Blackout Poker Chips

poker chips on blackout

poker chips on blackout - win

What do you think of these plans to hold the tabletop game tournament in a few months after CV is over?

I wanna host this thing at the rec center hall sometime in the spring or summer in order to do something cool and make some money.
I'm not yet sure what the game would be exactly. It would have to be something that 2 people or 2 teams can play against each other. Ideas include:
What do you think would be the best choice of game?
I plan to structure the tournament in a single elimination bracket format, where after the each round the winning players move on, while the losing players are eliminated, until there's only one player left.
Tournament would require 2 fees for players to participate: * Entry fee: this goes into the prize pot. * Venue fee: this goes into renting out the rec center hall, buying the game equipment, and pocketing the leftovers as a profit.
1v1 tournaments would have both fees at $5, while team tournaments would have both fees at $10.
Prizes would be distributed this way:
submitted by hunter-da-hammah1 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

I'd like to hold a table game tournament in a few months when CV is over. What do you think of this plan?

I wanna host this thing at the rec center hall sometime in the spring or summer in order to do something cool and make some money.
I'm not yet sure what the game would be exactly. It would have to be something that 2 people or 2 teams can play against each other. Ideas include:
What do you think would be the best choice of game?
I plan to structure the tournament in a single elimination bracket format, where after the each round the winning players move on, while the losing players are eliminated, until there's only one player left.
Tournament would require 2 fees for players to participate:
1v1 tournaments would have both fees at $5, while team tournaments would have both fees at $10.
Prizes would be distributed this way:
submitted by hunter-da-hammah1 to gaming [link] [comments]

A bad episode, in narrative form.

Trigger warnings re suicidal behaviours, violent behaviours, self harm, and probably a bunch of other stuff.
I don't know if 3rd person recounts are okay here, feel free to remove if not (I have it saved) and if there's a subreddit specifically for this kind of thing I'd appreciate some pointers.
This writing process is just part of my catharsis. Maybe other's can relate, I don't know if it would be helpful or not to others, there's a lot of stuff in this story I am deeply ashamed of, but I figure this is a safe space to tell my story, even if I am probably the villain in the piece.
Fade out, into bedroom, morning...
He woke with a sharp breath, eyes wide open as a sudden shock of adrenaline flooded warmly from his abdomen, igniting his senses.
He wasn’t dreaming before he woke, nor did he remember where or when he fell asleep; this would dawn on him soon. For a minute at least, he had no idea where, or even who he was.
Muffled sounds of the television floated into the room from beyond. To his side, a grey wall confronted him, virtually featureless save for a deep, dark gouge that penetrated the plaster, chiselled at least an inch deep into the breeze block beneath by some strong, angular object.
A visceral instinct clutched at the rapidly fading vestiges of oblivion, steeling his slowly awakening mind against the inevitable clarity of day.
His eyes drifted downward, almost by their own will. A trail of colourful debris spread across the grey carpeted floor. He recognised these objects as his own junk: Empty wrappers, an unfinished book (still intact), a scattering of coins, some old shopping receipts, his glasses, some odd socks, and a small handful of odds and ends.
This was stuff that he usually stashed out of sight and mind in the drawers beside his bed.
Drawers that were oddly absent from their familiar place beside his head.
Propping himself up unsteadily on his elbow, he took a more sweeping view of the room. He groaned and sighed as his gaze finally came to rest on the object of destruction.
The heavy wooden bedside table lay near the foot of the bed, its drawers spewed haphazardly across the floor, beneath what must have been a spectacular flight path the previous evening.
Like a series of lead weights, pieces of the puzzle dropped into place, flashes of memories yanking his mind to sobriety.
The drinking.
The casino.
The staircase.
The plastic bag.
The wall.
The screaming.
He quickly packed these images away, but they lay in wait beneath the surface of his awareness, poised to strike at any moment.
Rolling again onto his back, he pulled the blankets over his head and tried in vain to retreat to the safety of oblivion. Sweet, peaceful nothingness was all he desired right then and there. If some spirit had entered the room and whisked his soul off into the beyond, he’d have welcomed it without a second thought.
His body shook with tremors, and the dull ache of injuries began to throb gently across his body. “Too much alcohol” he thought. “Too much fucking alcohol.”
As he lay in the dimly lit room more scraps of the previous night assailed him, little more than still images in random order. Everything else was a blackout. He felt the bruises along his arms, his head ached, his fists were swollen. Probably had a serious concussion, hence the memory loss. That and the drinking.
In his fugue state, hours passed, it seemed, before eventually his wife entered the room with a soft click of the door handle.
He held his breath.
“You awake sweetie?” she asked in a soothing, caring voice. Such kindness only served to deepen his self loathing.
He exhaled. “Mmm.”
Wordlessly, she walked over to her side of the bed and lay down, laying her soft arm across his shoulders. He winced slightly from contact with some bruises on his back that he hadn't noticed yet.
He sighed deeply again.
“Oh, lovely...” she whispered, squeezing him gently.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered back, still unsure of the exact thing he was sorry for, but he knew it was pretty bad. “I’m so sorry...”
She squeezed again, the seemingly undeserved love in her touch flooding him with a rough mix of self-hatred and a tiny spark of hope.
“The wall...” he said, groggily.
“And the stairs. And your computer...” she sighed.
He struggled to visualise the relevance of these words. “The computer?”
“You punched the screen. It just shows colourful patterns now.” She giggled, an odd counterpoint that sliced through the sombre atmosphere like breaking glass.
Why does she accept this? He thought. I’m a fucking monster.
“Oh...” he said, wondering idly what the bill of damages would be. “Are you... okay?”
She hesitated. “You didn’t hurt us. Just... broke things. And you were screaming, just screaming. The neighbours must have heard...”
_Like a wild animal. A fucking monster. _
She continued. “You were pretty hard on the girls too, you were yelling at them. They hid in their rooms.”
Like I used to, when dad used to...
“We just got out of the way. They hid their stuff. You were wrecking everything.”
“Again...” he said dejectedly.
She squeezed him with her gentle arms, and kissed the back of his neck.
“You kept hitting the walls, and punching yourself in the head. You were pulling things out of drawers looking for plastic bags. Good thing I hid those last time.”
To suffocate myself with. Like last time. I wonder if there’s any around now.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered again. “I don’t know why...”
“It’s ok...” she said, with another reassuring squeeze.
They lay in silence for a while. He couldn’t understand why he deserved her affection. How could anyone love such a beast, such a monster? Wasn’t she afraid? What if he’d turned on her? He’s a big man, slightly out of shape but still strong enough to throw a 50kg bed into a wall in a fit of rage. All he could think was that he should be locked away immediately for other people’s safety, or humanely put out of his misery as a failed experiment in evolution.
But nonetheless he felt her love recharging him, her soft breathing warm against his shoulder, chest rising and falling behind him, her gentle squeezes soothing, all of which seemed to say that everything would be okay.
While his guilt and shame seemed infinite, her love pierced through his darkness like a javelin of light, fracturing an iron curtain of self-hatred, planting a small seed of hope.
Was hope a blessing or a curse? Was there a point to hope when it just rekindled the cycle, kept him moving on thinking life would be okay, right up until the point where he tore it all apart again? Was there any chance of things being different this time around?
Or would he just continue to spiral around the rim like a shit in a blocked toilet, waiting for death’s plunger to set him free unto the depths below?
The feeling made him uncomfortable. Hope seemed like a venomous snake slithering in the grass waiting to strike.
He turned to her and embraced her, briefly. “I love you. I’m sorry.” He said, before slowly rolling to the side of the bed and planting his feet on the plaster-strewn carpet, seeking escape from these unnerving thoughts. But a shock of pain stabbed though his foot. “Ugh! God damn it. I think I broke a toe.”
“The bathroom door...” she said.
“Really?” he sighed, testing his weight on the outside of his foot, and, figuring it would hold, rising unsteadily to his feet. The sudden change in altitude caused his head to spin, and he immediately sat back down on the bed.
Why did I kick the bathroom door? Was she in there? Why can’t I remember anything?
“So, uh...” He said, laying back down. “Why are you still with me?”
“Because I love you.” She said, resting her arm across his chest.
“I’m scared. I don’t know if it will happen again. I thought after the therapy I would be okay, but this feels worse. I don't remember anything. And the kids... I don’t want to do this to them. This is why I moved away, I wanted to give you guys a chance to be normal.”
“But then you’d be alone over there, and I’d worry.”
“But it wouldn’t be your problem.”
“I’d still care.”
“You wouldn’t have to.” He said, matter of factly. But the way she said it, he knew she was sincere.
“You’ll get help. We’ll figure it out. We’ll get through this.”
I don’t want to always be figuring it out. I don’t want to have to “get through this” and I don’t want to fuck up other people with my shit. I don't want to be that stereotype abusive husband guilting his wife into staying through suicidal threats. They deserve so much better than me, can’t she see she’d be happier without me, he thought.
“But I don’t think I can handle too much more of what happened last night.” She concluded. “It was scary.”
He remained in bed for a few more hours, before cautiously emerging from the bedroom. The TV was still on downstairs, and he saw his wife sat on the couch. The kids were still at school.
As he descended, he took mental note of the damages. The stair rail was badly damaged, bent and twisted. Scuff marks at head and fist height marked the wall at each painful step. Downstairs came into view, and he saw the Ikea chair, frame snapped in half, and his computer monitor, vivid lines and swirls of colour radiating from a fist-sized oval of shattered glass in the centre. His laptop though was curiously still working, save for a slightly bent case that he twisted back into shape.
He noticed the poker chips on the hallstand. $1300 worth. He checked his bank account, he’d "only" spent $400 at the casino, so at least he hadn't lost the rent money for the week. “Big deal.” He thought. “What does it matter now?”
In total, he figured about a thousand dollars to replace everything he’d destroyed, taking care of his “winnings”, plus some paint and plaster to fix up the walls. The stair rails though, they might need some professional work, he decided to take a look at those last.
Wordlessly, he went to the laundry. As he passed through the kitchen, he got a vivid flashback of laying there on the tiles, repeatedly smashing the back of his head at full force into the ground while his wife, or was it his daughter, begged him to stop. He shook away the thought quickly, and fetched the plaster.
We have plaster on hand. He thought wryly. This happens too often.
Going through the motions, he filled the holes and gouges in the bedroom, the bathroom door, down the stairwell, and the living room walls. Next, he fetched an allen key and dismantled the Ikea chair, stowing the pieces in the shed out the back, to be surreptitiously deposited in the garbage over the coming weeks. The monitor, too, he dropped in the large green bin outside for the next week’s collection.
After placing the bedside table back in its rightful place and a quick run around with the vacuum cleaner, only a keen eye would spot any signs of trouble the night before.
He sat beside his wife on the couch and snuggled his head into her lap. She gently stroked his hair as the TV droned on in the background.
One by one, the kids came home from school. He asked them to come over for a hug, and apologised and explained that they did nothing wrong, that he was sick in the brain and needed help. He told them he loved them dearly. They hugged him back and said they loved him too. His eldest asked if he needed an icepack for his hand.
Perhaps a dark joke about the night before was made, nervous laughter broke the tension. They ate dinner and watched TV together, all on the one couch since the Ikea chair was gone. His kids snuggled in while they sat watching a movie on Netflix, and those earlier dark thoughts of ending it all seemed to fade away.
His shame remained, as did his guilt. But each step he took to piece things back together made the shame easier to bear. He managed to repair the stair rail with some tools and elbow grease. He replaced the broken monitor. The chair could wait, it was time to get something nicer anyway. Something too heavy to lift, preferably, his wife joked at him. He saw the humour, but he didn’t laugh.
He had a beast inside of him, always reminding him of its presence, and the man and father he tried to be every day felt like a fraud. But to their minds the beast was the interloper, it was the fraud that clawed its way out from time to time, and the real man and father was the guy who spent every day fighting to hold it in. They didn’t see the daily struggle, just the man who was husband and father.
He wanted to stop fighting the beast and just be himself, no more beast, so the next day he called a psychologist and spoke with them about what happened, his fears, his history. They didn’t judge him, they said they could help, and invited him in for his first session. Screw the cost, his shit needed to be dealt with properly, by a trained professional.
Then, he emailed work, who he’d ghosted for a whole day. This was the first time he felt that couldn't make some dumb excuse and get away with it. No more "I dropped my phone in the toilet" or "I forgot about it, gosh darn I'm so busy!" So, for the first time he opened up and explained (sans the gory details) what had happened, that he had mental health issues and had had a breakdown and needed some space to recover. He dreaded the response, surely he’d be out of a job. But instead, they replied saying they would support him in any way they could, that they loved working with him, and he could take as much time as he needed to get back on track.
The world that had looked so dark and terminal 48 hours prior suddenly again seemed normal, manageable. These weren’t life-ending events. They were serious, but they could be dealt with. Life would go on, there was literally no purpose to dying over this. Maybe some real therapy would help this time, and maybe the whole family should join in at some point.
Without his wife and kids, he feared what he might have done next. Maybe the shred of hope was a lie, but it was all he had to go by, and it had to be enough to see him through to the next day.
On a direct note - I am blessed to have a wife and kids that have put up with so much and yet still support me, and I know that I have a lot of work not just to fix myself but to support my family who have witnessed me doing some truly horrible things, especially my children who should not have to grow up knowing people are capable of such levels of unbridled fury. I have arranged professional therapy with a psychologist, and hope to work towards healing myself and my family. If she decides this is too much for her and wants to leave, then I will not stop her, at the same time I will not push her to do so. I have also suggested to her that she should consider counselling with the kids if she feels she needs it. I don't know how she deals with it, honestly. I am not proud and don't glorify what I did, but I can take steps to do something about it so I hope to never have to repeat this story again.
submitted by SomaPersona to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

What are the new unlocked Blackout Character Challenges? (Let's make a Megathread!)

Click here for the zombies characters!
Click here for the Character Challenges of the Iconic characters
Please tell me what the placement requirements are per mode (so place top 15 solo/top 7 quads etc.) if you item needs it. Also please tell where you found the item.
To unlock character you first have to get their item and then complete the challenge associated with it.
Here are the old ones:


  • Find Poker Chip and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Finish in the Top 15 (Solo) / Top 8 Duos / Top 3 (Quads)
  • End Match with 15 healing items in inventory


  • Find Note from Torque and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Deploy 2 Razor Wires
  • Deploy a Barricade
  • Place in Top 5 (Quads) / Top 7 (Duos) / Top 30 (Solos)
The 2 Razor Wires and Barricade are always in the same Equipment Stash as the Note, so that should make it a lot easier.


  • Find I Ching Coin and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Avoid Collapse Damage
  • Place in Top 30 (Solo) / Top 15 (Duos) / Top 7 (Quads)
Note: You can take collapse damage before picking up the coin and you'll still get it


  • Find 3 Destroyed Armor Platings and finish the match with them in your inventory


Found by u/Le23meyski
  • Find the War Machine and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Get 2 kills (not knock outs) with the War Machine
War Machine is found in Supply Drops and has a low chance to spawn on the floor, outlined in gold.


Found by u/Implxse
  • Obtain the Annihilator and finish with it in your inventory.
  • Get 1 kill with the Annihilator
  • Place Top 15 (for Solos) / 8 (Duos) / 4 (Quads)
    Note: Ingame it says Top 5 for solo but people report getting it in 6th and 9th and even 14th place. So most likely it's glitched and is Top 15. And it might not unlock at all in Quads.
How to get the Annihilator:
A box might spawn in the Firing Range. Shoot the white target behind the box with a pistol and the box will open with the Annihilator inside. Click here for a video guide.


Confirmed by u/louisb1304
  • Find the Burned Doll and complete the match with it in your inventory
  • Confirm Kill or Clean Up a downed player with fire
Doll appears to only be in the green Supply Caches (Big boxes on the ground).


Found by u/Le23meyski, corrected by u/ehhhlamoose
  • Find the Ocular Prostethic and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Have 3 perks active at the same time
  • Win the match
Ocular Prosthetic appears to be in Supply Drops.
Note: There was confusion, but you have to have 3 perks active at the very moment you finish (in this case win) the match. The box will just uncheck if you do it earlier!


Found by u/echotyler29
  • Find Punching Mitts and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Kill an enemy using close quarters combat
The Punching Mitts can spawn in 4 locations: In Construction Site at the big crane that holds the crate next to the helipad, on top of the Lighthouse, on the Asylum roof and ln the yellow rafters closest to the hangar 1 or 2 door of Turbine.
Note: this doesn't have to be melee kills. You can use anything you like, shotguns, SMGs. Just make sure you're close to them, like just a few feet. You can also run them over with a vehicle :D


Found by u/Jankey11
  • Find Juneau's Tags and finish the match with it in your inventory
  • Kill 2 Enemies without them damaging you
Note: They changed the challenge in update 1.05
The tags are found in green Supply Caches (Big boxes on the ground).
submitted by RealBlazeStorm to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Blackout Easter Egg Hunting thread

Blackout Easter Egg Hunting thread
\*This page is update constantly so refer here for new leads and findings*\**

Hi there.I was looking online for a community for Easter Egg hunting on Blackout, but I could find very little, so I decided to post here and see if maybe we can get some brains to work together.
I want to be clear. None of this is absolutely confirmed and its just brainstorming. And yes, I am following a strong idea that may very well be absolutely wrong... but hey.. if it just helps in any way to discard options later on is all welcome. I think that should be the attitude towards this treasure hunt and input to the post.



Most of the work we do is done in teams on Discord. If you want to get more involved or learn about new leads and finding join us there.
DISCORD CHANNEL (EU based)Updated 23/10 12:44
EMAIL: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])



\*Is advisable to activate all intel and watch all backstory* videos as soon as possible, as they may lead to more interactions unlocking in game\**

Array button activation Pressing the button in Array starts an audio sequence which can be heard across the map. All television screens turn on and show an image of Blackout Eagle.
Ascension codes Various numerical codes have been found and need to be deciphered. They seem related to the deciphering of Black Ops 1 Ascension Codes making use of the book by JFK, Profiles In Courage. Specialist HQ has many quotes from Land of the Dead in Homer's The Odyssey. Running Woman: 2 12 21 19 11 15 17 15 19 19 3 Angel Heart: 3 12 5 21 3 0 25 15 5 18 12 20 11 18 17 24 14 0 6 7 11 4 4 24 5 1 Woods and Mason: 2 1 14 Archetype both of us. Mason:They are everywhere. Woods. (fighting sounds) . Not Human, the whole point 16 6 12 14 11 22 6 Courage Profiles
Recon Tutorial Near to the end of RECON tutorial a dialogue happens between Woods and Recon that seems to hide a riddle. "Follow the numbers help the flame. Aokighara gate will open. Now go and finish that 61"
Asylum pictures Once the tutorial are complete on each of the pictures on this board will appear the names of the characters, but they will actually be in the wrong order The faces are in the incorrect position and that image shows a potential path to travel the map or some character interaction that has to happen. Also the pictures shows a younger version of the characthers.
AANNJE FHYEEGS In one of the story intel we can clearly see "ghost" Jessica typing on her keyboard. "Aannje space space space fhyee(maybe g or f)s enter enter” (from 1:26:45) -
Fire Here Three boards containing what could be a cypher have been found in the main building straight south of firing range,. These can be connected to create one image. The image has been layered over the map to get this result.
Fracking Blast doors You can open the blast doors found in the middle of Fracking tower by pressing one of 3 switches that are found on the site.
Hydro mafia A body in a bag can be found at the bottom of the dam at Hydro in the corner From the zombie chronology: JANUARY 1​ST​, 1300 Before they seemingly disappear from history, Primis instructs the Wolf King to begin building Der Eisendrache. SEPTEMBER 19​TH​, 1318 Honoring the Wolf King’s dying request, his loyal servant Arthur scatters and buries his bones in the grounds of Der Eisendrache, accompanied by the King’s Wolf.
Surveillance Cameras In the Intel video "..and all this shall be" there is this set of pictures appearing repeatedly on the screens. This are surveillance cameras and position trackers maps, as hinted in the dialogue. What is interesting is that there are some number by each screen, 16 exactly, but only one number is lit for each image. Now, if we were to divide the playable area of the map in 16, we get a zone for each screen. On one of the screen we see an image of Savannah: first on cargo boat, and the number is 10... which includes Cargo area . On the big monitor where we see her at her home entrance we have 3.. which matches with Estates and so on. Also Seraph, in her intel talks about a "secret underground" something that she "doesn't want us to see" . Finally the northern Houses in Estate , has an helipad and a bedroom that resemble very much the one found in SAvannah parts of the Intel Videos
Hidden Room in Estates Following the "Surveillance Cameras" lead we have found a hidden room with no access (pic1, pic 2) in the North east mansion with the helipad. There is speculation if this is a design mistake or a lead. People have managed to get into the room in theater mode by clipping and the room looks like this (pic 3 pic 4). By moving the camera different layers of texture appear and disappear revealing a hidden door on the inside wall of the house. No access has been found. Seraph, in her intel talks about a "secret underground" something that she "doesn't want us to see" . The northern Houses in Estate , has an helipad and a bedroom that resemble very much the one found in SAvannah parts of the Intel Videos. There could be links to the Recon tutorial due the presence of fire pits and cookers (help the flame), wine cellar (finish that 61) and the Zen design of the house reminding of Japanese tradition ( Aokighara gate will open)
Classified papers Based on what is said in the intel "Immortal candidate" has been found a page on the second level of the Hanger's offices. Seraph, in her intel talks about a secret box in "her" office where she had found something horrible.
Images , numbers and signs in the zone While in the bluzone people have captured screenshots of images appearing and symbols that belong to the zombie realm (see Ix zombie, Ra pillar) Recon intel tells us to follow the numbers. In the Running Girl intel there is reference to the zone "people are dying out there to the zone"
Hacienda Wall (27/12) In the office room in Hacienda, (the one with the shark) you can find a detailed description of a series incidents related to Mendez where he robbed the unknown gangster owner of the villa. (image plus transcription)


- Various lighting schemes have been spotted in different locations. Certain locations have only certain colour lights showing (eg Blue lights in Nuketown, Yellow Industry..) In Hydro the Cylinders have engines that show some of the colours blinking in patterns.


I need you to understand guys that this is a quite different ball game from solving a zombie storyline. We have no reference, and really, no certainty that there is something to be found except for the clues we gathered. This means that there are many different theories going around. Some will prove to be wrong , some right. The point is not being in the right side, but helping finding those proofs, and that is not always done by confirming something, sometimes is done by eliminating options. Please be respectful of other people ideas: ideas are gifts, you don't know what's inside till you open the packet.

- E.E. could be unlockable only by using specific skins on your character- E.E. could require four man squad and coordination. Also specific skin for each player may be needed
- E.E. could be a time trial
- E.E. could trigger dynamic events on the map
- E.E. could only be there to unlock special characters and in game merits
- There is not E.E. you tinfoiled dumbass (love that one)


At this stage of the Hunt, we can safely assume that game includes three types of Eggs: Calling cards challenges, Character unlock challenges, Dark ops and a main easter Egg.

These seems to be achieved by interacting with object and AI on the map and/or fulfilment of certain requirement to eliminate players.

These are achieved as we have seen so far, only by finding special items related to each character and fulfilling the requirements of a challenge with this very item (leaderboard placement, kills, survival etc..)
The information to unlock these characters are ALL in the "1st Dossier "video" for each of them. This is very important to understand because it allows us to eliminate those cluse that are in there mainly for this purpose and not the Main egg.

These are achieved again by completing special task or interacting with objects in specific places.
WE know for a fact that they have placed symbolism in their video to give us clue to unlock items (see character unlock), but none of the information to unlock them is in the Intel audio or the Main story videos. SO by exclusion those clues are related to something else .
At Array, in the center round building you can interact with a specific computer in this room to give power to the big parabolic antennas around the site. A Radio broadcast plays short after throughout all radios in the map, and many, if not all, tv sets show an eagle logo. No achievement is given by completing this action. This is quite important in my opinion, as it breaks a part Array from all other in-map interactions found so far.Last but not least, we are give our first clue: once all the tutorials in HQ are complete, you will unlock something on the BO map. Something that wasn't there before. In Asylum, on the top floor (S/E side), in the toilette, there is a board with the picture of four of the specialist: Battery, Torque, Prophet and Ruin. Once the tutorial are complete on each of the pictures on this board will appear the names of the characters, but they will actually be in the wrong order.
Now the problem, or better challenge is this. Even though is NOT BEEN CONFIRMED, there are strong leads that bring us to believe that these steps can not be achieved unless you have certain characters unlocked, and maybe all of the basic ones. So i think the first step to the Egg is not actually Array, but getting the characters, especially the ones in the Asylum pic.


CALLING CARDS CHALLENGES (Edited as become public)
- Activating the jukebox at this location you get rewarded with some cool zombie killing tunes and a calling card.
- Punching someone to death
- Killing 100 zombies
- Making a basket at estate
- Hitting a bullseye from +90m at firing range
- Looting underwater chest by one of the 3 buoys at cargo
- Activating the overground switch for the blast doors at Fracking tower

DARK OP CHALLENGES (External reddit link)
We have just been given a clue for the last missing challenge. Get flying! (27/12)

CHARACTERS UNLOCK (Edited as become public)
Here the best list I could find:

Ajax – Kill enemy that wear armor for a chance to scavenge three "Broken Armor Plating" items from them, complete the match
Crash– Find the "Poker Chips" item in Healing station boxes, equip 15 healing items and finish a match in the top 3 with these items in your inventory.
Recon – Find an item called Ching Coins in Supply Drops and crates, you will need to get to top 7 with Ching Coins in your inventory without taking damage from the zone the entire match.
Torque – Get "Note from Torque" in supply drops. Deploy 2 Razer Wires, Deploy a Barricade, Place in the top 7, Finish Match with Note in inventory
Firebreak – Find the “Burned Doll” item in Supply Drops and crates. Get a fire kill and end a match with the Burned Doll item in your inventory.

Woods - Get a "bandana" item from a zombie kill than fly a chopper, and win the match with the item in your inventory.
Battery – Kill enemies with a War machine and finish in the top 15 with the weapon in the inventory.

Noman – Is possible that Nomad challenge is to kill enemy with Mesh mines for the opportunity of them to drop"Tags"items.
Prophet – Could have something to do with long range kills and "Cards" items
Ruin – This is a thought one but I believe could have to do with getting multiple grenade kills, unlock an item and and after get consecutive headshots kills.
Seraph – I believe that Seraph has to do with either killing enemies with hand combat or either getting revenge kills. This could unlock the key to the box in Asylum where to get the annihilator gun and have complete some challenge with it.



First of all i sat down and looked at the map. My basic thoughts were:
-It is obvious that there is some geometry to the layout of the main point of interest.
-We have locations that are iconics ad locations that are not.
-Some locations show hints and references to previous title and easter eggs
-Some locations show dynamic change through interaction (see for example Fracking tower where you can open the gates)
-Some locations have fast travel means.
I will stop to this last one for now as I think is essential.
Let me start by saying that If you have any idea of how to design a story (and gaming is just a form of storytelling) the rule number one is that the story comes first, which means that the more the design reflect the intentions of the "creators" the more the product will appear harmonious, coherent...sincere.What does this mean? Simply that if something is there has to be there for a reason and the more reasons you can give it the more it would feel integral part of the experience... and at Trenchard they are absolutely storytelling masters. No doubt. Trust me, if you have a chopper on the map and there are some easter eggs to be completed they probably involve using it to move fast from one side to the other of the map before the circle start closing.
This seems to be supported by the fact that the names on the pictures are mixed up:
..and call it a coincidence but , the longest travel would be from top left to bottom right. And top left we have... A chopper . (Construction site roof)
There are two main ways of activating an Easter Egg, either by single prompt, or multiple prompt and since Blackout can be played in quads, and since the picture that we unlock shows 4 characters I think we fall in the latter case (Also because if you play some zombies you know that teamwork is essential part of the mechanics in that gamemode...and is not for nothing, is designed that way to be fun).
All of this to say that I think that:
- I think hunting should be focused on 4 player team mode and that there are multiple activators scattered around the map (At least four , could be more if there are multiple stages)
-Is possible that the main starting locations due to positioning are: Construction site, Firing range/Array, Turbine and Cargo/Nuketown

I actually started my Easter Eggs hunt way before the infos about the pictures, and I started it at the Dam.I know is not in the list so it seems useless, but actually I found something very interesting. There is a coherent pattern that lead me to believe that part of the egg has maybe, at some stage, to to with getting the Dam to work again:
You see, there are four cylinders that you can find at the back of the actual Dam have some electronics inside them. Only one on each side seems to be working (A and B in the image above). This is shown by a set of light blinking in the ones ON, and not being working at all on the ones OFF .
Following the lead you find out that the electric boxes on top of the Buildings are not all working, which is shown by the absence of sparks coming out of the three of them. If we than follow the wires down to the interiors of each side we find the following: on, lets call it, side A one of the generator is not on and so is not the panel behind it. On side B two of them are not working. All the ones below the unpowered elettric boxes.
Finally there are numbers that connect the boxes to the Pipes that lead to the river.

"The Entire Zombie Storyline" (.pdf)
Blackout comics
Specialist HQ Intel pastebin (thank you @Peppschmier )
Black Ops 4 Story + All Specialist Movies & Bonus Intel Files

submitted by DaleCooperHS to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

[COMC] 15 years in and still loving those Euros.
This is it after about 15 years of playing now. The games have grown and shrunk year after year thanks to math trades, game swaps, and flea markets at Dice Tower Con.
Much thought and care has gone into the games on this shelf. It’s got a little Ameritrash and a lot of Euros.
The smaller games in the upper right are for my beer night crew. That group ranges between 5-7 players and includes fast to teach, quick to play, but fun enough for me. The beer night crew really loves Skull. They can’t get enough of that game to the point where i stopped bringing it so they try other things. Just One and Cockroach Poker and other favorites of theirs.
Biggest surprise in this collection is Aeons End. That game just looks like it shouldn’t belong but after giving it a shot with one other player I have to say it’s damn good. Really good puzzle and tough. We have yet to win.
Newest games that have actually been played are Blackout and Pret A Porter. Blackout is a solid Euro for fans of the designer but it’s not a must have. Pret A Porter is probably in the same boat. Raptor was also purchased last week and that is pretty much a must have for any fan of two player games.
Favorites are: Agricola with Expansion. I would play that any time. Gaia Project. I wasn’t a fan of Terra Mystica and I suck terribly at Gaia but it’s super close to a 10/10 for me. I’ll play that anytime.
Trick Taking games have taken over the last year. I went to having zero and now they are a great addition. Sticheln is probably my favorite.
Still in shrink: Taj Mahal. I got this for ten bucks but haven’t been able to find five people on the right day at the right time to play. It’s a classic Reiner Kniezia from what I hear.
Imperial Assault. I hear this is great and I’m hoping one day I get the bug or find someone willing to put in the time to play.
Not shown: Clank Legacy- This is probably the best Legacy game I’ve played. There’s ton of story and the board is constantly changing. It’s amazing after our groups five first plays.
My other prized possession is some perfect weight and just the right size mini poker chips. They aren’t really available anymore but I found a set off BGG after doing some research.
Favorite accessory: Silicone Cupcake Cups. Ask for these for Christmas. Every gamer needs them in their life.
submitted by oatmeal1201 to boardgames [link] [comments]

AEW All Out 2020 - Build

Murderhawk Rampage
After coming up short against Cody at Double or Nothing, Lance Archer and Jake Roberts come out and talk about how their quest for the death of The Elite will not be done just because of one lost, and they are not done with Cody yet, they demand a rematch to be set up for Fyter Fest on June 20th. But he is confronted by Dustin Rhodes, who says that Archer almost sent him into retirement during the TNT Championship tournament, and for what, just so he could lose to his brother at Double or Nothing? Well he isn’t going to just let that slide, he wants some revenge against Archer, besides, if he wanted a rematch with Cody, he’d have to actually earn it first. Jake Roberts says Archer will run through whoever he has to, even Dustin. The two are set up for a match in two weeks time, on the 10th of June edition of Dynamite.

Come the 10th of June, Lance Archer and Dustin Rhodes have a decent enough match, but it ends with Archer standing tall over Dustin. After the match though he attacks Dustin further, leaving him laying and commentary play up that Dustin may have shown his last gasp when he returned from his last match with Archer, but this time, they have a strong feeling he won’t come back again. Archer and Roberts come out again the following week and once again demand a shot at the TNT Championship at this Saturday's Fyter Fest. So later in the night a No.1 Contenders match is set up pitting Lance Archer against Kip Sabian, Jungle Boy and Christopher Daniels. By the end of that match, Archer seems to have won the match when he puts Daniels away with a Blackout, but Kip Sabian, with the help of Jimmy Havoc pushes Lance out of the ring and steals the victory, ending Lance’s chances for the TNT Championship. (the TNT Championship will be elaborated on later).

After the match, Kip runs away, but Jimmy just isn’t lucky enough he gets thrown out of the ring by Archer who then turns his attention to Christopher Daniels, who he puts in the E.B.D Claw. Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian run down to help their ally, but Lance slides out of the ring giving the two a death stare. Later after the show is over, SCU calls out Lance Archer for a match with Christopher Daniels at Fyter Fest, which Archer has no problems accepting.

When we reach Fyter Fest, Lance Archer destroys Daniels easily, showing his dominance, but once again, after the match he tries to attack Daniels again, but he’s ready for Kazarian and Sky, who he throws out of the ring. When he goes to hit Daniels again, this music hits

IT’S DUSTIN RHODES… He’s back AGAIN… He walks onto the stage and locks eyes with Archer, before walking down the ring, but from his coat behind his back he pulls out a lead pipe, but Archer has already started making his way to Dustin, too close, not having anticipated the equaliser, Dustin lays into Lance with the pipe, as Archer is trying to get away, for the first time in AEW, he is retreating, eventually managing to get away from the lead pipe shots.
Following Fyter Fest, Dustin carries his trusty lead pipe around with him to keep Lance Archer at bay, but Jake Roberts warns Dustin that “Everybody Dies” at the hands of the Murderhawk. He will be coming to finish what he started with Dustin, and that is sending him into retirement. Dustin replies saying he doesn’t fear Lance Archer and will fight him anytime anywhere. But Roberts says it’s not that easy to get a match with him, he will do what he wants on his own terms.

The following week, Dustin makes the official challenge, a match with Lance Archer at All Out, September 5th, no pinfalls, no submissions, no count outs, no disqualifications… Only way to win is to make your opponent utter the words “I Quit”... Dustin doesn’t get an immediate response and is left to wait and stir. But the next week, Jake Roberts says that they have been discussing their decision and… Lance Archer covers the microphone with his hand, opting to take the microphone himself. He talks in a deep, ominous and intense tone, saying that at All Out, Dustin Rhodes is making a big mistake by challenging him, but he has one condition before accepting the challenge… “At All Out, when I make you utter the words I Quit, you are done… retired… gone from AEW for good.”

Dustin comes out the following week, and he says that if he can’t beat Lance Archer at All Out, it proves that he’s lost “IT”, and if he doesn’t have it, then maybe he should retire. So he accepts Lance’s challenge, but if Lance thinks he’s just going to lay down and give up, he’s got another thing coming, because at All Out he is going to fight for his career, he is going to fight for his livelihood, and he is going to fight for honour. All Out will not be the end of Dustin Rhodes if he has anything to say about it…

Dustin Rhodes vs Lance Archer - I Quit Match, if Dustin Rhodes loses, he retires.

The Path of Cage
At Double or Nothing, Brian Cage made his debut, looking like an absolute machine, the end of the match saw Cage throw Darby to the outside in a brutal spot before climbing the ladder and pulling down the Poker Chip. After DoN, we find out that Darby will be out of action for a few weeks, and Cage is booked for the main event of Fyter Fest against Jon Moxley for the World Championship.

When we get to Fyter Fest, Brian Cage once again looks like a beast, and he seems like he is going to win the World Championship in just his second match, but Moxley manages to roll Cage up for a 1… 2… Cage gets out, Moxley pops back up and surprises Cage with a Paradigm Shift, 1… 2… 3… Moxley retained his World Championship after almost losing. Cage is enraged and when he gets back to his feet, Moxley kneeling exhausted, Cage attacks him but before the beatdown can even get underway properly…

Darby Allin is back and he goes right after Brian Cage, showing no fear, Cage is proving to be a tough competitor to take down for the much smaller Darby Allin. However he uses his speed to stop Cage’s attacks, pulling down the ropes when Cage runs at him which causes Cage to topple to the outside, and Allin nails a Suicide Dive, Cage remains standing though. Allin does another, and another which drops Cage to a knee. His last resort is to climb to the top rope and go for a Coffin Drop which is successful, and he rolls back into the ring, while Cage walks back up the ramp in a fit of rage.

The next episode of Dynamite, we get an ominous backstage promo from Darby Allin, he talks about how his whole life he’s been smaller than everyone and had to fight that much harder, so he’s used to fighting a guy the size of Brian Cage, but not a guy with the same abilities as Brian Cage. he says that when people call Cage a machine, it is no exaggeration, and when he eventually does step in the ring with Brian Cage, he will have to fight harder than he has ever fought, but he will “Shatter the Machine”

Later on that episode of Dynamite, it is announced that over the next 2 episodes of Dynamite we will see two Fatal Four Ways, with the winners facing off the following week to determine the No.1 Contender for the AEW World Championship. One of the Fatal Four Ways will include Brian Cage and Darby Allin, which leaves fans hyped to see what will happen there.

The next week, Taz and Brian Cage cut a promo saying that next week they will destroy Darby Allin and earn Cage’s rightful shot for the World Championship that he was screwed out of last time, Moxley knows he can’t defeat Cage, and at All Out, the Path of Cage will lead right to the World Championship.

The second Fatal Four Way the following week consists of Darby Allin, Brian Cage, Jimmy Havoc and Colt Cabana. Brian Cage looks like a beast as usual, with Jimmy trying to make this match hardcore, but in the end, Cage nails a Drill Claw to Havoc, with them as the only two at that time. But before he can cover Havoc, Colt runs in and he throws all his weight into Brian and they both tumble over the top rope, meanwhile back in the ring, Darby is on the top rope and hits a picture perfect Coffin Drop and covers Havoc, 1… 2… 3… Darby Allin has won the Fatal Four Way, Cage was inches from breaking up the pinfall after pushing Cabana away and trying to slide into the ring again.

After the match, Brian Cage snaps, and he attacks Darby Allin in a brutal rampage, he throws Darby through the ropes clean and into the turnbuckle, as Darby tumbles to the ground outside the ring, clutching his back, medical personnel are trying to tend to Darby, but Cage grabs them and he pushes them aside, grabbing Darby and nailing a Buckle Bomb into the guard rail.

The next week on the July 15th edition of Dynamite, Darby Allin limps his way down to the ring with his back taped up for his No.1 Contender’s match against PAC. The match is short due to the condition Darby is in, and PAC quickly ends the match with a Brutaliser. After the match is over, Taz and Brian Cage walk out onto the stage and watch Darby as he lays in the middle of the ring having lost because of the damage Cage put him through last week.

Darby Allin takes a few weeks off to recuperate, but eventually, about halfway through August, as All Out looms closer and closer, another segment of Darby Allin is shown on Dynamite, where Darby challenges Brian Cage to a match at All Out, because someone needs to take out the Machine, and he wants to be that guy. Brian Cage of course accepts the match in an interview later in the night. And the match is set, Brian Cage vs Darby Allin at All Out on September 5th.

Darby Allin vs Brian Cage

The Inner Circle
The Inner Circle lost in the Stadium Stampede match against Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, The Young Bucks and Matt Hardy. After that match, the focus of AEW turns away from the Inner Circle for a little while until after Fyter Fest, when due to restrictions being lessened slightly, AEW are able to host their Blood & Guts match finally, finally being able to see the end of the feud between The Elite and The Inner Circle. The match starts off with Cody and Chris Jericho, as the match progresses and everyone makes it into the match, it is all out war, eventually coming to an end when Hangman Page pins Sammy Guevara for the 3 count.

After the match, Jericho leaves Sammy Guevara alone in the ring, with Hager, while Santana & Ortiz help Guevara to the back. The next week, Chris Jericho holds a “State of the Inner Circle”, all 5 men stand in the ring, and Jericho says that last week they lost Blood & Guts… because of Sammy Guevara…

The crowd gasps as Jericho slowly turns to face Sammy Guevara with a cold stare, Guevara begs Jericho to forgive him, even getting on his knees. After some begging Jericho just stares down at Guevara, eventually he smiles, turning to the crowd and asking “Did you really think one loss would break the Inner Circle?” he laughs to himself as the rest of Inner Circle laugh, he tells Guevara to get up already and they embrace, right when everything seems to be fine, and they begin to celebrate a new beginning for the Inner Circle, Sammy Guevara turns away from Jericho, and when he turns back…

Judas Effect, Jericho stares down at Guevara’s prone body, as Santana & Ortiz are in awe. Jericho leaves the ring, first telling Santana & Ortiz they have a choice to make, him or Guevara. When Jericho leaves, Hager follows close behind.

The week after, Jericho once again says that everything that has happened is Sammy Guevara’s fault, he says that The Inner Circle is dead, all because of Guevara. He has come to learn that Santana & Ortiz made their decision and they chose to side with “that twerp Sammy”, after everything he gave them, the only one who is actually grateful is Jake Hager. Without Chris Jericho, none of them would have a career here, none of them would even be acknowledged by these pathetic people who watch this show.

On the go home show, Chris Jericho comes out for another promo, and as he begins to speak, once again bashing Sammy Guevara and everything he has done for him. He is cut off by Sammy Guevara’s music, Guevara walks out and comes down to the ring, he catches Jericho off guard and while he’s shocked Guevara attacks. The two begin a brawl, Jericho retreats and Sammy demands Jericho face him in a match at All Out this weekend, which Jericho agrees to.

Chris Jericho vs Sammy Guevara

AEW Tag Team Championships
At Fyter Fest, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page lose the Tag Team Championships to the Best Friends who earned their shot at the titles during the Double or Nothing Buy In. However they therefore need a new set of challengers, which sees a No.1 Contenders Four Corner Tag Team match being held, which sees the former LAX, Santana & Ortiz, take on Jungle Express, The Dark Order and Hybrid2. Once the match is over, Santana & Ortiz come out with the victory and as the new contenders for the Tag Team Titles, with the match being confirmed for All Out. But in the meantime, all the stuff with The Inner Circle is going on, so the question arises of whether they are and will be distracted come All Out.
Best Friends (c) vs Santana & Ortiz - AEW World Tag Team Championships

TNT Championship
After Double or Nothing, Cody is the inaugural TNT Champion, and he needs a challenger for Fyter Fest, which is why Kip Sabian, Jungle Boy, Christopher Daniels and Lance Archer who had made his intentions clear, are put in a Four Way No.1 Contender’s match. Kip manages to steal the victory and punch his ticket to Fyter Fest in the biggest match in his career thus far with the help of Jimmy Havoc.

At Fyter Fest, Cody and Sabian are having a great match, but it seems like Cody is moments from retaining his Championship, only for none other than MJF to make an appearance and distract Cody, which allows Sabian to hit Cody with Deathly Hollows and score the 3 count and the biggest victory in his career, no matter the circumstances. Kip leaves with the TNT Championship in tow with Jimmy Havoc and Penelope Ford by his side.

Following Fyter Fest, Sabian goes on a string of wins against the likes of Rey Fenix, Scorpio Sky, Angelico and Joey Janela in title defences. But it comes time to find him a challenger for All Out, and so a Gauntlet is held with Jungle Boy starting against Evil Uno, somehow making it through the 4 opponents and earning his spot at the PPV for a title match.

Over the remaining weeks, Kip Sabian and Jungle Boy go back and forth with Sabian saying Jungle Boy isn’t worthy of fighting for his title, and he will easily retain at All Out.

Kip Sabian (c) vs Jungle Boy - AEW TNT Championship

History Always Repeats
After Double or Nothing, Cody having beat Lance Archer for the TNT Championship, the next week on Dynamite, Cody isn’t present, but there is a certain someone who takes issue with Cody’s title win, that being former rival, Maxwell Jacob Friedman. MJF walks down to the ring in a suit, and he cuts a scathing promo, going over his history with Cody, namely the single moment in which he took away Cody’s shot at the World Championship, but also his shot to ever fight for the title ever again. But now, Cody used his backstage power to create a whole new title just so he could win it, and he is shocked that none of the fans are calling Cody out on this blatant corruption and misuse of power.

Cody doesn’t bother replying and instead focuses on his challenger, Kip Sabian who wins the No.1 Contenders Fatal Four Way. But then during the match at Fyter Fest, MJF distracts Cody and causes him to lose the title, looking smug as Cody stares him down after Sabian runs away with his newly won title to celebrate.

On Dynamite, MJF comes out and gloats that he has taken away yet another title from Cody, one that he never deserved anyway. But this time he is confronted by Cody, who says that MJF is acting like a boy in a sea of men. There is no room for this pettiness in AEW, and if MJF wants to end this once and for all, then let’s do it at All Out. MJF laughs, he asks Cody why he thinks MJF would accept that offer, he gets nothing out of it. He already beat Cody, he doesn’t need a rematch, he just needed to do what was right for the future of AEW and get that title off of the fake hero that is Cody.

Cody keeps trying to get a match with MJF, but he has been able to once again get Cody in the palm of his hand, and says that he has demands again, but this time it’s just one, he wants Cody in a match where he can’t make any excuses if he loses again, so Cody suggests a Steel Cage match, but MJF says that’s not good enough for him. Cody goes through a bunch of different stipulations with MJF denying, until Cody finally suggests a 30 minute Iron Man Match. MJF says that’s perfect, because now he can beat Cody multiple times and prove exactly how much better than Cody he truly is…

Cody vs MJF - 30-Minute Iron Man Match

AEW Women’s World Championship
After Double or Nothing has come to an end, Hikaru Shida stands as the new AEW Women’s World Champion, and she needs a challenger. As the women of AEW make their statements with their performances, trying to turn heads and earn a shot at the title. There is one woman who had her sights set on the Women’s Championship before the lockdown, and now with some of the travel restrictions being brought down, with important personnel being able to move around, having to quarantine for 2 weeks and be tested upon entry before and after the quarantine. Before Fyter Fest occurs, there is just enough time for the Top Gaijin, Bea Priestley to make her return to AEW in a match against Anna Jay, she dominates and wins in seconds.

Priestley takes a microphone and says now that she’s back, she has the same goal as before she left, the only difference, now it’s a new target. “Hikaru Shida… I’m coming for you”, on the go home show, Bea Priestley has been awarded a No.1 Contender’s match against Shanna, and she wins that match to earn her shot at Fyter Fest.

In the title match at Fyter Fest, the two women go back and forth, but Priestley seems to have Shida’s number, being able to counter anything she throws at him, it seems that Shida is in over her head as the Women’s Champion. Priestley sets up the Bea-Trigger with Shida against the ropes and as she throws herself into her opponent, Shida slides out the way and quickly rolls up Bea Priestley, 1… 2… 3… Shida has got the victory, but it’s not as clean as one would expect. Bea Priestley is clearly unhappy about the win and she’s not afraid to show it, storming back up the ramp.

Because of the controversy behind the Women’s Championship match, Bea Priestley demands another shot at the title, no matter who she has to go through. And she does just that, she gets a string of wins against Riho, Yuka Sakazaki, Big Swole and Kris Statlander before one more match, where if she wins she gets her rematch for All Out, and that is against Nyla Rose.Priestley is once again able to win against Nyla Rose after a tougher battle than the rest and earns her rematch with Hikaru Shida.

Bea Priestley cuts a promo about how Hikaru Shida fears her, how Hikaru Shida doesn’t know how to beat her and couldn’t even if she tried. She says that Shida is afraid because she knows that at All Out her title reign comes to an end and a new Queen takes the throne. Shida in response just says that she is going to remain the fighting Champion she is and will fight to retain her championship once again, because the title means everything to her, so at All Out, Bea Priestley will have to learn to accept failure, because that is all that will be coming her way.

Hikaru Shida (c) vs Bea Priestley - AEW Women’s World Championship

AEW World Championship
Jon Moxley’s reign is proving to be very successful, having won it from Chris Jericho, then beating Jake Hager and Brodie Lee before having arguably his toughest challenge at Fyter Fest, Brian Cage. The match ends with Moxley catching Brian Cage off guard with a roll up and then a Paradigm Shift to pick up the victory. Then with the World Championship needing a new contender, two Fatal Four Ways are held with the winners of each facing off for the right to face Jon Moxley at All Out.

PAC defeats Kenny Omega, Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho, while Darby Allin defeats Brian Cage, Jimmy Havoc and Colt Cabana. In the eventual singles match, PAC defeated Darby Allin in a brutal short match after Darby Allin was left injured.

Jon Moxley comments on PAC winning the contendership, but he is cut off by the Death Triangle with PAC walking down the ramp while Fenix and Pentagon go through the crowd and attack Moxley. PAC warns Moxley that at All Out his title reign looms to an end, because PAC is better than Moxley in every way, saying that Moxley is nothing without his past and he doesn’t deserve to be Champion. Lucha Bros. holds Moxley up to his knees by holding his arms out to the side, PAC grabs Moxley’s face as he tries to pull away and attack PAC, but PAC hits a Baseball Slide kick before climbing to the top rope and hitting a Black Arrow.

Moxley has matches with Pentagon and Fenix in subsequent weeks, managing to pick up the wins but being beat down after each time. Then PAC has a match against Christopher Daniels which he wins and after that match Moxley gets some retribution, attacking PAC and sending him into retreat.

On the go home show, the two have a contract signing, which ends with a brawl as security pry the two men off each other, the show going off air with PAC and Moxley staring each other down.

Jon Moxley (c) vs PAC - AEW World Championship

The Elite Tension
The big story in AEW the past few months has been that of The Elite, and the tensions showing between Hangman Page and The Young Bucks. After Double or Nothing, the tension having been put to the side for Stadium Stampede, Hangman Page and Kenny Omega are back to defending their Tag Team Championships at Fyter Fest against best Friends. The match ends when Hangman Page is hit with a Strong Zero and pinned for the 3 by Trent. After the match, Omega helps Hangman up but clearly is disappointed.

The next thing on the Elite’s schedule is the Blood & Guts match at the end of July, and the match comes to an end when Sammy Guevara is pinned. After the match, Cody leaves the structure first, while The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page are left in the ring, tensions seem to be rising now that the threat of The Inner Circle is gone. But as soon as Cody has left, three men in balaclava’s enter the structure and stare down The remaining men of the Elite as one of the three chains the door shut. Elite stands in one ring, with the three mystery men in the second. The Elite are one man up, that is until, the one masked man, clearly the leader of the group, raises his arm pointing to the top of the cage. When The Elite turns to look, another masked man is standing atop the cage, a clearly much smaller man, who dives off the top of the cage onto the Elite taking them all out. A beatdown ensues with the four masked men taking the elite out, and it seems a new threat has arrived, the men reach up and remove their masks one by one, first… Cash Wheeler, then Dax Hardwood, third is Rockstar Spud, and finally EC3.

The moment which is known as the debut that shocked the world, is followed up when the four men make their way to the ring through the crowd, having not officially signed contracts with AEW yet. EC3 takes the microphone and says that over the past months he’s been talking and talking, just waiting for his moment to shine, for his moment to make an impact, as have the other 3 men standing with him, and they all agreed, there was no bigger impact than to target the namesake of this company, the one thing that will always stand above everyone else purely because of the fact that their names are in the title of the company, quite egotistical if you ask them. But regardless of that, they have achieved their goal, the headlines are talking about them, they have been trending for the past week, and everyone’s eyes are on them. They are… The Revolt.

Over the next few weeks, The Elite confront what happened, and agree to put their differences aside one more time to take out this common enemy, they challenge The Revolt to an 8 man tag team match to Main Event All Out, in a match for the ages, a match of “self made superstars” against “creations of a monstrous company” having been let loose on the wrestling world. The Revolt accept the challenge, and if they win, they want to be officially offered AEW contracts.

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Hangman Page & The Young Bucks) vs The Revolt (EC3, Rockstar Spud, Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler)

Final Card
Buy In - 10 man elimination tag team match: Brodie Lee, The Dark Order, Jimmy Havoc & Shawn Spears vs SCU, Matt Hardy & Colt Cabana

Lance Archer vs Dustin Rhodes - I Quit Match: If Dustin loses, he retires

Brian Cage vs Darby Allin

Chris Jericho vs Sammy Guevara

Best Friends (c) vs Santana & Ortiz - AEW Tag Team Championships

Kip Sabian (c) vs Jungle Boy - TNT Championship

Cody vs MJF - 30-Minute Iron Man Match

Hikaru Shida (c) vs Bea Priestley - AEW Women’s World Championship

Jon Moxley (c) vs PAC - AEW World Championship

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Hangman Page & The Young Bucks) vs The Revolt (EC3, Rockstar Spud, Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler)
submitted by UnicornDick31 to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

Respect Jim Hammond (Marvel)

Respect Jim Hammond, the original Human Torch
Jim Hammond is an android created by Professor Phineas Horton. Due to the volatile nature of Jim’s power source, the horton cells, his skin would burst into flames upon contact with air. This caused him to be known as the first and the original Human Torch. Jim essentially served his life as a hero, mostly known for his time in The Invaders fighting Nazis along with Cap. He is also the original killer of Hitler in the 616 verse.
Note: There are times when Jim was either weakened or dying, I will note these feats down with a “[weakened]” sign at the end of them.


Jim doesn’t normally fight with physicals and so, there are very few instances of strength showings.


This is where Jim shines, baby. Jim’s control over both heats and flames have been stated multiple times to be absolute; which allows him to pull off many utterly crazy feats

Mind Resistance

Over the years, Jim has shown strong resistances against both mind control and technopathy


submitted by punstantine to respectthreads [link] [comments]

A toxic community is a byproduct of an incompetent devteam that panders to the lowest common denominator. (Why For Honor will never change with how Ubisoft is handling it.) (xpost from /r/forhonor)

edit: A sticky? Wow! Wow! Thanks! For real though, I can not express my gratitude, you are all wonderful people and we all just want to see the game we know and hate to love succeed. Ad Mortem.
edit 2: awwww, unstickied :(
edit 3: RESTICKIED!!! :D
I've poured my heart and soul into this post because I truly care about this game. I do not want to see it go like this.
I speak the words of the silent majority in For Honor that could not put their feelings and frustration with the current state of the game.
Please read the post before downvoting.
I've commented this before on a previous thread and I've gotten a lot of good feedback from it (100+ upvotes and reddit gold), and I'd like to make an actual thread with discussion on it as I think the points I made are very valid, or at least other people think so. I love this game when it works, I have 410 hours clocked into it with a total 26 rep for a reason. I just wanted to show that even a hardcore fan like me that will see this game until it dies still acknowledges the many problems this game has, of which I would die to see fixed for everyone.
I want to start off by saying I respect all of the dev team for doing their jobs, but when I'm criticizing them in this post I'm not hating on them because they clearly have a passion for what they do. I'm just here to say that they aren't really good at handling how the game is holding up, and ultimately it's the reason why there's a low playerbase and a toxic one.
First of all, this game isn't really a fighting game, but a lot of people consider it as such. It's very niche genre that doesn't appeal to everyone, but it is very competitive in nature. You're dueling with your enemy face to face, not down the muzzle of a gun 10 or so meters away, it makes it more personal. When you lose, it’s way more frustrating because of it. When you win, it boosts the hell out of your ego because you put a lot more effort into it instead of just aiming and clicking, and sometimes, you deserve it. This is the reason why you feel like you find more salty people in a game like this, or hell in any fighting game.
Take a look at this video by CrowbCat showcasing how the fighting game community really is:
Fighting games like this are ALWAYS going to have a more abundance of salty players, it’s just the nature of the type of game and the people it attracts.
But, this is different as to why For Honor players are salty. It’s the broken game. Yes, I mean the terrible network issues (I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to forward ports when in other fighting games or in other P2P games like COD damn it, it works just fine.) the absolute shit ton amount of bugs indicating a terrible job of the QA team or lack thereof, buggy menu’s, chat systems that don’t work, inconsistencies of game mechanics, terrible job at nerfing/buffing, terrible job at handling the turtle meta, lack of actual content, the gear system (of which is now practically useless as the stats given hardly matter), how the devs are doing a shit job of balancing and most of all bullshit game mechanics.
You've done a terrible job as a developer if even the most hardcore fans of the game, including me, start ridiculing you because you're doing everything wrong despite being told very good suggestions.
^ The thread above is a list of in-depth competitive suggestions that reached front page on /competitveforhonor. However, it has failed to be acknowledged by the developers, despite the developers on Warrior's Den stating that they do view the sub-reddit.
I am the game's most hardcore fan, but I am also it's most hardcore critic.
These are the reasons why the community is toxic, it’s because of how badly in shape the game is, whose fault is that? The dev team.
They have a right to criticize the devs for the job they’re doing with the game. They paid $60 for game that doesn’t work half of the time and at the moment isn’t so fun to play since the release of the new characters.
My problem with the community is that majority of the complaints are coming from players who don't even fully understand the game or know the basic mechanics...the moment they lose to something they blame the game instead of themselves. It's fucking stupid, and anyone who tells them how to counter it just gets bombarded with downvotes. For example, there were threads listing some counters to Warden Vortex, and that shit just got shot down by all the terrible players... In games like SFV or MKX, if you play online ranked and hell even casual, they all know about frame data and know all the complicated shit, what I'm trying to say the skill/mentality of a very good For Honor player is equivalent to a normal SFV/MKX player. Or more simply, the skill ceiling in For Honor is very low, which could be the result of many things, no emphasis on learning frame data or many mechanics of the game aren't explained in the tutorial.
I want to showcase another video made by an excellent fighting game channel, Core-A Gaming:
(Analysis: The Consequences of Reducing Skill Gap)
What I’m trying to say, For Honor’s main problem is the low-skill ceiling of the playerbase. People don’t learn, and you’re not encouraged to learn. When your average For Honor player loses, they don’t look at how they lost, instead, they point fingers and call things OP despite not having a basic understanding the game. It’s come to the point now that people call those who parry lights GODS. I have below average reaction time and I can still EASILY parry lights constantly. I legitimately just spent 10 minutes in practice mode parrying bots and the playerbase considers me a God? Is it really that easy to become better than the majority of the playerbase? Spend 10 minutes practicing parrying 500ms attacks?
And again, the reason why a low-skill playerbase exists is again because of the devteam. The devteam is pandering to the lowest common denominator by constantly nerfing heroes to the ground. Top tier play in this game shouldn't really be called, top tier, it's just people who ACTUALLY understand basic game mechanics and learn from their mistakes.
Cycle of Nerfing in For Honor:
  1. Whiny noob majority complains about move that no one in top-tier play has trouble with.
  2. Dev's listen to noob majority and nerfs the OP character
  3. OP character is now useless/drops a tier and is useless in top tier play because the Top 2 heroes are much better in every regard
  4. Whiny noob majority ignores Top 2 heroes because they never go against top-tier players
  5. Repeat.
Instead of encouraging players to learn (which is difficult because of the horrible tutorial) they answer the call of the whiny majority that complains and moans about the OP character until it’s nerfed, and then the cycle continues. If this were Tekken or any other fighting games, the devs would just tell you to suck it up and practice, and if you did practice, you’d actually do better and learn from your mistakes.
This is what happens when you introduce a fighting game to a demographic whose never actually played fighting games. In order to actually beat someone in a fighting game, you have to put in the effort to get better, every loss IS your fault. Every win is deserved.
Here’s a topic that is so controversial in this game: 50/50’s.
I’d quote CrashAzarel here on his brilliant explanation on 50/50’s:
50-50's are not coinflips. They're poker games. Learn to read your opponent, read him, bluff, while keeping yourself unpredictable. Force him to take the actions that you expect him to take.
People who think 50-50's are pure luck might aswell say Poker games are pure luck. I'd ask them, then how the very same Poker champions do well everytime ? Coincidence ?
50-50's add another layer into the game, the layer of mind-gaming, bluffing and reading aside from just "action-reaction" based game. It makes it deeper and more interesting. People just need to stop being bitches and bad players and actually learn to read people instead of just "urr durr its luck, I dont even gonna try"
Not only every fighting game has 50-50's, but FIGHTING IN GENERAL are made out of 50-50's. If you're kickboxing wiht someone, you can feint with your hips to try to tease your opponent into guessing you're throwing a kick from one side, at which point, he might drop his hands to one direction leaving an opening for a punch. He cant know wether or not you were going to kick, you cancelled it, he gotta read and guess. Setting up traps and mindgaming is everywhere... In HEMA (historical european martial arts) You can throw a thrust from a OCHS stance and then switch it into a uberhau quite seemingly. The counter to that thrust would be a krumphau, that would leave one of your sides open for the umberhau. There you go, 50-50's again, now in actual fighting. Its everywhere, its part of fighting. You cant always react, sometimes you gotta read and guess right.
My problem with this sub-reddit in particular is that people judge you based on your fucking flair. You had a legitimate point to make about Shinobi being stupidly broken? NOPE. You've got a fucking Warden flair fucker! "UR 50/50 IS MORE BROKEN THAN SHINOBI STFU ANOTHER WARDEN WHO CRIES WHEN HE CANT SPAM HIS PIZZA COMBO ON A GOOD CHARACTER"
That fucking annoys me more than anything. It doesn't matter if the person is fucking hypocritical or not, if the point the speaker is making is right, then a right point is right.
But... I mean, we won't really have a whining community if the devs actually knew what they were doing, right?
To me, some of the community response is justified, it's fucking crazy yes, but with the record Ubisoft has and the choices the devs made in this game, I really don't blame them. Like the first blackout, that was necessary. We weren't getting any communication from the devs and the purpose for it was to get that.
The whiteout that happened a few days ago was a damn failure. The one moment that people decided to play this game was bombarded with server errors.
In general, I wasn’t in favor of the whiteout, bringing back players to play the game and enjoy- excuse me, lie to themselves about how the game is in a good state only to play a game and be reminded by why the left.
A solution people propose is a free weekend or a starter edition, similar to Siege’s model. I want to make this clear.
For Honor is in NO WAY in the situation R6:Siege was in. Free Weekends and Starter Editions were introduced when R6:Siege was fixed. For Honor is in a HORRIBLE state and getting players into this game will NOT magically fix the game’s problems and instead draw more people away from it.
It's getting worse, but I feel that's just the result of people finally growing tired of the game after Season 2 released and the broken fest that is Dominion, which is the gamemode majority of players play on.
So yes, the community is shit, but that's because what the devs are doing with the game is shit. There are SO many design choices in this game that shouldn't exist AT ALL in a game like this and the lack of QA or the shit job the QA team did led to many bugs being left in this game since closed alpha (EX: The One-Hit Kill bug has been in the game since **release," and probably even before that. There were threads showcasing it happening to other people before the tutorial of it was released. It was only when that was released is when it was noticed, and it's still in the campaign.) In the hands of an actual company skilled in these types of games like Netherrealm Studios or Capcom the community wouldn't be shit at all IMO.
TL;DR: Both Ubisoft and the Community are fucking HORRIBLE. But both are horrible because of what the other side does. Ubisoft doesn't really listen to community suggestions (chip damage, raider buff was useless, warlord nerf was literally nothing just to name a VERY few) and the community is horrible for how they're not even playing the game and making OP accusations without even fucking understanding the game's mechanics to the fullest.
A toxic, low skill-ceiling playerbase is the byproduct of an incompetent devteam, because in the end, they make the decision to pander to the lowest common denominator.
submitted by Hotchkiss50 to CompetitiveForHonor [link] [comments]

A toxic community is a byproduct of an incompetent devteam that panders to the lowest common denominator. (Why For Honor will never change with how Ubisoft is handling it.)

edit: stickied on /competitiveforhonor! :D

I've poured my heart and soul into this post because I truly care about this game. I do not want to see it go like this.

I speak the words of the silent majority in For Honor that could not put their feelings and frustration with the current state of the game.

Please read the post before downvoting.

I've commented this before on a previous thread and I've gotten a lot of good feedback from it (100+ upvotes and reddit gold), and I'd like to make an actual thread with discussion on it as I think the points I made are very valid, or at least other people think so.
I love this game when it works, I have 410 hours clocked into it with a total 26 rep for a reason. I just wanted to show that even a hardcore fan like me that will see this game until it dies still acknowledges the many problems this game has, of which I would die to see fixed for everyone.
I want to start off by saying I respect all of the dev team for doing their jobs, but when I'm criticizing them in this post I'm not hating on them because they clearly have a passion for what they do. I'm just here to say that they aren't really good at handling how the game is holding up, and ultimately it's the reason why there's a low playerbase and a toxic one.
First of all, this game isn't really a fighting game, but a lot of people consider it as such. It's very niche genre that doesn't appeal to everyone, but it is very competitive in nature. You're dueling with your enemy face to face, not down the muzzle of a gun 10 or so meters away, it makes it more personal. When you lose, it’s way more frustrating because of it. When you win, it boosts the hell out of your ego because you put a lot more effort into it instead of just aiming and clicking, and sometimes, you deserve it. This is the reason why you feel like you find more salty people in a game like this, or hell in any fighting game.
Take a look at this video by CrowbCat showcasing how the fighting game community really is:
Fighting games like this are ALWAYS going to have a more abundance of salty players, it’s just the nature of the type of game and the people it attracts.
Fighting game communities are toxic for a different reason, it's not because of the developer. What I mean is that For Honor's community is more toxic than the usual fighting game because of how the devs are doing a terrible job. Regular fighting communities are toxic in nature but while toxic, the majority of the players learn from each other and get better, and while they are most toxic, they are also the most friendly when it comes to learning, but in For Honor's case it's made worse because the devteam is doing a horrible job of balancing, causing even the most hardcore fans to start to hate them.
You've done a terrible job as a developer if even the most hardcore fans of the game, including me, start ridiculing you because you're doing everything wrong despite being told very good suggestions.
^ The thread above is a list of in-depth competitive suggestions that reached front page on /competitveforhonor. However, it has failed to be acknowledged by the developers, despite the developers on Warrior's Den stating that they do view the sub-reddit.

I am the game's most hardcore fan, but I am also it's most hardcore critic.

But, this is different as to why For Honor players are salty. It’s the broken game. Yes, I mean the terrible network issues (I shouldn’t have to go out of my way to forward ports when in other fighting games or in other P2P games like COD damn it, it works just fine.) the absolute shit ton amount of bugs indicating a terrible job of the QA team or lack thereof, buggy menu’s, chat systems that don’t work, inconsistencies of game mechanics, terrible job at nerfing/buffing, terrible job at handling the turtle meta, lack of actual content, the gear system (of which is now practically useless as the stats given hardly matter), how the devs are doing a shit job of balancing and most of all bullshit game mechanics.
These are the reasons why the community is toxic, it’s because of how badly in shape the game is, whose fault is that? The dev team. They have a right to criticize the devs for the job they’re doing with the game. They paid $60 for game that doesn’t work half of the time and at the moment isn’t so fun to play since the release of the new characters.
My problem with the community is that majority of the complaints are coming from players who don't even fully understand the game or know the basic mechanics...the moment they lose to something they blame the game instead of themselves. It's fucking stupid, and anyone who tells them how to counter it just gets bombarded with downvotes. For example, there were threads listing some counters to Warden Vortex, and that shit just got shot down by all the terrible players... In games like SFV or MKX, if you play online ranked and hell even casual, they all know about frame data and know all the complicated shit, what I'm trying to say the skill/mentality of a very good For Honor player is equivalent to a normal SFV/MKX player. Or more simply, the skill ceiling in For Honor is very low, which could be the result of many things, no emphasis on learning frame data or many mechanics of the game aren't explained in the tutorial.
I want to showcase another video made by an excellent fighting game channel, Core-A Gaming:
(Analysis: The Consequences of Reducing Skill Gap)
What I’m trying to say, For Honor’s main problem is the low-skill ceiling of the playerbase. Peope don’t learn, and you’re not encouraged to learn. When your average For Honor player loses, they don’t look at how they lost, instead, they point fingers and call things OP despite not having a basic understanding the game. It’s come to the point now that people call those who parry lights GODS. I have below average reaction time and I can still EASILY parry lights constantly. I legitimately just spent 10 minutes in practice mode parrying bots and the playerbase considers me a God? Is it really that easy to become better than the majority of the playerbase? Spend 10 minutes practicing parrying 500ms attacks?
And again, the reason why a low-skill playerbase exists is again because of the devteam. The devteam is pandering to the lowest common denominator by constantly nerfing heroes to the ground. Top tier play in this game shouldn't really be called, top tier, it's just people who ACTUALLY understand basic game mechanics and learn from their mistakes.
Cycle of Nerfing in For Honor:
  1. Whiny noob majority complains about move that no one in top-tier play has trouble with.
  2. Dev's listen to noob majority and nerfs the OP character
  3. OP character is now useless/drops a tier and is useless in top tier play because the Top 2 heroes are much better in every regard
  4. Whiny noob majority ignores Top 2 heroes because they never go against top-tier players
  5. Repeat.
Instead of encouraging players to learn (which is difficult because of the horrible tutorial) they answer the call of the whiny majority that complains and moans about the OP character until it’s nerfed, and then the cycle continues. If this were Tekken or any other fighting games, the devs would just tell you to suck it up and practice, and if you did practice, you’d actually do better and learn from your mistakes.
This is what happens when you introduce a fighting game to a demographic whose never actually played fighting games. In order to actually beat someone in a fighting game, you have to put in the effort to get better, every loss IS your fault. Every win is deserved.
Here’s a topic that is so controversial in this game: 50/50’s.
I’d quote CrashAzarel here on his brilliant explanation on 50/50’s:
50-50's are not coinflips. They're poker games. Learn to read your opponent, read him, bluff, while keeping yourself unpredictable. Force him to take the actions that you expect him to take.
People who think 50-50's are pure luck might aswell say Poker games are pure luck. I'd ask them, then how the very same Poker champions do well everytime ? Coincidence ?
50-50's add another layer into the game, the layer of mind-gaming, bluffing and reading aside from just "action-reaction" based game. It makes it deeper and more interesting. People just need to stop being bitches and bad players and actually learn to read people instead of just "urr durr its luck, I dont even gonna try"
Not only every fighting game has 50-50's, but FIGHTING IN GENERAL are made out of 50-50's. If you're kickboxing wiht someone, you can feint with your hips to try to tease your opponent into guessing you're throwing a kick from one side, at which point, he might drop his hands to one direction leaving an opening for a punch. He cant know wether or not you were going to kick, you cancelled it, he gotta read and guess. Setting up traps and mindgaming is everywhere... In HEMA (historical european martial arts) You can throw a thrust from a OCHS stance and then switch it into a uberhau quite seemingly. The counter to that thrust would be a krumphau, that would leave one of your sides open for the umberhau. There you go, 50-50's again, now in actual fighting. Its everywhere, its part of fighting. You cant always react, sometimes you gotta read and guess right.
My problem with this sub-reddit in particular is that people judge you based on your fucking flair. You had a legitimate point to make about Shinobi being stupidly broken? NOPE. You've got a fucking Warden flair fucker! "UR 50/50 IS MORE BROKEN THAN SHINOBI STFU ANOTHER WARDEN WHO CRIES WHEN HE CANT SPAM HIS PIZZA COMBO ON A GOOD CHARACTER"
Because majority of this sub-reddit is filled with:
  1. People who don't regularly play fighting games
  2. People who don't want to learn fighting games
  3. People who would rather bitch and moan about OP moves they can learn to counter
  4. People who yell at someone for telling them how to counter the OP move
  5. People who spread false information on how to deal with an OP character because they only fight against low elo players.
Aaaaaaand these are the people Ubisoft listen to for balancing, because they are the majority i.e. lowest common denominator and Ubisoft panders to them instead of telling them how to counter it.
That fucking annoys me more than anything. It doesn't matter if the person is fucking hypocritical or not, if the point the speaker is making is right, then a right point is right.
But... I mean, we won't really have a whining community if the devs actually knew what they were doing, right?
To me, some of the community response is justified, it's fucking crazy yes, but with the record Ubisoft has and the choices the devs made in this game, I really don't blame them. Like the first blackout, that was necessary. We weren't getting any communication from the devs and the purpose for it was to get that.
The whiteout that happened a few days ago was a damn failure. The one moment that people decided to play this game was bombarded with server errors.
In general, I wasn’t in favor of the whiteout, bringing back players to play the game and enjoy- excuse me, lie to themselves about how the game is in a good state only to play a game and be reminded by why the left.
A solution people propose is a free weekend or a starter edition, similar to Siege’s model. I want to make this clear.

For Honor is in NO WAY in the situation R6:Siege was in. Free Weekends and Starter Editions were introduced when R6:Siege was fixed. For Honor is in a HORRIBLE state and getting players into this game will NOT magically fix the game’s problems and instead draw more people away from it.

It's getting worse, but I feel that's just the result of people finally growing tired of the game after Season 2 released and the broken fest that is Dominion, which is the gamemode majority of players play on.
So yes, the community is shit, but that's because what the devs are doing with the game is shit. There are SO many design choices in this game that shouldn't exist AT ALL in a game like this and the lack of QA or the shit job the QA team did led to many bugs being left in this game since closed alpha (EX: The One-Hit Kill bug has been in the game since **release," and probably even before that. There were threads showcasing it happening to other people before the tutorial of it was released. It was only when that was released is when it was noticed, and it's still in the campaign.) In the hands of an actual company skilled in these types of games like Netherrealm Studios or Capcom the community wouldn't be shit at all IMO.
TL;DR: Both Ubisoft and the Community are fucking HORRIBLE. But both are horrible because of what the other side does. Ubisoft doesn't really listen to community suggestions (chip damage, raider buff was useless, warlord nerf was literally nothing just to name a VERY few), the way they handle balance with the game by gutting a hero and leaving it for dead, and the community is horrible for how they're not even playing the game and making OP accusations without even understanding the game's mechanics to the fullest.
A toxic, low skill-ceiling playerbase is the byproduct of an incompetent devteam, because in the end, they make the decision to pander to the lowest common denominator.
submitted by Hotchkiss50 to forhonor [link] [comments]

Blackout is nearly unplayable on Xbox One X!

I’ve been trying to do the challenges for Crash, trying to find the poker chips and make it to top 3.. Literally every single time, the game will freeze.
This game is horrible on the One X. Constant crashes. I don’t even want to play blackout anymore until they fix it
submitted by DudeImGrizzly to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

I broke down the new trailer frame by frame... here's what I found.

So I just broke it down frame by frame and here is a list of things I found.
- 2 new large POI for Blackout
- Players can now seemingly have Dropping trails to replace the Flares. Only thing that supports this is a clip one Outrider is dropping onto ghost town, it has green glow and poker chips behind her.
- All Vehicles now are covered in Police related skins (other then super car)
- 3 new vehicles
- 4 new weapons that I could see (Possibly only 2)
- 1 new Zombies character exclusive for Season Pass holders (Cosmic SilverBack)
- 8 new characters seemingly unlockable
- 4 new weapon camos
- Lots of new skins as well including skins apprently for the OG campaign characters and even a bunny outfit for firebreak.
submitted by Burnbeatz to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Got both Bruno versions and Crash's outfit in a single game of Alcatraz

I'm god awful at Blackout, but I play Alcatraz occasionally because why not (plus Zombies still doesn't have proper tier progression, but that's a a different story)
Got quickly wrecked on the prison roof, so when I respawned, I went to the tents instead. Had no intention of killing zombies until I got pinned by two, then I just kept going. One dropped the Mug Shot for Bruno, so I took it and held onto it. Killed enough zombies to open the box and I took the Lion Pauldron out of curiosity.
Found a convenient combat axe and ran in a random direction until I heard swimming. Waited for the dude to just peek out (they made it real easy for me to stand still and line up the throw). After collecting their stuff, I decided to go regroup with my team. Found the Poker Chips along the way so I snagged them (Had at least 20 FAK's when I took them).
After regrouping, I rushed into a house and got killed by some camping nerd (I get it's a legitimate strat in something like BR but I still hate it). I managed to respawn once more to try and get my stuff back, which ended poorly.
Stuck around to watch my teammates lose the game to a shotgun collat. Was upset about it, but the game ended up giving me the challenges (I guess backpacks of your past lives count as your inventory? I don't know) All in all, I'm glad the game went easy on me and made my effort worth the while.
What's the greatest number of characters/outfits that you have managed to unlock in a game of Blackout period?
submitted by FPSFTW to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Dear Treyarach, may the Blackout characters not be tied to RNG?

If you have played ANY Blackout at all, then you know how rare these items are to find inside of various stashes. I've been trying to get Crash (favorite specialist) since launch and have put in about 38 hours into Blackout and have only found his Poker Chips ONCE (We lost that game so no Crash, hip hip hooray).
Theoretically, you can put in hundreds of hours of playtime into Blackout and never get any of the characters that you desire and that just doesn't sit right me, hence why I'm writing this. If you desire Prophet, you have to pray to RNGesus that the Supply Crate that drops contains his Ocular Prosthetic, otherwise you'll be left disappointed.
Any completionist out there wants all the characters in the game, but because they aren't able to earn most of them at any given time, it suddenly becomes a nightmare grinding out for them. Seraph and Ajax you can actively hunt for because their challenges are straightforward. Kill enemies, do a certain task, collect the items required, and finish the remaining tasks. The other eight need the same treatment in some capacity.
submitted by deelwheez23 to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

COD BO4 Blackout Complete Character Unlock List

Formatted from data obtained at IGN > Which also referenced Max_Rockwell
submitted by TheSlamHammer to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Poker consumes me

Hey guys,
I’ve been lurking this sub for over a year but this is my first time posting. I am a 31 year old male and have been playing poker for more than half my life.
It started when I was 16 playing home games with my friends. Then as soon as I was old enough to play in card rooms I did. I lived with guys who played every day and worked a serving job so I always had cash on me. Every night I would leave work with $100-400 which was exactly what I needed to buy in to the 1-3 game. I wasn’t very good and would always lose. I also am an alcoholic (haven’t drank in 7 years now). Every night I would get blackout drunk and lose all my money. I used to get kicked out of card rooms regularly for anything from insulting players who beat me to hurling chips at players I didn’t like and trying to fight them.
I started going to GA meetings when I was 23 and had about a year of clean time at one point. I also started going to AA during that year. After having a year from gambling I began to convince myself that I wasn’t a problem gambler, but rather the alcohol was what made me a bad card player. I started gambling again and 7 years later here I am.
Poker is the only thing I care about in life. If I’m not playing poker I am studying it. If I’m not studying it I am watching poker players on twitch. If I’m not watching poker player on twitch I am watching YouTube videos of people playing. I run my own businesses so I have all day to do whatever I want. I have neglected my businesses because all I ever want to do is watch poker. I fucking LOVE the game. It is the only escape I have. It’s the only thing I truly enjoy doing, and when I’m not playing it all I can think about is when I can play next.
I have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of my poker career. Maybe half a million. I have access to cash from my business and am constantly taking out money to play.
But it isn’t the money I care about. It’s the lying. It’s the self loathing. It’s the suicidal thoughts and mood swings. It’s tens of thousands of hours I spend sitting in a fucking cardroom surrounded by degenerates and props who hate their lives.
My businesses are failing because I don’t spend any time running them because of poker. I neglect all my responsibilities. I am constantly lying to my wife about where I am and she has no fucking clue about any of this. I fucking hate myself. I do not value money AT ALL. $1000 is just a buy in to me, it means nothing more.
I am a solid winning player when I am playing my A game, which is about 10% of the time. Anytime I win or have a few winning sessions in a row I always lose it back because I can’t follow bankroll management even though I know everything about it.
Poker has turned me into someone I loathe. I isolate myself from my family and lie to the most important people in my life.
I’ve tried to quit so many times but it never works. I hope I can stop. I want to enjoy my life. I want to make plans on the weekends. I want to look forward to something, ANYTHING as much as I look forward to playing poker.
I hate GA. I’ve been to every meeting in my area and there hasn’t been one person who played poker primarily. It’s all old people who were addicted to slots. I have never had any interest in playing any other games besides poker. I feel like I am better than those people in some sick fucking way even though poker is gambling. I don’t resonate with them at all.
I just needed to get this out there so I have something to come back to and document my journey. Thanks for reading.
submitted by PM_ME_CLEAN_DAYS to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Unlocking characters in Blackout

So I really only started playing Blackout on Sunday. I was not a fan of PUBG/Fortnite so the game mode didn't interest me much. While playing to complete the missions I kept finding items that made no sense (doll, poker chips, tshirt) and last night I figured out what those are for when I unlocked Crash while playing Duo's with my wife (no we don't split screen, she has her own box and TV :P )
Now I have to decide if I want to grind through all the different scenario's to unlock all these characters in BO - I only need like 2 more sniper kills and a pistol kill to complete the BO requirements for challenges meaning now I will have to spend a few days playing zombies :( ... oh how I hate Zombies....
submitted by Punkus to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Has the requirements to unlock Crash's Blackout Character changed? Possible glitch?

Hey all,
I just finished a duos game and was very surprised to see afterwards that I had unlocked Crash as a character for Blackout. As I wasn't actively going for him in that game I can't recall everything but here is what I can remember.
In the duos match, I managed to come 4th mostly alone after my partner died early on. During that game I found many healing items including a trauma kit that I used. I also scored atleast 2 kills (barely). Naturally after each kill I did a lot of healing and looting where I did find poker chips (1 from each player) and more healing items. I picked up both sets however only realised when I was trying to make room for Dead Silence after the second kill. I dropped one for Dead Silence but I did keep one about. Afterwards I engaged in a firefight against two players, retreated and used a lot more healing items, eventually dying to another player. While possible I don't imagine having 15+ kits in my inventory due to how many I used to keep alive in my last gunfights.
I know yesterday's update unlocked some of the zombies characters from the chaos story line but it doesn't mention any changes to existing MP specialists unlocks in Blackout. I was under the impression it was still: Have 15 healing items and the poker chips in your inventory as you finish the game, +come in the top 3.
I have been very closely to unlocking him before as only a couple days ago I only missed out by coming 4th in quads (3rd was needed at that time before update) after having all other requirements fulfilled.
If anyone has any insight or has unlocked him unusually please reply. Very curious to see if any changes were made or if this is a potential glitch. Thanks!
submitted by EaD_andy2608 to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

i’m done with this game

playing blackout and i get the poker chips and the annihilator, and i did the challenges and on the last kill i get disconnected from bo4 servers. wtf, press play online again and everything is fine, fucks sake man i’m so shit at blackout as well that i’ll probably never get to that stage either, love the outfits and i’ve been grinding for a week with no luck
submitted by anurvg to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

I assume its way too early to ask but.... any news on new blackout skins quests? Are old skins now locked?

Just wondering if anyone knows anything about any of the new blackout skins unlock quests. i chose ruin for my digital deluxe and excited to finally have it.
on a sidenote: are the previously unlockable skins like torque still available to be unlocked? has anyone seen armor fragments, poker chips, letter from torque etc?
submitted by murfman713 to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Am I missing something or is there a lack of player skins and customization in the BlackOut mode?

why is the only way to look different is to do special missions in the game like the poker chips, letter, armor plating, etc and reaching a minimum 20 echelon rank? why the fuck is there 4 character skins for the default player for a $60 game thats only multiplayer? Am i missing something, if so please tell me.

Also, how do i get weapon skins for blackout weapons? can i make custom ones and then when i pick up the gun it has that design on it?
submitted by Tw1st3dCory to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

Known Blackout Character Missions.

Character Missions Reznov Information is currently unavailable Mason Information is currently unavailable
Obtain the Bandanna item by killing zombies or fallen players.
Get in a Helicopter during a match (see helicopter spawn locations).
Win a Match.
Obtain the Locket item.
Kill an enemy with a shotgun.
Kill an enemy with a melee attack.
Finish the match with the Locket in your inventory.
Ranger Unlocked at Echelon 20 Frogman Unlocked at Echelon 40 Airborne Unlocked at Echelon 60 Seal Unlocked at Echelon 80 Battle Hardened Unlocked at Echelon 80 Prestige
Character Mission
Shadow Man Unlocked with Blackout Pass
Find a Death Machine (Mini Gun).
Kill Zombies.
Finish the match in the top 10 players.
Find a Cymbal Monkey.
Kill Zombies
Finish the match in the top 10 players.
Find the Ray Gun.
Kill Zombies.
Finish the match in the top 5 players.
Find the Katanas
Kill Zombies
Finish the match in the top 10 players.
Bruno Information is currently unavailable Diego Information is currently unavailable Scarlett
Obtain the Racing Goggles and Bandannaitem by killing zombies or looting fallen players.
Remaining quest information is currently unknown.
Shaw Information is currently unavailable
Character Mission
Obtain Battery's War Machine.
Get kills with the Grenade launcher.
Finish the match in the top 15 players.
Obtain the Burned Doll by looting a supply box or supply drop.
Confirm a Kill or Clean Up a downed player with fire.
Finish Match with Burned Doll in Inventory.
Nomad Information is currently unavailable Prophet Information is currently unavailable
Craft the Grapple Gun from missing pieces.
Finish the match in the top 15 players.
Find the Annihilator
Get Annihilator Kills
Finish the match in the top 15 players.
Upon looting fallen enemies, Broken Armor Plating can be found.
Finish the match with three Broken Armor Platings in your inventory to unlock Ajax.
Obtain Poker Chips.
End the match with 15 Healing Items.
Finish the match in the top 3 players.
Finish the match with the Poker Chips in your inventory.
Obtain an item called I Ching Coins by searching a supply box or supply drop.
Avoid any collapse damage.
Place in the top 7 players.
Finish the match with the I Ching Coins in your inventory.
Obtain an item called the Note from Torqueby searching a supply box or supply drop.
Deploy 2 Razor Wires and 1 Barricade
Place in the top 7 players
Finish the match with the Note from Torquein your inventory.
Sorry on Mobile...
submitted by Yoda_Only_One to Blackops4 [link] [comments]

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