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[BB] trumpscoaster's Big Brother 5: Second Chance

Hello everyone! This season for trumpscoaster's Big Brother, we'll be doing something that has been in the works for a long time. Welcome, to Big Brother 5: Second Chance!
Fourteen returning houseguests will return to the Big Brother house for a second chance at the $500,000 grand prize. We brought back houseguests who we felt went out too early to really establish themselves, houseguests who played well but couldn't quite reach the finale, and houseguests who we feel could really establish a legacy of great gameplay with another opportunity to play. Now, let's meet the Second Chancers!
Returners from Season One:
Gene "Genie" Yu (Season 1, 2nd Place): Genie was the first runner-up of the series and received two jury votes at the end. He had the most POV wins on the season and the most nominations with four and five, respectively. Ultimately, he lost to one of the best players in trumpscoaster's Big Brother history: Jennie Cortez. He only received two jury votes of nine, but is ready to come back for the rest and pull out a win!
Isabel "Izzi" Rainer (Season 1, 6th Place) u/jinoble: Izzi played a very strong game her season. She had two strong HOH wins and was a genuine threat to win the game until Chad Yesman swooped in and took her out. She hoped to improve her standing in the Big Brother community and better establish herself as a gameplayer, hopefully this time without the first entry curse!
Dean Thome (Season 1, 8th Place) u/trlhl: Dean managed to make it to the halfway point on his season and was known for solid gameplay despite being known as the nocturnal player. He only won one competition, a veto, but he was known as a strong strategic threat. He was only nominated once, and it only took the one nomination to send him home. He's ready to come back this season and really establish himself as a strong game player while hopefully winning more competitions and making the end.
Stephanie Myers (Season 1, 10th Place): Steph played on a season with multiple comp beasts who took most of the competitions as less than half the cast won any competitions. As a result, she finished a distant tenth with no competition wins. With a different cast, perhaps her performance will improve.
Kiera "Red" Redmon (Season 1, 11th Place): Red was a bit of an enigma on her season, with a big personality and strong gameplay, she was another casualty of season winner Jennie's impressive gameplay. She tried and failed to make a big move and take out comp beast Chad, which put her on Chad's ally Jennie's radar and led to her eviction when she failed. This time, she won't fail with her big moves and hopefully it'll lead to a win at the end.
Returners from Season 2:
Kiara Phoenix (Season 2, 6th Place) u/Nahuelfire39: Kiara made it far on her season, but went home 2-1 as America's target on her eviction night. The general consensus is that she would have stayed and made the final five, potentially winning, had it not been for America's influence over America's player Amir. Can she perform better without America's influence?
Donovan "DonDon" Avery (Season 2, 11th Place) u/TheMythicalCake: DonDon put the target on himself early on his season, winning the first HOH. On week three, he failed to win the veto and, seen as a competition threat, was sent home by a close 5-4 vote. There were several things that DonDon could've done to prevent his eviction, and this time around, he will do whatever it takes to ensure he prevents it.
Helen Kim (Season 2, 12th Place): Helen got screwed on her season by a twist which led to her nemesis, her former boss and eventual winner Greg Nicotine, entering the house with her. Greg's influence led to her being evicted second on her season, and she hopes that without Greg in the house her performance will improve. Only time will tell, however.
Returners from Season 3:
Dakota Hutchinson (Season 3, 6th Place) u/Zuzucanopy: Dakota was sent home by steamroller Aubrey Schultz, another BB Legend, leading to her finishing sixth place. She played a coaster game and hopes to cement herself as a better gameplayer with this second shot at Big Brother
Andrew "Andy" Gold (Season 3, 7th Place) u/jinoble: On his season, Andy had a bitter rivalry with Mariano Puentes, who is widely considered one of the best Big Brother players in our short history. Despite beating out Mariano and being one of the best players on his season, he went out due to a double eviction during the final 6. This time around, maybe Andy won't be an unfortunate casualty of a double eviction.
Returners from Season 4:
Teddy Brown (Season 4, 11th Place) u/BBFriendshipExpress: The first juror last season, Teddy was likable and popular, but not the best in competitions or gameplay. The Fan Favorite hopes to prove that he is liked for a reason and establish his gameplay.
Rebecca "Bex" Britton (Season 4, 12th Place) u/RickieXCX: Bex went out prejury only because the Twin Twist lowered her placement, stunting her ability to play in the jury battleback. She was nominated a lot early on, but won two Battle of the Blocks and managed to get safety from Lele on week one, showing a glimpse at what her ability could be.
Victor Ferriet (Season 4, 15th Place) u/BBFriendshipExpress: Despite going out third, Victor is one of the best prejurors in the history of the game with 2 HOH wins, a POV Win, and a BOB win to give him four competition wins in just three weeks of playing. His leaving was the byproduct of a twist that led to the first four HOHs dethroned by the BOB being backdoored immediately after. Without the BOB, could Victor play to the full potential we saw a glimpse of in his three week stay?
Josh Renett (Season 4, 17th Place) u/jinoble: Josh has a number of interesting layers to his brief stay in the Big Brother house and has a few Big Brother records to show it. He is the first player to place 17th in Big Brother history, the first player to win HOH and be evicted in the same eviction cycle, and has the most votes to evict on a single eviction night with 12. The BOB twist was his demise, as when he was dethroned as HOH on week one, Victor turned around and backdoored him, a strategy that would persist for the three following weeks. Seeing him play again will be interesting, as he hopes to not be the first player to be the first evicted twice an his dynamic with Victor, who evicted him, will make for good entertainment.
Now that we've met our houseguests, let's talk about changes we're making this season. After seeing how powerful it is, we've removed the Battle of the Block twist for this season. We've also shrunk the cast from a record 17 last season to a more manageable 14 for this season. In addition, this season will not have a battleback, as everyone here is already getting their second chance. There are no third chances this season. Finally, every evicted houseguest will serve on the jury as everyone has proper experience to judge who deserves to win. Now, let's jump into the season!
Week One: Leading up to the first HOH competition, alliances begin to form. Red, Teddy, and Victor create the first Alliance while the next alliance is formed by Bex, Steph, Teddy, and Victor. Bex, Steph, and Victor form a suballiance of that, and two final twos form between Dakota and Teddy and Red and Victor. For the first HOH competition, the houseguests walk into the backyard to see two surfboards over a huge pool of water. The last houseguest standing on a surfboard will become the first Head of Household. The competition is hard fought, but Josh wins, insuring that he will not be the first evicted twice. Josh nominates Red and Victor, seeing them as a potentially dangerous duo. Both are very upset with this and develop grudges against Josh, especially Victor. Kiara, Teddy, and Bex are selected for the veto. Bex wins the veto and decides to save ally Victor. Kiara goes up as the replacement nominee. Leading up to eviction night, Andy and Dakota bond very well as Helen starts to rub the entire house the wrong way. Red hopes that her allies can band together and save her, while Kiara feels comfortable next to what she believes to be a much bigger threat. By a vote of 9-2, Red's plan falls through as she is the first person evicted of Big Brother 5: Second Chance.
Week Two: With Red no longer around to glue them together, Teddy and Victor's alliance dissolves. Meanwhile, Dean wins the very physical "Rollin' the Dough" HOH Competition. He nominates Helen, whom the house dislikes, and Josh, a big threat after winning last week's HOH. Helen is understanding, but Josh is incredibly angered by this decision. Andy, Izzi, and Victor are picked for the veto. Dean wins the Quoridor veto, giving himself all the power for the week. He stands by his nominees and chooses not to use the veto, solidifying Helen and Josh as the nominees. Victor starts rubbing the house wrong. Steph makes enemies with Josh and DonDon. Genie holds a house meeting to see where everyone is at, and it is well received. On eviction night, a soured Josh refuses to give a speech. Despite this, Helen is sent home by a vote of 6-4 due to her behavior the past two weeks.
Week Three: After eviction night, the final two of Dakota and Teddy dissolves. Josh wins the "Caught in a Web" endurance HOH, taking himself from nominee to HOH. He nominates Steph and Victor, his two biggest enemies in the house, keeping other enemy Dean in his back pocket as a possible backdoor option. Dean, Kiara, and Bex are selected for the veto. Josh wins the Human Guinea Pig veto and chooses not to use it, finalizing his nominees of Steph and Victor. Ahead of eviction night, Josh makes two more enemies in Teddy and Andy. Dean has a breakdown after being forced to stay awake during the day and sleep at night due to the competition schedule. A banner overhead says that the house shouldn't trust Victor, which may factor into tonight's eviction. It does, as Victor, perceived as disloyal, is sent home 8-1.
Week Four: Teddy leaves his alliance with Bex and Steph following last week's events. Bex wins the "Everything in 3s" mental HOH competition. She nominates Dean and Izzi, both big threats. Steph, Kiara, and Teddy are picked for the veto. Izzi wins the veto, buying herself another week. Bex names Dakota the nominee as a pawn to get Dean out. Dean isolates himself and fights with Steph, blowing up his own game. Bex and Andy argue. Dean, a big threat with few connections, is evicted 8-0.
Week Five: A new alliance forms between season one veterans Izzi and Genie. Izzi wins the "Bull in a China Shop" HOH competition. She puts up Andy and Teddy, who are both relatively unphased. Bex, Dakota, and Kiara are picked for the veto competition and Bex wins. She elects not to use the veto, leaving the nominations the same. Ahead of eviction night, Izzi and Genie work on their social game. Andy is sent home 4-3 and leaves the house uneventfully.
Week Six: A new alliance forms between Josh and Genie. Josh wins the HOH, a wall comp, and nominates Steph and Teddy in a relatively unpopular move to fans. Bex, Genie, and DonDon are picked for the veto. Bex wins the veto for the third time this season and saves Steph, leading to Josh putting up DonDon as a replacement nominee. Steph has a breakdown while DonDon desperately works on his social game. Teddy stays under the radar this week, hoping DonDon is a bigger threat. This pays off, as the vote ties 3-3 and Josh takes out DonDon with the tiebreaking vote. DonDon explodes on his way out, cursing out most of the cast.
Week Seven: Following Steph's breakdown, her alliance with Bex breaks. Izzi wins the endurance BB Disco competiton and puts Teddy and Bex up. Bex is angered by this, out for blood now. Kiara, Genie, and Josh are selected to compete in the veto. Bex wins yet another veto, her third straight and fourth of the season, guaranteeing herself another week. Izzi names Dakota the replacement, trying to keep the week easy. By a vote of 4-1, Teddy is sent home.
Week Eight: Josh wins another HOH competition and nominates Steph and Dakota. Genie, Izzi, and Bex are picked for the veto competition. Izzi wins the veto and decides not to use it, to the surprise of none. Genie targets Steph that week while Bex works on her social game. Dakota is seen as a bigger threat and is evicted 3-1.
Week Nine: For the HOH competition, the houseguests take turns launching a ball into a field of playing cards. They have five shots each round. Their goal is to land it on the cards that add up to 21 in the fewest amount of shots. The houseguest who took the most shots each round is eliminated. Genie wins, getting his first HOH of the season. He nominates Steph, his target, and Kiara, a pawn. As it is final six, everyone plays in the veto. Steph shockingly wins the veto, buying herself a spot in the fnal five and leaving Genie with a hard decision. Ultimately, he nominates big threat Bex. Josh's social game blows up ahead of eviction night. By a vote of 3-0, Bex is sent to jury. She leaves the house without acknowledging anyone.
Week Ten: Josh wins the "Houseguest Soup" HOH, guaranteeing himself a place in the final four. He nominates Steph and Izzi. Zingbot comes into the house to host the veto, which Genie wins and uses to save his ally Izzi, forcing Kiara on the block and letting him and Izzi decide who goes home. They can't get on the same page, however, as Genie votes for Steph and Izzi votes for Kiara, forcing a tie. Josh chooses to evict Kiara, who he finds a bigger threat.
Week Eleven: After failing to get on the same page, Izzi and Genie have a falling out and dissolve their alliance. The final four of Genie, Izzi, Josh, and Steph compete in the HOH competition, save for outgoing HOH Josh. Steph surprisingly wins HOH, guaranteeing herself a place in the final 3. She nominates Josh and Genie, the people she is least close with. Josh wins the veto, guaranteeing himself and Steph a place in the final three and giving himself the sole vote to evict. Josh decides to evict Izzi due to his alliance with Genie.
Finale: The final three of Genie, Josh, and Steph compete in the final competition of the summer: a three part HOH competition. Josh unsurprisingly wins the part one endurance portion. Steph, however, wins part two surprisingly, putting her against Josh for the final part. Josh beats her in the final part, guaranteeing himself a spot in the final 2 next to a houseguest of his choice! Steph, however, isn't done. Despite the alliance between Josh and Genie, she sees a crack and gets in Josh's ear, talking him into evicting his ally Genie. Josh obliges and evicts Genie, who has no hard feelings. The jury of eleven questions the final two. Josh speaks to his strategic ability, competition wins, and overall performance. Steph hammers in her social game and the fact that she survived the block six times. The votes fall, and by a unanimous vote of 11-0... Josh is named the winner of Big Brother 5: Second Chance! His strategic game and ability to survive despite the massive target always on his back led to him beating out Steph's social and snake game! The finalists for America's Favorite Houseguest are Andy, Teddy, and Genie... It goes to Genie!
Analysis: I think this was one of our best seasons so far. Lots of drama, lots of gameplay, and one of the best players we've had so far revealed in the form of Genie, who made final three twice in a row. Josh played a great game and was a great winner, our first ever unanimous winner and a major turnaround from first evicted last season, as well as the first ever six time HOH, true to the second chance season! Steph played an unlikable snake game, but not a bad game by any stretch. Overall, I'm very pleased with this season and think that Genie and Izzi showed themselves to be elite players. Bex became the veto queen in my eyes and was a great villain alongside Josh. Genie and Teddy were definitely the heroes of the season in my eyes as both fan favorites. Second Chance bodes well for the future of my Big Brother series!
Winner: Josh
Fan Favorite: Genie
Potential Returners: Josh, Genie, Izzi, Bex, Teddy
Most Wins: Josh, 8
Most HOH: Josh, 6
Most POV: Rebecca, 4
Most Nominated: Steph, 6
Play the season here!
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Any ideas for what next season should be? Let me know!
submitted by trumpscoaster to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

Recommendations for ewyll (November 21, 15:24 GMT)

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ewyll as requested by ewyll (query: "boardgamerecommender ewyll -maxtime 60 -category Abstract Strategy ")
Generating recommendations based on a pool size of 1171 with a commonality factor of 91 at level 4 (higher is better).
  1. Santorini - 2016 (8.4)
  2. Onitama - 2014 (8.2)
  3. Medina (second edition) - 2014 (8.1)
  4. The Duke - 2013 (7.9)
  5. Bullfrogs - 2015 (7.7)
  6. Barony - 2015 (7.7)
  7. La Boca - 2013 (7.6)
  8. Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends - 2013 (7.6)
  9. NMBR 9 - 2017 (7.5)
  10. Sheepland - 2012 (7.5)
  11. Kodama: The Tree Spirits - 2016 (7.4)
  12. Qin - 2012 (7.4)
  13. Völuspá - 2012 (7.3)
  14. Okiya - 2012 (7.3)
  15. The Phantom Society - 2013 (7.3)
  16. For The Win - 2012 (7.2)
  17. Tsuro - 2012 (7.1)
  18. Coin Age - 2013 (7.1)
You can request a longer version of this list by posting the text "boardgamerecommender ewyll new -maxtime 60 -category Abstract Strategy" in a comment.
  1. TZAAR - 2007 (8.2)
  2. YINSH - 2003 (8.2)
  3. Hive Pocket - 2010 (8.1)
  4. Hive - 2001 (7.9)
  5. ZÈRTZ - 1999 (7.9)
  6. Ingenious: Travel Edition - 2006 (7.9)
  7. Samurai - 1998 (7.9)
  8. Torres - 2000 (7.6)
  9. Ingenious - 2004 (7.6)
  10. Through the Desert - 1998 (7.5)
  11. Ricochet Robots - 1999 (7.4)
  12. Blokus Duo - 2009 (7.3)
  13. The Rose King - 1999 (7.3)
  14. Quoridor - 1997 (7.2)
  15. Hey, That's My Fish! - 2003 (7.2)
  16. Kahuna - 1998 (7.2)
  17. Clans - 2002 (7.2)
  18. Kingdoms - 1994 (7.1)
  19. FITS - 2009 (7.1)
You can request a longer version of this list by posting the text "boardgamerecommender ewyll old -maxtime 60 -category Abstract Strategy" in a comment.
  1. River Dragons - 2000 (7.0)
  2. Beowulf: The Movie Board Game - 2007 (7.0)
  3. Take it Easy! - 1994 (6.9)
  4. Khet: The Laser Game - 2005 (6.9)
  5. Tsuro of the Seas - 2012 (6.8)
  6. Abalone - 1987 (6.8)
  7. Bazaar - 1987 (6.8)
  8. Twixt - 1976 (6.8)
  9. Aqua Romana - 2005 (6.7)
  10. Café International - 1989 (6.7)
  11. Portobello Market - 2007 (6.6)
  12. Seven Dragons - 2011 (6.6)
  13. Tutankhamen - 1993 (6.5)
  14. This Town Ain't Big Enough for the 2-4 of Us - 2014 (6.5)
  15. Architekton - 2005 (6.5)
  16. Othello - 1883 (6.5)
  17. The Gardens of the Alhambra - 1993 (6.4)
  18. Stratego - 1944 (6.2)
  19. Sequence - 1982 (6.1)
  20. Mastermind - 1971 (5.8)
You can request a longer version of this list by posting the text "boardgamerecommender ewyll underrated -maxtime 60 -category Abstract Strategy" in a comment.
  1. Oware - 550 (5.3)
  2. TAC - 2004 (6.4)
  3. Stratego 4 - 1995 (5.2)
  4. Nexus - 2001 (5.5)
  5. Katamino - 1992 (5.6)
  6. Score Four - 1967 (5.3)
  7. Ramparts - 1993 (5.7)
  8. Shogun - 1976 (4.9)
  9. Zatre - 1990 (5.9)
  10. Pylos - 1994 (5.8)
  11. Thud - 2002 (5.6)
  12. Snap: The Interlocking Dragon-Making Game - 2002 (4.9)
  13. Stay Alive - 1971 (4.6)
  14. Armadöra - 2003 (6.0)
  15. Smess: The Ninny's Chess - 1979 (5.2)
  16. Rondo - 2012 (6.1)
  17. Bosworth - 1998 (5.5)
  18. DaVinci's Challenge - 2004 (5.2)
  19. Batik - 1997 (5.7)
  20. Treehouse - 2006 (5.5)
You can request a longer version of this list by posting the text "boardgamerecommender ewyll overrated -maxtime 60 -category Abstract Strategy" in a comment.
Your boardgaming soulmate is swimswithdolphins (based on a shared taste in 11 games).
For more information about how this bot works, and optional commands, see this post.
These recommendations are courtesy of simiansays, who wrote the board game recommender. Please direct any complaints or queries to him! Happy gaming!
submitted by boardgamerecommender to boardgamerecommender [link] [comments]

[WSIG] Help me out with holiday gifting. If I tell you what recipients own/like already, could you help me decide which of these three games to give each person?

So, I impulse bought Broom Service, Castles of Burgundy, and Indigo from Amazon's recent sale because they seemed like good games. I like board games but am not very widely "read." I was hoping you could help me decide which game would be a good fit for which person. (It'd be okay to give one person two or all three games and find something else for the others, too.)
Person A: Owns/likes Bang and Samurai Sword, Takenoko, Ticket to Ride, Wits and Wagers. Also loves cribbage. Very good at math, logic, strategy, but also likes games with an element of luck because otherwise he wins too much and nobody plays with him.
Person B: Owns/likes Pandemic, Forbidden Desert, World War Z, Bang: The Dice Game: Walking Dead. Also likes party games like Wits and Wagers, Pictionary, Taboo, Cranium.
Person C: Owns/likes Carcassonne, Quoridor, Risk. Very competitive; is not good with cooperative games (still tries to screw the other players over)
Bonus question: I have a four-year-old who understands the rules (though not the strategy yet) of Takenoko and has a decent grasp of the rules for Samurai Sword. (Playing with him is like playing a poorly programmed AI, but he has fun and I like to foster his love of games.) Could he comprehend any of these games?
submitted by lurkmode_off to boardgames [link] [comments]

quoridor strategy to win video

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