Cacao tree - Theobroma cacao Plants Kew

how long can a cacao tree live

how long can a cacao tree live - win

This is my Redwood Alchemy review!

I placed my first order with Redwood Alchemy soon after they opened to try them out and my fall exchange partner (like me) wanted to smell like a sexy tree. It was alright. Most of the scents seemed similar to me, very high pitched and mossy with slight variations; fruity, woody, animalistic, etc. Don't get me wrong, they weren't bad, just very samey. By the time I ordered on Dec 1, they had added a whole slew of new fragrances that really piqued my interest! I spoke to a few people who had ordered the newer scents and they assured me they would not smell like different versions of moss! I'd also won a free custom giveaway and had a fun time talking to The Alchemist (who probably thinks I'm the most annoying person ever). He's always been super helpful and responsive to my many questions (ha) and kept me updated the entire time.
I love that they offer both oil and parfum formats; I got a few of each in my first order, the oils in mini rollers and the parfum in mini sprayers. Super cute. This time, I opted for a sampler set of 10, with 5 scents each in both formats. I was a little disappointed that they switched to dabber bottles for both, and the size was a bit smaller. These guys are on the pricier side for indies, but I follow their Instagram and I'm pretty certain this stuff is from scratch. The scents I chose are Blush, Ambrille, Marshmallow, Call Girl and IX Cacao.
Blush (A sensual warm blush of amber develops as soft kisses of peach entice the alluring undertones of sweet wood and musk) is the one that first caught my eye.. I'm a sucker for peach and it's featured prominently in my collection.. definitely top 5 favorite notes. I was hoping this one would be different, and it is! I have nothing like it! It's a sweet and musky floral peach, not fresh peach and the amber makes it creamy. Fruity, yet not overtly peach. The parfum goes on sharper, but just a bit, whereas the oil is more muted and deep. The oil fades into the perfect peachy skin scent I wanted so badly from Poesie's Innocence but the parfum lasts forever. I'd have a hard time choosing which to full size, but the parfum wins because I want to spray it all over myself and live in a cloud of it forever.
Ambrille (This nearly gourmand fragrance blends vintage amber with creamy french vanilla and musk). Now, I'm not anything close to a vanilla lover; I actually abhor most of them, but I saw this was custom done for u/-ALady and had to try it since I think she has impeccable taste (and I love her reviews and style.. her Instagram is vintage aesthetic goals). I can see this as the corresponding scent! It's such an interesting take on vanilla, almost like a vanilla potpourri sachet tucked away inside a Victorian lady's drawer she keeps her underpinnings in. It's sexy, playful and cozy all at once, just the tiniest bit sweet. I tested this one on my shoulders and I can't stop turning my head to sniff them.. kind of intriguing, never smelled vanilla done this way. Definitely not your little sister's vanilla. Same as with Blush as far as oil vs parfum, similar scent and drydown. Verdict is still out on if I want to upsize because who am I even anymore?
Marshmallow ..this is who I am now and thank you imam, you made this old grungyass goth chick want to smell like a freaking sugar poof. I wore this to work at the bar the other day and I got more compliments from guests and staff than I've ever gotten in a single day.. and you know I always smell good. Guys couldn't get close enough, even ladies were cozying up to me. And this baby is STRONG. Now, I haven't tried many marshmallow single notes (like you maniacs), but have been on the hunt for one lately after loving a few blends and wishing I had one to layer with. I'm thinking my current favorite Bewitching Amber from Pulp Fragrance would be amazing with some floof or maybe one of my dirty patchoulis. So with nothing to compare it to, Marshmallow is like a cross between fresh and charred, like the gooey middle version. It has a bit of the butteriness of HoG's Ghost Puffs without taking it to that extreme level. Definite upsize, maybe in oil and parfum. I prefer the depth and richness the oil has, but also like the brightness of the parfum and of course I want to spray my hair with it. Smell hating boyfriend prefers the parfum also, he actually likes this one. I think the price is justified since since only the smallest amount is needed and it lasts forever. I might get sick of smelling like this before it fades!
I'll keep the rest short: IX Cacao (This is a rich dark fragrance with notes of cacao, rose, leather and spice.). Chocolate is one of my new loves in fragrance and rose is one of my first loves, so it's surprising I haven't tried them together. The oil starts out more cacao and fades to a nice rose, while the parfum is more of a sharp rose, but dries to a more even blend. They smell slightly different, and I prefer the complexity and weirdness of the oil, I think there's a tinge of that Redwood mossy smell and I like it. Let's see how long these samples last.
Call Girl (tobacco, rose and sex) This is my least favorite, weirdly enough! I don't hate it, but I think the rose is too sharp for me, the tobacco is too biting and it's just not what I want to smell like. Maybe I'm just burned out on rose perfumes. Boyfriend says it smells like some old lady Avon powdesoap and a bit herbal, but he likes it. Shrug. Maybe layered with Marshmallow, hmm..(note: Marshmallow overtakes all smells you try to blend it with! Use the smallest amount!)
Bonus sample: Idunn''s Garden (This elegant fragrance is reminiscent of a fruit orchard in full bloom - fruity, then floral with subtle hints of moss, wood, and fern) I tried this as a sample before, and my verdict was "fruity moss", but this time around, I get it. The description is spot on; starts out with a juicy appley fruitiness then the floral and greens kick in and make for a really pretty and girly perfume, somewhat similar to Blush.
Overall, I'm thrilled I gave Redwood Alchemy another shot! The scents and communication make this house totally stellar and I'll keep supporting them until I run out of money, haha. Along with my upsizes, I'm going to pick up another sampler; Anubis, Honey Oud, Burlwood, and Kodo are calling to me.. maybe I'll even give Sacred Vanille a try, that's how much I trust them. I'm excited to see what The Alchemist conjures up next!
I know I'm not the best at this, does anyone else have reviews to share?
submitted by maybe-drunk to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

Green Arrow #13 - Strive to Become

Edited by u/AdamantAce

Green Arrow

Arc: Rise and Rise Again

Issue 13 - Strive to Become

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
The third year on the island. Oliver Queen and Freddie Tuck had become masters of their individual tasks. Oliver was a hunter — using spears, traps and stealth he could capture any prey. His aim was impeccable. It had to be, after all. Sometimes they had to rely on the small critters of the forests and the beach, so he had to be precise and quick about killing. Freddie was a builder — he built the traps, repaired their homes, crafted weaponry and pieces of furniture for comfort. The man had lost quite a bit of weight at that point and had built some muscle to replace it.
It was their third anniversary of arriving on the island. And the two friends proposed a toast to new beginnings. They had just expanded quite a bit deeper into the jungles. Their homes were larger. They had paths and systems of coverings in place for ease of guidance to and from their abodes, whether it was to the beach or deeper into the trees. They had systems of pulleys and makeshift buckets for ease of access to sources of fresh water on the island. Additionally they had constructed a way of purifying any water they retrieved from the ocean as well as large containers to gather rainwater.
The night was cold but they sat in a warm aura of a fireplace between their homes, where they had cleared away some trees in the center. They had finished setting up their traps and had weapons at the ready for any wild animals that may smell the delicious cooking fish and rodent that rested over the flames. One of the greatest discoveries of this island was cacao. They had saved much of it as a delicacy and with various berries they created some delicious warm fruity drink to go along with it. Something they didn’t do much. But tonight was a night of celebration. An honoring of how far they’ve come.
Oliver rose his makeshift cup, smiling at Freddie across the fire pit.
“To life,” Freddie said.
“And to hope,” Oliver said. “It’s what has kept us going this far. And we’re still here.”
They both drank deeply of the pulpy, warm berry flavored drink. They each had a bowl of cacao fruit to snack on while they prepared their main meal. They would eat much in celebration with some left over for breakfast tomorrow. And they decided they would share their plans for when they got off the island. It wasn’t something they discussed much, but it was something they held onto tightly. Despite their contentedness on the island, that was only due to misfortune. They had no choice. But to survive with purpose is what kept them getting up in the cold early hours each morning to put in the enormous amounts of work it required to live.
“God damn,” Freddie said, looking at his cup. “We really perfected this I think.”
“Reducing the blackberries was a good choice,” Oliver admitted. “We have plenty more in the jug, my friend.”
“Of course. Tonight we feast, buddy. And I’m just going to go ahead and pretend there’s alcohol in this.”
Oliver laughed. “Alcohol… wow, remember that?”
“How could I ever forget? Maple whiskey on the rocks during a cold winter’s day… A nice, classic hoppy beer while my pals enjoyed their fancy drinks at some expensive bar.” He chuckled. “I want to go back to it. And I don’t at the same time.”
“I know how you feel.” Oliver drank and thought of his father’s legacy. His life among endless money and zero cares back in Star City. He squeezed the cup, recalling all the times he had taken advantage of others because of his influence. “You still thinking about traveling, then?”
Freddie nodded and stretched. “Oh, you know it.” He sniffed and poured himself more of the fruity beverage. “Even if I have to go it alone.” He paused for a while. “My girl wouldn’t join me. Hell, even I wouldn’t join me if I went back to the world and met who I was a few years ago. But that’s okay.” He spat to the side. “Fuck money, man. I don’t want it. Everything we’ve done here… everything you and I have been through. God, how many people have been through this right under my nose in the city?” He shook his head. “If we get out of this —”
When,” Oliver reminded him.
Freddie looked up at him and smiled slowly. “That’s right. When. When we get out of this I’m using my money to help others. I’ll use what’s left over to travel and help whoever I can wherever I go. When I run out I’ll settle down. Countryside. Farm. Gotta tell you, I’ve gotten used to this whole manual labor thing.”
They both laughed and poured themselves more to drink. Some of the fish was ready so Oliver got up to pull some off the stick onto some large leaves they would eat off of.
“And you,” Freddie said. “You’re still thinking of taking over your father’s business.”
Oliver nodded. “But not for the reasons I wanted to before.” He handed Freddie some food and sat down with his own. “I want to take this wealth and keep it. But use it for others.” Oliver shook his head and took a bite of the hot food. “I’m scared I might fall back into old habits. But I need to try. Because this world requires money to live. So as long as I have the resources… I can do the most good.”
Freddie nodded. “Makes sense, Ollie. Makes sense.”
They heard a loud snap from within the deep jungle, beyond the shadows, hidden from the moonlight. Oliver straightened up and looked.
“Probably just a branch falling,” Freddie said.
But that was when the arrows started to fly.
⬨⬦ ➣ ⬦⬨


⬨⬦ ➣ ⬦⬨
Oliver Queen had many things to take care of. Such was the burden of all heroes. But right now, there was the girl and he could take care of that. He hoped.
Hope was all he could carry in his heart these days. Hope that he would see his sister again. Hope that he would reunite with his mother. Hope that Queen Industries could do some real good and make some real change in Star City — and hopefully, from there, the rest of the world.
He tumbled and took a rest at a rooftop. But what good could he really do? He asked himself that sometimes. He unhooked his bow and looked down at it. There were real powerhouses in this world. Real metahumans who could save hundreds in a single swoop — who could destroy anyone with a single flick of their wrist. Oliver Queen was just some guy with a bow and arrow, who happened to also have way too much money at his disposal. That was his real power and he knew it, no matter how much he wished it weren’t so. It wasn’t his fighting prowess or his skill at marksmanship — it was his wealth.
He closed his eyes and breathed slowly. It was an unfortunate reality but he had to make the most of it. For this city. For Dinah. For Freddie. And… well, for himself and his family. The world was unfair and, to some, Oliver Queen was as powerful as Superman. To the impoverished of this city, people with the wealth of the Queen family could do whatever they wanted.
“That’s right,” Oliver said at that realization. “I can do whatever I want.” He hooked his bow to his back and continued on his way, running fast. “I can change things. I can change myself.” He was born with a power, just like these metahumans were. He could use it for selfishness — or he could use it for others. The choice was obvious. The only hard part was fulfilling the mission in his heart.
Dinah Lance, suited up as Black Canary, delivered a powerful kick to the mugger who promptly dropped the purse and fell to grovel and cry like a frightened child. She swiped the purse and tossed it to the woman who stood timidly behind her. She winked and gave a thumbs up as the woman laughed nervously and rushed off.
Dinah knelt down and secured the thief’s wrists with some rope and moved him to lean against the side of the building, calling up the police on her flip phone so they could take care of him.
As she waited, her thoughts were fixed on the rise of criminals with strange tech in the city. The man she and Ollie had fought earlier had seemingly come out of nowhere. Equipped like nothing she or Ollie with all his connections had ever seen before. And he wasn’t the only one. Police had been dealing with these kinds of people over and over again. High tech armor, weaponry and acting as if they’ve been dropped somewhere to cause some mayhem. All of them are inexperienced and only a challenge because of what they carried with them… which was most certainly given to them.
She crossed her arms and knew Ollie was about to stumble upon this secretive, elusive organization. It wouldn’t put an end to them and she feared for his safety. But perhaps they would get a little further in their hunt and investigation.
“Excuse me.” The voice came from behind and Dinah looked over her shoulder. She saw a figure, cloaked in black. A young woman’s voice came from within the hood. And where it didn’t cover her face, there was a dark mask to conceal her features.
“Hello,” Dinah said carefully, ready to counter anything this stranger planned to do to her.
“You’re Black Canary,” the young, disguised woman said. “Which means you know Green Arrow.” She spoke steadily. Sure of herself. “I have information for you. If you’d like to hear what I have to say.”
Dinah turned around and tilted her head, eyeing this person with suspicion and slight amusement. “I do love to learn,” she said. “Do you have a name?”
The stranger’s head rose a bit and she placed her hands into the deep pockets of her cloak. “You can call me Gadget. My Father worked for the criminal underground you and all the police are so desperately trying to apprehend.”
Dinah lowered her arms and paid much more attention to her. “What do you have for me, Gadget?”
She stepped forward and Dinah backed away an inch. “I have names. It’s the best I can give to you. But perhaps with your and Mr. Arrow’s connections you can do something more with them.” A cold wind gusted past them and Dinah nodded. “The man in charge calls himself Richard Dragon. Not his real name, of course.” She looked down. “He is a powerful, ruthless man. Don’t assume he wants anything more than power. He will kill anyone in his way. He will do whatever it takes to gain more power in this city.” She looked up and Dinah saw her eyes for a moment. A deep green. Full of sadness. “I only know two others. One who goes by Brick… I do not know his name. But the last I do know.” She took another step forward and said it with deep, deep distaste and hatred. “Emiko Queen.”
Dinah reeled back but did her best to catch herself. Queen? She had never heard of anyone named Emiko in Ollie’s life. There couldn’t have been a relation there… but she also didn’t know of many other Queens besides Oliver’s, admittedly mysterious, family.
The stranger tilted her head. “You seem to be struck even more silent by that final name.”
Dinah collected herself and smiled. “I’m just impressed you have a real name for me… that is if you’re telling me the truth.”
“I have no reason to lie to you, Black Canary. I want these criminals stopped. And I will help however I can. But… I can’t stay in one place for too long.” She seemed to glance to the side, down an alleyway for a moment before looking back to Dinah. From within her cloak she produced two small orbs. “I have to go now. I will find you again. Please relay this information to Green Arrow.” She dropped the devices and Dinah prepared to defend herself.
In the next blink, the entire area was filled with smoke as the orbs burst. Dinah flipped backward and raised her fists, preparing herself. Waiting.
When the smoke cleared, she was alone with the mugger she had intercepted moments before.
She lowered her arms and heard sirens approaching. After a few final looks around her, to make sure that girl was really gone, she rushed off and used her grappling hook to get out of the area and up onto a nearby building.
⬨⬦ ➣ ⬦⬨
Oliver followed the information he and Dinah were given by the police and rushed to where this young Arrowette had gone to. For ease of travel, he ran to a private garage in the city and leaped into one of his many… dare he call it… Arrowcars that he had hidden away in the city. It was fast, sleek and got him to the abandoned, dark police station where the tragedy of one Officer Marcy Money occurred not very long ago.
He got out of the vehicle, equipped his bow and eased his way up the path, through the woods and toward the warehouse up ahead where these criminals were once held out in… until it exploded and left no more clues to follow.
Hope was what Oliver held onto as he ran. He wasn’t far behind this girl so he knew he would find her. He shouted her name for good measure. Through the trees — as he ran across an open field — as he explored the empty, vast remnants of the warehouse. And he entered the next patch of trees, calling for the amateur hero, hoping to see her alive. Hoping to meet her. Hoping to learn more about her and put an end to her dangerous goals.
As he slowly entered the trees he could clearly see the aftermath of a battle. Arrows were lodged into tree trunks, snapped and restless on the forest floor. Some of them professionally made. Many of them were clearly made by hand but well crafted. He lifted one and nodded, impressed. Well, if anything he could probably give the kid one thing — she seemed to be pretty skilled for as far as that compliment could go.
Much to his horror he found blood on the ground among the grass and dirt. Rope that had been cut away, wrapped loosely around a tree. Was someone restrained here? He did his best to find some leads as to where this fight could have gone to…
…and he quickly received an answer.
An explosion echoed across the sky, shaking his bones. He whirled around and through the gaps in the trees he saw something bright rise up in the distance. Far but powerful enough to be heard and felt from this distance. He rushed through the trees and at the treeline he could see beyond the hills and the next neighborhood over, a large fire on the horizon, spreading and growing high into the sky.
What on Earth…?
Hope, he reminded himself. It was all he had. Even among that mysterious destruction, whatever caused it, and whoever might have been within its vicinity… he had to hold onto hope. It was all that separated a life of potential from a life of desperation on an island made of pain and loss.

Catch Green Arrow in the next issue of Arrowette!

~ Releasing January 20th ~
submitted by ElusiveMonty to DCNext [link] [comments]

Better Late Than Never: Some Sixteen92 Fall Scent Reviews

Alright y’all, I know it’s a little late, but hey, technically it’s still fall! So here, we go -- some Sixteen92 fall perfume reviews!
After hearing good things about Sixteen92 in general and specifically their fall collection releases, I decided that I’d sample their Memento Mori collection, a couple of Falloween Greatest Hits, and one extra from their Mysterious & Spooky collection (because Querida just sounded too me to pass up). Spoiler alert, I was not disappointed by anything I sampled.
I have sampled these a few times over the past month, because I really wanted to understand these perfumes instead of just hacking out a review and sending it into cyberspace. As always, I use little goth hearts to rate these, and give a trophy to the truly exceptional ones that I believe will hold a special place in my collection. Another reason this took a while was because I am trying to make an effort to be choosy when it comes to giving things a trophy. After all, not everything you like can be a holy grail!
Without further ado, on to the reviews!
Mina Harker
Cold jasmine tea, ripe plum, black violets, pale skin musk
I blind bought this in a 6ml size based on the notes, because they just sounded right up my alley. Big musk vibes! Though the musk is mentioned at the end of this list, it is very prominent, as is the jasmine. The musk in this actually reminds me of Serge Lutens’ Muscs Koublai Khan, though this perfume has significantly less longevity and sillage.
I chose this one thinking it was going to be delicate and ethereal, so I was very surprised when I first smelled it. Wet, this is all musk and slightly dirty jasmine. The dry down, however, is much better. It morphs into a sort of “your skin but better” scent, as the musk settles in and the plum and violets come through.
Returning to this scent after a couple weeks, it seems like a much more delicate, clean musk now than it did when I first sampled it. It is particularly nice layered over HoG’s Cozy Sweater lotion. It actually really reminds me of White Shoulders dusting powder, which I adore (probably due to the jasmine note), but that tea note takes it to a whole new level. It is a very sophisticated, ladylike scent. Glad I full sized this. The dry down is just so worth the wait and so timeless. You probably won’t like this if you don’t like florals, and definitely won’t like this if you don’t like musks. Another note: I could definitely see this going “grandma” on some people, but I just love it.

Blood red roses, Ceylon cinnamon, smouldering resins, sensual golden amber, and an ethereal swirl of opium
I’m kicking myself for not getting the full size of this. When I ordered this, I was worried that it was going to be too spicy/incense-y for my taste, but this is not so. In fact, I adore the cinnamon/opium note in this! The rose note is prominent, but it blends so well with everything that the overall impression is just so lovely and unique. This is coming from someone who has made it her personal mission to sample every single rose fragrance ever.
Honestly, this is the perfect fall rose scent.
Returning to this after a couple weeks: Still absolutely amazing. Am I the only one who wishes fall was year-round? I can’t get over how this is just the most perfect spooky rosy incense scent. I still wish I would have full-sized this.

We’re Werewolves, Not Swearwolves!
Ambroxan, trampled moss, soft tonka, boozy vanilla, smashed pumpkin, black coffee, acid-washed denim, wild grey musk
After reading quite a few mentions of this, I of course had to try it. Wet on the skin, the coffee is very strong, with a bit of pumpkin and spice… very much a PSL! Through the dry down, the coffee chills out a bit and allows some of the other notes to come through, most notably a fuzziness that is probably the tonka. I can smell the musk on the edge of this, giving it a comforting feel. I definitely see why this is so popular, as it is definitely a cozy, warm scent that is easy to wear.
Returning to this scent a couple weeks later, it’s still surprisingly good. I never in a million years thought I would enjoy a pumpkin coffee perfume so much, but the whole experience, especially the dry down, is just so unique to me. This is definitely one that has been on my mind quite a bit since I first smelled it, so it seems like something I will periodically reach for. The dry down is truly amazing, and makes my eyes just roll back in my head. The coffee plays so, so nicely with the musk and vanilla, lending this perfume a very fuzzy, comforting quality that takes it over the top. I can't even stress enough how much I love this perfume.

Cimitiere du Pere Lachaise
Faded lipstick, moss-covered brick, hazy morning fog, discarded petals, packed dirt, chestnut wood, distant chimney smoke
When first applied, the mineral quality of this (the moss-covered brick?) is pretty strong, but rather quickly that faded lipstick note comes through. I am a huge sucker for lipstick notes in perfumes, and I don't know why… not to mention I have no idea how perfumers manage to imbue their scents with this note.
This actually reminds me a bit of Two Cups from D&F but way better (Two Cups was not a win for me). The chestnut wood mitigates the sharpness of the mineral brick note, and the lipstick note gives this more depth and complexity. This is definitely atmospheric and edgy but wearable. The dry down is just so nice.
I love how atmospherics can just instantly teleport you to a specific time and place. For example, this takes me to a brisk fall morning downtown right after sunrise, the dampness of the night before just beginning to evaporate from the streets. My hands are shoved into the pockets of my leather bomber, shoulders shrugged against the morning chill, my breath exhaling in foggy tendrils. I’m not happy about being up this early so I’m grumbling about it, but I’m secretly drinking in the beauty of the morning… the sights, smells, and sounds of the city coming to life. It really is a brisk fall morning in the city, in perfume form.
Returning to this a couple weeks later: man, the combination of that lipstick note and the brick/dirt note is just driving me up the wall with how good it is. So, so surprisingly good. I can definitely see this being my punk rock, leather jacket & combat boots scent.

Highgate Cemetery
Earl Grey tea, lavender sprigs, juniper berry, ivy, gravel, crumbling cobblestones, delicate fallen leaves & soft mittens
The lavender and juniper notes are immediately present when wet on the skin, and surprisingly, so is the tea! The tea is perfect in literally every possible way… I can even smell the bergamot. I’m very surprised that I like this so much, as I usually go for florals, but this is so good.
This truly reads as more of a late fall, early winter scent due to the prominence of the junipur, but it definitely paints a picture in my mind. It reminds me of just after Thanksgiving, when all the Christmas decorations start to come out. Specifically, it reminds me of coming home after shopping for a Christmas tree. My dad always had to get a tree that was perfect, so it would generally be a long process. This reminds me of coming home after finally getting the Christmas tree set up, and relaxing with a warm cup of tea and my Game Boy.
Returning to this a couple weeks later — it’s still absolutely lovely. This was one of my favorites out of the bunch, and lasts forever on me. I’m still very impressed with this, though I’m not sure I’ve thought about it enough to want a full size, like I have with Swearwolves. I guess we will see if I end up using up my sample!

Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Glamorous satin and soft feather fringe, black fig, orris, tonka, bourbon on the rocks, smoked cardamom, cold marble
At first… holy bourbon! Super boozy… like crazy boozy. The second note I can distinguish is the fig. Surprisingly, the cardamom note isn’t super insane on this — I can usually smell cardamom from a mile away, but this is very understated. This has a really light, effervescent quality that I’m having a hard time placing. It came across as boozy at first, but as it settles it’s definitely more… like a sparkling champagne almost? This is certainly a unique scent, and it’s very intriguing to me. I can’t stop sniffing it. It has an elusive quality… it’s very mysterious, to the point where I can’t even really define why it’s mysterious. It’s like… fig, bourbon and vinyl or plastic but very pleasant vinyl/plastic…? This only becomes nicer through the dry down, too.
Probably won’t full size this because boozy bourbon just isn’t my thing, but I definitely enjoy it.
A couple weeks later: Yeah, definitely waaay too boozy and bourbon-y for my tastes, but it’s still very mysterious and definitely “feathery”, whatever that means. Someone out there has just got to love this one! It’s just so unique.

Lafayette Cemetery No. 1
White mandevilla, sooty dragon’s blood, wild datura, wrought iron gates, muddy clay, living moss, chicory root, bone dust, chalk
While yes, this is floral, it’s a very green, sophisticated floral. It has the suggestion of dampness, like a humid, foggy day or dew on grass. What this actually reminds me of is an overgrown garden on an overcast day. The dragon’s blood comes through a bit more in the dry down once the florals have settled.
Overall, this is a sophisticated white floral with the green quality of real datura flowers. The dragon’s blood note really gives this depth, but the scent barely sticks around long enough to smell it. However, the scent itself is very beautiful, fresh, and unique.
A couple weeks later: Lovely and still humid. It’s just a little too green to be a complete win for me. If you’re on the fence about white florals and typically like green scents, this could be amazing for you, though.

Panteon Viejo de Xoxocotlan
Wreaths of marigold & cockscomb, dusty cocoa, canela, sugar cube, flickering votives, honey cakes
The cocoa blasts you at first, but is very soon followed by sticky sweet honey. This is the most gourmand of all of the Sixteen92 scents I’ve tried. The cocoa is definitely more on the cacao side, so it balances the sweetness a bit, but I’m definitely out of my depth on this one. It’s just not a scent profile I typically enjoy, so it’s kind of hard for me to describe. I can tell you that if you love honey and cocoa, you will probably really like this. This doesn’t read floral to me even the slightest bit. Once it settles in, it’s actually really nice, and has a very warm, cozy quality to it that is winning me over. Wow, what a ride! I thought I was going to hate this when I first applied it, but the dry down is actually really lovely!
Returning to this a couple weeks later: I had the exact same experience. Wet, it was insanely, cloyingly sweet, but the dry down is just wonderful. Not something I think I’d full size, but revisiting it was nice. You would probably really like this if gourmands are more your cup of tea!

0001 Cemetery Lane
Crunchy decaying leaves, burning cedar and pine tar, crumbling limestone, deadly nightshade, desiccated herbs, chilly autumn rain
I received this as a free sample with my order, which is cool because the notes make this a perfume I never would have chosen on my own. This kind of reminds me a bit of Highgate, I guess due to the pine tar, but it’s much less sharply pine and more a subdued, resinous or woody pine. It’s a very clean scent, slightly aquatic — maybe that’s the autumn rain. This definitely reads as a unisex scent, and one I think the dudes might enjoy quite a bit… though I also enjoy it quite a bit as well. If you like pine and cedar, you will probably really like this one. This is very inoffensive, and kind of reminds me of a much less outrageously cloying Old Spice-like scent. I actually like this a lot… not sure if I like it enough to full size, but that’s probably my inner minimalist talking (I already have so many perfumes!). There’s something about this scent that is just so pleasant.

Overall Thoughts on Sixteen92
I am just so thoroughly impressed by my experience with Sixteen92. Seriously, I was impressed by every single perfume I received in my order. They are so well blended and sophisticated, and possess quite a bit of throw as well. I am definitely seriously considering full-sizing Swearwolves at some point, especially after realizing how frequently I’ve been thinking about it since I first tried it. The same with Querida. It was truly an amazing experience, and I will be trying out their general catalog in the near future, for sure. This definitely seems to be a house that works for me, and I'm happy I decided to try them out 👌.
submitted by DaphneBaby to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

Want 2020 empties? We got 'em!

So 2020 was a bit of a dumpster fire. And by a bit, I mean a giant, steaming shitshow. But I got through a bunch of products, so yay? Per my usual, the following is a lengthy af list of products that I used or destashed, complete with notations unfit for human consumption, generally sweary thoughts, and rather crap formatting. Some of my 20 in 2020 pan list are included in this breakdown, but a full recap post on that adventure will be coming shortly.
tldr: 78 haiskin/perfume/cosmetic products used/destashed, minus a midsummer destashing session that I forgot to document.
Huda Beauty Kayali Vanilla|28 (Sample)
Impressions: This is a nice, warm vanilla fragrance. Its pleasant (and oddly the same scent) at initial application and dried down. If you could get rid of that slightly chemical scent in VS Amber Romance, it would be this perfume. Wear time on me is about 4 hours. Easily wearable in most situations, unlikely to offend anyone’s nose. Weirdly, my sample is purple, but the stock image on Sephora is pale pink and it isn’t that old….
Repurchase: $85 for 50mL for glorified VS Amber Romance? Fuck outta here….
CORSX Acne Pimple Master Patch 24 count (KB)
Impressions: I love these lil guys. Super handy to have around for hormonal acne flares. They stay on my face throughout the night, which is impressive given that I’m a restless sleeper.
Repurchase: Definitely
The Creme Shop x Hello Kitty Celebrate Me Time Sheet Mask (LE) (KB)
Impressions: The cuteness of this is adorable. The mask is printed with HK’s signature bow and cute accents. Pleasantly watermelon/sugary scented, well moistened mask. Does this do anything outstanding? No.
Repurchase: Also no. But it was a nice 20 minute experience that made my skin happy.
L’ador Tea Tree Scalp Clinic Hair Pack (KB)
Impressions: This is the loveliest thing for getting rid of dry winter flakes and deep cleaning from summer product scalp buildup, especially when used with a shampoo brush. My husband even likes it for his scalp psoriasis. My only gripe is that I have yet to find a US vendor for this. Shipping from South Korea takes a small eternity. First world problems, I know. I just have to remember to order multiples at a time. {ed. note, this now is available from a US vendor ( at a slightly higher price point. Score!}
Repurchase: Definitely
BH Cosmetics Stellar Lash (DS)
Impressions: I love this mascara. Its like TF’s BTS’ nicer, older sister. Similar performance, but not as heavy or gloopy. Brushes are similar, but I think SL’s is a bit smaller. The bottle stopper is much more proportionate to the brush head as you don’t get metric tons of product on the wand like you do with BTS.
Repurchase: Yes. I’ve got a full size of this mascara on my 20 in 20 pan list as well.
The Doux One Love Co-Wash
Impressions: I’m sure at one point in time I liked this product because it didn’t immediately get binned. However, at the time of review I’m trying to recover from some hair fuckery due to an incompetent stylist so I’m super salty about everything. At the moment, I like exactly three things about this product. 1) The packaging 2) The pale pink color 3) The fact that this bitch empty and gets to be yeeted into the recycling bin. Partial credit for being available at my local Target.
Repurchase: No. {ed. note, I am rethinking my position on repurchasing this. I think it would be lovely for wintertime when I’m not sweating as much. I am also mostly recovered from the hair fuckery.}
Shea Moisture Manuka Honey & Yogurt Hydrate + Repair Conditioner
Impressions: I really like this whole line. The smell is incredible. The conditioner is thick without being too difficult to work with. Absorbs nicely into the hair. Good balance between moisture and protein. This is too heavy for my hair as a regular conditioner. I use it as a deep conditioner once or twice a month. This seems to be the sweet spot.
Repurchase: Yes
The Creme Shop x Hello Kitty Complete Cleansing Makeup Wipes (LE) (KB)
Impressions: Husband and I were out of the country visiting relatives over the Christmas holiday. I didn’t want to bring the full arsenal of cleansing products (and I wasn’t planning on wearing much makeup anyhow) so I picked these up. No lie, I was surprised how much I like these. The strawberry rosé scent is really nice and they did a good job of removing makeup without stripping my skin or stinging my eyes. Each wipe was moist and the compact packaging (great for travel!) had a nice locking lid, in addition to the interior sticker seal.
Repurchase: Probably not. These are LE and I really only purchase wipes for travel purposes. If these are still around the next time I travel, then I would definitely repurchase. If they’re gone by then, I would likely purchase something comparable from the same brand.
Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb in Glow
Impressions: This is quite possibly my favorite lip gloss ever. I rave about it to anyone and everyone who asks about it.
Repurchase: Yes. The next purchase will likely be in another shade, but I can always count on Glow.
Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation, 228 Soft Tan
Impressions: There’s nothing really *wrong* with this foundation, though I would have to say the “poreless” is a lie. But maybe that’s just me. I get good wear time out of this and it is fairly lightweight. Decent coverage, though I’m not a fan of how it looks built up. I’m tossing this because it is way too dark; at least two shades too dark while wet and between three and four shades once dry. Its also pretty old; I bought it when I was living in Hawaii and I haven’t lived there for a few years.
Repurchase: Probably not. Its fine, but there are other foundations that I like better (with better shade ranges) that I would rather wear.
Too Faced Cocoa Powder Foundation, Medium
Impressions: I love this. It is everything I ever wanted in a powder foundation. In a compact. Has a nice sponge (crap sponges are a pet peeve). Applies nicely with said sponge or with a brush. Lightly scented. Good coverage. Behaves itself as a standalone or as a light helper to BB creams. I finally panned this one (which took ages) and I’ve got one more in backup.
Repurchase: Sadly, no. This has gone the way of the dodo, like so many of the products us Old Bats love. I’m contemplating TF’s Born This Way Powder as a substitute, but the mixed reviews give me some concern. I have plenty of setting powders to get through before I buy another powder foundation, plus I’ve had my eye on RCMA’s colorless powder for a while.
LA Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer, Medium Beige
Impressions: I used to like this. I really did. But, not any more. My skin (specifically, my Old Bat under eyes) cannot take thick cosmetics anymore. While playing with some application techniques & cocktails to thin the product out, I came to the realization that this it also completely the wrong shade & undertone for my skin now. I have been victimized by my own shitty lighting. {ed. note: I suspect my skin tone changes are due to a combination of winter-induced paleness and some sneaky lightening ingredients in current skincare regimen. Will investigate further.} I had a decent amount of product left, but it had been open for a while and the formula was starting to change a bit. I decided that money wasted is still wasted, regardless of if it sits in my stash or in the trash. Since I hate clutter, in the bin it went. I don’t miss it.
Repurchase: No, unless it is for Halloween/costume party related purposes. You can’t beat the coverage or shade range for the price.
IPKN Moist & Firm BB Cream, Medium (KB)
Impressions: I like the SPF. I like the scent. Applies nicely and has good coverage. I get decent wear time out of this. However, it oxidizes like a mfer. Doesn’t matter what primer I use, doesn’t matter if I freshly wash my face right before application, setting powder, no setting powder, primer vs no primer, it oxidizes. Which is a shame because its a pretty good color match at initial application. But within an hour its two shades too dark and orange. I’ve had success combating that with mixing in blue color corrector, however *insert ain’t nobody got time for that meme here*. It might just be too moisturizing for my skin.
Repurchase: No, which is super disappointing. Back on the hunt I go.
Elizabeth Arden My Fifth Avenue (DS)
Impressions: This is one of the most generic smelling perfumes I’ve ever tried. Lasts maybe 2 hours on my skin, which is just sad. I get absolutely no citrus (which is supposed to be a top note), just a vague, generic floral, and a hint of musk. It isn’t offensive by any means, its just….there. It is quite light and would be a nice summer option, but this is definitely not for me.
Repurchase: No
Wet N Wild Photofocus Stick Foundation, Classic Beige
Impressions: I'm sure this is a great formulation for someone. I am not that person. This did nothing for me. Emphasized all my texture/pores/fine lines. Just sat on my skin. Amazingly, it looks even worse on camera. I swear I look 10 years older wearing this. This bad boy gets yeeted into the trash with zero regrets.
Repurchase: Hard no.
LA Girl Slim Shady, Darkest Brown
Impressions: I fucking love this thing. Its cheap. Doesn’t have funky undertones. Is pigmented. Its retractable. Can be blended easily, but doesn’t melt off as soon as you look at it. It even has a nice spoolie.
Repurchase: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes
The Creme Shop x Hello Kitty Celebrate Whipped Cacao Hand Cream (LE) (KB) x3
Impressions: This is a nice lil hand cream to keep at my desk or in my purse. It isn’t strong enough to bring my skin back from full on lizard status, but its fine for restoring moisture after washing my hands. It absorbs fairly quickly. The scent is not obnoxiously heavy and fades pretty quickly. Basically, there’s nothing special about this
Repurchase: This is a LE product, so its no longer available. However, if if it weren’t LE I don’t think I would repurchase
Chapstick Lipbalm, Spearmint
Impressions: This was a desperation purchase. Except for the (very faint) mint flavoscent, I enjoyed nothing about this. Too waxy. Not moisturizing.
Repurchase: God no
Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer (mini)
Impressions: I enjoy just about everything this primer offers, except for the pump. When you get about halfway through the bottle, it just turns into this leaky, gloopy shitshow. It doesn’t impact the primer’s performance, but greatly decreases my desire to use it.
Repurchase: Maybe. If the alleged NYX dupe is comparable, then probably not. But I do like it enough to for it to be a repeat contender.
Colourpop Brow Boss Gel, Clear
Impressions: This is a nice lil’ gel. Has good hold, dries down matte. Plays nicely with every product I’ve thrown at it. Even works pretty well as a primer. It even has a good price point.
Repurchase: Maybe. I’m currently wearing my brows pretty short and filling them in with ABH brow gel [I find it easier to work with than Dip Brow] , so I don’t have a current need for a clear product. However, if that changes I would likely repurchase.
L’Oréal Infallible Pro-Glow Foundation, Natural Beige
Impressions: Pretty decent color match. Decent amount of glow without veering into glitter. Plays nicely with most primers I’ve tried it with, but it does not like the Hourglass Mineral Veil; I put those two together and Hello! Texture City. I get decent wear time. The packaging says that this is medium coverage and I would mostly agree, but it can get cakey quickly. I do like that I can sheer this out with a face serum pretty easily.
Repurchase: Maybe? I’m not mad at it. It performs better than some prestige brands I’ve tried. I’ve got a few other foundations to get through in my stash and a couple on my post no-buy list to try out. As long as they don’t change the formula, I wouldn’t mind going back to this.
Mario Badescu Facial Spray (Aloe, Chamomile, & Lavender)
Impressions: This does absolutely nothing for my skin. It smells lovely though. And its a very pretty shade of purple that complements the packaging. Those are literally the only redeeming things I can identify.
Repurchase: Hard no.
The Body Shop Shea Nourishing Body Butter
Impressions: This is good in the drier winter months and is great for year-round application to feet and elbows. However, it is too damn heavy for the rest of my body in the warm, humid months.
Repurchase: Probably not. I like the coconut one better. I’ve also learned that I only need to have one of these on hand at any time since I’m shit at remembering to apply moisturizer to my body.
Love Beauty and Planet Coconut Water & Mimosa Flower Lucious Hydration Hand Lotion
Impressions: This is, quite possibly, one of my favorite hand lotions ever. I love the scent. I love the quick absorption time. I love the scent. I love the lack of greasy residue. Did I mention I love the scent? Because I do. I want everything in my house to smell like this, always.
Repurchase: Yes
Wet N Wild Megaslim Skinny Tip Eyeliner
Impressions: The eyeliner itself is okay. I’ve tried two skinny/micro liquid liners and have come to the realization that they’re just not for me. It likely has to do with my eye shape (hooded, close-set, AND deep-set) I binned this because I literally can’t remember when I opened it and I have this thing about liquid liners being open for extended periods of time. I’m pretty sure I opened it before Mr. Lew and I started house hunting and that was early 2019.
Repurchase: No. I have this crazy idea that I want to give the Tarte Amazonian Clay liner (in the tube) a chance again. Or just suck it up and stick to pencil liners.
The Creme Shop x Hello Kitty Pink Water Creme Ultra Dewy Face Cream (LE) (KB)
Impressions: I really like this, but I don’t think its quite moisturizing enough for my winter skin. Its a very light, slippery texture. Absorbs fairly quickly into the skin without being too sticky. Really nice watermelon (?) scent that isn’t overpowering. Nice, heavy packaging. Doubles nicely as a lightweight hand cream.
Repurchase: Sadly, no. This was a Winter Holiday LE release. I very much liked this formula and would be open to buying something comparable from the brand for summer months. [Ed. Note: This is back in stock on Creme Shop’s website as of 22 October 20, so I may acquire myself a jar to help combat the Differin-induced dryness & flaking that is my skin rn]
NYX Lip Lingerie, Exotic
Impressions: I like the color (a richer sort of MLBB) and the coverage, but it drives me crazy that this never dries down. I don’t mind a little bit of tackiness, but this constantly feels wet and sticky.
Repurchase: No. There are other liquid lip formulas (Colourpop, NARS Powermatte) that I like much better.
Girl + Hair Under Hair Care Protective Restoring Balm
Impressions: I bought this with the intention of using it to keep my hair & scalp moisturized when I started wearing more protective styles aside from the Curly BunTM. I had the brilliant idea that I would do my own box braids. Utter. Fucking. Fail. As is this product. Like a lot of products geared towards “natural” hair, this is much too heavy for my fine AF hair. Two days after putting a SMALL amount on my scalp, I was still a greasy betch. I love the packaging (squeeze nozzles ftw!) and the scent is pretty nice.
Repurchase: I like the idea of this product, but ultimately its a no from me. I am interested in trying out other products from this company though.
Blueberry Bliss Control Paste
Impressions: I bought this on the recommendation of one of my favorite natural hair YouTubers. I don’t particularly care for the scent. Its definitely fruity and sweet, but not that I would immediately identify as blueberry. This does a great job at adding shine, an okay job at controlling the frizz halo, and a shit job at holding my edges. Additionally, something in this strongly disagrees with my scalp. I’ve used it about a dozen times and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. my scalp gets dry and itchy af and flaky.
Repurchase: Hard no.
Chapstick Lipbalm, Strawberry
Impressions: This was a desperation purchase. Except for the (very faint) berry flavoscent, I enjoyed nothing about this. Too waxy. Not moisturizing.
Repurchase: Nope
Dionis Goat Milk Skincare Natural Goat Milk Hand Cream, Water Flowers & Sea Salt x2
Impressions: This is a great lil hand cream in a lovely scent. Absorbs pretty quickly. Nicely moisturizing. Does a good job of holding off handwashing-induced lizard skin. This is another one of those scents where I would not object to ALL THE THINGS smelling like.
Repurchase: Yup
The Creme Shop x Hello Kitty Lip Balm, Winter Apple Pie (LE) (KB)
Impressions: The packaging is adorable (pink macaron shaped pot) and that’s about all I like. The scent is okay, but I would never in a million years identify this as apple pie. Or an apple. Or anything apple-adjacent. There is no artificial flavor, but the taste of the actual balm is no bueno. It isn’t particularly moisturizing and has a tendency to just sit on top of your lips, never really absorbing in. It might be useful as a sleeping pack, but the thick, waxy nature of the balm is pretty off-putting and challenging to work with. I may keep the container to use for decanting purposes or travel purposes IF THIS FUCKING PANDEMIC WILL EVER END.
Repurchase: No. This was a Winter Holiday LE product. Even if it was in their regular catalog, I wouldn’t buy this again.
Essence Melted Chrome Liquid Lipstick, Copper Dropper
Impressions: This is really nice packaging, particularly for a budget brand. The tube feels substantial. The wand handle matches (mostly) the lipstick shade and a good chunk of the tube is transparent so you can see how much product you have remaining. I will never, ever pan this because this lipstick gives me the WORST case of butthole lips. I don’t even like metallic lipstick, let alone metallic liquid lipstick. WTF even was I thinking. That said, the wear time is pretty good.
Repurchase: God no.
NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream, Copenhagen
Impressions: I fucking love this lip cream, but damn if this shade isn’t a pain in the ass to get even. Even with matching lipliner, I still can’t get an even coat. Which is super frustrating because I love dark berry/goth-adjacent lipsticks.
Repurchase: Product yes, shade no
Taliah Waajid Protective Styles Bamboo, Biotin & Basil Restoring Serum
Impressions: I love this as a scalp treatment, either in conjunction with a deep conditioner or on its own. I’m not sure if it actually does anything for promoting hair growth, but it does make my scalp feel nice.
Repurchase: God I would love to. This particular product has either been discontinued or reformulated into another product. The original formulation (of dubious age/authenticity) is still available on Amazon, but at a ridonkulous markup. I may try the new version once I make a dent in the current inventory.
Creme of Nature Sulfate-Free Moisture & Shine Shampoo with Argan Oil
Impressions: For a sulfate-free shampoo, this produces a surprising amount of lather. I love the smell; spicy and exotic and warm. Kind of reminds me of Dior Hypnotic Poison. Cleanses well and does provide a decent amount of shine. Strangely helps with detangling. One of my faves.
Repurchase: Hell yes.
CARE:NEL Special Lip Care Lip Sleeping Mask (KB)
Impressions: Got this on Amazon as a dupe for the OG Laneige lip mask. This came in a three pack and I *think* this is the last one. The product is nice and thick and lasts most of the night. The mask (balm? goo?) is slightly sweet-scented, but not aggressively so.
Repurchase: Maybe? I don’t think this is functionally different than Lanolips, but it is a good product that does work well.
Carol’s Daughter Almond Milk Leave-In Conditioner
Impressions: This has a ridiculously strong almond smell at first application, though it mellow out fairly quickly. This made my hair crunchy as shit. I don’t know what moisturizing properties it was supposed to have, but my bottle clearly missed out on them. The sprayer is nice though.
Repurchase: Hard no.
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Hair Mask x2
Impressions: Like most Neutrogena products, I love the way this smells. This is a really nice drugstore deep conditioner. Actually does what it says on the label. My biggest gripe is that, at only six ounces, I go through this way too fast because of the ridiculous amount of hair I have.
Repurchase: Probably
Missha Time Revolution The First Treatment Mist (KB)
Impressions: There is something in this (pretty sure its the fermented yeast) that my skin loooooooves. Very faint smell, good sized bottle, gloriously fine spray. If I can ever figure out how to get the top off, I’ll likely decant my setting spray into it.
Repurchase: Hard yes
Missha Time Revolution Clear Toner (KB)
Impressions: I can’t nail down what it is about this product that works so well with my skin. It doesn’t seem to do anything special at first appearance, but I can tell when its presence is lacking in my routine. Maybe its the fermented yeast, might be the gentle AHAs/BHAs, but whatever it is, I love it.
Repurchase: Yes
Creme of Nature Intensive Conditioning Treatment with Argan Oil
Impressions: This entire product line is one of the best smelling things I’ve ever put on my body. This conditioner is a little weird. Too rich for a regular conditioner, not quite rich enough for a full on deep conditioner. I haven’t tried leaving this on overnight, but 15-30 minutes (my hair is dry AF, don’t judge me) is about right for a nice little pick me up. If CoN ever decides to branch out and put out body care scented like this, it will be the the only body wash I used forever and ever, amen.
Repurchase: Hard yes
Dionis Goat Milk Hand Cream, Vanilla Bean
Impressions: Like the other scent in this product line I’ve tried, I love this cream. It is hydrating and absorbs quickly. However, there is something in this scent’s fragrance that wants to stab me in my frontal lobe. Its sweet and vanilla-y, but there is another note (vaguely cinnamon-adjacent) that is just too damn much. Oddly, that note isn’t present in the vanilla bean lip balm, which I love. It took me a couple times to realize that using this hand cream was almost guaranteed to give me a low-level migraine, so I gifted it to Mom, who finished it in like a week.
Repurchase: Product, yes. Scent, no.
Colourpop Ultra Glossy Lip, Free Spirit (LE)
Impressions: I’ve been looking for a dupe for an early 00s L’Oréal lip gloss (that was this glorious, mostly opaque caramel) for the better part of a decade. To date, I am still stymied in my search because this gloss ain’t it. The packaging is cute and the gloss itself is okay, but doesn’t last for shit. The color, which seems quite opaque in the tube, but is utterly invisible on my lips. The brush turned into an angry hedgehog within about a month of use, which has never happened with other CP glosses. In short, a total fail. Whomp.
Repurchase: No. This shade was part of the LE Frozen II collection. Even if it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t repurchase this.
COSRX Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream (KB)
Impressions: This bad boy has never failed me. High concentration of snail mucus, which my skin loves. Pleasant smell. Reasonable price, if you don’t buy from Ulta. Easily sourced at multiple US-based vendors. Hella sticky though.
Repurchase: Yes, once I make a dent in my utterly ridiculous skincare stash
Skinfood Peachy Jelly Soothing Gel 90 (KB)
Impressions: This smells like a peach jolly rancher. I fucking love that. Lightweight, which is great for the hot & humid South. This will not fix Winter Lizard Skin, but it is great for healthy skin barriers that need some gentle love. I prefer to use this on my body post-shower, but it is also nice as a sleeping pack or to chill skin out that has had too many actives on it. Absorbs fairly quickly, but can get sticky if you go ham on application. 8/10. Would recommend. Bonus tip! Keep this bad boy in the fridge for a delightful cooling experience.
Repurchase: Yes, but I’m not sure if its still available. The packaging says it is LE, but its still in stock at Skinfood’s website. Ulta (my original sale point) no longer carries it, so who knows. If I can repurchase, I will. I have several backups of this and the Aloe, which I kind of want to try on my hair…
Clinique Take the Day off Cleansing Balm (travel size)
Impressions: This was a desperation purchase. I needed a small, balm/solid cleanser to take with me last Winter Holiday to go in my carryon as the husband and I were travelling overseas. This was the only thing I could find in the timeframe I had that was small enough to meet my needs, that was NOT a bar of soap. This is very effective at taking makeup off. Its also effective at trashing my skin. I ended up hate panning it when I ran out of my beloved Heimish and everywhere was out of stock thanks to Ms. Rona. At this point, I’m permanently swearing off all Clinique products except Black Honey.
Repurchase: Hard no
Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base (DS)
Impressions: This is nice. Hydrating without making me oily. Plays nicely on its own and with most of my foundations. Doesn’t break me out. Thick, without being too heavy. HOWEVER. Baby girl smells like Lemon Pledge and that shit lingers. I can honestly say that I’ve never had a cosmetic smell like a household cleaner before so…..
Repurchase: Maybe. I’m not mad at it, but I don’t know if I love it enough to get over the Lemon Pledge smell.
Morphe Continuous Setting Mist
Impressions: I was on the fence about repurchasing this last year (this is one of my backups) and I’m still on the fence about repurchasing because I find the brand to be somewhat problematic and some of their partnerships to be very problematic. However, some of their products are really great. Like this mist. Its still one of the best I’ve ever tried. I’m still open to looking for something comparable, but the aerosolized mist is just *chef’s kiss*. Ethical consumption in capitalism is such a bitch.
Repurchase: ?
***pretend there are detailed reviews of the big ass box of hair & makeup products that I destashed but couldn’t be bothered to document, mmmkay?***
The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA
Impressions: I bought this on a whim after reading some promising reviews on Reddit. I also needed something that could travel with me as Mr. Lew and I were traveling for 2019 Winter Holiday. I kind of liked it at the time, but not so much anymore. I think I liked it because it was winter (cold) and I was in the mountains (dry air). Upon returning to warm & humid Florida, this doesn’t seem to do anything for me. I’ve struggled to use this as a face moisturizer, hand cream, and body lotion. I’m giving up.
Repurchase: No, unless I’m traveling again and need something to get me through for a few days.
The Creme Shop x gudetama Gold Peel-Off Mask for Nose (LE) (KB)
Impressions: I suspected this would be crap when I bought it, but I was hopeful as I liked other LE offerings from this brand. I was sadly disappointed. This took forever to dry and barely did anything to my skin. Its got a pleasant smell and is a lovely shade of gold. That’s about it.
Repurchase: No
Bioderma Atoderm Ultra-Moisturizing Lip Balm
Impressions: I picked this up on the recommendation of a fellow MUACJ Redditor and HOLY SHIT! This is one of the best lip balms I’ve ever used. Which is somewhat baffling because there is nothing revolutionary about the ingredients. But somehow, these French wizards hit one out of the park. Lightweight, but moisturizing. Not sticky. No flavor. Weirdly, vaguely smells like blue raspberry. But it somehow works. The only thing I’m slightly salty about is how quickly I’ve gone through the tube.
Repurchase: Hell yes
Mizon Original Skin Energy Collagen 100 ampoule (KB)
Impressions: I think I like this. And I think it works, but I’ve been really inconsistent about using it so its hard to tell. I generally like Mizon ampoules and find they absorb rather quickly. They make my preferred HA.
Repurchase: One more time to actually see if it does anything of note.
Sixteen92 Super Natural Hair Serum, Malum Malus (DS)
Impressions: I received this as a DS with the Fall (Halloween? Falloween? IDK) 2019 CAoS set I purchased. Malum Malus is my favorite scent in that line and the fragrance lasts a long time without being overpowering. The serum itself is a bit thicker than I’m used to, but is okay.
Repurchase: Probably not, unless I just *really* fell in love with a scent and needed to wrap myself in it. I have other serums that I prefer and am much more likely to repurchase
Shea Moisture Mongongo & Hemp Seed Oils High Porosity Moisture Correct Masque
Impressions: I really love this. It provides such a moisture injection to my hair in addition to the protein my high porosity hair needs. Nice and thick. Great smell. Really needs a cap to absorb into the hair
Repurchase: Hell yes.
The Ordinary Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%
Impressions: I kind of like this and can tell it has had an improvement in my hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone. However, it hasn’t done much for my texture and has minimally improved brightness. Its cheap and doesn’t irritate my skin. I’m not wild about the dimethicone, but it isn’t a deal breaker.
Repurchase: Maybe once more. I’m incorporating more Vitamin C products in my routine to address the lack of brightness. If those work well, then I likely won’t repurchase.
Hask Cactus Water Prickly Pear See Oil 5-in-1 Leave in Spray
Impressions: Got this for my mom, who ended up not liking it that much. This plays surprisingly well with my hair. It conditions without being heavy and is sort of okay at managing the frizz halo. I detangle in the shower so I can’t really say whether this does anything for that. The scent is quite lovely and the mist is nice & fine.
Repurchase: Definitely
Design Essentials Natural Almond & Avocado Moisturizing & Detangling Sulfate Free Shampoo
Impressions: I’m not mad at this. Easily accessible, reasonable price point. Does moisturize. Not as detangling as the CoN Argan Oil but does have a bit of slip to it. The scent is not my favorite, but it doesn’t linger so I’m not going to hold that against it. It does its job and does it fine; I’m just not wowed by it. Admittedly, I don’t think I’ve ever been wowed by a shampoo so I might be expecting too damn much.
Repurchase: Maybe one more time to see if I really like it.
Majestic Pure Cosmeceuticals Rosehip Oil
Impressions: I like this, but struggle to use it in warmer months. Its great for the winter and plays nicely with my skin, hair, and cuticles. It is too heavy to use as an allover scalp treatment, but is good for the occasional dry patch.
Repurchase: In a smaller container, for sure. This 4 ounce bottle took me ages to get through and it went off before I could get more than halfway through.
The Ordinary Marine Hyaluronics
Impression: I don’t care for this. It does nothing worthwhile for my skin. Fell for the Reddit hype. I’m definitely going back to my KB HA.
Repurchase: No
Too Cool For School Rules of Mastic IX Cream (KB)
Impression: I’m not mad at this. It has a lovely smell, is quite thick, and nicely moisturizes my skin. This is great at bringing back winter lizard skin, but its a bit too much for non-winter facial skin. My mom quite enjoys it as a hand cream, but its too strongly scented for her face.
Repurchase: Maybe? I’m still on the fence.
Creme of Nature Pure Honey Moisturizing Dry Defense Conditioner
Impression: This conditioner is the shit. Its got slip, a nice scent, wallet-friendly price, bottle that fits nicely in my hand, and provides delicious, delicious moisture.
Repurchase: Hell yes
Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Treatment Masque
Impression: I genuinely adore this masque. I love the scent. I love the way it makes my hair feel afterwards. My only gripes are pretty minimal; I wish it was slightly less thick (its kind of hard to spread in my hair) and had a smidge more slip.
Repurchase: Yes
Sunday Riley Good Genes
Impression: I used to love this and then they went and reformulated it. And now I’m not sure how I feel about the new new. I don’t think its as strong as it used to be, but that may be a factor of my super inconsistent usage. I like that its vacuum sealed and the product itself is protected from light. I’m not the biggest fan of the scent, but it isn’t nearly as aggressive as the Bobbi Brown vitamin face base that reeks of Pledge.
Repurchase: I’m reserving judgement on this. I want to buy this one more time, consistently use it, then make a final decision. {ed. note: upon further reflection, I will not be repurchasing this}
Fanofi Micro-Needle Soothing Patch (KB)
Impressions: These are delightful for taming the occasional hormonal cystic acne.
Repurchase: Yes
Dionis Goat Milk Skincare Natural Goat Milk Hand Cream, Sea Treasures
Impressions: This is a great lil hand cream in a lovely scent. Absorbs pretty quickly. Nicely moisturizing. Does a good job of holding off handwashing-induced lizard skin. This is another one of those scents where I would not object to ALL THE THINGS smelling like.
Repurchase: Yup
Physician’s Formula Healthy Lip Liquid Lipstick, Vitamin Beet
Impressions: I got this several years ago in a vault that was heavily on sale. This is the last of the remaining tubes. The lipstick itself is okay, nothing revolutionary. I enjoy the triangle-shaped (tulip?) applicator. I hate this color and have absolutely no intention of ever wearing it.
Repurchase: Nope
NARS Powermatte Lip Pigment, American Woman (DS)
Impressions: I genuinely like this formula. The application is a bit finicky due to how close the cap is to the doe foot, but I’m not going to hold that against it as this is a DS. The color is perfectly fine, a pinkish-brown MLBB shade. However, I own approximately 25 products this color and its time to destash.
Repurchase: Formula yes, color no.
Sephora gloss, Lady Luck
Impressions: Ever met a person and then immediately forgot everything about them because they’re so bland? That’s this gloss. The color is pretty in the tube. The packaging is nice. And that’s about it.
Repurchase: No. Its nothing against the product itself, but it doesn’t spark joy.
Lime Crime Velvetine, Beet It (GWP)
Impressions: Got this as a gift with purchase from a Postmark order.
Repurchase: Nope
Lanolips Hydrating Lip Luminiser, Beach Pop
Impressions: I bought this in the hopes that it would be as awesome as their multipurpose balm. I was sadly, sadly disappointed. I like absolutely nothing about this product except the color. It smells horrible, tastes worse, and is stupidly thick.
Repurchase: No
Lanolips Hydrating Lip Luminiser, Desert Glow
Impressions: See above
Repurchase: No
The Ordinary Buffet
Impressions: I honestly couldn’t tell you if this did anything for my skin. It was hella sticky though and didn’t sting, so it has that working in its favor.
Repurchase: No
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Aelopile (imp)
Impressions: Scent description from website: Glowing amber and citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, and oud. I definitely get amber, some verbena, and oud. This wears warm and spicy on me, but not aggressively so. I suspect this would be lovely in a room oil warmer.
Repurchase: Yes
Estee Lauder Beautiful Belle (DS)
Impressions: This goes hard on the white floral with very light rose & musk and virtually no other notes. This is a very heavy fragrance to me, but I think that’s due to the gardenia, which I’m quite sensitive to. A generic, inoffensive fragrance that’s not remarkable in any way. Pretty much the antithesis of what I like my perfumes to smell like.
Repurchase: Hard no
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab The Apothecary (imp)
Impressions: Scent description from the website: Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig. I get the fig and some heavier tea notes. I much prefer the scent in the tube; there you can pick up the ginger, grass, and some sort of herbaceous notes. On my skin its still nice, just not my cuppa.
Repurchase: It does not spark joy, so no.
Dionis Goat Milk Skincare Natural Goat Milk Hand Cream, Water Flowers & Sea Salt
Impressions: I have accepted that I am a Stan for these hand creams. I am just obsessed with them. I want everything to smell like this.
Repurchase: Yup
Missha Time Revolution The First Treatment Mist (KB)
Impressions: My skin loves this
Repurchase: Sadly no. This product is no longer made and I can’t find a reasonable dupe in mist form. I’ve replaced this in my routine with Neogen Real-Ferment Micro Essence.
submitted by lewnotlou to ProjectPan [link] [comments]

What A Day: Cootie Giuliani by Sarah Lazarus & Crooked Media (12/07/20)

"Look, what's at stake here in this election is the American dream." - Kelly Loeffler, asked whether senators should be allowed to trade stocks

The Silent Majority

Donald Trump is rapidly running out of new ways to lose an election that ended a month ago, but Republicans have continued to encourage his conspiracy theories and attempts to throw out the results—mostly in the most cowardly way possible.
When Republicans refuse to condemn Trump’s insane lies, they assume responsibility for the threats to election officials that follow.
Just as the stakes of the presidential election were existential, the aftermath has brought the stakes of the Georgia Senate runoffs into sharp relief: We can have a Senate that’s prepared to work with Joe Biden to bring about a national recovery, or we can be stuck with one controlled by a party that refuses to even recognize Joe Biden as president. Don’t ease up now.

Look No Further Than The Crooked Media

Make sure to order your Crooked Store goodies by the 11th to get them by December 24—we feel like we heard something about the USPS being slow? No tree is complete without “How the Vote Saved America” and “Is That Ho Ho Hope?” Grab your ornaments before they sell out →

Under The Radar

Senate Republicans have invited anti-vaxx doctor Jane Orient to be the lead witness at a Tuesday hearing on coronavirus treatments, upholding their sworn oath to make public-health officials’ work as hard as possible. Orient is the executive director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a group opposed to government involvement in medicine, and has called vaccine mandates “a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy and parental decisions.” Orient has also spread conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines and promoted hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment, and said she plans to use her Senate testimony to do the same. This is the person Republicans are giving a platform, as health officials prepare to roll out a life-saving mass vaccination program hinging on public cooperation. Mark it down, the first time dis-Orient-ing would be a good thing. (Sorry! Sorry!!!)

What Else?

Joe Biden has selected California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, and Dr. Rochelle Walensky for CDC director.
Trump administration officials passed when Pfizer offered to sell the U.S. additional vaccine doses in late summer. Punch one (1) wall, then take a look at this useful thread on how the incoming administration that cares about human life can come back from this.
An Ohio sheriff's deputy shot and killed Casey Goodson, Jr., a 23-year-old Black man who was walking into his own home. Goodson’s family has disputed Ohio authorities’ account of the shooting.
Florida police raided the home of Rebekah Jones, the data scientist who was fired from the state health department for refusing to manipulate data. Agents pointed guns at Jones and her family and seized her computer equipment. Seems normal!
Attorney General Bill Barr is reportedly considering resigning before the end of Trump’s term in order to spend more time tear-gassing his own family.
Stay-at-home orders have gone into effect for tens of millions of Californians, after available ICU capacities in Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley dipped below 15 percent. Five counties in the Bay Area have also preemptively implemented lockdowns.
Top public health officials are calling for long-term coronavirus symptoms to be recognized as a syndrome and taken more seriously by doctors, warning that hundreds of thousands of Americans might be affected.
Service industry workers are seeing a decline in tips and an increase in sexual harassment from customers during the pandemic, now that the restaurant-going population is composed exclusively of selfish creeps.
Yes, nearly 12 million Americans will head into the new year over $5000 behind on rent, and sure, food banks are distributing 60 percent more food to millions of first-time users, but what if we were to tell you that the White House tennis pavilion is finished?
The former head of Israel’s space security program said that aliens are real and have been in contact but that humanity’s not ready for that conversation. (Counterpoint: Try us, bitch!) Anyway, new monolith just dropped.
Lifetime and KFC made a “mini-movie” called A Recipe for Seduction and it stars Mario Lopez as Sexy Colonel Sanders and there’s not a single thing any of us can do about it.

Be Smarter

A massive MIT study of fake news found that false information consistently outperforms the truth on Twitter, and it’s not because of bots. The study analyzed some 126,000 stories tweeted over more than ten years, and found that a false story reaches 1,500 people six times quicker than a true story, on average. That’s the case on every subject, but false stories about politics regularly get the most action. It seems to be a matter of human preference: Between 2006 and 2016, Twitter bots amplified true stories as often as they amplified fake ones. The MIT team proposed two hypotheses for why people are more eager to share misinformation than real news: First, fake news seems more “novel,” and second, fake tweets evoke more emotion, on average, than accurate tweets. To be fair, this study came out before Lifetime tweeted about the very real and deeply upsetting Colonel Sanders movie, which might have skewed things.

What A Sponsor

MUD\WTR™ is a coffee alternative consisting of organic ingredients lauded by cultures old and young for their health and performance benefits. A blend of lion's mane for focus, cordyceps to support cardio, reishi to handle stress, chaga to support the immune system and turmeric for inflammatory support. Cacao and a little masala chai do the heavy lifting in the flavor department and with just 1/7th the caffeine of a cup of coffee you don't have to deal with the jitters or worry about sleeping at night. Try MUD\WTR

Is That Hope I Feel?

A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to resume the DACA program, allowing new applications and renewal requests to move forward.
The Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to school district policies that allow transgender students to use bathrooms aligned with their gender identities.
California has become the biggest state to launch a coronavirus contact-tracing app.
The Virginia Military Institute has removed a statue of Confederate General Stonewall Jackson.


Ben Phillips on Twitter: "Just a parrot at the vets pleased about his recovery"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

Why Are Forests So Important And What Can You Do To Protect Them?

Why Are Forests So Important And What Can You Do To Protect Them?
People living in the countryside and others from yogic or tribal traditions people look at forests with respect, seeing them as ancient, sacred and mysterious. Others support themselves on the laws of science, recognizing forests as incredible biodiversity hotspots and the best “technology” we have to fight climate change. Yet, in the stressed and sometimes far way urban life it’s easy to forget about forests and how crucial they are for the balance of the Earth and for our long term survival. Let’s see what we can do to help.

Why Are Forests So Important?

They cover 30% of the planet’s land surface and they’re fundamental for the quality of the air we breathe, 20% of which comes from the Amazonian rainforest. Forests are also crucial for the quality of the rivers’ waters that cities directly or indirectly consume and for the regulation of the water cycle. They also play a key role in fighting climate change as they soak up and store CO2 into their biomass, preventing it from going to the atmosphere. In fact, protecting forests has the power to help us fulfill the Paris Agreement by 37%, the Scientific American says.
Forests are important to all kind of being on Earth (source: Medium)
But there’s more. Way more. Forests help minimize the impacts of storms and floods by controlling soil erosion as tree roots make the soil stronger. 80% of the world’s biodiversity can be found in forests. And we should really thank this incredible biodiversity for enabling human developments in areas such as healthcare, pharmaceutics and, more recently, for inspiring the eco-design of products as we learn from nature’s best practices.
And have you ever imagined how life without forests would be? Not only for the over 1 billion people who live in or close to forests and need it to survive, but also for the ones living in cities and urban areas. We take and transform forests’ raw materials like wood and timber and use them on several commodities from toilet paper, napkins, corks or notebooks to heavier items like tables, chairs or simple wood for burning. And of course: avocados, açai, cacao, coffee, mangos, you name it – they all come from forests.

Why Do Forests Need Our Protection And Help?

The equivalent to 1 football pitch of forest is lost every second. Annually, WWF estimates that around 8 million hectares of forest are lost, and as a result, 17% of the Amazonian forest has been lost over the last 50 years, together with other forestal areas in Indonesia or Congo. And it’s not only trees – plants, animals, and insect species are disappearing every day at an alarming speed, which can mean the loss of 10,000 – 100,000 species/year, putting the Earth’s balance at risk. Furthermore, the loss of forests also contributes between 12% and 17% to the annual global GHG emissions. But what is causing all this?
The forest needs our help (source:
Indirectly, probably you or someone you know – representing the side of demand. Directly, the extractive, transformative and consumer goods companies – which represent the side of supply. The truth is that businesses have been expanding the dimension of farmlands and ranchlands, the latter spending huge amounts of water and responsible for the release of greenhouse gases (a topic for another discussion). Other commodities such as palm oil, corn or soy also take a lot of land space and are sometimes associated with deforestation (often done by trees that are illegally cut down or by causing fires), just like mine explorations and urbanization.
But it’s not just about vegetables, meat, earth minerals or buildings. It also about the energy we spend on cities. In one way, the sustainability of the biofuels coming from agricultural crops (of palm oil, sugarcane or corn) and used in fossil fuels remains a very controversial question. And the fact is that a lot of the energy consumed in developing countries (for cooking, heating or transportation) can be traced back to forests in the form of charcoal, wood, residuals, pellets, oils, sugar and starch crops and others.

What Can We Do To Help Protect The Forests?

What can you do to help protect the forests? You can act. You can stop buying or buy fewer types of harmful products and look for the ones certified as fairtrade or coming from responsibly managed forests. If many people contribute to a reduction in demand, it will have a significant effect on the suppliers’ side. You can also spread this issue among your friends, family, and community and ask them to do the same within theirs.
Together we can save the forest (source:
You can ask directly businesses to change and to follow a more sustainable path by making specific suggestions or just sharing your concerns. If many people do it organizations would understand you’re expecting something different from them and change would be facilitated. Ask political leaders for change as well and use wisely your vote and social networks. Try to have a positive impact on your organization or the organization you’re working with. Develop projects, ideas or communities in the countryside to help fight desertification and its implications. Inspire the change.
Learn more about agroforestry, the complexity of nature and its systems and how it is related to our own human complexity. Spend less time in digital gadgets and go spend more time nature (taking your loved ones with you) – it’ll make you feel good (ask the Japanese!) and more connected with forests.
submitted by alexiaroger to PlantTreesEco [link] [comments]


“How the hell did you do that?”

Koola ran to Burinake and said to Faust with a glance of respect.
Koola didn't intend. Koola's body on Faust's arm
As he talked closely, Faust's mind was focused only on that place.
Jaguar's arm has long since disappeared. Because of her close contact
The fragrant smell tickled my nose.

“Hmm, hmm, do you speak from a distance?”
"What is it? Don't just know, let me know! Let's do some partial mutations too! Wow, I heard that I can use the power of Jaguar at will. I think it's worth trying even with the best warriors?”

When the mana flowing in the body feels like it is gathering in a wrong place.
It was Tata who saved him.

“Ko-la, you go out to help people get back on track. They take care of those who are injured.”
"Ah! Why are you leaving me alone again? What are you two doing, so why don't you keep looking at me?”

Tata said, sending the fat koola back.
“What were you originally doing?”

Faust, with a slightly regrettable expression, said, looking at Tata.
“I was originally an untouchable person in a country called Burg. However, he died from the betrayal of his disciples who invaded during a duel with the demons.”
“Are you trying to revenge?”
“Of course, but I did the revenge of a man named Quitla who gave me his body.”

Tata sighed, looking at the determined Faust.

“You will have to go back very far. Just killing the Iberians will not relieve Quitla's resentment.”
'Are you very altruistic? I gave my body, but in the end, it’s someone else.’

He didn't know Tata, nor did Faust himself. It was natural to not know.
Who might have different minds and bodies?
Other than dominating with mental magic.
The mind and body that naturally fit into the body of Quitla
The remaining feelings of the dead are also mistaken for Faust's will.
The grudge of the dead warrior on this continent eventually became Faust's.
Tata decided to see Faust with a determined expression. In the middle of the jungle
To take him to him.

“If your will is right, then there is someone to help you.”
“Help is always welcome.”
“Go into the jungle with me. You may be the one He was waiting for.”

That just had to be reorganized for a small war
They promise to go into the jungle the next day
I decided to tour the village.
Huakhan was different from the continent where Faust lived.
Like Faust's most amazed architecture,
The Huakan people were born farmers.
Most of the houses had large gardens, with tropical flowers and cacao trees open.
Faust, who first tasted cacao fruit, was surprised by the bitter taste.

"Huh! What is it?"

Koola laughed out loud at his ridiculous look.

“Why so refreshingly. It's cacao.”

Faust with a frowned eye as he looked at the koola squirting cacao casually
I saw her, but I was surprised at the moment. Eating cacao
This is because it felt as if mana was being rapidly charged to the body.

'What is this?'

The effect was amazing. A feeling of overflowing mana flowing through the body and a feeling of increasing stamina.

“Cacao is a fruit. When we get hurt, we chew cacao and it's good for recovery. And here, cacao fruit acts as a currency, making it the most important economic tool and food in Huakan.”

You can feel the heel and mana potion at the same time, and even play the role of money. It was a series of surprises.

'If you take kakao to burg, you can become a rich man. Even one potion has a huge price”

There is a huge difference between going through the jungle and going to the center of the jungle.
They are the Huakan people who make their way through the jungle, but no one is at the center of the jungle.
did not go. Tata began to bring corn and potatoes in the luggage compartment, giving information about the jungle.

“Going to the center of the jungle is very dangerous. There are a lot of beasts and a lot of beings that you shouldn't meet.”

Faust was more interested in the corn and potatoes that Tata now has than what Tata said.
Tata, noticed, threw steamed corn and potatoes at Faust.

“Try it. These are the foods we enjoy.”

I thought the long field spreading around the castle was this long yellow food.
Exciting Tata gave something else to Faust, who was eating deliciously.

"It looks a little right in your mouth, so try this too."
"What is this?"
“Popcorn is fried in sun-dried corn. It’s good to have a meal at Huakan with nothing to eat.”
Nothing to eat, in a village covered with potato and corn?
There was a question, but the popcorn in front of me was so delicious. The crunchy food
It was several times more crunchy than Burg's cookies, and there was a flavor that wasn't felt in my mouth.

“You can give this to Iscaliot.”
“It seems that the bird has always been carried around from the last time. What kind of bird is it? I don’t think it’s a bird here.”
“I am a disciple. Died together. It seems that we have not recovered our energy yet, so we are feeding.”
The little red bird, the popcorn in Faust's hand
I was barely filthy. Even Faust knows when to recover
I couldn't guess.

Around that time, Cortes' troops ran into obstacles they had never thought of.
It was not the resistance of the two continental races. It was because of Diago, the governor of Cuba. In the first place
The problem was that he tricked Diago and Cortes borrowed a magic squad,
The army of desire, blinded by gold, has already forgotten their master
It was a long time.

"Huh, heck, I didn't know he'd be tracking us from Cuba to here."
“The governor has seen a lot of scammers like you since before. There are many ways to pursue even a single shadow of yours, so it's better to throw away your thoughts of running away. I should have dried up the governor when reaping the bum who wandered in Iberia! I will take your neck for sin here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Although I am a scammer, I made an unreasonable move as a loyalty for the governor. I was never trying to run away.”

It was unreasonable to look at it with an apologetic attitude, but Cortes and his troops were struggling.
“How long must I run away? Leader?"
“If you go a little more, you will know.”

Cortes himself was the first to be surprised to hear that Diago's chase was coming.
Besides, there have been reports of over a thousand troops in the pursuit.
Cortes' men were terrified and wanted to run away, and begged him earnestly.
Cortes was already a golden slave.
He couldn't hand over his treasure to a finely bred noble like Diago.

'In the end, you will serve the same master as me.'

Fernando, the captain of the chase, felt a strange feeling.
The Cortes troops are running away while keeping a certain distance from themselves.

“It sounds like you're writing an incentive book, so be prepared!”

Hearing him from a distance, Cortes smiled.
Obviously, Fernando was a talented knight. However, this situation is unlikely to be expected.
Cortes gave a signal to his unit.

“All scattered everywhere!”

Soldiers being chased now have a clear idea of ​​what they are doing.
Cortes and his commander Alvarado exchanged eyes and hid themselves.
On the other hand, the chase team lost their temper at the sight in front of them.
“It's golden! Gold!"

The dazzlingly piled golden trinkets have nothing to do with the chase
I got off the horse and put the treasures in my pocket. Commander Fernando was confused.

“You children! It's never too late to wake up and take care of your targets!”

No way. Even if you kill Cortes and his men,
This gold will be Governor Diago's. Fernando has to take some rice cakes
It would be fortunate when the degree is over.
Suddenly run away from the gold war
Cortes stood alone before them.

“The soldiers listen! I will become a slave of gold and go to get bigger treasures now. Do you think Fernando, who is with your captain Diago, will give you gold? No!”
“You guys! Where do you make fun of your tongue! Get the author quickly!”

Fernando ordered with open face, but the soldiers pursued gold with their eyes
I listened to Cortes.

“I will now have more gold in my hand than gold in front of my eyes and share it with you! Won't you go on an expedition with me? Soldiers of Diago!”

When Cortes' cry was over,
Cortes' soldiers returned and cheered and flirted.

"Wow! Wow! Long live Cortes!”

The trend was slanted. Soldiers who hold gold in their hands will never go back to Diago
Fernando drew his sword and shouted to the soldiers.
“Do you all want to be slaughtered? Go get those guys! Are you thinking of damaging the knight's honor!”
“Honor is for noble knights, as you say.”

Behind her back came a word against Fernando's cries.
Fernando turned to a sudden appearance.

'At what time! I didn't feel it. Is it hiding?’


It was then. The magic of Cortes that freezes Fernando's body looking back.
I can resist this light magic against the usual intermediate expert level Fernando,
A beast that is stunned can stop breathing even with a light arrow.

“Wealth is the best for people like us. After that, it is not too late to buy honor for money.”

When Alvarado had finished speaking, Fernando's neck was held in his hand.
And Fernando's blood spilled over their weapon and greed gold.
As such, the Cortes army, which had only three hundred people, became an army of over a thousand predators.

The jungle was an unfamiliar place to Faust, who lived in the plains.
It was the most humid and shaded place in the wet terrain of Huakhan
It was much tacky than in Burg in arid climate.
Air circle magic that operates the flow of air to remove unpleasant feelings
Until I cast it.
“It looks like a mysterious wind is blowing around your body.”

It was just a mysterious scene for Koola who didn't know that it was magic.

"Yeah? How does it feel cool?”

Faust was annoying to explain. If it ends in a way that you don't even know
The judgment that I'd be curious was nicely wrong.

"Ah! What..... what are you doing?”
“Hey, stay still. Cool."

It's sticking. Faust's body like a cicada on an old tree
Hanging Koola enjoyed the flow of Faust's mana. no matter how
I got used to it, but I hate the heat. The embarrassing thing
Rather, it was Faust.

“Is there no such thing as shame?”

Koola, who showed unimaginable behavior in Burg etiquette,
Specially harassed Faust. Back
The soft and fresh scent of a young woman
Besides, Uakan's clothes were thin enough to show the insides to match the heat.
It was difficult to maintain composure.

"what. Cool but hot”

Said the hanging Koola.

'Of course it's hot. It’s this woman.’

Walking through the jungle, towards the Koola hanging from behind
It was Faust who resented not resentment.
I don’t know the atmosphere of Huakhan, but the problem between men and women
It seemed to be thought naturally. Walking together
Even in the sexual contact between Koola and Quitla,
I didn't care much. It was then. Koola's hand complaining about being hot
Stuttering and coveting Quitla's body.

"What?! What are you doing?"
“It’s the hottest here!”

Koola's hand is so casual
I gripped the place where all the blood of Quitla was gathered.

"Ahh! This isn't it!”
"Huh? What about”

Faust and Koola were looking around
Tata raised her hand to remind her of her surroundings.

"Shh! Now you are at the beginning of the jungle center. Koola later and come down first.”
submitted by chul2d to u/chul2d [link] [comments]

[FT] Stuff at St. Laurie - Catalog Every Furniture, KK Song, and Kicks Bag to catalog [LF] 350 NMT

Edit: that’s it for the night! See everyone again!
Welcome to the grand opening of Stuff at St. Laurie by mikikaoru and Dawn_Princess!! We have every orderable furniture item, Kicks bag, and K.K. Slider song available for cataloging.
We plan on offering this service for quite a while, but only for one group this initial session. The first few posts will be limited to people wanting to catalog everything for 350 NMT. We are planning on offering individual groups at a later date. As much as we would love to get to everyone, we will only be able to take the first 4 people who comment on this post because of the time involved. We plan on accepting more people in later sessions.
We will begin in a half hour from this post so you have time to empty your inventory and gather your tickets.
Rules: Please do not DM either of us. We are not going to accept offers outside of this thread and will not move people up the list.
This post will be open for a VERY short time as we are only taking 4 people tonight. We are planning on doing these every couple of days, so watch out for the next time we do this.
Please be patient if you are in any group past the first. There are over 1900 items on the island to pick up. This takes about 2.5 hours We are planning to have 4 people on the island cataloging.
When you are on the island, please be sure to sit close to the modem/have stable internet connection. Any disconnections will be really frustrating for everyone involved.
Please come with 5 tools in your pockets to drop with your payment. I am trying to avoid people swapping items and to be fair to everyone coming to catalog.
When performing the cataloging, each group is divided into piles of 9 items. Grab 9 items and drop them where they were. Do not move on until you’ve done this.
You are welcome to skip over groups that you don’t need to catalog.
Be on the lookout for our next post! If you are coming to catalog, please plan on communicating via reddit chat rather than in-game to save time. Listed below are the items and how they’re organized!
Special thanks to u/par016 for having every item listed that we edited into our own groups!
Disclaimer: I believe this is every orderable item in every color pattern, but it is possible that I’ve missed something
Furniture (72 Items) Music A (60 Items) Music B (44 Items) Pets & Clocks (67 Items) Outdoors A (57 Items) Outdoors B (65 Items) Asian (65 Items) Workshop & Containers (55 Items) Rattan (60 Items) School (59 Items) KK Songs (95) Throwback (57 Items) Beach (63 Items) Kicks Bags (72 Items) Living Room (65 Items) Decor A (63 Items) Decor B (60 Items) Kitchen A (65 Items) Bathroom (50 Items) Arcade (49 Items) Office (44 Items) A/V (44 Items) Kitchen B (38 Items) Kitchen C (52 Items) Lights (44 Items) Gadgets (48 Items) HVAC (45 Items) Bedroom (55 Items) Cute (50 items) Gym (54 Items) Toys (49 Items) Diner (54 Items) Antique + Bears (51 Items) Plants (39 Items) Fabrics (47 Items)
Group 1 - Furniture - (72 items) 7 Baby Chair (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 4 Book Stand (Black, Brown, Colorful, Pastel) 6 Clothes Closet (Black, Blue, Light Blue, Orange, Pink , White) 1 Cushion 6 Den Chair (Black, Brown, Camel, Green, Red, White) 5 Den Desk (Brown Wood, Dark Wood, Natural Wood, Red Wood, White) 4 Floor Seat (Black, Dark Wood, Light Wood, Natural) 5 Floor Sign (No Entry, No Parking, Slippery, Stop, Warning) 6 Folding Chair (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, White) 1 Futon 8 Inflatable Sofa (Blue, Camouflage, Green, Lime, Pink, Polka dots, Purple, Rainbow) 6 Serving Cart (Black, Brown, Natural, Red, White, White & Silver) 1 Table with Cloth 1 Telescope 6 Tissue Box (Blue, Natural Wood, Rattan, Red, Yellow, White) 4 Vintage TV Tray (Black, Copper, Gold, Silver) 1 Wheelchair
Group 2 - Music A - (61 ITEMS) 1 Alto Sax - 7 Amp (Black, White, Red, Brown, Orange, Pink, Blue) 6 Effects Rack (White, Orange, Black, Pink, Red, Blue) 1 Marimba 5 Metronome (Black, Cream, Blue, Brown, Red) 1 Mic Stand 3 Pedal Board (Black, Pink, Green) 8 Record Box (Red, Black, Blue, Green, White, Yellow, Pink, Grey) 8 Rock Guitar (Coral Pink, Sunburst, Cosmo Black, Fire Red, Natural Wood, Chic White, Cool Blue, Orange-Yellow) 1 Silver Mic 4 DJ's Turntable (Black, Brown, Pink, White) 8 Drum Set (Black & White, Rose Pink, Pearl White, Golden Yellow, Cosmo Black, Marine Blue, Evergreen, Natural Wood) 8 Piano Bench (Blue, White, Light Green, Red, Green, Black, Brown, Camel)
Group 3 - Music B - (44 ITEMS) 3 Cello (Natural, White, Black) 8 Electric Bass (Chic White, Cosmo Black, Ash Green, Shocking Pink, Deep Ocean, Natural Wood, Space Silver, Sunburst) 7 Electric Guitar (Dark Red, Natural Wood, Cherry, Sunburst, Marine Emerald, Chic White, Cosmo Black) 3 Fancy Violin (Natural, White, Black) 4 Grand Piano (Black, White, Cherry, Walnut) 5 Harp (Light Brown, White, Brown, Black, Dark Brown) 6 Synthesizer (Silver, Red, Blue, Brown, Black, Yellow) 4 Street Organ (Natural, Blue, Dark Brown, Yellow) 4 Upright Piano (Walnut, White, Black, Maple)
Group 4 - Pets & Clocks - (67 ITEMS) 1 Ant Farm 1 Brine-Shrimp Aquarium 6 Cat Tower (Beige , Brown, Gray, Navy Blue, Pink , White) 5 Hamster Cage (Blue, Brown, Pink, Red, Yellow) 7 Kitty Litter box (Black, Brown, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink, White) 3 Pet Bed (Dark Brown, Natural, White) 5 Pet Food Bowl (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red) 7 Cuckoo Clock (Black, Blue, Green, Natural, Red, White, Yellow) 8 Digital Alarm Clock (Black, Blue, Light Blue, Lime, Orange, Pink, Purple, White) 6 Double Sided Wall Clock (Black, Green, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 4 Hourglass (Black, Brown, Natural, White) 8 Old Fashioned Alarm Clock (Black, Copper, Gold, Light Blue, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 1 Pendulum Clock 5 Wall Clock (Black, Blue, Red, Silver, White)
Group 5 - Outdoors A - (57 ITEMS) 4 Ball (Basketball, Dodgeball, Soccer Ball, Volleyball) 3 Basketball Hoop (Black, Blue, Green) 6 Camp stove (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Yellow) 1 Campfire Cookware 8 Camping Cot (Blue, Camouflage, Green, Pop Pattern, Red, Simple Pattern, Snow Camouflage, Yellow) 5 Candle (Black, Copper, Gold, Silver, White) 1 football 6 Golf Bags (Brown, Green, Multicolor, Pink, Red, Silver) 8 Lantern (Black, Blue, Gold, Green, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow) 6 Mountain Bike (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, White, Yellow) 1 Oil Lamp 8 Sleeping Bag (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow)
Group 6 - Outdoors B - (65 ITEMS) 5 Barbecue (Black, Green, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Clay Furnace 5 Garden Faucet (Concrete, Mosaic Tile, Red Brick, Stainless, Wooden) 8 Garden Gnome (Sprightly, Sleepy, Surprised, Reliable, Hungry, Laid-back, Passionate, Rebel) 3 Garden Lantern (Black, Bronze, White) 6 Handcart (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Yellow) 6 Hose reel (Black, Blue, Green, Red, Silver, Yellow) 5 lawn mower (Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Yellow) 1 Outdoor Air Conditioner 5 Outdoor Bench (Black, Blue, Green, Red, White) 6 Outdoor Generator (Blue, Orange, Red, Silver, Turquoise, Yellow) 5 Outdoor Table (Black, Blue, Green, Red, White) 6 Plastic Pool (Blue, Colorful, Green, Orange, Pink, Polka Dots) 3 Poolside Bed (Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown)
Group 7 - Asian - (65 ITEMS) 4 Autograph Card (Handprint, Illustration, Signature, Words of Wisdom) 3 Cypress Bathtub (Dark Wood, Light Wood, Natural Wood) 5 Elaborate Kimono Stand (Balls, Cranes, Hawk, Tree Peonies, Wisteria) 5 Hanging Scroll (Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Purple) 1 Kimono Stand 1 Kotatsu 3 Low Screen (Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown) 3 Paper Lantern (Dark Wood, Natural Wood, Orange Wood) 5 Screen (Bamboo, Dragon, Pine, Plum, Tiger) 4 Tatami Bed (Black, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Natural) 3 Traditional Tea Set (Floral, Goldfish, Plain) 4 Imperial Bed (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) 4 Imperial Chest (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) 4 Imperial Decorative Shelf (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) 2 Imperial Dining Chair (Black, Brown) 4 Imperial Dining Lantern (Black, Blue, Gold, Red) 2 Imperial Dining Table (Brown, Red) 4 Imperial Low Table (Black, Blue, Brown, Red) 4 Imperial Partition (Black, Blue, Brown, Red)
Group 8 - Workshop & Containers - (55 ITEMS) 7 Cardboard Box (Apples, Cherries, Labeled, Oranges, Peaches, Pears, Plain) 7 Garbage Bin (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Garbage Can 1 Garbage Pail 1 Metal Can 8 Oil Barrel (Blue, Caution, Damaged, Green, Light Blue, Light Green, Orange, Red) 5 Plastic Canister (Blue, Gray, Green, Red, White) 1 Tin Bucket 8 Tool Cart (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Silver, Yellow) 6 Toolbox (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Turquoise) 4 Tool Shelf (Black, Blue, Green, White) 6 Wall-Mounted Tool Board (Black, Blue, Camel, White, Red, Yellow)
Group 9 - Rattan (60 ITEMS) Colors are Brown, Reddish Brown, Light Brown, White, Grey, Black Items in each color are armchair, bed, end table, low table, stool, table lamp, towel basket, vanity, wardrobe, waste bin
Group 10 - School - (59 ITEMS) 1 Anatomical Model 3 Basic Teacher's Desk (Monotone, Standard, Wooden) 4 Book (Encyclopedia, Japanese Literature, Textbook, Western Literature) 7 Chalkboard (After School, Art, Blank, Club Activities, Foreign Language, Math, Music) 4 Essay Set (Blank, In Progress, Letter, Writer's Block) 1 Homework Set 1 Lab Experiment Set 2 Lecture-hall Bench (Dark Brown, Light Brown) 3 Lecture-hall Desk (Dark Brown, Light Brown, White) 1 Magazine 3 Microscope (Black, Silver, White) 4 Painting Set (Light Blue, Pink, White, Yellow) 1 Podium 6 School Chair (Beige & Green, Brown & White, Gray & Blue, Light Brown & Black, Natural & Silver, White & Red) 6 School Desk (Beige & Green, Brown & White, Gray & Blue, Light Brown & Black, Natural & Silver, White & Red) 1 Skeleton 7 Whiteboard (Blank, Brainstorming Meeting, Fact Finding Meeting, Language Classroom, Sales Meeting, Schedule, Strategy Meeting) 4 Writing Poster (Alphabet, Constellations, Multiplication Table, Periodic Table)
Group 11 - Cute- (50 ITEMS) Colors are sky blue, red, blue, white/pink, and red Items are bed, chair, DIY table, floor lamp, music player, sofa, tea table, vanity, wall-mounted clock, and wardrobe
Group 12 - Throwback - (57 ITEMS) 7 Throwback Container (Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Throwback Dino Screen 3 Throwback Gothic Mirror (Black, Red, White) 8 Throwback Hat Table (Baseball, Black & Orange, Black & Yellow, Blue, Green, Red, White & Blue, White & Red) 6 Throwback Mitt (Blue, Brown, Camel, Green, Red, White) 7 Throwback Race-Car Bed (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 6 Throwback Rocket (Silver, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black) 6 Throwback Skull Radio (Ash, Black, Gray, Green, Red, White) 7 Throwback Wall Clock (Blue, Gray, Green, Purple, Red, White, Yellow) 6 Throwback Wrestling Figure (Black, Blue, Gold, Green, Pink, Red)
Group 13 - Beach - (63 ITEMS) 4 Beach Ball (Blue, Colorful, Red, Watermelon) 6 Beach Chair (Black, Blue, Orange, Pink, White, Yellow) 1 Beach Towel 8 Cassette Player (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 4 Cooler Box (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow) 8 Elephant Slide (Black, Blue, Gray, Light Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Fire Pit 7 Hammock (Black, Blue, Brown, Light Brown, Pink, White, Yellow) 6 Lawn Chair (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red White & Blue, Yellow) 4 Life Ring (Blue, Orange, Red, Yellow) 6 Picnic Basket (Blue, Gray, Green, Red, White, Yellow) 2 Sand Castle (Natural Sand, White Sand) 6 Surfboard (Brown, Cool, Hibiscus Flower, Red, Stripes, White)
Group 14 - Kicks Bags- (72 ITEMS) Every orderable bag in every color variation
Group 15 - Living Room - (65 ITEMS) 8 Box Corner Sofa (Black, Magenta, Navy Blue, Orange, Pink, Turquoise, White, Yellow) 8 Box Sofa (Black, Magenta, Navy Blue, Orange, Pink, Turquoise, White, Yellow) 1 Breaker 4 Broom and Dustpan (Colorful, Dark Brown , Natural, White) 8 Double Sofa (Black, Blue, Dark Brown, Green, Light Brown, Red, White, Yellow) 4 Fireplace (Beige, Dark Brown, Red, White) 8 LCD TV (20 in.) (20 in.) (Black, Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 5 LCD TV (50 in.) (50 in.) (Black, Blue, Red, Silver, White) 4 Light Switch (Gray, Brown, White, Wood Grain) 1 Retro Radiator 8 Wall-Mounted TV (20 in.) (Black, Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 5 Wall-Mounted TV (50 in.) (Black, Blue, Red, Silver, White) 1 Wood Burning Stove
Group 16 - Decor A - (63 ITEMS) 1 Butterfly-Fish Model 5 Celebratory Candles (Black, Blue, Brown, Light Brown, White) 4 Champions pennant (Black, Blue, Green, Red) 3 Formal Paper (Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown) 5 Gears (Black, Colorful, Copper, Silver, Wooden) 1 Grasshopper-head model 4 Macrame tapestry (Blue, Green, Pink, White) 1 Mantis Head Model 5 Mobile (Gorgeous, Hot Air Balloons, Ocean Creatures, Sheep, Space) 1 Mounted Black Bass 1 Mounted Blue Marlin 6 Party Garland (Boating Stripes, Colorful, Gorgeous, Orange & Black, Pastel, Pop) 5 Pennant (Classic, Souvenir, Sponsor, Sports, University) 6 Sanrio Posters (Cinnamoroll, Hello Kitty, Kerokerokeroppi, Kiki & Lala, My Melody, Pompompurin) 6 Tapestry (Animal, Bird, Fairy Tale, Floral, Geometric Pattern, Snow) 5 Wall-mounted Candle (Black, Copper, Gold, Silver, White) 1 Wasp-head model 2 World Map (Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean) - I know these are customizable
Group 17- Decor B - (60 ITEMS) 8 Heart Doorplate (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Monotone, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red) 5 Colorful Wheel (Black & Red, Colorful Numbers, Items, Two-toned Numbers, Win or Lose) 8 Cone (Blue, Caution Stripes, Green Stripes, Red, Red Stripes, Reflective Stripes, White, Yellow) 4 Fishing Boat Flag (Bounty, Big Catch, Longevity, Launch) 3 Flashy-Flower Sign (Cute, Elegant, Pop) 5 Menu Chalkboard (Blue, Dark Brown, Natural, Red, White) 2 Mr Flamingo (Natural, White) 2 Mrs. Flamingo (Natural, White) 2 Skull Doorplate (Brown, White) 5 Fragrance Diffuser (Blue, Green, Pink, White, Yellow) 4 Fragrance sticks (Black, Blue, Brown, Green) 6 Glass Holder with Candle (Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red, White) 6 Incense burner (Cherry Blossom, Deep Sea, Forest, Rose, Sandalwood, Tea)
Group 18 - Kitchen A - (66 ITEMS) 8 Analog Kitchen Scale (Black, Blue, Green, Ivory, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow) 6 Coffee Cup (Elegant, Floral, Plain, Polka Dots, Rose, Royal) 1 Coffee Grinder 4 Cream and Sugar (Brown, Floral, Silver, White) 1 Dinnerware 6 Dish Drying Rack (Black, Blue, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 1 Kettle 3 Knife Block (Black, Natural, Silver) 3 Magnetic Knife Rack (Pop, Stainless Steel, Wooden) 8 Mug (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, Turquoise, White, Yellow) 3 Pot Rack (Pop, Stainless Steel, Wooden) 3 Revolving Spice Rack (Brown, Orange, White) 7 Simple Kettle (Black, Blue, Green, Navy Blue, Red, White, Yellow) 3 Stovetop Espresso Maker (Black, Red, Silver) 5 Table Setting (Black, Light Blue, Pink, White, Yellow) 4 Tea Set (Blue, Green, Red, White)
Group 19 - Bathroom - (50 ITEMS) 3 Bathroom Sink (Beige, Black, White) 4 Bathroom Towel Rack (Black, Copper, Gold, Silver) 1 Bidet 6 Claw-Foot Tub (Black, Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 7 Digital Scale (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, White, Yellow) 7 Long Bathtub (Black Marble, Green, light blue, Pink, Two-Toned Tile, White, White Marble) 4 Shower Booth (Black, Blue, Pink, White) 4 Shower Set (Black, Copper, Gold, Silver) 1 Squat Toilet 1 Standing Toilet 5 Tankless Toilet (Black, Ivory, Light Blue, Pink, White) 3 Toilet (Dark Wood, Natural Wood, White) 2 Toilet-Cleaning Set (Colorful, Monotone) 2 Whirlpool Bath (Black, White)
Group 20 - Arcade - (49 ITEMS) 1 ACNH Nintendo Switch11 3 Arcade Game (Combat Game, Fighting Game, Mahjong Game) 3 Arcade Seat (Red, Gray, Blue) 3 Billiards Table (Green, Red, Blue) 4 Candy Machine (Red, Yellow, Pink, Blue) 1 Dartboard 4 Desktop Computer (Black, Pink, Silver, White) 4 Exit Sign (Left and Right Arrows, Left Arrow, Red Exit, Right Arrow) 3 Foosball Table (Blue, Brown, Dark Brown) 1 Jukebox imagine ) 1 Nintendo Switch 5 Pinball Machine (White, Red, Blue, Black, Brown) 6 Retro Gas Pump (Black, Green, Red, Retro, White, Yellow) 1 Server 1 Tennis Table 1 Velvet Stool
Group 21 - Office - (44 ITEMS) 2 Aluminum Briefcase (Gold Bars, Stacks of Cash) 8 Changing Room (Beige , Black, Blue, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, Green, Pink) 4 Director's Chair (Black, Dark Brown, Light Brown, White) 1 Judge's Bell 7 Modern Office Chair (Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow) 4 Office Desk (Beige & White, Brown & Black, Gray, White) 5 Popcorn Machine (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red) 2 Shaved Ice Machine (Green, Silver) 3 Smoker (Black, Green, Silver) 4 Writing Chair (Dark Brown, Light Brown, Natural, White) 4 Writing Desk (Dark Brown, Light Brown, Natural, White) 7 Laptops
Group 22 - A/V - (44 ITEMS) 1 Film Projector 1 Hi-Fi Stereo 1 High-End Stereo 1 Phonograph 8 Portable Radio (Black, Blue, Green, Light Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 7 Portable Record Player (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Black, Orange) 3 Pro Tape Recorder (Black, Brown, Gray) 2 Retro Stereo (Black, Brown) 8 Studio Spotlight (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow) 8 Studio Wall Spotlight (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow) 4 Tape Deck (Black, Orange, Silver, White) 2 TV Camera (black, White)
Group 23 - Kitchen B - (38 ITEMS) 4 Double-Door Refrigerator (Black, Red, Silver, White) 4 Freezer (Beige, Black, Silver, White) 5 Gas Range (Black, Blue, Red, Silver, White) 7 Kitchen Island (Black, Blue, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Red, Silver, White) 1 Open-Frame Kitchen 8 Refrigerator (Black, Blue, Brown, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 8 System Kitchen (Black, Blue, Brown, Natural, Off-White, Red, Yellow, White) 1 Utility Sink
Group 24 - Kitchen C - (52 ITEMS) 7 Espresso Maker (Black, Blue, Green, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 4 Microwave (Black, Green, Red, White) 8 Mini Fridge (Black, Blue, Gray, Pink, Red, White, Wood Grain, Yellow) 8 Mixer (Bananas, Blueberries, Carrots, Green Smoothie, Kiwifruit, Oranges, Strawberries, Tomatoes) 6 Pop-up toaster (Green, Light Blue, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 5 Rice Cooker (Berry Red, Black, Brown, Silver, White) 8 Soup Kettle (Borscht, Congee, Corn Soup, Cream Stew, Curry, Green Curry, Hot-and-sour soup, Minestrone) 6 Stand Mixer (Black, Gray, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow)
Group 25 - Lights - (44 ITEMS) 8 Floor light (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White) 7 Rocket lamp (Blue, Red, Yellow, Turquoise, Purple, Green, Pink) 8 Soft-serve lamp (Vanilla, Purple Sweet Potato, Mango, Pale Sky, Green Tea, Chocolate Swirl, Strawberry Swirl, Rainbow) 4 Floor Lamp (Black, Brown, Natural, White) 8 Folding Floor Lamp (Black, Blue, Gray, Light Green, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 8 Shaded Floor Lamp (Blue, Green, Lime, Pink, Purples, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Table Lamp
Group 26 - Gadgets - (48 ITEMS) 7 Cordless Phone (Black, Light Blue, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 4 Fax Machine (Black, Brown, Red, White) 1 Intercom Monitor 8 Rotary Phone (Black, Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 1 Surveillance Camera 6 Typewriter (Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Green, Silver) 7 Upright Vacuum (Black, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Silver, White) 5 Vacuum Cleaner (Black, Gray, Green, Red, Yellow) 3 Video Camera (Black, Red, Silver) 6 Wall-Mounted Phone (Black, Blue, Gray, Red, Silver, White)
Group 27- HVAC - (45 ITEMS) 5 Air Circulator (Black, Green, Pink, White, Yellow) 6 Air conditioner (Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Pink, White) 4 Fan (Black, Light Blue, Pink, White) 8 Humidifier (Blue, Brown, Green, Natural, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow) 3 Retro Fan (Blue, Green, Orange) 6 Round Space Heater (Black, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Red, White) 5 Ventilation Fan (Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, White) 8 Wall Fan (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Silver, White, Yellow)
Group 28 - Bedroom - (55 ITEMS) 5 Accessories Stand (Black, Brown, Light Blue, Pink, White) 7 Bunk Bed (Black, Blue, Pink, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 4 Cartoonist Set (Black, Brown, Pink, Silver) 3 Corkboard (Blue, Natural, White) 6 Desk Mirror (Black, Blue, Gold, Pink, Red, White) 8 Loft Bed with Desk (Black, Blue, Brown, Light Blue, Natural, Orange, Pink, White) 2 Nail Art Set (Black, Pink) 8 Rings (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Red, Turquoise, White) 4 Safe (Black, Gold, Silver, White) 8 Simple Panel (Black, Brown, Copper, Gold, Light Brown, Light Gray, Silver, White)
Group 30 - Gym - (54 ITEMS) 1 Blue Corner 4 Climbing Wall (Blue, Natural, Pink, White) 5 Exercise Ball (Black, Blue, Gold, Pink, White) 4 Exercise Bike (Black, Red, White, Yellow) 6 Handy Water Cooler (Avocado, Blue, Green, Plaid, Red, Yellow) 1 Neutral Corner 4 Protein Shaker Bottle (Cocoa Flavored, Plain, Strawberry Flavored, Vanilla Flavored) 4 Pull-up-bar stand (Black, Blue, Red, Yellow) 3 Punching Bag (Black, Blue, Red) 1 Red Corner 3 Speed Bag (Black, Blue, Red) 3 Stadiometer (Blue, Gray, Pink) 4 Treadmill (Black, Blue, Red, White) 7 Upright Locker (Black, Blue, Green, Red, Silver, White, Yellow) 2 Water Cooler (Black, White) 1 Weight Bench 1 Zen Cushion
Group 31 - Toys - (49 ITEMS) 1 Bingo Wheel 3 Board Game (Kids, Simple Path, Territory) 3 Bottled Ship (Leisure, Pirate, Trading) 2 Chessboard (Black, Brown) 6 dolly (Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Red, White) 6 Electric Kick Scooter (Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 2 Electronics Kit (Black, Green) 2 Fortune Telling Set (Black, Purple) 3 Globe (Cool, Sepia, Standard) 1 Go Board 2 magic kit (Blue, Red) 1 Newton’s Cradle 1 Plasma Ball 1 Sea Globe 1 Snow Globe 4 Toy Box (Blue, Green, Gray, Pink) 4 Train Set (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) 5 Tricycle (Black, Blue, Pink, Red, Yellow) 1 Unfinished Puzzle
Group 32 - Diner - (54 ITEMS) 7 Diner Chair (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 7 Diner Counter Chair (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 7 Diner Counter Table (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 7 Diner Dining Table (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 7 Diner Mini Table (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 7 Diner Neon Clock (Blue, Cream, Pink, Purple, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow) 5 Diner Neon Sign (Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Red) 7 Diner Sofa (Black, Blue, Cream, Pink, Red, Aquamarine, Yellow)
Group 33 - Antique (30 ITEMS) + Bears (21) Colors are Black, Brown, Natural Items in each color are bed, bureau, chair, clock, console table, mini table, phone, table, vanity, wardrobeItems in each color are bed, chair, DIY table, floor lamp, music player, sofa, tea table, vanity, wall-mounted clock, wardrobe 6 Baby Bear (Caramel Mocha, Checkered, Choco, Cream, Floral, Tweed) 1 Baby Panda 6 Mama Bears (Caramel Mocha, Checkered, Choco, Cream, Floral, Tweed) 1 Mama Panda 6 Papa Bear (Caramel Mocha, Checkered, Choco, Cream, Floral, Tweed) 1 Papa Panda
Group 34 - Plants - (39 ITEMS) 5 Anthurium Plant (Black, Brown, Light Blue, Pink, White) 1 Cacao Tree 5 Cat Grass (Black, Light Blue, Pink, Red, White) 5 Cypress Plant (Black, Blue, Brown, White, Yellow) 6 Fan Palm (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, White) 4 Floating Biotope Planter (Artistic, Black, Brown, White) 1 Mini-Cactus Set 6 Monstera (Black, Blue, Brown, Red, White, Yellow) 1 Moss Ball 5 Yucca (Black, Blue, Brown, Green, White)
Group 35 - Fabrics - (47 ITEMS) 6 Automatic Washer (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, White, Yellow) 2 Clothesline Pole (Blue, Silver) 6 Deluxe Washer (Black, Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 4 Drying Rack (Black, Ivory, Silver, White) 1 ironing board 1 Ironing Set 1 loom 3 Old Sewing Machine (Black, Green, Silver) 3 Pants Press (Black, Brown, Gray) 7 Sewing Machine (Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Red, White, Yellow) 6 Sewing Project (Black, Blue, Green, Ivory, Pink, Yellow) 1 Spinning Wheel 6 Sturdy Sewing Box (Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Natural, Navy Blue, White)
submitted by mikikaoru to ACTrade [link] [comments]

The worst language in the world

The worst language in the world
Now I want to write something about the worstest of all worst languages in the world – about English. Yeah, you may wonder, why I call it the worstest of all? But I wonder, how you all still don’t understand it by yourselves? You really can think this language is good?
English now everywhere. Everybody must learn it since school. It’s main and default foreighn language for every peoples. Foreighn “as default” = English. We learn it in school, in university. We must have exams on this subjekt. We need it for many jobs too, even if not use it there. English is international language. Only 1 international. You see foreighner – speek English. Go aboard – speek English too. Want find more information in internet – find it in English. Buy foreighn stuff – anyway will have instruction in English. Even “Made in China” writed in English, not in Chinese. Also, English is sekond language in all world’s aeroports.
It looks very comfortable – learn only 1 foreighn language, no need to learn many. Only one language can help you everywhere. We hear this legend since kid’s age and continue belive all our life. Not only we, all world belive. So, language what chosen as main international should be the best candidate for this role, right? Should be most wonderful, most cool and avesome in all aspekts. Also must the easiest to learn and to speek by all nations. Alright, lets see our candidate more detailed, and understand why this language better than others.
First, what learn if start learn every language is alfabet. In all countries kids start learn alfabet in kindergarten. Learn letters, learn how to prononce, learn how to make words from this letters and how to read it, it’s normal. Same if you start learn every foreighn language. So, writing and speeking should be the easiest and the most understandable in all languages, even for small kids. It’s basic algorythm, what you can learn once and use again and again many times.
And what about English? English language use Latin alfabet, 26 letters. At first sight looks not bad. Most European languages use Latin alfabet with some national differences. But English alfabet is the differentest of all. All letters called very different and from classic Latin, and from other European languages. Yeah, you not think it is problem when you just learn how to speek all alfabet from A to Z when you kid, but it’s became fahking sheet when you start to speeking with real foreighners.

The real English alfabet!
For example, first letter, A, in all European languages calling exactly “A”. Only in English it’s call “Ey”. Yeah, no problem when speek with other Europeans, but for Asians A is “Ey”, not “A”. They learn only English, they don’t know other languages. And they use exactly English names of Latin letters in everyday life. So, to not confuse in communication with them, you must remind how you learned alfabet in skool when you was 8 years. Most confusing letters is E and R. E in English called “I” (Real I called “Ai”), and R called “Ar” – is not very problem, but Asians can’t prononce “R”, so you hear only “A”. If somebody Asian say by letters word “rest”, you hear it like “aist”.
Offtopic: do you know what difference of language sight between Asians and Europeans? All European Languages use alfabets, where letters is sounds, and need read it together to say all word. In Asian languages one symbol is syllable, also can be a full word, have own prononciation and reading separately from others. That’s why Asians if think you don’t understand some word, or explain to you how to write they’s name, always say every letter separately, one by one. For example, word “structure” they will say “es ti yu si ti yu ar i”, bekoz you don’t understand what the fahking “strakche” they sayed before. Europeans, if carelessly say “strakche” and see you don’t understand, say again exactly how it writen – “strukture”, and you no problems to rekognize this word. But using Asian way, if word very long, when they saying last letters, you always forget what was first.
Letter “Dablyu” (W) never prononce like D, letter “Vai” (Y) never prononce like V. And why we always need say fahking long “Dablyu”? Why not to change it to something shorter? For example, in Deutsch language V and W called “Fau” and “We” – have difference, but anyway short. Very comfortable. How some peoples still not tired always speek website addresses start from “dablyudablyudablyu”? Some Chineses and Koreans called Z as “Zi” instead “Zet”. I don’t know why, maybe lazy to prononce 泽特 (2 words for them), but they not lazy to always prononce full name of W (大步绿 – 3 words). Strange peoples. Also problem letters – “Dzhi” (G) and “Dzhey” (J). Sounds very similar, so always confuse too. If call G just “Ge” will be better.
Next problem, and the largest – English orthography. Right say – absence of orthography. English not have orthography, not have grammar, not have writing and reading rules. Absolutly. It is only language in the world where writing and speeking not same. Always. Same letters in every word always have different prononciation, and sometimes very unexpected. Only language what you can’t just read. Where is V in word “one”? I’m blind? I no see it! Or where you lost K when prononce “know”, or W when prononce “write”? How “island” can be “ailend” and “apply” can be “eplai”? Really, why need write letters if you not speek it? In Swedish language if A prononce like E - writed Ä. If A pronounce like O – writed Å. If you ever been in Ikea, you understand what I mean. But in English you must always guess. Ah, do you know how nativs call Ikea? They say “Aikia”. It’s not joke, they really prononce like this. “Ai”ngvar Kamprad turn around in his coffin. If I write all examples of “wrong” words, the book will bigger than “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. Consequence of it – peoples from different countries can’t understand each other. The language what shoud make international communication easier, make it conversely – communication became very difficult. If you already accustom speek English with Germans, when you start speek wiz Italians or Frenches - you start learn it again, bekoz they’s dialekt very different. Go to Asia – they’s English very different from all Europeans. In this way English remind me Chinese – writing everywhere same, but speeking in all provinces different. Same prononciation only of words what everybody learned in skool, every new word always have many variants.

Fonetical IKEA, USA edition
Besides the orthography is absolutly unfonetical, the fonetic itself is peace of sheet too. It’s absolutly unclear and unprecise. “Good” English prononciation sounds like hot potato in mouth, or like you chewing your own tong. It’s defective speech, ugly and unhealthy. But we all must imitate this “chewed tong” at school lessons, and some peoples really care about it when speek with foreighners. Result – sometimes impossible to understand what they sayed.

How to speek good English
Also, English itself have many unclear sounds. There no good and strong “R” sound, only awful imitation, what sounds mostly like wovel than consonant. W is not V, but sounds very similar, so meny peoples don’t care about difference too. And, the awfulest and ugliest English sound is writed “th”. Everybody always don’t know how to speek it right. Like Z? Like F? Like S? Like D? It sounds like awful unprecise imitation of all this 4 sounds. But why you need unclear sounds, if you already have clear and no problem to prononce it?

My tailor is rich! My flower is beautifull!
Yeah, when you hear English speech, compare to Chinese, it’s not so hard recognize what exactly you hear, but it’s anyway not so clear, like Deutsch or Spanish.
Problem number 4 – words. To be equitable, in this aspekt, if only read and write, English is very normal language. Many words similar to other European languages, many Latinisms and words come from ancient Greek. So, if your language European too, you no problem to understand meaning, even if you never learn this words. And, compare to Chinese, all words different, not looks like same word with another tone. But, if start hear and speek, recognizing of words became not so easy, I already explained why. But now I want to talk not about this. Because English don’t have grammar, there very many words writing different, have different meaning, but prononce absolutly same: meet/meat, still/steel, would/wood, live/leave, it/eat, bad/bed, slip/sleep, break/brake, poopure, snickers/sneakers, wandewonder, want/wont, etc. Somtimes it very confuse you.

Real meat with rice
When we was kids, on English lessons my friend always write “Wood you like?” or “I wood like to”. Teacher very laugh when see it, and after explain difference, we laugh together. Anyway, it is little problem compare to others. A bit bigger – same words, what using in different meanings: kind, like, get, mine, rest, fine, case, etc. Confuse too, hope no need explain why.
Really big problem – when not enough words to signify all meaning difference. When I start to learn Chinese, teacher spend 2 lessons to explain in English difference between 会, 能 and 可以. Reason – in English all is “can”. “我会,但是不能” translating as “I can, but I can’t”. Ah, 罐 also translated as “can”. In “main international language” need to say many long sentences to explain what exaktly you mean, not enough language to say it shorter. Same about 认识 and 见面, all translated as “meet”. So funny, my nativ and all other languages what I learned, all have difference between this words too, just need directly translate, no need explain 2 lessons. Only using “international language” I always not sure other peoples understand me correct.
Conversely aspekt – sometimes need use additional words of same meaning in some situations. For example: except “high” also have “tall”. Why wrong to say “high man” or “high building”? Meaning absolutly same! Except “hear” also have “listen”. Why need use another word exactly for “musik”? If you feel pain in leg, need to say “leg hurts”. Why not “leg pains”? If pain your head, need say “headashe”. Why not “headpain”? Different “pain” words for every body part. Look, see, watch – same same, but different... And we must always remember where to use what word. Will be comfortable for everybody if no need to remember so many.
Synonyms itself not make our life easier too. Yeah, every language have synonyms, nothing bad there. But in international language better to make arrangement, what exactly word use as default. In Hongkong all lifts call exactly “lift”. You go to Shenzhen, and there everywhere writed “elevator”. It’s not mistake, “elevator” really means “lift” in English, it’s synonyms.
Asians always use rare words instead mostly using, nothing to wonder. They also preffer use word “tissue” (prononce “tishü”) instead “napkin”, if you, maybe, don't understant them there. Same about toilet: toilet, WC, restroom, lavatory, washroom, latrine. Alright “toilet” – international word, everybody understand. Alright “WC” – everybody accustomed. But why “restroom”? “Restroom” is room for rest! It’s room with sofa, TV, maybe massage… but it’s not toilet! And, if you don’t know synonyms, when you go to new place, you can not find what you need, no matter how good you can speek English.
Anyway, sometimes better to use synonyms to avoid confusing, bekoz meaning of some words is very unexpected. Try to guess, what means “kidding”? Haha, you think is something about kids? No, “kidding” is not same as “childishness” or “infantility”, it’s same as “joking”. I don’t know why, I wonder too when I knowed it. “Handsome” not have relations with “hands”, despite it very obviously. “Skinny” not means “made from skin”, in means “slim”. And wrong to say “skinny bag” or “skinny wallet”, animal’s skin called “leather”, next additional word for same meaning. It’s funny, but Asians using exactly these confusing variants. How they still not have understanding problems?
Next confusing words – “titmouse”. You think it’s mouse with tits, or tits with mouse? You wonder again, but it’s kind of bird. "Dumplings" sounds like something from dump. Who want to eat food from dump? Same about “palm”. It’s not only tropical tree, it also means “hand”. When appears popular word “facepalm”, many peoples understand it wrong. And why need exactly “fasten” seat belts? Why not “slowen”? Who is Mary, and why she go round? Word “carousel” is so bad?
Really irritating factor – in “international” language, many words very uninternational. I already telled about “toilet” variants. Next word – ananas. In all European languages ananas is exactly “ananas”, only in English it calling “pineapple”. How it possible? This fruct not looks like apple, and not grow on pines! And word “ananas” easier to remember and to prononce, especially for Asians. When somebody ask you to drink “panapu dzhus” (pinapple juice), you can’t understand what it means befor you see picture. Only in English “cocoa” instead “cacao”/“kakao” in others. Objektiv only in English called just “lens”. How not see difference? Lens is only piece of glass, it’s not full construction! On some old objektivs writed “Lens made in Japan”, when see it, many peoples can think in Japan made only lenses, full objektiv maybe assembled in another place.
And look at the picture – only in English it called “lens”, in another languages exactly “objektiv” or similar. Even in Chinese this 2 words different – 镜头 and 镜片, only “international” language confuse you again.

International language is so international!
Larger headashe of “international” language – proper names. Countries, cities, mountains, lakes, people’s names… Yeah, writing of geografical toponyms is mostly normal, no have questions. Big problem there – spoiled prononciation, like in all other words. Who can find “Eyzha” on map? Where is it?
But some countries and cities names better to change. “Hungary” is similar to “hungry”. Whu want to live in “hungry” country? “Czech” pronons same as “check”. Check republik, yeah. And why “Czech” writed in Polish? “Poland” means “land of Po”? What the nation is “Po”? Will be better for everybody to use all countries and cities self-names from their nativ language, it will not offend other peoples. If somebody call you “idiot”, you will introduce yourself: “Hello, I am Idiot”, just because language of this somebody is international?
Well, who know how to write English name “Shon”? Shawn? Shaun? Sean? I already know 3 different writing of same name, but still don’t know what is right. And why name of Ilon Mask need write like “Elon Musk”? I very wonder when see it writed, and can’t belive my eyes.
After words should be frases and sentences. English is analytical language, and like in another analytical languages, the main grammar what you need to learn (and sometimes only) – positions of words in sentence. Yeah, English don’t have declinations or grammatical cases, just have tenses of verbs. Anyway, in real life you need to learn it only before exams, and happy to forget after school…
But let’s see English frases itself. What need to say if you want to know age or somebody? Right, need to ask “How old are you”. Why old? I not old! I still young! I don’t want to say “I’m old”, and don’t want to ask another peoples! It’s very impolite question. Will be better to change it to something like “How many years” or “what’s your age”. Childrens in skool answer: “I’m 10 years old”. Yeah, 10 years, but already old.
Why need to “thank you” answer “you’re welcome”? Welcome to where? I can come to your home?
Why somebody like to greetings “Hi there”? Where is there? Why need to greeting place, not people?
Another strange form – adding “do” everywhere. Don’t like = do not like. How to DO it? I can just like, or just not like. It’s condition. I can’t imagine how to DO it. Or “do not know”. Peoples usually DO somethink to know: read books, search in internet, ask somebody… But how to DO not know? Need intentionally DO something to not know!
Same if use “going” in meaning as “will”. Where you “going” if you will do something right here? Alright, I understand if you say “I going to kitchen to cook” or “I going to shop to buy something”, but why need say “going” if you not going?
Nativs also very like to say “wait for me”. Why there need “for”? What or whu need wait for you? For example, if I want chokolat, and my friend go to shop, I say him: “please buy chokolat FOR me”. Not “buy me”, because I not product, and not “buy FOR chokolat”, because chokolat can’t need something. Same, if I want my friend wait something or somebody FOR me. He will not wait it for himself, because he don’t need it, he will wait exactly FOR me.
Many peoples already have see this joke. But, every joke have only part of joke. If “international” language so good and so comfortable, why need to change it? Alright, international language is already chosen. So, if this language is international, why not to ask all nations, how they preffer to speek? Why we all must care how speeking somebody from other side of ocean? Where is democratia? Here is no democratia, only dictatura and totalitarism! We all must speek that peace of sheet exactly like nativs, with “hot potato in mouth” and all still unfixed grammatical “sheet”. Now I sure, who chose English as main international, was very drunk at that time.
You know who is the worst English speekers? No, it’s not Asians, Asians just speek how they learned. The worst English speekers is… English nativs! Dear nativs, I want you to know it, you are the worst! You all is egoists. You never care about foreighners, never trying to be understandable. The position of nativs is always “shut up and speek my language, beach!”. Only nativs don’t trying to speek slowly and clear, don’t trying to use simple words and simple sentences. Instead of it, nativs always using words and frases, understandable only inside they’s countries. And only nativs never trying to find translation to another language. Really, why need? Everybody must speek only English. All nativ English speekers is language faschists.
Alright, somebody drunk chose “Inglish” as international language half century before. But why many peoples still use it? Answer is wery easy – they still belive in 2 myths.
Myth 1: English is the internationalest of all languages, and no matter where you go, English can help you there. Absolutly false. If you go to “Rasha” or “Chaina” – biggest counties of Eurasia, you finally understand, nobody can speek English there. Yeah, you can see it in aeroport, and maybe somebody can speek in hotel, but nothing more. Random peoples from street can say only “halou” and “senkyu”. If you don’t know local language, it will wery hard to live there. And anyway, in every place it learned different, foreighners not exactly will use words and frases from your school.
Myth 2: English is easiest language in the world. Easiest? Really? You joking? Read again all what I write, and you finally understand, this language is no so fahking easy! Yeah, it’s comparely easy for Europeans, bekoz many similar vords. But for Asians learn English is same as for Europeans learn Chinese or Japonese. For Koreans and Vietnamians much easier learn Chinese than English. So, no need to say about all world. But it’s not easiest language inside only Europa too. The only reason why peoples here use English – everybody learn it in skool. Peoples are lazy, and don’t want to learn something new, they preffer to use whot they already know and already accustomed. And learn exactly English bekoz belive in 2 that myths. If everybody learn French, like it was in XIX century, we still use “lingua franca” instead “lingua angla”.
About easiest language in the world… I guess, it’s Indonesian. Yeah, it’s not European, but really easy. Even childrens of foreighners, who live in Indonesia, learn exactly Indonesian instead English, bekoz it not so troublesome for small kids.
Alright, Englishes many centuries lives on their island isolately from big world, and nobody learn them how to read letters and how to write words. Alright, they never tried to fix they’s broken language and make it better. It’s they’s problem, not our! But why we in continental Europa must speek exactly they’s language? Speek English here is the same I exchange my Euros to Dollars before buy something, and seller exchange my Dollars to Euros again. Why wrong to say “good day” or “very like”? It’s direct translation from many languages! Why right to say “really like”? If I say I like something, it already means I like it really. Not really = Fake. Whu can explain how to fake like? But nativs always correct you: “we not speek like this”. Asians always correct you too: “nativs not speek like this”. Who cares? Why we always must care how they speeking inside they’s countries?
When I say to my Chinese friend, they’s language is not so easy learn for foreighners, he answer absolutly right, he say: “Our language is not for foreighners”. And I very agree wiz him. Nativ Chineses use Chinese inside China and no have problems. But you no need learn Chinese if you not go to China.
But you can’t avoid English, even if you not go to English-speeking country. English is everywhere, and, unfortunately, it don’t have alternatives. Yes, you can learn nativ language of another country, but it not help outside of that country...
Alright, most of peoples anyway lazy, and don’t want to learn something new. As a result, we all have only low quality product using everywhere. If nobody want replace it to somefing better, let’s repair and improve that spoiled language and make it more comfortable for everybody:

  1. Make alfabet letters names same as in classic Latin. Or same as in most of European languages.
  2. Finally make writing and speeking same. And make it similar to most of languages. Never more read U as A, A as E, E as I, etc.
  3. Make prononciation clear and precise. Never more speek with “chewed tong” or “hot potato”. Make R strong, like in Spanish or Italian and necessarily always prononsable: “dark” and “duck” should be different words. Also make H always prononsable before vowels. And finally delete “th” sound, and replace it to somefing normal, like Z, F, or simple T somewhere. Words like “mouth/mouse” or “free/three” should be not confused anymore.
  4. Delete from language all confusing words, and words wiz unclear meaning. Also delete additional words and rare using synonyms. Standartize “default” word for every meaning. Make other changes what I explain in this article before.
  5. International words should be international! Never more pinapples and cocoa! Only ananases and cacao!
  6. Proper names of some countries and cities change to self-name, or to Latin variants, if self-name unprononsable by foreighners.
  7. Ilon Mask must change writing of his name, bekoz all world already akkustomed to prononciation.
  8. Replace all impolite and strange frases to something normal.
  9. Add new words for separate meaning of 3 different “can”, 2 different “meet”, etc.
  10. Maybe gender of non-alive things is not necessary, but gender of peoples and animals is better to tell apart. Very important to have separately male and female word for “friend”, like in Deutsch (Freund/Freundin) or Spanisch (Amigo/Amiga). If your girlfriend tell you she spend weekend wiz friend, you will avoid many conflicts, if you already know she’s “friend” is “friendin”.
  11. Standartize all ending for many amount as “-s”. Never more feet and teeth, only foots and tooths.
  12. Standartize all ending of past times of verbs as “-ed”. Just add “-ed” to the end, nothing more.
  13. Add words for “many you” and “respectful you”.
  14. Maybe another changes what I not remind right now. It’s better to ask other peoples what they want to change. If you have offers, you can write in comments.
Except grammatical, also have another reason why I hate this language. Long time before I can’t understand, why Frenches and Italians not like to speek “international language”. Now I understand them wery well, and not like to speek it too.
When I was kid, we always joking about all Asians is same. Yeah, now I know they are different… but if you go to Asia, they will not think same about you. Where you from? Small country somewhere in Europa? Never hear! But who cares? You whites all same, you whites all speek Englisch, you whites all have Dollars…
Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus, und vor Paris steht Micky Maus...
Sometimes first question what I hear to me in Asia is not “Where you from?”, the question is “You from Amerika?”. Yes, of kors, white peoples come to European continent from Amerika, after Columbus find it for them. Amerika ist wunderbar! We all living there!
Some Koreans and Japaneses angry when say “nihao” to them. Why we must be happy if hear “hello” to ours? This is totally not a love song.
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how long can a cacao tree live video

How Long Does a Tree Live? - YouTube How long can you keep a live Christmas tree indoors? - YouTube HOW TO GROW A CACAO TREE (Chocolate Tree) - YouTube Cutting and Processing Cacao Beans Part 1 - YouTube How To Kill A Tree + Tree Girdling - YouTube Can a Tree Live Forever? - YouTube How Long Does It Take for an Olive Tree to Produce Fruit ... How to Plant & Grow a Jabuticaba Tree (Brazilian Grape ... How To Finish A LIve Edge Slab  Tips & Tricks - YouTube Making Chocolate: Cacao Tree To Chocolate Bar - YouTube

Cacao trees typically do not begin to bear fruit until they are 6 - 8 years of age. Cacao trees are generally harvested biannually. One cacao tree can produce over 6,000 flowers in a year. We may be a little biased here at Santa Barbara Chocolate but If you live in a more temperate area, starting with a germinated plant may be your best bet. Ask your local plant nursery or garden center if they can source a cacao seedling for you. Once you receive the tree, all you’ll have to do is plant it and care for it until it begins fruiting. Ask for a "self-compatible" cacao plant. These don’t require pollination in order to produce fruit pods ... Cacao, tropical evergreen tree grown for its edible seeds. Native to lowland rainforests of South America, cacao is grown commercially in the New World tropics as well as western Africa and tropical Asia. Learn more about the cacao plant and its cultivation in this article. Well, unless you live in the Ivory Coast, Ghana or Indonesia as these are the biggest producers. A Cacao tree needs about 3 years before growing flowers and then only 1% of them will actually become cocoa pods. Each tree will give approximately 80pods per year and these will take between 4 to 6months to mature. Inside each pod you can find an ... Vermont’s not exactly known for its tropical weather, but even with our long cold winters, you can still grow and harvest your own chocolate indoors. The cacao trees below were grown from a pod harvested New Hampshire, and germinated in my Vermont home, both zone 4. The New Hampshire parent tree grown by a friend is about 6 feet tall, and produces a crop of 2 to 5 pods per year, blooming in ... The Olmecs in Mexico cultivated the cacao tree for its beans as long ago as 400 BCE. The cacao tree is unusual because it produces flowers directly on its trunk and branches, rather than on new shoots. This flowering method is called cauliflory. The Latin name Theobroma means 'food of the gods'. The cacao tree will usually live to see its 100th birthday but only produces fruit for about half of its lifetime. 15. Cacao trees love the shade and are often grown beneath other trees such as mango, banana, papaya, or rubber trees. 16. The cacao tree will not grow in arid climates as they require humidity, good soil drainage, and regular rainfall. 17. The leaves of the cacao tree are over ... Cacao trees can live for up to 100 years but are considered productive for only around 60. When the tree grows naturally from cocoa tree seeds, it has a long, deep taproot. For commercial cultivation, vegetative reproduction via cuttings is more commonly utilized and results in a tree lacking a taproot. In the wild, the tree may reach over 50 feet (15.24 m.) in height but they are generally ... The Cacao Tree is a shade tolerant, moisture loving, understory rainforest tree. It naturally favors riparian zones so often in the wild is found along rivers. The trees live for up to 100 years, but cultivated trees are considered economically productive for only about 60 years. When grown naturally from seed the tree has a 2 meter deep taproot -- however in cultivation, most plantations use ... The cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) is a tropical evergreen from central and northern South America. Chocolate comes from the cocoa beans and is considered a treat in many cultures. The cocoa tree grows in tropical regions near the equator, where temperatures range from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

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How Long Does a Tree Live? - YouTube

Best offers for your Garden - ----- How Long Does It Take for an Olive Tree to Produce Fruit?. Grown for centuries around t... How Long Does A Christmas Tree Last • How long can you keep a live Christmas tree indoors? Laura S. Harris (2020, November 30.) How long can you keep a live ... Girdling is completely removing a strip of bark around the entire circumference of the trunk. Watch Wranglerstart's next video: ... A quick video on making chocolate homemade from scratch. I show the cacao tree, cacao pods, fermented beans, nibs and the final process in making chocolate. ... How to Plant & Grow a Jabuticaba Tree (Brazilian Grape)#jabuticaba #jaboticaba #garden #gardening #fruittree #backyardgardenClick HERE to Watch Me EAT JABUTI... I hope everyone can learn something from this and is as excited as I am to see these Theobroma Cacao or chocolate trees grow :)Links:Facebook: https://www.fa... We cut some cacao fruits from the tree the other day and we wanted to share the process of fermenting and drying it. Looking forward to some tasty treats. ww... Can a tree live forever? What's the oldest tree? How do trees get so old? Good Stuff producer Sam Grant explores whether or not a tree could achieve immortal... In this video I show how I finish my live edge slabs. I give a few tips and techniques that are super easy that anyone can do. Check it out 5 Tips For Better... Best offers for your Garden - ----- How Long Does a Tree Live?. Trees are some of the longest living organisms on the plane...

how long can a cacao tree live

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