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jokes in hindi english mix - win

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Is this set good for submission to a comic hunt competition in India? Need feedback regarding content and order of jokes in the set. [Mix of English and Hindi used. So maybe just for the bilinguals]

Is this set good for submission to a comic hunt competition in India? Need feedback regarding content and order of jokes in the set. [Mix of English and Hindi used. So maybe just for the bilinguals] submitted by abhishakethat to Standup [link] [comments]

Megathread: Many are now migrating to Signal as a result of WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy

Hello everyone!
We've recently started to receive lots of similar posts as a result of recent news regarding WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy, which will take effect on February 8th May 15th, 2021. Any WhatsApp users who do not accept these changes will be blocked from using the service. As a result, many are now migrating to Signal. We’ve decided to make this the designated thread for all things related to this topic.
Here is a direct link to Signal's terms and privacy policy (last updated May 25, 2018). Don't worry, it's not very long. For those wondering where Signal's revenue comes from: "We are a 501c3 nonprofit. We're not tied to any major tech companies, and we can never be acquired by one either. Development is supported by grants and donations from Signal users."
Some related media coverage:
Some topics you may want to discuss below:
We will be updating this post as events unfold. Be safe, and always remember the human.
Edits 1–38: A brief summary of events, by day:
Wednesday, January 6:
Thursday, January 7:
Friday, January 8:
Saturday, January 9:
Sunday, January 10:
Monday, January 11:
Tuesday, January 12:
Wednesday, January 13:
Thursday, January 14:
Friday, January 15:
Saturday, January 16:
Sunday, January 17:
Wednesday, January 20:
Friday, January 22:
Saturday, January 23:
Thursday, January 28:
Welcome to all newcomers, but also THANK YOU to all of our regular contributors who have shown up to sort by new, answer questions, and provide help! ⭐ As a reminder, this is an unofficial Reddit community (or "subreddit") that is run by the user community. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Signal Technology Foundation or Signal Messenger LLC.
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If Latin America would become a federal state ¿How it would be? ¿How would you like it to be? I created some maps, flags and lore

My idea for an Union of Latin American States
Hi everybody, just a disclaimer, this is a personal project that goes beyond maps, but i would like to share it with you all, i hope you like it
If you want more lore just ask, thank you all.
These are common questions that you might have:
  1. This is just not feasible
Well, yeah, I did not want to make an idealistic scenario neither a fully realistic one. This is just a thought experiment, and is asking If for some reason the entire continent united ¿How such a behemoth would work and how would we like it to be?
  1. ¿How federal is this Union?
It is barely a state, is a loose confederation, state governments have almost as much autonomy as the countries of the EU, with some exceptions; environment, defense, public service, education and healthcare where federal institutions have the last words.
  1. ¿What are these reserve things?
These are fully functional states carve out of existing states for their immense ecological and strategic importance. People here have more liberties than the rest of the federation. They barely pay income and added value taxes, receive a basic income (Like in Alaska) and preferential treatment, but in contrast have to follow really strict environmental rules and regulations and heavy penalties for pollution.
Sorry Brazil and Mexico-Sama you are too big (sorry for that cringy otaku joke)
But yeah, is sad but Brazil would have 1/3 and Mexico 1/6 of the population. Those countries would be underrepresented in Congress if they are considered just one state and overrepresented if each State (Alagoas, Chiapas etc.) would be considered equal to Colombia or Argentina for example, so I choose a middle path. The idea is that any state has more than 50 million people (1/12 of the Union). I chose to cluster states vaguely trying to follow regional sentiments, in the case of Brazil I choose the regions.
  1. ¿Where does the Anfictionic City name come from?
It was the name of the meeting proposed by Bolívar and Miranda to create a United states of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. It also sounds good both in english, Spanish and Portuguese.
  1. ¿How is the territorial organization?
The Union is divided into federal entities: States, Federal reserve states, the Federal Capital and Federal dependencies.
Federal dependencies are either almost uninhabited islands or Antartica.
States are divided in provinces and metropolitan regions. Each province has no more than 1/1200 of the population, roughly half a million people and Metropolitan regions are the same as provinces but could be way bigger and are created surrounding a big city. If a city expands further than its municipal limits, it passes more and more functions to the province that gradually becomes a metropolitan government and its municipalities become Wards or localities.
Provinces also work as school and hospital districts.
Municipalities have a ten-level-tier-system that considers population, wealth, services and other variables to decide the budget that receive from the province, the state and the Union. Municipalities level three and four have a lot less bureaucracy, few public employees and citizens have a more direct participation in local regulations, school curriculum and budget creation for example.
Municipalities over Tier Three have a mayor and a municipal council where the number of members depend on the population. The smallest municipalities (level one and two) have a communitarian system where there is only a Community Board of ten elected members that collectively realize all government functions, local decisions are taken by direct democracy meetings called Local Assemblies that are realized the last saturday of every month.
The name of the municipality change according to their level:
The same happens with municipalities in reserve states, but sectors are ruled by Commissariats that are part of the State Guard.
Municipalities have to belong to a province, but could choose in a referendum to change which one they belong.
Federal reserve-states have a different system. The territory is divided into organized and unorganized territory. The former is divided in Sectors and the later in municipalities that only include the urban and suburban territory, every four years the limits are actualized by a technical agency. Sectors are almost uninhabited and as such do not really have a local government, they are ruled directly from the State.
¿How is the government?
The division of power is pretty normal for a semi presidential republic, but there are some caveats. The executive is divided in three (or two and a half if you want).
The president is elected by a single transferable vote (STV), she/he should be both the winner both in the Union and in at least 15 of the federal entities. There is an informal truce that assures that there should be a president from either the Brazilian or Mexican, most presidents come from small states, such as Costa Rica or Uruguay while the Prime minister generally comes from the most populous states, like Aztlan or Nordeste.
The prime minister is the president of the party or the coalition that holds the majority of the House of Representatives. Is accompanied by a Cabinet that is chosen by the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is also the Chief of Government.
The Secretary General is a particular character, is not elected, but is designated by a Federal Public Service Exam and an absurdly strict interview process that assures political neutrality because it is a life-time position. The SG have the function of assuring cooperation and breaking controversy and discussions between the President and the Prime Minister and among states and as such, it has the power to overrule the decision of any other institution.
It has to live an ascetic life, It should NEVER express personal opinions on media, hold any real estate or financial activities so it does not have any moral interference. Is supposed to be approved by all parties and states and be as impartial as humanly possible. They are generally older jurists that have made a life-long career in public service with any scandal or misbehavior during its life.
The legislative branch is divided in two houses. The Upper House is the Senate, where the amount of seats is one for every million people. Senators are elected federally, all citizens of every state could elect different senators from any place of the Union. This house is supposed to represent the popular vote.
The Lower House is the House of Representatives, where the representatives of every federal entity are calculated by adding 20% to the number of millions of inhabitants plus three representatives. Every Federal entity has one or two houses depending on the state constitution. The Upper house has a state-wide representation while the lower one is a province-based representation. States have governors, state-reserves have commissioners (Or lieutenant governor) and the Federal Capital have a Mayor-governor and local mayor for every locality.
Provinces only have a provincial assembly composed of representatives from every municipality, a state representative and other ethnic or civil society representatives specified by the state. The same with metropolitan regions. The Province Representative is the Mayor of the municipality that is the capital of the province.
¿What is the state guard?
Is a civil defense institution that keeps public order and the rule of law and directly confronts guerrilla groups, drug lords, paramilitaries and generally everything that police is not really able to do. They also fulfill the functions of police in reserve-states, where they have a special name. In Patagonia they are called the Austral Guard (Guardia Austral) and in Amazonia the Anauê (That means Brother in Tupí). They are a state and not a federal entity and as such, have a lot of autonomy in their internal organisation.
The Austral Guard is known for using horses in their daily routines and by using a well known uniform (Like the mounted police in Canada), that consist in a light blue beret and poncho, with a Southern Cross in the back and military gear. The Anauê is generally divided in different ethnicities and groups, hence, they use different uniforms that generally mix European and native iconography.
¿And what about the armed forces?
Is pretty average, there is an army, a navy and an air force, all of them only act in external defense because the internal control is done by the State Guard. There are three other minor bodies. The first one is the Environmental Task Force that has the responsibility of controlling deforestation, illegal hunting and other activities that hinders the natural resources, that are considered property of the Union and not individual states. At the end is the Antarctic Task force, that is composed of a collection of all of the other bodies and have the function of protecting Latin American Antartica from foreign intervention, they also have a scientific body.
The last one and the most controversial is the Agency of Security and Intelligence (Asein) that is the intelligence institution for both internal and external missions. They are considered something close to a secret police. This organ should be a civil one and restrained by the Defense ministry, but in reality, works like part of the armed forces and have actually spied, kidnap and even torture party members, specially those of Lusitania and Freedom and Revolution.
Most of its members came from the various intelligence services and even paramilitaries of each country. The DAS in Colombia, the SEBIN of Venezuela, the Cuban Secret Police, the AAA of Argentina and even some former FBI and CIA from Puerto Rico. There are also many internal conflicts of various ideological factions but all of the federal governments have ignored their mistakes because they have been able to eliminate, sometimes brutally, any irredentist movement and foreing intervention.
¿So what about Antarctica?
Is a federal dependency with a special legal regime. Other countries do not recognize the claim and directly accuse the Union of violations to the Antarctic treaty, and those claims are actually true. The geopolitical strategy consist in hitting the first blow and be more prepared than other countries for the year when the Antarctic treaty end and the Union could take control of their Antarctic resources faster than the rest of the world, that is why the Union spends millions of Pesos-Reales in keeping Puerto Esperanza afloat.
¿How does education work?
Most schools are public, but are not free. Every parent receives a coupon of certain value for every child and most schools do not charge more than that amount, but those schools of high quality are able to charge a little bit more. This coupon system was implemented in order to reduce cost while increasing coverage. It also forces schools to compete for increasing the averages of their students in Federal Standardized Exams while giving reasonable prices. A similar system is used in public universities.
There are private schools and universities, but tend to exist to provide a service to a specific demographic, such as those of a specific religion or ideology. These schools have more autonomy to choose their curriculum.
There are four basic periods. Nursery, that takes care of young children until they have 7 years, Primaries, from first to fifth grade, highschool, from sixth to tenth grade and Technical, that are three years where the students choose a technical specialisation, generally is a preparation for university, such as pre-legal, pre-engineering, although many students prefer vocational training, such as mechanics or programming. Each period has a Federal Standardized Exam that is realized by the Ministry of Education without the intervention of schools.
Federal Exams are a big deal because they help students to access better schools. These schools are ranked not just by a simple average, but also with the amount of students over a certain grade or capacity. This forces schools not to just help good students to become even better, but to help the worst student to reach the rest of their classes, reducing the inequality of quality of the education in schools.
The Union has both Spanish and Portuguese as official languages, and as such, every student has to take a Minimal proficiency test in either of them to graduate, this tends to be easy because both languages are taught parallely since first grade. Teachers put reading lists that include both hispanic and lusitanian authors trying to create a narrative of united history and culture. Media is also really bilingual and lusitanians are strongly eager to defend their right to receive public services in their language.
All public documents have to be translated to both official languages. States and provinces have also official languages, but could choose to translate services to those languages. For example, Quechua is an official language in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, Guaraní is official in Paraguay, Maya in Yucatán, Nahuatl in Aztlán, Welsh in certain provinces of Patagonia, German in parts of Sul, etc.
Many public schools have courses in other languages, Chinese, Hindi and Hebrew in Anfictionic City, Japanese in Perú, Lebanese in Granada, Korean in Guatemala and Paraguay and Mapundung in both Chile and Patagonia.
In general terms, education not only looks for technical learning, but the creation of compromised citizens and the creation of an unified identity and sense of national pride. Different states change the curriculum to be closer to what states want, for example, religious or moral elements in Costa Rica and Peru or localized elements, such as biology and botanic classes in Amazonía and international economy in Anfictionic City.
The education in the union has some influence from the German and Japanese model. Nursery and Primary have a strong focus on civic duties. Toddlers are expected to learn respect for their elderlies, tolerance, acceptance to people of other states, basic house chores, study habits while in the primary, childrens are taught both the history of all of the Federation and not only their rights but their duties to the Union.
During highschool and technical they also receive education about the political system, their means of participation and the importance of the National service. This consists in a duty that every citizen has to fulfill in order to become a citizen, vote, be a public servant etc. It could be civil or military. Civil service is one year and a half and the military just ten months. Every public institution, civil society organisation or private entity with a community mision upload their job vacancies in a federal database where students could choose theirs, based in their studies and aptitudes, the CS is generally paid and could be reduced to fourteen months or even less if is served outside of the home state of the student.
This service is considered the transition to real adulthood for many, is the first time that a student is outside of home, receiving a wage, living on their own. It also fulfills a more important function, it gives every single student of the Union important job experience and a close relation between technical schools and the market to reduce unemployment.
Military service usually is really scarce and only those with great physical aptitudes and any health problems are accepted. It could be fulfilled in any of the branches of the armed forces or in the national guard. Families in the Reserve states tend to have great pride in having one or more sons or daughters in their national guards, which are considered an important cultural pillar of these regions.
submitted by juansotag-2807 to asklatinamerica [link] [comments]

Why are people so skeptical of Malayalis and view then with suspicion

Why are people so skeptical of Malayalis and view then with suspicion
Being a North Indian and living in Kerala, what i have seen is that generally people have a non friendly approach to things. Initially i was not sure if i was the only one who felt it but after staying there for 3 years in Kerala, what i have observed is that most people there itself do not hang out with each other. The friendship over there is totally superficial. Smile, but do not genuinely mean it.
Sharing a few articles
It’s not just unity but discord among themselves that are the hallmarks of Malayalees as a community anywhere in the world, including their home state.
While the bonding and unity among Malayalees is what would be apparent to an observer, the factor of discord will usually be an undercurrent that brings the ugliness of it to the surface only when things go bursting at the seams, or it cannot be contained anymore with pretentions.

When collectively facing trouble, perceived or real, Malayalees will stick together like kernels on a cob of corn. When things are indeed looking up, well, that’s when the kernels fall apart and each start popping like popcorn.
Comfort of speaking one’s mother tongue, reminiscing a common past, sharing nuanced jokes that other communities cannot understand, a cuisine diverse yet unique that calls for constant exchange of notes, polarised politics that fuels heated exchanges that could never be concluded, movies that at once draw from and define the cultural identity of Malayalees. All these and many more are the reasons for Malayalees to bond with each other. And if they’re anywhere but in Kerala, it would be a yearning for the laid-back life and simple pleasures they left behind back home that calls for unity.
Other communities too may share all or most of these traits, but when it comes to Kerala, there are a number of distinct yet tenuous cultural markers that set Malayalees apart from similar cultures as a result of geographical sequestration all through the history of Kerala. It’s by constantly reminding themselves of this perceived uniqueness, or even superiority, that Malayalees keep their identity intact.
One way to illustrate this is to look at the Tamil vazhai ilai virundhu and Kerala sadya. They might look similar to the uninitiated, but two Malayalees together having a vazhai ilai virundhu in Chennai will necessarily deplore the meal as being bland and insipid and concur that nothing can beat the sadya back home.
When Malayalees concur on an issue with herd mentality at play while discussing the culture or sociopolitical environment of wherever they find themselves anchored (including within Kerala), the unspoken covenant is that there is a clear divide between us and them, the latter being whoever it may be at the receiving end of incessant hostility or even hatred. Sometimes this could be fellow malayalees who are perceived to have crossed the lines drawn by a very mysogynistic society, like actress Parvathi, the current target of Malayali bigotry
But don’t be deceived by the apparent unity among Malayalees in adversarial times.
Malayalees cannot tolerate first-among-equals in any group. So, if someone tries to be one up on the others in their community or a microcosm of it, they’re certain to be sidelined or bitched about.
This factious mentality can be seen in how Malayali associations form and split, and then split further as they grow.
A successful Malayali is not universally accepted by other Malayalees. Their every deed and word will be discussed and dissected with derision and skeptisim.
Unlike Gujaratis who help each other prosper and flourish, and find pleasure in seeing members of their own community becoming successful beyond imagination, Malayalees will give them a backhanded compliment at best, attributing the success to fortuity or clandestine means.
Every Malayalee secretly enjoys the downfall of a successful Malayali (Yeah, it’s generalisation but that’s how you make a point). Think of Anand Jon, or Atlas Ramachandran, who fell from grace. Or even Shashi Tharoor who has more haters than admirers among Malayalees for a variety of crimes he has committed including, but not limited to, speaking and writing in proper but grandiloquent English. But the same Malayalees were the first to embrace him as one-among-us when he scaled heights in the UN. Hypocrisy was conspicuous in the way cricketer S. Sreesanth , was treated all through his career, too
For lack of a simpler word, let’s call it Schadenfreude .
Schadenfreude is the equivalent of a communal orgasm malayalees experience when one of their own falls from grace.
Every Malayali knows that unless he’s on guard, it’d be his compatriots who would be his nemesis when he rises above others. And rising above others is what every Malayali wants to do. This quandary leads to the Crab mentality.
Every Malayali is born a Malayali, and brought up to be very proud of his Mallu heritage. This remains, till the person hits puberty, when he or she has to make a choice. A choice that will determine what he or she will become. A true Mallu or a true Human Being.
Although called as "God's Own Country" for any sane and civilised person, I would say it would be worse than the Devil's Home.
There are four types of Mallus
1.The Normal Mallu
The Normal Mallu is the major Mallu Stereotype (Well it is True). He wears the White Dhoti and White Khadi shirt at every major function, she wears the Sari. Everything looks so normal, until you get to know them closely.
All they see is power, and they take it using the best way possible, corrupting the minds of people. Apparently they will look all well dressed, and aptly well spoken in all public events, but they move the crowd in a way that still makes me wonder how many retards I have in my state. These people are pure evil. Educated, smart, pure evil.
These are the people who will smile at you, talk politely and in a swift move will cheat you. Most normal mallus hate other cultures and people who are not mallu,Yes even other Indians and especially the West. They just use it to make money.
Normal Mallu women are woman who believes that doing housework is beneath them and always crib about it. Loves to show off and always gossiping. Normal Mallus are the people who always are concerned about other people's business, like who is having a baby, why did he do engineering, look at her why can't she get a better husband and so on. Another point is being ungrateful. No matter how much you do for them, they never say Thank you and want more and more. Not even an iota of gratitude.
Another point is that they brag about their kids and say that other people's Kids are dumb. Assume that they know everything. Also, try and have a discussion with a Normal Mallu. An intelligent discourse is not possible. They have to fight and argue and then comes screaming and shouting.
2. The Retard Mallu
They are the reason why I sometimes begin to hate where I come from. Educated or not, it really doesn't matter, because, these, are some serious retards. They come from all sections of the society. They don't know how to react, they don't know how to think. They think that being Educated makes them smart. They are the useless people in this country that has the potential to cause harm as they are mere sheep in the hands of the power-loving Normal Mallu.
It's like an educated army of retard-zombies who can be controlled by a common cause with no logic to support it at all. That, is chaos, my friend.
The Thinking process of this people start and end with textbook education. All of them have no idea of what they are fighting for and what believes they hold. It's just a huge pool of wasted education. You channel them in any way, they will blindly follow suite, all you have to do is lead them with a sign.
Their thoughts are so skewed that, no mater how much education they possess, they will never accept the changes that happen outside. hey never think to progress. These are your Moral Police. They impose weird laws on people, in the name of "safeguarding the Malayali Society and Culture "
The sad fact is, they are the Malayali population majority, and hence all the evils in the Mallu-stereotype belong to them.
3.The Outcast Mallu
The Minority Malayalis. People don't even believe we exist. Most of the credit goes to the parenting, which enabled these people to be free-thinkers even as kids. They grow up to become good human beings, but according to the Mallu society, Bad Mallus.
These are the Malayalis who do something good to people and help someone, but the ones they help betray them and they become bitter.
All Malayalis who do good end up with the same fate in Kerala and these are the ones who suffer the most. In the end they leave Kerala for Good. Kindness is a virtue that is not possible to have in Kerala.
Characteristics of these Mallus
  • They are the ones who respect women EVEN when they are at a disadvantage. We take care of them.
  • They are the ones who have become fed up of this social etiquette that is nothing but retarded pure evil.
  • They are the ones who are always questioned for what we do.
  • They are the ones who totally defy the Mallu Stereotype, making the people from outside even wonder, if we are from the same state.
  • They are the ones who drive the over-drunk girls safely back to their homes.
  • They are the ones, who act, on our own.
  • They are the ones who had to face so much ridicule from everyone throughout our lives, just because they could think on their own, and never failed to express it.
  • They are the ones whose Kindness is mistaken by the rest of Mallus as stupid and ridiculed saying that they are fools as they do not cheat anyone.
  • They are the one who have to face all the shit from the rest of the world just because we did one mistake - They were born Mallu.

The only funny part about this is, they are the ONLY Malayalis (along with the NRIs) who get accepted everywhere else around the world, except in our own homeland.
They are respected, and accepted everywhere, and are not even referred to as being Mallu, they just end up belonging everywhere.
4.The Non-resident Mallu
This category consists of kids of NRI Malayalis, who end up being awesome.But the sad part of this group is that their parents. Parents of these children have no clue about the life back home as their version of Kerala is stuck in 1970 or when they have left. To them Kerala was the friendly homeland with poverty they saw back i the 60's and 70's.
Little do they know that the people back home were not screwed and manipulative and have a bad attitude as they did not have the money to show their nefarious side.
A friend of mine once told me a wise saying - " Money does not change people, it merely gives bad people a chance to bring out their nature to light. Give them an opportunity to get away with their crimes."
Now that NRI money has flowed in people are showing their true colours.
Most of these NRI Kids are inculcated the Malayali culture, which they learn from Malayalam films, and have no ground reality of how to stay or live in their own homeland. Plus their parents version of malayali culture.
Whenever the Normal Mallu (Local Keralite) sees them or even if they encounter the relatives they are only loyal or even care about them as long as you give them money,or use them as a means to an end. NRI Keralite gets disillusioned after having so many experiences and hence ends up leaving Kerala. Sadly
Not surprised if anyone outside Kerala is skeptical because the experience, but even the Non-resident Mallu and the Outcast Mallu are skeptical.
Want to share an article that I have come across. This is from a Mallu Himself
I am an ex Malayali who has left Kerala, and i think there are lots of compelling reasons for people to be a little skeptical of them.
In my personal experience Malayali people are the most selfish and cunning people I have ever met.
An educated neighbor next door will not mind his own business. If you plant some vegetables in your yard he/ she next door will not do that instead they will find ways to destroy your vegetables.Since people in kerala has no job this is what they do. Poke their noses into other peoples business. Have no regard to personal privacy
Malayali people only care about money and are even willing to torture people to get it. Most malayalis who are rich became so by looting their own relatives. They don't care if it is Brother, sister, father, wife , husband and so on.
To Accomplish their goals they are willing to do anything
My statements are based on the observation and my experience being there.
In Kerala, if you are not amused or take joy in another persons suffering then you can’t be called a Malayali.
Let me share this news
This is what happens when people deal with people in Kerala. This good Arab guy helped a Malayali when he was in Jail in Dubai and seeing how much he has suffered helped him and his wife to start a business. What Happened. The malayali person did not show his gratitude and instead stole all his wealth and now this poor Arab guy can’t even support his family.
People spend time to research and scheme to cheat one another and do not work hard for making their money. In Oman and UAE where i have lived for some time, I have literally seen the suffering of other malayalis which was brought about by their fellow brothers and sisters. Most of them betray there own people.
Interesting News Article. Readers please be the judge
Backstabbing in DNA of Malayalees: Union Minister Alphons
After leaving Kerala and settling down in Rajasthan, I learned that life is beautiful with you can leave behind all negative values.
Truly Shared by a Mallu himself.
Sharing a few more experiences which I have read by Dinesh T
As a Tamilian, these are my observations on Malayalis:
They are highly educated, but have a backward mentality. In the company where I work, Malayalis are the only ones who are lethargic, and try to take the easy way out. Most of my colleagues are ready to put in a hour extra to finish the work, but when you ask malayali colleagues, they get very angry.
Don’t know why people say that kerala is literate. I have seen even poor people in Tamil Nadu talk politely since in Kerala people are always argumentative and is hot tempered. Even on street i always hear people argue. I can’t understand how to have conversation with them as they are always argumentative.
Let me share a clip which was shared to me by a colleague.
Kallada Travels bus staff thrash passengers force them out
A passenger gets beaten by the bus staff for asking why there is no one coming to fix the bus, after it broke down and he requested for a refund, since they are waiting for a couple of hours after the bus broke down.
In my experience, you cannot have a civil discussion with malayali. If you keep quiet, they assume that you are ignorant. if you talk they will argue.
Another thing that I have observed is always scheming and cheating people. Cheating people is not the only way to make money, but working towards it is another way. The Malayali girl who lived in my apartment building went and filed for disability claim to get her child scholarship, when her child is a perfectly healthy child. These people should understand that there people with actual needs. Please do not indulge these kind of activities.
There is a saying in Tamil " KOLAYALIYA NAMBINALUM NAMBALAM AANA MALAYALIYA NAMBA KOODATHU ", which means trust a murderer but not a malayali.
I am not trying to generalize but people here say that because most of them have a bad experience with a Malayali person. Most of them are scheming and cunning.
Being a Tamilian, i can understand the malayalam language and what i found out is that no one trust each other, that is because people always screw each other and backstab each other. My malayali friend once told me that even spouses don’t trust each other and let me share my experience of a malayali colleague. They are married for 9 years and have a daughter. What he told me is that he eats from the office and his wife cooks one day for the child, the next day he cooks. He keeps telling me that everyday life is miserable. One day he drank a whole bottle of rum and sat in the theater and saw the same film 4 times as life was filled with arguments. In fact most of my colleagues don’t even talk to their spouse.
I do not understand the religion in Kerala. They say they are secular, but spend full time talking about religion and spreading christianity. In our apartment complex in Sholinganallur, we have come across a bunch of Malayli christians who always preach about doing good and kindness, but we have never witnessed any acts of these from those people. There were a lot of complaints against these people from various families due to their arguments and excessive alcoholism.
Racism is another point i want to point out. They are not appreciative of other cultures and always assume that they are superior. In Tamil Nadu, what i have observed is that malayalis look down on us due to skin colour. They call us PANDI, as an Insult. Well Tamil people are proud of their culture.
All this is coming from the fact that they have a fake superiority sense. Well the rest of Indians are educated as well.
I do not want to generalize, but have come across these scenarios and hence want to point out that these are the reasons why people are skeptical and always unwilling to trust them
Moving on to the next item which I am sharing
Although the below clip is meant for humour, you can certainly find the mindset of a Malayali person from this.
The person in this clip, who does a job for this wealthy person, never even thinks that he gets his living because of him. So when the lady tricks him into thinking that he has won the lottery, he literally abuses the person who gave him the job.
Once he realises he was tricked, he literally goes back and begs for his old job.
There is a Malayalam proverb - Palam Kadakkuvolam "Narayana Narayana" Palam Kadannal "Korayana Korayana".
Literal: Until the bridge is crossed one prays "Narayana, Narayana",once the brigde is crossed one says "Korayana Korayana". (Narayana is a hindu god, Korayana refers to a disrespectful distortion of the god's name. )
Malayalis are only with you until you have met their needs . Once you have helped them to overcome or reach a solution to a problem, and as soon as they feel relieved, they start treating the person as if they are now strangers or even annoying to them! (i.e. They totally forget the help they received.)
Malayalis are a double edged sword, as they can hurt anyone in one way.
Think of this in a simple manner. If you are in the presence of a person like Saddam, he will only torture you if you get on his bad side, else you will get on with your life .But whether you are on the good side or bad side of a Malayali, they can torture and harass you.
Article by Shraddha Patel, Architect at HKS Architects
I am from Delhi and I do not hate Kerala, but what i find surprising is that all the people say that it is the most literate state and highly educated people, yet they seem to come across as the most irrational and narrow minded people, and they think they are God's gift to the world.
I am sharing my experiences of what i had with Malayalis. When I graduated from college and just preparing for a new chapter, my mother told me that in our apartment block there is another family, who is an architect and told me to approach him. I did so When I met him and gave him my resume, he just glanced at it and threw it in my face and told me that you are not worth it. How rude. I expected him to say that that you would need to improve on this. What is strange is that in a couple of months I landed up in the same company where he works.
Another instance what i would like to share is that, when i left my first company, there were a couple of references required for my new company and most of my colleagues are malayalis. So i asked them and gave their names as references. What happened next was that no one whose name i gave as references had given me any response and when i called them they said they cannot do it.If you are unwilling to help please do say so in the beginning and do not say that you can and then waste the other persons time. Luckily my manager was a Sikh and he has vouched for me.
I've noticed in diverse groups of people, in colleges, or even when i travelled abroad, malayalees can gang up and be insular, and this is even compared with other insular groups like Tamils, Maharashtrians, Goans, Kannadas and so on.
In Delhi, among most people we say that East or West , Mallus are the pests
I am not being biased being a North Indian , but people from Kerala is very hard to deal with. Most of them are very cunning and are unwilling to help anyone. I am friendly to all people and yet i find it difficult to be friendly to Malayalis. Even though I have a few Malayali friends, I guess they are nice because they are generations removed from living in Kerala.
I guess it is the Kerala culture that makes people distrust them.
Sharing a comment from Shibu George
Kerala is an Enigmatic place. As a Malayali myself we criticize North Indians as not progressive and Westerners as having physical relationship in public and lacking family structure, but we seldom introspect and find the faults in us. People are skeptical because most of them are very individualistic and are self serving . Let me list the qualities that I have observed and the reason why most of the people are reluctant to hang out with them
This is based on a proverb " Araante ammakku pranthu pitichaal kaanaan nalla chellu"
Literal: If somebody's mother goes mad, it is a good scene to watch
Do not understand why so Mallus take pride in someone else's misfortunes. That same tragedy can come to them as well.
A product of high education (Not the right education)
Backstabbers - Everyone talks rubbish about someone else, be it family members, friends or colleagues. What a bunch of gossip filled people.
True Malayali nature is revealed only after alcohol
Whenever there is a party, they will dress up in their best and go the the alcohol table and slowly start guzzling alcohol as there are planning to store them in their big belly.( Guess they learned to store their drink like the Camels of Arabia). Once they are fully sloshed, you will hear the most derogatory comments a human being can spew
Know it all attitudes
if you ask a Malayali anything, even if they they do not know of the topic, they will surely talk about it. Even if you offer correct answer, they will come out and say that don't teach me, I am educated.(arrogance)
Money goes through their head - Another proverb to prove my point
" Alpanu aishwaryam vannal, artha raathriyilum kuda pidikkum"
Literal: when an insignificant person gets wealthy quickly, he will even hold an umbrella at midnight.
The funny fact is that out of poverty and unemployment in the 80's and coming to a better lifestyle, instead of being grateful they show off in front of others.
Beating and Heroism - Don't understand that why beating people is a matter of pride. A small argument turns violent. Even Malayali parents beat the crap out of their children. Everyone things that they are champions by showing physical strength
Religious Hypocrisy - Goes to all religious institutions and show off. just look at the ladies, drink throughout the week, and then on Sundays goes to these places, putting on a lot of gold, and powder like a clown (Thinking that it will make them look all fair and lovely) and do not even attend the services, and attend all association. The mentality is praising a deity on weekend and on weekdays it will be brawls, hypocrisy and all other nonsense.
High fi mindset - If a malayali gets a new gadget, clothes or anything , he will show it to others and pretend that everyone else if low grade. 21st Century society with a 4th century BC mindset.
Money for friendship - your best friend is with you only till you have a status.
A lot of my NRK friends do not even want to visit Kerala as they know that this is the place which should be referred to as Purgatory
Below comment from Rejil Nair
Couple of years ago, my answer to this would be it is a great place, beautiful scenery and so on. That is because we are conditioned to think in a certain way, and we only question our own life when we face challenges.
Once I realized what the challenges are, I realized my own place is not as green as it should be. Yes, it is green, but Green with Envy and Jealousy.
Kerala, is a state that enjoys high social indicators. That is the tag line that all Malayalis use or the ones who are hardcore Malayalis use to describe Kerala and its culture. There comes a point in most Malayalis life or atleast the once who are not hardcore, they come to the realization that mostly people live with narrow mindedness and lack of proper culture.
On the surface, we are very forwarded minded, but underneath the surface comes the dark underbelly of our sad cultural upbringing, which you will come to realize after being exposed to other cultures and hangout with other communities.
Anyone who disagrees in their society is branded as ignorant, threatened, abused, and stigmatized. Cunning mindset, control, manipulation, threats are a way of life there. If someone points out the mistakes in a malayali, despite thinking is there any fact in it he or she will make the other person shut any possible ways.
Malayalis are more like to flock together in a gathering and less likely to ease into a conversation with a non-malayali. There is a inherent sense of groupism amongst us. This stems from the fact that people believe that they are highly educated and that others are inferior.
When in Dubai, once I was talking to another Malayali, I mentioned about a dinner I went to previous night. Those people were from outside Kerala, This Malayali immediately told me that oh! how she doesn't mingle with Hindi speakers because they don't have class. Yes! that's the exact word she used. I have seen many Malayalis ignoring other people in a group.
Assuming that you are superior you is plainly wrong.I used to think "what would Kerala be if it was not for the money of oil rich countries". The answer to this is poverty.
Once that thought kicked in, I realized that we lack gratitude and have forgotten the route of the wealth today.
Even in a company where there are people from all over the world, Mallus ignore the rest. Try and find Mallus hanging out with Filipinos, Arabs and Europeans and so on in Dubai. I can say that maybe for the ones raised there, or whose parents imbibed in them good values.
Most Non Native Malayalis do not mix with native mallus because of their cosmopolitan upbringing. It is not due to snobbishness. But because you have nothing in common to talk with them. While the native Mallus have grown up exclusively in Kerala in the company of only Malayalis. So they tend to flock together. Besides the ones raised in Kerala have zero social etiquette which makes them unwelcome in other groups .
When I was working in Dubai, long time ago, we were living in a shared apartment, and one day our electricity was disconnected and we thought this would never happen. We had paid the bill on a Friday and this was not reflecting in the system. The next day a government appointed electrician came and disconnected the fuse. Who happens to be a Malayali. When we showed him the bill, he said it is not my job to look at the bill and then refused to listen to us and disconnected our connection.
After half an hour, a we saw a Pakistani electrician in the same area, and we approached him and told him that we have paid the bill and showed him the receipt. He called the office, got the system updated and reconnected us back to the electricity. Observe the difference in attitude. Just in a matter of minutes and nothing illegal was also asked by us.
The problem with this attitude is that if this is done to a Non Malayali, then it is not just stereotyped opinion that is formed but real ones. At times I feel bigotry is a bit internal than external, as mallus treat their own mallus with disrespect. Then again, some cases turn out to be different.
Even among minority ethnic groups, Malayalees are looked down on and they command less respect compared to tamils and north indians, as people observe these sort of behaviour and try and stay out of this.
Poking Noses
Malayalis are obsessed with others. They need to show off in front of perfect strangers for no reason at all. And the comments by mallu guys are crass, that it is unbelievable, and the best part is they do not realize that it is not normal.
Even a villager from a small town in other places has more dignity than a Malayali and will behave himself in public. And what is more the pity is that Malayalis think this is normal. They do not realize how abnormal most of them are compared to the others.
Keralites are a cynical lot often refusing to believe anybody's sincerity of purpose. This is because from birth they are conditioned to believe that all non Malayalis are unclean and uncultured.
The pride of being a Malayali, and the belief that we are superior with literacy transforms into arrogance about being a malayali and absolute disrespect for others. Today a lot of people within the state who has a thinking capacity and common sense is trying to shed their roots or identity and for that matter even NRI Malayali.
It is because Keralites stick out like sore thumbs outside Kerala and have earned themselves a 'reputation' with their 'outstanding' behavior.
Kerala proves that every literate person cannot be called an educated person. Education is a much broader concept than literacy. Literacy might make people feel superior to others, but only educated people are superior who know how to respect elders and pay due attention in putting themselves in others view before doing stupidity. The people who can read and write, but use abusive and foul language are literate but definitely not educated and well versed.
Yes judging others and moral policing, yet never taking a self analysis. Keralites like to pose as paragons of virtue until the sun sets.
Honestly speaking, I take pride in being a good Human Being, rather than being self righteous and judgemental. I wouldn't want to be associated with other Mallus, not because of any contempt, rather I feel more open minded. The jingoistic groupism they so fervently purport is sickening. The infamous Mallu narrow- mindedness and jealosy is still prevalent, ripping apart families and friendship. On the whole I am friendly with Mallus, but I would not want to emulate the pride and the narrow mindedness and xenophobia.
I wish I was a any other Indian, because of how, many mallus are perceived (again..not all!). At least the remaining are open and accepting of other people besides their own group, where as Mallus only care for themselves and don't give shit about others.
It is better to keep a distance with Malayalees. At best they can be acquaintances, never friends and certainly not relatives by marriage or some within.
I am reminded of a witty quote about kerala, It is God's own country housing Devil's own people!

submitted by Nakulsharma90210 to u/Nakulsharma90210 [link] [comments]

Ever had a realisation about your upbringing that turned something seemingly harmless to something really consequential, that made you go oooohh f**k ?

I'll go first. I'm Indian, multicultural, multilingual country. Although Hindi is our national language it's not spoken everywhere. Every state has it's own mother tongue. In fact in urban, semi-urban areas English is more common, depending on where you are.
I'm from the north part of the country. Hindi is my mother tongue. And if I'd grown up there I'd probably have turned out fine. But we shifted base to another part of the country when I was in my teens, where Hindi was spoken but it wasn't dominant.
The only kind of interaction with my parents was abusive. Like there was no neutral, everything involved being verbally assaulted. In fact they would laugh at us when we mispronounced Hindi words. Like it was the funniest joke ever. So you learn early enough to keep your mouth shut. And speak only when you're spoken too. In time your forget how abnormal that is. My mother is the definition of anti-social and we didn't have family or friends in the city. So the only socialisation that we had was with people our age or with adults we met in our own life. And everyone spoke a mix of Hindi and English, that is Hinglish.
So as a result our (sis and I) Hindi sucks. When we go back to the north, I struggle so hard, even with cousins much younger than me, it's embarrassing. And everyone back home thinks just cause we live in the big city our Hindi sucks. But no, it's cause these freaking parents never spoke to us. How else is a child supposed to learn conversational skills.
Like I knew my Hindi sucked but I didn't realize why, untill I started recovering. Lol. It was like a light bulb moment, oh your parents are actually supposed to talk to you. That's what normal families do.
It's so messed up. Cause my English isn't where I'd like it to be, cause trauma. My Hindi isn't great, cause parents. And then the fun stuff that trauma does to your brain which makes higher cognitive skills a joyride.
Language is my primary mode of self expression, I need words to make sense of my world. I've wanted to be a writer since I was a little child. But I find myself constantly grasping and failing to find the right words in either language. And bilinguals will get this, that you end up seeing the world with two shades of color. You translate your experiences in your daily life. It's supposed to enrich your experience. But I'm at a blank most of the time when it comes to finding, what I need, to express myself. I don't even have much of a social life but aaah even just to find the words to process this damn trauma is a struggle at times. Especially when you're self recovering and your journal is all you have.
So yeah, it sucks. It's not like its undoable. But there are so many languages to learn and I don't even have a grasp over my foundations. Thanks mom and dad.
Would love to know about your ah, fuck moments.
EDIT : It's my bed time. I'm gonna read and try to respond as much as I can tomorrow. Thankyou everyone. I love learning and sharing, it helps so damn much. ❤
submitted by Infp-pisces to CPTSD [link] [comments]

Tejinder Singh Sodhi’s Letter on Why He Quit Arnab Goswami’s Republic TV

From: Tejinder Singh Sodhi <…………….@………com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug, 2020, 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Resignation
To: Honey Kaur <……….@………>
Dear Honey,
Congratulations on your promotion, trust me getting promoted from HR head to Vice President of the company would have been a major achievement if it was not Republic, but in Republic there is only one supreme leader and his wife who micromanage everything, everybody else is a filler irrespective of the designation they hold.
I am telling you this out of my personal experience that everything here starts with Arnab and ends with Goswami, you don’t trust me ask this to the previous HR Head.
Have you ever seen a company where the entire HR team left in a period of just less than three years?
Time is a great teacher and I honestly pray that you don’t have to go through what everyone else who left this company had to go through, but nonetheless my good wishes for your promotion.
I was asleep when I got a call from Arnab’s wife who before the launch of this company was just a bureau reporter at a pro congress newspaper, she told me that she and Arnab were happy with my work and have decided to promote me, I was surprised what does being happy mean, if any promotion has to be given it has to be merit based.
I just wanted to disconnect the phone as the husband and wife kept bragging how kind and generous they were to the staff because at a time when other news outlets were firing people reducing their salaries, they were promoting their staff.
I was told that with the promotion my responsibilities would increase and I can guide the desk how to go on with stories, this was another surprise to me given the fact that this was exactly what I had been doing for the past two years after every sensible person at the desk had said goodbye.
This promotion had a rider and it was that the salary has not been revised for now and it would be done at a later stage, but the supreme leader of republic wanted that we should spread the word as how generous Arnab was to promote the staff. (how should we tell the people as the company had earlier threatened the staff to remove republic from their social media bio), but as you know for him it is image that matters so he wanted me to specially post this on social media.
I did that for a day or two and then after I realized my mistake, I deleted that post.
We all know that Arnab has been making huge money, the people in his cotree also make huge money, but the people who do the actual work are given peanuts.
The entire staff of Republic TV had been anxiously waiting for the past two years to get a salary hike. Two years ago, the process of appraisal was started, forms were submitted but then nobody heard back from them.
While he did not give the staff any hike, he used that money to launch a Hindi Channel and hired new staff for that, the Republic TV Staff was left high and dry.
Back to August this year, when I got the email from you that I have been promoted, I wanted to respond to that email right away but decided to wait for a few days and If you remember it was a few hours prior to my putting up my papers I sent you that email turning down the promotion offer.
If you remember I had mentioned in my resignation that I will send you a detailed mail outlining the reasons for my resignation, so here is that email.
I had never applied for any Job at Republic TV, I was very much happy and satisfied with the company I was previously working with. It was the day of my wedding in 2017 when someone from Arnab’s office called me to say that Arnab wants to talk to me, I was in Gurudwara waiting for my Pheras to start. I thought someone was playing a prank on me so I snubbed him and asked him to call back after a few days.
To my surprise I got the call back in a few days as I was made to speak to Arnab on WhatsApp video call, he was very soft and polite and I too was excited because till date we had seen him on Television and this was for the first time we were speaking to each other.
He shared with me the reason he left Times Now, he said how he was humiliated by the management on various issues and why he was not allowed to enter the studio for a month, he said that he is going to come up with a channel that would dismantle the Times Now empire, a David that would take on the mighty Goliath.
He told me that someone had recommended my name and he was keen to have me in his team. He promised that the Republic would revolutionize the TV news industry in the country and would question the people in power and be a channel that be the voice of the downtrodden, basically it would be a complete news channel.
I told him that I come from Print background and have no experience in Television, he told me that he wants new faces and that Republic would be an organization which would be run by young professionals and his team would be young journalists only.
I can tell you with certainty that he is one of the greatest motivational speakers a man like me who had never thought of joining television decided to join his team. When it came to salary negotiation, he told me that for now as he does not have any money, he will hire me on the same package which I was getting at my previous employer with the assurance that as the company starts making money, he would double my salary. After I resigned my previous editor in chief offered me a hike of 20000 if I don’t leave, but being a man of my principles, I requested him to let me go as I had given the commitment to Arnab.
Today looking back I regret my decision to join the Republic, he did not revolutionize Journalism, but he killed serious Journalism, reduced it to a joke and somewhere I too feel to be accomplice in that crime.
The Channel was launched and in its first week it went number 1 in TRP, we all were happy and excited because it was our hard work, the success did not come cheap our sweat and blood was mixed in it.
I was happy that Arnab would acknowledge the contribution of the team, but it was Arnab everywhere, big hoardings came across the country, only acknowledging Arnab. Don’t trust me see the hoardings that came up in Delhi after the Hindi channel came No 1 in the TRP.
After an initial few weeks, I realized that the Channel was all about Arnab only and he does not believe in team work or team efforts. It took me a few months to realize that for Republic everybody else was just a filler, who fills the vacuum of Arnab’s absence from the screen throughout the day and in the evening the stage is taken over by Arnab.
The realization did come that Arnab is a tree, under which no other tree can grow, because he can never tolerate anybody else becoming the face of the channel. He ensured by various means that everybody in the organization feels that everybody else is his rival.
An incident happened where the Republic team was not allowed to cover the Congress Press Conference in Delhi, we were asked to protest outside the congress office in our respective states by wearing black bands. I was like wait what this is not the job of a journalist to protest against a political party, but we had no option, so everybody did that.
One fine day I get a call from someone on the desk (I won’t name that someone, but he was tortured to such an extent by Arnab that he suffered a major heart attack while sitting in the office) to go and hide near the house of the father of Sunanda Pushkar and then at appropriate time, he would tell me what has to be done.
Why hide? They never trusted their staff, so till last moment we weren’t told anything. I went to the house and suddenly I was told to enter the house and shove the mic in the mouth of Ms Pushkar’s elderly father and force him to blame Shahshi Throor for “killing his daughter”, I tried to do so but when I saw her elderly father, I was in tears, he was weak, was not mentally stable, I told the desk, but they told me that Arnab is furious on me and he wants to get the father on camera to say that Tharoor killed his daughter.
I refused and left the place, not before speaking to their man servant who spoke good about Mr Tharoor and Ms Pushkar’s relationship, but that never went on air.
Next day Arnab called me and shouted like anything, he told me that I had let him down, by not getting the father of Ms Pushkar on camera to blame Mr Tharoor.
This was not the Journalism that I had joined Republic for, reporters were being used to do the hit job on behalf of Arnab.
A reporter in UP was told to get a chase sequence with the then Chief Minister, when he couldn’t he was told to jump the wall of his house to enter the premises and get that done. He said I would be shot by his security; he was pressurized by Arnab’s wife that he resigned the next day.
As the money and power started coming in easy, Arnab became more arrogant and as he did not listen to anybody on TV, he did not even listen to his staff. He started humiliating them, shouting at them, abusing them, even physically assaulting them.
People who had joined him after leaving their well established and well-paying job at the time when Republic had no present and no future, started leaving him, some left because of the humiliation they were being meted out and some left because they realized that it was not the kind of Journalism that they were doing with him.
Slowly everybody started leaving, first it was the Reporter from Uttar Pradesh he was followed by the one from MP, then West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Bangalore and every other bureau resigned because of the editorial policies.
When I speak to them, they say that we joined the Republic to do real Journalism and not to be stooges of a particular political party and do “hit job” on those who don’t agree with that political party.
They all realized that Arnab was using his two channels to settle his personal scores with his previous employers, his former colleagues and everybody else who disagreed with his shouting bouts
Almost all leading anchors of Republic left, we still remember how one of the best anchors was dragged out of the studio humiliated, he never returned.
The people who were in his core team, who were known to be the right hand and mind of Arnab left him, they all are doing great in their professional life. They all decided not to disclose why they left the Republic, in the words of a former anchor, “he has the platform to build a fake narrative against you”.
That someone who had recommended my name was Mr Aditya Raj Kaul, who had met me a couple of times in Jammu and had seen me work. Aditya Raj Kaul was the man behind several exclusive stories on Times Now and then in Republic, when Aditya and I covered the Sunjwa terror attack, I saw how well connected this man was.
Arnab was lucky to have him in his team, for the full day it was Aditya who was on the television, from breaking news inputs to exclusive stories to interviews it was Mr Kaul on Republic. We used to joke about that Arnab should rename the Republic TVT as Aditya TV, Arnab was not doing any favor to him, but it was that every single story was being broken by Aditya. He was the backbone of the network, but one fine day we came to know that Aditya has resigned, till date I exactly don’t know what happened between Aditya and Arnab but given now we know Arnab well, it could be anybody’s guess, why he left.
Arnab being what he is could have never tolerated Aditya over growing him, hence Aditya’s exit from the network.
After Aditya’s exit, the backbone of the channel was broken, we all tried to take the burden but it was really hard for the entire team to fit in his shoes. We tried our best but Arnab never acknowledged that.
Let me take the liberty of taking a few more names, of all who left before you even joined.
Snehesh Alex Philip, is one of the well-known defense journalists of the country, before joining Republic he was the Pakistan correspondent of the premier Indian News Agency, he left Republic because of Arnab Goswami’s biased editorial policies and Arnab’s behavior towards the staff, even today reporters at Republic lift points from the copies of Snehesh.
Hari Haran used to be the Star Anchor of South India before joining Republic, he left in a span of a few months and the reason for him leaving is anybody’s guess.
So far in my life I haven’t come across a man who is as soft spoken and so dedicated to his work as Parikshit Luthra, we all know why he left. Today he is doing amazing work.
Sakal Bhat, who was the prime-time anchor at Doordarshan for 17 long years joined republic, but as Arnab cannot tolerate anybody to overgrown him, he can never tolerate that anybody else had the fan follower more than him, so she was cut to size. She left and once again joined DoorDarshan, today again she is a Prime-Time anchor there.
Pooja Prasana who left Times Now to Join Republic with Arnab, helped this company grow, she left her family for several weeks to help Arnab set up the studio in Mumbai, she worked day and night but today she is no longer with Republic, I again leave it for you to guess the reason.
Prema Sridevi who was once considered as the backbone of the network had to leave this organization, I still remember that during one conference call before the launch of the channel, Arnab told the team that he was nothing without Prema.
The list is endless, and everybody will find mention in my book soon. Will send you the first copy promise.
As I write this I have come to know that several people have put up their papers in the past one week, as they were humiliated for not getting Rhea Chakraborty’s interview.
While Arnab tried to maintain a moral high ground on TV against the rival channel for airing Rhea’s interview, he humiliated and harassed his own reporters for not getting her for the interview.
While today Arnab claims that Republic is the biggest network in the country, the reality is that they don’t have a single reporter in most of the states and in those states where people have resigned, no professional journalist is willing to join.
In Delhi you don’t have beat reporters as nobody is willing to join, a crime reporter who cannot differentiate between the Airforce and Navy uniform is covering defense for them. He became webkoof when he aired a two years old footage of the story that I had reported at that time and then he blamed the army for giving that fake video. He even shared a fake screenshot to show that a senior army officer had given the video to him.
For past few days Arnab has been shouting about Nepotism, but I maintain that he should be the last person to do so, his wife (whose only qualification is that she is Arnab’s wife) is heading the operations of both the channels, one of his close stooges who has been recently promoted as Executed Editor News, his wife who was research assistant has been made the Head of Digital Desk (because she is native of the place from where Arnab’s wife is), another man who is now promoted as Senior Associate editor and covers defense his wife is made input head of Hindi channel and her job is to keep an eye on the staff in Noida office and inform Arnab and his wife as who is sitting on his desk and who is not, so Arnab should stop lecturing people about nepotism.
Things were a bit different for me, as my only job was to target and speak against Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti which I did, my job to ensure to project them as anti-national and find fault in whatever they say, I did handle it very well.
As I wasn’t comfortable speaking lies I changed my focus to defense as defense had always been my forte and I did many exclusive stories as well, but many senior officers used to tell me Tejinder you are a right person in a wrong company.
I am a married man, with a daughter and a family to feed, every month I had many EMIs staring at me, so I had to kill my principles to work with Arnab, knowing very well that it is not the Journalism that we are practicing in Republic.
The final nail in the coffin happened on August 5, when the interview for which I had been trying for months together was handed over to another reporter because he belongs to the region where from Arnab’s wife is and that this Reporter helped Arnab to hush up the case of abetment to suicide for which he is facing an FIR in Mumbai.
Arnab called me soon after his show and started shouting and abusing, but now my tolerance had reached its precipice and I had to give it back to him in the same language with the same vocabulary, maybe with some extra words in Pure Punjabi which he will remember throughout his life.
He gave the platform to a motormouth to abuse their fellow panelists, Arnab calls his staff a “piece of Sh\t” uses cuss words like MF and SF for them, so I thought it was opportune time to give him the taste of his own medicine.*
Trust me from the day I resigned, everybody with whom I once worked or those who still work with Arnab have congratulated me and thanked me for being their voice. You know that some have resigned and some will leave soon.
Arnab in the name of hiring young talent is exploiting them, giving them peanuts in the name of job, he is hiring young college graduates or people with zero editorial understanding at the desk, so that there is nobody to speak or challenge his editorial policies, which are dictated by the WhatsApp messages from a particular political party.
Arnab has broken several Labor laws because he hired us for Republic TV (English Channel) then we were forced to work for Hindi channel also and then the dictate came that if you won’t contribute x number of stories a week for the digital desk your salary would be deducted, this threat was against the labour laws as this clause finds no mention in the contract that we signed while joining Republic, even HR team which sent this note can be taken to court of law over this harassment.
Arnab has no empathy for his staff, as he forced them to come out in the field even if their areas were declared as containment zones, I know how difficult and dangerous it was, but we did follow his dictate.
I have the company Laptop with me and having been witness to how this company does. not settle the dues of the former employees, I will hand over the laptop only once you settled my dues, give me NOC and a relieving letter and if it’s not done in next 20 days I will have no other option but to move to the labour court.
Though I know that Arnab is a vindictive man and would try his level best to sabotage my career and my future prospects to find a job, but someone had to speak against him, I decided why not that someone should be me. At least by speaking against this man’s exploitation of more youth would stop, those who dream to join Journalism in the hope of doing quality stuff end up with being bonded labourers.
I also want to put this on record that if anything bad happens to me or my family, any accident, anything untoward happens to me or my family, Arnab and his wife is to be held responsible for the same. I will be giving this undertaking to my local police station soon.
BTW Honey Kour, I wish you best of luck and pray that you don’t have to face what the previous HR head had to go through.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi
Former Bureau Head Republic TV
Now a Free man
submitted by rakesh_rkr to india [link] [comments]

Tejinder Singh Sodhi's letter on why he quit Arnab Goswami's Republic TV

Source -
From: Tejinder Singh Sodhi <…………….@………com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug, 2020, 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Resignation
To: Honey Kaur <……….@………>
Dear Honey,
Congratulations on your promotion, trust me getting promoted from HR head to Vice President of the company would have been a major achievement if it was not Republic, but in Republic there is only one supreme leader and his wife who micromanage everything, everybody else is a filler irrespective of the designation they hold.
I am telling you this out of my personal experience that everything here starts with Arnab and ends with Goswami, you don’t trust me ask this to the previous HR Head.
Have you ever seen a company where the entire HR team left in a period of just less than three years?
Time is a great teacher and I honestly pray that you don’t have to go through what everyone else who left this company had to go through, but nonetheless my good wishes for your promotion.
I was asleep when I got a call from Arnab’s wife who before the launch of this company was just a bureau reporter at a pro congress newspaper, she told me that she and Arnab were happy with my work and have decided to promote me, I was surprised what does being happy mean, if any promotion has to be given it has to be merit based.
I just wanted to disconnect the phone as the husband and wife kept bragging how kind and generous they were to the staff because at a time when other news outlets were firing people reducing their salaries, they were promoting their staff.
I was told that with the promotion my responsibilities would increase and I can guide the desk how to go on with stories, this was another surprise to me given the fact that this was exactly what I had been doing for the past two years after every sensible person at the desk had said goodbye.
This promotion had a rider and it was that the salary has not been revised for now and it would be done at a later stage, but the supreme leader of republic wanted that we should spread the word as how generous Arnab was to promote the staff. (how should we tell the people as the company had earlier threatened the staff to remove republic from their social media bio), but as you know for him it is image that matters so he wanted me to specially post this on social media.
I did that for a day or two and then after I realized my mistake, I deleted that post.
We all know that Arnab has been making huge money, the people in his cotree also make huge money, but the people who do the actual work are given peanuts.
The entire staff of Republic TV had been anxiously waiting for the past two years to get a salary hike. Two years ago, the process of appraisal was started, forms were submitted but then nobody heard back from them.
While he did not give the staff any hike, he used that money to launch a Hindi Channel and hired new staff for that, the Republic TV Staff was left high and dry.
Back to August this year, when I got the email from you that I have been promoted, I wanted to respond to that email right away but decided to wait for a few days and If you remember it was a few hours prior to my putting up my papers I sent you that email turning down the promotion offer.
If you remember I had mentioned in my resignation that I will send you a detailed mail outlining the reasons for my resignation, so here is that email.
I had never applied for any Job at Republic TV, I was very much happy and satisfied with the company I was previously working with. It was the day of my wedding in 2017 when someone from Arnab’s office called me to say that Arnab wants to talk to me, I was in Gurudwara waiting for my Pheras to start. I thought someone was playing a prank on me so I snubbed him and asked him to call back after a few days.
To my surprise I got the call back in a few days as I was made to speak to Arnab on WhatsApp video call, he was very soft and polite and I too was excited because till date we had seen him on Television and this was for the first time we were speaking to each other.
He shared with me the reason he left Times Now, he said how he was humiliated by the management on various issues and why he was not allowed to enter the studio for a month, he said that he is going to come up with a channel that would dismantle the Times Now empire, a David that would take on the mighty Goliath.
He told me that someone had recommended my name and he was keen to have me in his team. He promised that the Republic would revolutionize the TV news industry in the country and would question the people in power and be a channel that be the voice of the downtrodden, basically it would be a complete news channel.
I told him that I come from Print background and have no experience in Television, he told me that he wants new faces and that Republic would be an organization which would be run by young professionals and his team would be young journalists only.
I can tell you with certainty that he is one of the greatest motivational speakers a man like me who had never thought of joining television decided to join his team. When it came to salary negotiation, he told me that for now as he does not have any money, he will hire me on the same package which I was getting at my previous employer with the assurance that as the company starts making money, he would double my salary. After I resigned my previous editor in chief offered me a hike of 20000 if I don’t leave, but being a man of my principles, I requested him to let me go as I had given the commitment to Arnab.
Today looking back I regret my decision to join the Republic, he did not revolutionize Journalism, but he killed serious Journalism, reduced it to a joke and somewhere I too feel to be accomplice in that crime.
The Channel was launched and in its first week it went number 1 in TRP, we all were happy and excited because it was our hard work, the success did not come cheap our sweat and blood was mixed in it.
I was happy that Arnab would acknowledge the contribution of the team, but it was Arnab everywhere, big hoardings came across the country, only acknowledging Arnab. Don’t trust me see the hoardings that came up in Delhi after the Hindi channel came No 1 in the TRP.
After an initial few weeks, I realized that the Channel was all about Arnab only and he does not believe in team work or team efforts. It took me a few months to realize that for Republic everybody else was just a filler, who fills the vacuum of Arnab’s absence from the screen throughout the day and in the evening the stage is taken over by Arnab.
The realization did come that Arnab is a tree, under which no other tree can grow, because he can never tolerate anybody else becoming the face of the channel. He ensured by various means that everybody in the organization feels that everybody else is his rival.
An incident happened where the Republic team was not allowed to cover the Congress Press Conference in Delhi, we were asked to protest outside the congress office in our respective states by wearing black bands. I was like wait what this is not the job of a journalist to protest against a political party, but we had no option, so everybody did that.
One fine day I get a call from someone on the desk (I won’t name that someone, but he was tortured to such an extent by Arnab that he suffered a major heart attack while sitting in the office) to go and hide near the house of the father of Sunanda Pushkar and then at appropriate time, he would tell me what has to be done.
Why hide? They never trusted their staff, so till last moment we weren’t told anything. I went to the house and suddenly I was told to enter the house and shove the mic in the mouth of Ms Pushkar’s elderly father and force him to blame Shahshi Throor for “killing his daughter”, I tried to do so but when I saw her elderly father, I was in tears, he was weak, was not mentally stable, I told the desk, but they told me that Arnab is furious on me and he wants to get the father on camera to say that Tharoor killed his daughter.
I refused and left the place, not before speaking to their man servant who spoke good about Mr Tharoor and Ms Pushkar’s relationship, but that never went on air.
Next day Arnab called me and shouted like anything, he told me that I had let him down, by not getting the father of Ms Pushkar on camera to blame Mr Tharoor.
This was not the Journalism that I had joined Republic for, reporters were being used to do the hit job on behalf of Arnab.
A reporter in UP was told to get a chase sequence with the then Chief Minister, when he couldn’t he was told to jump the wall of his house to enter the premises and get that done. He said I would be shot by his security; he was pressurized by Arnab’s wife that he resigned the next day.
As the money and power started coming in easy, Arnab became more arrogant and as he did not listen to anybody on TV, he did not even listen to his staff. He started humiliating them, shouting at them, abusing them, even physically assaulting them.
People who had joined him after leaving their well established and well-paying job at the time when Republic had no present and no future, started leaving him, some left because of the humiliation they were being meted out and some left because they realized that it was not the kind of Journalism that they were doing with him.
Slowly everybody started leaving, first it was the Reporter from Uttar Pradesh he was followed by the one from MP, then West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Bangalore and every other bureau resigned because of the editorial policies.
When I speak to them, they say that we joined the Republic to do real Journalism and not to be stooges of a particular political party and do “hit job” on those who don’t agree with that political party.
They all realized that Arnab was using his two channels to settle his personal scores with his previous employers, his former colleagues and everybody else who disagreed with his shouting bouts
Almost all leading anchors of Republic left, we still remember how one of the best anchors was dragged out of the studio humiliated, he never returned.
The people who were in his core team, who were known to be the right hand and mind of Arnab left him, they all are doing great in their professional life. They all decided not to disclose why they left the Republic, in the words of a former anchor, “he has the platform to build a fake narrative against you”.
That someone who had recommended my name was Mr Aditya Raj Kaul, who had met me a couple of times in Jammu and had seen me work. Aditya Raj Kaul was the man behind several exclusive stories on Times Now and then in Republic, when Aditya and I covered the Sunjwa terror attack, I saw how well connected this man was.
Arnab was lucky to have him in his team, for the full day it was Aditya who was on the television, from breaking news inputs to exclusive stories to interviews it was Mr Kaul on Republic. We used to joke about that Arnab should rename the Republic TVT as Aditya TV, Arnab was not doing any favor to him, but it was that every single story was being broken by Aditya. He was the backbone of the network, but one fine day we came to know that Aditya has resigned, till date I exactly don’t know what happened between Aditya and Arnab but given now we know Arnab well, it could be anybody’s guess, why he left.
Arnab being what he is could have never tolerated Aditya over growing him, hence Aditya’s exit from the network.
After Aditya’s exit, the backbone of the channel was broken, we all tried to take the burden but it was really hard for the entire team to fit in his shoes. We tried our best but Arnab never acknowledged that.
Let me take the liberty of taking a few more names, of all who left before you even joined.
Snehesh Alex Philip, is one of the well-known defense journalists of the country, before joining Republic he was the Pakistan correspondent of the premier Indian News Agency, he left Republic because of Arnab Goswami’s biased editorial policies and Arnab’s behavior towards the staff, even today reporters at Republic lift points from the copies of Snehesh.
Hari Haran used to be the Star Anchor of South India before joining Republic, he left in a span of a few months and the reason for him leaving is anybody’s guess.
So far in my life I haven’t come across a man who is as soft spoken and so dedicated to his work as Parikshit Luthra, we all know why he left. Today he is doing amazing work.
Sakal Bhat, who was the prime-time anchor at Doordarshan for 17 long years joined republic, but as Arnab cannot tolerate anybody to overgrown him, he can never tolerate that anybody else had the fan follower more than him, so she was cut to size. She left and once again joined DoorDarshan, today again she is a Prime-Time anchor there.
Pooja Prasana who left Times Now to Join Republic with Arnab, helped this company grow, she left her family for several weeks to help Arnab set up the studio in Mumbai, she worked day and night but today she is no longer with Republic, I again leave it for you to guess the reason.
Prema Sridevi who was once considered as the backbone of the network had to leave this organization, I still remember that during one conference call before the launch of the channel, Arnab told the team that he was nothing without Prema.
The list is endless, and everybody will find mention in my book soon. Will send you the first copy promise.
As I write this I have come to know that several people have put up their papers in the past one week, as they were humiliated for not getting Rhea Chakraborty’s interview.
While Arnab tried to maintain a moral high ground on TV against the rival channel for airing Rhea’s interview, he humiliated and harassed his own reporters for not getting her for the interview.
While today Arnab claims that Republic is the biggest network in the country, the reality is that they don’t have a single reporter in most of the states and in those states where people have resigned, no professional journalist is willing to join.
In Delhi you don’t have beat reporters as nobody is willing to join, a crime reporter who cannot differentiate between the Airforce and Navy uniform is covering defense for them. He became webkoof when he aired a two years old footage of the story that I had reported at that time and then he blamed the army for giving that fake video. He even shared a fake screenshot to show that a senior army officer had given the video to him.
For past few days Arnab has been shouting about Nepotism, but I maintain that he should be the last person to do so, his wife (whose only qualification is that she is Arnab’s wife) is heading the operations of both the channels, one of his close stooges who has been recently promoted as Executed Editor News, his wife who was research assistant has been made the Head of Digital Desk (because she is native of the place from where Arnab’s wife is), another man who is now promoted as Senior Associate editor and covers defense his wife is made input head of Hindi channel and her job is to keep an eye on the staff in Noida office and inform Arnab and his wife as who is sitting on his desk and who is not, so Arnab should stop lecturing people about nepotism.
Things were a bit different for me, as my only job was to target and speak against Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti which I did, my job to ensure to project them as anti-national and find fault in whatever they say, I did handle it very well.
As I wasn’t comfortable speaking lies I changed my focus to defense as defense had always been my forte and I did many exclusive stories as well, but many senior officers used to tell me Tejinder you are a right person in a wrong company.
I am a married man, with a daughter and a family to feed, every month I had many EMIs staring at me, so I had to kill my principles to work with Arnab, knowing very well that it is not the Journalism that we are practicing in Republic.
The final nail in the coffin happened on August 5, when the interview for which I had been trying for months together was handed over to another reporter because he belongs to the region where from Arnab’s wife is and that this Reporter helped Arnab to hush up the case of abetment to suicide for which he is facing an FIR in Mumbai.
Arnab called me soon after his show and started shouting and abusing, but now my tolerance had reached its precipice and I had to give it back to him in the same language with the same vocabulary, maybe with some extra words in Pure Punjabi which he will remember throughout his life.
He gave the platform to a motormouth to abuse their fellow panelists, Arnab calls his staff a “piece of Sh\t” uses cuss words like MF and SF for them, so I thought it was opportune time to give him the taste of his own medicine.*
Trust me from the day I resigned, everybody with whom I once worked or those who still work with Arnab have congratulated me and thanked me for being their voice. You know that some have resigned and some will leave soon.
Arnab in the name of hiring young talent is exploiting them, giving them peanuts in the name of job, he is hiring young college graduates or people with zero editorial understanding at the desk, so that there is nobody to speak or challenge his editorial policies, which are dictated by the WhatsApp messages from a particular political party.
Arnab has broken several Labor laws because he hired us for Republic TV (English Channel) then we were forced to work for Hindi channel also and then the dictate came that if you won’t contribute x number of stories a week for the digital desk your salary would be deducted, this threat was against the labour laws as this clause finds no mention in the contract that we signed while joining Republic, even HR team which sent this note can be taken to court of law over this harassment.
Arnab has no empathy for his staff, as he forced them to come out in the field even if their areas were declared as containment zones, I know how difficult and dangerous it was, but we did follow his dictate.
I have the company Laptop with me and having been witness to how this company does. not settle the dues of the former employees, I will hand over the laptop only once you settled my dues, give me NOC and a relieving letter and if it’s not done in next 20 days I will have no other option but to move to the labour court.
Though I know that Arnab is a vindictive man and would try his level best to sabotage my career and my future prospects to find a job, but someone had to speak against him, I decided why not that someone should be me. At least by speaking against this man’s exploitation of more youth would stop, those who dream to join Journalism in the hope of doing quality stuff end up with being bonded labourers.
I also want to put this on record that if anything bad happens to me or my family, any accident, anything untoward happens to me or my family, Arnab and his wife is to be held responsible for the same. I will be giving this undertaking to my local police station soon.
BTW Honey Kour, I wish you best of luck and pray that you don’t have to face what the previous HR head had to go through.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi
Former Bureau Head Republic TV
Now a Free man
submitted by eggpups to unitedstatesofindia [link] [comments]

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(2009) Fireflies in the Garden (2009) Firehouse Dog (2007) Fireman Sam: Heroes of the Storm (2016) Firestorm (1998) Firewall (2006) Fire (1998) First Daughter (2005) First Grader, The (2011) First Kill (2017) First Man (IMAX) (2018) First Man (2018) First Night (2012) First Purge, The (2018) First Strike (1997) First Sunday (2008) Fisherman's Friends (2019) Fist Fight (2017) Fitoor (2016) Five Children and It (2005) Five Fingers for Marseilles (2017) Five Fingers for Marseilles (2018) Five-Year Engagement, The (2012) Flags of Our Fathers (2006) Flashbacks of a Fool (2008) Flatland (2020) Flatliners (2017) Flawless (2000) Flicka (2007) Flight of the Phoenix (2005) Flightplan (2005) Flight (2013) Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas, The (2000) Florence Foster Jenkins (2016) Florida Road (2011) Flower of My Secret (1998) Flowers of War, The (2012) Flubber (1998) Flushed Away (2006) Fly Away Home (1997) Fly Me to the Moon (2008) Fly Me to the Moon (2013) Flyboys (2007) Flyer, The (2005) Flying Jatt, A (2016) Focus (2015) Fog, The (2006) Fokofpolisiekar: Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do (2009) Food, Inc. (2010) Fool 'n Final (2007) Fool's Gold (2008) Fools Rush In (1997) Fools (1998) Footloose (2012) Footnote (2012) Footskating 101 (2007) For Better For Worse (2010) For Colored Girls (2011) For Love of the Game (2000) For Richer or Poorer (1998) For Your Consideration (2007) Forbidden Kingdom, The (2008) Force 2 (2016) Forces of Nature (1999) Force (2011) Ford v Ferrari (IMAX) (2019) Ford v Ferrari (2019) Foreign Affair, A (2006) Foreigner, The (2017) Forest, The (2016) Forger, The (2015) Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) Forgiveness (2004) Forgiven, The (2018) Forgotten Kingdom, The (2014) Forgotten, The (2004) Forsaken, The (2001) Founder, The (2017) Fountain, The (2007) Four Brothers (2005) Four Corners (2014) Four Days in September (1998) Four Feathers, The (2003) Four Lions (2010) Fourth Kind, The (2010) Foxcatcher (2015) Fracture (2007) Frailty (2002) Frank & Fearless (2018) Frankenweenie (3D) (2012) Freakonomics: The Movie (2011) Freaky Ali (2016) Freaky Chakra (2003) Freaky Friday (2003) Fred Claus (2007) Freddy Got Fingered (2001) Freddy Vs. Jason (2003) Free Birds (3D) (2013) Free Birds (2013) Free Fire (2017) Free Men (2011) Free Solo (IMAX) (2019) Free State of Jones (2016) Free State (2016) Free Willy 3 (1997) Freedom Writers (2007) Freedomland (2006) Freeheld (2016) Freelancers (2012) Freeway (1997) French Toast (2015) Frequency (2000) Friday After Next (2003) Friday the 13th (2009) Frida (2003) Friends With Money (2006) Friends with Benefits (2011) Friends with Kids (2012) Fright Night (3D) (2011) Fright Night (2011) From Hell (2002) From Paris With Love (2010) From Prada to Nada (2011) From a House on Willow Street (2017) Front Runner, The (2019) Frost/Nixon (2009) Frost (1999) Frozen (3D) (2013) Frozen Ground, The (2014) Frozen II (3D IMAX) (2019) Frozen II (3D) (2019) Frozen II (4DX) (2019) Frozen II (2019) Frozen (2013) Fruitvale Station (2014) Fuel (2012) Fugitive Pieces (2008) Fugly (2014) Fukrey Returns (2017) Full Frontal (2003) Full Monteverdi, The (2010) Full Monty, The (1998) Full of It (2007) Fun Mom Dinner (2017) Fun Size (2012) Fun With Dick and Jane (2006) Funny Games (1998) Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2007) Furry Vengeance (2010) Fury (IMAX) (2015) Fury (2015) G G-Force (3D) (2009) G-Force (2009) G.I. Jane (1997) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (3D) (2013) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) Gabbar is Back (2015) Gabbeh (1998) Galaxy Quest (2000) Gallows Road (2017) Gallows, The (2015) Galveston (2019) Gambit (2013) Gambler, The (2015) Game Night (2018) Game Plan, The (2008) Gamer (2009) Game, The (1998) Game (2011) Gandhi Murder, The (2019) Gandhi, My Father (2007) Gang Related (1998) Gangs of New York (2003) Gangster Squad (2013) Gangster (2006) Garage Days (2003) Garam Masala (2005) Garden State (2004) Garfield's Fun Fest (2009) Garfield's Pet Force (2D) (2009) Garfield's Pet Force (3D) (2009) Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) Garfield (2004) Garv — Pride and Honour (2004) Gattaca (1998) Gaudi Afternoon (2001) Gemini Man (3D) (2019) Gemini Man (4DX) (2019) Gemini Man (IMAX) (2019) Gemini Man (2019) General's Daughter, The (1999) Genius (2016) Genova (2009) Gentleman, A (2017) Gentlemen Broncos (2010) Gentlemen, The (2020) George of the Jungle (1997) Georgia Rule (2007) Geostorm (3D IMAX) (2017) Geostorm (3D) (2017) Geostorm (4DX) (2017) Geostorm (2017) Get Carter (2001) Get Hard (2015) Get Low (2011) Get Out (2017) Get Over It (2001) Get Real (1999) Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2006) Get Smart (2008) Get a Job (2016) Get on the Bus (1997) Getroud met Rugby (2011) Ghajini (2008) Ghanchakkar (2013) Ghatothkach (2008) Ghayal Once Again (2016) Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (3D) (2012) Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) Ghost Rider (2007) Ghost Ship (2003) Ghost Town (2009) Ghost Writer, The (2010) Ghost in the Shell (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Ghost in the Shell (3D) (2017) Ghost in the Shell (2017) Ghostbusters (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Ghostbusters (3D) (2016) Ghostbusters (4DX) (2016) Ghostbusters (2016) Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails (2015) Ghosts From the Past (1997) Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) Ghosts of Mars (2002) Gifted (2017) Gift, The (2001) Gift, The (2015) Gigli (2003) Gingerbread Man, The (1998) Girl Next Door, The (2004) Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The (2010) Girl Who Played With Fire, The (2010) Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The (2012) Girl in Progress (2012) Girl in the Spider's Web, The (2018) Girl of Your Dreams, The (2000) Girl on the Bridge (2000) Girl on the Train, The (2016) Girl with a Pearl Earring (2004) Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (2010) Girl's Night (1998) Girl, Interrupted (2000) Girlfight (2001) Girls Trip (2017) Giver, The (2014) Gladiator (2000) Glass (IMAX) (2019) Glass Castle, The (2017) Glass House, The (2002) Glass (2019) Glee: The 3D Concert Movie (2011) Glitter (2002) Gloomy Sunday — Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod (2006) Gloria Bell (2019) Gloria (1999) Gloria (2014) Glory Game - The Joost van der Westhuizen Story (2015) Glory Road (2006) Gnome Alone (3D) (2018) Gnome Alone (2018) Gnomeo & Juliet (3D) (2011) Gnomeo & Juliet (2011) Go Goa Gone (2013) Goal 3: Taking on the World (2010) Goal II: Living the Dream (2007) Goal! (2005) God Grew Tired of Us: The Story of Lost Boys of Sudan (2008) God Help the Girl (2014) God Tussi Great Ho (2008) God is African (2003) God's Faithful Servant: Barla (2012) God's Not Dead 2 (2016) God's Not Dead (2015) Goddess (2014) Gods and Monsters (1999) Gods of Egypt (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Gods of Egypt (3D) (2016) Gods of Egypt (4DX) (2016) Gods of Egypt (2016) Godsend (2004) Godzilla (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Godzilla (3D) (2014) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (3D IMAX) (2019) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (3D) (2019) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Godzilla (1998) Godzilla (2014) Goethe (2012) Going in Style (2017) Going the Distance (2010) Gold in the Streets (1997) Golden Bowl, The (2001) Golden Compass, The (2007) Goldfinch, The (2019) Gold (2017) Gold (2018) Golmaal 3 (2010) Golmaal Again (2017) Golmaal Returns (2009) Golmaal (2006) Gone Baby Gone (2008) Gone Girl (2014) Gone in 60 Seconds (2000) Gone (2012) Good Boy, Bad Boy (2007) Good Boys (2019) Good Boy (2003) Good Burger (1998) Good Bye Lenin (2004) Good Day to Die Hard, A (2013) Good Deeds (2012) Good Dinosaur (3D), The (2015) Good Dinosaur, The (2015) Good German, The (2007) Good Girl, The (2002) Good Hair (2010) Good Kill (2015) Good Liar, The (2019) Good Lie, The (2014) Good Luck Chuck (2008) Good Newwz (2019) Good Night, and Good Luck. (2006) Good People (2014) Good Shepherd, The (2007) Good Thief, The (2003) Good Time (2017) Good Will Hunting (1998) Good Woman, A (2006) Good Year, A (2006) Goodbye Christopher Robin (2018) Goodbye Lover (1999) Goosebumps (3D) (2015) Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018) Goosebumps (2015) Gori Tere Pyaar Mein (2013) Gosford Park (2002) Gospel of John, The (2004) Gossip (2001) Gothika (2004) Gotti (2018) Governess, The (1998) Govindudu Andarivadele (2014) Goya in Bordeaux (2000) Goya's Ghosts (2008) Go (1999) Grace is Gone (2008) Grace of Monaco (2014) Gracie (2007) Gran Torino (2009) Grand Budapest Hotel, The (2014) Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets (2001) Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets (2005) Grand Masti (2013) Grand Seduction, The (2014) Grandma's Boy (2006) Grandmaster, The (2014) Grandma (2015) Gravity (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Gravity (3D) (2013) Gravity (2013) Grease (preview) (1998) Great Beauty, The (2014) Great Dance: A Hunter's Story, The (2000) Great Expectations (1998) Great Expectations (2013) Great Gatsby (3D), The (2013) Great Gatsby, The (2013) Great Raid, The (2005) Great Wall (3D)(IMAX), The (2017) Great Wall (3D), The (2017) Great Wall, The (2017) Great White Hype, The (1997) Greatest Showman, The (2017) Green Book (2019) Green Hornet (3D), The (2011) Green Hornet, The (2011) Green Lantern (3D) (2011) Green Lantern (2011) Green Mile, The (2000) Green Street Hooligans (2006) Green Zone (2010) Greenberg (2010) Greenfingers (2001) Greta (2019) Gretel & Hansel (2020) Grey Owl (2000) Grey Zone, The (2003) Grey, The (2012) Gridiron Gang (2007) Gridlock'd (1997) Griffin & Phoenix (2008) Grimm Brothers' Snow White (1998) Grimsby (2016) Grinch (3D IMAX), The (2018) Grinch (3D), The (2018) Grinch, The (2000) Grinch, The (2018) Grind (2004) Gringo (2018) Gripsholm (2002) Grizzly Man (2006) Groove (2001) Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) Grown Ups 2 (2013) Grown Ups (2010) Grudge 2, The (2006) Grudge Match (2014) Grudge, The (2004) Grudge, The (2020) Guardians of the Galaxy (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy (3D) (2014) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (3D) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (4DX) (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Guardian, The (2006) Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, The (2018) Guess Who (2005) Guest iin London (2017) Guest, The (2015) Guilt Trip, The (2013) Gulaab Gang (2014) Gulliver's Travels (3D) (2011) Gulliver's Travels (2011) Gully Boy (2019) Gun Shy (2000) Gunaah (2002) Gunday (2014) Gunman, The (2015) Gun (2011) Guru, The (2002) Guru (2007) Guy Thing, A (2003) Guys, The (2003) Guzaarish (2010) Gypsy Woman (2002) H Haan... Maine Bhi Pyaar Kiya (2002) Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2010) Hacksaw Ridge (2016) Haider (2014) Hail, Caesar! (2016) Hairspray (2007) Half Girlfriend (2017) Half Light (2006) Half Nelson (2007) Half Past Dead (2003) Hall Pass (2011) Halla Bol (2008) Halloween H20 (1998) Halloween II (2010) Halloween: Resurrection (2002) Halloween (2018) Hamari Adhuri Kahani (2015) Hamlet (2000 (2000) Hamlet 2 (2009) Hamlet (1997) Hampstead (2018) Hancock (2008) Hands of Stone (2016) Hanging Garden, The (1998) Hanging Up (2000) Hangover Part III, The (2013) Hangover Part II, The (2011) Hangover, The (2009) Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour (2008) Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) Hanna (2011) Hannibal Rising (2007) Hannibal (2001) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (3D) (2013) Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) Hansie (2008) Happening, The (2008) Happily N'Ever After (2007) Happiness is a Four-Letter Word (2016) Happiness (1999) Happy Bhag Jayegi (2016) Happy Death Day (2017) Happy Endings (2005) Happy Ending (2014) Happy Feet Two (3D) (2011) Happy Feet Two (2011) Happy Feet (2006) Happy New Year (2014) Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi (2018) Happy Times Hotel (2003) Happy Together (1998) Happy, Texas (2000) Happy-Go-Lucky (2009) Happytime Murders, The (2018) Hard Candy (2006) Hard Day's Night, A (2001) Hard Rain (1998) Hard to Get (2014) Hardball (2002) Hardcore Henry (2016) Hare Krishna! (2018) Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008) Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) Harriet the Spy (1997) Harrison's Flowers (2002) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (3D) (2011) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) Harsh Times (2007) Hart's War (2002) Hasee Toh Phasee (2014) Hat Trick (2007) Hatchet Hour (2016) Hate Story 2 (2014) Hate U Give, The (2018) Hateful Eight, The (2016) Hateship Loveship (2014) Haunted House 2, A (2014) Haunted House, A (2013) Haunted Mansion, The (2004) Haunting in Connecticut, The (2009) Haunting, The (1999) Haunt (2019) Haute Cuisine (2014) Hav Plenty (1998) Haywire (2012) He Got Game (1998) He Named Me Malala (2015) He's Just Not That Into You (2009) Head On (1999) Head in the Clouds (2005) Head over Heels (2001) Head-On (2006) Healer, The (2018) Hear Me Move (2015) Heartbeats (2017) Heartbreak Kid, The (2007) Heartbreakers (2001) Heartlands (2004) Hearts in Atlantis (2002) Heat, The (2013) Heaven Is for Real (2014) Heaven on Earth (2009) Heaven's Herds (2006) Heaven (2002) Heavy (1997) Hedwig & The Angry Inch (2001) Heel Against the Head (1999) Heidi (2016) Heist (2002) Helicopter Eela (2018) Hell Fest (2018) Hell on Wheels (2006) Hell or High Water (2016) Hellboy (IMAX) (2019) Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) Hellboy (2004) Hellboy (2019) Hello Brother (1999) Hello Goodbye (2010) Hello, My Name is Doris (2016) Hello... (2008) Hell (2006) Help! I'm a Fish (2001) Help, The (2011) Henry Fool (1998) Henry Poole is Here (2008) Henry of Navarre (2011) Her Only Choice (2019) Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005) Hercules (3D)(IMAX) (2014) Hercules (3D) (2014) Hercules (1997) Hercules (2014) Here Comes the Boom (2012) Here Comes the Grump (2018) Here on Earth (2000) Hereafter (2011) Hereditary (2018) Hero -- Love Story of a Spy, The (2003) Heroes (2008) Heroine (2012) Heropanti (2014) Hero (2005) Hero (2015) Her (2014) Heyy Babyy (2007) Hi-Lo Country, The (1999) Hichki (2018) Hidalgo (2004) Hidden Figures (2017) Hidden Heart (2009) Hidden Life, A (2020) Hide and Seek (2005) Hideous Kinky (1999) High Art (1999) High Crimes (2002) High Fidelity (2000) High Heels and Low Lifes (2002) High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) High Strung (2016) High-Kick Girl! (2011) Highlander: End Game (2001) Highwaymen (2004) Highway (2014) Hijack Stories (2003) Hijack (2008) Hilary and Jackie (1999) Hills Have Eyes 2, The (2007) Hills Have Eyes, The (2006) Hillsong: Let Hope Rise (2016) Himalaya (2000) Himmatwala (2013) Hindi Medium (2017) History Boys, The (2007) History of Violence, A (2005) Hit & Run (2012) Hitchcock (2013) Hitcher, The (2007) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (2005) Hitchhiker (2008) Hitch (2005) Hitman's Bodyguard (4DX), The (2017) Hitman's Bodyguard, The (2017) Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Hitman (2007) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (3D), The (2012) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (HFR 3D), The (2012) Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, The (2012) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D)(HFR)(IMAX), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D)(HFR), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (3D), The (2014) Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, The (2014) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D)(HFR)(IMAX), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D)(HFR), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (3D), The (2013) Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The (2013) Hoener met die Rooi Skoene (2017) Hold Back The Night (1999) Holes (2003) Hole, The (2002) Holiday, The (2006) Holiday (2014) Hollars, The (2017) Hollow Man (2000) Hollywood Ending (2002) Hollywood Homicide (2003) Hollywood in my Huis (2015) Hollywoodland (2007) Holmes & Watson (2019) Hologram for the King, A (2016) Holy Man (1999) Holy Smoke (2000) Home (3D) (2015) Home Again (2017) Home Alone 3 (1997) Home on the Range (2004) Homefront (2013) Homegrown (1998) Home (2015) Hond se Dinges (2009) Honey 2 (2011) Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. (2007) Honeymooners, The (2005) Honey (2004) Hoodlum (1998) Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (3D) (2011) Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011) Hoodwinked (2006) Hoofmeisie (2011) Hoot (2006) Hope Floats (1998) Hope Springs (2012) Hopeville (2010) Hop (2011) Horns (2014) Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) Horrible Bosses (2011) Horse Whisperer, The (1998) Hostage (2005) Hostel: Part II (2007) Hostel (2006) Host, The (2013) Hot Chick, The (2003) Hot Fuzz (2007) Hot Pursuit (2015) Hot Rod (2007) Hot Tub Time Machine (2010) Hotel Artemis (2018) Hotel Mumbai (2019) Hotel Rwanda (2005) Hotel Salvation (2017) Hotel Transylvania (3D) (2012) Hotel Transylvania 2 (3D) (2015) Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (3D) (2018) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (4DX) (2018) Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation (2018) Hotel Transylvania (2012) Hotel for Dogs (2009) Hours, The (2003) Hours (2014) House Bunny, The (2008) House Full (2010) House With a Clock in Its Walls (4DX), The (2018) House With a Clock in Its Walls (IMAX), The (2018) House With a Clock in Its Walls, The (2018) House at the End of the Street (2012) House of D (2005) House of Flying Daggers (2005) House of Magic (3D), The (2014) House of Magic, The (2014) House of Sand and Fog (2004) House of Wax (2005) Housefull 2 (2012) Housefull 3 (2016) Housefull 4 (2019) House, The (2017) House (2001) How Do You Know (2011) How High (2002) How I Spent My Summer Vacation (2012) How She Move (2008) How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1999) How to Deal (2004) How to Eat Fried Worms (2006) How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) How to Make Love Like an Englishman (2015) How to Steal 2 Million (2011) How to Steal a Country (2020) How to Train Your Dragon (3D) (2010) How to Train Your Dragon (IMAX) (2010) How to Train Your Dragon 2 (3D) (2014) How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (3D IMAX) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (3D) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (4DX) (2019) How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) How to Train Your Dragon (2010) How to be Single (2016) Hubble (3D)(IMAX) (2017) Hugo (3D) (2012) Hugo (2012) Hula Girls (2007) Hulchul (2004) Hulk (2003) Hum Kisise Kum Nahin (2002) Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam (2002) Hum Tum (2004) Human Body, The (2007) Human Contract, The (2009) Human Flow (2018) Human Nature (2002) Human Stain, The (2004) Human Traffic (2000) Humbling, The (2015) Humko Deewane Kar Gaye (2006) Humko Tumse Pyaar Hai (2006) Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania (2014) Humraaz (2002) Humshakals (2014) Hundred Steps, The (2002) Hundred-Foot Journey, The (2014) Hungama (2003) Hunger Games (IMAX), The (2013) Hunger Games: Catching Fire (IMAX), The (2013) Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The (2013) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, The (2014) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (3D)(IMAX), The (2015) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 (3D), The (2015) Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, The (2015) Hunger Games, The (2012) Hunted, The (2003) Hunter Killer (2018) Hunter's Prayer, The (2017) Huntsman: Winter's War, The (2016) Hunt, The (2014) Hurlyburly (1999) Hurricane Heist, The (2018) Hurricane, The (2000) Hurt Locker, The (2010) Hush (1998) Hustle & Flow (2006) Hustlers (2019) Hustle, The (2019) Hyde Park on Hudson (2013) Hysteria (2012) I I Am Dina (2002) I Am Legend (2007) I Am Number Four (2011) I Am Sam (2002) I Am Slave (2011) I Am Wrath (2016) I Can Only Imagine (2018) I Capture the Castle (2003) I Could Never Be Your Woman (2008) I Don't Know How She Does It (2011) I Dreamed of Africa (2000) I Feel Pretty (2018) I Give it a Year (2013) I Got the Hook Up (1999) I Hate Luv Storys (2010) I Hate Valentine's Day (2009) I Heart Huckabees (2005) I Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) I Know Who Killed Me (2007) I Love You Phillip Morris (2010) I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009) I Love You, Man (2009) I Now Pronounce You Black and White (2010) I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007) I Origins (2014) I Saw the Light (2016) I Spy (2003) I Still Believe (2020) I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1999) I Still See You (2018) I Think I Do (1998) I Think I Love My Wife (2007) I Want You (1999) I Went Down (1998) I'll Be Home For Xmas (1998) I'll be There (2003) I'm Not Rappaport (1997) I'm Not Rappaport (1998) I'm Not Scared (2004) I'm Not There (2008) I'm So Excited (2013) I'm With Lucy (2004) I'm in Love With a Church Girl (2014) I've Loved You So Long (2009) I, Frankenstein (3D)(IMAX) (2014) I, Frankenstein (3D) (2014) I, Frankenstein (2014) I, Robot (2004) I, Tonya (2018) I.T. (2016) Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (3D) (2012) Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (2012) Ice Age: Collision Course (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (3D) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (4DX) (2016) Ice Age: Collision Course (2016) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (3D) (2009) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) Ice Age (2002) Ice Harvest, The (2006) Ice Princess (2005) Ice Storm, The (1998) Ideal Husband, An (1999) Identity Card — Ek Lifeline (2014) Identity Thief (2013) Identity (2003) Ides of March, The (2011) Idhu Namma Aalu (2016) Idle Hands (1999) Idol, The (2016) If Beale Street Could Talk (2019) If I Stay (2014) If Lucy Fell (1997) If Only (2005) Igby Goes Down (2003) Ignorant Fairies (2002) Igor (2009) Il Ciclone (1998) Illuminata (1999) Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The (2010) Imaginary Heroes (2005) Imagine Me & You (2006) Imagine That (2009) Imitation Game, The (2015) Immigrant, The (2014) Immortals (3D) (2011) Immortals (2011) Imogene (2013) Importance of Being Earnest, The (2002) Impossible, The (2013) Impostors, The (1999) Impostor (2002) Impunity (2015) In & Out (1998) In America (2003) In Bruges (2008) In Darkness (2012) In Dubious Battle (2017) In God's Hands (1998) In Good Company (2005) In Her Shoes (2005) In Love and War (1997) In My Country (2005) In Secret (2014) In This World (2004) In Time (2011) In Too Deep (2000) In a Better World (2011) In a World... (2013) In the Bedroom (2002) In the Cut (2004) In the Heart of the Sea (3D) (2015) In the Heart of the Sea (2015) In the Land of Blood and Honey (2012) In the Mix (2006) In the Mood for Love (2001) In the Valley of Elah (2007) In the Winter Dark (1999) In-Laws, The (2003) Inalé (2012) Inbetweeners, The (2013) Incendies (2011) Inception (2010) Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, An (2017) Inconvenient Truth, An (2006) Incredible Hulk, The (2008) Incredibles 2 (3D IMAX) (2018) Incredibles 2 (3D) (2018) Incredibles 2 (2018) Incredibles, The (2004) Independence Day: Resurgence (3D)(IMAX) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (3D) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (4DX) (2016) Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) India's Most Wanted (2019) India: Kingdom of the Tiger (2002) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) Indignation (2016) Indu Sarkar (2017) Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete, The (2014) Inferno (IMAX) (2016) Inferno (1999) Inferno (2016) Infidel, The (2010) Infiltrator, The (2016) Infinitely Polar Bear (2015) Informant!, The (2009) Informer, The (2020) Inglourious Basterds (2009) Ingrid Jonker: Her Lives & Times (2007) Inherent Vice (2015) Inheritors, The (1999) Inkheart (2009)
submitted by cooklanbrahh to DigitalCodesFREE [link] [comments]

Speaking in English considered Snobbish??

Why do malayalees mock people who use English casually in a conversation? Born and brought up in Kerala, I've faced this quite a few times when my peers say 'oh valya english kaari'. That said, I'm not somebody so well versed in the language either! And I find this totally weird because having been to a CBSE school (being mocked for this should altogether be another discussion thread), I have an initial struggle to stay in one language alone while speaking. I tend to mix english with both malayalam and hindi (when ever i use it) and i find it initially a bit difficult to find the right words in English.
So yeah, why the bitterness? Yes, i sometimes find it easier and comfortable while expressing my thoughts in English. And when they say something of this kind, it gets so frustrating because all I wanted to do was communicate something! It's so disturbing that the one thing you wanted to contribute becomes a joke all of a sudden!
All I end up asking myself is : But why?? 🤢
Have you ever had this kind of an experience? Do share your thoughts! :)
submitted by SanskariLadki2point0 to Kerala [link] [comments]

Anime Aired on Philippine Free TV thread (Long Post)

Ok, may nagbigay sa akin ng gold para aking comment. Maraming salamat, anonymous redditor, wish ko lang sana humaba pa ang buhay mo, at wish ko din na sana magka-trabaho na ako (para may ipambayad na din ako sa mga loans ko. LOLSOB). At trip kong mag-update ng listahan. So eto na siguro ang isa sa mga exhaustive na list tungkol sa mga anime na ipinalabas noong mga late 80's to 90's to early 2000's (pre-2010). Sana.
Kung may mga kulang o mali man eh lagay nyo na lang sa comments section.
Nilagay ko na din mga links sa opening songs nila. Memorable ang shit na yun.
Also hindi ko na lalagyan ng date aired dahil incomplete ang data, pero I'll try to mention what day it was scheduled to air back then. I wish I had a sharper memory.
Wag na din pansinin yung opinyon ko. Nood nalang kayo with the links.
Di kasali dito ang Korean shit at Chinese shit tulad ng kalbong si San Mao. At Tokusatsu/ Super Hentai Sentai, sadly, di ko na sinali. Nakakapagod mag type.
GMA 7- sandigan ng mga anime lovers noon, na may bloc pa sa primetime (!) noong late 90's to early 00's. Ngayon puro kupal nalang, panggagaya, shaming, pekeng bakla, mga artistang kulang sa workshop, pointless sigawan/gratuitous catfights, at walang kamatayan na reruns ng anime. Paulit ulit. Nakakagalit. Tangina nyo GMA7. Tangina ninyong lahat.
Sa ABC 5 noon ok din ang anime pag gabi. Ngayong TV5 na eh, may mga nilabas din sila na anime tulad ng Code Geass kaso parang palaos ang station. Sad!
Sadly sa channel 2 konti lang naaalala ko, pero dito madalas i-air yung mga World Masterpiece series. They try to show never-before-seen (unless you have internet) anime shows. Request ko lang sana palitan na yung lineup na shows pag Sunday afternoon, mga putanginang cringe na shows. Gawing anime nalang.
Isingit ko na din yung sa Channel 13 noon.
That's all folks!
submitted by Sturmgewehrkreuz to Philippines [link] [comments]

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