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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #5 - Round 1, Match 3: Ani and Medea VS Axel and Bucket

The results are in for Match 1. The winner is…
Black Hill Estate, with a score of 75 to The Graveyard Shift’s 69!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Tie 15-15 Nix took a commanding lead early, only for Shelldrake to catch up, splitting the vote!
Quality Black Hill Estate 24-21 Reasoning
JoJolity Black Hill Estate 26-23 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10 Nothing to report here. Both strategies were brought in on time and under limits! This box generally won’t be filled unless there’s an issue to mention in the future.
Nix emerged bloodied and battered, holding onto the damn bird that started this. A blood vessel in his eye had burst from his rage. Breathing heavily, in what ought to have been a moment of triumph, he looked into the air from the ruined remains of the hangar, and saw… a plane, his plane, right on time… flying out from L.F. Intl. Airport. He screamed into the sky, but as he calmed, he considered, then, how he could use this to eliminate any weakness in the future.
Well, at least someone who couldn’t handle it themselves was no longer stuck here, right?
Later that day, at the Estate, Nix happened to catch footage that had been posted online of some local newswoman, Jilly Something, reporting on those garish Waterfront statues, Triskele and Cocytus, when a plane -- his plane -- was forced to take an emergency landing in one of the city’s many canals, smack-dab in between them. By how the pilot referred to it, not only had the takeoff been nearly delayed by a condor of all things, but in the middle of the air, the engine had suddenly given out when they’d barely left the ground, and how he thought they were all doomed… Miraculously, though, no one was killed, or even badly hurt.
While the man was heralded as a hero, Nix, in that moment, understood something deeper than ever before… He really never was going to leave this city on that plane, even if he’d just waited, boarded the flight on time, and let the situation resolve itself, huh? “Goddamn city’s playing hardball, huh… Gets me even madder. YOU GOT SOME OTHER BIG-ASS PLAN FOR ME, LOS FORTUNA? I’LL SHOW YOU WHERE THE FUCK YOU CAN SHOVE THOSE PLANS, MARK MY WORDS!”
So just getting out the most obvious ways wouldn’t cut it, then, fine. He was far from broken by this realization, rather, it only invigorated his desire to beat this place black and blue more. He would get home, no matter what.
If you thought this brawl in a hangar was wild, then you should check out this max exodus from a casino, facilitated by a treasonous vegan and a surly aquarium employee! At the time of posting this, you still have over a full day to vote on M2!
All Nite Fish Market, Waterfront District, 8:09 PM
This wasn’t very good. Ani Oakley meekly walked through Ramona park, contorting and squeezing his body to avoid coming into contact with people as he made his way between the lively crowd of the market, all while faintly grabbing Medea, his teammate’s coat to keep the two together. Though the luster of the bustling market was somewhat enticing from afar, he had a hard time actually being within it. The market was loud, overwhelming, and Ani felt as if the moment he let his guard down, he would stumble into someone, get pushed back, and end up all alone, separated from Medea.
Ani knew that he would be fine so long as he remained near Medea, but he couldn’t help it - the thought of getting pushed around, lost in the vast sea of passerbys constantly moving, constantly surrounding him... A glance at Medea led Ani to the conclusion that she wasn’t feeling much different. Despite her being taller and more physically powerful than just about anyone in the market, Medea seemed just as, if not even more nervous than Ani. She clung close to him just as much as he did to her.
“... For now, just stay near me. Let’s go find somewhere with less people... we’ll wait there until the shipment arrives.” Medea spoke up, making an attempt to reassure Ani. She was right. They had to be here, and finding a calmer spot would help make things more manageable.
They’d been sent by their teammates to look into an odd type of fish found around Los Fortuna, mainly within the Waterfront District. They’d overheard many things about these “Niters”, mainly from workers within the Industrial district’s factories, chatting away during their (short and infrequent) breaks - due to some sort of phenomenon within Los Fortuna, occasionally, one could find odd, scarred, larger than average versions of regular fish that could be found within Los Fortuna’s waters. There isn’t a known pattern in which they appear, and the phenomenon seems to affect all types of fish, but a few fishermen seem to have made their living by specifically seeking out these Niters, and somehow manage to catch a constant supply of them.
Supposedly, though they were originally seen as “defective goods” and were sold for a pittance within the fish market, they eventually became a highly sought after item due to their limited supply and their distinct taste. Hearing the workers jabber on about the Niters and their supposedly amazing taste, a fascination grew within the members of Urban Exodus, which led them to the market. Sure, some of the workers mentioned rumors of the Niters being dangerous to eat or poisonous, some even sharing experiences of people they knew who were unfortunate enough to eat a low quality Niter, but they were few and far between. Either way, whatever these Niters were, they weren’t normal, and they were definitely worth investigating.
And so, when they caught wind of a few rumors detailing a particularly large shipment of Niters that would arrive at the All Nite market today, Urban Exodus decided to try their luck, sending Medea and Ani out to the market with some money they had managed to scrounge up to purchase a few Niters. Rob particularly seemed excited about the prospect of messing around with them, but the team figured that studying the odd fish could prove to be useful in the future as well.
Of course, they were far from the only people who had caught wind of the impending shipment, and the market was especially packed today. Ani saw Medea looking around, attempting to find a less crowded spot, but he could see that her search was unsuccessful so far.
“Uh…..” Medea nervously shifted in place, standing up on her toes to get a better view of the situation. Medea tried to say something else, but her voice was drowned out by a nearby seller screaming out loud about the “dirt cheap” fish he was selling. Tensing up, Medea was clearly getting increasingly uncomfortable at the situation. “Um, Medea? We could try and use our stands to...” Ani tried to speak up, but just as he couldn’t hear her, Medea couldn’t hear him as well. Instead, he tugged at her jacket in an attempt at getting her to focus on him. He could just barely make out the sight of a large tree a few meters away from them, in the center of the park, and he pointed towards it.
Ani and Medea made their way towards it and leaned on it, covering their backs. It felt marginally better to have something to lean on and to not have to worry about anyone coming up from behind them. Still, it wasn’t perfect. Medea began hesitating slightly, before partially summoning Dead Skin Mask, the stand’s upper body rising as Medea tapped into it sens-
“HEY HEY HEY!” A loud voice boomed through the market, overpowering everything else and leaving the market in silence for a second. A faint shuffling could be heard as the sea of customers perusing the stalls was parted by… something.
A few seconds later, whatever it was found its way to Medea and Ani, leaping up into the air and landing directly in front of them - a young man on Geta, wearing a hollowed out octopus on his head.
All Nite Fish Market, Waterfront District, shortly before the commotion began.
Axel Stinger had come to the All Nite Fish market for one reason - find out more about the “Niters”, and, should he deem it safe to do so, utilize his [Liquid Stranger] to steal some for the Judecca Highrollers. The team of ambitious entrepreneurs had recently, among other things, opened up “The Eighth Circle”, a resort seeking to become the hottest name in Los Fortuna’s hospitality industry, something which they were managing to do quite well for now.
That being said, a resort of such caliber deserved to have the highest quality of food, and, at least in comparison to their direct competitor, “The Devil Blue”, that seemed to be where they were lacking according to feedback from visitors. A short investigation led the Highrollers to the conclusion that one major thing they were missing was these “Niters”. The Devil Blue, having been a mainstay of the waterfront district for quite a while, had already managed to secure a sizable amount of deals with many of the fishermen in the area to buy any Niters which they come across while fishing, and had managed to receive a near steady supply of them, an impressive feat considering their rarity.
Unfortunately, their talks with fishermen and other such people to achieve similar goals were mostly unsuccessful. Most of those who specialized in catching Niters had already struck a deal with The Devil Blue, and they’d met quite a few fishermen who seemed entirely averse to the idea of catching them, citing a few rumors they’d heard about them being dangerous to eat or bad for the environment. They’d still managed to secure a few deals, but they had proven to be largely ineffective, and they hadn’t received any Niters yet.
In a stroke of luck, it seemed as if a few fishermen who hadn’t yet been contracted to anyone had come across a massive group of Niters of all kinds, and would soon come to the market to sell them.
Axel leaned on a tree at the center of the market, waiting for the shipment to arrive. It would arrive any moment now, and he needed to be prepared for it. In any other place, he would have idly contemplated stealing from a few of the more well-off customers he spotted, but he knew he had to be more careful than that - in a city as packed with stand users as Los Fortuna, carelessly stealing from someone could end up being the last thing you do. Before he stole something, he would have to make sure that it was for a damn good reason. Otherwise… He’d already experienced the consequences of being careless like that once, and he wasn’t interested in a repeat of that.
Not that he wasn’t skilled or capable of handling himself would things come to that, of course! He was quite the capable thief even without his stand, and with his stand he was just about unmatched! That being said, he was on a mission, and getting into a conflict right now would jeopardize-
Axel was startled to hear the all too familiar voice of his teammate, Bucket, coming from somewhere behind the tree. What was he doing here?! He peeked around the side of the tree and took a look, seeing the young man… harassing a woman and a young boy?
“So, why’d ya bring out yer stand, eh? Ehehehe… You’re lookin’ for a fight? Hm? Wanna fight?” Bucket leaned forwards, his enthusiasm growing as he got closer and closer to Medea and Ani, sliding his right hand into his pants and beginning to pull a butcher knife out. In response, the pair took a few steps backwards, keeping themselves a safe distance away from the odd man.
Ani was the first to speak up. “Look, we don’t want to fight, we’re just-” “Oh??? Yer speaking for the lady as well? She’s the one who sent her stand out, ya know? Let’er speak, ehehehe...” He took another step forward, fully unsheathing the butcher’s knife. By now, the nearby crowd had taken notice of the commotion, and had put themselves a safe distance away from it.
Medea continued slowly stepping back to get away, one hand grabbing a hold of Ani, one hand held out in front of her in case Bucket leaped forward. This was her fault - she’d gotten careless, let her stand out at the wrong time, and now this weird man wanted to fight her and Ani! She didn’t dare look away from Bucket, fearing that he’d suddenly attack her, but Medea could hear the whispers coming from around her, the crowd murmuring to themselves about what the odd confrontation was about. Everyone was looking at her. She was in danger. Bucket took another step forward, bringing out the second butcher knife. She had to take-
Suddenly, someone grabbed Bucket’s arm from behind the tree. A man wearing a long, blue jacket stepped forwards and stood near Bucket, before speaking up. “What the hell, man? What are you even doing here? You’re getting in the way.”. Bucket tilted his head in response, turning to look at Axel. “I’m gettin’ in yer way? Mind yer own business! I’m just havin’ some fun here, and anyways, this lady over here started it!”
“I don’t care! Our bosses sent me here on a mission, and getting into a fight with some random stand users is going to disrupt it! Besides, it sure doesn’t seem like she started it!”.
Ani took a slight step forward, holding his ground, and speaking up. “Yeah! We’re not here to fight, we’re just here to grab some Niters! After that, we’re leaving. We just wanted to use our stands to find somewhere with less people!” Upon hearing the word “Niters”, Axel winced slightly, and a grin found its way onto Bucket’s obscured face.
“Niters, eh? Didn’t Cybil and Nalksi say somethin’ about some kinda fish like that? Issat what yer here for as well, Axel?” Bucket shook free from Axel’s grip, and took another step forward, both butcher knives at the ready. “If we’re both lookin’ for the same thing… Don’t that make us enemies? Ehehe… I guess that means we oughta fight over it or somethin’, dontcha think so?...”
Before anyone could protest, Bucket continued. “Yeah… I’m thinkin’ I’ll knock out some of the competition right ‘ere, right now. Cybil, Nalksi, and Leo certainly won’t complain about it, I’m just makin’ sure we’re getting as many Niters as possible, ya know?”. It was clear that Bucket couldn’t be dissuaded from starting a fight at this point.
Bucket took another step forward, only this time, Medea didn’t take another one back. This man… He wasn’t going to let go. She and Ani could either run, or stand their ground, but their team had sent them here on a mission, and she didn’t want to let them down. She… She was scared, worried, and couldn’t stop thinking about the ways everything could go wrong, but… she had to do something. This was “freedom” - she had yearned for it for so long, and finding herself in Los Fortuna finally put it within her grasp. Getting into uncomfortable situations, fighting… she knew that those were all unavoidable parts of “freedom” here in Los Fortuna. She couldn’t run away.
Medea took a deep breath. She had to take control over the situation. Fighting was unavoidable, but Medea was far from weak. She had already sparred with her family and her clowns many times already, and as scary as this was, it wouldn’t be any different. She just had to show her strength, and take control.
“Alright.” Medea said, still breathing heavily, her heart racing a mile a minute. She had to be strong. “I’ll show you why carelessly picking fights like that is a bad idea.” She shifted backwards, raising her arms and getting into stance, locking eyes with Bucket, a nervous, yet determined expression on her face.
“AWESOME!!!” Bucket screamed out in enthusiasm, leaping backwards and getting into position, his knives glinting as light from the market reflected off of them. Axel and Ani, realizing what they had to do, got ready for the fight as well, standing behind their teammates.
Ani shot Medea a worried glance. “... Medea, are you sure we should be doing this?” she quickly looked back at him. “Not really, but… I don’t think we can avoid it.”
She took another deep breath, steeling herself for the fight to come.
“... Let’s do this.”
Location: The All Nite Fish Market in Ramona Park, visualized in this map. The arena is 60x60 meters, with each square being 4x4 meters. The market is packed, and the pathways are filled with people to the extent that it is quite hard to navigate through them, though there’s more people on the main paths than on the side paths. The brown circle in the middle is a large tree.
Members of the crowd have 222 stats, and will mostly stick to their shopping, going around and buying products from the various stalls in the market. They will attempt to keep a distance away from any commotions should they get out of hand, taking alternate routes to get to where they want to be.
The paths are lit up well by ground lamps built into their sides, and the larger stalls contain lights of their own. The smaller, 4x4 meter stalls don’t have lights, and as such are somewhat darker than the other stalls. Areas that can reasonably be expected to remain in shadow the whole time are colored a dark green on the map.
The blue rectangles are stalls selling many different types of seafood, both common and uncommon, from cods and trouts, to squids, shellfish, lobsters, and most anything else that can be found in Los Fortuna (meaning, just about anything), barring anything that would require masters of the craft to prepare it.
The pink rectangles are food stalls. Though they don’t serve anything too complicated, one could find pretty much all seafood related dishes in there, alongside the equipment and machinery necessary for its creation.
Power is supplied to the stalls via a central generator that is unreachable for the characters. Wires carrying currents to the stalls can be found all around the map, taped to the floor in a gridlike pattern - the wires are fairly evenly spread out, and form a “grid”, with each “square” being 8x8 meters, with wires diverging from the grid to connect to any stalls they don’t reach. In addition, it seems as if power is being supplied to the stalls from elsewhere, so even if the wires are all tampered with, the stalls won’t be disconnected from the grid. Should they be tampered with and accessed somehow, an automatic failsafe will be activated and will lower the current running through the wire and keep it from getting past 50 milliamps.
You get the feeling that you’re not the only stand users here, and feel like causing serious, lasting harm to any of the crowd members would likely disturb some of the stand users here, causing them to attack and RETIRE you.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
Team Combatant JoJolity
Judecca Highrollers Axel Stinger “I’m on a roll today! One phone after another!” You’re not here to steal, per se, but in troublesome times like this you gotta do what you gotta do. Pilfer various things throughout the area in your strategy, and when you do, make clever and thorough usage of each and every one of them!
Judecca Highrollers Bucket “Trust me… Stick your fingers in Polnareff’s nostrils…” Things are getting a little too… chummy here for your liking. Antagonize the fish market; cause mayhem wherever you can!
Urban Exodus Anthony "Ani" Oakey “Yeah… No other way… Even though this will involve some innocent people…” This is a really intimidating crowd, but even then, maybe you could turn that around… Utilize the people in the fish market to your team’s advantage!
Urban Exodus Medea Pierrot “But why not just get these abalone directly from the fishermen?” You may be able to transform into other animals, but there’s plenty of fish in the sea… Or the market, in this case. Make effective usage of the various stalls in the market!
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Link to Match Schedule
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submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Who’s thirsty, can I interest you in some coffee?

16th December 2019
Good Morning fellow autist, GL today.


Boeing Company (BA) is reportedly considering reducing production or halting production of its 737 MAX over continued uncertainty regarding its return to service, according to people familiar with the matter.
Coca-Cola Company (KO) announced its Senior Vice President and Chief Growth Officer, Francisco Crespo, will retire in 2020 after 30 years with the company.
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) has its Erleada for treatment of patients with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer approved by Health Canada after a priority review.
Pfizer Inc. (PFE) increased its quarterly dividend to USD 0.38/share from USD 0.36/share, a 6% increase.
The Walt Disney Company (DIS) streaming product, Disney+, will launch on Vivendi’s (VIV FP) Pay-TV business Canal+ by the end of March.
United Health Group Inc. (UNH) has been upgraded to Conviction Buy from Buy at Goldman Sachs, where analyst Stephen Tanal highlighted its attractive commercial business, which holds top market share position in Medicare Advantage, and a top three position in Medicaid. The analyst states > USD 19bln in operating cashflow next year will “handily cover” its USD 2.3bln worth of capital expenditures, which puts the company in a good position to deploy capital against earnings growth vie tuck-in acquisitions and share repurchase programmes. Stephen Tanal increased the PT to USD 330 from USD 300.
Walmart (WMT) and Flipkart are to invest in a Bangalore based fresh produce supply chain start up named Ninjacart, the financial terms were not disclosed, however Economic Times citing people familiar with the matter, state WMT could invest up to USD 50mln.


Alphabet Inc Class A (GOOGL) self-driving business, Waymo, acquired Latent Logic, a spinout company from Oxford University which specialises in imitation learning, helping machines learn from human actions. The financial terms were not disclosed, although it gives Waymo its first presence in the UK. (The Guardian) Inc. (AMZN) Ring is to introduce new security features after hackers broke into a child’s bedroom and had the ability to watch and talk to the child. (Business Insider)
Facebook, Inc. (FB) had tens of thousands of its employees personal banking information compromised after a thief stole several corporate hard drives from an employee’s car.
Micron Technology (MU) had its PT raised at USD 56 from USD 48 from Morgan Stanley ahead of its earnings on Wednesday, where analyst Joseph Moore noted the recent memory chip strength is surprising and should bring short-term momentum back into the name.

S&P 500

Dollar General (DG) & Dollar Tree (DLTR) is being asked by local governments across the country to provide fresh food amid a lack of grocery stores. (WSJ)
DuPont de Nemours Inc (DD) is to merge its Nutrition & Biosciences business with International Flavours (IFF) where DD shareholders will own 55.4% of the combined company, and DD will receive a onetime USD 7.3bln special cash payment in closing of the IFF deal. Following the deal DD sees 2019 operating EBITDA at the low end of its guidance range. Executive Chairman Ed Breen says they have some interesting bolt on opportunities they like in the company and don’t plan to sit on cash, may do bolt-on M&A.
Humana Inc. (HUM) is to acquire Enclara Healthcare, although financial terms were not disclosed.
Lilly (Eli) & Co. (LLY) announced a global commercialisation agreement to join DexCom (DXCM) products into LLY’s diabetes management system, adding it is currently in development to advance the treatment of diabetes.


Amarin Pharmaceuticals (AMRN) received FDA approval for its Vascepa, to reduce cardiovascular risk. Following the approval, it increased its FY19 revenue forecasts to (USD) 410-425mln (exp. 410.25mln, prev. 380-420mln. Updates FY20 revenue guidance to 650-700mln (exp. 654.55mln)
BeiGene (BGNE) announced its Phase 3 ASPEN trial did not meet its primary endpoint as it did not achieve statistical significance when comparing BTK inhibitor BRUKINSA to ibrutinib for the treatment of Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia.
Chesapeake (CHK) received a notice from NYSE regarding its noncompliance with a rule which requires listed companies maintain an average closing price of above USD 1.00/shr over a 30-day average. CHK acknowledged the notice, adding they intend to regain compliance by pursuing measures in the best interests of the companies.
Live Nation (LYV) and Zebra Technology (ZBRA) and Steris (STE) (will move to the S&P500, replacing Affiliated Managers Group (AMG) , Trip Advisor (TRIP) and Macerich (MAC), respectively, on 23/12/19.
Owens Corning (OC) executive chairman sold 30,000 common shares for USD 65.646/share.
Pacific Gas and Electric (PCG) had its plan to exit bankruptcy and to pay the victims of the North Carolina wildfire rejected as the proposal falls “woefully short”.
Spark Therapeutics (ONCE) takeover by Roche (ROGN SW) has received clearance from UK regulators, although the two are still awaiting US approval.
Uber (UBER) is reportedly in advanced talks to sell its UberEats India business to a local rival, Zomato, according to people familiar with the matter.
WPX Energy (WPX) is reportedly in discussion to purchase Felix Energy assets for approximately USD 2.5bln, according to people familiar with the matter.
Of note for US Casino Names (MGM, WYNN, PENN, LVS, BYD), Barclays is bullish on the sector heading into 2020 where analyst Felicia Hendrix believes it could be poised for further growth next year.
Of note for Semiconductors (SOX), JPMorgan forecast further upside in 2020 as industry growth rates inflect positively and drive a positive earnings revision cycle. Analyst Harlan Sur notes the top pick in the space is Broadcom (AVGO), citing its underappreciated diversification and strong FCF and dividend growth. The analyst also highlights Nvidia (NVDA), Intel (INTC), Micron (MU) on strong data centre exposure, Qorvo (QRVO), Marvell (MRVL) as key 5G plays and Texas Instruments (TXN) and Microchip (MCHP) on improving industrial/cyclical trends. Also of note, RBC highlight unconfirmed reports that Samsung (SSNLF) will invest roughly USD 8bln in its second semiconductor plant in Xian, China, citing Business Korea. RBC also highlight unconfirmed reports that Intel’s (INTC) is expecting to reach 1.4nm designs by 2029, with 7nm in 2021, 5nm by 2023, 3nm by 2025, 2nm by 2027. The desk notes that if this leaked information is correct, it implies a two-year node reduction cycle.
submitted by WSBConsensus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

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