What Does the Hebrew Term Elohim Mean?

what does the term el oh el mean

what does the term el oh el mean - win

The Reply to my philosophical puzzle #1, and the NEXT game's HINT!

first step :
many of the replies i received seems to go toward there is no possible "Single" fact about right or wrong in philosophies, and to life itself.
but for this alone i have already made a theory and DESTROYED it few years ago, but i will not tackle it here since it needs its own time. so for now, i will definitely tell you all that there is only 1 universal truth in everything in existence.

many others also asked what is a "perfect" response to this little puzzle ...
So here is my answer :
its the response that goes according to the core natural design of the phrase in question,
while trying to cover most if not "All" possibilities in existence that revolve around it. [will explain a bit further].

second step :
due to many confused answers i read, i would like to explain how this phrase works to begin with in its deepest philosophical meaning.
i saw from people's replies that they "Think" this whole thing means that ANYTHING could be inserted here and "Force" fit it with the shallow meaning of the phrase...
but the truth is, no you CANNOT force it on anything, because we are not aiming to do mere "Expressions" here, but rather... we are going to prove the universal "FACT" inside it.

So now lets properly ANALYZE the phrase philosophically together :
|LESS IS MORE| as we can see here, the phrase is going in the "opposite" direction of its each original meaning of the words... so the *natural* way to decrypt this phrase is by starting on its "own" wave.

thus, to start this philosophical decryption process, we will start from "last to start" algorithm...
meaning, we must seek something that "Adds" *MORE* of "something" , and that thing must end up in *LESS* as result... and from "THAT" outcome, the REAL "more" will get out.
[because the "2" elements in the phrase here actually RESULT in a "3rd" and final outcome, which we been seeking from the beginning when we said this phrase].
[this is why i REPEAT, its a 3 element equation, not 2 like all people seems to believe].

so if anyone does NOT EXACTLY follow that analogy, then it does NOT fit with the root concept of the phrase, and immediately flags their thoughts as "false".

third step :
now its time to give my own practical meaning of the phrase in a bit of detail, following the rules i stated above.
if you consider yourself having "less" of anything in life [whether by choice or not], it means you are tied to various limits, which means you are/become surrounded by many "rules" or "restraints" in general, and such restrictions are in fact NOT limiting you like it "Seem" to you, but rather.. its "enriching" your life.
there are 2 possible paths it can enrich your life with depending on the situation :
so if you are having *more* of RULES, then it give you *less* freedom, but-- it will also offer you "concepts", "designs", "systems", filled of various different "Details" which plants a lot of "ideas", "purposes" and "goals" into your life, and makes you capable of feeling "life" in your soul, and a powerful "passion" that drives you to go forward!.
if you are having *more* "Restraints", it will give you *less* freedom too, but this time will put you through an "empty space", and that will have a bit 2 different possible benefits... :
#1-as you step into this emptiness, will find the gates of new knowledge and understandings, which allow you to store more of "Everything" you will encounter, and *value* everything in life according to a 0-100 scale. [unlike if you value something while you are on 50-100 scale or more, because you will have "less space" to actually handle all the "data" coming from what you encounter in life, and thus end up *not* appreciating /valuing things properly, and it reflects back negatively on you].
#2-it puts you into the UNKNOWN, and creates a sense of VAST MYSTERY, which pushes your "imagination" to its limits, creating "endless possibilities" as a result... thus opening new gates for powerful art and creativity with everything you can observe in this universe.

[NOTE : both of those paths, and benefits can be fused together flawlessly, and in certain situations, one could benefit from all sides at once].

so by following these paths, you will find out all the details you missed before, including your OWN life's weaknesses, strong points, purposes..etc, and possibly all your surroundings' too [depends on you]. and with all this knowledge as your "Weapons", the truth of the universe itself will reveal itself upon you, which will allow you to live your life as best as possible, and make the most out of it.

***FINAL CONCLUSION*** : "less is more" means you have to understand the world's "Balance" system, to adapt and always remember to make sure you EMPTY 1 side, to FILL it later from another, thus you keep the stability of your soul, mind and your very own consciousness, and ultimately continue the universe's meaningful philosophical order.

PS : all people who said "Cringe" or "no single facts in philosophy"
i suggest you all go for a self re-check, you people have stinking shallow mind and souls... my philosophy is the "UNIVERSAL" type, and the term "Subjective" means NOTHING in my world. [if you STILL not convinced and disagree of anything i said in this post, i congratulate you because it means you didn't understand a SINGLE WORD from what i said. please enjoy an empty pathetic life].
*many people has put their heart and soul in their replies, and some of them were "very close" to the truth , while others tried their best to be DICKHEADS and speak with a brain of a cockroach. i list them below.
honorable beautiful mentions :

Disgusting horrible mentions :
finally :
i would like to give a fair thank you for all the people who contributed in this little philosophy game, and ESPECIALLY to those who defended/supported me in the comments, you are all wonderful, i will keep on my path, to adventure and continue meeting beautiful people that is actually caring, loving and giving back.

and since a lot of effort was pushed from all of you, i decided its good enough not to leave without a hint of the game i will start on next week...
here is the moment you all been waiting for !! :
"another boney stick legs?... oh, but at least its not with adults this time"
submitted by 0xEMPRESS to CrackWatch [link] [comments]

War of the Medium/Heavy duty EV SPACs – the Good, the Bad and the Shady

I have finally taken some time to analyze several hot EV SPACs, I wanted to focus on FIII, GIK, NGA, ACTC and XL Fleet this time since those 5 are kind of similar. That’s why I left out Canoo, Arrival and Lucid. I am not a financial advisor and do your own research before investing. I have read many reports which have brought me money and I just wanted to return something to the community. Feel free to disagree and share your thoughts. Big wall of text ahead, you have been warned!
So let’s begin:
FIII/ Electric last mile
First one on the menu is FIII, merging with Electric Last which is basically a new US entity formed by a Chinese company called Sokon founded in 2020. Sokon is apparently big in China where they have sold 30k electric vans on Asian market so they just want to do a copy paste and do the same in US. Sokon is in the US market since 2016. through owning a EV company called Seres.
The good
- They have 100k capacity Indiana powerplant (kept 430 employees) which was acquired by Seres previously, IMO this is big and provides a great platform to deliver good numbers
- Previous experience in building vans in China, all they have to do is copy paste
- They claim to have 30k signed preorders
The bad
- No product has been delivered yet, 0 revenue so far, US entity founded just prior the deal, final purchase of the preorders are contingent upon satisfaction of customer requirement
- Only one Minivan offering planned in near future
The shady
- Sokon is not new to the US markets and their older company Seres (since 2016) has absolutely awful reviews on Glassdoor, only 16% of employees approve of the CEO, Seres had big plans to deliver SUVs to the market but those plans have been unsuccessful so far, I know Seres is not ELS but it tells about their company culture
Conclusion: If they make it happen they could be big, my biggest concern is that they have been very unsuccessful with their previous venture, IMO the reason they decided to form a new entity and not to merge through already existing Seres company is because they knew people would find bad reviews and they wanted to rebrand themselves. However, if their company culture in the USA had big problems and employees who are in general extremely unhappy with management, what would make it different this time? What I have to add is that their CEO will be a previous Workhorse CEO and he might create a different working environment.
Short term swing: yes, I can see it getting to 17/18 mostly because nobody is going to dig deep enough to see their previous failures. However, I prefer to pass it and to invest my money in others.
Long term hold: definitely sell before merger if you are in, buy again if their plant starts actually delivering good vans, I am very skeptical of their business. I would bet against their projections considering everything I found out from their Seres employees.
GIK/Lightning eMotors
Here we have a market leader in Class 3-7 vehicles electrification, they are already having 120 vehicles on the road. They are offering commercial ZEVs (both battery and fuel cells) and Charging solutions.
The Good
- 1500 already ordered vehicles from key customers, 20 new customers and 10 repeat orders which means they are doing quality work
- Tons of strategic partnerships in place, Already received purchase orders to fulfill 100% of 2020E and 2021E revenue
- Electric repower will be the way to go for a lot of businesses, eg. If you already have a Bus fleet, would you go to Proterra, order one and wait for two years or would you pay 50% less to GIK and electrify your bus in 6 months?
- Insanely low starting valuation at 0.6b
The Bad
- Out of all EV spacs they got only 225 mil from GIK and PIPE which isn’t much and might influence their expansion potential
Conclusion: I love GIK, they are legit, they have vehicles on the road, customers are happy, they have scheduled orders until the end of the year. Big question is how they are going to be successful in scaling the business. Current share price of 14.3$ gives the company valuation of 1.1b which is a steal. I am in it, I expect it to run up to 20$, depending on the run I will decide how much I will sell, might hold some after merger.
We waited and waited and this was one of the craziest market reactions, I believe the price went to 18 in 30 minutes, however is it worth the hype?
Proterra claims to have 50%+ electric bus market share and has already delivered 1000+ vehicles which makes it very legit. They serve powertrains, buses and charging solutions. Also, in comparison to FIII deal here 86% of employees approve of the CEO
The good
- Already delivered 1k vehicles with the biggest revenue of all EV Spacs sitting at 193mm in 2020. (FIII has 0, GIK 9, XL 21, NGA 29)
- $750MM+ of Orders and Backlog
- Close ties to Biden, might make big government deals easy
- 278mm from ACTC + 415mm from PIPE (be aware of the post merger dump) gives them the most funds to make it happen
The Bad
- IMO them being only focused on Buses slows growth potential, they aren’t active in any other EV category and do not plan to be, this can also be good in a way they will not try to do to many things at once which is a risk for some other companies
- Their competition is actually quite big, several employees have pointed out in their reviews that it will not be an easy market in future at all
The Shady
- Their Investor presentation (while being the most beautiful one) screams insecurity when they talk about competition which is a big red flag for me. They compared themselves with Arrival, Nikola, Romeo and even Canoo?! Its like comparing apples to oranges. Why haven’t they mentioned Lion Electric which also has proven products on the road? No mention of BYD or NFI-New Flyer Industries comparisons which also has EV buses. EG. NYC bought both Proterra and NFI buses but decided to buy again only from NFI. I am no expert but if they are claiming to have the best buses they shouldn’t be afraid to mention competition and how they are better. I have found their buses are supposed to have better specs than BYD but no data on NFI.
EDIT: Few thought from u/kvncls who thinks I had a too negative outlook and didnt agree with some of my points, I find his insight valuable:
My response: What I mean when I said they are only focused on Buses (I agree i should have explained it better, English is not my native language) is that they are only building buses (while others are involved in building their own trucks/vans, Proterra is providing powertrains to OEMs), I meant that if they had their own van/truck their growth potential would be bigger. Regarding their competitors: they literally put a slide saying “Other mobility Technology Players: PowerPoint and Prototypes” - this is not true, they have competitors thar have real products and revenue but they decided to put the companies they can easily bash. Why arent Lion, BYD or NFI group there? Those are real companies with real products and revenue. Those companise should be listed on page 13 and 14 and not Canoo. You list Cannoo, Nikola and Arrival if you want to look better and hide your real competitors. Thats what I meant when I said they didn't mention their true competitors (only Lion a bit later). I do agree that Daimler partnership is a big one, someone also mentioned it here. I will edit my post to add your thoughts, thanks for participating. End of EDIT.
Conclusion: At current share price of 23$ the company is valued at 5.5 billion. NFI Group is the largest bus manufacturer in USA with annual revenue of 2.9 billion; they have currently around 300 EV buses on the road but plan to have way more. NFI group is being valued at 1.9 billion. Make of that what you want. I am no EV bus expert to make good conclusions who has the best ones. Am I in Prottera? Oh yes I am and I will buy more warrants, market loves Proterra, nobody is going to think about their competition and challenges short term; once Biden says EV Buses on inauguration it will shoot up. Will I hold through merger? No.
XL FLeet
XL Fleet the market leader in fleet electrification solutions, with proven, proprietary technology and electrification systems and solutions that work across a wide range of vehicle classes and types, they have already 3000 vehicles on the road.
The good
- Over 200 fleet customers with 3,000+ systems deployed, 130+ million customer driven miles
- Already having established production (6k per year capacity) they can scale to 100,000+ units annually
- Big demand from business who have good fleets where is makes no financial sense to buy new EV vehicles
The Bad
- No EV solution yet only hybrid, expected in to have one in 2023, being two years behind their competition if a big minus
In general, XL Fleet is sitting at 2.8b valuation which I do consider a buy at 22$. We have also that Citron report with the PT of 60$ which is a bit too much IMO but I can see them growing their business with their hybrid offer and after that who knows, it all depends on their EV solution. I am not in it just because I believe there are better plays currently.
NGA/Lion Electric
I left this one for the end and IMO this is the best company to invest in. They are focused on medium and heavy duty EVs, they have 300 vehicles on the road and their Quebec facility can produce 2500 vehicles per year. On the wings of Amazon I believe they will be big.
The Good
- 100% built in the house vehicles, 7 vehicles already available today, 4 trucks, 3 buses
- Amazon partnership – 2500 vehicles on schedule + option to buy 20% of the company
- Opening high volume production facility in the USA, CEO said it will be producing 20k vehicles per year, announcement could be any day soon
The Bad
- Only negative I can see that it has already gone up a lot, also 300 vehicles on the road after 12 years aren’t that much, having in mind their production facility with 2.5k vehicles potential
Conclusion: So many great things here, proven products, partnership with the best company to have as a partner – Amazon, new factory and a legit CEO to lead this. Think about Nikola – no product, just a truck prototype - its trading at 7.7 billlion. Lion Electric - even at the price of 31$ is valued at 4.9 billion. I can see it doubling until the end of the year. Even though we had the Amazon and Cramer pump there is still the new factory announcement and probably Biden talk which will be a big push for all EV.
My personal strategy: I am already in GIK, ACTC and NGA, I will skip FIII and XL Fleet for now. I am buying more GIK warrants today, I believe that play has the best value right now short term. I will buy more ACTC warrants hoping for a pullback. Merger date might be far away which might cause the stock to bleed but I do want to have a stronger position before the Biden speech. NGA has run up a lot and we will probably have profit taking soon, might be smart to wait a bit. If you are thinking long term then get NGA warrants even with today’s prices. Warrants are 12.5$ which means you value the company at just 3.2b. IMO warrants in all three SPACs are a better buy than commons.
I believe we will have a big EV boost post Biden inauguration. He wants to go EV with all the buses, first ones will be School Buses which will be great for Proterra and Lion, the demand is so big there is enough for everyone.
submitted by optimus93 to SPACs [link] [comments]

Patch 8.2 Day #1 Review | Team Elder Blood 🩸

Patch 8.2 Day #1 Review | Team Elder Blood 🩸
After a long wait, the balance patch arrived with 60+ changes. Will it change meta as it was expected? Are the nerfs and buffs enough to change the way we play on a ladder? Team Elder Blood tries to respond to those questions in our day 1 review.
The 3 general ideas behind neutral changes seem simple:
Madoc is not strong enough, so let’s make him stronger - and this is definitely achieved, which will most likely bring more of the non-unit Madoc decks to competitive play.
NG locking the shit out of everyone else is annoying, so let’s give everyone a taste of this pleasure - but we are not sure whether it will change anything in the way we play, as after Viy nerf, the only meta decks requiring serious locking are ST Movement.
Last idea was to make Yen sexy for the journey - which has been achieved to a degree of potentially allowing her versions to appear here and there, not only in swarm or meme decks.
Sadly, what the patch doesn’t do is the rework of the neutrals that are collecting dust on shelves for a long time. Still plenty of neutrals’ only role is to look pretty and have 0 use in any deck, and it’s the highest time to address it.
Aguara: 9 Prov -> 8 Prov - most likely will remain irrelevant, as there are simply better locks out there.
Dancing Star: 5 Prov -> 4 Prov - there are still better bombs available, but Madoc should enjoy this little buff (some of us believe though that even for Madoc it’s not a meaningful change).
Dimeritium Bomb: Damage by 3 -> Damage by 4 - perfect for Madoc decks - like Tourney Joust/Gutting Slash, but better.
Red Haze: 5 Prov -> 4 Prov - Madoc improvement, potential cheap tech card for some other decks, but it’s one of the cards which could potentially disappear as people remember to play around it.
Dorregaray: 5 Power / 7 Prov -> 6 Power / 6 Prov - not a major game-changer; there are better and cheaper locks out there, but may see some use if meta demands it.
Maxii van Dekkar: 6 Prov -> 5 Prov - even this buff won’t make Maxii see the light of day; let’s wait for a complete rework.
Nivellen: 8 Prov -> 6 Prov - becomes a potential for ST Movement decks, and a very expensive counter to those decks. Might be however too awkward to be seriously included.
Regis: 2 Power -> 3 Power - even with 1 more Power Regis will continue to spend his time buried deep inside his tomb. Remains too expensive for his difficult setup.
Scorch: 12 Prov -> 11 Prov - Initiative keeps this card good as dead, even with one fewer provision.
Vaedermakar: 7 Prov -> 6 Prov - would be great for WH Frost decks, if only it didn’t break the Devotion - and that’s why we won’t get to see him at all.
Yennefer of Vengerberg: 11 Prov -> 10 Prov - might as well be exactly the 1 prov that Swarm decks needed to become better, especially for MO searching for their new identity after OH nerf.
Yennefer Conjurer: No Zeal, 10 Prov -> Zeal, 9 Prov - will still prove hard to keep alive, but if it manages, can prove useful in damage control decks. Some of us believe we will actually see her in the more creative decks.
Xavier: 8 Prov, Banish 3 at Deploy -> Zeal, 6 Prov, Banish 1 every turn as order - a game like Gwent should have a card like this. Whether it manages to replace Squirrel will depend largely on the graveyards we’ll see in meta.

Long overdue Viy nerf damages in its fallout the whole OH concept, which in turn makes consumption/Deathwish weaker (not dead yet though!), even with the little bronze boosts. Kelly and Koschey avoided nerfs, so potentially can dominate the MO roster, and we’re pretty sure that the small, yet neat boost to Yen and Crimson Curse, will encourage people to experiment more with MO decks, Arachas Swarm in particular.
Overwhelming Hunger: 3 charges, Ekimmara 2 Power, adds 14 Prov -> 2 charges, Ekimmara 3 Power, Adds 15 Prov - the team is divided between acknowledging it’s a well deserved nerf to Ability which was always tad too strong, even before Viy, and the ones who feel that regulating Viy unfairly killed the whole deathwish OH archetype in the process. Nevertheless, as much it will most likely not be gone completely, Viy will not anymore be taking premium spots in meta snapshots.
Bridge Troll: 5 Prov -> 4 Prov - bittersweet consolation prize for non-Viy consume decks after OH nerf, which may however dangerously play into tall punish, which OH has a problem with.
Harpy token - 5 Power -> 6 Power - Celaeno Harpy, a sneakily good card which was missing a final touch, just got it. If OH survives the nerf, the Eggs and Harpies become a very viable option. Plus plays for a whopping 6 points with Urn of Shadows.
Idr: 8 Prov -> 7 Prov - As Immunity doesn't protect it from row effects and Curse/Scorch, he will remain the forgotten cousin of Viy, playing in the meme league.
Katakan: 6 Power, + Ekimmara 2 Power -> 5 Power, + Ekimmara 3 Power - The Ekimmara boost serves it well, but Katakan still remains a card that is not really sure where it belongs - neither good in being vampire, nor having an exciting Deathwish, nor in getting much of thrive.
Phooca: Thrive 1, Armor 1, Veil -> Thrive 2, no armor, no Veil - the change is not going to save it, as it loses armor and Veil, getting in return a nonsensical Thrive 2, achieving its ceiling very fast.
Rotfiend 4 Power -> 5 Power Yes, it's 9 for 5, but conditional, and as such may not see an increase in play rate. Nevertheless another bronze buff to sweeten the OH nerf deal.

Viy: 8 Power, 12 Prov -> 7 Power, 14 Prov - Viy really needed a nerf, and the hammer has fallen. The reduced power and increased cost really does it, and the leader ability nerf seals its fate. It will still be playable, but nowhere near as strong as it was, thus sending the bug to the lower tiers. You can still play Viy deck drunk, high, half-asleep, whilst watching TV or being on the phone, but at least now it won’t get you anywhere, and you’ll have to work hard for your money.
Wild Hunt Hound: 5 Prov -> 4 Prov - finally joining the 4 provision engines such as Magne Division, Viper Witcher Adept, Master of Disguise, etc., the Hound will find his place in some MO decks.

NG is here to stay and continue locking, assimilating, masquerade’ing and as a result probably frustrating some of us for months to come. Surprisingly not addressing Kolgrim (in range of Renew, as one of tragic examples), making Assimilate better, and making lock even more accessible, CDPR is sending a strong message that NG is good as it is, and its power level and play-rate weren't enough to warrant reasonable nerfs.
Imprisonment: Adds 15 Prov -> Adds 16 Prov - was trash tier, and now levelled up to very weak tier. Still plenty of much better choices in NG, even if locking is what you’re into.
Alba Pikeman: Melee, no Bonded -> Any row, Bonded: Damage random unit by 1 instead of random Melee unit - the bonded ability does not make it attractive enough to play two of these, so people will continue to play zero of them. Unless you really want a full soldier package.
Auckes: 5 Power, 7 Prov -> 6 Power, 6 Prov - Auckes on his own became very good, but this latest in the series of buffs to the witcher trio will make it just a bit more common.
Experimental Remedy: 6 Prov -> 5 Prov - not only a solid boost to Assimilate decks, but may now even find it’s place in Enslave as a Tactic, with good cost, and a growing pond of really good bronze fish to catch.
Viper Witcher Mentor: Adrenaline 2 -> Adrenaline 3 - a buff not needed, not deserved, unfairly making this card stronger, when in good hands it was already strong enough.
Vypper: 9 Prov -> 8 Prov - 1 more provision to spend in a meme deck that still won’t win you enough games to justify its existence.

The buffs to the Archgriffin deck are not enough to make it playable, but since already very strong NR Witchers have not received any nerfs (even the polarizing Griffin Witcher), they will remain strong contenders for the top part of tier 1 and the only truly visible NR deck in Pro.
Pincer Maneuver: Adds 15 Prov -> Adds 16 Prov - nobody played it before, and it won’t change. Two charges with a smaller boost would have been a much better idea.
ArchGriffin: 5 Base Power, 10 Prov -> 6 Base Power, 9 Prov - still not a Viy NR hoped for, but at least can be now pulled with Amphibious Assault. One tall removal though, and the whole hard work goes down the drain, so small chance to become more than a meme.
Griffin Witcher Ranger: No Formation, Deploy works on opposite Row -> Formation, Deploy: choose a row - Formation gives this card the freedom to play for one more point or progress an Adept swarm immediately; we expect to see this in a lot more Uprising decks now.
Margarita: 5 Power, 7 Prov -> 6 Power / 6 Prov - everyone got their lock, so did NR, not that it really needed it, as none of it’s viable strategies can afford to spend 6 Prov for a lock.
Reinforced Trebuchet: Ranged, damage a random Ranged unit by 1-> Any row, Crew: damage random target by 1 instead - if it was meant to make Siege comparably good to other Scenarios, it failed, too much hassle for a mediocre engine.

The strength of this faction will depend on how strong Novigradian Justice remains. This was a good card not only for how much points it was worth, but also because ST does not have that many other options in terms of consistency. As the Movement concept has not been harmed in any other significant way, don’t expect it to disappear any time soon. Harmony decks could make their way to tier 3 though.
Call of Harmony: Adds 15 Prov, Dana 6 Power -> Adds 16 Prov, Dana 7 Power - Harmony, for all its power-creep, has been straddling the line of playability since its big nerf. This may just, albeit barely, put it over the edge.
Barclay Els 7 Prov -> 6 Prov - "Can Dwarves fight, ha? Do fish p*** in lakes?" - no, sadly they still cannot, at least not on their own, but this will help them to be a bit better in fighting their way closer to meta decks.
Cat Witcher: Adrenaline 4 -> Adrenaline 3 - Will the loss of 1p damage matter in the card? Not at all, Cat Witcher will continue fighting in style.
Cat Witcher Saboteur: 3 Power -> 4 Power - still a surprise value card, but with this decent buff might see some play in some non-meta decks.
Ciaran: 7 Prov -> 6 Prov - lock, movement and elf, what can go wrong? Quite a lot actually, Still too expensive to be treated seriously.
Iorveth: 3 Power -> 4 Power - traps are weak, bugged and boosting Iorveth by 1 Power is not fixing them. To rehabilitate this archetype some love needs to be shown to traps instead.
Iorveth's Gambit: 13 Prov -> 12 Prov - thinning and value of traps should on paper well cover the cost of it, but the randomness may cause more damage than benefit, unless in a very well curated and mulliganed deck.
Morenn: 7 Prov -> 6 Prov - better one of the two locks in ST, but unless meta demands locking, ST decks can make a better investment with 6 Prov.
Novigradian Justice: Spawn Cleaver's Muscle always -> Spawn Cleaver's Muscle if you control Dwarf already - BOOM! This is by far the biggest change to Scoia'tael. Justice can no longer be a proactive pushing tool, and the general paucity of strong bronze Dwarf cards for movement decks may even mean this card will be cut from them. This change makes mulligans very awkward, and lets opponents deny it a ton of value just by killing any dwarfs in play. Luckily for ST, Pyrotechnicians are hard to remove. 13 unconditional tempo plus two thinning for 10 provisions was obviously a problem, and the developers have finally rectified it.
Vernossiel's Commando: 5 Prov -> 4 Prov - this is the correct cost for this card's ability, but it will still only remain playable in pure elf lists.

Skellige remains a fun faction to play, with a variety of archetypes and viable leaders. We expect that the broad effect of the changes to Skellige will be essentially a reversion to its pre-expansion state: Warriors will be the most powerful deck, while Lippy plays second fiddle. The nerf to the Lippy deck is enough to reduce its prevalence but not to expunge it completely. Self-wound may see a lot of creative plays now, but not yet on the meta defining level.
Brokvar Hunter: Any Row -> Ranged Row - literally changes nothing.
Djenge Frett: 6 Power -> 7 Power - since SK prefers destroying targets to locking them, unless meta requires serious locking, Djenge will have to wait in a long line for inclusion.
Giant Boar: 7 Prov, target enemy unit for boost -> 6 Prov, target any unit - this is an interesting buff, as its ranged ability now has internal synergy. If its archetype becomes playable, so will this card.
Haern Caduch: Heal adjacent units by 3 -> Heal by 2 - this nerf turns an OP card into a very good one, and is by no means making it any less playable.
Heymaey Flaminica: 5 Power -> 6 Power - on paper there are some great synergies for this card, like Dimun Longship, Drummond Berserker, and Bear Witcher. Most of the self wound cards profit from her, the only problem is, that even in a self-wound deck it’s still very situational, so unless self wound becomes a thing, we don’t expect to see her very often.
Hym: 8 Prov -> 7 Prov: with a general boost to self wound Ursine deck, Hym can now pull off some serious points, notably with Olaf. Still too conditional to always play above its provisions, may still not make it too mainstream.
Lippy Gudmund: 4 Power, 10 Prov -> 3 Power, 11 Prov - definitely not what the masses wanted. Power nerf is meaningless, as you don’t lose to Lippy decks by one point. Even with Haern Caduch nerfed by further 2 points, and one prov lost, Lippy is going to continue laughing in the face of death (and other players) being one of the most frustrating Gwent experiences for months to come, especially since under a lot of pressure CDPR decided to fully preserve the concept of a Lippy-Cerys love affair.
Olaf: 8 Power -> 10 Power - Olaf's major problem before now was its low ceiling; this buff goes a long way towards fixing that, and allowing for some crazy combos, as with 10 Power it’s hard to remove. It will be much easier to fit this into a self-wound list now, but may be not enough to crack the meta.

The faction finally received a bit of love. Hidden Cache could consider the inclusion of Luiza/Savolla combo in their decks. Firesworn decks could remain tier 3, but now that Safecrackers can be tutored by Novigradian Justice, we might see a return of crime decks. Off the books might also see more play now that plenty of tribute cards have been buffed, and self-poison received a couple new perks. The buffs give the faction a strong power-play which can conceivably fit in either self-poison or Passiflora decks that isn't overpowered like it was before Master Mirror. All that said, we still expect the faction to languish once again in the bottom tiers this season.
Collusion: 11 Prov -> 10 Prov - the problem with Collusion was not its power level, it was its deckbuilding constraint - you have to keep your units alive, and they have to be from different gang categories, which doesn’t synergise well. This buff does not solve that problem at all, even if it does free up a bit of space.
Failed Experiment: 9 Power -> 10 Power - it became a very good bronze finisher, a 9 for 5 even if you don’t have coins. Might be weak against NG decks, but will work with others, and make the self-poison archetype stronger.
Fallen Rayla: Adrenaline 3 -> Adrenaline 5 - poor Rayla was rather underwhelming compared to her counterparts in other factions introduced in WotW. No longer that fallen, she will see play, if Tribute decks see play.
Kurt: 5 Power, 7 Prov, Melee: Lock a unit -> 6 Power, 6 Prov, Melee - place a Bounty on a unit - in a sudden twist of events, when everyone is getting more locks, SY is losing them, which is hardly understandable. With Bounty remaining a rather awkward mechanic, Kurt will continue waiting for better days to come.
Madame Luiza: No Tribute -> Tribute 3: Gain Zeal - this is a really huge buff and should definitely help the tribute archetype. Paying 3 coins (or 2 with off the books) is cheap and might even give more points than not paying tribute and getting a free Frightener. This card will definitely see play in Tribute decks.
Salamandra Abomination: Adrenaline 4 -> Adrenaline 6 - this is a welcome buff to the self-poison archetype. It adds quite a lot of engine value to it and makes it a bit easier to sequence. Though the card still plays into tall removal, it does so in a way that isn't especially risky and can pay off very nicely, especially since you can play 2 of them.
Salamandra Lackey: end of turn boost -> First time you gain a coin each turn, boost self by 1 - now an okayish engine, that works as intended, if you can keep the coins flowing (e.g. Imke)
Salamandra Mage: Adrenaline 5: Gain 1 coin whenever you pay a tribute -> whenever you pay a Tribute ability, gain 1 coin; Adrenaline 5: Gain 2 coins - the card became insanely good, a spender that becomes an engine, having huge points for only 5p. Perfect candidate for future nerf - why? Short and simple answer - the card has 5 power and deals 6 damage, giving 11 points, however you pay 4 coins, so it starts as 7 points for 5 provisions. But, with off the books leader, you pay one less coin so it in fact gives 8 points for 5 provisions. Furthermore, whenever you pay tribute you gain 1 coin. So if you pay tribute with this card it will play for 9 points. Furthermore, if you hit adrenaline 5 you will gain 2 coins, meaning that this will give 10 points for 5 provisions. This is just the deploy ability. This card also gives 2 coins for all the future tributes you pay.

The changes are a good start, but still far from making Gwent a finished product. This patch is a mixed bag of necessary changes, pleasant surprises, and perplexing omissions.
Starting with the positives, the two most glaring balance issues have been addressed - the long awaited nerf to Viy is finally here, and Lippy has been given a fair treatment, but many will see it as a much lighter sentence compared to the crimes he committed. So was the not so much publicly complained about, yet still rather OP, Novigradian Justice. As you’ve read above, a fair share of cards may now see some play.
On the negative side though, there is a growing collection of cards not seeing the light of day, in a desperate need of rework, that are remaining untouched. Some serious offenders, as Kolgrim, completely escaped (Novigradian) justice, and giving cheaper locks to everyone in a hope that we’ll just lock out all the most flashing examples of not yet balanced cards, seems to be a rather short-sighted view.
We'll likely see some new cards (and maybe even strategies) in the meta, but somehow both Uprising Witchers and all of Nilfgaard remain essentially untouched. Rife deck polarization will persist, if somewhat diminished, and too many games will still be won and lost in the Deckbuilder. If CDPR wanted above all else for the meta to remain diverse though, they probably have succeeded.
Authors: Manekk, Broglas, Gregory_Black, Patsy_1998, darthlothins, TroVNut

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Breaking Down Hilaria's New York Times Interview: a Line-by-Line Journalistic Analysis

For those who missed it (maybe because you live in Spain? I hear they don't have TVs there so maybe they don't have the internet either) Katie Rosman of the New York Times published her magnum opus this morning:
The Hilaria Baldwin Story: ‘I’m Living My Life’
For those who don't know, most journalists have so-called 'beats,' which is the term to describe the topics they cover. (Some journalists work the 'crime beat,' for instance; others the 'Trump beat.' You get the idea.) Katie Rosman writes on a variety of topics, but she has made an artform out of what I like to call 'The Good-Life Grift' beat.
For her most recent masterpiece, Rosman spoke to Hilaria Baldwin for 80 minutes. Hilaria was wearing a sentient accessory deployed to garner sympathy points cuddling and nursing her infant son throughout the interview.
Let's break the article down, shall we?
From the top:
"It’s very surreal," said Ms. Baldwin who said she had been called Hilaria by family members for most of her life.
Oh really? Curious thing, though: nobody in her family spoke up to corroborate this factoid. Or confirm anything else she says, for that matter.
I'll have more to say about sourcing and attribution and what inferences we can make from how certain things are phrased throughout the article. Stick around, won't ya?
"There is not something I’m doing wrong, and I think there is a difference between hiding and creating a boundary."
That boundary we see taking shape before our very own eyes is the boundary that separates reality from fantasy.
She didn’t know that ¡Hola! magazine, for which she has twice posed for the cover and which has written some 20 items about her on its English-language website so far this year, repeatedly reported inaccurately that she was a Spaniard because she said she didn’t read articles about herself.
I'd give this line an Italian chef's kiss but we're talking about a Spanish woman here so I need to focus! Very offensive to cross-apply national stereotypes like that. Much like Hilaria, I do not approve of cultural appropriation. I respect the beauty of diversity.
"brain fart"
a memoir, by Alec Baldwin
As for the C.A.A. bio, she can only assume the agency used unverified information from the internet to write a sloppy bio. “I rarely at all work with C.A.A. now,” she said. “It was very disappointing.”
Damn if it turns out that Hilaria supplied that bio herself I hope CAA drags her ass.
A spokesman for C.A.A. declined to comment
Ok maybe later I guess. The higher-ups are currently chilling off their yatchs in St. Barths. Not in the mood to be reached for comment thx
"Today we have an opportunity to clarify for people who have been confused in some ways by people misrepresenting me.”
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
"One of the most important places to start is this idea of boundaries,” said Ms. Baldwin, who invites social media followers into her home life with Mr. Baldwin and their five fair-haired young children by routinely sharing images like her underwear-clad workout routines, innumerable pregnancy selfies and the sponsored diaper-ad videos of her infant son.
The shade in this article is so strong Hilaria might never feel the sun on her skin again, not even if she moves to Spain.
But when it comes to her parents, well, she even left them out of her 2012 wedding announcement.
Ok sure but like how did The New York Times wedding desk let her get away with this? I continue to have many questions.
"Where does something stop being your story and start being someone else’s?"
[raises hand] I know! I know! It's when you stop telling people your real life story and start telling them a bonkers fantasy version of it instead.
the unfortunate cucumber moment
Shout out to my second favorite Guns n' Roses album consisting entirely of Axl singing cover songs ever!
"We’re all bored and it’s just seemed so strange to me that no one had ever come out and said it, especially for someone who gets so much media attention,” said [@lenibriscoe], who was granted anonymity by The New York Times because she said she was scared that Mr. Baldwin, who agreed to take an anger management course in 2019 in order to dispose of charges after a fight with a man over a parking spot and has been arrested, escorted from a plane and suspended from a job as an MSNBC host, all in the last decade, would punch her.
Give Katie Rosman a Pulitzer. NOW.
(A spokeswoman for Mr. Baldwin declined to comment.)
Did... did you just read what I read? Did Alec just flat-out refuse to take part in his beloved esposa's flailing attempt at image rehabilitation?
Watch. This. Space.
Periodistas on the other side of the Atlantic weighed in too, with El Mundo, the widely read Spanish newspaper, writing: “Hilaria Baldwin confesses that she was not born in Spain and her name is not real.”
Now that you mention it, we still don't have an answer for whether Hillary ever legally change her name to Hilaria.
Ms. Baldwin said she made her Boston heritage clear to her husband when they met at a vegan restaurant in 2011.
Ok so this is where we need to pause for a second and do a little deep dive, because this is the fourth version I've heard for far about their first meeting.
Allow me take you on a journey through time (and through the concept of truth):
In 2012, Hilaria told The New York Times that she was standing near the restaurant door when Alec walked over and chatted her up. That's version number one.
Also in 2012, Hilaria painted a more detailed—and decidedly more cosmic—picture to The Daily Beast of the moment her fate entwined with Alec's for the first time. There our young lithe heroine was, all yoga poses and namastes, communing with the universe in the middle of a crowded restaurant:
The moment before I saw him, I said to my girlfriends, "Universe, I have an announcement to make. I’m ready to meet someone and fall in love."
Hilaria's conversation with the heavens was abruptly interrupted by one of said girlfriends. (Rude!) Bailaria tapped Hilaria on the shoulder and said, "¡Amiga! Look over there! Alec Baldwin can't stop staring at you!"
Admittedly, it was a weird thing for her friend to say. Surely Bailaria knew that Hilaria had grown up without a TV. She had no idea who this AH-lake BALLED-you-in was. These days, Hilaria and Bailaria are no longer on speaking terms.
In 2014 the paper of record revisited the glorious tale of "The Time Alec Met Hilaria." Once again, it had been adapted. Now the story was that their courtship began "when she winked at him in a downtown vegetarian restaurant."
In Hilaria's defense, she wasn't actually winking at the famous movie-screen star she didn't recognize because she didn't own a TV. Her eyes just happen to twitch a lot when she's talking to the universe.
Finally, today, thanks to a very recent interview with our plucky heroine, we've been gifted a brand-new meet-cute reboot starring Alec and Hilaria Baldwin. It's been a tough year for the movie industry, so I hope this one does well at the box office.
In this new version, the tiny, crowded restaurant off of Irving Place has been resized to be as big as the Grand Canyon. In the bigger, better Pure Food and Wine where we lay our scene, our fair but lonely hero shouts into the void, Who are you? I must know you! I must know you! And right when he was about to give up all hope, an echoing sound in the dark cold night made its way to him: I'm from Boston!
Goodness! Glad you're still with me. As for Alec and Hilaria? Surely it must be difficult for them to juggle so many different versions of a single moment in time. Maybe Hilaria can work on consolidating them all, like she did with her two names.
At least all these versions take place in the same trendy restaurant, so points for consistency there. Whatever happened to that hot spot? Oh.
Moving on...
Mr. Thomas and Dr. Hayward declined to comment.
Damn mom and pops that's ICE COLD 🥶🥶🥶
She declined to explain in detail how frequently they traveled there or how long they stayed. “I think it would be maddening to do such a tight time line of everything. You know, sometimes there was school involved. Sometimes it was vacation."
You know how it is. One day you find a great deal on a family-package vacation to Spain on Expedia, and once you arrive in Barthelona for your week-long stay you have to make a decision. Should we take the kids to see the sights or should we enroll them in the local school?
Ms. Baldwin’s older brother, Jeremy, moved to Mallorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean.
Note the careful phrasing here. It doesn't say, "according to Hilaria." Relatedly, the article never quotes the brother, but also doesn't say that he declined to comment. Safe to assume big bro Jeremy spoke to the paper on background.
"My family, this is where they’ve decided to spend their lives,” she said. “I guarantee you they are going to live there and they are going to die there."
Mom and dad, let this be a lesson. This is what you get when you stop playing along with your daughter's ridiculous scam: a death threat.
"Who is to say what you’re allowed to absorb and not absorb growing up? This has been a part of my whole life,” she said, “and I can’t make it go away just because some people don’t understand it.”
Gurl, I get it. I went through a slutty phase after my last breakup and in the process I absorbed a pesky little thing called HPV. For the life of me I can't make it go away. I'm sure it's the same with Spanish fever.
"There is a reason this conversation is happening right now,” she said. “These are important conversations to have. But as people are able to come out as different parts of themselves and how they identify and have people listen, I think that’s extremely important.”
This bitch went there. Like, really went there. Hand over my heart, Hillary Hayward Thomas, Queen of the Andal[usian]s, really came out here and unleashed the if men can identify as women then how come Rachel Dolezal can't identify as Black? defense.
And now, for my closing observation [drumroll🥁🥁]
Mr. Baldwin, as well, suggests our attention span is limited. “And, as is often the case in a society such as the US is right now, the ravenous appetite for scandal will consume someone else,” he commented on her Instagram feed.
Folks, remember earlier on when the article mentioned that "a spokeswoman for Mr. Baldwin declined to comment"?
This quote right here is the only time we hear from Mr. Hilaria Baldwin on the subject of his wife's questionable Spanish roots. The indefatigable Katie Rosman had to search through Alec's tweets to find any statement whatsoever of his that she could quote. That's like a Michelin-starred chef having to rummage through the garbage to find ingredients for his next concoction.
Maybe Alec's conspicuous absence from his wife side in this very trying moment for her means nothing. (I mean if my husband left me to fend for myself during an extremely difficult moment I would be none too pleased, but hey.)
Or maybe, just maybe, the fact that the old Alec can't come to the phone right now is a hint that he's got one foot out the door.
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(Spoilers Extended) The Sun Also Sets: Fan-Service and the Adaptation of Dorne in GAME OF THRONES


Before Season Eight, before the wight hunt, before the Waif chased Arya through Braavos, the original sin of Game of Thrones was Dorne (according to fans anyways). Introduced in Season Five's "The House of Black and White", Dorne became the Season Five's most-reviled location and subplot. Why?
To many fans of the TV series, Dorne failed, because it was poorly-written and lacked the dense and careful plotting of other settings and subplots. Moreover, it served as a distraction from already-established settings and plots.
For fans of the book, there was a more complicated response. Dorne is not universally-loved by fans of the books. Many book fans dislike Dorne, viewing it as filler material that George RR Martin introduced in A Feast for Crows to pad out the length of that book. So, these fans were disinclined to like TV Dorne from the get-go. Other book fans love Dorne as a setting and the POVs introduced, particularly Arianne and Quentyn Martell. (Some love Areo Hotah too. But poor Arys Oakheart don't get no respect.) That Arianne and Quentyn (and I guess Arys Oakheart after he was seen sailing away with Myrcella in S02) were never featured led to disappointment and then dislike of Dorne by these fans.
I sympathize with all of these reasons for disliking Show!Dorne (even agree with some of them!), but there's more to it. In tracing why Dorne came into being both in the books and the show, we'll be able to chart what exactly led to the failure of the Dornish subplot in the show and more importantly, why it failed and what George will do differently in The Winds of Winter and beyond.

Why Dorne? (ASOIAF)

In George's original conception of A Song of Ice and Fire, Dorne was a place on a map, or, at best, a location where George could integrate backstory into - namely, Elia of Dorne and her brutal murder by Gregor Clegane. But there was potential for future story development even in A Game of Thrones. As Viserys Targaryen tells Daenerys in her first chapter:
"The realm will rise for its rightful king. Tyrell, Redwyne, Darry, Greyjoy, they have no more love for the Usurper than I do. The Dornishmen burn to avenge Elia and her children." (AGOT, Daenerys I)
So, George had the potential for Dorne to come into greater prominence someday down the road if he chose to bring them to the fore. However, I don't want to lose focus here. If you'd like to read more about the way GRRM gardened Dorne into existence, I have an essay ("Water-Gardening House Martell Into ASOIAF: How GRRM Integrated Westeros’ Most Mysterious Great House Into the Main Narrative") on that.
In A Storm of Swords, George RR Martin introduced the character of Prince Oberyn Martell on-page. In Oberyn Martell, George RR Martin caught lightning in a bottle as this character proved popular and endearing to fans. Moreover, George, himself, seemed to really like writing about Oberyn. So much so, that he wanted more Dorne. In 1998, two years before the publication of ASOS, George told a fan:
The Dornishmen will come on stage in A STORM OF SWORDS and will have an even larger role in A DANCE WITH DRAGONS. As to why they have stayed aloof, well, both history and geography have set them apart from the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. – So Spake Martin, 12/18/1998
So, George caught inspiration from writing Oberyn Martell, and he wanted to get deeper into Dorne as a result. After the publication of ASOS, another fan had a Dornish-oriented question:
Oberyn the Red Viper should NOT have died. In him you had one of the coolest and most interesting off all your characters.
GRRM: Wait till you meet his daughters. – GRRM, So Spake Martin, 2/1/2001
So, now the inspiration from Oberyn was being carried over to his daughters, that is the Sand Snakes. In fact, the Sand Snakes were one of the main reasons why George RR Martin abandoned the Five-Year Gap, saying:
During Q&A, GRRM revealed what seemed to be the major reason for the five-year gap. He said that he realized something. He had to deal with the reaction to Oberyn’s death in Dorne. He thought of different ways that he could handle things. He could have just summarized what happened, without talking about it very much, but he did not want to do this. He could have decided that for some reason there was no reaction, or a delayed reaction, but the reasons he could come up for to do that did not make sense. So, he finally realized that the story needed to be told. – GRRM, So Spake Martin, 8/23/2002
Of course, George's desire to see the Dornish reaction to Oberyn's death was only one part of the equation. Somewhere along the way, GRRM decided to graft Dorne to two other parts of the story: Daenerys' and Young Griff's. What seemed to happen, then, was that George then took the "Sand Snakes' reaction to Oberyn's death" ideas he had for Dorne and then stapled them to Dorne's integration into Dany and Young Griff's stories. We'll unpack that later.

Why Dorne? (Game of Thrones)

By the end of Season Three, Game of Thrones was a massive critical and commercial success. The Red Wedding was what David Benioff and Dan Weiss had wanted to achieve as Weiss told Entertainment Weekly:
"The Red Wedding was the thing we always told ourselves, “If we get to this moment that’s in the books, and if we do it right, then [the show will] be in a pretty good place and the energy that [the twist] injects into this story will be enough to get us through to the end.” - Dan Weiss, Entertainment Weekly, 2019
And now that they had achieved it, creating a TV event that entered the cultural zeitgeist (where it remains today) but whence goeth Game of Thrones thereafter?
Largely, the showrunners followed their bible in the form of the remainder of A Storm of Swords when they adapted Game of Thrones, Season Four. They did the Battle of the Wall, Arya and Sandor's reaction to the Red Wedding and Daenerys moving on Meereen. And they cast Pedro Pascal as Oberyn Martell and then brought the Prince of Dorne to King's Landing.
In Oberyn and especially Pascal's performance as Oberyn, the showrunners caught lightning in a bottle same as George did in A Storm of Swords. Pascal's performance was electrifying, and he made an indelible and lasting impression. And though cuts and adaptational changes were made from the book material to the show, largely, the show stayed faithful to the books.
But in staying true to the books, D&D killed off Oberyn Martell in his duel with Gregor Clegane. And now that Oberyn was dead, what would they do? Would they follow GRRM's model and go to Dorne? Originally, that was not in the cards:
"We were so happy to be able to include [Dorne]. We didn’t know if it would fit, to be honest—because of budgeting, scheduling and story reasons. There were a lot of ways we had to cram it in. But it’s such an important place. Of all the places in Westeros you’d ever want to live, the Dornish seem to have figured out the right approach to life. It’s the one most aligned with what our approach to life would be if we weren’t making this show. It’s our Brazil—we dream of Dorne and the way they do things down there. And Indira Varma [who was introduced as Ellaria Sand last season]—once you have someone of her caliber, you want to double down on that casting strength. Also the Sand Snakes are such a fun, exciting addition to that world. [Prince Oberyn Martell] opened up a tiny window into this world last season, and now you get to go through that window and see what kind of world this is that made this person we loved so much." - Dan Weiss, Entertainment Weekly Interview 2015
It's an understated parallel that the showrunners and writers of Game of Thrones found themselves in a similar place as George RR Martin did in writing A Song of Ice and Fire. Where originally Dorne wasn't going to be featured in the Thrones Show (or ASOIAF), they decided to feature it to see the reaction of Dorne to Oberyn's death and also to meet with the Sand Snakes (and Ellaria Sand).
At the same time as they were making the decision to feature Dorne as a location in Season Five, they were also making other hard adaptational choices which would impact Dorne.

Adaptation is Hard

A sense I get (but haven't seen in any recorded interview) is that another factor which drove the the showrunners to feature Dorne is fan-service for fans of the book series. That may be entirely wrong-headed, but I recall reading that Bryan Cogman, a writer and loremaster of Game of Thrones, was instrumental in convincing D&D to have Dorne be on the show. And Bryan is an even more fervent fan of the books than D&D (who are reported to have read the books over a dozen times) are. Here's Bryan talking about Dorne in James Hibberd's recently-published book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon:
BRYAN COGMAN (co–executive producer): Dorne was always tricky. When you read the book, it’s essentially a spin-off within the book. It’s really compelling. It’s really interesting. But it’s an entirely new cast of characters, and it only really links up with the main storyline through Myrcella. For a long time, I didn’t think we were going to do it. Season five is not the time when you normally introduce twenty-five new characters. - Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon, "A Detour in Dorne"
In a vacuum, the inclusion of Dorne seems smart. The Prince of Dorne's death, the second most powerful man in Dorne and certainly the most popular person in Dorne would garner a reaction from the Dornish. And the Dornish material from AFFC/ADWD was "really compelling/really interesting." So, they ended up deciding to showcase Dorne in Game of Thrones.
But how to show a location which had never been featured on the show? Bryan Cogman proposed a solution:
BRYAN COGMAN: I proposed that Jaime would be a good way in. You take one of our main characters and use that person as an audience surrogate into this new world and that might be a way that we can do a version of Dorne that fits in our framework and, frankly, within the time and budgetary constraints of the show.
Jaime Lannister and Ser Bronn of the Blackwater serve as our respective Luke Skywalker in Dorne (Dorne is fantasy Tatooine after all). Conceptually, they would be the audience avatar to explore a brand new setting. Plus, they had a surviving Dornish character who could help with audience familiarity as they had cast Indira Varma in Season Four as Ellaria Sand. Additionally, they cast the venerable Alexander Siddig (who played the beloved Dr. Julian Bashir in Star Trek) as Prince Doran Martell and brought on Academy Award winner Keisha Castle-Hughes (Obara Sand) and relative newcomers Jessica Henwick (Nymeria Sand) and Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Tyene Sand).
The casting of veteran actors and newcomers had been hallmark of the success of Game of Thrones seen as far back in Season One with Sean Bean, Mark Addy and Lena Headey occupying the veteran actor role, and all of the child actors (Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner) and up-and-coming actors (Richard Madden, Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke) mixing it up on-screen and creating the show we loved.
So, now they had a plan, they had the cast. What went wrong?

(Almost) Everything Went Wrong: Major Plot Points: Cutting Young Griff

Here's the problem. At the same time they were deciding to feature the further adventures of Dorne, David Benioff and Dan Weiss were making difficult adaptational choices with the Dornish storyline: namely, they decided against adapting Arianne Martell's and Quentyn Martell's stories seen in A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons and The Winds of Winter. And the reason they seemed to cut these POV characters' stories was tied into Young Griff's story as GRRM talked about in Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon.
GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: I thought Feast for Crows and Dance with Dragons would be recombined, because you can’t separate them the way I did in the books, and I thought there were three seasons there. At the very least, two seasons. But they got through it all in one season because they eliminated so much. They really started taking shortcuts and cutting things. They eliminated Lady Stoneheart and Quentyn Martell and his voyage across the world and Tyrion’s journey where he goes to Pentos and hooks up with Magister Illyrio, and then he crosses the hills and meets up with Jon Connington and Aegon on the river and they make the long journey down the river to Volantis and they encounter Jorah Mormont, who takes him prisoner—they skipped over that.
So, now you start to see a storytelling problem. As we talked about, George's original inspiration for having Dorne enter center-stage in the books was to give us the Sand Snakes and Dorne's reaction to the death of Oberyn. But that was not the only reason for Dorne to be in ASOIAF! Instead, George made the (correct) call for the Dornish storyline to connect with the main story of ASOIAF: namely, Dany's and Young Griff's stories. That's why Quentyn and Arianne become POV characters.
But, again, adaptation is hard. Hard and necessary cuts to the stories have to be made. And the showrunners recognized that a "bottle subplot" wouldn't resonate with watchers. They had to integrate it into already-existing stories and characters. So, they came up with the aforementioned Jaime and Bronn go to Dorne story to rescue Myrcella idea.

(Almost) Everything Went Wrong: Characters: The Sand Snakes

But now that Jaime and Bronn were going to Dorne to rescue Myrcella, they had to figure out who was endangering Myrcella. The persons they chose for that role were Ellaria Sand and Oberyn's daughters: the Sand Snakes. This is a bit of a change from how A Feast for Crows did this plot. There, the Sand Snakes didn't plan on murdering Myrcella. Instead, Tyene proposed crowning Myrcella, Arianne almost did the crowning herself and then Gerold "Darkstar" Dayne made the attempt on Myrcella's life.
In Game of Thrones, this was consolidated and adapted to the Sand Snakes and Ellaria Sand try to (and eventually succeed) in murdering Myrcella Baratheon. They were only saved by the deus ex machina arrival of Jaime and Bronn at the moment they made the (first) attempt.
But fans ended up focusing on the deus ex machina of Jaime and Bronn's arrival or singling out the bad fight choreography between Jaime/Bronn vs. the Sand Snakes and missed something big: we didn't care about the Sand Snakes. And the reason we didn't care about the Sand Snakes is because we barely knew their names or anything about them.
This was something that Nymeria Sand actor Jessica Henwick talked about in 2016:
They had to introduce three characters all at once and differentiate them. When you’re limited to an introduction of two lines per character and there are four characters in the scene—during our introduction scene in Season 5—it’s hard to create a lasting impression. You kind of have to shove a character down the audience’s throat and Game of Thrones’ success is in its multifaceted characters. At the time it was definitely frustrating feeling like there’s so much potential here, and a lot of the stuff that we shot didn’t make the final cut. It was hard.
So, the Sand Snakes' material was constrained by the lack of time they could give to this plot point. So, the adaptational choices the showrunners and writers made is completely understandable. They had to consolidate plots, characters and stories within the time constraints of one season. And the Sand Snakes' murder of Myrcella makes character sense and is in some keeping with the spirit of how these characters act in the books.
However, as George was saying: he thought they should do AFFC/ADWD in 2-3 seasons, and a lot of people (including me!) thought George was cynically trying to buy more time for him to finish Winds with those types of statements. The more I reflect on the adaptations of the later seasons of Game of Thrones, the more I think I was wrong. George wasn't being cynical at all. He was making an artistic case as opposed to a please, more time, a few months, a year, two years, and then you'll have TWOW. I promise. So, perhaps my sympathy for the showrunners and writers is misplaced.
However, where I'm truly less sympathetic with is the adaptation of Ellaria Sand.

(Almost) Everything Went Wrong: A Character Study of Ellaria Sand

Permit a short long book digression about Ellaria Sand. There's this common belief that George RR Martin sUbVeRtS eXpEcTaTiOnS, and that's what gives ASOIAF sUbTlE nUaNcE. It's a meme, but it brushes up against a surface-level truth about how Martin writes ASOIAF. He writes plot twists and nuanced characters that often subvert reader expectation. But that's much more grounded within a character framework. A plot beat that subverted expectations in ASOIAF is Ellaria Sand coming out as a voice for peace.
After A Storm of Swords introduces her, Ellaria Sand remains off-page until she returns in Areo Hotah's "The Watcher" chapter from A Dance with Dragons. There, you'd expect that Ellaria Sand, Oberyn's paramour who witnessed Oberyn's gruesome death, to join in the chorus of Sand Snakes all clamoring for Doran to sack Oldtown, murder children or crown Myrcella. Instead, in ADWD, Ellaria comes out as a voice for peace:
"Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maidenhood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end?" Ellaria Sand laid her hand on the Mountain's head. "I saw your father die. Here is his killer. Can I take a skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh, write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick?" (ADWD, The Watcher)
That's a powerful statement by Ellaria. It's powerful, because she saw the horrors visited upon the man she loved, and yet she's standing against striking out against innocents to satisfy her personal feelings. She's standing up for innocents like her children -- and even for innocents like Tommen and Myrcella:
Obara bristled. "I never did and never shall." She gave the skull a mocking kiss. "This is a start, I'll grant."
"A start?" said Ellaria Sand, incredulous. "Gods forbid. I would it were a finish. Tywin Lannister is dead. So are Robert Baratheon, Amory Lorch, and now Gregor Clegane, all those who had a hand in murdering Elia and her children. Even Joffrey, who was not yet born when Elia died. I saw the boy perish with mine own eyes, clawing at his throat as he tried to draw a breath. Who else is there to kill? Do Myrcella and Tommen need to die so the shades of Rhaenys and Aegon can be at rest? Where does it end?" (ADWD, The Watcher)
That strikes a better and more interesting tone for Ellaria. It's that theme of "where does it end" that George deftly explores in AFFC/ADWD, and it's all coming from a woman who just watched her lover and father of her children die horribly in front of her eyes. How powerful!
Unfortunately in Season Five, that dynamic is radically-altered. Instead of that powerful dynamic of a woman who has every emotional right to desire vengeance but wants the violence to come to an end, we get Ellaria Sand: mastermind of the plot to murder Myrcella.
My reading is that D&D thought that Ellaria Sand, a brokenhearted widow, developing the plan to kill Myrcella was the show's attempt to subvert expectations. A woman who wants to to MURDER!? Whoa. I'm exaggerating for effect, but the subversion that Thrones did was tied to Ellaria's gender and how she bucked a traditional gender role of women are damsels in distress or are peacemakers and non-violent by nature. That trope is shitty and sexist, and that seemed to be what the writers of Season Five were reacting against. But as we were talking about before, George was responding to a different trope.
You can be the judge about which subversion is more effective and emotionally poignant.

The Hard Reset: Killing Off Dorane

All of the above were not the only problems with Dorne. Doran Martell was radically altered to fit what the showrunners wanted the character to be and do. Instead of being a secret Targaryen supporter who had the best plan (citation needed), the only plan (more citations, please), a foolproof plan (I'm going to assume that you don't believe in citations) to achieve vengeance for Oberyn, Elia and her children, he oscillated between passivity and reacting to the Sand Snakes on the show.
On Game of Thrones, Doran Martell is not faking his appeasement of the Lannisters. He just wants to be left out of the war. Fine, then, says Game of Thrones. You'll be left out of the war, permanently.
The above in tongue-in-cheek. The reality is Doran Martell, Areo Hotah and Trystane Martell were killed off in the very first episode of Season Six, and that was a statement by the showrunners. What kind of statement? Alexander Siddig was interviewed, and he had some ... thoughts about it:
"Something happened; I have no idea what. There was an enormous amount of fan excitement when I got named to be on the show, and everyone was like, “Oh my god, yes, Doran Martell. He’s going to be great as Doran Martell.” That might have been the kiss of death. Maybe they didn’t want quite that much attention on that character. Maybe they thought, “Well, let’s prove that we’re going to stray from the books. We’re going to do something else, and he will be our first example of that.” Or maybe I just screwed up. Maybe I said the wrong thing to the wrong person."
With respect to Siddig, I don't think it was that he said the wrong thing or that Doran Martell got too much attention. Instead, with a massive fan outcry against Dorne in the show, the showrunners seemed to listen to what fans were saying. And fans said Dorne sucked.
To be fair, when D&D were interviewed by James Hibberd about Dorne for Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon, they put their decision to kill off Doran/Dorne in a different spin:
DAVID BENIOFF: There are times I’m watching shows, or even reading books, where I’m wondering, “Why are we spending time with these characters we don’t really know or care about when I want to be with that person instead?” The big lesson was there are characters who mean so much to us and that’s who we want to spend time with. It’s their journeys we’re most curious about seeing where they go.
DAN WEISS: In a book you can branch out into a whole different world. But if you do that in television, for whatever reason, a different set of rules apply. I’m sure it would have been fascinating to build out a proper Dorne, but the time it would take would come at the expense of what we needed to cover.
Now, I think there's a small element of truth in there insomuch as D&D were reluctant to go to Dorne altogether, and their reluctance may have been borne of knowing the time constraints that would inevitably be placed on Dorne. But c'mon. That means they can do a better job of writing Dorne/Doran for Season Six. Instead, they killed Doran, Areo and Trystane and Dorne as a location, but they didn't kill off all the Dornish characters.
"Weak men will never rule Dorne" was what Ellaria said to Doran Martell as he lay dying. Please allow me to express my sincere opinion of this line. No. It is not Indira Varma's delivery of the line that's the problem. It's the reason why it's in the show in the first place.
This will seem off-topic, but I promise I'll bring it back around. I also need to emphasize up-front that I am not the subject matter expert of feminism or feminism as depicted in HBO's Game of Thrones. So, if I come across as insensitive, it's by omission rather than commission. But ... this line and the killing off of all speaking-role male Dornish characters. Boy. It seems to have been written to the tune of the "Women on Top" marketing that Season Six tried to pull off. And why were they trying to pull this off? I believe it's because of the backlash that Game of Thrones, Season Five received due to the Sansa and Ramsay subplot and rape scene.
The above, I know, will be the most controversial aspect of this essay, but I felt it had to be stated. All the same, they had killed off Dorne by the open to Season Six. And even though Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes lived on, joined with Dany's side and fought for her against Euron Greyjoy and the Iron Fleet in Season Seven, they were relegated to bit-part status until their torture and murder by Cersei and Gregor Clegane at the end of Season Seven.
The last time Dorne appeared was in Season Eight's "The Iron Throne" at the Great, er, small Council scene to select Bran as King where a new Prine of Dorne, dubbed "The Fresh Prince of Dorne" by Verge appeared in a minimal role.
And that's it for the adaptation of Dorne in Game of Thrones.

Conclusion: George RR Martin Sends His Regards

To sum it all up: the adaptation of Dorne in Game of Thrones was a failure. It failed because of sympathetic reasons like them cutting Young Griff. It failed for less-sympathetic but understandable reasons like not adapting A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons into two or more seasons. It failed for unsympathetic and not understandable reasons like trying to rewrite Ellaria to be violent to fit a mold and seeming to try to right the wrongs of earlier seasons and ending up being wrong again.
Reportedly, George RR Martin feels similarly to fans about Dorne in the show, allegedly telling a fan at Balticon in 2016:
GRRM talked about Dorne! He wasn't exactly dissing the show, but he didn't have anything good to say about it. One guy talked asked if season 6 would spoil the books for him. Something like "Don't think what happens in the show will happen in the books, the show is completely different. The books will be nothing like that." You could really feel the dislike he had for it.
Moreover, as reviewers of Game of Thrones like Joanna Robinson have noted, GRRM's release of Winds of Winter sample chapters from 2014-2016 (Mercy, Alayne, Arianne II) have been tied to showcasing the difference between the show's direction and the direction George is taking with The Winds of Winter.
I don't think that George is doing Dorne differently than the show for fan-service reasons. His are reasons borne of both his long-term plans for Dorne in the books and that he's going his own way regardless of what the show has done.
But take heart. Dorne will be different in the books.
submitted by BryndenBFish to asoiaf [link] [comments]

unfinished translation for "So-heketh ka Siaru krema’teth tu?"

unfinished translation for "So-heketh ka Siaru krema’teth tu?"
spoken by: elodin
translated by: kvothe pre formal study of language at university
kvtohe translation :"How well do you speak Siaru?"
book :notw

Edit: updated "ketha" to also include "one" as a possibility alongside "black". it's likely "one" as that comes from the tinker.
Edit: After reading my ramblings you should definitely follow in the comments for more. specifically: https://www.reddit.com/KingkillerChronicle/comments/kia1at/unfinished_translation_for_soheketh_ka_siaru/ggqlfdd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Elodin was younger than the others by at least a dozen years. Cleanshaven with deep eyes. Medium height, medium build, there was nothing particularly striking about him, except for the way he sat at the table, one moment watching something intently, the next minute bored and letting his attention wander among the high beams of the ceiling above. He was almost like a child who had been forced to sit down with adults.

I felt Master Elodin look at me. Actually felt it, I suppressed a shiver. “So-heketh ka Siaru krema’teth tu?” he asked. How well do you speak Siaru?

“Rieusa, ta krelar deala tu.” Not very well, thank you.
I'm going to share the unsatisfying translation with you that i currently have. Hopefully someone can glance at this and come to some conclusion based on there own work as i doubt the greater half of this post is readable by most. I would be happy with some useful gut reactions like "ka" is actually "he" or "siaru means X". Here is is:

So-heketh : fourth -he- black/one
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : cealidsh God'teth
tu : you
where -he- means i have no idea how the "he" in heketh effects things and So is based on a very thin line of evidence "fourth". There is strong evidence for krema being "god" or at least the cealdish god. Ka being do is done through process of elimination and based off how short the word it. see notes for more.
Past this line, i'm going to share the lengthy and irritating process that lead me here and where I ran out of threads i could reasonable follow.
Any good translation needs to consider a lot of potential for misleading translation. In no particular order lying, misdirection, author mistakes, translator mistakes, translation of translation mistakes (me), etc...

that being said, lets try to hope for the best. The funner thing to consider is that Elodin himself is *not to be trusted*. I can't underline that hard enough. In this translation,
i'm immediately on edge because what elodin says doens't contain "lar" which likely means "speak/name" or "re'lar" which is close to "namespeaker". re'lar is translated by kvothe and confirmed by elodin to mean speaker. Which now that i type it out, i realize it puts us in a bit of a pickel, as i just said to not trust elodin. However, he says this in front of all the other masters, so i doubt he does anything too tricky.

“Do you know what Re’lar means?” he (elodi) asked me (kvothe) conversationally
“It translates as ‘speaker,’ ” I said.
“Do you know what it means?” he stressed the word.
... "namer"
But lets assume it means speakenamer. Now contrast that to the siaru reply by kvothe to the very sentence were trying to translate:
"Rieusa, ta krelar deala tu" which kvothe says means "not very well, thank you". But the siaru version contains "krelar" and i suggest (based on to much work to post here) that
the prefix "k" means negation. So we have "krelar" as "not speaker" so what kvothe really said was "thank you, i don't speak very well".

So coming full circle, why doesn't elodins question include speaking/naming? i think this is the important part to discover, but will have to tip toe to make sure we don't
"see" what we want to see. If you catch my drift.

Let's start by splitting the words by spaces. There is no reason to believe this prefectly catogrizes ideas. In fact thats highly unlikely. But its a starting place:

initial breakup by space:
So-heketh : ?
ka : ?
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : ?
tu : tu

* easily enough "siaru" means "siaru". were 1/5 of the way there!
* tu -> you : as dicussed in my pervious post. The placment doens't seem to matter. But maybe it supposed to come at the end of the sentence and kvothe mis uses it. were 2/5's of the way there. Dont get excited. The rest will require some work.

* So-heketh is close to "skeeth" which is a fae animal. Not much to go on from that.
* currently, I have no guesses for why we need a "-". [edit] u/throwawaybreaks suggests that this is elodin switching from one language to another" which would be a god send sense, i have no idea why "fourth" or anything else would be translatable given what i have to work with.
* our thinker tells us that "keth" is "one"

-he- from so-heketh
-he- appears in "vhenata" which in full i think means "me neither" or "not me" This appears when wilem doesn't want to potentially hurt kvothe:

There was a moment of silence, then Fela held out her hand. “I’ll make the doll, but I’m not sticking it with a pin.”

“Vhenata,” Wilem said.

maybe this breaks "v-he-nata". That doens't help me currently. Lets move on or back to "-" which appears in siaru for

"Keth-Selhan" which kvothe thinks is "first night" but later we learn from the tinker that "ket-selem" is actually "first-night". the use of "-" remains the same however.
were taking a noun and joining it to another noun. So for instance "So-heketh" might be "second-he-black" where we dont understand the function of "he".

also appears in kvothe. No way i'm I going to try that right now.
So if we look at So- again, we might assume its a number or something simple.
Solace, which is the 4th day has a So at the start. ok, lets presume So means 4th and see if that lands us any place reasonable. Keep in mind, i completely understand this likely isn't true. But you can't
possible translate something but over focusing on one piece. you take a guess and move on then correct. If i just release what i find, without the process, you _won't buy it_. If i type out everything, then
you wont read it. Where does that leave us? It leaves us with 10 years of theory crafting and only maybe a half a hundred people currently still trying to really process the books. I digress...
So-heketh -> fourth-he-one/black

which brings us up to:
So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : ?
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : ?
tu : you

moving on to "ka"

* appears in ""Kella trelle turen navor ka". which again, wil implies "There’s a place to sit over here," It looks like we might have to translate that at the same time to get anywhere.
* ka is really short, so its something fundamental in "How well do you speak Siaru?". we know "tu" is "you" so that leaves us with "do" lets assume it means "do"

our updated list:

So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : ?
tu : you

krema'teth : ?
* "'" likely implies we took two things like "it" and "is" and combined them to make an action like "it's"

so lets break this up further

* k- likely implies negation
* some have speculated "re" as a suffix means land. Which i agree with, but might not apply here.
* krema is close to "kraemet", , "kraemlish", "kreata" and "krelar"

kreamet looks really hopeful as a starting point. It appears when kivin curses in tmwf:

“Kist, crayle, en kote,” he swore furiously. He threw down the metal tube where it rang sharply against the stone floor. “Kraemet brevetan Aerin!”

i suggest "kist and crayle" is shit and onions. Which means "en" is either "and" or "in" if its "in" then kote is god. Don't think about that because were focusing on "kraemet brevetan Aerin"

In an unrelated part of the story wil says "kraemlish bastards". This would mean

> “Only nobility,” Wilem said. “Kraemlish bastards with no business having their study here. I think they stoke up high tuitions just so they can complain.”

Kilven uses kraem like it means "no"
> “Kraem. No. Not like this.”

but "no-lish" bastards doesn't really work. It's likely Kream is like "god" so what kilvin said was "God. no. Not list this."

remember they call themselves the "cealdish" so "lish" is might be part of a suffix that means "people of". This is further strengthened by the existence of the "yllish" broken like "yl- lish" or maybe just "y".
In terms of translation options, thats as good as its going to get.

"kraem" roughly is "god" and so "kraemlish" is "godless". As quick recap that means when kilvin curses he might say "shit in gods beard" twice in two different ways. But we have to focus our attention, so will leave that for now. Where does that leave us?

So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : God'teth
tu : you

so we need to return to "teth".

* possible broken into "te" and "teth"
* teth appears only in "moteth", which is actually a great lead. here is the scence:

I scooped her up, blankets and all, and carefully made my way down to the ground. I bundled her up again between the arch of the greystones. She seemed to rouse herself slightly as I jostled her around. “Denna?”

“Moteth?” she muttered around a mouthful of sleep, her eyes barely moving under her lids.

“Denna! The draccus is going down to Trebon! I have to ...”

oh great. So denna is likely asking after someone she knows. what is "mo-"? moon, mola, mountains, morie.
deep sigh, lets look at morie first.

morie is a suffix of "glammorie" which i suggest is the ability of the fae to not just make something "be"/shaping. But more then that, they can make it so it "is" being and seeming at the same time.
sense glam- appears in all three: glamorie, glammarie, galmoorie, we can ignore the prefix glam for our current purposes.

so denna is asking about something related to a fae magic. likely a very essential fae creature, a god? jax, alphe, etc...

morie is also on the fourplat door. "Vorfelan Rhinata Morie". Morie -> shapes. small questions lead to be understands. Its all in the margins, i promise you will get to "vorfelan rhinata morie". But again, we have to focus...

that leaves me in a very silly place with:

So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : cealidsh God' fae God
tu : you

lets actually check if siaru means just siaru in siaru. don't you look at me like that. Pat's the crazy one, i'm just trying to follow along.

* it's kinda like "sir"

yea, i got nothing here.

googling around
as a last result, lets google some questions:

*in fae "te" means "you" from https://www.reddit.com/KingkillerChronicle/comments/555irl/spoilers_twmf_siaru_the_fae_and_the_mercenary/

I do assume fae and siaru are close, which is why were talking about it so much. lets assume that "te" in fae is "you" that's correct and see what it gives us:

So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : cealidsh God' you-"th"
tu : you

that's not great. we have no reason to suspect we can merge our understanding of te as "you" with "th".

so what do we kind end up with?
So-heketh : fourth -he- one/black
ka : do
Siaru : siaru
krema'teth : cealidsh God'teth
tu : you
Everything past this point is pure notes:
lets try seeing "teth as
* so as part of a longer word
so tackling "-h" first we recall our tinker tought us that:

-h : noun to action. e.g ket=first,keth=one

so were modifying tet.


tet appears
* "Vorelan tua tetam" which viaria uses as a greeting to wil.
* "Tetalia tu Kiaure edan A’siath" whichi again, viari says to wil.

  1. E’lir : see -er
  2. Re’lar, : speak/name -er
  3. El’the, : shap-er?

using the word "endeth" we might assume that teth -> s
so teth -> "ts", which is even more useless.

other words that end in -eth
> Tehlu embraced him with both arms, and his touch took much of the pain from Rengen who was now Wereth. But not all, for Tehlu spoke truly when he said that punishment cannot be avoided.

TODO nothing very satisfying falls out of this without teth somehow translated.
keep in mind that:
Thinker says Ket-Selem : first-night
Keth-Selhan : one-sock
ket : first
keth: one
selhan : sock
Selem :night

kvothe says
keth-selhan : are you first night / twilight
keth : first
tu ketha: are you coal
tu mahne: are you a shadow?
tu : you
mahne : shadow
ketha : coal

submitted by TheLastSock to KingkillerChronicle [link] [comments]

Chapter 3 of New El-Melloi Adventures Novel

Notes from Comun on BL(Beast´s Lair). I'm just posting here.
Chapter 3:
The chapter opens with an Ergo dream sequence, showing his mind being consumed by his hunger, with only his loneliness stopping him from losing himself completely, as he wants to learn more about himself and have people in his life. He hears his mother calling his name, so he turns back and sees three figures. The first one wears a futuristic uniform and calls him a failure, ashamed of her own ineptitude. The second woman is dressed primitively, was significantly more filled with life than the others, and her eyes had red irises and gold pupils. She says she likes Ergo this way, and gets into an argument with the Crudelis person, who accuses her of being giving useless information to the failed experiment. While they argued, the third figure just watched Ergo without saying a thing. Her eyes were completely without a self. Ergo felt like he was making eye contact with absolute zero disguised as a nebula. Even after seeing all three of them, Ergo can't identify which of them was the mother he heard. The dream ends on him hearing a fourth voice calling him from the other side. It's Waver, with Gray right behind him.
Gray wakes up in an apartment provided by the Clock Tower's Singapore branch and goes nurse the unconscious Ergo. It's been three days since she and Waver have been taking turns doing that, and she feels like she has a little brother now. The fact that Ergo doesn't wake up reminds her of the cat Waver couldn't save. Ergo then wakes up and the two start catching him up on what happened. Before Rin and Gray joined the battle, Rin had already evacuated the children, as she had trained them for that in case a real pirate crew ever invaded their turf. Ergo got killed when the Wuzhiqi took off a third of his head, but then his Phantom Hands went out of control and merged into a single giant hand that destroyed half the island (explaining the giant handprint in Chapter 2's cliffhanger). Ergo's head was fully restored when the big hand formed. No one died because they were all in the spaces between the fingers, maybe by luck, maybe by intent. They try to discuss Ergo's origins, but Latio is the only real lead they have now. Waver doesn't know much about the Six Sources, only that they're the 6 oldest families in Atlas, as the Atlas people don't interact with the outside much, and the only other Source he ever met, Zepia, is not the standard Atlas mage. What he does know is that instead of researching to reach the Root like Clock Tower mages, the Atlas mages research to prevent a predicted end of the world. Meaning that if the Crudelis family contributed to making Ergo, that means he's tied to whatever doomsday event the Crudelis is assigned to prevent. As Ergo shakes from his life having just escalated from "happy days playing with kids" to "bound to confront a potentially world ending threat", Gray makes her good internal commentary on how mages are just people painfully aware of the end of all, clumsily trying to cope with that by either finding something absolute while there's still time (Clock Tower) or struggling to delay the inevitable (Atlas). Back to the Ergo exposition, Waver explains that his memories aren't "lost", they're saturated. Gods have a lot more information than what it fits in a human, so whenever he access the god powers in his Phantom Hands, he needs to open space by removing from his memories and personality, until he's completely replaced by the gods inside him. Yes, just like Gray. Waver extends him his hand (after a long speech about hands as symbols of destruction, contact, and evolution) and asks what he wants to do. Ergo comments that didn't had anything to do, so he always went along with whatever Rin and the kids were doing. Even now, he still considers that the objectively right thing to do because they had things to do, unlike him. Ergo insists that supporting people with clearer goals is the right thing to do, but being offered this promise to look together for what he wants, he says wants to make that mistake. And so, Waver tells his two students to go outside, as it's their turn to get on the offensive.
The trio regroups with Rin, who had made all the calls she was asked for, thought she protests that she was made to contact the Thought Magecraft people in his stead. This was because Waver just assumed Rin had Chinese contacts since she knew Baji Quan. Rin explains she learned it from a priest she knows, and Waver gets very interested in being introduced to Kotomine because a priest knowing Baji Quan is an usual combination, but Rin replies that he wouldn't like him and he's dead. They go to the big commercial district and receive a suitcase from Chris, the head of the Clock Tower's Singapore branch. Next, they go to a Chinatown and Rin rings a bell, making a pair of buildings become visible. A black building and a red building coiling around each other. That's the Louxuan Guan's Singapure branch. The Louxuan Guan (Chinese for "spiral manor") is one of the two major Though Magecraft organizations. All of their buildings incorporate the shape of the spiral in some way, with the most common being building literal spiral manors, as it's the case here. Waver skips on explaining the other major Thought Magecraft organization because they're all Xians, so there's no reason to expect them to ever interact with humans. A Guan mage named Tao gives Waver a small wooden box. The party then goes the secret Harry Potter reference area in the subways, and Waver opens the wooden box and suitcase, with each of them containing one key. To explain what's the deal with that we need to talk about magecraft copyright. The biggest source of income for most mages comes from royalties from their patented magecraft formulas. In fact, the main reason why so many mages want Waver dead is because his MO is figuring out the inner workings of other people's magecrafts, changing them, and then patenting them under his own name. But, as we know, magecraft is practiced in secrecy, so the copyright bills can only be properly charged due to the Carrion observatory in Albion. However, the Carrion can't observe the entire world, which is why the Clock Tower has other branches, which with their own observatory, allowing magecraft copyright to be enforced in about 70-80% of the globe. The Singapore branch has the Luxcarta, but since it also covers Guan territory, accessing it requires authorization from both the Clock Tower and the Guan. What's happening here is that Waver is lying that he's investigating unauthorized use of his copyright so he can track Latio. That's what the phone call to Reines on the Interlude's cliffhanger was. The Carrion/Luxcarta normally detects the traces of magecraft Clock Tower mages cast on the world, but since Atlas mages cast magecraft on their own bodies, tracking Latio's magic bones shows her exact location.
The scene cuts to Latio, sleeping in an abandoned construction site in Sentosa. She sleeps sitting, with her back on a steel beam. Tangere wakes her up because the Wuzhiqi arrived 16 minutes and 35 seconds before the predicted time. Latio asks if she knew Ergo would survive her smashing his head and she confirms it, saying his creators, herself included, would be really stupid if they made him easily killable. Latio unsuccessfully tries to piece out what happened with the giant hand, but instead of telling her the answer, the Wuzhiqi instead decides to reward her effort by warning that Waver already found her. Latio doesn't buy it. She's confident Waver isn't insane enough to abuse his Lord powers and scam the Guan just to track her. The latter could cause a major conflict between factions. The Wuzhiqi insists she's taking a Lord's underhandedness too lightly, until she goes on a big tangent about humanity's nature to consume the planet's resources, and claims that humanity should stop wasting the planet's time already. She believes just burning down the home they were born in and going outside is the correct path for humans. Latio deduces that the god she chose is a Taoist one because she was talking about "correct path". Interestingly enough, the Wuzhiqi reacts with a "What? Yours isn't?". Latio says she doesn't need to know. The Wuzhiqi transforms from that hawk form into the gold-pupiled woman and asks Latio to give Ergo to her. She claims this would preserve the order in the old contract. Rights to Ergo's ownership came first to the Crudelis, second to her, and last to the Wandering Sea. Latio refuses but the Wuzhiqi reminds her of how she got terrified and opened herself to negotiations when Gray was about release Rhongo. Latio doesn't have a counter to Rhongomyniad, while the Wuzhiqi is strong enough to deal with it. The Wuzhiqi taunts her even further, talking about the Crudelis family's history of just hiding behind other families' back, scavenging on their skeletons, but Tangere intervenes and de-escalates the situation before Latio turned it into a fight. The Wuzhiqi likes his style and ask to keep him, but Latio refuses that as well. She claims she already has everything calculated to deal with Gray's trump card. The Wuzhiqi leaves with a warning that all sides involved have their personal reasons to want Ergo, so this won't be over soon. Of course, the Wuzhiqi doesn't mind waiting a little more after having already waited for so long.
Later that night, Gray catches Ergo singing a song about the fear of ghosts (cue 5 paragraphs of narration detailing every reason why Ergo is an awful singer). He tells that Lana (the kid who cut his hair) noticed he was scared once and taught him this song, assuming he was scared of ghosts. Ergo now understand that he was actually scared of something that was inside him. Something that would suppress his memories and personality and replace him. Gray can relate a lot to that, so she starts talking about how her life with Waver and Reines gave her the will to stay herself. The bonding moment lasts until Ergo's stomach growls. Gray offers to cook to him, and starts to notice Ergo looks at her a lot more intently whenever he's hungry.
While Gray and Ergo where having their moment, Waver was watching Rin treat her jewels. Rin is impressed Waver was so fast to devise this formula to counter Latio's magecraft with Rin's. He's terrifyingly knowledgeable of how her circuits and foundations work. Waver answer it's his nature as a talentless man to look at an absurd talent like Rin's Average One and constantly think about what he could do if he had that. They share some Chinese tea after she's done with her preparations, and Waver questions if her sense of responsibility towards Ergo is her only reason to fight alongside them. Rin admits that she's also doing it because she's excited to be on an adventure (an adventure of Lord El-Melloi II, if you will). After exhausting his attempts to convince her to back down, Waver says he wants to hire as a pirate consultant. They agree the terms, and before saying goodbye, Rin asks him about Gray's relationship with Saber. She easily through Waver's false answers but decides not pry if he doesn't want to explain. She just assumes she's like Ergo, but Waver says they aren't the same. Rin tries to come up some metaphors to define their difference, but nothing she's saying is feeling right, so Waver proposes the metaphor that they're like sheep and wolf.
The next morning, the party goes to Sentosa. Waver is visibly sleep deprived. They meet Lana, who says she already grouped up all the kids old enough to understand what they were doing. This was a joint operation between Waver's group and Rin's pirate crew. The pirate kids, familiar with the region, would guide them, following Waver's commands. Waver is concerned about putting the kids in danger, but their quick evacuation and restructuring to a new base shows that Rin raised those kids to be survivors. Since Ergo is Latio's goal, he has a big role to play here as the bait. Waver is worried about other parties like that Wuzhiqi, but Latio is the only one they can go for now, so one step at a time.
"Thought Magecraft belonged to two organizations. This one, the Louxuan Guan(Spiral Manor), incorporates the shape of the spiral in itself and all its branches, in some form. The most popular take on this are buildings that take their name literally." "And the second one?" "Oh. There is a second one, but they wouldn't ever interact with the human world. They're Xian territory."
📷 Originally Posted by Reign 📷You know I'd been assuming Ergo was going to be a love interest for Gray but if she's comparing him to a little brother maybe not.
Yeah, Ergo's POV scenes can get weirdly horngry, but Gray's POV scenes are solidly on the little brother angle.
📷 Originally Posted by warellis 📷Is there any chapter here detailing just what Thought Magecraft is?
No explanations yet, but one example here in chapter 3. The Guan building appearing and disappearing as Rin rings that bell she got from is a really advanced Feng Shui-based crowd hypnosis. The buildings are always there, it's just the people in the Chinatown that are unable to notice it. This is described as a special feat only possible because the buildings are in that specific location, since that's how Feng Shui works.
submitted by Volban to grandorder [link] [comments]

ZF's Albums For Consideration 2020

Oh boy what a year, huh? Live shows may be a distant memory at this point, but at least some good power metal still came out. As is tradition, I shall be guiding you through 10 of my favorite power metal and power adjacent releases in alphabetical order with some of my favorite songs off each album in the order they appear. If you want to hear more of my ramblings, be sure to check out the most recent episode of powerful a power metal podcast.
This is a lovely folk/power album that is rather unique as all of the songs are in Gascon, a language spoken in a small region of France. The music itself is feel-good high-energy metal that will have you wanting to bust out the banjo and flute. In addition to checking out the catchy music, I recommend reading through the band’s Facebook post explaining the meaning of the lyrics as they explore a variety of topics including Gascony culture.
Favorite tracks: Suu camin estelat, Xivalièr de Sentralha, Abelion
A great follow up to 2016’s Beyond the Veil, UK based Dark Forest keep their style of powetraditional/folk metal going with Oak, Ash, & Thorn. I’m not sure how these guys get their guitar tones to feel so warm, comfy, and forest-y, but it really works for them. The songs constantly have delicious melodic guitar lines underneath the likewise warm vocal delivery that makes this album a form of metallic comfort food. Definitely one of the albums I’ve come back to the most this year.
Favorite tracks: The Midnight Folk, Relics, Eadric’s Return
This one makes me sad to write about as it’s Falconer’s final album, but it’s great they went out on such a high note. As one might expect from them, Mathias Blad puts on a vocal clinic with his gorgeous musical theater style. With this being their final album, Falconer went all out to make this an album to be remembered. The speedy songs are speedier, the folky songs are folkier, the ballad is super ballady. And oh boy what a ballad it is. Normally in power metal ballads are an easy skip, but in this case Rejoice the Adorned is a top track thanks in no small part to Blad’s incredibly emotional vocals.
Favorite tracks: Desert Dreams, Rejoice the Adorned, Rapture
Alright now we’re getting into the real shit. Fellowship are bunch of lovely chaps from the UK that put out a debut EP this year and took our shitty little Discord community by storm. While it can be summed up as “Twilight Force but with more guitars”, that doesn’t do it justice. This is truly inspiring stuff that makes me incredibly excited for what’s to come. The whole EP only has 3 tracks so I’ll just say everything is my favorite, but I want to give special mention to the first song Glint which is my number 1 top Song Of The YearTM .
Favorite track: Glint
This group from Japan has become one of my favorite newer power metal bands, and they aren’t slowing down anytime soon. I say that partially because this album has some of the most balls to the walls shredding I’ve heard in a power metal album recently. The guitars and the solos in particular really are the highlight here. They feel like a whole song in and of themselves. They’re dynamic and really hook into the “fuck yeah” emotional part of your brain.
Favorite tracks: Holy War, When Destinites Align, Swan Song (Couldn’t find a non-live version of this one on Youtube, but this works)
One of the more unique and seasonal entries on this list. While most bands are happy with just a Christmas single, Tommy and the boys are out here doing a whole album. Majestica’s jolly style were always just a couple steps away from being Christmas-y to being with so this seems like a natural fit. The album is a collection of royalty free Christmas song melodies (and a royalty free Christmas story) mixed in with more conventional symphonic power metal in a marriage that really does work quite well.
Favorite tracks: Ghost of Marley, Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present
Highlighting another fresh band with Perennial Quest, a young group from Boston that put out a second EP this year. About five seconds into the opening track you might start to think this band is a teensy bit inspired by Dragonforce, and that’s in no way a bad thing in my eyes. They bring the fast shredding and addicting guitar melodies so well it’s like Herman and Sam finally figured out how to have a baby. Toss in some tasteful keyboards and more than enough “whoaohohs” and baby you’ve got one of my favorite albums of the year going. The whole thing is only 4 songs, and they’re all great so I’ll just pick out one as a favorite.
Favorite track: The Immortal Sons (Christ this thing only has 26 views at the time of writing people please click on this one)
Because I haven’t highlighted enough folky power metal yet on this list, let’s take a look at Saurom. This is a band from Spain who falls more on the folk than power side, but it’s my list so fuck it they’re on here. Saurom use a variety of folk instruments plus male and female vocals to bring together a very diverse group of songs. At times they even feel like the direction Nightwish should have gone with their folkier songs which I mean in the best way. Shame Nightwish didn’t put out an album this year too.
Favorite tracks: La Hija De Las Estrellas, El Queso Rodante, La Danza De Los Mundos
This might very well be my actual Album Of The YearTM . Seven Spires are a symphonic metal band from the US that really are just doing everything right. Their debut Solveig a few years ago was pretty good, but they’ve definitely matured in terms of songwriting and performance to the point where they’re now putting out top tier stuff. They cover a large breadth of styles from Kamelot-like power metal to brutal melodeath and everything in between. Vocalist/composer Adrienne Cowan (who some may recognize from her tour with Avantasia last year) is the real star of the show here as she writes enrapturing melodies while doing both clean and harsh vocals. It’s a shame their tour (and every other tour) got cancelled this year, but they’re already knocking out a third album for 2021 which will definitely be a key one to look forward to.
Favorite tracks: Every Crest, Unmapped Darkness, Succumb (Is it weird that the best three tracks are all in a row on the album?)
The Canadian wonder children continue their rise to power since 2017’s Apex. Rather than rest on their laurels, UtA keep evolving their style and experiment with more elements in their music such as arena rock, keyboards, and a touch of symphonic elements for good measure. That said, their core music of ass kicking metal and vocals that are arguably too good for them courtesy of Brittney Slayes is still ever present. Lyrically, I think I prefer the story in Apex, but musically Abyss is more interesting particularly in songs like Legacy that somehow mixes blast beats with soft “ooohoooh”s in a way I never imagined was possible.
Favorite tracks: Legacy, Return to Me, Faster than Light
And there we have it, another totally normal year down and another 10 lovely albums to check out. Thanks for reading through this. Be sure to comment about how wrong I am to get me that sweet sweet engagement.
submitted by Zeldafan355 to PowerMetal [link] [comments]

Ascended 19

Previous part
"Does this seem... I don't know... ironic to you guys?" Jonas asked as he guided the small gunship deftly through the solar system.
"Ironic how?" Lump asked.
"You remember how we found out about the rebels, right?"
"Yeah, by hijacking a Halinon cargo vessel while posing as cargo," Lump said. "Except this time, we're hijacking the Halinon capital and everyone else is pretending to be cargo."
"Don't forget that Jonas knew about and was working with the rebels ages before then," Eric added.
"Not ages," Jonas protested. "Maybe a couple of months. A year at most. Maybe a bit more."
Eric sighed. "A bit more than a year of a two-year war."
Jonas shrugged. "What can I say? I'm well connected. Besides, aren't you glad? You might genuinely have to betray these people if I hadn't told them about the op."
"Is that so?" Eric asked, brow furrowing.
"Way I see it," Jonas said, "They would think you actually wanted to join and would be totally unaware of your wife and the whole '1% of humanity' deal. And, bastards though the rebellion leaders may be, you have to admit they're almost trying to work with you on that."
"They're shipping us to a relatively close part of space," Lump said. "Big deal. They're within a few light-years of each other."
"Better than hundreds or thousands," Jonas said.
"And they're technically on opposite sides of the war," Lump added. "They'll have to fight through two front lines to get to each other."
"And I'm soon going to be public enemy number one of the entire planet," Eric said. "Who knows? Maybe she'll wise up and kill me, try to collect a bounty.
Lump wrinkled her nose. "That's morbid, even for you. You will see her again. It has to be."
"I lack your optimism," Eric admitted. "But who knows? Stranger things have happened this war."
"Stranger things such as defecting from an army and then pretending to still be in that army while we pretend to hijack smugglers that are really our allies?" Jonas asked.
"Sure, like that. What's our status, anyway?"
Jonas checked his watch. "They should be about thirty seconds out. You guys ready?"
Eric sighed. "As ready as last time. Hard targets are engines and comm arrays?"
"Transponder only," Jonas corrected. "If you hit the comm array and not the transponder, they might just shoot us down regardless. Same goes for hitting both instead of just the transponder."
"Got it. Don't worry, I can aim."
"That's good. Don't forget to only slightly disable the engines, too. If you completely destroy them--"
"Yes, yes, we'll all crash and die. I get it," Eric said.
"Actually, we'll probably scrub the operation and try to get out," Jonas replied. "But there's a good chance that vessel will be lost along with all the souls aboard."
"No pressure," Lump said. "Easy job, really."
"Yeah, and the fun part doesn't even start until we get to the planet," Eric said. "God, I hate this job."
A red light started flashing in the cockpit of the small craft.
"That's our mark," Jonas said. "We'll give it a few seconds, pretend that we're just now noticing them, and..." After an appropriate hesitation, he began guiding the ship to the transport.
"Make it sound good," Lump said, slapping his back with an armored hand.
"Only way I know how," Jonas said. "Unidentified barge craft, this is EFL gunship Striker 2-1. Ping us with your identification codes immediately or be fired upon."
"Striker 2-1, that won't be necessary," the barge replied in smooth Halinon. "We're just making a routine supply run, same as always."
Jonas continued the recitation as if he had a script in front of him. "That wasn't a request, unidentified barge. Submit codes now."
The barge's engines flared in response as if they were trying to flee the situation.
"Alright, light 'em up, Eric —" Jonas said.
"Carefully," Lump added.
" — and I'll call this in. Hopefully they won't question too much," Jonas said nervously.
Eric didn't respond as he lined up his shot, but he felt similarly. They had plotted back and forth for hours on how to trick the planetside forces to let them land and had finally settled on hoping that they could slip in by pretending to be a captured, crippled ship.
"EFL control, Strike 2-1. We've encountered a possible smuggler. Moving to engage," Jonas said as Eric fired the first shot.
"Good hit, sir," Lump said, staring at a readout of the ‘enemy’ ship. "One of the rear engines is down."
"This is EFL control. What is this?" a human voice crackled over the comm. "Who's Striker 2-1? Did a patrol route get changed around again?"
"EFL Control, you'll have to excuse us if we can't answer your questions at this minute," Jonas said as the ship whipped around in a tight loop. "We'll get back to you when this damn smuggler is downed."
"Wow, Jonas," Lump said. "At least try to make it sound convincing."
Jonas sighed. "I'm a soldier, not an actor. Besides, the shooting should be convincing enough." He winced as the fake smuggler returned fire; the destruction of their ship was a necessary part of the deception.
"Alright, Eric," he said. "Get that shot off before this rust bucket blows. And remember: transponder only. Don't miss."
"We're too far," Lump said. "Get us closer, Jonas!"
"I can't!" he said. "That last hit knocked out thruster control!"
"Shit," she replied. "Do we need to bail?"
"Hang on," Eric muttered, closing one eye for focus.
He aimed carefully, waited for a second, and fired at a precise moment.
The bolt traced through the vacuum of space, the brightness leaving spots in their eyes against the darkness. Though the shot traveled quickly, covering the distance in less than a heartbeat, the moment stretched out, until finally, it landed, striking the ship.
"Wow," Jonas said. "That looked good."
"You sound surprised," Eric said.
"Perfect shot," Lump added. "Transponder is out and not pinging. That ship is a ghost to any flight control."
"At least, any flight control not using their eyes," Jonas added.
Eric tapped in one last command and the guns began to fire almost at random, always landing near the smuggler's ship but never quite hitting. It was the signal for the smuggler to return fire and destroy them.
"Best get going. Hm," he grunted as if a thought had just occurred to him. "I hope we all fit in the boarding pod. We never actually checked that."
"We can just leave Jonas behind," Lump said. "No big loss."
"Agreed," Eric said, climbing into the pod.
"Hey!" Jonas protested as he followed. "There's plenty of room in here, and I'm horribly offended that you would leave me behind first."
"Why wouldn't we?" Lump asked. She slapped the launch button and the pod fired away, heading straight for the smuggler's ship. "We've known each other for two years already. You've been around for only half of it."
"I know, I know," Jonas said. "I'm just a third wheel."
"Squeaky wheel, too," Eric said.
The pod crashed into the false smugglers with an enormous clank. It tore into the hull, creating an opening for the squad to burst through.
Instead, they calmly climbed out, emerging just ahead of the barge's cargo bay.
"This is usually much more exciting," Jonas said. "I kind of miss it."
"Really?" Lump snorted. "I much prefer not being shot at."
"Evening, general," a voice called out from the cockpit.
Eric groaned. "Is everyone going to call me that?"
"We will now," Jonas said. "You should know better than to be visibly upset by something."
The squad climbed to the cockpit. "Oh no," Jonas said, sarcasm thick in his voice. "Enemies. You're all being boarded, pew pew pew, et cetera."
"Consider us boarded," the pilot said dryly. "I'm Major Schmidt. You must be Herr Bordeaux. Or should I say monsieur Bordeaux?"
"I'll settle for Eric," Eric replied. "As I'm sure you can tell, my squad never had much respect for rank."
"You are an officer, sir," Schmidt replied. "I figured I'd settle for 'general'. It seems accurate enough, what with you leading our combined forces on-planet."
Eric wrinkled his nose. "I think I'm technically a colonel. Besides, we only have a few thousand on board. That wouldn't make me much of a general."
"Three thousand, six hundred, and twenty-four, to be precise," Schmidt said. "Not a small force by any means."
"Why such an odd number?" Lump asked.
"It's actually even," Jonas said. Lump smacked him.
"We need to bring all of our support staff with us, you see," Schmidt replied, watching the two with a half-smile. "Not to worry, though. They're all relatively well trained in combat."
"Relatively?" Eric asked.
"Well, they're no special forces," he said apologetically. "But they can shoot straight, and they've all seen more combat than most soldiers did back... before."
"I see," Eric said. "Jonas, have you been keeping track of mission time?"
"Three minutes since we boarded, sir."
"Good enough. Major Schmidt, would you care to destroy our craft?"
"Aye, sir," Schmidt replied. "Shots fired."
Eric could almost imagine the sound of metal rending as their former gunship tore apart and burst into a mess of debris.
"Shame, isn't it?" Lump asked.
"It does feel like a waste of a good gunship," Schmidt agreed.
"All part of the plan," Eric said with a sigh.
"Besides, that thing was trash," Jonas said. "I know none of you had to pilot the dumb thing, but it had the handling of an 18 wheeler in the snow."
"Did you ever drive an 18 wheeler in the snow?" Lump asked.
"I have an idea," Jonas replied. "Probably felt something like piloting that dumb thing."
"Is your squad always this... loquacious?" Schmidt asked.
"Always," Eric said. "What's that light?"
"That'll be the flight control," Schmidt said. "We're being hailed."
"Jonas, you take this one," Eric said.
"Yes sir." Jonas slid into the copilot's seat and put a headset on. "EFL control, this is Striker 2-1."
"What's going on, Striker 2-1?" the voice asked. "We saw some fireworks out there."
"That was our gunship, EFL. We boarded and took control of the smuggler's vessel, but not before they got one last shot off."
The flight controller paused, then sighed heavily. "You're serious, aren't you?"
"Christ, that's gonna be so much paperwork. Fine, then. I'll need you to plug your squad code into the ship's transponder and ping us. That should give us a big enough electronic trail to sort you guys out."
"About that, EFL..."
"Oh, for — what is it, Striker 2-1?"
"Transponder got burned out," Jonas said smoothly. "Our gunner wanted to hit their comms but missed. Engines are partially disabled, too."
The flight controller didn't respond for a few moments. "Are... are you serious?"
"Striker 2-1, I'm going to have some strong words for you if we ever meet in person," the controller growled. "You're going to have to bring it in to a planetside scrapyard instead of the normal hangars."
"Sorry for the trouble, EFL control. We'll be there shortly." Jonas clicked off the comm. "That wasn't too bad."
"Here's hoping they don't shoot us the second we step off the ship," Eric replied.
"Are we expecting a welcoming party?" Schmidt asked.
"Not particularly, but you never know," Eric said. "Personally, I'd rather be prepared for the worst."
"But odds are they won't send a unit all the way out to the scrapyards to check on us. That's why the engines had to be hit," Lump added
"Makes sense," Schmidt said. "And if you don't mind me asking, why aren't we worried about them offloading the 'cargo'?"
Jonas snorted. "Please. Humans doing work the second it pops up? Even if we flew into the hangar proper and leave them to do the unloading, our guys will be stuck on the ship long enough to starve to death. Add in the fact that we'll be all the way out in a scrapyard and they might not even look at that ship for months."
"You're awfully confident in the incompetence of humans," Schmidt said.
"Laziness," Eric clarified. "As suspicious as we are, they're not afraid of a barge of this size, and most humans don't even know that our rebellion exists. In their minds, the worst that happens is some extra paperwork to deal with a wayward patrol incident, as you heard."
Schmidt tilted his head in consideration as he aimed the ship at Halin-El and powered up the thrusters.
"It all seems so flimsy," he said. "I appreciate finally knowing the reasons behind these things, but they almost concern me more than the plans themselves. It all feels like the ravings of a lunatic."
Eric shrugged. "It works. And if it sounds stupid but it works..."
Despite his confidence in the plan, Eric nearly held his breath throughout the entire descent from the scanning station in orbit to the scrapyard.
"That wasn't so bad," Schmidt said. "Maybe you guys are as good as you're rumored to be." He cracked open one of the cargo containers and the first of the rebels stumbled out into the light.
"Christ," the woman said, coughing aggressively. "Those things are stifling."
"Tell us again why we had to get stuffed in these damn containers?" another asked, blinking in the harsh light of the cargo bay.
"Scanning station," Jonas said. "Better for them to see a bunch of metal boxes than a bunch of human bodies, right?"
"Isn't the point of scanning stations that they can see through crates?" the first woman asked. "They could have seen us just like that!"
"If they wanted to, sure," Jonas agreed. "But we're not a trader, we're a hijacked ship being set down in an abandoned stretch of nothing. They don't really care what we are, even if there's a bomb or something aboard."
"People see what they want to see," Eric said. "They fool themselves so we don't have to."
"That's insane," the woman said. "Who would come up with such a stupid plan?"
"I did," Eric said blandly. "At least, I came up with parts of it."
The woman stiffened. "Apologies, general." She disappeared into the milling crowd of soldiers.
"See?" Jonas said, elbowing Eric. "General."
A knock on the cargo door rang out, and the soldiers froze.
"Schmidt, check it out," Eric whispered.
The major sprinted to a wall-mounted console, his footsteps making the barest clanks as he ran. He manipulated the console and pulled up the exterior cameras.
"Two Halinon," he said. "Armed and armored."
"Unlock the side door," Eric said. He dropped down a ladder to the bottom of the cargo bay and stood in front of the door. Lump and Jonas silently moved behind him as the door slid open.
"Are you looking for something?" Eric asked in Halinon.
"We're searching for the crew of Striker 2-1," one of the aliens replied.
"And you've found them," he replied. "Shel-al, I presume?"
"General Bordeaux," Shel-al replied. "It is good to finally make your acquaintance."
"Likewise," Eric said, refusing to acknowledge Jonas's slight snicker. "We have three thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven soldiers aboard for your planet. Do you think you might have a use for them?"
"Twenty-four," Jonas whispered.
"Plus us, idiot," Lump whispered back.
"Oh. Right."
"I think we might, general," Shel-al said. "Are your men prepared to move to the hideout?"
"Nearly," Eric said. He glanced out at the bright sun still hanging high in the sky. "Should we not wait for nightfall?"
"Would you prefer to wait for the EFL to find you?"
"I would prefer the enemy not have the enemy know our exact numbers," Eric admitted, stepping out into the dusty scrapyard. "I do not know their capabilities on this planet, but I would rather not assume anything. However, I will certainly bow to your superior knowledge here.
"This scrapyard was chosen for a reason," Shel-al said. "It is barely watched, barely noticed. At worst, they will have orbital recordings that no one will observe. There are far more important events occurring at this very moment."
"More important?" Jonas asked.
"As we speak, some of my soldiers are performing a distracting attack on a military outpost. We might free some of our captive comrades, but most likely we will not. No doubt, some of them are dying at this very moment to keep eyes off of this landing."
Jonas sucked in a breath. "I, uh..."
"We're sorry, Shel-al. We hope that our assistance will prove invaluable to your cause."
Shel-al held up an arm. "You hope that your assistance will prove invaluable to your own cause. We are merely pawns. You seek to use our galactic standing and technology, much as we intend to use your superior shock troopers. Regardless, we share an enemy."
"Indeed," Eric said.
Shel-al studied him for a moment, and he returned the gaze. Apparently, the alien leader liked what he saw.
"Follow me. Our hideout is a short distance away."
The caves of the Halinon rebel hideout were cold and dark, but they were to be home for at least a moment.
Eric shed the last pieces of his armor, the front and back of the chest piece. Sweaty lines traced across his underclothes, and the wetness felt freezing in the frigid damp.
"Gross," Lump said, wrinkling her nose. "Why do men get so sweaty?"
"It's less to do with being men and more with being above the age of fifteen," said Jonas, who was facing a similar issue.
Lump flopped onto one of the cots that the Halinon had provided.
"Ugh," she said, shivering slightly. "Hope you guys sleep cold."
"Not this cold," Eric said. "Damn deserts. Damn burrowing insects."
"Our new allies, you mean?"
"Yeah, them."
"Could be worse," Jonas said.
"Really?" Eric asked, sitting on his own cot. "Since when have you been the resident optimist?"
Jonas shrugged and started to run through a set of stretches. "We're out of space, for one. The thought of dying in space always geeked me out a bit."
"You're one of the best pilots in the EFL and the rebels. How are you afraid of dying in space?"
"Have you considered that's why I'm a good pilot?" Jonas asked. "The better I am, the less likely I die."
"Seems crazy to me," Eric said. "You die in space, you die pretty fast. The only two ways to die out there are by imploding in the vacuum of space or exploding in a fiery... well, explosion."
"It's all rather messy, though, isn't it?" Jonas asked. "I want a chance to survive. Think about it. How many times have you been shot and survived?"
"Too many," Eric said darkly.
"And even ignoring this whole 'dying with the ground beneath my feet' thing, this desert is a great opportunity to work on my tan." Jonas rubbed his arms appreciatively. "Not nearly enough UV on space ships."
"Isn't the whole point of environmental suits that they block UV?" Eric asked.
"You’re also the darkest person in this room. You don't really need a tan," Lump added.
"I don't see color," Jonas said. "Besides, I need the vitamin D.”
Schmidt walked into the room, still in his armor.
"Major," Eric said. "How are the troops settling in?" He winced internally at using the term troops.
"They're doing okay, sir. Mostly nervous and all, but who isn't?"
"Very good. Do you have news for us?"
"Shel-al wants to meet with you. He's gathered some of the rebellion leaders from around the planet and wants to start planning your first operation."
"No rest for the wicked," Eric mumbled. "Fine. I don't imagine they're particularly big on us being dressed for the occasion, are they?"
Schmidt smiled. "General, I doubt they even know what dressed up looks like for us."
"And they'll probably be more comfortable with us not in armor," Lump added. "You know, less of a reminder of how many of their people we've slaughtered."
"Good point," Eric said. "We'd probably do well to not bring that up ever. Do they need anyone other than me?"
"They didn't mention anyone, though I doubt they would refuse a few aides to their alien general," Schmidt said.
"Aides, huh?" Eric scratched his chin. "You know, I'm starting to come around on this whole 'general' thing."
"Oh no," Jonas said. "No, no, no. You don't get to start calling us 'aides' now. I have a rank, you mother — "
"Lump, you're coming with me."
"Ha! Sucks to be you!" Jonas laid down on his cot as if he could fall asleep before Eric changed his mind.
Lump sat up and rolled her eyes. "Never thought you'd be happy to be out of the loop."
"Sister, I'm old. I'll never miss a chance to not be up and around."
"Schmidt, I'd like for you to come too. You know the men better than I do. I need you to weigh in on their capabilities, their strengths, their weaknesses."
"Uh — me?" Schmidt asked, taken aback. "If you say so, sir."
"Good. Crack that clamshell off and let's get to it. You can pick it up on the way back from the meeting."
"Clam... clamshell?"
"Armor, Schmidt," Jonas said. "Sorry. The colonel gets in these really motivated moods and he uses weird terms."
"Oh. Right." Schmidt began to unlatch his armor and pile it carefully in a corner of the room. Lump raised her eyebrows at Jonas a handful of times upon observing his lack of sweat lines.
"He's German," Jonas whispered. "Doesn't count."
"Is that even a stereotype?" Lump said.
"Sorry, did you say something?" Schmidt asked.
"No, nothing," they replied simultaneously.
"They're just being assholes. Don't worry about them," Eric said. "You ready to go?"
"Yes, sir. I'll lead the way if you don't mind. These tunnels are a bit labyrinthine if you know what I mean."
"Of course," Eric said as they departed.
Despite the lack of any map or obvious signs, Schmidt led them unerringly through the complex to its center. Eric squirmed uncomfortably the entire time; the tunnels, while certainly tall enough to walk through, simply felt wrong. He felt as though the roof were about to collapse at any moment, or at least as if he were about to hit his head on it.
"You too?" Lump asked after the fifth time he ducked instinctively.
"What's that?" Schmidt asked.
"It's the tunnels," Lump said. "The proportions feel... off."
"Is that so?" Schmidt asked, a note of curiosity in his voice. "I suppose I hadn't noticed. They do feel a bit wider than our hallways would tend to be, don't they?"
"Different species, different preferences," Eric said. "I expect they feel just as uncomfortable in our buildings."
"Still, they're quite tall and pointy, aren't they?" Schmidt asked. "You'd think they'd go for narrower hallways instead."
"Pointy?" Lump asked.
"Lanky, I think," Eric said.
"Yes, that's the word. I apologize. My English is growing more fluent, but I feel that my vocabulary diminishes by the day."
"You won't catch me complaining," Eric said. "I only speak one language myself, plus a bit of Spanish."
"And Halinon," Lump reminded him. "And a fair amount of Peluthian."
"True. New world and all that."
"It's turning us all into polyglots, isn't it?" Schmidt agreed, glancing down an intersecting tunnel. "Almost there."
"Making us all stoop, too," Lump grumbled. "I'm not tolerant enough for this. You old men are going to throw out your backs."
"Not yet, at least," Schmidt said. "Here we are."
He opened a door ahead of them and ushered Eric and Lump inside. Almost two dozen Halinon were already gathered around a large circular table within, but the assembly fell silent when the humans entered.
"Good evening," Eric said, breaking the silence. "My name is Eric Bordeaux. I am the leader of the human forces that landed today. These are my associates Monica Hull and--" Eric glanced at Schmidt, realizing uncomfortably that he had failed to ask Schmidt's first name.
"Luca Schmidt," Schmidt said. "Pleased to meet you all." Lump waved awkwardly.
"General Bordeaux. I'm glad you can finally join us," one of the Halinon replied. "I am Then-el-al, commander of this rebellion. This is my primary military leader, Shel-al, whom I've heard you already met."
Eric nodded at Shel-al, who made a gesture of greeting back. "To my left are a few of the former governors of our fifteen original countries. Thaya-al, the governor of..."
Despite his best efforts, Eric knew that the vast majority of the names had slipped past his mind the moment they were uttered. Regardless, with pleasantries out of the way, the meeting was able to begin in earnest.
"As I said," Then-el-al began, "some of our former governors are present. The rest are missing."
"Missing?" Eric asked.
"Imprisoned or killed," Then-el-al clarified. "Several were executed by hu... by invaders during the initial occupations. They were made examples."
Eric blinked, unsure of how to respond to the unspoken part of that message. "I see."
"Our governors, while largely ceremonial, are greatly important to the morale of our people. While this small number was able to escape, the loss of so many so quickly broke their will."
Eric nodded in understanding. "You want them freed?"
"Those that are alive, yes," Then-el-al said. "The ones that were killed were replaced by Peluthian stooges loyal only to themselves and their murderous overlords.
"They could be under threat of death too," Lump broke in. "I mean, we..."
She wilted under Eric's gaze. "Sorry."
Shel-al stepped forward. "It is no matter. By taking the position, they sided with the enemy against our sovereignty. They knew this and the risks associated with it. As such, their lives are forfeit."
Then-el-al waved away the interruption. "Their fates largely do not concern us. It is the principle of the matter, of allowing our most important figures to be held captive. By releasing them, we give significant legitimacy to our reign."
"Is morale such an important goal for the rebellion?" Eric asked. "You'll have to excuse my lack of understanding, but I was under the impression that we would be used more for hard targets and military goals."
"Trust us, general. This attack could be the most strategic goal we ever undertake. Whichever government has legitimacy has the will of the people, and no amount of cajoling will be able to break civil disobedience."
"Except the threat of death, surely," Schmidt said. "Would they be so disobedient when their families are starving or tortured?"
Shel-al was already shaking his head. "Those threats may have worked against you, but they will not be so effective on us."
Lump started forward angrily, but Eric placed a placating hand on her shoulder. "How do you mean?" he asked. "My people have suffered greatly, even with our cooperation."
"What my general means is that the Peluthians and your Earth Foreign Legion would not dare commit such crimes against a Federation-recognized people," Then-el-al clarified.
"The Federation has done so little to protect you so far," Eric said.
"And they did absolutely nothing for us," Schmidt added.
"You were not Federation-recognized," Shel-al said. "The Federation offers a certain degree of protection to any interstellar civilization."
"And since we were not interstellar at the point of invasion, we were seen as undeserving of such protections?" Eric asked.
"We dislike their policies as much as you do, but we are not true Federation members, so we have no say in the matter. Regardless, they must draw the line somewhere. Would you like them to fight on behalf of your livestock species?"
"Again, we stray from the point," Then-el-al said. "The galaxy, in its current state, will not allow the enemy to commit the same crimes on our people. If they do, they risk immense retribution."
"But they will allow the invasion in the first place?" Eric asked.
"As the Federation is primarily a defensive pact, they are unlikely to ever defend a state that is not a member," Then-el-al said.
"It's not that they lack the power," Shel-al explained. "But military intervention is a very limited part of their charter. There must be a demonstrable threat to the lives of every civilian in a nation. War, believe it or not, does not typically threaten so many."
Eric placed a hand on his forehead. "I see politics does not grow simpler on a galactic scale."
"We apologize for any confusion," Then-el-al said. "We realize that you are quite new to the intricacies of the many interweaving policies, and no doubt the Peluthians were not eager to teach you the inalienable rights of interstellar species."
A thought occurred to Eric. "But humanity is interstellar now, is it not? There exists an independent human faction with a technology level comparable to that of your own people. Granted, we may be without our home, but why does the Federation not step in on our behalf?"
Shel-al glanced at Then-el-al, who responded. "We're not quite sure, unfortunately. Perhaps the petition is tied up in the council. More likely, the situation is incredibly complex and has never quite occurred before in this manner. For instance, they have no doubt acknowledged that Earth is part of Peluthian space. If they intervene on your behalf, what happens to the planet? Would they have to renege on that?"
"Rest assured that our politicians and lawyers have been working tirelessly to free your people," Shel-al said. "Without your armies to fight their battles, Peluthian aggression would have stalled long ago."
Eric nodded. "Fine. So, with all that in mind, let's say that we try to free your governors. What's the plan?"
Then-el-el gestured for Shel-al to speak, and Shel-al leaned over the table.
"How comfortable are you with drop pods?"
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Answer: Elohim is a Hebrew word that denotes “God” or “god.”. It is one of the most common names for God in the Old Testament, starting in the very first verse: “In the beginning [ Elohim] created the heavens and the earth” ( Genesis 1:1 ). The name Elohim occurs over 2,500 times in the Tanakh. ;_; Buzzword Catch Phrase confused De Crevecoeur does emoticon emoticons emotion expression expressions Face FACEBOOK faces Franklin Freneau hashtag help Idiom Jefferson love me mean meaning None Paine please quote Quotes sayings Slang symbol symbols talk term text texting Text symbols tongue Twitter what what does // mean what does this mean ... Lake effect snow and orographic effects may mask the ENSO response in some years at stations in the vicinity of the Great Lakes and Appalachian Mountains. Indeed, no correlation between years with below normal snowfall and El Niño years can be obtained from stations like South Bend, IN, Cleveland, OH, Youngstown, OH, and Charleston, WV. The list of abbreviations used in a set of architectural drawings varies from office to office. Be sure to check the front section of the drawing set for the abbreviations used within. The words PE LE EL are now no longer used. The meaning of these words is, easily put: Hear my mouth (or heart, or soul), oh God. Or, as now in the temple ceremony: Oh God, hear the words of may... The singular form of Elohim is El. It has the idea of strength, power, and might. El is used in the Old Testament of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God The Father is El. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God [El} Most High (Genesis 14:18). The Son is El. The future lol. People will begin to spell out all letters of acronyms, thus voiding all human existence. L: El M: Em A: Ay O: Oh. 1. “I just need to find 11,780 votes.” -Pres. Trump to GA Sec of State in infamous 25th amendment violation worthy phone call, released by WaPo frickin YESTERDAY 2. Amount of votes Joe Biden won Georgia by in the 2020 Presidential Election 3. Wouldn’t it be weird if the run-off senate vote in Georgia were contested? Therefore it does not prove a plurality of persons in the Godhead, as some have suggested. #1.13 Hebrew אֵל , Htr. ’ēl, English El El is an alternative term for God; occasionally translated "the mighty" (Psalm 82:1), "god" (Deuteronomy 32:12; Psalm 44:20; Malachi 2:11 etc.), "goodly" (Psalm 80:10), "idols" (Isaiah 57:5), "strong" (Ezekiel 32:21), but is mostly translated "God", referring to the one true God. The word Eloah is the singular (or dual) of Elohim and appears more than 70 times in the Tanakh, primarily in more poetic passages. The root-meaning of the word is unknown. It is generally thought that the same divine name is found in Arabic (Ilah as singular "a god", as opposed to Allah meaning "the God" or "God") and in Aramaic ( Elah ), though ...

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