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Fall of Cleveland 5 - Uni the Unicorn pt2 (2/2) by Giant Neckbeard

Link to part 1
You're a Dirty-Grey Earth Fluffy with an even dirtier Black mane and tail, walking as fast as you can to the north, part of a massive Herd that stretches as far back as you can see and beyond.
Back when you were part of your Original Herd, you were called Dirt, because no matter what you did or how many times you jumped in the Water Holes, your Fluff seemed to attract dirt all on it's own. Now you're just 'Fwuffie', like everyone else.
Across the highway is another, equally massive Herd, full of Meanie Fluffies who say that Uni loves them more.
You'd go over and give them owies, but the Desert Fluffies know that Biggest Meanest Monsters come roaring down the highway frequently, so it's best to conserve your strength for the day when the Meanie Herd is being incredibly Mean.
As a Desert Fluffy, you know the surrounding regions quite well, but you've never had an adventure like this before
Follow the Black Hard Thing that Hoomins call the 'Highway', always follow it, never leave to follow down the smaller Black Hard Things, because they do not go 'North'. Find the Water Holes and have to stop Fluffies from pushing each other in.
Have to force them to wait for their turn, and then have to make those who have had their fill of water keep moving. And with so many Fluffies, thousands of them, it's hard to make them stop fighting.
The last water-hole, there was barely any water for the last few Fluffies, just very dirty water that they cried over, but drank anyways, because they were so hot and thirsty.
These Cee-Tee Fluffies are real pains in your Poopie Place. They never work together like your Herd used to.
And there's barely enough food for everyone now. Have to beat the Fluffies who try to eat everything, they are supposed to only have a mouthful of something and move on, so those behind them can eat too.
You have had to beat a lot of Fluffies to get them to understand that if they eat all the nummies, then their friends behind them will have none.
Then you had to keep driving them on when they tried to turn back and 'Gif Sowwy Huggies!' to their 'Fwiends'.
Have to stay on your side of the road too, as there's a Mean Herd just as big on the other side, eating all the shrubs and grass and shouting that they love Uni more than you do.
Want to fight the Mean Herd to prove you love Uni the most, but can't, Fluffies need to keep moving and go 'North' as fast as they can, and if you waste time fighting, then Uni might pick somebody else as her One True Special Friend.
Fluffies whimper, some cry about being hot, about their hooves hurting, about wanting nummies, but nobody stops. Uni is waiting, at a magical place...
Fluffies walk till it's too hot, then try to find shade to wait out the hottest part of the day.
Some of the Herd's Cee-Tee Stallions say they have been walking for many turnings of the Sun, from a place full of Hoomins and Fluffies and Grass and Water, and it makes your head spin that they would abandon such a paradise.
There's nothing out here but the blistering hot sun, the cruel, burning sand and small shrubs and patches of hard, bitter grass.
And Snake-Munsta and Bug-Munstas and... well, there's a lot of Munstas.
Until She came along, you despaired of ever finding a way out of this hellhole.
Uni... just remembering her makes your heart swell with longing, and you find the strength to push onwards just a little bit more.
"Too wamm!" A Stallion near the front of the Herd shouts. He's right, the Sun is climbing so high it's nearly overhead
Fluffies walk down into the bad-lands, and here is where you and you can help these 'Cee-Tee' Fluffies find shelter.
It's hard, there's more Fluffies than you can count, stretching back farther than you can see, but you try. Fluffy Mammas and Foals get the best shade, because they are the most vulnerable, then Mares, then Stallions.
Everyone is so hot, fluff is bad when Fluffies get this hot, so everyone pants through their mouths to try and make the 'Wamm Bad Feww' to leave their bodies.
Fluffies are warned about the Bug-Munstas and the Snake-Munstas, but some don't understand, or are too mean, and push into the rocks, looking for shelter.
Hear them scream as the Munstas sting them. Fluffies flop about, howling and pooping and shrieking as the Bad Bites make them spit boo-boo juices and turn ugly colors.
Fluffies cram in under shrubs, behind tall rocks, anywhere there is shade, and pant, flicking their tails and twitching their ears to try and make the Fly-Not-Friends who plague them go away.
On the other side of the road, the Other Fluffies are shouting in dismay, apparently several of their Herd tried to take shelter behind a Prickly Green Plant, and got bad owies from the thin needles that cover it.
Good. Don't like that Herd that is leading that mob of Cee-Tee Fluffies.
Made it impossible for you to be with Uni. Were naughty, so Uni's Hoomins pulled you all away.
You sigh and close your eyes, remembering how soft her fluff felt against your body, as the sun climbs higher into the sky, and the shade the Fluffies hide under shrinks
"Yuu weft dem awone! Wun away to chase Uni! Why yuu weave yuu Hewd to chase Uni! Bad Fwuffies! Hewds wuv yuu, an' yuu wun away!"
Whimper and try to forget the memory of Uni being so very angry with you. It's not your fault! She just... you think of Uni, and then your Mares, but there's just no comparison at all. Your Mares were small and scrawny and dirty, their ears ragged, their fluff full of dust and burrs.
Touching Uni was like... you don't know the words to describe it. It was like every good thing you ever wanted, and so many good things you never knew existed, all at once.
Soft, clean, warm, pretty, good feels, nice smells
You sigh and try to block out the sounds of Fluffy Ponies complaining loudly, pushing and shoving each other as the shade shrinks and shrinks, forcing the hot, unhappy Fluffies ever closer together.
But Uni is going 'North'.
And you will follow her to the ends of the Land, you said so.
You promised.
Well. Las Vegas...certainly more than you ever expected.
Spent a week and a half here, doing 'adverts' for various businesses that think appealing to Fluffy Pony Owners is a sound business decision.
Uni's getting the work out of her life here.
Fluffies are brought out to meet her by their owners, get hugs, and 'help' with the adverts.
Done everything from garages trying to sell fuel and repairs to specialty stores selling 'all natural' Fluffy Chow and even a Fluffy Pimp.
Don't think that one is going to see air-time.
The three mares were quite beautiful and were wearing makeup, with ribbons tied through their manes.
"How much yuu chawge?" They asked you, scowling at 'Uni'.
That was surprising. Uni was designed to be adorable by Fluffy Pony standards, until you twigged that they saw Uni as a 'rival' for business.
Only reason they weren't attacking was your size, otherwise you're sure that 'Uni' would have been showered with 'Sowwy Poopies!'
Regardless, you're a professional, do the shoot, then BUG THE HELL OUTTA THERE.
Prosti-Fluffies shouting at Pip and Eddy they can 'haf one on da howse!'
Second-to-last Advert Shoot is in a Casino.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY?
Well at least there'll be AC. Feel like a steamed dumpling at this stage.
Whoever came up with the concept of a Latex Suit never worked in a desert, you're sure.
'Uni' is given some chips, 'plays' some of the games and 'wins' bowls of Spaghetti.
Big, heaped bowls of Spaghetti.
Oh God.
Set six weeks later
Be Natasha Goodaluv, again, and watch with bemusement as Eddy and Pip go out to meet the Fluffy Ponies and the Cows.
Some wit decided to stuff a Feral herd with Bovine Hormones, and started to bottle Fluffy Pony Milk. Without the addition of specific foods, the milk has a tendency to have a very starchy taste, but with all the sweet, well-watered grass and high-sucrose fodder the Farmer feeds them, the milk is almost sickeningly sugary.
Had a glass, can barely stand still. No wonder the little fluff-balls are so hyperactive if this is what they grow up on.
Sammy has bought twelve bottles of the damn stuff. Swears it'll be better for everyone than the redbull they're going through. Might be healthier, but for fuck's sake, you feel like you're vibrating right now from the sugar-high.
Oh God, the Mares in the fields have finally noticed Eddy and Pip are 'Stallions'.
This ought to be good. Eddy is 'interviewing' the Mares, while Pip is having a natter with the Farmer who originally came up with the concept of Bottled Fluffy Milk, a scattering of Fillies and young Mares following in his wake and giggling loudly.
In the fields outside the "Dairy Farmers of America" buildings, taking a well-earned break from the Uni-Suit as the madness starts.
"Yuu big Fwuffy! Yuu haf Hewd?" The 'Smarty Friend' of this all-female Herd asks loudly, grinning at Eddy.
Well, leering, but still...
"Eddy haf Hewd wit' Wittle Brudda Pip and Wittle Sistah Uni." Eddy rumbles at the Mares, who all squeak and squeal in delight.
Seriously, did they have to build the suit so Eddy sounded like that? You understand the marketing pitch, to make Eddy sound as big and authoritative as possible to make him popular with Earth Fluffy Ponies, but this is just ridiculous.
"Wan join mah Hewd?" The Smarty Mare shouts eagerly, tail lifted into the air and waving back and forth.
If you were closer, you'd bet you could smell the hormones flooding off her right now.
Combination of a lack of males, rich food, constant hormone injections to make her produce milk all the time, and that has to be one ripe little Fluffy out there trying to be sexy as all hell.
"For the record, if you two fuckers pop the suit's boner out there, I WILL beat you to death with your own fucking limbs." You hear the Director mutter into his head-set, and stifle the urge to giggle.
"An yuu is nice Hoomin who gif miwk to Fwuffies at home?" Pip squeaks to the Farmer, who grins and nods, obviously only just resisting the urge to burst out laughing.
Yes, the whole situation is absurd, just deal with it.
"Aaaaah, yep, I started bottling Fluffy Ponies milk a few years ago when they wandered onto my property, thought there might be a market." The aging, balding man snorts and grins as he watches 'Eddy' desperately trying to outrun the Mares, who had all latched on to his belly fluff, squirming and wriggling.
"WOOOOOOO!" You hear one Mare squeal in delight. Shit. SWAG has been launched...
Director is making choking noises, and you swear you can hear the coffee mug in his hands cracking as his knuckles turn white.
"Oh my God... well, uh, focusing on the milk again..." The Farmer makes an half-muffled snort of laughter as Pip and he walk away from the train-wreck of Eddy and the Mares. "The milk is bottled and treated on my farm, filled with all the good things Fluffy Ponies need, and then sold all over the country. There's Fluffy Milk for Foals, Fluffy Milk for Adults, Fluffy Milk for the Elderly Fluffies. Hell, I even pasteurize some for people too."
"Yaaaaay! Nice Hoomin get Fwuffie Miwk fo' evewy Fwuffie an' dere Mummies an' Daddies!" Pip 'cheers', dancing from hoof to hoof, his wings flapping 'eagerly'.
The Mares who followed pip also start dancing, delighted.
"Yuu is Guud Fwuffies who make Miwk fo' otha Fwuffies!" Pip tells them, 'smiling' at them. "Yuu is wunnerful! Yuu is Best Fwuffies!"
Mare cling to Pip's fluff and shout they love him, that they think he's 'wunnerful' too.
Eddy has fallen over with much cursing, sending Fluffy Ponies flying.
They rushed over to ask if he was okay, then saw the SWAG just lying there. Fluffy Mares all crowd around, rubbing their back-ends on the exposed shaft, giggling and cooing, even as their Smarty Friend tries to back into the damn thing.
"Nnnnnngh! So Big! Fwuffy gun' haf Best Speshaw Huggies!" She shouts loudly, grinding back as hard as she can, her face contorting hilariously as she tries to push all 2 feet of flanged latex horse wang into her tiny body.
That does it. Everyone bursts into laughter or starts wolf-whistling.
"Oh for the love of... FROM THE TOP!" The Director yells, rubbing at his temples.
Time till Spaghetti Land in Cleveland, Ohi opens ... 6 weeks
4 Weeks till Spaghetti Land in Cleveland, Ohio opens.
Kansas City. By All The Gods, so many adverts.
Uni's getting more mileage than you thought possible. Much as you hate to admit it, the suit is incredible to hold up under this constant 'abuse' without the mechanisms failing.
Doing a shoot at the St. Louis Arch, with the other two Suits.
Redo of the 'Journey' song. Seems that Fluffies absolutely adore it.
Apparently Las Vegas has had a surge of customers, with Fluffies in tow, and made a killing.
Customers can either take their winnings or have free all-you-can-eat buffets for themselves and their Fluffy Ponies for a week.
Naturally, people try to take the money, but the Fluffy ponies break down into tears, and the owners either boot the Fluffy, try to make it understand or give in to the guilt.
The other thing that's surprising is there's close to a million Fluffy ponies following in your wake.
Jesus enfing Christ. There's so many of them following the Freeway from Hollywood to Cleveland that satellites can pick them up.
They're only just reaching Las Vegas now, according to the News Reports, a sprawling two-part Herd that shambles on morning and night, leaving a trail of weak or dead Fluffy Ponies in their wake.
"We fowwowin' Uni!" One Fluffy Pony said on National Television, making the entire cast spit their coffee out in horror. "We fowwow Uni fow'evah! We wuv Uni!... I wuv Uni mowst dou...."
Cue the Feral Fluffies going into a screaming free-for-all as the Stallions jumped on the Smarty Friend, shouting that they themselves 'wuved' Uni more than anyone!
Any complaints to the show get funneled down the line to the your Mystery Asshole Boss. Hope the bastard's ears are melting off from the enraged Fluffy Pony Owners whose babies have run away to follow their Idol.
And there's scores of abusers out there attacking the herds, but apparently there were so many that a couple of flat-bed trucks actually went out of control when their wheels locked up with Fluff, and tipped over, crushing their inhabitants, who got 'Owie-Fixin'-Hugs' to make it all better.
And promptly suffocated under thousands of Fluffies trying to fix their 'boo-boos'.
Karma at work, ladies and gentlemen. You thought to yourself as you watched the police pry the Fluffy ponies off the corpses.
Las Vegas City Council apparently decided that it was a fantastic attention-getter, and has 'helped' the Fluffy Ponies by diverting them down the main 'strip' of road leading through town and blocking off the alleyways and side-streets.
Show-Girls are holding signs saying "Uni went that way!" instead of working the tables, or under them.
Lying bastards. They're just eager to see the Ferals leave, and possibly make their own Feral Fluffy Pony population disappear in the process.
Fuck you can only imagine what the Ferals have had to go through .....
You hold up your son to the sky... and weep bitter, bitter tears. The tears wash down into your dirty fluff, leaving two clean trails on your cheeks as the foal remains cold and stiff, despite your attempts to warm it with the morning sun.
The mare you had befriended on the way died, leaving you to look after the last of the babies you had given her one night when you couldn't stand the Hot-Naughty-Feels pulsing through you.
Brandy died because the Mean Herd snuck across the road and ate all the nummies, marching all night long while your herd slept.
Your herd kept following their side of the road, too afraid of the Munstas to cross the highway, too determined to stop and seek food further from the highway's edge.
Three days without food, and barely any water, and eventually she was too weak to move.
Babies had been without milk for two days when the first, your daughter Gust, fell off her Mother's back and wouldn't get up.
You and Brandy cried over her body so much, then left the Herd to take her and put her under a bush, where she could rest.
You both knew she was dead, but it made it easier to go on if you pretended she was just sleeping.
Then your son Brambles began to fall ill, and you tried everything you could think of to make him better.
Hugs, half-chewed grass, some sweet berries you found and brought back for him to suck on, nothing worked.
Bandy kept on telling you she was sorry, she was a "Bad Fwuffy Mumma". Told her she was the "Best Fwuffy Mumma evah, it not her fault if Meanie Hewd steaw nummies."
Brandy didn't move the next day, still and cold even with you hugging her through the night, your son snuggled between you both, wheezing in his sleep.
Now, he's dead. He's dead. HE'S DEAD. You feel so hollow and empty inside as you bring his body down, staring at it and fighting the urge to break down and will yourself to join your family in death.
You made a promise, not just to Uni, but to your mare and your babies that they would see Uni once again.
Your heart breaks, being a Fluffy Daddy was so... so fulfilling! It made every day wonderful to be alive, to know your babies were waiting for you to play with them, teach them to be good Fluffies.
You told them about Uni, the biggest, most beautiful (after their mumma) and most magical unicorn Fluffy who was leading Fluffies to a magical place.
Fluffies who joined you from the Cee-Tees said it was 'Sketti Wand', a place of endless Spaghetti, where Fluffies could play all day with nice hoomins who loved them, ride on toys made just for Fluffies, even find homes for themselves with the nice hoomins.
How the babies' eyes lit up when they heard that, how your mare sighed happily, all their hunger and pain forgotten for a few blissful moments.
Now... you have but one child left. A small, pale brown fillie with a shockingly bright-red mane and tail. Brandy the Second.
She's the only one that has managed to hold on to life, the only one that didn't fall sick from the lack of nummies, even though you can feel her ribs clearly when you give her huggies.
She's sitting there, dry-eyed and staring at her brother, her face inscrutable.
"Baybeh... we aww dat weft of famiwy." You whisper to her, placing your boy reverently down under a bush, tears still falling from your eyes.
"Fwuffie know. Fwuffie miss Mumma, miss Sissy, Miss Brudda." She whispers back, closing her eyes and sighing, sounding so much older than her single week of life could possibly suggest. "Buh we goin', Daddy? We goin' to see Uni, yes?"
Sigh and sob and laugh all at the same time, and let her climb up onto your back.
"Yes, Baybeh, we gon' see Uni. Daddy pwomise, an' Mumma wan' hew baybehs see Uni too, pway with Uni and eats wots of Sketti." You whisper to her as you shuffle off to rejoin the Herd, leaving your son to 'Sleep' alongside his mother under a prickly bush that will keep the Munstas from hurting them further.
As evening falls, you are all but falling over from weariness, but your daughter has had some nummies, where a nice hoomin had pulled up in a Fast Box Munsta and was distributing water and sweet nummies to the Fluffies.
"You keep going, you brave little things." She said, her face all wrinkled, smiling down at you as she handed out buttered peanut-butter-jelly sandwiches, which the herd dutifully broke down into bite-sized pieces, ate their share, and shuffled on after hugging the nice hoomin's ankles.
There's a lot of nice hoomins coming out now, saying they love Fluffy Ponies, want to see them make it to Sketti Wand.
Without them, you'd be dead by now, you're sure.
Some have Fluffies living with them in their Moving Safe Places, who cheer at you as well, saying they are going on ahead, and will be waiting for you at 'Sketti Wand'.
It's later that evening when you find the first of the Mean Herd, broken and bleeding, screaming about "Bad hoomins who gif huwties!"
They are quickly given Biggest Owies, and their bodies are rolled away from the road so that the Foals don't see them. They are evil fluffies who stole your nummies, and want to be special friends with Uni.
You once wanted to be like that. To make Uni your Special Friend, and yours alone.
Brandy changed that. Brandy filled your heart in ways that Uni never did.
You still love Uni, but Brandy will always live in your heart. You want to find Uni still, but so that she can teach your daughter to be a Good Fluffy too.
submitted by SkettiFamine to fluffycommunity [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 2nd - Tue, Aug 8th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Aug 2nd

Thursday, Aug 3rd

  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a relaxing atmosphere, and a cash bar. (Weather Permitting.) Bands starting at 6 pm-9 pm See website for listings
  • Aunt Eller (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm Music by Richard Rodgers Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Original Dances by Agnes de Mille Based on the play "Green Grow the Lilacs" by Lynn Riggs
  • 😂 Ben Creed (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 5th Ben Creed is an old school comedian. His voice is gravelly, his material is hilarious and brutally honest. He is the kind of performer who you want to take out with you because you know that by the end of the night it will have taken on legendary status. Ben was featured on a video called comedy’s dirtiest dozen with the likes of Tim Allen and…
  • The Blend (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 Blockbusted Video: Monthly VHS Films (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Blockbusted Video is an interactive video screening series exploring camp, commercialism, and cultural nostalgia. Participants are presented with three VHS tapes which range from forgotten Hollywood films, instructional videos, and home-recorded relics. The crowd must then vote on which tape they will “rent” for the screening. Audience…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson Research Center reveal another influence — cartoons and comic strips. Dating from 1936 to 1945, the small drawings provide a snapshot of Ryan’s high school…
  • 🎨 CODED_COUTURE Exhibit (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am The CODEDCOUTURE exhibition looks at the intersection of fashion and technology. Couture clothes are manufactured to a customer’s specific requirements. CODEDCOUTURE offers a new definition of couture, using computer coding as the ultimate design tool for customizing clothing and accessories. The clothing in this exhibition can act as a lie…
  • Concerts in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Last Day Enjoy free concerts every Thursday during the summer months in Yukon. Concerts in the Park, held in Yukon's Chisholm…
  • 🎨 A Date with the Duke (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Grab a partner and join Museum Docents to explore the current panel exhibition commemorating the legendary Chisholm Trail’s 150th anniversary as well as the Western Performers and Cowboy galleries. Guests can whet their appetites with a cash bar and scrumptious BBQ buffet – featuring brisket, chicken, ribs, and a selection of gourmet sides…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Okay See - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays: Tree & Leaf
    Drink & Draw is open to anyone that wants to attend. While consuming alcohol is welcome, it…
  • Extended Summer Hours (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm “Pourings on the Plaza” offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Grassland Caravan performs progressive bluegrass, honoring the genre’s roots with traditional tunes and new music, between 5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Visit the Museum’s collections and exhibitions, browse The Museum Store, and grab a bite at…
  • Husbands / Berry / WAD (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm A night of great rock music at a great venue
  • OKC All Sports Association Annual Sidewalk Sale (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Oklahoma City All Sports functions as OKC’s Sports Commission. We bring Big 12 & NCAA Championships to the city and host them while they’re here. We are having our annual sidewalk sale that includes NCAA & Big 12 polos ,ice chest & water coolers, T-Shirts and more.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood. Some people will have stress reactions that do not go away on their own, or may even get worse…
  • Pourings on the Plaza - Grassland Caravan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Pourings on the Plaza offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Visit the Museum’s collections and exhibitions, browse The Museum Store, and grab a bite at a food truck. Every Thursday in August, the Museum galleries and The Museum Store are open until 8:00 p.m. Admission after 5:00 p.m. is $5 per…
  • 🎨 Read the West Book Club: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Sherman Alexie’s celebrated first collection, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, established its author as one of America’s most important and provocative voices. The basis for the award-winning movie Smoke Signals, it remains one of his best loved and widely praised books twenty years after its initial publication. Vividly…
  • Slim Bawb and Steve Judice (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Snail Mail (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Snail Mail with Urbane Ponytail + 2 more TBA http://pitchfork.com/features/rising/10027-snail-mails-lindsey-jordan-is-the-wisest-teenage-indie-rocker-we-know/ $8/$10
  • 🎨 Summer Adult Classes (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Expand your skills and explore your creativity this summer. Enrollment opens May 4 for our four- and eight-week classes designed for artists at any level. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, classes are available in ceramics, 2-D arts and fiber arts. You can also sign up for open studio hours in our photography darkroom, one of only a…
  • 🎨 Summer Camp Contemporary (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am With a different artist each of 11 weeks and nearly 60 camps for students in K–ninth grade, there’s plenty to explore at bit.ly/OCsummer. Keep kids creative and learning in camps featuring visual arts, music, hip-hop, fiber, clay, performance, robotics and more. Whole Foods Market will provide free healthy snacks for all summer camps.
  • 🏆 SUMMER DAY SKATE (Skate Galaxy - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 11:00am SUMMER DAY SKATE HOURS!!! EVERY WED,THURS, & FRI 11am-2pm Admission is only $6
    we also have summer passes on sale! $30 gets you unlimited admission to all day skate sessions may 31st - aug 11th
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm Meets at Canyon Princess (cougar sculpture in West Hallway) From Remington and Russell to Native American works, see some of the finest Western art in the country during this docent-facilitated Museum tour. View ethnographic material from Native Americans and mountain men, and learn about frontier military life. Round out the tour with a look at…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with others also overcoming the loss of a loved one. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at…
  • 🎨 Vintage Black Heroes: The Chisholm Kid (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am The first black cowboy to be featured in a comic strip, The Chisholm Kid appeared from 1950 – 1954 in the Pittsburgh Courier’s comic insert. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail – and to pay homage to the 5,000 – 9,000 black cowboys who drove cattle along the trail from Texas to Kansas following the Civil War – this…
  • Weekly Walkups (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am
  • 🏃 Zumba (Pioneer Library System - Moore) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us for Zumba, a combination of Latin and International music that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system. Zumba meets every Thursday evening at 6 pm, so be sure to join us every week. Participants must sign a waiver at each class, and anyone under 18 must have parent/guardian consent and signature. No registration is…

Friday, Aug 4th

  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in…
  • 😂 Ben Creed (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Ben Creed is an old school comedian. His voice is gravelly, his material is hilarious and brutally honest. He is the kind of performer who you want to take out with you because you know that by the end of the night it will have taken on legendary status. Ben was featured on a video called comedy’s dirtiest dozen with the likes of Tim Allen and…
  • Casey Donahew in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Step into your finest pair of cowboy boots and head to Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City. Navigate to your seat inside…
  • Yukon FFA IPRA Rodeo (Yukon Round-Up Club Arena - Yukon) Day 1 of 2 If you love rodeos and feel like having a fun, exciting time, head to Yukon for the Yukon FFA IPRA-sanctioned rodeo held…
  • FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) Thru Sun, Aug 6th Watch the Shawnee skyline transform into a mix of bright, brilliant colors as hot air balloons launch from the Citizen…
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night…
  • Tuttle Rodeo (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Day 1 of 2 Join the citizens of Tuttle for two evenings of rodeo thrills and excitement. This family-friendly event will include a…
  • War on the Catwalk (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) See a fashion-forward live performance as "RuPaul's Drag Race" contestants strut across the catwalk. Held…

Saturday, Aug 5th

  • 6th Anniversary of Coffee & Cars OKC- brought to you by Synergy Advisors (Coffee and Cars OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Join Us for our 6th Anniversary of CoffeeandCarsOKC @ Northpark Mall (on 122nd & May)
    Bring what you got, or just come and look. No cost, plenty of room! TELL YOUR FELLOW CAR LOVERS
    -Spectators, please park in the north parking lot-
    Code of Conduct *NO Burnouts *No Parking on the Grass *NO Speeding *Pick-up Your Trash *Obey Traffic Laws *No…
  • Alter Bridge (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Spend the day splashing in the Renegade Rapids or screaming on the Silver Bullet at Frontier City Theme Park before…
  • An Evening of Oklahoma Film & Music (The State Theatre - Harrah) Celebrate Oklahoma art with a trip to Harrah's State Theatre for an Evening of Oklahoma Film and Music. Hosted by…
  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in…
  • 😂 Ben Creed (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day Ben Creed is an old school comedian. His voice is gravelly, his material is hilarious and brutally honest. He is the kind of performer who you want to take out with you because you know that by the end of the night it will have taken on legendary status. Ben was featured on a video called comedy’s dirtiest dozen with the likes of Tim Allen and…
  • Elf Power et al. (Opolis - Norman)
  • Yukon FFA IPRA Rodeo (Yukon Round-Up Club Arena - Yukon) Day 2 of 2 If you love rodeos and feel like having a fun, exciting time, head to Yukon for the Yukon FFA IPRA-sanctioned rodeo held…
  • FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) 1 day left Watch the Shawnee skyline transform into a mix of bright, brilliant colors as hot air balloons launch from the Citizen…
  • Jarren Benton et al. (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City)
  • OKC Energy FC vs Real Monarchs (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on the Real…
  • Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Get your tickets now and join hundreds of other beer nuts at the Oklahoma Craft Beer Summit. Held in the iconic Tower…
  • Oklahoma Victory Dolls Bout Schedule (Arctic Edge Ice Arena - Edmond) Catch the buzz as the Oklahoma Victory Dolls put on an electrifying dance of athleticism and grace when jammers and…
  • Oklahoma City Pet Expo (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Bring your pet down to the Cox Convention Center for this pet-centric event. At the Oklahoma City Pet Expo, visit…
  • Red Brick Nights (Oklahoma Ave & Wentz Ave - Guthrie) From May to September, look forward to Guthrie's monthly Red Brick Nights, the town's food truck and live…
  • R.K. Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma…
  • Tuttle Rodeo (Schrock Park - Tuttle) Day 2 of 2 Join the citizens of Tuttle for two evenings of rodeo thrills and excitement. This family-friendly event will include a…
  • Sammy Kershaw in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Gather with the crowd to see Sammy Kershaw perform live at Riverwind Casino in Norman. This chart-topping country…
  • Westlake Classic Car Show (Edmond) Start Time: 9:00am Car Show 9am-2pm Entry Fee: $15; Preregistration $10 All proceeds will benefit Children's Miracle Network. Rain-out date set for 8/19 For more info Phone: Charolett Roby 405-844-4117

Sunday, Aug 6th

  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in…
  • 🏃 Arcadia Lake Triathlon & Aquabike (Spring Creek Park, Arcadia Lake - Edmond) The Triathlon Club of Oklahoma City is pleased to announce that the 2016 Arcadia Lake Triathlon is the USAT SMW Regional Sprint Distance Triathlon Championship.
  • FireLake Fireflight Balloon Festival (Citizen Potawatomi Nation Pow Wow Grounds - Shawnee) Last Day Watch the Shawnee skyline transform into a mix of bright, brilliant colors as hot air balloons launch from the Citizen…
  • matchbox twenty / Counting Crows (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Make room in your schedule this October as Matchbox Twenty and Counting Crows take the stage at Oklahoma City's Zoo…
  • Oklahoma City Pet Expo (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Bring your pet down to the Cox Convention Center for this pet-centric event. At the Oklahoma City Pet Expo, visit…
  • R.K. Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the R.K. Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma…

Monday, Aug 7th

Tuesday, Aug 8th

  • AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 12th The AQHYA World Youth Championship Quarter Horse Show arrives in Oklahoma City. This is one of the top youth events in…
  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in…
  • Foxygen (ACM@UCO Performance Lab - Oklahoma City)
  • Tab Benoit (VZD's - Oklahoma City)
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…

See Also

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