containment stability after the partitioning process. It’s like a front porch for your brain.”
“It… goes on.” Jinju continues, “Your name is cross-referenced all over this, Ana. Neural Web-way. Psycholinguistics. Exo brain maps with candidate profiles. It looks like Clovis Bray was syncing Rasputin’s basic core with viable hosts.”
Hey remember that "disgusting" thing you just talked about. You were one of the main people who made it.
“Oh.” Ana’s mind races. “For what though? Drop him into containment and clone him? Pretty elaborate restart button. I guess with an Exo you could also make some pretty potent AI with more limiters than a Warmind.”
Then they talk about her friend(?) Camrin, who works in Owl Sector
Ana calling something disgusting and then being involved in it is foreshadowing the fact they are currently talking about someone who is actively investigating the Lunar Pyramid. You don't say? Pyramid?
You wanna guess what happens next?
Jinju perks up, internal sensors suddenly askew. “Something nabbed us right out of our jump. We’re off course by…” Jinju calculates, “…three AU?”
“What!?” Ana manually scans the trajectory equations in the nav-computer. “There’s nothing wrong with the math.”
||JUMP-DRIVE ERROR: MISALIGNMENT|| squawks on bubble speakers.
“Little late.”
Tart synesthetic tickle creeps red and patient. Low and pressing, as not to be heard by those that might be listening.
“Relax. I know we’re off course, but it’s not that far… relatively speaking.” Ana scrunches her face at a nav-screen as it’s overtaken by interference. “Okay, I can’t see where we are. Hang on.”
A slow wrinkle skulks across space. It presses up the fabric. Insignificant points between stars warp and spur small disturbances in the constellational congruence of the galaxy. From afar it is nothing. A flutter of wings in wind.
“It’s dark out here.” Jinju’s voice is distant as she peers outside. Beyond the canopy an expanse without horizon.
“That’s when the stars shine brightest, Jinju. Find a constellation for me so we can get our bearings.” ||GRAVITATIONAL WAVE ANOMALY DETECTED: JUMP-REALIGNMENT REQUIRED||
Knock knock, guess who's here!
“Feel’s strange.” Jinju is distant. “We should go.”
Ana initiates recalibrations on the jump-drive’s positioning solution. “There’s definitely some weird space out there.”
The ship lurches. Ana’s stomach churns. Jinju vibrates violently in place, an outer shell of Light absorbing some form of force.
Red iron needles whistle tea-kettle pressure in white anxiety from Ana’s helmet.
Cloaked Shadows shift through the vacuum an eternity away and all too close; shown only when they wish to, to only whom they want.
Ana swallows to settle her stomach. “What even was that? Did we move?”
“Leave. Now please. Ana.” Jinju presses against the glass of the canopy, peering outward.
“There it is. I’ve got a jump-lock.”
Translation: Bitch RUN
“Again? Then we’re riding this one out of here.” Ana eye-balls adjustments for the gravitational wave into the nav-computer. “Punching jump in 3… 2… 1…”
They slip between folds in space. Formless wake propels them. The ship rides through sub-space at speeds far exceeding her jump-drive's capability. Color dulls in the slipstream. Frisson electrifies Ana's senses into timeless euphoria. The nose of the cockpit stretches ahead, drawn toward some distant vanishing point. She struggles to keep the flight stick straight. Her motions seem small, inconsequential and all too slow within the wave. Fluctuant pockets of drag flex and buck, threatening to throw them off into the unknown. The cockpit twists around her, indicator lights blink in metronomic sequence—purpose and pigment slowly materializing in her mind.
Hull integrity failing. "Not yet."
They make it out of the jump and are in the orbit of Uranus.
Not out of the woods yet
“Those are Warsats.” Jinju breaks the silence, eager to shift her mode of thought far from weird space and gravity waves.
“Finally, some luck," Ana says with relief. "I bet we can daisy-chain Rasputin into the station’s network through the defense system.”
“Oh, they’re powering up. Maybe we—”
Horns of responsive distortion roll across the cabin like a stress wave. Rasputin’s alert pings litter the canopy HUD.
They have to deal with a bunch of Warsats shooting them on site. They shoot "Spikes" at them to allow Rasputin to hack them and use them to help defend. They are successful and are now near Caelus Station, their destination.
Jinju emerges from the gunnery apparatus and floats back to the dashboard. Pho and Deim appear from under her shell. “What was that, Ana? Back there.”
“The Warsats or the freaky gravity?”
“Either… both.”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“My guess worries me.”
“Let’s just pull this data and get home.”
Ana hangs her head in her hands and muffles a sardonic, “Nailed it.”
Hey man, I don't know about you, but judging by the way things are going off the bat, maaaaybeee this isn't a great idea to be both this far out and be at this station.
Just a thought.
They got on the station, and it's strange. There are 3 biomes, there are greenhouses. Everything is locked under a file named "Contingency". It seems this place was never inhabited. It exists as a back up. Guess no one made it, right?
Now let's get creepy
The bay is still: a snapshot of countless possible failures in the face of challenge. It holds only one ship. The bulbous craft lay broken, dropped from its support brackets in denial of an attempted launch. Reflective hexagonal plates sparkle like space dust as the station faces Uranus' light. Scorch stains blacken the far wall behind the craft's ruined ion thruster.
"The propulsion system is missing its ion cell. It doesn't look like damage, but obviously a lot went wrong here."
Jinju beams light over the fuselage as they float through the ruptured bay in weightlessness. The reflective hull is filled with Exos. Mannequin cadavers hang frozen on silk threads, surrounded by globular blobs of various fluids. Loose-wire tangle sags around the lifeless many. One or two glides freely within the cabin. Their chest plates share a pristine logo. "Echo-1".
Mannequin Cadavers. Human bodies? Are they referring to the Exo's as Mannequin Cadavers? If one of you can tell me I'd appreciate it.
They find a Frame (think Redjacks, Sweeperbot, etc. Those are Frames), crumpled over, dead. Jinju looks into it and finds out this isn't just some Frame, it's the station manager. So Jinju decides to try and get power to the Frame and reactivate it. Maybe they can get some information.
The Frame sparks to life, looks directly at Ana, and speaks with grating age to its voice.
“Welcome, Ana Bray! Very excited to see a Bray walk this hall again. It has been a long time.”
Ana grasps at words. Jinju shrugs, plugs of Light toss in zero-G.
The Frame stands on magnetized foot cups and dusts itself off, nearly bumping into Jinju. “Excuse me, small servo bot."
“Servo b?"
The Frame turns to Ana. “How may I be of assistance?"
“I’ll unplug you.”
The Frame ignores her.
Ana smirks at Jinju, then looks at the Frame.
"Walk with me," she says, briskly moving deeper into the station.
The two converse with Jinju in tow.
They get to the main section of the station and are greeted by a sign in large red letters
Echo Project: Our Legacy Builds The Horizon
So what's the station for?
Ana stares out the translucent ceiling, wistful as the Frame waits for another question.
“So those crops in the rings are food supplies for a colony mission."
"Yes. Thank you for asking that, Ana Bray."
"Yeah. And the colony ships are full of Exos?"
"Partially. ECHO-1 and ECHO-2 were stocked with Exo unit crews. As you know, their task was to establish and oversee embryonic development at Colony M31, Site-A and Site-B."
"If Rasputin got out of hand, they weren't planning on resetting him.”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
“They just assumed he would win. The Pillory is a last-ditch panic room.”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
Jinju’s iris flicks back and forth between the two. Her tiny Light-leash hums.
Ana massages her palm. “What was my role in all this?”
“As you know, your work on the Warmind made you a prime asset to oversee applicant selection.”
“I chose the people in there?”
Ana watches the ringlet spin, her mind repeating the statement back to her. Artificial night slips back to artificial day as the station's rotation continues.
“As you know, yes. Additionally, your work on the Warmind, as you know, was vital to the establishment of Clovis 1-12.”
“Do I know where the candidates came from? Did they volunteer?”
“I do not have access to candidate profiles.”
Ana shuts her eyes and takes a steady breath.
Ana is really regretting this decision to come here, and that "disgusting" comment is REALLY coming back to slap her in the face.
“You said I helped with the Pillory stations?”
“How so?”
"I don’t have access to Clovis 1-12 directories."
She nods and lets her helmet slink back to rest on her shoulders. “I think I can piece it together on my own. Is this station linked to any other sites?”
Her gaze returns to the distant ringlet, lit by the recurring planet-rise. Her augmented eyes pick at details.
“As you know, Miss Bray, there are thirteen CLOVIS sites that this station is linked to.”
“Thirteen? What’s the thirteenth?”
Every where it says 12, this Frame said 12, but now there is 13? Well, let's do simple math. 1-12 were satellite sites that were separated from each other so each part of Rasputin was quarantined and cut off from the others. So if 12 of them were parts, there had to be a center for all of it. Cue #13.
The plant life is still vibrant. Regimented
“Paragon access does not permit that information.”
“You hear that, Jinju? We’re all just slaves to circumstance.”
I wonder if that statement will also come back to be a slap to the face? Hmmm.
Jinju chirps. “I’d like to think our choices matter a little. I’d like to think mine did.”
Ana smiles at her. “Yeah.”
“You are a Bray.” The frame pauses.
They lack signs of overgrowth.
Well kept.
“So?” Ana turns to the Frame.
“ECHO project requires a station link with DEAD-ROCK resources.”
Ana eyes go wide. “Jinju disengage that cipher thing.” Over her shoulder, a glint shines from the far central ringlet. Biome 2.
You ever played Battlefield? If you have, you know what a glint in the distance means.
Jinju glides forward. “What is that?”
Ana looks at Jinju. “The verbal cipher.” She pauses and traces Jinju’s eyeline to face Uranus. Ana’s eyes adjust to sieve out the glaring brightness. “What’s what?” She puts a hand to her visor and squints.
An ion lance threads the station from the distant ringlet.
It pierces Ana’s chest clean through.
Oh Ana, let's plan things better in the future. This had bad news written all over it from the moment they walked through the vault door on Clovis-9 back on Mars. This has been an awful experience. And now you just got sniped in the chest.
Surely it can't get any worse...right?
Now, stick with me here, because details matter here.
Echo-1 was on the chest of those dead Exo's on that ship. Pay attention to the headers of the segments. Also pay attention to what I put in bold.
He awakens alone. A fluke. Others hang around Him, but they remain in the dream. Electrical surge prickles through his entire body. A screen in front of his face begins playing a recording complete with visual aid:
"Welcome to ECHO-1. Before your departure, you should have been briefed by a Station Warden If you don't recall your Station Warden, please alert your Crew Captain. Now then, my name is Ana Bray, and you're one of the lucky few who has been selected for the ECHO Project. The future of Humanity rests on your sho—"
The recording is interrupted as emergency sirens blare through the station.
Power failures wrack the station in rolling thunder. The Exo slumps, lifeless until its next reset.
The recording. He finds familiarity in the newness. The face on the screen seems kind
"STATION HAZARDS: ROLLING SURGES IN WARDS 1, 2, 3. Please remain calm."
Thunder. Pain to death. Electro-static purge, triggering a reset.
He awakens to rolling, thunderous darkness and pain. The screen does not illuminate.
Barely audible words form from the air:
"Primary propulsion systems failing. Auxiliary systems near depletion. Planetary impact unavoidable. Distress triggered."
Meaningless. He struggles against chains.
Eons pass. His bonds will not break. His mind fragments and corrupts.
He wishes he could bleed. He wishes he could die. He wonders where the Wardens are.
Short lives of confusion and pain. He grasps at falling in every direction. There is nothing to grip,
Thunder, again.
and again.
Until one day:
He hangs in the futile passage of time.
A creeping madness weaves its way in solitude.
Thunder. Thunder. Thunder.
The Warden speaks for the first time in many storms. Her twisted promises are fresh to His ear.
"When we return." Etched in mind.
Wake and sleep. Struggle. Dream and wake. Struggle. Endless. Innumerable. Stillbirths. Tomb spasms. Thunderous pain. Sweet death.
Thunder, one final time. The storm gives life, but never came to take.
He slips from rot shackles. Worn with age. Weary, they snap at slightest motion. Untold rotations pass without movement. Freedom?
He matures questions. A hunger wells up within him.
He travels the station. From Tomb Bay, to the Mind Shell, to the Sealed Space. In dark, and in light.
The Mind Shell teaches Him the new roads. Teaches Him the majesty of the Rings. Teaches him the key.
He walks the Rings.
He tends to His little freedoms. He cultivates. He grows. He does, unknowingly, as He was meant to do.
The Mind Shell tells Him of the Bridge. Tells him of His ancestors. Speaks of the "ECHO LINK".
The knowledge does not leave His thoughts.
He seeks a meaning beyond routine.
The Tomb Bay kept secrets. He had not returned since He walked the Rings. It is a shallow sepulcher.
Brothers and Sisters dreaming. Never to wake as He had.
He digs treasures from their graves. Digs knowledge from the Prison's many minds.
Picks lies from the bones of truth.
He drinks the memories of Echoes passed.
He finds the Prison's purpose. A Bridge's end. If He holds this end, perhaps the Wardens hold the other.
The many minds. The liar's words. Takers. They would know of his escape.
The Wardens would come to take with fresh shackles.
He prepares. He learns from the Warden's alchemy.
He digs through the carcass of his once-mighty Tomb.
From hollow basin, He seizes Starlight power to wield from afar. From its flesh: adorns Himself with a cloak of lies to fool. He armors his soul against the Thunder that kills.
He opens the Bridge at his end and waits.
Echo-2625 (Present Day)
He walks the ring when She arrives.
The Warden rides in with finality and judgement.
A red-light storm at Her back.
She had followed the Bridge, as He had hoped. She leads many shells, but only One descends with Her.
She brings with Her the Thunder, and He fears its wicked spark. He places trust to his plated frame.
He watches Her trespass in the Tomb Bay. Sees Her defile the Mind Shell's grand hall.
The Wardens reap what had been sown.
As Wardens always do. She comes to collect him.
He raises his Starlight.
But a Warden is not so easily slain, and She has many allies.
A lot to digest here. I know it's a lot, but it is important not to leave anything out. Let's take it from the top. Echo-1 and Echo-2, their task was to establish and oversee embryonic development at Colony M31, Site-A and Site-B. The sites don't mean anything at this moment, their task is important. They were going to rebuild human life, because they expected Rasputin to destroy it all, or let it all be destroyed. That's why the Echo Project was completely independent. That's why it was the Echo Contingency. What to do when we lost, not if.
Ana was one of the main people in charge of the whole thing, and she chose the people here. Now, if they were volunteers the Frame would have probably said. It didn't, and I am pretty sure Ana knew the answer to that before she said it. Sometimes it's better for things to be forgotten.
That being said, she didn't have full access to everything about the project. She had "Paragon" level access, she knew who to choose, where the sites were, but not everything about the project. Basing it off that these people weren't here voluntarily, I'd hazard to say they didn't voluntarily choose to be Exo's. This is Clovis Bray after all.
The Frame can't tell her something and requires Ana to have a verbal cipher to unlock it. Obviously, not being the Ana Bray of the Golden Age, she doesn't know it. But we know that the Echo station requires a link to something classified. Frame could talk about sites 1-12. but not 13. Seems classified to me.
Back in the action Ana comes too, but is losing a lot of blood, and oxygen, and realizes she's been shot.
Rasputin is pissed off at this point and literally deletes everything within ten meters of where the shot came from.
While Ana is receiving aid, she is working with Rasputin to figure out where the shooter is. Rasputin realizes the person has Active Camo.
Echo-2625 (that's a lot of resets), decides he needs to make sure the Warden is dead, and moves for the kill.
A ceiling panel twenty meters from Ana erupts in brittle plastic shards that glisten and spin like tiny neutron stars, catching the last of Uranus' light as the station beings to turn dark. Amorphous form thuds into the floor, shattering tiles in a plume of dust that stretches up into a spire before slowly holding in place. The form tumbles to a stop. It stands between her and the open launch bay and slings a kit-bashed Ion caster aside, depleted. Hexagonal patterns stutter to blend with the station interior as the room rolls into tenebrous obscurity. For an instant, an Exo takes form, and then nothing as its cloaking shroud flashes and re-engages in the dark.
She spins as the Exo crashes through the secondary entrance at her back. The door snaps from its hinges in a torrent of dust and rackets Jinju into glass.
Ana loses track of her attacker momentarily in the darkness before it pushes off from a hard surface, triggering her visor. She spits off rounds from 18 Kelvins. Some find their mark, puncturing the camouflage shroud and revealing her adversary before impotently fizzling on the Exo's outer shell. It covers the gap with surprising speed and catches her gun hand; Ana discharges an arc round; tiny bolts reach across to the Exo’s metal skull in vain as it scorches ceiling.
Bones pop in her fingers and wrist.
The Exo flattens its other hand and stabs toward her stomach.
"Die. Warden."
Adrenal instinct floods Ana's body. She stops it. They lock. Ana’s vision blurs. She gasps for breath. Muscles quiver in her arms, desperate for oxygen. A spark cinders in her.
"Get off her!"
Jinju zips toward the Exo and paddles Pho and Deim onto it with a flick of her shell. The mites crawl under the Exo's exterior plating and send shock-sting bites through its systems, seizing its joints for a few precious seconds.
Jinju rushes to Ana's side. The Ghost deconstructs itself, orbital shell bits swirl around a core of coalescing Light. She fills the room like a brilliant star, overcharging her wayward Guardian.
Ana's crushed bones reforge. Light fills her eyes. Her grip, still holding against the seizing Exo's bladed thrust, liquefies its plated hand to scrap. A glorious crown of Solar flame erupts from her visor and she cracks her forehead into the Exo’s face. It reels, tufts of flame extinguish in the vacuum. Ana kicks away.
Solar might engulfs 18 Kelvins. Ana hammers off two rounds of celestial annihilation. They melt straight through the Exo, puncture the station plating, and scream through space for light years.
The Exo slumps, a molten heap.
It draws breath.
“Resilient.” Ana drops to a knee. Barrel trained on the Exo's head.
She takes a full breath. The Exo’s eyes are unflinchingly locked to her. It refuses to die.
It points to Ana’s badge with its still-blistering hand.
“Bray. Warden.”
She says the only thing the can think to say: “Who were you?”
It hesitates. “Echoes.”
Her head droops. “How many did you live?” She looks to find his number designation, but it is missing.
It looks passed her as Uranus' light once again trickles through the station.** “Echoes… grow… Wardens… keep…”**
“What did I do to them?”
Ana realizes whatever the hell she did was probably so terrible and inhumane that she probably doesn't even want to know. This guy, who lived for eons being tortured, dying over and over again. He hates Rasputin, her Thunder. The Thunder that gives life but does not take. He was a prisoner, and Ana his Warden. He wanted revenge for what she had done, he wanted revenge for his brothers and sisters. Revenge for all the lies.
Ana is absolutely having an awful day. Now it's decision time. What now?
Ana stares at Echo’s husk. The faint glow of the desk's lit console screen grays out her face behind her visor.
She sits dead-still in rotation. She could stare forever, if she only had enough time.
Jinju nudges her shoulder. “I've got the mainframe data.”
Ana is devoid of thought at the mainframe access console. She watches as Uranus comes back into view over and over again. It dominates the station’s viewing port. She maps the movement of the clouds along the surface, but only ever on the surface, and sees how they differ from the previous iteration on their last spin. She wonders if they are different underneath.
Stable major chords strum in Ana’s helmet, getting caught in the cracked visor glass.
She finally speaks, decisive. “Dislodge the other ringlet paddocks. Warsats can tow them back to the Tower. Skim the shadow-networks for anything else they can use. Get some good from this…”
“Ana, the Warsats could haul this whole station as long as we do it soon.”
Caelus rotates away into shadow once again, and the planet’s sheen fades from sight. Ana clicks a spring-loaded slot on the desk. It snaps to, bearing a placard of ownership.
"Clovis Bray"
Ana stands. Steady.
“It’s okay to let some things be forgotten.”
She doesn't want anyone to know who she was, and now she probably doesn't either. She has been trying to find out who she was since she was revived with her ID on her. She thought she had left a positive legacy, played a major part in helping create the single greatest human creation, Rasputin.
Instead, she found out she was no better then anyone else at Clovis Bray. She was no hero. Maybe Rasputin isn't one either, if she was a part of a program made to escape him. Maybe this was all a mistake.
THIS IS NOW THE PORTION THAT CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS, feel free to avoid it if you don't want to be spoiled. This pertains to my post yesterday regarding Rise of Iron and Felwinter's Lie
I just wanted to put this in at the end (of a ridiculously long post) because it was something I noticed last night that blew my mind.
Read this: https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/lord-timur?highlight=lord+timur
If you read my post yesterday, that should sound suspiciously familiar.
Now go and read this (only the bottom section, with the Dark Age header): https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48809
There were comments about how Felwinter's story was a retcon on his character. The first lore tab is from Rise of Iron's release. This story has literally been there since the start. And now that you know everything about who Felwinter really is, it becomes so obvious. I found it incredible that they actually picked up the exact same moment, and added all the depth. The first one is what Timur saw, the second is what Felwinter saw. Two different perspectives on the same story. Timur didn't know he almost died, that's why it's not mentioned in his lore piece. But they line up perfectly.
I don't know about you, but that blew my mind. Really solid work from Bungie.
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