cacao | Description, Cultivation, Pests, & Diseases

cocoa plant seeds south africa

cocoa plant seeds south africa - win

How can I separate sentences from non-sentences given a string containing both?

Consider the following string:
Exports for the last nine years are given below: Š Year. 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 Exports. Lb. Seed Cotton. 236,253 200,221 160,375 81,074 172,891 174,439 150,621 174,912 5,376* Up to November only. Other Crops. 261. Coffee.ŠInterest continues to be taken in this crop, particularly in those areas not suitable for the cultivation of cocoa. A nursery of young plants is maintained at Kpeve where farmers can obtain supplies for new plantations. It is recorded that approximately 20 tons of this crop were exported into French Mandated Territory. Prices and demand continued to be poor throughout the year but every assistance was given to obtain the best return. 262. Tobacco.ŠThe variety known as fi Magnum Pryor fl, which is a pipe tobacco, is being grown at Kpeve to produce a supply of seed for distribution. There is a keen demand amongst farmers to grow this crop to augment their income. 263. Kola.ŠIt will be seen from the following table that there is a steady increase in the export of this crop: Š Year. 1934 . 1935 . 1936 . 1937 . 1938 . * Up to November only. Tons. 32 56 191 174 238* 264. Food Crops, Fruit, etc.ŠThe policy adopted by the Agricultural Department in previous years has been maintained. Selection work, varietal and cultural trials have been continued. A new variety of Cassava, recently produced, has proved to be very resistent to Mosaic disease which is severe in many varieties in this locality: its yield is satisfactory and its palata- bility is good. Sufficient planting material will soon be available for distribution to farmers.
How would I disaggregate the sentences from everything else?
Basically, I have a bunch of pdfs which contain data tables. I want to scrape the data tables. So, far, I've designed the regexes necessary to get the text around the table. Here are a few other examples:
exports and imported goods re-exported, during the years 1932 to 1935 (excluding specie) :Š Domestic exports. 19S2. 1933. 1934. 1935. £ £ £ £ Union of South Africa 29,300 60,325 69,580 162,300 Southern Rhodesia 31,544 18,766 20,210 26,768 United Kingdom and other British Possessions 778,024 1,179,719 1,947,989 2,466,129 Foreign countries ... 1,597,302 2,329,799 2,362,211 2,012,673 Total domestic exports £2,436,170 3,588,609 4,399,990 4,667,870 Imported goods re-exported. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. £ £ £ £ Union of South Africa 74,881 30,896 37,870 27,474 Southern Rhodesia... 124,108 68,480 63,879 66,772 United Kingdom and other British Possessions 7,504 14,941 19,211 1,693 Foreign countries ... 32,585 12,470 9,983 10,770 Total imported goods re-exported... £239,078 126,787 130,943 106,709 The following table illustrates the comparative value of the prin- cipal items of domestic exports for the years 1931 to 1935 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. £ £ £ £ £ Copper 505,204 2,087,620 3,114,618 3,705,783 3,976,504 Cobalt alloy Š Š 39,008 191,755 132,646 Zinc... ... ... ... 200,675 1,088 275,834 330,454 295,092 Vanadic oxide (fused) 73,760 164,752 19,638 15,676 - 45,522 Vanadium ... 17,871 32,266 Š 21,548 35,873 Gold . 35,390 41,277 6,833 6,351 6,032 Tobacco (unmanufactured) 33,346 39,209 35,196 41,669 43,220 Wood (unmanufactured)... Wood, manufactured and 4,027 9,622 11,626 20,891 25,931 partly manufactured ... 29,929 23,414 36,829 42,215 78,712 Hides and skins ... 19,629 8,386 8,314 9,946 10,613 VIII.ŠWAGES AND COST OF LIVING. The position in regard to employment continued to improve, and it was estimated that there were 63,400 natives in employment at the end of 1935 as compared with 49,700 at the end of 1934, 39,350 at the end of 1933, 42,000 at the end of 1932 and 79,000 at the end of 1931. Wages remained generally speaking on about the same level as in 1933. The average wage paid to mine labourers in the copper belt is 23s. 6d. per month and in the farming industry from 5s. to 12s. 6d. 17,381 natives were employed in the mining in¬ dustry as against 14
exported during the five years ended on the 31st December, 1932 :Š Slaughter Cattle. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. lb. 3,639,600 5,500,000 4,373,700 5,181,600 5,338,800 £ 54,594 85,000 50,763 33,322 23,728 Tobacco. lb. 1,283,250 1,068,400 578,330 298,413 341,055 £ 37,428 35,613 14,397 9,082 10,850 Cotton (Seed). lb. 850,814 2,618.913 3,224,182 1,532,132 750,000 £ 13,785 37,961 26,868 9,578 3,125 Hides. lb. 368,400 434,840 208,140 143,600 60,750 £ 13,047 7,250 3,469 1,589 633 Skins. lb. Š Š Š 5,590 Š £ Š Š Š 144 Š Wattle Bark. lb. 1,239,000 Š 2,274,500 9,000 56,000 £ 4,920 Wool. 9,108 37 28 lb. 9,600 3,600 27,091 72,134 30,000 £ 400 150 909 1,636 490 Butter. lb. 8,400 Š 1,748 794 1,705 £ 420 Š 130 52 855 Butter Fat. lb. 1,800 4,400 33,870 21,670 22,197 £ 90 220 675 843 740 Bullion. Value ... £1,475 382 Nil. Nil. £1,542 Metallic Tin. lb. 416,438 415,693 360,692 171,481 187,980 £ 39,706 38,692 23,414 8,875 11,497 All the above products with the exception of cotton and metallic tin, were exported to the Union of South Africa. Cotton was exported to England and the tin to the Straits Settlements. Wool is shorn from sheep brought into the territory for winter grazing by farmers living in the Union. The only produce exported by the natives is tobacco and, at present, a small quantity of butter-fat.
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Covid-19 update Thursday April 30th

Good morning from the UK. It’s Thursday 30th April.
“Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil, and you're a thousand miles from the corn field.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower <-- It seems that's very true right now.

Virus news

Supply chain news in depth

Bringing Manufacturing Back to the U.S. Is Easier Said Than Done - the Harvard Business Review (always worth a read, I recommend investing 10 minutes in this article) explains that on-shoring (i.e. bringing back) supply chains into the US is not that straight forward. The challenge lies in a combination of how modern supply networks are structured and the operational metrics applied to manufacturers it explains, adding that taken together, the United States and other advanced industrial economies have evolved a highly efficient and productive product manufacturing-and-delivery system that provides them with a cornucopia of products at relatively low costs. Technology has become too complicated though and made it impossible to possess all the skills that are necessary in just one place. As a result, manufacturers have turned to specialists and subcontractors who narrowly focus on just one area — and even those specialists have to rely on many others. And just as the world has come to rely on different regions for natural resources like iron ore or lithium metal, so too has it become dependent on regions where these specialists reside.
Cont’d. The article drills down into the complexity in making a laptop computer - the TFT-LCD panels are made by a handful of Asian manufacturers in large, capital-intensive factories — the most recent of these cost more than $6 billion each to build and equip. They in turn have suppliers making the glass, polarizing film, connectors and display driver chips which are made in semi conductor factories around the world. The memory chips are made predominantly by three global specialists in their multi-billion-dollar factories, and the hard drives are made by two firms with factories in Thailand, Malaysia, and China. The microprocessor is generally made by either Intel or AMD. Intel produces chips in the United States and other locations, but sends them to Asia to be packaged. AMD has them made in semi conductor factories around the world.
Cont’d. Swinging away from the sourcing complexities, further down in the article the issue of production efficiency is raised. Manufacturers are loath to install excess capacity (sometimes known as surge capacity) because it absorbs capital and is often idle - something that shareholders do not appreciate (I’ve flagged up an article in the past where 3M turned up their in-house surge capacity for N95 masks as far back as late January, way before much of the world had noticed the growing outbreak - they just didn’t have anywhere near enough of it to cope with a global pandemic). The article also explores the rise of lean inventory theories (the idea being you have as little inventory as possible because it’s inefficient to have too much and again ties up capital) plus consumer reluctance to spend more than necessary on products, even if they are “home grown”. The pandemic and trade wars together highlight the brittleness of our global supply chains and trading system. Managers should heed the lessons and build more resiliency into their operations the article sternly warns.


Just how big of a problem is the disruption in the US meat supply chain? - It’s big, says Jason Lusk (an agricultural economist and Professor at Purdue University and who periodically tapped by the mainstream US media - both left and right wing - for interviews). In a blog dated yesterday, he explains that “Poultry, hog, and to a somewhat lesser extent, cattle, production operates on a just-in-time basis. From the day a sow (a mama pig) becomes pregnant, a chain of events is set in motion that will result in a pig being sent to the packing plant in approximately 300 days. The well-orchestrated supply chain involves the coordination of many players operating in a timely manner. Once piglets are born, they move to a farrowing house for 3 weeks. Then, they are moved to another barn or farm in a nursery for 7 weeks. After that, hogs are moved again to growing or finishing barn for about 16 weeks. If the finished pigs, who weigh about 280lbs, are unable to head to the packing plant, there is no room in the barn to receive the new batch of pigs from the nursery. If the nursery isn’t vacated, there is no room for the piglets. All the while, new piglets are being born with nowhere to go. Thus, the closure of packing plants leaves farmers with no good options.”
Cont’d. The blog goes on to explain that the daily slaughtering/processing capacity of pork is approximately 500,000 pigs per day; with 40% capacity closed (and counting), that means 200,000 pigs aren’t being processed leading to a massive backlog of 4m pigs over a 20 day period. The US herd is apparently 77m, explains the professor. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that the smaller processing plants can only handle 1% of the larger meat processing plants - in short there’s nowhere to divert the overflow of pigs to; the meat processing industry has become too centralised. Meanwhile, if you’d like a map of which pork processing plants are or aren’t yet affected, check this map out here. The latest plant to be affected is in Rock Island, Illinois; the County Health department there is confirming there’s a COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak at the Tyson meat processing plant in Joslin with two deaths and 92 cases among Rock Island County residents who work at the plant. The county health department is expected to have more firm case numbers on Thursday (source).

Supply chain news in brief

submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

Palm Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects

Palm Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects

Palm Oil Health Benefits and Side Effects

Written by: Christopher Karam | ✔️ Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Riad M., M.D - G.P and Micheal B., M.D | Last Updated: 2020 May 20
palm oil and palm fruits on a leaf

Break down and Background

What Is Palm Oil?

Palm oil is an edible vegetable made from the palm fruit, not to be confused with palm kernel oil which is an oil extracted by the palm seed.
The palm fruits come from the palm tree family (Arecaceae), which is used to produce both palm kernel oil and palm oil.
Palm oil is the extract from the fruit’s pulp, while palm kernel oil is extracted from its seed. Palm kernel oil is generally used in cosmetic and beauty products, palm oil is used in cooking and manufactured food products.
These oil palm trees have two different species:
  • Elaeis guineensis: Elaeis guineensis is native of West Africa and is the primary source of palm oil. The countries that naturally grow plants from the guineensis family are New Guinea, Colombia, South America, Ghana, Africa, and Malaysia and Indonesia, Southeast Asia. The fruits of the Elaeis guineensis trees were used in trading during 3000 B.C, mostly sold to the Egyptians. West Africa has used palm oil for cooking for traditional foods for thousands of years. It’s a staple in West African cuisine.
  • Elaeis oleifera: Elaeis oleifera is native to South America and Central America. Both of these species are generally found in tropical areas. European merchants often bought palm fruits and oil as it was cheap and light to carry. The slave-trading era made red palm oil a rare food outside of West Africa, like black peppercorns.
Red palm oil uses the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruits grown on palm trees, it has a strong red color due to it being rich in antioxidants, especially carotenoids including β-carotene.

History of Palm Oil

When the Atlantic slave trade started declining in the 19th century, African states had to look for new ways of making trade revenue.
Palm oil is one of the first traded commodities in West Africa. Palm oil became West Africa’s primary export in the 1870s before it declined in the 1880s because of the increased cocoa powder production.
Palm oil became a greatly sought-after resource and cooking ingredient for British traders. They used palm oil to lubricate machinery and throughout Britain as an industrial lubricant. Palm was also used for making dish soaps like Palmolive.
Back in the Egyptian era, palm oil was used to bury people with palm oil-filled tombs, in cosmetics, and for culinary purposes.
This made the Elaeis guineensis tree valuable. The very first commercially-sized plantation for palm trees was established in Malaysia during 1917.
In the 1900s, palm oil and naphtha were both used to make napalm in WW2 and the Vietnam War.
Additionally, in 1992 the Government of Malaysia pledged to limit the expansion of palm oil plantations. In response to concerns about deforestation, Malaysia required that a minimum of half the nation's land be retained as untouched forest, which promoted the cultivation of palm oil.

Nutrition Facts of Palm Oil

Both palm and palm kernel oil are full of healthy essential fatty acids. Palm oil is a good source of palmitic acid and oleic acid, while only palm kernel oil has lauric acid and is a good source of myristic acid.
Palm oil is the largest natural source of tocotrienol, part of the vitamin E family. Palm oil is also high in vitamin K and dietary magnesium.

How Is Palm Oil Used In Cooking?

Palm oil is found in almost every packaged food product, from desserts to pre-made meals. Around 33% of all packaged food products in the supermarkets and cosmetic products contain hydrogenated palm oil.
Manufacturers that make chocolates, doughnuts, pizza, lipstick, toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant all use modified palm oil.
Palm kernel meal is a byproduct of producing palm oil, which is used as animal feed as well as biofuel. Palm oil has many unique applications and culinary uses, which is what makes it widely accepted worldwide.
Palm is also used to make palm stearin, a solid fraction of palm oil that has been crystallized, highly hydrogenated and refined. Palm olein is another refined byproduct of fractioning palm oil.
Full article at:
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Cocoa Powder Benefits and Side Effects

Cocoa Powder Benefits and Side Effects

Cocoa Powder Benefits and Side Effects

Food Catalog / Ingredients, Herbs, and Spices / Cocoa Powder
Written by: Christopher Karam | ✔️ Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Riad M., M.D - G.P and Micheal B., M.D | Last Updated: 2020 March 22
dried cocoa beans
Break down and Background
Cocoa powder (Theobroma cacao), also known as dark chocolate, was introduced by the Spanish in the beginning of the 16 century. Cocoa beans are thought to have first been used by the Maya civilization of Central America for the myriad of health benefits that come with it.

Cocoa powder is a dried, ripen, and fully fermented seed from the Theobroma tree’s cacao seeds, a small evergreen tree from the Malvaceae family. It’s a popular baking ingredient due to its addictive nature and plant-based compounds.

How is cocoa powder made?
Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that’s a precursor for the production and secretion of serotonin, the chemical that promotes wellbeing and happiness. Cocoa powder has many health benefits and very few side effects.

From the cocoa pod to natural cocoa powder, there are many, many steps to take before creating a consumable unsweetened organic cocoa powder or dark chocolate.

So how is dark chocolate and cocoa powder made? First, cocoa beans are removed from their pods, later being fermented and then dried, roasted, and ground into a thick cocoa liquor.

The liquor is actually made up of the very fine, broken down bean cell particles and cocoa butter that was tucked inside the cocoa nibs, which were inside of the beans.

The cocoa liquor is then refined from dehusking dried and roasted beans. Later pressed to extract the cocoa butter, leaving behind a cake-like mass made up of pure, fine cocoa bean particles.

Afterwards, the cocoa cake is ground to then make a finalized unsweetened cocoa powder product, that’s rich and dark in color.

Natural cocoa powder is a staple ingredient for everyone who likes baking. Dark chocolate is called for in many chocolate dessert recipes since it adds an intense, bitter chocolatey flavor to everything from cookies, to pies, cakes, and other desserts.

It’s also a somewhat expensive ingredient because it’s an exotic type of vegetable. It's also justified by being very healthy, since it’s full of healthy fats, fiber, protein, and antioxidants.

Helping enhance the taste of many dessert recipes, organic or dutch-process cocoa powder is a versatile ingredient that should be a part of everyone's daily diet since it’s so easy to fit it into your regiment. Unless you’re allergic of course.

You can use cacao powder for it’s wonderful chocolate flavor. Most of the top staple desserts recipes out there include baking powder, baking soda, and chocolate. The baking process of using baking powdebaking soda coupled with cacao enhances it’s chocolaty flavor.

spoon of cocoa powder on a table

Be careful when looking to buy raw natural cocoa powder, as many companies add fillers, additives, and other chemicals to increase the weight volume of the packaging box.

Hot chocolate and regular chocolate powder mixes aren’t raw organic cocoa powder as the instant chocolate powder mixes on the market often include a lot of sugar and emulsifiers, like lecithin, to help the chocolate mix better with water.

Don’t use hot chocolate mix in place of raw cacao when you are baking. They’re definitely convenient, but there are way more health benefits to adding raw ingredients to your food or drinks instead of pre-packaged mixes.

Unless your recipe explicitly asks you to use a hot cocoa mix or dark chocolate powder, just use the raw cocoa powder with your milk or cream instead and add any sweetener you like. Preferably a healthy option like Stevia.

Due to cocoa powder’s nitric oxide and flavanols, cacao can dilate your blood vessels which will improve blood flow and lower blood pressure, which is very useful before and after weight training and cardio workouts.

And who doesn’t like a healthy heaping tablespoon of dark chocolate? It’s one of the most loved and addictive flavors on the planet. So much so that multiple research papers have proven that it can even become addictive in many cases.

The rich intense flavor of natural cocoa powder is delicious with anything including coffee, smoothies and protein shakes, or even oatmeal.

Some people even make savory chocolate sauce recipes, a gravy to add on to their meat of choice, or a dark chocolate chestnut pasta.

raw cocoa powder and cacao nibs

Cocoa Powder Health Benefits
Other than its incredible flavor, there are many other benefits of organic cocoa powder. Many research papers have found that it has impeccable health benefits for your heart, brain, and overall health through weight loss.

There are so many incredible health benefits of eating organic cocoa powder that you won’t believe that something so delicious could be so good for you. These benefits have lasting effects that can improve your health in every aspect.

  1. Brightens Mood, Boosts Happiness, and Reduces Depression
If you’re struggling with irregular mood swings and regulation, cocoa has positive health impacts on the brain which also helps relieve symptoms of depression.

Researchers have displayed that cacao is a natural antidepressant that can healthily increase your levels of happiness.

Cocoa contains nitric oxide the mood-boosting chemicals anandamide. It’s a fatty acid neurotransmitter that helps make people feel slightly euphoric, similarly to THC.

Raw cocoa powders have also been found to have an effect on the reward center of the brain.

Especially due to the transformation of tryptophan to serotonin that naturally occurs in the body. Tryptophan is an amino acid precursor to the formation of new serotonin neurotransmitters in the brain.

ground cocoa powder and cacao beans

Researchers have also found that cocoa interacts with your brain’s neurotransmitters to release dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins, all of which make you feel happier.

  1. Can Boost your Libido and Sexual Performance
Cacao is the pure, unrefined form of chocolate. We eat the seed, which contains another alkaloid called theobromine.

Theobromine acts as a blood vessel widener and is actually used in modern medicine for this purpose.

It also increases blood flow throughout your body because it will lower your blood pressure, reduce inflammation, dilate your arteries.

Cacao can be consumed as a powder, nibs, or whole beans. Another mood-enhancing chemical found in cocoa is phenethylamine, this chemical releases the same endorphins that are released when we fall in love, and so this can help improve your sex life.

In addition, it can also reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Mostly linked to the flavanoid contents because it reduces bad LDL cholesterol, improves blood flow, as well as dilates and relaxes your blood vessels, in turn reducing internal inflammation.

  1. Boosts Energy and Helps With Weight Loss
Cocoa powder contains a healthy amount of caffeine and nitric oxide. These help boost energy and fight fatigue.

Not only does it have a good amount of caffeine, but it contains magnesium as well.

theobroma cacao tree with growing beans

Two tablespoons of natural cocoa powder have about 14% of your body’s daily value of Magnesium. Magnesium has been found to keep your body naturally energized.

Magnesium has been found to protect your body against other issues such as high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and osteoporosis. Cocoa is known to be one of the healthiest ways to keep your body energized, awake, and focused.

Due to all of the health benefits natural dark chocolate has on your cardiovascular system and digestive system, there’s been many studies concluding it’s relation with weight loss.

Raising levels of fat oxidation, reducing appetite, controlling blood sugar levels, and insulin sensitivity all help reduce your total weight; mainly targeting your body fat stores.

  1. Boosts your Cardiovascular Health
Cocoa is loaded with the anti-inflammatory antioxidant flavanol and nitric oxide. These antioxidants have been found to improve your heart health and your entire cardiovascular system.

Flavanols and nitric oxide can protect your body against cardiovascular disease, improves your blood circulation and lowers the risk of stroke. Having similar effects to olive oil and coconut oil.

Other antioxidants, called polyphenols, in cocoa are known to help reduce HDL is (bad cholesterol) levels and prevent atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries.

cacao bean and powder

  1. Boost your Skin Health
You should try to have a daily serving of hot cocoa to have long-lasting, positive health benefits.

Flavanols, nitric oxide, polyphenols have been found to help you protect your cells from premature oxidation this will keep your skin from looking aged or becoming wrinkled.

It can also improve your skin texture and give it a glowing look. In one study, researchers found that dark chocolate helped improve skin microcirculation, skin hydration, as well as reducing skin swelling and inflammation.

You will look more youthful and bright with just a little more cocoa in your diet. Not only does it help your skin, but using cocoa butter as a moisturizer has also been found to keep skin soft and smooth.

You can try making your own skin moisturizer at home with this simple recipe.

  1. High in Polyphenols, Flavanols, and Antioxidant Enzymes
Flavanols and polyphenols are naturally occurring antioxidants that are rich in foods like nuts, certain vegetables, teas (such as earl grey tea, green tea, oolong tea, and white tea), berries and exotic fruits, chocolate, white wine, and red wine.

They’ve had extensive research linking to improved blood flow, stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases your basal metabolic rate and fat burning processes, heart health, reduces inflammation, and boosts insulin sensitivity.

Natural 70% dark chocolate is one of the richest sources of phenolic compounds, polyphenols, flavanols, and flavanoids which all have powerful antioxidants and the ability to reduce inflammation.

cacao nibs

Because these compounds improves blood flow through your body, this reduces your risk of neurodegenerative diseases and brain function.

These actually go through the blood-brain barrier and supplies nutrients to the brain for the production of neurons and other necessary molecules for proper functioning.

Multiple studies found that daily intake of cocoa flavanols raised the blood flow to the brain by 8% to 11% during a time span of just 2 weeks.

  1. Reduces High Blood Pressure and Improves Heart Health
Raw natural cocoa powders and dark chocolate forms of cacao beans both have equal strengths in helping lower blood pressure.

The purer the powder, the better the effects. A large number of flavanoids are lost during commercial processing, so buying the most unprocessed, raw, and natural cocoa powder product is most optimal.

Mostly linked to the high levels of flavanols and flavanoids, cocoa increases nitric oxide levels in your blood which strengthens blood vessels, arteries, and your heart.

  1. Can Improve Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
In actuality, cocoa is full of anti diabetic reactions. The flavanols slow down the carbohydrate absorption and digestion in your gut, raises insulin secretion of the pancreas.

It also makes the transfer of energy from glucose in the blood to your muscles more efficient and internally reduces inflammation in people who are diabetic or non-diabetic.

dark chocolate bar godiva on a table

  1. Protects Against Certain Types of Cancer
All of the flavanols, flavanoids, anti-inflammatory reactions, antioxidants, polyphenols, and phenolic acids all contribute to the strengthening of your gut biome and immune system.

80% of your immune system cells reside near the small intestine and large intestine, having a strong gut biome is your best line of defense against infections, viruses, diseases, and cancer.

Multiple test-tube studies on unsweetened cocoa powder being able to protect cells from degenerative and oxidative damage, inhibits cancerous cell growth and spread, as well as induces and facilitates cancer cell death due to it’s high levels of flavanols.

Cocoa Powder Side Effects and Detriments
Negatively Interacts With Many Medications
One of the biggest factors that hinders global, general public use is its negative interactions and side effects with multiple medications.

Adenosine (Adenocards) negatively interacts with cacao because it contains caffeine. The caffeine in cocoa can block the effects of the medication since caffeine attaches to the same neural receptors that Adenosine binds to.

Adenosine is often used by doctors to perform tests for the heart, primarily used as a cardiac stress test and for facilitating sleep since it’s a vasodilator. Stop taking cocoa or other caffeine-containing products at least 24 hours before a cardiac stress test.

Clozapine (Clozaril) is an atypical antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, decreasing the rate of suicidal behavior. The body breaks down and metabolize clozapine in order to get rid of it.

The caffeine in cocoa decreases how quickly the body metabolizes clozapine, increasing its concentration. Taking cocoa along with the medication can increase the effects and side effects of clozapine.

Dipyridamole (Persantine) inhibits PDE5 in the blood, which inhibits blood clotting and causes blood vessel dilation. Dipyridamole negatively interacts with the caffeine in cocoa as it might block the effects of dipyridamole.

Caffeine interferes with the dilation of your arteries and increases coagulation of your blood, reducing the blood thinning effects of dipyridamole.

Ergotamine (Ergomar) is an alkaloid that’s structurally similar to a neurotransmitter. It behaves an a vasoconstrictor to reduce the blood flow through the cardiovascular system, used to treat acute migraine attacks.

Caffeine can increase how much Ergotamine the body absorbs. Taking cocoa powder along with Ergotamine may increase the effects and side effects of the medication.

Estrogen pills (Estradiol). While the body breaks down the caffeine found in cocoa powder. Estrogen decreases how the speed at which your body breaks down caffeine, no matter the source.

Taking caffeine along with foods containing estrogen or estrogen supplements may cause jitteriness, headaches, an increased heart rate, and other side effects. If you take estrogen supplements, you should limit or in some cases restrict your caffeine intake.

raw cacao powder

Rating and Recommendation
Extremely Recommended

Going through the huge list of health benefits and side effects of cocoa powder, it's a very easy inclusion in your diet.

Dark chocolate is a staple ingredient in modern day cuisine and baking recipes because it has a unique flavor, it’s even used by the health conscious because it has amazing health impacts.

Here’s the full list of the health benefits of cocoa powder:

Brightens Mood, Boosts Happiness, and Reduces Depression

Can Boost your Libido and Sexual Performance

Boosts Energy and Aids With Weight Loss

Boosts your Cardiovascular Health and Overall Heart Health

Boost your Skin Health and Brain Health

High in Polyphenols, Flavanols, and Antioxidant Enzymes

Reduces High Blood Pressure and Improves Heart Health

Can Improve Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Protects Against Certain Types of Cancer

Here’s the list of side effects of cocoa powder:

Negatively Interacts With Many Medications

And the list of medications that can cause harm, it clashes with:






Estrogen Pills

Due to cocoa's great flavor, boost of mental and physical health, and especially the boost in sex drive, is highly recommended to include into your daily diet.

Although the side effects can cause harm when consumed with chemicals found in certain medicines, it's best to avoid consuming any other form or product while taking these medications.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Cocoa Powder?
Cocoa, also known as cacao or chocolate is a dried and fermented seed coming from the theobroma tree. It's the basis for anything made of chocolate.

The theobroma tree is native to the Amazon basin and Aztec cultures in South America. Popularized by the Spanish, they brought and distributed the seeds to major continents like Europe, Asia, and West Africa.

A theobroma tree can only grow properly in tropical areas accompanied by lots of rain. Unlike most other exotic trees, it's able to be harvested multiple times per year.

The cacao pods fruits that grow from the tree are either green, purple, or red when young; but become a lighter shade of yellow and orange when fully matured.

The pods have a rough leather like texture encapsulating the beans.

The Ivory Coast is the largest exporter of pods and beans globally. Currently at around 2,100,000 tonnes per year. While the United States and Germany are the largest importers at around 2.8$ billion and 2.33$ billion dollars worth respectively.
Is Cocoa Powder Vegan?
Yes, cocoa products are all vegan by nature. Specifically, it's the seeds of the fruit originating from the theobroma tree.

Although some chocolate products have milk, eggs, and other animal products. Pure dark chocolate powder products have no animal products at all, making them safe for all vegans.
Is Cocoa Powder Healthy?
Yes, cocoa powder is very healthy actually. There are so many positive health benefits that come from including it into your diet.

It can: 1. Brighten your Mood, Boosts Happiness, and Reduces Depression

  1. Can Boost your Libido and Sexual Performance

  1. Boosts Energy and Aids With Weight Loss

  1. Boosts your Cardiovascular Health and Blood Flow

  1. Boost your Skin Health

  1. High in Polyphenols, Flavanols, and Antioxidant Enzymes

  1. Reduces High Blood Pressure and Improves Heart Health

  1. Can Improve Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

  1. Protects Against Certain Types of Cancer

Where To Buy Cocoa Powder, Beans, or Nibs?
There are many places like amazon, walmart, and other supermarkets that sell organic, natural cocoa powder, beans, or nibs
submitted by Chris-t-fire to MyDietGoal [link] [comments]

Plant Based Supplements & their benifits

Note: I am still editing this post*

⚠ Contaminated products warning ⚠

The country of China in known to import herbs & other products into the United States Of America & other countries that are contaminated with chemical toxins & or heavy metals with absolute disregard of human health & safety. For this reason it is best to avoid all herbal supplements grown or packaged in china even if they are certified organic. Even some products(toys) sold for children that are sourced from China have been found to be highly toxic. These products should not be accepted into your home or into your body.
Short documentary on food safety in china:

⚠ Prescription Medication Warning: ⚠

Make sure that If you are taking any prescription medications to check with your docter to see if any of the herbs you take or are considering taking could interact with your prescription medications.

Buying certified organic products

It is best to buy all these herbs with organic certification to reduce your exposure to pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. Look for the certification seal on products as well as the name of the group who has certified it as organic & confirm that the group that certified it is legitimate.

Plant Based Supplements:

This is a list of some plant based supplements made from fruit, vegetables, herbs, seeds, barks & roots.
These supplements listed are anti-inflammatory.

Hormonal Support Supplements:


Ashwaganda Root:

Ashwaganda is a root that contains withanaloids that:

Where to purchase:

It can be purchased online & in local stores. It is easier to find & to purchase from online retailers.

Forms of use:

It can be purchased in the form of capsules, a powder or a alcohol / glycerin tincher extract.

Recommend dosage:

Take it daily for 2 to 4 weeks at 1/3 teaspoon 3 times per day. Then take a break for 1 -2 weeks. Then repeat. Best used 3 times a day, 1/3 TsP once in the morning, 1/3 TsP afternoon, 1/3 TsP one dose at night.
Start small when starting to consume ashwaganda at about 1/3 of a teaspoon of ashwaganda powder in glass of water or mixed into raw honey or in a smoothie.

Maca Root:

Maca root powder is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes. It has been claimed to help you gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance. Also, some animal studies indicate that it enhances endurance performance


Heart & Circulation supplements:


Hawthorne berry:

Hawthorne berry strengthens the heart!
Hawthorne berry may help people with heart failure
Good for the heart & circulation

Raw Cacao: ( Raw Chocolate )

⚠ Cacao is a natural stimulant, because it contains caffine & theobromine. So if you are trying to avoid all stimulants then avoid this supplement. ⚠
Cacao is the raw unroasted form of Cocoa. Raw chocolate or cacao grows as a fruit on a tree in a pod & that contains large seeds/ beans inside its hard outer shell.
The seeds are used to make cacao nibs & powder. Cacao is made into cocoa through a process of aklilization & roasting.
  • Cacao is a food that is rich in the mineral magnesium.
  • The human body uses magnesium to preform 300 different tasks.
  • Supports heart health , blood circulation & Improves mood
  • May help Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Thyroid Support Supplements:


Kelp powder or capsules:

Iodine is a trace element required for the synthesis and function of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) thyroid hormones.
Kelp Contains iodine to support proper function of the thyroid gland. Foods that contain selenium also support the thyroid gland. Kelp contains both selenium & iodine.
Sea kelp is a natural source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, as well as minerals including zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper and calcium.

Recommend dosage:

the FDA-recommended dosage for daily intake of iodine is 225 μg. One gram of powdered kelp contains approximately 200 μg of iodine.

Brazil nuts:

Eating Brazil nuts may reduce inflammation, support brain function, and improve your thyroid function and heart health.
Brazil nuts are and rich in healthy fats, selenium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, and vitamin E.

Recommend dosage:

1 or 2 whole brazil nuts is equal to almost %100 of your daily value of selenium. Don't over consume selenium rich foods.

Whole Body Nutritional Support


Spirulina powder:

Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It also has essential amino acids. Protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.
Spirulina is so concentrated in vital nutrients that the human body needs that it is being used in africa to restore the health of people who are experiencing malnourishment.
Spirulinas amino acid profile:
leucine, tryptophane, methionine, phenylalanine, lysine, thionine, isoleucine and valine
  • High in Chlorophyll which may help detoxification
  • A whole food that is high in protein
  • Contains high levels of vitamin A
  • Vitamin A supports your eye sight & skin
Avoid spirulina grown in China & Japan

Moringa Leaf Powder:

Moringa is a leaf that grows on the moringa oliferia tree. Moringa is being used in africa to restore the health of children who are malnourished.
Moringa is the healthiest plant on the earth in terms of the amount of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants & protien it contains in a small amounts of leaf powder
  • Moringa contains plant based protien
  • Moringa may help with weight loss
  • Moringa contains at least 42 anti-oxidants
  • Moringa contains at least 92 nutrients
  • Moringa contains anti inflammatory compounds
It can be purchased online or in local stores in the form of a powder, capsules, extract, teas.


Liver Support Supplements:


Whole beets, beetroot juice or whole beetroot powder:

  • Beet root helps detoxify the body & support liver health
Note: avoid beets and beet powders that are a "product of China" instead buy beet products grown in the usa or other countries.

Wheatgrass powder:

Helps support Glutathione (GSH) which is the bodys master anti-oxidant that recycles other antioxidants including vitamin- c, vitamin-e, CoQ-10 & ( ALA )alpha lipoic acid

Milk thistle Seed:

  • May help with liver obstruction
  • May support liver detoxification

Dandilion root powder:

Liver detoxification

Burdock root:

lymph node detoxification


Tumeric root that is orange in color. It has been used to make medicine & dyes for clothing in the past by certain cultures.
  • contains vitmains & minerals
  • natural pain reliever
  • anti inflammatory.
  • support Liver health
Note: Turmeric can be combined with black pepper to increase its absorption & potency.

Sleep & Anxiety Support Supplements:


Kava root:

Kava is a root that is commonly ground to a powder or paste & then kneeded or blended with water before it is filtered & consumed. The plants botanical name is piper methisticum & It is related to spice black peppercorns.
Kava root contains compounds called kavalactones. These kavalactones have strong anti-anxiety effects when consumed by human beings. The anti anxiety effects are comparable in strength to prescription anti-anxiety medications. This is why some news reports about Kava have called it "Natures Xanax".
Note: do not take kava if you have liver disorders.
Warning: Do not combine kava with alcohol or prescription medications. Combining kava with these things can make kava more likely to cause liver problems.

Valerian root:

Valerian is beneficial for men & women and also has a strong oder due to the compounds it contains.
Valerian has couponds that can act as a anti spasm agent. It also has compounds that act as a sedative. Valerian works by acting on GABA pathways.
Due to this it helps women with menstrual pain because it stops or lowers the amount of painfull spasms that are coming from the uterus.
  • Helps with general pains
  • Helps menstrual "Cramps"
  • Helps OCD
  • Helps anxiety
  • Encouraging sleep
  • Helps insomnia

Supplements for physical pain:


Kratom leaf powder:

( Mitragyna speciosa )
Mitragyna speciosa (Kratom) is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family native to Southeast Asia. It is indigenous to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea, where it has been used in herbal medicine since at least the nineteenth century. Kratom has opioid properties and some stimulant-like effects.
Kratom is a leaf from a tree that acts as an opioid when consumed by human beings. It does this because it contains the (Alkaloids) Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine that bind to opioid receptors located in the brain & spinal cord. This herb can be used short term or long term to help manage serious physical pain. Due to the fact that this herb acts as an opioid there is a possibility of dependence or addiction but it can be useful & safe for severe physical pain if used properly.

Consuming kratom can lead to:

  • Reduced physical pain
  • Reduced depression
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Reduced symptoms of opioid withdrawals
  • Reduced cravings for opioid medications

Kratom Legality Worldwide:

. . .

Kratom is illegal to buy, sell, possess or use in these states listed below.

Rhode Island

Kratom is legal, but may be regulated in the states listed below:

*KCPA = Kratom Consumers protection act
Arizona – KCPA passed
California – Outside San Diego, which banned it, kratom is legal in California
Colorado – Outside Denver, where it’s considered illegal for human consumption, kratom is legal in Colorado
Florida – Aside from being banned in Sarasota Country, kratom is legal in Florida
Georgia – KCPA passed
Illinois – Outside the city of Jerseyville, kratom is legal in Illinois for those over the age of 18
Mississippi – Outside Union County, which has banned the substance, kratom is legal to use in Mississippi
Nevada – KCPA passed
New Hampshire – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 18
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee – Kratom is legal for those over the age of 21
Utah – KCPA passed
West Virginia

Outside of the United States, kratom laws also vary. In the following countries, kratom is illegal:

New Zealand (unless the person has a prescription from a doctor)
South Korea

⚠Herbal Drug Warning:

Do not take kratom leaf if you have a history of seizures because this herbal drug may cause seizures in people who are sensitive to opioids or other drugs.
Do not take kratom while you are consuming perscription medications (Drugs) or combine Kratom with prescription drugs. There are potentially drug interactions with this herb.

Wild lettus powder:(Lactuca virosa)

Lactucarium is the milky fluid secreted by several species of lettuce, especially Lactuca virosa, usually from the base of the stems. It is known as lettuce opium because of its putative sedative and analgesic properties. It has also been reported to promote a mild sensation of euphoria.

Hemp seed hearts & cold pressed hemp seed oil (cannabis sativa)

These products are not illegal even though they come from the canabis sativa plant. It only has trace amounts of thc & cbd. You will not experience a high from these products but you will instead recive the benifits of consuming good fats ( omega 3 , omega 6 & GLA )
  • Hemp oil contains vitamin-e which is good for the heart & skin
  • These products will not make you fail a drug test
  • These hemp products are totally legal
  • Hemp products are anti-inflammatory
  • Hemp oil & seed contains omega 3, omega 6 & GLA
  • Hemp hearts and oil help can people with chronic pain

Usage tips:

  • USE IT RAW ( DO NOT HEAT HEMP OIL or seeds) The reason for that is when you cook any fat you oxidise it & reduce it beneficial properties. Same applys for extra virgin coconut & extra virgin oilve oil.
  • Use it daily in your foods: atop salads & smoothies

White willow bark:

Willow bark comes from the willow tree of the Salix species. The bark contains salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. Salicin is metabolized in the body to create salicylic acid, a precursor to aspirin. The herbal extract has long been used in native and folk medicine to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever.
  • The natural form of asprin
  • used for pain

Noni Fruit Powder: (Pain killer tree) (cheesefruit)

Noni is a fruit from a tree called Morinda citrifolia. Noni may be beneficial for heath in the following ways.
  • Lowers exsessive inflammation
  • Helps your body produce endorphins that help reduce pain
  • Contains amino-acids that are the building blocks of protein.
    It can be purchased & consumed in the form of a whole fruit, juice, powder, capsules.


Contains xanthones they - May help lower pain - May help lower inflammation


  • support digestion
  • loweres exsessive inflammation
  • helps stop pain

Black seeds & black seed oil (Nigella sativa)

  • One of the strongest supplements for pain
  • helps to lower exsessive inflammation

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Contains vitamin e
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Protects the heart


Vitamin-c Supplements:


Amla berry: Least expensive

  • High in vitamin c which is involved in collagen production & repair in the human body. ( Skin, hair & nails )

Rose hips powder:

Rose hips powder is high in vitamin c

Camu berries:

  • High in Vitamin c: Supports skin, hair & nails

Acerola cherry: most expensive

  • High in Viamin c: supports skin, hair & nails

Digestive Supplements:

Neem Leaf Powder

Mint leafs or mint powder ( Pepper mint, Spearmint)

Beneficial for the digestive system & is cooling in taste due to its two main chemical (Menthol) & ( menthone ) which is used are manufacturing food products and in Menthol flavored cigarettes.


  • Reduce mild or severe nausea
  • act as a digestive aid (Before or after meals)
  • pain reliever
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Beneficial for arthritis of the hands & knees.

Marshmellow Root Powder:

  • Supports digestion

Licorice root powder:

  • May help support sleep
  • May Help anxiety & or stress
  • May help heal intestinal ulcers

Ceylon cinnamon:

Cinnamon is the bark from the cinimon verum tree. It is lower in cumarin which can be liver toxic if used in high amoints. Cassia cinnamon also has benifits but i would only recomend using it in small amounts daily.
  • Contains antioxidants
  • Supports digestion
  • acts as a anti-inflammatory
  • supports blood flow in the liver

Food Grade Aloe Vera leaf or juice:

  • Helps heartburn / Acid reflux
  • soothing to the throat, skin & intestinal tract.
  • soothing stomach & intestinal ulcers

Kidney support supplements:

chanca piedra:

Use this herb to help break apart kidney stones - drink it daily at about 1.0 -1.5 grams per dose 3 times a day for stones in the kidneys & gallbladder.

Gallbladder support supplements:

Celery seed powder:

Hydranga root powder:

Raw apple cider vinagar:

Use this diluted in a glass of water or orange juice for gallbladder pain

Spleen support supplment:

Organic Nutmeg Powder:
  • Nutneg is a potent pain reliever
  • when used in small amounts - quarter teaspoon- half a teaspoon.
in water or food NUTMEG supports the spleen.

Bone support supplements:

Red Tart cherry juice or whole red tart cherries:

Beneficial for people with arthritis & inflammation of joints.

Hair & skin support supplments:

Aloe vera (Topically)

-kills the bacteria that causes acne -Promotes new skin growth -Lowers skin inflammation -Heals skin discolorations - Anti bacterial & anti fungal

Rose water (Topically)

Lowers skin inflammation
Horsetail herb:

(Internally& Externally)

This herb is high in a natural silica. Horsetail is actually the most abundant source of silica in the plant world.

Brain support supplements:

Gotu Kola: (Centella asiatica)

. . .
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Snack and Nut Coatings Market 2019 By Industry Size Estimation, Industry Share, Future Demand, Dynamics, Drivers, Research Methodology By 2025

Snack and Nut Coatings Market 2019 By Industry Size Estimation, Industry Share, Future Demand, Dynamics, Drivers, Research Methodology By 2025
Global Snack and Nut Coatings Market: Overview
Global Snack and Nut Coatings Market report offers the latest industry trends, technological innovations and forecast market data. A deep-dive view of the Snack and Nut Coatings industry based on market size, Snack and Nut Coatings growth, development plans, and opportunities is offered by this report. The forecast market information, SWOT analysis, Snack and Nut Coatings barriers, and feasibility study are the vital aspects analyzed in this report.
The up-to-date, comprehensive item learning, industry development curve, end clients will drive the income and benefit. The keyword report ponders the current situation with the business to investigate the future development openings and hazard factors. The keyword report goes for giving a 360-degree advertise situation. Initially, the report offers Snack and Nut Coatings introduction, fundamental overview, objectives, market definition, Snack and Nut Coatings scope, and market size estimation.
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Top Companies Covered in the report: AGRANA, Ashland, Archer Daniels Midland, Bowman Ingredients, Cargill, Dohler, DuPont, Ingredion, Kerry, PGP International, Tate & Lyle.
Regions covered in the market report: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Types Of Global Snack and Nut Coatings Market: Cocoa and Chocolate Ingredients, Fats & oils, Salt, Spices & seasonings, Flours
Applications Of Global Snack and Nut Coatings Market: Fruits and Vegetables, Bakery Snacks, Dairy-based snacks, Chips & Crisps, Edible Nuts and Seeds, Meat-Based Snacks
The report features leading Snack and Nut Coatings manufacturers/companies with an analysis of their production processes, manufacturing capacity, plant locations, and product specifications. It also emphasizes distribution networks, value chain, raw material sourcing, import-export activities, and global presence. Additionally, their financial assessment is also illuminated in the report, which is based on Snack and Nut Coatings sales volume, revenue earnings, gross margin, and growth rate.
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Key Reasons to Purchase:
1) Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risks in the Snack and Nut Coatings market. 2) The market share procured by each product in the Snack and Nut Coatings market analysis, alongside the production growth and the value of each type segment has been mentioned. 3) The price and sales prevailing in the Snack and Nut Coatings market size, as well as the estimated growth trends for the Snack and Nut Coatings market, have been mentioned. 4) Substantial information with regards to the price trends, production volume, has been provided. 5) The report endorses appreciable information with respect to the market growth positioning as well as the marketing channel development trends. With regard to market positioning, the study discusses aspects such as target clientele, pricing strategies, and brand tactics. 6) Conclusive study about the growth plot of the Snack and Nut Coatings market for forthcoming years.
In the end, the report makes some important proposals for a new project of the Snack and Nut Coatings Industry before evaluating its feasibility. Overall, the report provides an in-depth insight into the 2019-2025 global Snack and Nut Coatings industry covering all important parameters.
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[Event] Second Phase of Brazil 2035.

During the first phase of Brazil 2035, there began the establishment of a renewed Brazilian steel industry, removing the current monopolies that are present and putting new companies that will create a fuller internal market and intensify the competition all over the nation; the new steel mills are already under construction and so are the new photovoltaic power plants in the Northeast under the new renewable energy industries that we are constructing. Furthermore, the soybean industry has been showing a new rise after we have liberated more arable land for it and have propped up new industries to counterbalance the agricultural giants that already compromise the nation.
The next phase of Brazil 2035 is the propping up of new sectors in the nation so that Brazilian goods can be launched internationally and thus; be presented into a new wider market internationally such as Africa and Asia – Along with the Middle East and even to the Brazil’s South American neighbors, such as Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Venezuela; the President has the utmost faith that these new developments will make Brazil increase its standing internationally, especially on the economic grounds.

The Production of Electronics

One of the main sectors that Brazil would begin to compete would be in the electronic sectors; with the government focus of providing students with a technical education, which normally benefitted the automotive sector until now. Ceará is going to be given a $15 billion USD cash injection on propping up new industries that specialize on electronics; the Graphene and Niobium research that we have been funding since the early 2020s will finally come in use with its new durability. The establishment of new regulations and quality standards that grant prestige and quality production in our goods; along with a new supervising entity that is going to be set up in States that are dedicated to housing new tech companies.
One of those new companies, Leo Tecnologias, is a company that is dedicated to the production of electronic goods; such as semiconductors, integrated circuits, hybrid integrated circuits, transistors, niobium fuel cells and alkali-based batteries. All of these are stamped with the phrase “Made in Brazil”, in order to fuel prestige and the image of high-quality manufactured goods.
Another one of those new companies, called Rio, is a company that is dedicated to the manufacturing of smartphones, dedicated solely to the production of those goods; with a graphene-based battery, it is more durable and heat resistant; along with a large marketing campaign, one of the goals of this company is to spread its products all over the nation and to outside markets, mostly in South America and Central America; the Federal Government has declared that it will spend $5 billion dollars on subsidies and a marketing campaign so the brand is expanded to outside markets.
The last one of these notorious companies is SEMB (Sociedade Eletromercantil Brasileira/Electromercantile Brazilian Society) – a company that is dedicated to producing electronic white goods such as refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines, drying machines and air conditioners. All of these goods are also subsidized by the Brazilian Federal Government and this production is going to be based in Ceará; where the prices are cheap and transportation is as well, with the new railway line that was recently completed, transport is going to be faster down to the rest of the nation.
Another important fact to add to the rise of these new companies is that the Brazilian Government will support them in establishing both digital and physical stores all over the country; with another $5 billion dollars being added to construct the stores, set up the web-site and create the factories to produce these goods.

The Pharmaceutical Industry

The Pharmaceutical Market in Brazil is ripe for the picking; with few companies, there is a necessity to start developing these high-quality goods for many different reasons, including the funding of new research so newer ground-breaking medicine is implemented into Brazilian society – as a whole – with increasing velocity. There is going to be the development of a $3 billion dollar subsidy into Hypera Pharma, our largest pharmaceutical company; we are looking to increase its revenue and encourage it to expand its industrial might further beyond, with more stores all over the country. Furthermore, we are going to encourage the development of a domestic pharmaceutical industry to compete with the current foreign ones we have available to us.
Aché, another company that has produced $679.2 million USD in 2018, is a company that we are looking to prop up by giving it a $2 billion dollar subsidy in order to make them construct new laboratories and more stores over the nation; the President has hopes that these national companies can compete with the international titans that are currently present in the country.

The Renovation of Rio de Janeiro

Using the example of the state-owned COHAB in São Paulo, a company that acquires property and constructs new buildings for the citizens that live in Rio de Janeiro; where the Favelas are a stain on the current city, that is known for its famous tourist spot, Christ the Redeemer, and its intense criminality and drug trafficking. It’s time to work together with the police force to crackdown on crime while giving the citizens a new habitation.
The establishment of the Metropolitan Company of Habitation of Rio de Janeiro will begin the construction of a new public housing system that is similar to the Kwai Chung Estate located in Hong Kong. With the objective of relocating the people that currently live in the favelas, we are going to make 11,759 rental flats for about 33,000 people, with a commercial center, parking lots, public transport interchange, post office and recreational facilities; the total cost has been averaged at $3.2 billion The police department will receive new weapons and a new training course with direct Federal government subsidy; this new training will entail proficiency in detaining suspects and using surveillance to analyze and build cases against the so-called “drug barons”. The use of an executive order to allow the use of wiretapping more liberally by judges in Rio and a Committee on the Renovation of Rio is going to be formed and is going to be responsible in aiding the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro and the Governor in the management and organization of the renovation, with the Committee of Central Security and the Federal Police taking the entire project into heavy scrutiny in order to avoid most of the corruption present.
With 45,000 men at the police force, there is going to be the deployment of a Committee on the Police Management of Rio, and there is going to be a new direct cash injection in the police force, with an increase in patrol cars, weaponry, effective bureaucracy by removing red tape and giving the district judges a bigger leeway when it comes to the management of cases and the deployment of subpoenas and warrants. A Federal deployment of $350 million dollars in the police force of Rio de Janeiro, with careful surveillance and the careful allocation of this money in the right hands, will ensure that corruption remains controllable and slower.
As the people are moved from the favelas to the Rio COHAB; there will be monitoring of these apartment buildings in order to observe the crime wave that is sure to follow the residents moving from the poverty into a more stable building unit. There will be the construction of two new police departments in proximity with these apartment buildings to keep the peace and to make police response easier and generally, a whole lot faster than usual. There will be the allocation of $100 million into constructing the police stations, buying state-of-the-art equipment and the development of new technology based on CCTV to increase the capabilities of the police.
Furthermore, $300 million are going to be allocated in the renovation of the city itself, with new coats of paint, re-paving streets and expanding the maintenance on the subway system and the public transport system in general; Christ the Redeemer is going to be cleaned and taken care of, and there is going to be the construction of a new public square in the downtown area of Rio; new opportunities are going to be created for those that are relocated from the favelas to the COHAB by these new public works.
Another $700 million are going to be allocated for the construction of a high-end hospital in Rio; providing the citizens with quality healthcare while also providing new construction work for the citizens, especially those displaced by the construction of the COHABs. An additional $300 million will be allocated to the construction of a new Santos Infinity manufacturing plant, where citizens will be able to work on a trade education, working in a variety of jobs in the assembly lines to produce cars and motorcycles.
An investment of $2.5 billion will be given to expand the port of Rio de Janeiro, with the expansion of space for cargo and a general expansion of the dockyard for more cargo ships to enter and leave at any given moment; the general communication infrastructure is going to be expanded so efficiency is increased as much as possible until 2035. There is going to be a final investment of $3.2 billion in the construction of a monorail system in the city of Rio de Janeiro, beginning in Itaguaí and moving to Recreio dos Bandeirantes, with a distance of 46.9 kilometers, moving to Ipanema with a distance of 32.3 kilometers and a final destination to Maré, with a distance of 20 kilometers; the entire distance is 99.2 kilometers and a cost of $2.7 billion, with additional costs in materials and the land, it should amount to a total of $3.2 billion dollars. The total costs for the renovation of Rio de Janeiro and the construction of the complex, along with everything else, will amount to a total of $10,350,000,000 dollars.
Project Cost
COHAB $3,200,000,000
Two Police Stations + Equipment $100,000,000
Infrastructural Renovation of Rio $300,000,000
High-end Rio Hospital $700,000,000
Rio de Janeiro Port Expansion $2,500,000,000
Monorail System $3,200,000,000
Final Cost $10,350,000,000

The National Institute for Automation

In Brazil, there has been a necessity for an increasing in automation; as we see the need to become more competitive in international markets, we need to start working on increasing the automation of our industries; may it be in the automotive, pharmaceutical, agricultural or in the field of heavy industry, such as steel.
It is due to this need that the Federative Republic of Brazil will develop the ‘National Brazilian Institute for Automation’, or NBIfA, INBA in Portuguese; which will focus on mass data collection in all of the Brazilian industrial sectors and then follow trends of higher efficiency, with a development of small scale experiments to see which changes produce genuine shifts and which were correlations, with an implementation of the effective ones as wide-reaching reform programs, supported by the state in order to encourage the fast development of Brazilian goods.
Along with factory automation and the use of robotics for the increasing efficiency of our factories, the institute is going to work on artificial intelligence in the fields of self-driving vehicles and the use of artificial intelligence for data management and data storage for logging in data for further analysis by the institute in their quest for efficiency. With a focus on encouraging international scientists into coming to Brazil for work in the institute, we are going to approach the People’s Republic of China and attract Chinese IP and talent, with visa-free travel for scientists accredited in Chinese and Brazilian universities, with rent-free housing near the institute and free transportation.
The institute is going to be housed in Ceará and is going to receive a yearly funding of $3.5 billion dollars, with state-of-the-art equipment and any necessary equipment is to be delivered and handed immediately, along with generous salaries and a strong CCTV and general surveillance inside the institute in order to avoid technology leaking into foreign hands or in the hands of international competitors; when possible, the automation technology is going to be delivered to our domestic companies to give them an edge against the international companies that are currently in Brazil.

The Corporate Policy for Technology

Due to the obvious security risks that come with the development of new automation technology, or really, any technology at all; we come to face the fact that we are going to need to secure these leaks in one way or another – and that comes with its price. There is going to be a policy that lets Brazil defend itself from leaks while at the same time, it keeps the domestic companies at an edge.
By using the Corporate Policy for Technology, a new law is going to be promulgated that allows the sales and the use of the National Institute for Automation for a certain type of company. By meeting a national revenue quota of at least $1.5 billion USD a year, having a certain amount of workers and presenting itself as a company that has reliable and frequent exporting contracts, we can make sure that only the largest companies can have use of this technology; companies that meet this kind of policy are Santos Infinity, SEMB and Gerdau S.A.
Furthermore, the President believes that this will encourage rising industries to labor hard as to receive larger revenue and meet the pre-requirements for entry into the purchase of new automation equipment that is certain to be revolutionary in the long run.

Increasing Automation and Efficiency in Agriculture

Using the agricultural sector as a focus, with one of our main exports being bovine meat, along with other exports such as soybeans, swine meat and chicken meat; Brazil in general is a very large agricultural exporter and that is to be capitalized upon, especially now with the Brazil 2035 plan.
There is going to be the implementation of a precision livestock farming technology, using an AI-managed database that allows it to optimize the contribution of each individual animal in a farm, with the use of statistical analysis. Implementing an electronic ear tag, there can be the implementation of data of the specific animal, such as birth, which is the mother, how many siblings she delivered, what the gender of each sibling is and what is the DOB. With this database set, the AI can provide in-depth information that would otherwise be unattainable, using real-time automate processes to monitor reproduction, health and welfare, production and environmental impact.
In the dairy industry, we are going to be implementing the use of robotic milkers for precision management of dairy cattle. With the main advantages of time savings, greater production, record of valuable information and diversion of abnormal milk, we feel like this is a major investment that is crucial for our rising industries; we are going to be contracting DeLavel for the production and installation of the robotic milkers, before trying to prop up our very own robotics industry as soon as possible.
Along with the robotic milkers, we are going to implement automatic feeders on a rail system, that will feed the cattle at designated times provided by the precision livestock farming database.
In the swine industry, we are going to implement automated weight detection cameras to calculate a pig’s weight without a scale and microphones to detect respiration problems. In the entire animal farming industries, we are going to use a climate control artificial intelligence regulator that can manage thermal stress, establishing an automated system that can reduce and increase the temperature at will, by the installing of heaters and air conditioners in farms.
To benefit the abattoirs and the general animal meat industry, we are going to use a Slaughterhouse Registration System. These systems read each ear tag at the moment of the slaughtering, after which the carcasses are traced through the abattoir. When carcasses are moved into storage, the tag number and other data, such as weight, quality, fat and the customer are added to the carcass, the pertinent data are fed back to the farmer who can use the data to improve his farming. All of this data can and will be given to the National Institute for Automation for analysis and the faster development of efficient use of equipment and food.
In the agricultural scenery, with the advent of cocoa, corn, soybean and other crops that are produced in Brazil time and time again, we are going to increase its efficiency as fast as possible while at the same time reducing costs and maintenance. The first technology that is going to be implemented is the use of driverless tractors, with a mixed system of implementing autonomous steering systems to current tractors to make them driverless and also the use of fully autonomous tractors.
The fully autonomous tractors navigate a field using lasers that bounce signals off several mobile transponders located around the field. These lasers are accompanied with 150 MHz radios to deal with line-of-sight issues. Instead of drivers, the tractors have controllers, who supervise the tractor whilst not being inside of them. With the combined use of the fully automated tractors along with the site-specific crop management, we can make sure that the tractors have pre-defined paths and can move with little problem around the field and executing their functions in stellar fashion.
The site-specific crop management comes from the use of UAV drones that are equipped with hyperspectral or RGB cameras that capture many images of a field that are processed into orthophotors and NDVI maps by using photogrammetric methods, these drones are also capable of capturing several metric points of a field that are used later to deliver proper water and fertilization to crops. Using aerial photography with data from satellite records, it is possible to predict the future yields based on the current level of field biomass; aggregated images can create contour maps to track where water flows, determine variable-rate seeding and create yield maps of areas that were more – or less – productive.
The advent of the Internet of All Things, a principle that explains how simple mechanical objects can be combined into a network to broaden the understanding of that object, is going to be used in agriculture by adopting artificial intelligence to optimize the use of water and fertilizer and the use of sensors that can measure the moisture content and soil fertility in real time. With a database and AI, along with soil sensors and a telecommunications network, we can implement a digital agriculture system that uses advanced imaging in synergy with the site-specific crop management, which will look at temperature gradients, fertility and moisture gradients and anomalies in a field. Imaging would feature low financial and ecological cost and high spatio-temporal resolution; with a weather forecast system, it can prevent overwatering.
The final introduction of technologies in the agricultural field is the integrated pest management system, which works by suppressing pest populations below the economic injury level – with the use of natural pesticides such as nicotine and pyrethrum with low-volume spray equipment. The IPMS is going to contain machine learning AI in order for the system to adapt itself when it comes to deploying pesticides and managing the population of pests – one of the other main approaches to containing the pests is the promotion of beneficial insects that ear or parasitize target pests and biological insecticides, such as entomophatogenic fungi and entomophatogenic nematodes. The farmhands that may become unemployed due to these new advances are going to be redirected to either the services industry or are going to be utilized as mechanics for the new machines and systems, which will definitely be necessary as time passes; there is going to be a new demand for skilled hands that are willing to install these new systems, programmers that can establish the initial databases and the machine learning programs and etcetera.
The cost of these developments, installation, encouragement, and subsidies or otherwise the general costs of business are going to surmount at $30bn USD or R$116bn BRL.

A New São Paulo

Along with the renovation of Rio de Janeiro; according to the President of the Republic, there needs to be a complete reorganization of the city of São Paulo due to it being the centerpiece of Brazil. The concrete titan that fuels the entire nation is going to be completely reorganized and it is going to be a costly infrastructural project that will take a gigantic amount of effort to implement properly.
With an estimated population of 52.5 million citizens living in the metropolis, the gargantuan project requires care and great planning; the goal of the New SP project is to make it so the city stops being an organic one and ends up being planned. The first phase of the project is going to be remaking the entire traffic routes by creating strategically-placed highways and making it so the entire traffic is more efficient, with either faster routes or a road density that doesn’t cause clogging or bottling – along with proper traffic routes for the public transportation system and for bicycles.
There is going to be an initial reorganization of downtown São Paulo, which is incredibly costly and will take a long time to do, at least until 2032. There is an assumption that there won’t be a necessity to reconstruct or to re-make the entire part of downtown, in fact, there will probably be only a small portion of it needing to be re-done. The costs are assumed to be at $10 billion, this cost is due to repaving roads, reconstructing buildings, buying the land and reorganizing the sewage, with a time period of two years, completing in 2032.
After the initial reform of downtown São Paulo, we are going to be moving towards the reorganization and the terraforming of the other poorer residential districts and as such, that is going to take a solid $45bn USD to do, with paving, paying residents to move, dealing with the sewage and dealing with the subway system, that will be expanded and reorganized accordingly. We hope that this will be done in three years, but delays are to be expected. We are planning to expand the COHAB system in SP and constructing a complex similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro in order to eliminate the favelas and general poverty, with 11,759 rental flats for about 33,000 people in a complex and another 12,500 rental flats for about 35,000 people, we expect that this will cost another $10bn USD to construct and provide housing for almost 100,000 people – the size of a small town – and provide a healthy alternative to the favelas, stopping crime and transforming the scenery of São Paulo with a look of friendliness.
An additional $5 billion is going to be allocated into advertisement and propaganda campaigns all over the country to boost the current ruling party’s popularity, which has been tarnished or at least partially hurt by the Somalia campaign – President Dória hopes that these measures will be enough to secure a reelection but it is still an uncertain fate.
submitted by kai229 to Geosim [link] [comments]

Lupine Publishers | Domestication and Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Growth, Yield Parameters, Quality Indices and Soil Fertility improvement to Different Organic Fertilizers

Lupine Publishers | Domestication and Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Growth, Yield Parameters, Quality Indices and Soil Fertility improvement to Different Organic Fertilizers

Lupine Publishers | Domestication and Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) Growth, Yield Parameters, Quality Indices and Soil Fertility improvement to Different Organic Fertilizers
Purpose:Field and nursery experiments were conducted in Akure in the rainforest zone of Nigeria to evaluate the effects of woodash, pig, goat and poultry manures on the soil fertility improvement, growth, grain yields parameters, crude fibre, crude ash, protein and nitrogen of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) in 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons.
Methods.The four (4) organic fertilizer treatments were applied each at 6t/ha with a reference treatment NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer applied at 300kg/ha and a control treatment which were replicated four times and arranged in a randomized complete block design.
Results:The results showed significant increases (P<0.05) in the soil nutrients, growth and grain yield, crude fibre, protein, nitrogen, crude ash, straw yield and root biomass of wheat under different organic fertilizers application compared to the control treatment. The highest values of wheat plant height, leaf area, number of tillers, stem girth, number of spikelets/plant, leaf population, straw weight, root biomass, grain yields, crude fibre, crude ash, nitrogen and protein were obtained with the application of poultry manure followed by NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer, pig, goat manures and wood ash respectively. Wheat grains yield, straw weight, root biomass, crude fibre, % nitrogen, crude fibre and crude ash, plant height leaf area, number of tillers, stem girth, number of spikelets/plant and leaf population increased by 13%, 2%, 1%, 27%, 33% , 33%, 27%, 14%, 10%, 2%, 11% and 15% respectively with the application of poultry manure compared to NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer. Wood ash application produced the highest values of soil pH, K, Ca and Mg while the application of poultry manure treatment gave the highest values of Soil O.M, N and moderate values of P, K, Ca and Mg. NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer application decreased soil O.M, Ca, Mg and had the highest K/Mg, K/Ca and P/Mg ratios of 85:1, 127:1 and 1280:1 compared to 3:1 K/Ca, K/Mg 4:1 and P/Mg 57:1 in poultry treatment.
Conclusion:Poultry manure applied at 6t/ha gave the best results in improving soil properties, growth, grain yield crude ash, crude fibre, nitrogen and crude protein of wheat and this was because of its balanced nutrient contents and the least C/N ratio which enhanced faster decomposition and uptake of nutrients.
Keywords: Domestication; Growth; Yield of wheat; Soil fertility improvement; Proximate analysis and organic fertilizers


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) belongs to the family Poaceae (Gramineae) and originated from Ethopian Highlands [1]. Wheat is one of major crop in the temperate countries used for human food and livestock and can be grown in different agro-climatic zones Iftikhar [2] and Hussan [3]. Shewry [4] reported that wheat whole grains contributed essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, beneficial phytochemicals and dietary fibre components to the human diet. Besides, wheat grain is a staple food used to make flour for leavened, flat, and steamed breads, biscuits, cookies, cake, breakfast cereal, pasta, noodles, fermented alcoholic beverages (beer) and biofuel Sharma [5]. They reported further that the gluten protein fraction in wheat confers the visco-elastic properties that allowed the dough to be processed into above mentioned food products. Shewry [6] also explained that high content of starch (60- 70%) in wheat whole grain and relatively low protein content (8- 15%) made the crop still important source of calories and protein for human and livestock nutrition. Therefore, the nutritional importance of wheat proteins should not be under estimated particularly in less developed countries where bread, noodles, burger and other products provide a substantial proportion of the diet. Despite the economic and nutritional importance of wheat cultivation in Nigeria and other African countries, its production output has not met the current high demand by the people because of low yield. The wide gap in the supply and demand for wheat in Nigeria has put serious pressure on the country foreign exchange reserve. Central Bank of Nigeria CBN [7] reported that Nigeria spent N1.30 trillion naira annually to import wheat for domestic and industrial uses which cannot be sustained because of dwindling oil prices.
The trend of low wheat yield could be attributed to factors such as lack of improved agronomic practices for its cultivation by farmers, vagaries of weather conditions and climate change, shortage of sufficient water and mineral nutrients, effects of pests and diseases and increased population pressure on land which allowed continuous cultivation without fertilizer use. Therefore, different efforts meant to increase soil nutrients (i.e soil fertility improvement) are limited by high cost of inorganic fertilizers and the effect of the continuous use of such fertilizers on the destruction of soil properties Moyin [8]. Current and future concerns for researchers, agronomists, food policy makers and processors are to look for ways of sustaining increased wheat production and quality with reduced inputs of agro-chemicals, inorganic fertilizers and encouraged massively the use of low cost organic fertilizers for both human and livestock nutrition. This justifies the need for the use of poultry, pig, goat manures and woo dash as source of fertilizers for soil fertility improvement in this research study. In-addition, wheat has not been widely domesticated in Nigeria, West African countries and other regions in the world with similar climatic conditions. The few farmers growing wheat in the Northern regions of Nigeria where rainfall is very low (600mm/ annum) depended heavily on irrigation which is very expensive, technical and increased the cost of production. However, there have been no traces of wheat cultivation in the South West Nigeria, where rainfall is bi-modal between 1000-2064mm per annum and annual temperature between 29 -32oC. Feldman [9] reported that provision of sufficient water, mineral nutrients and effective control of pests and diseases were important for high yields of wheat.
Now that there is an increasing climate change effects in Nigeria and throughout the world, thus neccesitating an urgent need to encourage farmers in Southern region of Nigeria, West African countries and other regions in the world with similar climatic conditions to domesticate wheat cultivation on commercial basis under rainfed agriculture especially the second peak of raining season between July and November using low cost organic fertilizer inputs. Having reviewed literature critically, there is a paucity of research information on the use poultry, pig, goat manures and wood ash on the growth and yield parameters of wheat except the works of Jubrin [10] on the effect of poultry manure on herbage production of wheat, Abdul [11] using NPK fertilizers on growth and yield of wheat and Jabbar [12] who worked on effect of potassium application on yield and protein contents of late sown wheat. The choice of wood ash, pig, poultry and goat manures as sources of organic fertilizer materials in the research study was due to their availability and abundance in large quantities from the study area and the surrounding communities where majority of the farmers are cassava growers with associated processing mills, poultry, pig and goat producers.

Purpose of the experiment

The following research questions would be answered for the experiment (a) Is there any significant difference between the applied organic fertilizers on growth and yield parameters of wheat? (b) Is there any significant difference between the applied organic fertilizers and post cropping soil properties?
The objectives of the research work are to (a) determine the effect of poultry; pig, goat manures and wood ash on the growth, yield and quality parameters of wheat (b) determine the effect of these organic fertilizers on post cropping soil properties.

Materials and Method

The nursery and field experiments were carried out in Akure, South West in the rainforest zone of Nigeria (elevation 10m 7o 151N, 5o 151 E) in 2014 and was repeated in 2015 to validate the results. The climatic data for 2014 and 2015 is presented in Table 1 while the soil is loamy sand, skeletal, kaolinitic, isohyperthomic oxic paleustalf (Alfisol) Soil Survey Staff [13].

Table 1: The Climatic data for Akure in 2014 and 2015.
Source: Agro-climatology Department Ondo State Ministry of Agriculture

Pre cropping Soil Sampling and analysis

30 core samples were collected from 0-15cm depth, bulked, air-dried, sieved with 2mm sieve for routine analysis. Soil P was extracted by Bray P1 extractant and the extract was developed on Murphy blue coloration and determined on a spectronic 20 [14]. The soil pH (1:1 soil/water and 1:2 soils/0.01M CaCl2) was read on pH meter Crockford [15]. The organic matter was determined using wet oxidation method through chromic acid digestion Walkley [16]. Soil. K, Ca, Mg and Na were extracted with 1M NH4OAC pH7 and their contents K, Ca and Na were read on the flame photometer [17] while Mg content was read and determined on atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The Soil N was determined using the micro Kjedahl method. Jackson [18] while the micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) were extracted with 0.01M HCl and read on atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Parricle size analysis was carried out using hydrometer method Bouycous [19].
The soil pH 5.63 showed that the soil is slightly acidic. The soil organic matter 0.34% and soil available P 5.22mg/kg were far below 3% O.M and 10mg/kg P critical levels recommended for sustainable crop production in South West Nigeria Agboola [20]. The soil exchangeable bases (K, Ca, Mg and Na) were below 0.20mmol/ kg recommended critical level in the study area Folorunso [21]. The soil textural class is loamy sand while the micronutrients were sufficient for crop production; higher than 5.0mg/kg Fe, 3.0mg/ kg Zn, 1.0mg/kg Cu and Mn 1.5mg/kg critical levels respectively Adeoye [22]. The soil N content of 0.05% was lower than 0.15% N critical level recommended for crops by Sobulo [23] (Table 2 ).

Table 2: Pre-cropping soil analysis for wheat.

Sources and processing of organic fertilizers used for the experiment

Poultry, pig and goat manures were obtained from the 10,000 poultry birds, 500 pigs and 500goats in the livestock unit of Federal College of Agriculture, Akure while the wood ash was obtained from the large scale cassava processing unit which processed cassava tubers from 10,000 hectares of cassava farm in the same institution. NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer was purchased from Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Akure Ondo State while the imported wheat seeds (Durum L) were also purchased from a certified seed company, Agro-Farm enterprises, Akure Nigeria. The organic fertilizer materials were processed; wood ash was sieved with 2mm sieve to remove pebbles and charcoals while poultry, pig and goat manures were cured before application.

Chemical analysis of the organic fertilizers used

Two (2) grammes each of the processed organic fertilizers were analysed. P, K, Ca and Mg analysis was done using wet digestion method based on 25-5-5ml of HNO3–H2SO4-HCLO4 acids while Nitrogen (N) content was determined by the kjedahl method Jackson [18]. Table 3 presents the chemical analysis of the organic fertilizers used for the research experiment. Poultry manure had the highest values of N, P and least value of C/N ratio followed by pig, goat manures and wood ash respectively. The wood ash had the highest values of %K, Ca, Mg, Fe Mn, Cu and Zn respectively. Its highest C/N value of 11.76 might delay decomposition and quick release of nutrients to crops when compared to poultry, pig and goat manures respectively. The NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer had 15%N, 15%P and 15%K nutrient contents respectively.

Table 3a: Pre-cropping soil analysis for wheat.
Table 3b: Pre-cropping soil analysis for wheat.

Nursery establishment for wheat seedlings

Land clearing with packing of debris where carried out followed by construction of bamboo made of erected bamboo poles and covered on the top with moderate spread of palm fronds. Ten nursery beds with a size of 4mx4m each were prepared. The wheat seeds (durum L) variety were sown in June manually into rows spaced at 20cm apart, covered lightly with soil, watered regularly twice a day (morning and evening time) to aid good seeds germination and establishment of seedlings. Germination of wheat seeds occurred four days after planting and seedlings were nursed for 3 weeks before transplanting. The nursery experiment is important because direct sowing of wheat seeds on field will not bring out healthy seedlings with high germination percentage, thus, the use of shade structure was to control the prevailing temperature for higher rate of seeds germination to plant on large scale field.

Field Experiment

The experimental land was cleared, ploughed, harrowed and marked into different plots. Each plot size was 5mx5m (5m2). There were four organic fertilizer treatments, namely wood ash, poultry, pig and goat manures, applied at 6t/ha with a reference treatment NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer applied at 3000kg/ha and a control treatment (no fertilizer application). The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated four times. The choice of 6t/ha for wood ash, pig, goat and poultry manure for this research was based on the research works of Folorunso [24] and Moyin Jesu [25] on determination of soil critical levels for N,P,K, Ca and Mg using organic fertilizer materials and concluded that application of 6t/ha was the best critical level for optimum crop yield in the study area.
The incorporation of the organic fertilizers into the soil was done one week before transplanting the wheat seedlings using hand trowel. Twenty one day old wheat seedlings were transplanted to the experimental plots at 20cm spacing between rows and 5cm within rows on July, 2014. After transplanting, watering was carried out every morning and evening for one week for full establishment of seedlings. Tillering of wheat seedlings started at 4 weeks after transplanting. Weeding operation was done manually 14 days after transplanting and continued at three (3) weeks interval until harvest. Wheat seedlings were sprayed with Avesthrin (Cypermethrin 10EC) at 10ml/litre of water at 3 weeks interval until 9 weeks after transplanting to control leaf defoliating insects and other pests of wheat.
Wheat growth parameters such as plant height (cm), number of tillers, number of spikelets, leaf population, stem girth (cm) leaf area (cm2) and plant population were measured starting from 15 days after transplanting (DAT) until 70 days after transplanting. The leaf area was estimated using the non-destructive and accurate method of Pandey and Singh (2011) based on determination of individual leaf area using a simple equation leaf area (cm2) =x/y where x is the weight (g) of the area covered by leaf outline on a millimeter graph paper and y is the weight of one cm2 of the same graph paper. The formation of panicles in wheat started between 7–8 weeks after planting. At 12 weeks after planting, harvesting of matured wheat panicles at 15% moisture started for each treatment as they attain maturity, the panicles were cut from the base using knives, weighed (kg), bagged and sun dried for five days to attain 13% moisture content. The dried panicles were threshed to remove carefully the wheat grain yield and weighed per each treatment plot. The weight of wheat straw and root biomass were also measured to determine the ratio between the grain yields and shoot weight.

Proximate analysis of wheat grains

2 grammes each of wheat grains per treatment were weighed into crucibles and placed in a muffled furnace for 6 hours at 450oC. Thereafter, ash was allowed to cool down, made into solution and filtered to obtain clear solution through which the crude fibre,nitrogen, crude protein (%N x6.25) and crude ash were determined as described by AOAC [26].

Post cropping soil analysis

Soil samples were collected after harvesting from each of the treatment plot, bulk together, air-dried, sieved and analysed for soil N, P, K, Ca, Mg, pH and O.M as earlier described for pre-cropping soil analysis.

Statistical Analysis

All data collected on the growth and yield parameters of wheat were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) F-test and their means were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level of significance Gomez [27].


The growth parameters of wheat plants under different organic fertilizer treatments between 15 and 70 days after transplanting Significant increases (P<0.05) in the wheat plant height, leaf area,number of tillers, stem girth, number of spikelets/plant and leaf population under different organic fertilizers compared to the control treatment (Table 4a & b). The highest values of wheat plant height, leaf area, number of tillers, stem girth; number of panicles per plant and leaf population were obtained with the application of poultry manure followed by NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer, pig, goat manures and wood ash respectively. When compared with NPK 15- 15-15 fertilizer, poultry manure increased wheat plant height, leaf area, number of tillers per plant, stem girth and number of panicles per plant by 14%, 10%, 2%, 11%, 15% respectively except leaf population where NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer increased the parameter by 3% more than poultry manure. Pig manure also increased the plant height, leaf area, and number of tillers, stem girth, number of panicles and leaf population by 1%, 14%, 33%, 3%, 8% and 23% respectively compared to the goat manure. The wood ash treatment application increased moderately the values of wheat growth parameters while the control treatment where there was no fertilizer application had the least values of growth parameters.

Table 4a:
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.

Table 4b : The growth parameters of Wheat under different organic fertilizer treatments.
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.

Effect of different organic fertilizers on the yield parameters of wheat

There were significant (P<0.05) increases in the wheat grains yield (kg/ha), straw weight and root biomass under different organic fertilizer treatments compared to the control treatments (Table 5). The highest values of wheat grain yields, straw weight and root biomass (kg/ha) were recorded with the application of poultry manure followed by NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer, pig, goat manures and wood ash respectively. Application of poultry manure increased the wheat grain yield, straw weight and root biomass by 13%, 2% and 1% compared to NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer. In-addition, it was observed that the wheat straw yield and root biomass values in NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer were slightly higher than the pig goat, manures and wood ash respectively. Pig manure increased wheat grain yields, straw weight and root biomass by 16%, 2% and 12% compared to wood ash. The goat manure and wood ash increased moderately the yield parameters of wheat while the control treatment where there was no fertilizer application had the least values of wheat yield parameters. The higher straw yield and root biomass of wheat in all the treatments also gave an indication of their potential uses as fodder, hay and silage for animals in the study area.

Table 5 : The yield parameters of Wheat under different organic fertilizer treatments.
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.

Proximate analysis of wheat grain yield under different organic fertilizer treatments

The % crude fibre, %N, % crude protein and % crude ash of wheat grains increased significantly (P<0.05) under different organic fertilizer treatment compared to the control treatment (Table 6). The poultry manure application produced the highest values of wheat grains crude fibre, %N, % crude protein and crude ash followed by pig, goat manures, wood ash and NPK 15-15-15 fertilizers. Poultry manure treatment increased the wheat grains % crude fibre, %N, % crude fibre and crude ash by 27%, 33%, 33% and 27% respectively compared to NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer. Among the organic fertilizer treatments, poultry manure had the highest values of % crude fibre, %N, crude protein and crude ash compared to pig, goat manures and wood ash. Pig manure increased the % crude fibre, %N, % crude protein and crude ash by 16%, 17%, 17% and 11% compared to wood ash while the control treatment with no fertilizer application had the least values of wheat grains %N, crude protein, crude ash and fibre.

Table 6 : Proximate analysis of wheat grain yield under different organic fertilizer treatments.
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level of significance.

Post-cropping soil chemical composition under different organic fertilizers after harvesting wheat.

The soil pH, O.M, N, P, K, Ca and Mg increased significantly (P<0.05) under different organic fertilizer treatments compared to the control treatment (Table 7a & 7b). Application of poultry manure increased soil N, Ca, Mg, pH and % O.M by 5%, 98%, 95%, 24% and 90% respectively compared to the NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer. However, NPK 15-15-15 fertilizers increased slightly the soil P and K by 2% and 9% respectively compared to the poultry manure. The NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer also decreased soil pH and O.M. Among the organic fertilizers, poultry manure treatment produced the highest values of soil N, P, and O.M closely followed by pig, goat manures and wood ash treatments. In-addition, wood ash also had the highest values of the soil K, Ca, Mg and pH compared to others.

Table 7a : Proximate analysis of wheat grain yield under different organic fertilizer treatments.
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.

Table 7b : Soil Chemical Composition after harvesting wheat under different organic fertilizers.
Treatment means within each column followed by the same letters are not significantly different from each other using Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level.
Poultry manure treatment increased the soil N, P and O.M by 30%, 60% abd 20% compared with goat manure while wood ash treatment increased the soil K, Ca, Mg and pH by 11%, 20%, 23% and 4% respectively compared to the poultry manure treatment. The values of soil K/Ca, K/Mg and P/Mg ratios in NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer treatment were 127:1, 85:1 and 1280:1 respectively compared to K/Ca (3:1), K/Mg (4:1) and P/Mg (57:1) ratios in poultry manure treatment. The control treatment where there was no fertilizer application had the least values of soil N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Soil O.M and pH.


The control treatment had the least values of growth, yield parameters, proximate analysis of wheat and soil properties after harvest and this was due to low soil nutrient status before planting, hence, there is need to incorporate fertilizers to the soil to improve the performance of these growth, yield and soil parameters in wheat. This was in line with Moyin [28] who reported that organic fertilizers applied at 6t/ha increased the soil and leaf, N, P, K, Ca and Mg concentrations which resulted into an increase in soil pH, O.M content and growth parameters of Coconut seedlings. Similarly, Maqsood [29] reported that the cereal grains and stover yields increased by 37% and 49% respectively when fertilizers were incorporated compared to when there was no fertilizer application. The significant increases in wheat plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of spikelets/plant, leaf area stem girth, straw yield, root biomass and grain yields obtained with the application of poultry manure compared to others might be due to its rich and balanced nutrients (N,P,K,Ca,Mg ) and least C/N ratio which were made available to wheat crop very quickly for uptake and sustainable performance. This result agreed with the findings of Jubril who reported that higher number of wheat tillers obtained with 7.5t/ha of poultry manure might be attributed to the more readily available nitrogen which played a vital role in cell division. In-addition, Abdul [11] also reported that wheat has high requirement for nitrogen (N), potassium (k), phosphorus (P), Zinc and sulphur. The deficiency of nitrogen either organic or inorganic forms to wheat will lead to stunted growth and low yield.
Parveen [30] also reported that nitrogen significantly affected the plant height, fertile tillers, number of spikelets, 1000 grain weight and grain yields of wheat. This was because nitrogen played an important role in plant metabolism which increased better seed development, seed maturity and grain production in wheat. The average grain yield of wheat obtained with the application of poultry and pig manures in this experiment compared favorably with the world average of 3010 Kgha-1 and China (4710kgha- 1) as reported by Abdul [11]. It is believed that planting of new high yielding wheat varieties adapted to the new environment will increase the average yield per hectare in the study area. Phosphorus is important as component of Ribulose 1,5 phosphate and phospho-glyceric acids in photosynthesis (ATP). Therefore,wheat is a C3 plant which makes use of sunlight to photosynthesize and produce phosphorus based product that subsequently led to higher grain yields. This observation was supported by Getachew [31]. who reported significant responses of wheat to phosphorus on nitosols in the Central Ethopian highlands. Besides, the prevailing temperature, rainfall amount and insolation hours (sunshine hours) in the study area (Table 1) might also be responsible for the good photosynthetic process and the yields of wheat even without irrigation as practiced in Northern Nigeria and other countries with low rainfall. Hence sustainable increases in wheat yields, depend on adequate level of water and nutrients.
The ratio of straw yield and root biomass to the grain yields of wheat in this experiment was very comparable to the ratio 2:1 obtained by Wang [32]. The straw yields and root biomass are potential sources of fodder and hays for the small and large ruminant animals (goats, sheep and cattle) as part of wheat value chain which is yet to be explored. Besides, the availability of these fodder and hays from wheat will reduce drastically the frequent conflicts between the farmers and normadic herdsmen in the study area and other regions of the world. The root biomass will enhance stability of the soils against erosion which can deplete soil nutrients; also, it will help to stabilize the wheat plants against lodging. This observation was supported by Fischer and Stapper [33] who reported that the use of organic manures reduces soil bulk density which promoted vigorous rooting in wheat and confers stability to the crops against wind attack and reduced lodging. Lodging in cereals also leads to significant reduction in the stover and grain yields. It was also observed that the high nitrogen content in NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer might be responsible for the excessive vegetative growth in wheat plants (i.e luxury consumption) which delayed maturity and subsequently the reduced yields of wheat compared to poultry manure. Besides, the application of NPK 15- 15-15 fertilizer at 300kg/ha led to nutrient imbalance as shown in the high soil K/Ca, K/Mg and P/Mg ratios which made nutrient availability difficult and the uptake of P, K, Ca, and Mg. This could also be responsible for the lower wheat grains yield, tillers, number of spikelets, root biomass and so forth. The above observation agreed with Moyin [34] who reported that continuous use of NPK 15-15-15 fertilizers and other chemical fertilizers promoted decline in soil organic matter, decrease uptake of K, Ca and Mg as well as increasing soil acidity. Increase acidity (low pH) significantly affected soil microbes activities (pseudosomonas, nitrosomonas and nitrobactor) which played active part in nitrogen cycle supply of nitrogen to the soils for crop use as reported by Odu [35].
Moyin [25] also reported that interactions of soil K/Ca, K/Mg and P/Mg in NPK fertilized soils will lead to nutrient dilution and could be responsible for the lower quality indices of wheat grain yield (crude fibre, crude ash, nitrogen and crude protein). Besides, Maqsood [29] reported excessive uptake of nitrogen would lead to luxury consumption and prolonged maturity leading to Nitrogen –phosphorus interaction in NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer application. The ultimate end is nutrient dilution and low yields of wheat. Nevertheless, this type N/P interaction was not noticed in the experiment conducted by Parven [30] using organic manures. The NPK fertilizers contained mainly N, P and K and very low traces of Ca and Mg. Tong [36] reported that excess nitrogen in chemical fertilizers might be leached downwards to pollute underground water. Calcium (Ca) has been reported to increase the root biomass which subsequently increased the nutrient uptake by wheat plants for high grain yields while Mg is also important in the formation of chlorophyll with nitrogen. This will encourage higher photosynthesis rate culminating into formation of high number of wheat tillers number of spikelets and grain yield as noticed in the poultry, pig, goat manures and wood ash fertilized plots in the experiment. The above observation was supported by Craighead and Martin [37] who reported that there was a significant increase in wheat grain yield, tillers and spikelets to Magnesium (Mg) fertilizer application.
Wood ash application to soils increased most the soil pH and this could be due to its having the highest values of K, Ca and Mg (exchangeable bases) which subsequently increased the soil buffering capacity and base saturation as observed by Moyin [29]. Besides, Obatolu [38] also reported that soil pH influenced nutrient availability and uptake of nutrients by crops. Potassium is important in wheat grains filling and formation, strengthening of plant stems, opening and closing of stomata and cell division for higher photosynthetic rate. This could be responsible for the better grain yield, number of tillers and spikelets of wheat in wood ash fertilizer treatment. This observation was also supported by Adu Daap [39] who reported that cocoa pod ash and wood ash increased the availability and uptake of soil K, Ca and Mg nutrients in soils. Owureke [40] reported that potassium is important in water conservation, enhancing flowering, fruit maturity and yield of crops particularly in pineapple. However, the highest C/N ratio of wood as compared to that of poultry and pig manures could hamper decomposition and reduced the release and uptake of nutrients. This could be responsible for the lower wheat grain yield, root biomass and growth parameters in wood ash fertilized plots. The processing of the organic fertilizers in this study helped to reduce their C/N ratios and the results obtained would have been extremely different if unprocessed organic fertilizers were used. Adebayo [41] reported that the C/N ratio of unprocessed saw dust and wood ash were 135:1 and 130:1 respectively, hence, the need for processing of organic fertilizers to reduce C/N ratio. The tillage practices such as ploughing and harrowing employed in this research were also important in the establishment of transplanted wheat seedlings in the field. The soils tilth was improved which made the seedlings to root easily and this reflected in the increased number of tillers, spikelets and grain yield of wheat as observed by Moyin [42] who reported that tillage practices significantly improved the establishment and yield of cabbage. Besides, the application of organic fertilizers such as wood ash, pig, goat and poultry manures reduced the soil bulk density and increased soil porosity as observed by Moyin [43] who reported that wood ash and the amended forms with poultry reduced significantly the soil bulk density and subsequently improved root development.
One of the major significant contributions of this study was the raising of wheat seedlings in the shaded nursery for full establishment in the field after transplanting. Direct sowing of wheat seeds in the field did not have good germination because of direct impact of weather (temperature and water stress). This observation was in line with the work of John [44] who reported that high temperature >35.4C and water stress were inimical to the growth of wheat at leaf initiation stage, shoot growth, vernalisation, terminal spikelets, anthesis and grain filling. The crude ash, nitrogen, protein and crude fiber contents of wheat grains in this study were very comparable and adequate when compared with 1.17 -2.96% crude ash, 8.3 -19.3% protein and 1:11–2% crude fiber obtained by Davis [45] indicating that the application of poultry manure, pig, goat and wood ash fertilizers increased the quality indices of wheat. Therefore, the significant improvement in crude fiber, ash and protein of wheat could be linked to the nutrient compositions of pig, poultry, goat and wood ash which translated to ensuring high quality indices. This observation was supported by Zuzana [46] and Davis [47] who reported that grains quality content such as carbohydrate, protein, minerals, crude fibre and ash were derived from crops when consumed by people. The intake of these nutrients would enhance sound health and productivity which would reduce the amount of money expended in buying synthetic drugs and supplements. Crude ash and crude fiber are reported to have beneficial effects in protection against heart disease, cancer, normalization of blood lipids, regulation of glucose absorption and prevention of constipation while protein is responsible for the body development and growth Flagella [48]. In-addition, another significance of this research work is that the successful domestication of wheat in South West Nigeria has opened wide opportunities in wheat value chains by providing raw materials for establishment of more confectioneries enterprises (baking breads, biscuits, cakes, cookies, pasta and noddles) which will bring more income for farmers and reduced the increasing rate of unemployment programmes.
This success could be replicated in all the Southern areas of West Africa (Benin, Togo, Ghana, Cote d’voure, Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Senegal and Gambia) and other regions in the world with similar climatic conditions. Furthermore, the domestication of wheat in South West Nigeria under rainfed agriculture in the second cropping season (July–Nov) has reduced significantly the cost of irrigation as being practiced in the Northern region of Nigeria, drier parts of Asian countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria etc) and African countries. The increasing effects of climate change in reducing the volume of irrigated water in dams coupled with extreme high temperature and low rainfall amount in the Northern parts of Nigeria and other drier regions in the world for wheat cultivation had created a serious threat to wheat production in the world, thus, increasing the wide gap of supply and demand for the crop. Flagella [49] reported that water stress adversely affected plant establishment, growth and cell development. It also diminishes photosynthesis and affect grain yield at milking and filling stage in wheat. However, it is suggested that further research studies should be carried out to develop more high yielding varieties of wheat that are adaptable to the climatic fluctuations, drought, pest and diseases resistance in Nigeria and other countries in the world willing to domesticate wheat cultivation on commercial basis.

Recommendation and Conclusion

The research work has shown vividly that the use of different forms of organic fertilizers namely pig, poultry, goat manures and wood ash applied at 6t/ha significantly increased the wheat growth, grain yield parameters, crude fibre, crude ash, protein, nitrogen qualities, soil pH, organic matter, N.P,K, Ca and Mg. Hence, it is recommended that poultry manure be applied at 6t/ ha to increase availability of essential soil nutrients, growth, grain yield parameters, crude ash, crude fibre, and nitrogen and protein qualities of wheat which would enhance sustainable production of wheat on commercial basis. In-addition, if there is scarcity of poultry manure in your environment, pig manure is also a good alternative to it in term of performance. Besides, the use of poultry manure would substitute for application of high quantity of NPK15- 15-15 fertilizer. This recommendation is very essential because the purchase of inorganic fertilizers by small scale and commercial farmers of wheat is very expensive/exorbitant. Also, the benefits of secondary/residual effects of these organic fertilizers on soil fertility improvement and enhancing sustainability of the environment must be considered as important.

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[Sunday Swap][US to anywhere][Sell or Swap][PERFUME & MAKEUP] - Alkemia, Possets, Poesie, NAVA full size, HoG, Fyrinnae, Hello Waffe Sept 2017 Visage items

Quite a few new items this week. I'm not particularly interested in swapping, but if you have a list I'll look over it. Would be very interested in LE sixteen92 (samples/decants/partials preferred) and NAVA roses.
You can see my flair here. Payment is through G&S, I will cover fees (unless the total with shipping is under $5). Shipping within the US is $3.25, international will be actual cost (I can give you a quote if you ask). If you only want plastic baggie cosmetic samples I'll mail them in a card envelope ($0.75 US, $1.50 international). I'm willing to decant jar samples into bags as well.
Feel free to make an offer for bundles of items. I'll consider all reasonable ones. Verification photos on request.
- - PERFUMES - -
Caveau des Innocents, 1 ml sample, RIS, about 1/2 full. Tabac, dark coffee, piquant cloves, rum soaked pears, candied citron, dark caramel, and star anise bathed in intoxicating swirls of opoponax, labdanum, hashish, benzoin resinoid, vanilla incense, and guaiac wood. $1
Le Fruit Defendu, 1 ml sample, RIS, about 2/3 full. A dark flirtation of finely aged French cognac soaked sugared berries and fruits drenched in sweet dark myrrh. $1
All Hallow's Eve (pre-2017), 1 ml sample, RIS, about 90% full. A scent of magic, mystery, remembrance, childhood nostalgia, and sweet blessings for darker times - bourbon vanilla, tonka, black licorice, star anise, roasted marshmallows, hazel, coriander, pale amber, cardamom, smoked benzoin, sweet myrrh, and woodsmoke whisping on autumn air $1.50
Hecate, 1 ml sample, RIS, about 2/3 full. Deep, buttery almond layered over myrrh and dark musk. $1.50
Mata Hari, 1 ml sample, RIS, about 1/2 full. five roses with soft jasmine, warmed by vanilla, fig, tonka bean and mahogany, spiced with a drop of coffee bean $1, or free with purchase over $5.
Cocoa Pink
Snow Kissed Rose, 1 dram, RIS, about 75% full. The scent of a long winter giving way to spring. Fresh fallen powdery snow against velvety crimson rose petals, chilled vanilla and crisp air tinged with notes of juicy red apple. $2 (alcohol based, so cannot ship internationally)
Deep Midnight
Kissing Ball, 1 ml sample, RIS, about 75% full. Roasted chestnuts and pecans, rum, creamy vanilla and spiced orange are followed by softer notes of balsam fir and sweet florals. Festive, warm, and cozy! $2
Cucumber, 5 ml EDC sample. About 50% full. Cannot ship internationally. Demeter's cucumber is the very best of the modern version. It’s all about the juicy garden freshness, light and sweet, like picking cucumbers just before dawn, when the summer dew is still on the plants and the air itself is perfume. $1, or free with purchase over $5.
Maine Coon, 1.4 ml sample. Tested 1x. Sweet, syrupy benzoin resin, a blend of two vanillas, sandalwood, a bit of amber, and a touch of cardamom make a warm and welcoming fragrance. $2
Red Opulence, 1.4 ml sample. Used 1x. This rich blend is dominated by dark red roses, amber, sandalwood, followed by a touch of Frankincense, with the barest hints of purple sage and tonka bean. $2
Haus of Gloi
Grimoire, 1ml sample. Used 1x. Crumbling pages, leather binding, and polished wood. $2
Come Hither, 1 ml sample. RIS. About 50% full. Based off of traditional herbs and roots used in Hoodoo to draw and attract a lover, or entice the one you've already ensnared! Bourbon vanilla, tonka bean, a touch of rose oil, Queen Elizabeth (orris) root, saffron and a touch of honey to sweeten the whole deal. $0.50, or free with purchase over $5.
Sinister, 1 ml sample, Used 1x. Fall pumpkins, black licorice, carnival cotton candy and a hint of spearmint. It’s a crazy combo but you may just find yourself wickedly addicted! $1.50
Eternal Necropolis, FS. RIS. Full to shoulder. Egyptian Black Earth Cedar Essential Oil from Aswan, Black Clove Seed, Egyptian White Musk, Egyptian White Amber, Black Myrrh, Black Musk and White Pepper Essential Oil. $15
Atchison, 1 ml sample. RIS. About 80% full. juicy red grapefruit, bright geranium bourbon, peppery freesia, earthy vetiver, warm oud, musky ambergris $2
Marble Kiss, 1 ml sample. RIS. About 90% full. gorse blossom, pink marshmallow, sweet sandalwood incense, a wedding coronet of orange blossom, white iris, and rose de mai $2
Cygnus the Swan, 1 ml sample. Opened and sniffed, but unused. blend of the scent of real vanilla, rose, golden musk, sugar concentrate (do not eat this), an accord which smells a lot like fondant, and a pink musk $2.50
The Queen, 1 ml sample. Used 1x. A very small amount of rose, from the sceptered isle, and a big dose of whiskey cake are combined with honey from the Mediterranean, patchouli from India, and syrupy sandalwood from Australia. This combined with saffron from Africa and it is a tour de force when put together with the smallest jot of maple syrup from Canada. $2.50
Asanbosam, 1 ml sample. Tested 1x. Ajevie decant. Bitter almond is the perfect top note for fall, heavily strong but very short lasting smelling like a distant electrical storm and of cyanide. Cardamom in abundance and a nice bed of fresh brewed arabica coffee dark and rich, this amid the perfume of clove from Zanzibar, and Vietnamese cinnamon. $3
Drama Queen, 1 ml sample. Tested 1x. Ajevie decant. Black fig and a hint of hemp. Dark galbanum and a side of black fern. A small amount of a tarry black musk blend. $3
Silver Vanilla, 1 ml sample. RIS. About half full. Label is stained with Darling Clandestine Serpentina. The famous and fabulous Possets' "silver" accord now combines with some very special vanillas (plural). One sort of vanilla is not enough, this is a combination of: plush, dry, sweet, and resinous vanillas of the most orgasmic sorts. $1
The Strange South
Je Veux Mon Livre, 1 ml sample. Original bottle broken, so it has been re-decanted into a new, identical bottle. Probably about 80% remaining. Original label, with a slight stain, is on the new bottle. Tea leaves and sage pressed between the ancient pages of a leather-bound grimoire. $1
Wild Hybrid
Funayurei, 0.5ml sample (Ajevie 1/2 decant) Unused, opened to sniff. Bamboo, green tea, star jasmine and ocean water $2
- - MAKEUP - -
Corvus Cosmetics
Justice, eyeshadow sample. Unused, RIS. A light gray with a strong gold shift and gold-green glitter. $.50 or free with purchase over $5.
Hello Waffle
Twenty Mattresses, FS eyeshadow, BNNU, still sealed. RIS. September 2017 Visage. Balanced bright purple with pinky shimmer. $4
The Hidden Pea, FS eyeshadow, BNNU, still sealed. RIS. September 2017 Visage. Pea green base with aqua shimmer. $4
Beds of Eiderdown, fairy dust overshadow, BNNU, still sealed. RIS. September 2017 Visage. Shimmery aqua-slate with indigo sparkle. $2
Meow Cosmetics
Indecency, eyeshadow sample. Used 2-3x. metallic platinum lame with warm olive iridescence FREE, with purchase or just pay shipping.
Anathema, eyeshadow sample. Used 2-3x. gleaming liquid metallic copper bronze FREE, with purchase or just pay shipping.
Shiro Cosmetics
Angry Cuccos, eyeshadow sample. Unused. An impossible to photograph color that is actually a super pale ghostly desaturated green over a strong red shift. $.50, or free with purchase over $5.
Forever A Loan, eyeshadow sample. Used 2x. Bright springy mint green with a cool shift FREE, with purchase or just pay shipping.
There and Back Again, eyeshadow sample. Used 3-4x. bright emerald green FREE, with purchase or just pay shipping.
Silk Naturals
HD Concealer, Shade #2 Full size, BNNU $3
Company Eyeshadow GWP, in a three gram jar with sifter. Color is a dark coppery brown. Used 1x $1, or free with purchase over $5.
Search Eyeshadow GWP, in a three gram jar with sifter. Color is a taupe gold. Used 1x $1, or free with purchase over $5.
Nexterday Eyeshadow GWP, in a three gram jar with sifter. Color is a shimmery taupe-gold. Unused, but seal over sifter has partially come off. $1, or free with purchase over $5.
(I can swatch these on request.)
Arrow Endure Water-resistant mascara half-size, 0.12 oz/3.5 g BNNU $2.50
Ulta Color Correcting Face Stick in Green 0.09 oz/2.6 g BNNU, still in shrinkwrap $2
Benefit They're Real Duo Shadow Blender in Naughty Neutral 3.5g/0.12oz, swatched 1x. NO BOX. $2
If you would like one of the free samples listed above with your purchase, let me know. I can also pick one for you. If you want more than one free with purchase sample only the first is free. Just pay shipping samples are unlimited--I need them gone. :)
submitted by waxesnostalgic to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

cocoa plant seeds south africa video

Propagation: germinate, grow and plant seedlings for a ... How To Plant Seeds In A Seed Tray - YouTube How to Grow Coconut Tree Fast From Seed  Amazing New ... Growing Taro Root Plant - Tips & Harvest - YouTube REEL Gardening - SEED Winner 2010, South Africa - YouTube Euphorbia obesa - Baseball Plant from South Africa - YouTube Planting New Seeds For January//South Africa Garden Cape ... Gardening Help : How to Plant Cycad Seeds - YouTube Planting seeds (Clivia seeds) - YouTube

Cocoa was discovered by the Spaniards during their explorations of South America and kept as a secret for about a century. The plant was taken across the Atlantic by Christopher Columbus in the 16th century and a drink made from its dried, ground beans soon became all the rage in Europe. African seeds and plant of Africa to grow and cultivate in the garden. Come discover an exceptional African plant treasure. Seeds for Africa offer the most diverse online range of Indigenous and Exotic plant seeds in South Africa as well as a large range of growing aids . Plant seeds no deeper than 1 inch into the potting mix. Raise the pots to prevent them sitting in water, and so there is good drainage. Coca plants at any age are not a plant that like being constantly wet. Starting coca seeds in pot can be better than on the flat as the root system suffers less damage when transplanted. Show All Plant by Month. 2 tubes of delicious and easy sprouting seeds as well as a twin-pack of Livingseeds Sprouting Lids.I.. R168.19 Ex Tax: R146.25. Wit Boer Pumpkin South Africa's very own traditional pumpkin. This is the real ‘Boere Pampoen’ t.. R26.25 Ex Tax: R26.25. Cacao, (Theobroma cacao), also called cocoa, tropical evergreen tree (family Malvaceae) grown for its edible seeds, whose scientific name means “food of the gods” in Greek. Native to lowland rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, cacao is grown commercially in the New World tropics as well as western Africa and tropical Asia. Cocoa, Theobroma cacao, is an evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, grown for its seeds (beans) which are used primarily in the manufacture of chocolate.The cocoa plant is a branching tree with with simple, pointed (lanceolate) leaves which can measure up to 61 cm (24 in) long and 10 cm (4 in) wide. The cocoa bean is the seed of the cacao tree, a tropical plant that is indigenous to the equatorial regions of the Americas but is now grown in many countries with a warm, tropical climate. The bean can be used to help make things like garden fertilizer and animal feed, but it is better known for being the key ingredient in something that people around the world enjoy every day: chocolate. Coca, (Erythroxylum coca), tropical shrub, of the family Erythroxylaceae, the leaves of which are the source of the drug cocaine. The plant, cultivated in Africa, northern South America, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan, grows about 2.4 metres (8 feet) tall. The branches are straight, and the lively

cocoa plant seeds south africa top

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Propagation: germinate, grow and plant seedlings for a ...

Showing you step by step how to plant Clivia seeds! Looking for an advice video on How To Plant Seeds In A Seed Tray? This useful video explains exactly how it's done, and will help you get good at planting. ... Skills you need to make the most of your precious seeds and to elongate the growing season, through early sowing, overlapping crops and filling empty spaces ... Back Yard GrowingSA. Growing vegs and herbs in a small garden all grown in containers and homemade wooden boxes.if you enjoy the video consider subscribing,l... Grow the Taro Plant for some awesome Taro Roots right in your garden. Taro Root is a delicious, nutty vegetable that is easy to grow. Get tips on how to grow... Claire Reid Reel Gardening provides consumers with a pre-fertilised seed strip that encases seeds at the correct depth and distance apart and offers planting... Cycad seeds, when planted properly, will grow into a luscious and healthy plant. Plant cycad seeds with help from a nursery owner and flower expert in this f... How to Grow Coconut Tree Fast From Seed Amazing New Agriculture TechnologyThanks for watching please help us reach 100,000 subscriber. This succulent Euphorbia is native to South Africa. It is sometimes called the Baseball Plant.

cocoa plant seeds south africa

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